#jake seresin x biracial reader
entertainmentgirl80 Β· 9 months
Jade πŸ’š
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Warning: Just Sweet FLUFF
You were the apple of your father's eye, that you first came into the world after that first cry that Jake make fall in love with you when the doctor put you in your mother arms, just to see how you look like, but however you never thought that both of y'all are gonna be first time parents because at first when you first take the pregnancy test: you were so nervous because you wasn't ready to have kids yet cause the two of y'all already gotten married, also you know how Jake's job is when it's come to being in the navy especially being the wife of a pilot in a interracial marriage. But your husband is always making sure that you and the kids are always straight if anything happens to him if he passes away. So for the next few months, y'all enjoyedΒ  being new parents to this little angel, she smiling, playing around, but mostly being a child, but you can't help that you happy but can't believe that you're is a mom to this beautiful little human being and y'all two are looking forward what future is in stores for your baby girl.
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So, over the next few years, you have watched your baby girl growing to a little girl to a beautiful young woman in her teen years. Sure, your daughter is gorgeous like her mama, but she is damn sure she looks resemble like her father because of the personality, however she is smart young lady, always keep her head in the books but also not afraid to speak her mind what her opinions is when it's come to. And so while on her 17th birthday, Jake gives her some money, y'all 6 year old son James gift her a drawing that he made for her, while you gift a special card for her....
"Here, and don't open it till we come back from for your birthday dinner." You smile softly to her after you gifted her the card.
"Okay, thank you, Mama." She smiles back to you, and she gives both of y'all hugs.
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Later that evening, after you came home from your birthday dinner just what your mom said, now you can't wait to open the card, and you starting to tear the envelope up, you couldn't care less about the paper on the floor, all you wanted to read what says in the card. So now you are starting to read what it's said:
Dear, Jade,
Over the past few years, it's been whirlwind as you getting older so I know this is probably gonna be cheesy so hear me out, I'm so proud of you that the young woman you becoming and I'm couldn't been happier, but even though you gonna be 18 in the next year. And hopefully your father ain't gonna keep you in the house forever if you starting dating (chuckles) but anyway I'm really couldn't been more proud that I am that you turn out to be and I hope you stay that way till the end of time. So overall I don't wanna make this message longer but long story short, me & your dad are so so proud of you that you becoming moreΒ  independent on your own, lastly I'm glad that I am your mom and mama & daddy love you sweet bear.
Mama Bear. β™‘
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After she reads the card, she got up from her bed, went downstairs, gave her mama a big hug, told her thank you for everything, and she smiled back and kiss her on the cheek.
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A/N: I'm have to start from scratch a little bit, but this is Jade's POV, but I hope y'all like it. I did my best. πŸ’š
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entertainmentgirl80 Β· 2 years
Ladies Man (Jake "Hangman" Seresin X Koko Floyd) πŸ˜πŸ˜ŒπŸ‘¨πŸ‘©πŸ‘©πŸΌπŸ‘©πŸ½πŸ‘©πŸΎπŸ‘©πŸ»
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Jake Seresin X Koko X Anastasia Floyd (Poc Black Reader)
Warning: Just Fluff, Hangman Being Platonic With Koko (As Always), Lovely Dovely Stuff And That It.
"Hey mama?"
"Yes baby?" You said to your daughter
"Where we going?" She asked you while yall in the car.
"To the hard deck" you said to her
"Oh that the bar that uncle Jake told me about!" Anastasia said to you back
"Oh really?" You shrugged
"Yeah he told me about the place how you & daddy met." Anastasia tells you bout the story that Jake told her bout how y'all met.
So after y'all arrived at the hard deck, you & Anastasia went inside and y'all saw Penny and you wave at her while she working at the bar:
"Hey Penny!" You smiled at her while you said hey at her.
"Hey Koko & Ana, how are you and what you two up to?" She asked y'all with the warmest smile.
"Hey auntie Penny" Anastasia said hey to Penny with her sweet personality with a smile.
"Nothing much, we just out & about and just to decided to come here to hang out for a minute." You said to her while you sitting down.
"Ohh okay well since you here, would you like to order something to drink and for Ana too as well?" Penny asked.
"Sure I'm have a coke with cherry two of them, and give her some fries on the basket we share and a juice for her as well please." You ordered your stuff.
"Coming right up'. Penny said to you
So while you on your phone playing some games and Anastasia playing with her tablet, soon a familiar southern thick accent you known that hit you in your ear:
"Well howdy ladies" It's Jake with his toothpick in my mouth as always with a Cheshire cat grin on his features.
"UNCLE JAKE!!!" Anastasia smiles as she hugs Jake from her seat.
"Hey there princess how are you?" Jake greeted and hugged her back
"I'm good, me & mama are hanging out." Anastasia telling Jake what they doing today.
"It's that so?" Jake grins like a cheshire cat and look at me while I'm drinking my cherry soda.
"Yeah just have to get out of the house though." Koko said to Jake
"Ohh okay cool but hey where Bobby boy though?" Jake asked
"He at home with Alex, but he wanna to tell you say hey though." Koko said to him while she eating her food.
"Ohh okay that understandable and tell him said hey when you get a chance though." Jake tells Koko while he drinking his beer.
"Hey uncle Jake?" Anastasia called his name
"What up Ana?" Jake asked
"Why there are some ladies always stare at you when we go out or whatever?" Anastasia asked curiously.
"Because I'm a handsome man and the ladies love me some me darlin'. Jake smirks after he answered Ana's question about ladies.
"Oh that why, well I'm don't want them ladies taking advantage of you uncle Jake." Anastasia said to Jake.
"Babygirl don't worry about it no woman is not gonna taking advantage of me because I'm have 4 special women in my life that will never hurt or taking advantage of me not ever." Jake smiles down at Anastasia with a wink.
A/N: It's a short story not much and sorry it's taking long to do it just to make sure I got some of the TGM characters right especially Hangman, but anyway here the story. 😌
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entertainmentgirl80 Β· 1 year
Jake's Love Language πŸ’š
Warnings: Mentions Of Love-Making, Jake Being Jake, Time Jump, Little Bit Of Angst, Hint Of Pregnancy, And Lot Of Fluff.
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While you are lying in the bed while sleeping in naked, Jake can't help but look that you sleeping so peaceful. However, he kisses your temple, and you wake up from your sleep....
"Hey cowboy, what up?" You rubbing your eyes.
"Nothing, just looking at your beautiful face and just to think that I'm can't believe that I'm one lucky son of a bitch." He smiles towards you.
"And, why is that, Mr. Seresin?" You ask him
"Because I'm glad that I'm met you. The first time you step in The Hard Deck is when I'm first laying my eyes on you. Plus, at first, you were suspicious of me because you thought I was gonna kidnap or murder you." He chuckled
"Well, that was my first instant in my mind. It's just that I'm don't want nothing bad to happen to me, you know?"
"I'm understand where you are coming from. But you know that not who I am, and if I'm were serial killer, I wouldn't be the man that my mama raised me that I am today." He smirks while he cuddles you.
"I'm know, I love you Jakey."
"I'm love you too, darlin." He said it in a southern drawl accent that you fell in love with when y'all first met each other.
Y'all start to make out once again, he giving you love bites on your jaw to your neck, while you moaning to his name....
"Jake, I'm need you, and I want you." You cooed
"You have me, babe, always and forever because you are my wife, and I gonna take care of you, so let me do my husband's duties." He said to you with full of love.
When he touches you, it's like ice melt in your body, the way he kisses you, you get a taste of strawberries like on a summer day. And when y'all make love, ever since y'all gotten married, that feeling still electric when you feel like you the only girl in the world.
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Over the next two years, y'all two found a home to start your little family, plus it makes sense so Jake can be closer to his job. So one day while you scrolling through to see what kind of couch for the living room, you felt little sick in your stomach, so you went straight to the bathroom and you throw up, so afterwards you thinking in your mind that you might be pregnant. So you call your husband for a favor...
"Hey darlin, what up?" He answered
"Hey J, I'm need a favor." Your voice is a little nervous
"Okay, is something wrong, sweets?" He asks in a concerned voice.
"Yeah, while you are on the way home, can you go to the store and get me three pregnancy tests for me, please?"
"Sure baby, I'm gotcha ya, I go get it now alright?"
"Alright, thank you, Jakey."
"No problem, darlin', I'm be coming home soon, see you when I get there."
"Okay, love you, J," you said to him
"Love you too, sweets." He hang up the phone.
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So after he came home from the store, Jake walked in the house, greeted, and hugged you tight because he knew everything is gonna be okay, no what matters life throws at them. And so you feel little nervous to take both of the tests but Jake is right by your side every little step in the way, so you went to the bathroom and took all the three tests and put a timer on and wait after it's rings.
"Hey, you know everything is gonna be fine, you know that right?" He comfort you.
"I'm know J, but what if I'm not ready to be a mom?, what if I-I'm not fit for it?, I really scare Jakey." You feel nervousness in your voice.
"Hey, hey, hey, baby, I'm told you when we got married, you know I always gonna take care of you till in sickness in health, for better and for worse. And be there for you regardless if I at work or home, you my number one priority and I'm love you sweets." He holds your hands while he comforts you with love.
"I love you too Cowboy."
*Dings*, the timer rings so y'all about to found out if you pregnant or not......
"Okay, you ready? On three: 1, 2, 3", y'all flipped both of the tests, and it's all came back to positive, meaning y'all is expecting your first child together.
"We gonna be parents, baby!!" You excited but nervous at the same time.
"We are baby, we are!, I'm looking forward to it be a daddy. He smiles and gives you a kiss on your temple.
Nine months later, you have been giving birth to a baby girl, and you name her Jade Alexis Seresin. She got beautiful green eyes and her nose shaped just like her daddy. You and Jake were over the moon that y'all became parents, and you named Bob Floyd & Natasha Trace as the godparents for your daughter. πŸ’š
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A/N: It's just a little burb story that I'm made, but it's a sequel but part 2 to Texan & Georgian storyline that I did, and sorry , I took my time with it, but I did the best that I could. I hope y'all like it.
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entertainmentgirl80 Β· 2 years
Story Time With Uncle Jake (Jake "Hangman" Seresin X OC Female Reader) πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§πŸŽ€πŸ’•πŸ“–
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Jake "Hangman" Seresin X Anastasia Floyd (KoKo & Bob's daughter) poc (biracial) reader.
Warning: Lot Of Fluff, Softie Jake, And That It
It's a lovely sunny day in San Diego, California the birds are chipping, the sky is blue, and people gone bout their business as always, so while y'all at the ice cream place, uncle Jake is taking you getting some ice cream, "what kind of ice cream that you getting sweetie?" Uncle Jake said to you, "mhmmm I'm thinking I'll getting the cookies & cream ice cream uncle." The little girl nodded, so after y'all getting y'all ice cream from the shop, you two went to the park and while yall walking around in the park while eating ice cream, the little girl asked you something: "uncle Jake?", she asked, "yes sweetheart?" He shrugged, "can you tell me a story about how my parents met?" "Sure sweetheart let find a bench to sit so I can tell you the story okay?", So as you two found a bench near where the water fountain at, y'all already sitting down and he started to tell the story:
"Okay sweetheart here it's goes once upon a time, I'm met your mom at a bar and it's called the hard deck." "What is a hard deck?" She curious to ask, "it's a imaginary line meant to represent the ground when performing air-to-air combat maneuvers above 5,000 feet ground level." "Ohhh just like when you fly planes to shoot someone." She said to you, "yeah kinda sorta like that darlin but let me finished the story, anyway me, uncle Rooster, & your dad came in the bar from work that evening, at first I'm was flirting with your mom-", "wait a minute you try to flirt with my mom uncle Jake?" She interrupted you from storytelling with a shocking face, "yes but that not what you think honey, can, can I go back to telling the story and stop interrupting me?" "Okay you continue uncle Jake" she said to you, "thank you love sooo yes I'm did flirt with her at first but we just end of being the best of friends, and so that how your dad come in."
"So after I'm met your mom, me & the navy guys (which is your dad with us by the way) got our drinks and your mom was chilling drinking her drink (and no is not alcohol by the way)" he chuckled. "Then your dad was nervous to go talk to your mom though but your father was something else you know", "why he something else though uncle?" She said to you, "because he more awkward but nerdy in a good way he just need a little push so I'm give him that.", "did it work?" She said to you, "yes it's did work and that how your mom & dad fall in love with each other that night, The end." A big grin on his face after he done telling you the story. "That was a good story uncle Jake," then it's hit you that the child that Jake were talking to it's revealed that little girl is five-year-old Anastasia as she getting older, she is resemble of both KoKo's & Bob's qualities & features because she got brown eyes, her hair is jet black like her mom but with loose curls however she is more a splitting image of her mother because of her caramel light brown skinned skin tone but she do got that shy but smart personality from her dad as well but dash of little sassiess with mixed with sweetness from her mom though. "Hey uncle Jake?" Anastasia said to you, "What up Ana?" He said back to you, "thank you for telling the story and also thank you for introducing my parents from you as well." Jake hugs her while they still sitting on the bench, "no problem darlin, you know I'm always be here for you till I'll old & gray." He said to you while he give you a big grin on his face and Anastasia smiled at him back. πŸ’•πŸ˜Š
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A/N: this is one-shot but spinoff story between KoKo & Bob's daughter Anastasia in a time jump as she getting older and Jake Seresin telling about how her parents, hope you enjoy this story though. 😌
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