#jake sersin x daughter!reader fic
callsign-dexter · 9 months
Love's Awakening
Summary/Request: Hi babe 😘 😚,
Loving the our little girl universe! Wondering if you would take this request. Don't worry if you don't but how about that one night Jake and Bradley come home late and their daughter brought a boy home to do the dirty... And they don't know how to react to their little girl not being so little anymore.
Pairings: Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Jake Seresin, OC Mason Floyd x Y/N Bradshaw-Seresin
Warnings: fluff, implied smut
Master List
Our Little Girl
A/N: Reader and Mason are 16 years old
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In all fairness, her dads did say they were going to be at The Hard Deck for a while, like well into the night. So she didn't think anything of it when she brought her boyfriend over to the house to hang out and maybe make out and take it a little too far.
Her boyfriend you may be wondering is none other than Mason Kolten Floyd, Bob's teenage son, they had been friends since diapers. At first, the thought of them two dating repealed each other and vowed to never get together. But that was when they were younger and thought all boys and girls had cooties. Now teenagers they absolutely have fallen in love with each and don't want to let the other go. Of course, it took a hot minute for them to realize that but everyone was hoping they would get together.
It was a Friday night meaning that it was soon to be the weekend and the Seresin-Bradshaw residence couldn't wait to sit back and relax. The Daggers were having their traditional meet at The Hard Deck leaving the kids behind and enjoying themselves. Y/N had just gotten home from school to find her Dad and Pops already at home and in the kitchen. When she walked in she set her backpack down and put her keys on the hook by the door. Bradley was the first one to turn around when he heard the door shut. "Hey, Honey!" He said excitedly which made Jake turn around.
"Hey, Sweets!" Jake said with the same excitement. They both came over to her and hugged her which she gladly accepted but couldn't help with a confused look on her face.
"Um hi?" She said but sounded more like a question. When she broke away from Bradley and they saw the look on her face it was a mixture of Bradley and Jake. "What are you doing home so early?" She asked moving further into the kitchen and swiping a piece of raw cookie dough from the bowl they gave her only parents give when their child does something they don't like. Jake and Bradley walked over and Bradley took the bowl and set it away from his daughter. She just gave the signature Seresin smirk and moved to jump onto the counter and again her parents gave her another look like she was not supposed to do that but they let it pass.
"We will be going out to The Hard Deck tonight for the traditional Friday meet-up with the other Daggers so you're on your own for supper. I hope that's ok." Jake said and she nodded of course that was ok with her that meant that she could eat whatever she wanted and that included fast food.
"Yea that is perfectly fine." She said nodding enthusiastically. The parents already knew what she was going to get and they were ok with it every now and then but just not all the time. But they're going to have a talk with Slider about getting their little girl addicted to McDonald's.
"But to make up for us not being here. I'm making mom's famous cookies." Bradley said as he finished mixing the dough and started to spoon it out. She tried to sneak another bite but he smacked her hand away and gave her the look, she knew the look, but she looked him right in the eye and stole more. She just smirked while doing so.
"What time are you meeting them there?" She asked as Jake passed her some grapes that he was eating.
"Leaving at 7 and will be out for well into the night probably." Bradley said picking up some grapes after he had put the cookies in. "Now off the counter." He said and she rolled her eyes but got off anyways.
"Well, I'm gonna start homework and figure out what I'm gonna do with the house to myself." She said grabbed her backpack and headed off upstairs. She knew what she was going to do but couldn't let them know that. The truth is that she was going to bring Mason over to watch a movie or two, eat junk food, and fool around.
While she was upstairs Bradley and Jake were getting the cookies out. They were being the overbearingly cute couple. If Y/N had seen it she would've faked gagged and they would've laughed. When 6:50 PM rolled around they called her down. "Y/N!" Bradley yelled and that had her practically tumbling down the stairs.
"Yea? Yes? I'm here." She said as Jake caught her before she fell. They chuckled.
"We're leaving. Cookies are on the cooling rack." Bradley said as he was putting on shoes and grabbing keys as Jake put on his shoes too.
"Remember if you need us call and we'll be home in just a matter of seconds. If you can't get a hold of any of us call The Hard Deck or Penny." Jake said standing up.
"You got it, Pops." She said and they came over and kissed her on the forehead and exchanged 'I love you' and they were off. She stood at the window and watched as they were just out of view when she texted Mason.
Dad and Pops are gone. Want to come over?
He replied in just a few seconds.
Mason: You know I do. Want me to get McDonald's?
She smiled
You know I do.
Mason: Be there in a few minutes. Your regular?
She smiled again
You're the best boyfriend ever.
Mason: Well, you're the best girlfriend ever.
She smiled he was truly the best boyfriend ever, but then again Bob was his father so what do you expect? She had moved to the couch when she started texting him.
Some boring TV show was playing in the background while she waited. When she heard the distinct sound of Mason's F-150 pull into the driveway. She jumped up and ran to the door and opened and saw him get out with the food. Mason closed the door and turned and smiled at his girlfriend. He shut the door and walked over to her and kissed her and she kissed him back. They walked in and went to the couch and began eating while they put on a movie. They were cuddled into each other and eating. They laughed and made comments throughout the movie.
8 PM rolled around and they were into their second movie. The movie playing was more intimate than the other. They came up to a steamy scene in the movie and they looked at each other and started to lean in until they were kissing. Mason took off his sweatshirt he had on and threw onto the ground.
Mason had moved Y/N until she was lying on the couch and he was on top of her. Her arms were still around his neck and he was kissing her neck. One of his hands found its way under her shirt and bra to her breast and the other was on her waist. They heard Y/N's phone buzz but they ignored it and continued. Mason moved from kissing her to kissing her neck and she turned to give him access. Slight moaning was coming from her. One of Y/N's hands moved down to his clothed dick and started to slowly stroke it. They were so wrapped up in a heavy make-out session they didn't hear Bradley's Bronco pull up and the engine shutting off or the door opening and closing.
Mason and Y/N didn't know they had company until Jake's voice boomed into the room. "What is going on in here?!" He shouted and that had both teenagers pulling away and jumping up. Any sort of sexual feelings they had quickly died out. It was only 10 PM, what were they doing at home when they were supposed to be out at The Hard Deck for well into the night? Their hair was a mess, their clothes were wrinkled and their faces were flushed.
"Pops? Dad? What are you doing home?" She asked.
"We decided to cut it short because the power went out at The Hard Deck." Bradley said being the in-control parent while Jake freaked out. Of course, Bradley was freaking out his baby was growing up but he knew it was bound to happen.
"You didn't answer my question." Jake said crossing his arms and looking at Bradley who had an expressionless look on his face. Both teenagers were silent they didn't know what to say.
"It's not what it looks like Pops." She said
"It looks like our little girl was just about to have sex on our couch with her boyfriend." Jake said.
"Ok, so it is what it looks like." She said Mason had been quiet. He was just hoping that a black hole would open and swallow him up. Jake threw his hands up in the air and rolled his eyes and had an exasperated look on his face. He turned to his husband.
"Are you not going to say anything?" Jake asked him and Bradley just stood there with his hands on his hips. He sighed and hung his head and then pulled Jake into the guest bedroom. Mason and Y/N just looked at each other and decided to sit down on the couch they held hands and waited.
Jake was pacing around the room while Bradley leaned upon the closed door and watched. "Why are you not freaking out?" He asked stopping to look at Bradley.
"Oh trust me I am. But having both of us freaking out isn't going to help the situation. To be honest you tend to freak out more." Bradley said walking to his husband and taking his hands and leading him to the bed.
"But Bradley. Our daughter, our little girl was just about to have sex with her boyfriend. Bob's son." Jake said still freaking out.
"Yes Jake I know. But I trust our little girl to make the right choices. We raised her well. Our daughter is smart." Bradley said and caressed Jake's face and he leaned into the touch. "Now let's go out there and talk to them with clear heads. Ok?" Bradley asked and Jake nodded.
"Ok. I'm good." He said and they kissed and headed out to the two teenagers. When they got out the TV was off and the living room was clean and the two teens were sitting on the couch. Y/N had put on Mason's sweatshirt which was a little big on her. They looked up at the two men. "We talked. I want to say sorry for freaking out on you." Jake said and they nodded.
"We know you're growing up and having these feelings that you may not understand yet. When you do decide to act on these feelings please come to us or Bob. We just want you to be safe. You're a smart girl and boy and know you were raised right." Bradley said being the calm, cool, and collected parent.
"We want to be grandparents but we don't want to be grandparents just yet." Jake added and everyone chuckled about it. "It's getting late. Mason why don't you go and call Bob and let him know you're staying here tonight since it's late." Jake said and he nodded and headed off outside to the backyard.
"I'm really sorry Pops and Dad." She said looking down Jake sat down beside her and Bradley kneeled in fron of her.
"Nothing to apologize for. We were 16 once and we get it. Just please come to us before you do anything. Goose and Momma Carole would be too thrilled about being great-grandparents but they would spoil the hell out of the baby but they would want you to wait too." Jake's said.
"Just like they spoiled you. We really do want grandchildren but not until you are in your 30s." Bradley said and you all chuckled again. They hugged and she knew she could count on them for anything at any time. Y/N loved her Dad and Pops and nothing is going to change that.
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callsign-dexter · 9 months
Deployment Surprise
Summary: Both Jake and Bradley are deployed and have the opportunity to receive care packages. Little Y/N decides to send her daddies a little something special to keep them safe.
Pairings: Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Jake Seresin
Warnings: fluff
A/N: Based on this Instagram video.
A/N 2: Also thank you @fangirlvibez for tagging in this cute request!
Our Little Girl
Master List
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Bradley and Jake haven't been on many deployments since the birth of their little girl and they can think Ice for that. They have been on a total of 3 since she was born each time was a short one. However, this one they absolutely had to go on it was going to be for at least 3 months. Their little girl would be staying with her Grandma Carole and Grandpa Goose while most of The Dagger Squad got deployed. Y/N loved it when she stayed with her grandparents, they loved to spoil her. Maverick and Goose weren't called to go which wasn't unusual since Ice and Slider were going, if two of them didn't go then the other two would. It was an unspoken agreement that Ice would also be in charge of The Dagger Squad along with Maverick and the two RIOs were along for the ride.
A week leading up to their deployment they could tell Y/N was getting antsy. She's been away from both of her fathers multiple times but never for this long. They noticed that she was getting more clingy to both of them to the point where she was crawling into bed with them at night. They would be expecting her and when she crawled in they would just roll over and cuddle her.
Bradley and Jake had just begun putting Y/N to bed. It was 3 days until they left. It was 8 PM when they started her routine of putting her to bed. They had begun supper at 7:30 PM and had just finished and now it was bath time and bed time.
"Sweets. Bath time." Jake said as he and Bradley finished putting food and dishes away. She looked up at him from her place at the table and stared at him hard.
"No. No leave Dada or Papa." She said ending it with a frown. He sighed this has been happening ever since she found out they would be leaving.
"How about I take you and give you a bath then you can cuddle with us on the couch?" Jake asked not believing he was negotiating with a 4-year-old but is used to it.
"No. You both give me a bath and then cuddle." She said folding her arms Jake sighed and looked at Bradley who just shrugged.
"Dada has to finish up in here." Jake said once he turned to Y/N with his hands on his hips.
"Then no bath. I want both of you." She said now on the floor and copying his exact movement. Bradley chuckled she was too similar to them and it was scary.
"How about we go ahead and give you a bath and I can finish up later." Bradley said breaking the staring contest. Jake looked at him but he already knew what he was thinking. "It's not a problem. I'll finish up when she's asleep. Nothing here is going to spoil." He said and Jake seemed satisfied with that. Y/N thought about it and then broke into a smile.
"Ok." She said and practically skipped to the bathroom.
Jake turned to Bradley "She's too much like you. I've known you and have been living with you long enough to know how to handle you." Bradley said with a chuckle.
"Hey, she's like you too. Mister I know how and love to play the piano. " Jake said and Bradley nodded.
"Oh, I know. Mom keeps telling me that." He said and they stood there talking until Y/N hollered out for them.
"Dada, Papa!" She hollered and they began walking to the bathroom to find her standing there with her hands on her hips. She had that hip popped out and a look of annoyance on her face. "It's about time." She said with a roll of her eyes. They both shook their heads and chuckled and started to get her ready for a bath.
Once bath time was out of the way they went into the living room and cuddled her while putting on a movie. Halfway through the movie and she was out like a light. She had fallen onto Bradley's shoulder and was ever so slightly snoring. They didn't feel the need to finish the movie, having already seen it several times.
Bradley picked her up and they walked her upstairs to her bedroom as she snuggled further into his neck. Bradley laid her down and kissed her forehead and Jake did the same thing they both told her that they loved her. They gave her favorite stuffed chocolate and tan bunny named Rolo to cuddle with. They walked back downstairs and Jake helped Bradley finish up what he was previously doing.
They sat in the living room when they were done and watched some TV. "You know she's going to be a wreck right?" Jake asked his husband who nodded.
"Yea I know but she'll have mom, dad, and Maverick with her." Bradley said and Jake nodded. They watched a little bit more TV before retiring to bed.
It was around 11 PM when they heard little patter of feet and then felt the bed dip. They had been expecting her and wondered why it took her so long. She snuggled up in between them and they just rolled over and snuggled her. Jake had her head tucked under his chin and arms around her shoulders and then Bradley had his head nuzzles in her hair and arms around her torso. All three of them slept peacefully that night.
When it was time for them to leave everyone went down to the docks with them. She was currently clinging to Jake. They walked down from the car and she was nonstop talking about anything and everything.
"When you're away I draw you pictures." She said happily already thinking of what she would be doing. It hadn't fully hit her just yet.
"That sounds awesome, Sweets." Jake said and kissed the side of her head. They reached the dock and then it finally sunk into her.
"Papa? Dada?" She asked quietly.
"Yea, Honey?" Bradley asked and looked at her as tears welled in her eyes.
"You leave me?" She asked sniffling.
"Just for a little bit, Sweets. You'll be able to call us occasionally." Jake said and she hugged him around his neck and wouldn't let him go. Bradley tried to take her but she wouldn't let go. "Sweets, give Dada a hug." He said and she let go of him and transferred to Bradley.
She hugged him around the neck just like she did with Jake. "Oh, Honey, it's ok." He said when he felt tears on his neck.
"I don't want you both to go." She said and sobbed. Jake came over and rubbed her back.
"We'll be back as soon as we can. I promise." Jake said and she nodded. Goose, Carole, Maverick, Ice, and Slider came up to them. They said their goodbyes and then Goose took Y/N from Bradley's arms with some struggle. Everyone boarded the ship and watched it sail off.
"Ok, Chick. It's time for some Grandpa Goose time." He said tickling her which made her giggle. They walked back to the car. She was quiet and Goose, Carole, and Maverick took notice of this.
"Hey, Peanut they'll be ok. They have Grandpa Ice and Uncle Slider with them." Maverick said looking back at her while Goose drove and she nodded.
They had to go back to Seresin-Bradshaw Residence to pack some stuff up and then they were off to Goose and Carole's house. "Ok, Chick. Go and pick out some clothes with Grandma." He said and she nodded and followed Caorle to her room.
"What do you want to take with you? We can always come back here." She said and Y/N nodded and started to pick things out with the help of her. As Carole was zipping up the suitcase Y/N made her stop.
"Wait! We need Rolo, Hershey, and Cookie." She said grabbing her stuffed bunny, stuffed bear, and stuffed penguin. She really liked the wildlife so was excited when she got wildlife animals.
"Honey, you don't need all of them." Carole said and Y/N gave her a look like she just broke her heart.
"Yes I do. They're from Dada and Papa." She said with a hint of sass and Carole chuckled.
"Ok, Honey. You can take them." Carole said and Y/N smiled and put them in the suitcase and helped her zip it up and then they were off.
They got downstairs to where Goose was standing in the kitchen. "What took so long?" He asked picking Y/N up and attacking her neck with kisses and she giggled.
"She insisted on packing 3 stuffed animals." Carole said watching them and being taken back to when he did that with Bradley. They left shortly after that.
It was the first night without her daddies and she was not taking it well. They had just finished dinner and she was throwing a fit. "Chick, it's time for bed." Goose said and she shook her head and stood firmly.
"No want Dada and Papa." She said with her lower lip wobbling. Goose sighed and so did Carole. They knew this would happen and were expecting it. They had kept her busy throughout the day to keep her mind off of it but it was just now hitting her that she didn't have them with her. She then started full on crying. Goose went to her and picked her up.
"Oh, Honey. They'll be back." Carole said walking over to them and rubbing her back as Y/N sobbed into his neck. He bounced her and rubbed her back.
"Shhhhh. It's ok, Chick." Goose said and about a minute later she was reduced to sniffles and had fallen asleep. "I think she's asleep." He said and Carole nodded confirming it. They walked to her room that they had set up and laid her down in her bed. They had already changed her and bathed her. Carole grabbed Rolo and put it in her arms and she rolled over and went to sleep. They both kissed her and then started to get ready for bed themselves.
It had been a month since they had left to keep her mind off of it Goose had made it his mission to make her happy and not upset. So what does he do? Well, let her play in the mud and take her to the beach. Would Carole be mad at him? Yes absolutely. When Goose had decided that he would be playing in the mud with his granddaughter was when his wife was out with her friends in the evening.
"Chick, what do you say we go and plant some flowers for grandma?" He asked her once Carole was out the door. Y/N looked up and him and her eyes lit up. She nodded her head.
"Can we plant some for Dada and Papa?" She asked and Goose saw the excitement in her eyes.
"Of course we can Chick." He said and so they headed outside and began to the planting process. Everything was going smoothly until Goose felt something being thrown onto his back and he turned around to find a smirking granddaughter. "What are you up to, Chick?" He asked and she just kept smiling. The water hose had been running into the some of the dirt and she picked some up and had a mischievous look in her eye. She threw it and he ducked. "Oh it is on." He said and grabbed the water hose her eyes widened.
"Uh oh." She said and took off running and giggling which made Goose laugh as well. He had gotten her a couple of times and then accidently fell into the mud that had been created. It wasn't a hard fall but she had look of surprise on her face and so did he.
"Are you ok, Chick?" He asked turning off the water and running to her. She had mud all over her face and clothes.
"I'm ok, Grandpa Goosey." She said, a nickname that she had given him, as he wiped mud off of her face. In that moment Carole had came back and outside and saw the chaos.
"NICHOLAS BRADSHAW WHAT ON EARTH DID YOU DO TO MY GRANDDAUGHTER?!" She asked somewhat yelling in surprise. Goose turned around and they both looked at her as she stood there with her hands on her hips.
"Mud!" Y/N yelled and then she looked at Goose and he nodded and Y/N started to run after her grandma. "Grandma! I wanna give you a hug!" She said and Carole eyes widened.
"Oh no you don't." She said and took off running and laughing. After awhile Goose caught her and kissed and hugged her and she squealed in excitement and smiled. Then she something tackled her legs. She looked down and saw Y/N "You got me!" she said "Now time to get cleaned up." Y/N giggled and let her grandma take her to get cleaned up.
When she was cleaned, Goose had dinner going. Y/N ran up to and hugged his legs and she looked down seeing her smile at him "All cleaned up?" He asked and she nodded.
"Yes! I'm hungry." She said as Carole walked in behind her with their muddy clothes and threw them in the washing machine and started it. They both laughed.
"Just like your daddy." Carole said shaking her head.
"He was always hungry. He is still that way." Goose said as he turned off the stove and got down plates and plated for everyone. They went to the table and began to eat. Afterwards they got her down for bed easily. It was a pretty peaceful night for all of them.
The next morning Goose and Carole were up before Y/N making breakfast when Maverick walked in and greeted them both. "Hey guys. Where's Peanut?" He asked while taking his jacket off.
"She's still sleeping. She had an exciting day with Goose and mud yesterday." Carole said helping Goose.
"Have you heard anything from Ice?" Goose asked turning to him while turning off the stove and Carole walking to Y/N's room to get her.
"He said that we could send care packages if we want to. Otherwise they're doing well and can't want to be home." Maverick said leaning up against the door. Before they could say anything Maverick was thrown a little bit forward by a weight and a shriek.
"Grandpa Maverick!" Y/N yelled and he picked her up.
"Good morning, Peanut." He said and hugged her. "I heard you had a good day with Grandpa Goose yesterday." He said looking at her and she nodded widley.
"Uh huh! We played in the mud!" She said excitedly and he just smiled and laughed especially when he saw the look on Goose and Carole's faces.
"Breakfast time." Carole said bringing two plates at a time over to the table while Goose did the same thing and Maverick carried Y/N over. They ate peacefully.
"Maverick said that we could send care packages to Jake and Bradley if we wanted to." Goose said and Y/N lit up at the names of her parents.
"I think that would be a marvelous idea." Carole said and Y/N nodded her head.
"I wanna send them something! Please?" She asked and they all smiled, she sure does love her daddies.
"Of course you can honey. They would love that." Carole said and that is how Y/N finished her breakfast. She couldn't wait to send something special to them and she had the perfect things in mind.
That evening Carole had gotten a box and both she and Goose had written them letters and had thrown in some stuff that they thought they would like. Maverick was there as well doing the same thing for Ice but he was sending some stuff that Ice had forgotten and needed.
Y/N had made them each a card and when it came time for her to put something special in the box she had disappeared for a minute, it was long enough to concern the adults in the room. Goose had decided to go and check on her. "Doing ok, Chick?" He asked and she looked up at him and nodded
"Yes." She said and grabbed two of her stuffed animals and walked out into the living room. She gently put two of them in the box and then looked up when she noticed it was quiet.
"Peanut, are you sure you want to send those?" Maverick asked and she nodded.
"I want Dada and Papa to have them. They'll keep them safe." She said in a matter of fact tone then going back to making them pictures.
"Ok, Honey. Just as long as you are sure." Carole said with tears in her eyes.
"I'm sure." Y/N said and without looking up and didn't see the adults with a surprised look on their faces and tears in their eyes. Y/N also wrote them a note explaining why she sent them.
Afterwards they had everything together they all ate supper and Maverick went home. Goose put Y/N to bed and then walked out to Carole who was crying. "Are you ok?" Goose asked his wife and she nodded then he noticed that she was holding the note.
"She's such a sweet girl." She said as Goose came over and sat down next to her and read the note, he too started to cry. Once they were done making sure everything was there, they taped the boxes and wrote the address and wrote the boys' name on there.
The next morning Maverick came over to pick Goose up and the packages and they went to work and shipped them off with everyone else's.
Bradley and Jake were sitting with the rest of The Dagger squad in the common room when Bob asked about Y/N. "How's Y/N doing?" He asked, out of all of the group, besides Jake and Bradley, Y/N had spent more time with Bob and his family. Bob had a little boy named Mason and Y/N and him had hit it off very well.
"She's doing good. She cried when we had to leave." Bradley answered "How's Mason?" Bradley asked.
"He's doing good. Asking when he can see Y/N again." He said with a smile.
"I bet when they grow older they're gonna date, get married, and have kids." Jake said with a smirk and everyone chuckled at that.
"They're going to be little heartbreakers that's for sure." Nat said.
"Knowing them, they're going to be too shy to say anything." Javy said.
"Y/N shy? Have you met her? She's too much like her father's." Mickey said
"What's that supposed to mean?" Jake and Bradley said at the same time.
"Oh come on, you're both outgoing and won't let anything hold you back. He means nothing bad about it. She has both good qualities from you." Ruben said and they all had to agree with that. Just then Ice came in with Slider carrying packages.
"Packages for everyone." Ice announced and they handed them out to everyone. Jake and Bradley got theirs and smiled they opened it and immediately teared up, on top were Hershey the bear and Rolo the bunny, Y/N's favorite stuffed animals.
"Isn't that two of Y/N's favorite stuffed animals?" Javy asked and they both nodded and grabbed the note.
Papa and Dada
Hershey and Rolo will keep you safe while you fly. They keep me safe from bad dreams. So they keep you safe now! I told them they had to!
I miss you! I want you back home!
Grandpa Goosey and I played in mud yesterday! Grandma was mad but we chased her down and tackled her in a hug.
Love you!
The note was short and sweet but it was enough to make them cry. There were notes from Carole and Goose and drawings from Y/N they were both emotional for the rest of the night. When they were done they had each grabbed the stuffed animals and took a picture with them. They've decided that they would capture moments with them in different places. Both Bradley and Jake slept with them, even if it was weird for grown men to be sleeping with stuffed animals but not to a parent. It felt like they had their little girl with them at all times and they would always love that feeling.
It was 2 months in their deployment and each time they went up in the air they would take Hershey and Rolo and take pictures of them and with them. It quickly became the new normal to see them with the stuffed animals, if anyone dared make fun of them for it they would be getting an earful from Ice himself and that was scary enough.
They had just docked for a brief 4 hours just to get everyone off the aircraft carrier and battleship. It was also their chance to get some food and treats from themselves. The Daggers stayed pretty close with each other. They all had to laugh at how many times Bradley and Jake got hit on, and seeing the people's faces fall when they found out when they were married to each other.
"Hey let's take a picture!" Javy had practically yelled out and everyone laughed but nodded. They had gotten someone to take a picture of them and Jake had Hershey and Bradley had Rolo in the center. They couldn't wait to show their little girl the pictures. One would think Jake would be too embarrassed but he wasn't not in the least bit, he proudly showed off that stuffed animal because it was his little girls.
A blonde haired women walked up to the group with her friends in tow. "Cute stuffed animals. Where'd you get them?" She asked flirtly eyeing Jake up.
"Yeah, they're adorable." One of her friends said and Jake and Bradley just smirked.
"They belong to our daughter." Jake said with a smirk and pointed between Bradley and himself and they watched her face fall for just a second. "Their names are Hershey and Rolo." He said pointing to each of the stuffed animals.
"Oh that is adorable! How old is your daughter? Do you have a picture?" She asked and they both nodded as Bradley pulled out his phone and pulled up a picture of them both with Y/N in the middle hugging their necks while they kissed each cheek and smiling.
"She's 4 and her name is Y/N." Bradley said showing her the picture.
"She's adorable. She's lucky to have two good looking fathers." She said and they nodded. The group of girls ended up staying and talking with them until it was time to leave. They didn't want to hook up with any of them, especially when they found out Jake and Bradley were married to each other and had a kid and Bob was married as well and had a kid. They asked about his wife and Mason and he shyly told them about them.
As the 4 hours was coming to an end everyone started to walk back to the aircraft carrier and battleship. When they were in front of the aircraft carrier Bradley and Jake paused as well as the rest of the group. "Hey lets get a picture real quick." Jake said to Bradley and he nodded. Bob offered to take the picture and they did so right next to the ship's name. Once it was taken they got back on board and waited to be undocked.
Each day or week that they did something fun or interesting or when they felt like it they would take pictures with Hershey and Rolo. They had been out on the flight deck with their jets and they had put them in the cockpit and labeled the pictures as 'Lt. Hershey and Lt. Rolo ready to fly.' They would be printing these out when they got back to land for their little girl.
They had a lot of fun taking them everywhere and taking pictures. Hershey and Rolo even made it in the picture with the entire deployment. They had become such the normal that even some of the other shipmates took pictures with them 'Making new friends.' on picture had said. Ice and Slider even got in on it 'Grandpa Ice and Uncle Slider hanging out with Hershey and Rolo.'
They had taken a picture of them looking out into the ocean saying 'Taking a short break and looking out into the ocean.' Their deployment was a lot more enjoyable with their daughter's stuffed animals.
The mission was finally done when it came to the third month. Everyone was grateful for it. Jake and Bradley couldn't wait to get back to their little girl. They didn't have much time to talk to anyone but they some great pictures. They had been finally able to video call their loved ones. They called Goose and Carole and they picked up on the first ring.
"Hey boys! How's it going?" Goose asked they smiled
"Going good! Just got done with the mission." Bradley said
"Where's Sweets?" Jake asked and Carole held up a finger and moved out of frame.
"Y/N your fathers are on the phone!" She yelled and they heard something crash and then feet pounding on hardwood they just smiled and shook their head. She came into frame after sliding to a stop and Goose caught her.
"Papa! Dada!" She yelled out her hair was wild and falling into her face. Goose put her on his lap and Carole came into view.
"Hey, Sweets. We miss you." Jake said
"We loved the surprise you sent." Bradley said brining out the stuffed animals "Matter in fact everyone loved them." He added and she smiled and her eyes lit up.
"I told you they would keep you safe!" She said and they nodded.
"They sure did, Honey." Bradley said
"When are you guys coming home?" Carole asked
"Should be in a week or so." Jake said
"We can't wait to see you. We miss you, especially Chick." Goose said
"Are you being good for them, Sweets?" Jake asked and Y/N nodded her head.
"Of course Papa!" She nodded her head wildly. Bradley looked at his parents and they noddded.
"I hear you got into mud and got Grandma covered." Bradley said and they saw that signature Sersin smirk appear on her face and she nodded.
"She did but it was all in good nature. Goose put her up to it." She said and Goose gasped.
"I would never!" He sounded but everyone knew the truth.
"Hey guys we have to go. We'll see you soon." Bradley said and Jake nodded.
"We love you both!" Carole and Goose said at the same time.
"Love you Dada and Papa!" Y/N said and everyone smiled.
"We love you all too." They said in unison and then they had hang up which instantly put a frown on little Y/N's face.
"What's wrong, Honey?" Carole asked
"I miss them." She said and burrowed into Goose's arms and neck and hugged her a rubbed her back as she cried. Caroled rubbed her back as well.
"They'll be home soon. I promise." Carole said and Y/N sniffled and nodded her head. She couldn't wait to see her daddies.
As they had said it was a week later and everyone was heading down to the docks to pick their loved ones up. Carole had Y/N in her arms as they arrived at the docks. Maverick was with them too along with Bob's wife and Mason. They were on the look out for The Daggers and when they spotted them Y/N went crazy.
"I see Papa and Dada!" She said as they started to walk over to them. Once everyone got close enough Carole let her down and she ran over to them and jumped into Bradley's arms and they both hugged her.
"Hi, Honey. It's so good to see you." Bradley said
"We missed you so much, Sweets." Jake said while hugging her as well.
"I missed you both!" She said and they smiled and walked over the rest of the group that had reached Maverick, Goose, and Slider.
"Grandpa Ice! Uncle Slider!" She yelled and gave them hugs and they greeted her back. Everyone greeted each other and they were split and headed their own way.
When Bradley, Jake, Y/N, Goose, and Carole arrived back home. Y/N was nonstop talking but knew when to be respectful and let the grownups talk. They stayed over at Goose and Carole's for a few hours and then they were packing Y/N's stuff up and heading home.
When they got into the Bronco she started up the talking. It was getting late considering it was 10 PM at night when they got back.
"-and then we went to the beach a built sand castles. We got ice cream there." She continued talking.
"That sounds fun Sweets. I'm glad you had a good time." Jake said smiling back at her and saw how her eyes were lit up, Bradley could see it too. Jake turned back around and Bradley turned his attention back on the road.
"It was! We then went to the park a lot and and...." She drifted off and when Bradley stopped at a red light they looked back and found her fast asleep. They looked at each other and smiled.
They arrived back at home and Bradley parked The Bronco and killed the engine and quietly got out. Jake was already by the door and opening it and getting her out. She adjusted but never woke up. They walked into the house and shut the garage. They would get the bags in the morning.
They both decided to let her sleep in the bed with them wanting their little girl close. Jake and Bradley got ready for bed while she slept. Bradley had ran back out the garage and grabbed Hershey, Rolo, and Cookie. He walked back upstairs and saw his husband already cuddling with Y/N he smiled and climbed into to bed with them. They snuggled her and they fell asleep. Finally being able to get a good nights sleep in 3 months now that they were back home with their daughter safe in their arms.
Bradley and Jake had printed out the pictures they had taken and showed them to Y/N and she lit up like Christmas tree when they told her the stories. They hung them up in her room and they made duplicates to put in a photo album for her. What they didn't know was that those pictures would stay up on her wall for years to come and that photo album would go everywhere with her.
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callsign-dexter · 7 months
Summary: It's Halloween and Little Y/N has the perfect costume she just needs some help from her favorite Grandpa RIO and her favorite Grandma.
Pairings: Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Jake Seresin x Bradley Bradshaw, Carole Bradshaw x Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw
Warnings: fluff
A/N: Y/N is 6 years old. Kind of late for Halloween but here it is!
Our Little Girl
This awesome banner was done by @callsigns-haze! Thank you so much!
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Halloween. One of the most fun times for kids and one hellacious time for parents having to deal with their kids hyped up on candy. This is the first Halloween that Y/N will be able to remember and she will be able to walk up to the doors and grab candy on her own. Now she just needed the perfect costume and who better to ask than her RIO grandpa and grandma especially if she wanted it to be a surprise for parents.
Everyone at school was discussing on what they were going to be but Little Y/N had no idea what she was gonna be. Halloween was super close, like Thursday and today was Tuesday. Nothing what the other students were going as interested her. What she really wanted to do was go as her fathers but she didn't know where to start until she got this brilliant idea of asking someone that knew how to be an aviator and dress like one. She wanted it to be a surprise to everyone. It was the end of the school day and Bradley and Jake had asked Carole and Goose to pick up their little girl due to them having to some work on paperwork and have a late night training. Goose and Carole were in the pickup line at her school, when it came to her turn Carole got out and helped her into her car seat. "Hey, Chick! Have a good day?" Goose asked and she nodded and this made the grandparents frown.
"You ok, Honey?" Carole asked looking back at her while Goose drove.
"Everyone has a costume but me." She said and that caused them to both frown again.
"Do you know what you want to go as?" Goose asked he knew that Bradley and Jake had been asking her but they weren't getting anywhere.
"Yea." She said in a quiet voice and they made them smile.
"Well, what is it, Chick?" Goose asked
"I wanna go like Daddy and Papa." She said and looked up with bright eyes and a smile and that made them smile.
"Do you want help?" Carole asked as she turned around back to the front.
"Uh huh. I want it to be a secret." Y/N said and amazement and they both chuckled as Goose pulled up at their house. Goose and Carole got out and Goose got Y/N out "I wanna be like them when I grow up!" She said excitedly and he smiled she really did love her daddies. They walked into the house where Carole was already getting out her sewing material and Goose looked at her.
"Whatcha doing there?" Goose asked
"Well, I have decided to make her costume instead of buying it. Lord knows I've seen enough of them and know the material." She said with a chuckle as Goose put Y/N down. "Ok, Honey. Come here and let me measure you." Carole said and Y/N happily skipped over to her and she began measuring her. Once she got everything down she looked up to her husband. "I'm going to do the craft store and to get the material. You're good with her?" She asked and Goose laughed and picked her up and spun her around pulling a squeal out of her.
"Of course I got Chick." Goose said as he stopped spinning her and looked at his wife. Carole smiled and off to the store she went. "Well, Chick how about we get you started on your homework and supper?" He asked and she looked up at him.
"Ok!" She said and so they began their activities, while Goose cooked he helped her with her homework. An hour later, 4:30 PM, Carole was coming back in with bags which Goose quickly took and helped her with.
"Dinner is reader and homework is done." Goose said and Y/N nodded and went to hugged her grandma.
"Awesome! We'll eat and then get started on this costume. I'll just need you to get The Daggers' squad patch." She said and they nodded and began plating and then eating.
"You got it, Dear." Goose said. After dinner plates and the kitchen was cleaned and everyone headed to the living room. A movie was put on and Carole got to work on putting Y/N's costume together. Every now and then she would call her over and make sure it was fitting right and then she would send her back over to Goose. She had most of it done but got a text from Jake at 8:00 PM.
Jake: Finally done. We'll be there to pick her up in 30 minutes.
She was about to reply when she heard snoring one loud and one so quiet that it may not be considered snoring. She looked up and smiled and quickly snapped a picture. She opened the text and attached the picture.
Carole: Take your time. We have it handled.
Carole quickly put away the almost finished costume and waited for the boys to arrive by tidying up the place. She heard The Bronco pull up and smiled she heard them open the door and they walked in she greeted them and led them to the living room. Goose had been awake but Y/N was fast asleep. He carefully stood up and gently handed her off to Bradley. Sensing that she was in one of her fathers' arms she snuggled closer into him and buried her head into his neck. "She wasn't too much trouble was she?" Jake asked and Carole shook her head.
"Not at all. She did tell us what she wanted to be for Halloween." She smirked knowing that she wasn't allowed to tell them and that surprised them.
"What is it?" Bradley asked
"We can't tell you." Goose said and they groaned "Hey, it's your guys' daughter's wishes." He added with sass and they huffed but respected her wishes. As they were walking out she handed Jake her backpack and then some to-go containers. As Goose and Y/N napped she had put some food into to-go containers since they probably hadn't eaten since lunch. They thanked her profusely and then they were on their way. Bradley carefully loaded her into her car seat and then they were on their way.
When they got home Bradley parked in the garage next to Jake's truck and he got Y/N out and headed inside letting Jake get everything else. Bradley changed her into her pajamas and tucked her into bed. He went downstairs and where he found Jake heating up the food for the both of them. "I swear they have some sort of magic when it comes to getting her asleep." Bradley said to Jake and he nodded.
"She didn't wake up when you put her to bed?" He asked and Bradley shook his head.
"Not even a peep when I changed her into her pajamas." Bradley said and Jake huffed.
"We need to find out their secrets." He said and Bradley laughed taking a bite of food. When they finished they cleared the dishes and watched some TV cuddled into each other and then headed to bed.
The next day when Goose went to work he stopped by Maverick's office and Ice was there. He walked in without knocking luckily they weren't doing anything was meant for the bedroom. "Hey, Goose! What's up?" Maverick asked coming over to hug his RIO and best friend and Ice doing the same thing.
"You can't tell Bradley and Jake this, well any of The Daggers really." Goose said looking at them and they were looking at him with an unreadable expression. "Anyways, Chick wants to be like her daddies aka Naval Aviator. Carole wants me to get The Daggers' squad patch. I know we have some lying around here." Goose said and they smiled.
"She is going to be so adorable!" Maverick said walking over to his desk and opening the desk drawer. He pulled out a patch and handed it to him. That was the last piece Carole needed for the costume.
"Do I even want to know how or why you have so many?" Ice asked and Maverick looked up at him.
"No." He said and Ice nodded.
"Noted." He said
Thursday rolled around and Y/N was excited. So excited that it made her parent's smile at how happy she was since she had been so down leading up to Halloween. "Sweets, are you gonna tell us what you're gonna be?" Jake asked as he and Bradley picked her up from school and she looked up and smirked, Jake's smirk.
"Nu-uh." She said and Bradley chuckled.
"Fine." Jake said "Bob, Judy, and Mason are going to be over to go trick-or-treating with us and then the rest of The Daggers will be over for a get together." Jake said more so to Bradley.
"Mason is gonna be there?" Y/N asked with doe eyes, Jake and Bradley smiled she really did love that boy and they just knew they would end up together when they got older.
"That's right, Honey." Bradley said and she squealed. "I hear he is going to be going as a cowboy." He added.
"He's going to be an awesome one." Jake said as he pulled up into their garage and parked and turned off the truck. As they were getting out of the truck Carole and Goose rolled up behind them. Once Jake got her out of her car seat she was running to Carole and then tugging her inside not giving her a chance to say hello to the boys.
"Hey boys." Goose said
"Hey, Dad." Bradley said as the same time as Jake said "Hey, Goose." and they hugged each other and walked inside. When they got in neither Carole nor Y/N were in sight but they heard giggling. While they got ready Ice, Maverick, and Slider showed up then it was Bob, Judy, and Mason. Closer to the time to start walking around and handing out candy the rest of The Daggers showed up. Neither Carole nor Y/N had made an apperance.
"Where is Carole and Sunshine?" Ice asked taking a sip of his drink that he had gotten.
"Y/N dragged her in here and they haven't been seen since. They're upstairs from the sound of chuckling." Bradley said and just about that time Carole came downstairs.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to present you the newest Dagger member. Lieutenant Y/N 'Chick' Bradshaw-Seresin." She said proudly as Y/N came down the stairs decked out in her handcrafted flight suit and combat boots and she was smiling proudly. Her hair was French braided and then pulled into a bun. She even had the signature black t-shirt on. She had the all the patches and they were in the right places and she even had a patch that had 'Y/N Bradshaw-Sersin' and underneath it 'Chick'. Chick had become her unofficial callsign since everyone loved it and yes even Jake.
"Sweets, you look amazing!" Jake said coming to pick her up and she smiled.
"I wanted to be like you and Daddy." She said and everyone teared up.
"You're missing one thing, Chick." Goose said and pulled out a pair of aviators that would fit her. He walked over and put them on her. "There. Now you're ready." He said and she smiled a beaming smile. Jake put her down and pictures were taken and then she spotted Mason and they hugged each other and everyone got pictures of them together.
It was getting dusk out and so everyone headed outside and sat around in the driveway. The weeks leading up to Halloween Jake and Bradley had decorated everything since it was one of their favorite holidays. "Ok, Sweets. Who do you want to take you around?" Jake asked. she stood there and popped that hip out.
"Both of you." She said and they laughed and nodded they had yet to change so they actually matched her and she loved it. So the three of them and Bob and Mason headed out to get some candy. The fathers' watched their kids be fearless and go up together to houses. Once they had gotten to all the houses it was time to go home. Both kids were a head of them and talking excitedly with each other and were close together. Many people commented on their outfits and they awed over them. When they got home Goose smiled.
"How was it?" He asked them.
"It was so fun!" Y/N said bounding over to him and showed him all the candy she had gotten.
"That's so cool!" He said and she nodded. Once it was nearing the end of the night and no more kids were coming by they headed inside and out into the back where a bonfire was lit and chair were pulled around it. The adults talked and watched their kids run around.
"Thank you, Mom for putting her costume together." Bradley said and she waved him off.
"It was nothing and I know how to make it due to seeing it all of my life married to your dad." She said and nudged Goose with a smile.
"You did amazing. All the detail is amazing." Nat said and everyone nodded in agreement. Just then both kids ran to their parents Mason went to Judy and snuggled into her and Y/N went to Bradley and snuggled into him. Both of them were out like a light in the matter of minutes, since it was 10 PM at night and the sugar rush had ran out.
"Well, it looks like we better get going." Bob said and Judy nodded. They bid them a goodnight and Bradley helped them out. When Bradley came back Maverick was tending to the fire.
"I'm gonna put her to bed." Jake said and kissed the side of her head and Bradley did the same. Jake took off her shoes and changed her out of her costume and into her pajamas and hung the costume up he smiled while doing so. "She's going to make one hell of an aviator." He said to himself and then kissed her one more time and left her room and went down to their guests.
Everyone started to trickle out when 11 PM hit and before Bradley and Jake knew it they were by themselves. They stood in the kitchen and looking at the candy bag on the counter. "She wouldn't know if a few pieces were missing would she?" Jake asked and looked at Bradley.
"Jake. She's the daughter of two Naval Aviators. She's gonna notice." Bradley said
"But she's 6." He said already digging through the candy.
"Yes but also very observant." Bradley said wanting some too. "Fine but only a few." He said and Jake nodded.
"That sounds like a plan. We take what she doesn't like." Jake said and they agreed on that and dumped the candy into a bowl that Bradley was fished out while they were talking. True to their word they ate what she wouldn't like and left the rest. Although they did feel guilty for taking candy from their kid but they would deal with that later.
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callsign-dexter · 7 months
The Gift of Love’s Arrival
Summary/Request: Love's unexpected gift was amazing!!!!! I'm here to request part 2 if you're up for it….
I'm obsessed with the thought of Jake, Bob and Bradley meeting their grandchild(children) for the very first time.
And Jake and Bradley having a flashback from first holding their little girllll 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Pairings: Bradshaw-Seresin!Reader x OC Mason Floyd, Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Jake Seresin x Bradley Bradshaw
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, childbirth, hospitals
Our Little Girl
Prequel: Love's Unexpected Gift
Sequel: The Gift of Love’s Arrival
A/N: Thank you @callsigns-haze for sending this absolutely adorable request in!!!
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Monday is when Mason and Y/N had decided to tell the others, meaning Maverick, Ice, Slider, Goose, Carole, and Judy, Bob’s wife and Mason’s mother. They would be lying if they said they weren’t scared. They didn’t even know how to begin telling them. Bradley and Jake suggested that they have them over for a cookout and as Mason and Y/N thought about it the more they liked the idea. They had decided to get each couple a gift. They each were going to be getting an ultrasound picture after their appointment that afternoon. Jake was still pissed but slowly coming to love the idea of having a little grandchild running around. Bradley was pissed at first two but was happy for his daughter and her boyfriend and they waited until they were out of high school although it may change their decisions about going to The Naval Academy but they would cross that bridge when they got there. 
They had on Monday morning at 11 AM thanks to the OBGYN having an option of booking online. Mason had stayed pretty much all of the weekend with her not wanting to be gone from her and their unborn child’s side. He really scored points with the fathers when he doted on her hand and foot. When they both woke up that morning Jake and Bradley were already out of the house since The Daggers had early classes to teach with the new incoming class of Top Gun students. Mason woke up Y/N by kissing her face and when she opened her eyes smiling, she crashed her lips into his. They didn’t want to move but they had to so they both got out of the bed and she walked to her mirror and put hands on her belly, no a bump had not started to show but knowing that their baby was in there just felt right. She was so lost in her thoughts that he missed Mason coming up behind her and putting his hands over his. “Just think in 9 months our son will be here.” He said and she raised an eyebrow. 
“Why do you think it is a boy?” She asked in a curious tone and he smiled.
“Just a feeling.” He said and she chuckled 
“What if it is a girl?” She asked and he kissed the side of her head.
“I’ll love them either way. Especially when they have you for a mother.” He said and she started to cry ever since her pregnancy she was a lot more emotional she turned her head and kissed him.
“They’re lucky to have you as a father.” She said when they broke apart from their kiss. “Now let’s get breakfast. We’re starving.” She said and he laughed.
“As you wish my dear.” He said and they headed to the kitchen. From an early age Judy and Bob taught Mason how to cook and Bradley and Jake along with Carole taught Y/N how to cook, so they could fend for themselves. “What would you like my lady?” He asked with a smile and dramatically threw a dish towel over his shoulder and she smacked him laughing and shaking her head.
“How about some pancakes with some fruit?” She said and then got excited “Oh and bacon and some pickles.” She said without looking at him until the end and he looked at her weirdly.
“You got it!” He said and began to cook and she helped when he let her by the end of it they both were covered in flour. They sat down and ate together then they decided to clean up and lunge around until they had to leave for their appointment.
Y/N and Mason had both decided it would be best for him to drive considering that she was too nervous and emotional. Mason held her hand for all of the 20 minutes that it took for them to get to the OBGYN office. When they arrived, Mason parked the truck he killed the engine and then looked over to his girlfriend. “Don’t be nervous. I’m gonna be with you the entire time.” He said and she nodded. He leaned over and kissed her and she kissed him back. “Stay there.” He said and got out of the truck and then went to the passenger side of the truck and opened the door and helped her out. He shut the door and he grabbed her hand and they walked hand in hand into the building. When they walked in they got some stares and Y/N curled in on herself and wrapped her arms around her stomach. Mason took notice of this and pulled her into him and he glared at anyone who was judging them. “Don’t let them get to you.” He said into her ear and kissed her head and she nodded but that didn’t stop her from thinking those thoughts. 
They walked over to the front desk and signed in and the receptionist smiled at them not judging them. “Good morning. I’m gonna have you fill out some of this paper work out. Then when you’re done bring it back up and we’ll call you back.” She said and Y/N and Mason nodded and took the clipboard and went to sit down and started to fill out the paperwork. As Y/N was filling out the paperwork Mason was on the look-out for judging looks. When she was done Mason took the paperwork up to the front desk and the receptionist smiled and Mason walked back to Y/N. There weren’t that many people in the lobby which they were grateful for but that doesn’t mean that Mason let his guard down. As they waited Y/N curled into him and laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. 
30 minutes later the receptionist was calling them back and putting them in a room “Dr. Hayes will be with you in a little bit.” She said with a smile and they smiled back and she was on her way. Y/N knew Dr. Hayes she was the one that delivered her and took care of her when she had her car accident. Y/N sat on the chair while Mason decided to stand, he rubbed her back and kissed her head. They really didn’t speak; they were too lost in their own minds to say anything. 15 minutes later Dr. Hayes was walking after knocking. 
“Good morning. I’m Dr. Hayes, but you may already know that and it is nice to see you again Y/N. How far along are you?” She asked and Y/N looked up at her.
“3 weeks. It’s also nice to see you again in normal setting and not you taking care of me after my accident.” She said in a quiet voice and Mason hated that because she was usually an outgoing person and speaks her mind. He understood why she was like that though she was afraid of being judged. Dr. Hayes smiled and she could sense her nervousness.
“You have nothing to be nervous about. This is a safe place for all 3 of you. Shall we get started and set up a program for you and the soon to be little bundle of joy?” She asked and Y/N nodded feeling less nervous now. 
“Yes please.” Y/N said and Mason smiled as he was getting his girl back.
“Ok, we’re going to have an ultrasound and see the fetus.” She said and Y/N lifted her shirt up and Dr. Hayes put the gel on her and she shivered. “Sorry about that.” She said and Y/N shook her head. Dr. Hayes moved the wand around until she found the fetus. “Here it is.” She said and paused the picture. Mason and Y/n looked at the screen in awe that was their baby, their child in there. “Would you like a copy?” She asked and they nodded as she gave Y/N a paper towel to wipe off the excess gel.
“Can we have multiple? We have some grandparents to tell.” Mason said and Dr. Hayes nodded and did just that. They talked about getting vitamins and what foods to eat as well as gave them a folder with everything they needed to know. Once they were finished, they walked out of the room and paid for a visit and were on their way with a smile on their face. Now it was time for the grandparents to know.
When they got to the truck Mason opened the door for Y/N and helped her in then he got in on the driver’s side. “We’re gonna need some food for tonight.” Mason said and she nodded her head. 
“Let’s stop by the store before we go home. I also want McDonald’s.” Y/N said and Mason smiled at that she truly loved that place.
“As you wish.” He said and she smiled and shook her head. The Princess Bride was an all-time favorite of theirs.
He turned the truck on and started to drive to the store. When they got there, he helped her out once again and they walked in and began shopping. They decided on some hotdogs and hamburgers Jake, Bradley, and Bob handled the inviting over the others. As they were shopping Y/N started to throw in some random things like hot and spicy pickles, peanut butter, Oreos, and chili cheese Fritos. “Babe.” He said and she stopped as she was putting the hot and spicy pickles in the basket and she looked up at him “I think the cravings are hitting.” He said and she nodded and put the pickles in.
“You bet they are.” She said with a chuckle. Once they got what they needed they checked out and unloaded the cart into the truck and then went to McDonald’s and got food and then headed back to the Bradshaw-Seresin household. When they got there they unloaded the truck, more like Mason doing everything and him not letting her lift a finger. When groceries were put away they ate and talked then they decided to take a nap.
When the evening rolled around Mason and Y/N were nowhere to be seen in the house when Jake and Bradley got home. Bradley and Jake had planned the cookout and were going to see what they needed to buy but found Mason and Y/N had already taken care of it. They both shook their heads and went on a search for them. When they couldn't find them in the house they looked outside and found Mason holding Y/N on the lounge chair and his hands were on top of hers on her stomach and both of them were asleep. They smiled and took a picture and left it at that.
When evening came around everyone started to trickle in and Y/N and Mason were up and helping out. Everyone greeted each other and the party was taken outside. Jake and Bradley managed the grill while Y/N, Carole, and Judy got the sides together. Judy looked at Y/N closely. "You're glowing." Judy said and Y/N stopped what she's doing and Carole stopped and looked at her.
"She's right." Carole said and then it hit her. "Are you pregnant?" She asked and Y/N stayed quiet but couldn't help the smile that came upon her lips.
"You are!" Judy said excitedly
"Shhhhh! Besides you both, Dad, Pops, Mason and Bob nobody knows." She said and the two mothers squealed. "We're planning on telling you all after we eat." She said and they nodded and hugged the girl. They excitedly talked with each other while the men were outside. When food was ready everyone got their plate and began to eat. Y/N took her seat by Mason and waited until supper was done for the news to be let out. 
Dinner went well. Carole and Judy couldn't stop smiling. The men kept asking what they were smiling at but they just said nothing and looked at Y/N who curled more into Mason. Every now and then he would kiss the side of her head and he always had a hand on her stomach. 
It was time for dessert. While everyone got their food and Mason and Y/N stood off to the side of the table this confused the ones that didn't already know. "We have an announcement to make." Mason said after they got everyone's attention. Mason looked at Y/N and nodded and she disappeared for a second and brought back gift bags. They handed each couple and Slider a bag. The only reason Slider was there was because he has been a huge part of both of their lives and they considered him an uncle to them. 
"Inside the bag we have a gift for you all. So please go ahead and open it." Y/N said and they all proceeded to open and when they pulled out the ultrasound with 'Future pilot or WSO coming soon.' In your handwriting everyone stopped. Nobody spoke but that didn't last long. 
“I’m gonna be a great-great grandpa?!” Goose said and Mason and Y/N smiled and nodded. He jumped up and hugged them tightly. “They’re going to be one loved and spoiled kid!” He said releasing them.
“Congratulations you two!” Slider said and hugged them. He and Goose sat down. 
“I’m so happy for you two! Though I’m wondering how and why.” Maverick said and before anyone said anything “I know how.” He said and everyone just chuckled. 
“The kid is definitely gonna be protected with us around. When did you find out?” Ice asked 
“We found out 1 week ago. Also Maverick, we didn’t know the condom broke until afterwards. Neither of us wanted to give the baby up and we love each other.” Y/N said and everyone nodded and then they sat down and the evening went by in a breeze and it was buzzing with excitement. Mason and Y/N tuned them out and just looked at each other. Judy and Carole looked at them, they were definitely in love. 
“Wait, why aren’t you freaking out, Bradley, Jake, Bob, Judy, and Carole?” Goose asked.
“Well we found out when they found out and Jake threatened to kill me because and I quote “Because I can’t kill your son because he’s the father of my daughter’s unborn child.”” Bob said and everyone laughed because that would be Jake.
“We guessed it when we were putting the sides together in the kitchen. She is glowing.” Carole said. The conversation switched from them to something else until it was time for them to leave.
After the pregnancy was announced Mason and Y/N were with each other pretty much all the time and Mason doted on her whenever he could. Both of them ended up getting jobs at a small mom and pop place close to the base and The Hard Deck  and it turns out that it pays pretty well. They also started looking into getting a house together and found that they both liked it was an equal distance from both sets of parents but it was way out of their price range and they couldn’t afford it so they gave it up. Both sets of parents saw the house and fell in love with it so they decided to get the house for them and then Mason and Y/N could pay them back. Now neither of them knew of this so when they saw that the house sold they were upset but moved on. 
It was now 5 weeks and they had another appointment and this time they were going to be able to hear the heartbeat of the baby. Mason drove over to pick Y/N up and they headed off to the appointment. When they arrived Y/N was more confident going in then the first time they went in. They signed in and waited. When their name was called they walked back and waited for the doctor. About 10 minutes later Dr. Hayes walked in. “Good morning mom and dad.” She greeted and they greeted back “How is the mother doing?” She directed the question to both of them.
“I’m doing well. The morning sickness is getting old but we’re making it through.” Y/N said and squeezed Mason’s hand and smiled which made Dr. Hayes smile.
“Excellent!” She said “The morning sickness will get better, trust me I have 3 kids of my own.” She said and everyone chuckled. “Are we ready to see your baby and hear the heartbeat?” She asked and they both nodded. Mason helped Y/N lift her shirt up and smiled when he saw the small bump starting to form. Dr. Hayes spread the gel over Y/N’s stomach and she shivered “Sorry.” Dr. Hayes said and Y/N shook her head.
“It’s ok.” She said and the wand ran over her stomach until it came across the fetus.
“There they are.” Dr. Hayes said “Ready to hear the heartbeat?” She asked and both Mason and Y/N nodded. She smiled and turned on the sound and the heartbeat filled the room and both Mason and Y/N started to cry.
“That’s our baby.” Mason said and kissed Y/N’s head and tears fell on top of her head and she smiled her tears and smiled. 
“Yes it is.” Y/N said and Dr. Hayes smiled she loved seeing couples so in love. The appointment was over quickly and they walked out of the building on cloud 9.
1-4 months 
During the 1 month of being pregnant everyone was quickly getting used to Y/N and Mason becoming parents. The hormones started and it terrified the men but the women helped her through it and were unphased by it. Carole and Judy were the most helpful and the men helped too but not in full depth of the women but they were still there. 
One night when she was 2 months pregnant she had woken up in the middle of the night craving Oreos and peanut butter with pickles. “Mason?” She whispered not wanting to wake up Jake and Bradley. Mason stirred but didn’t wake up and that angered her “Mason?!” She whispered, yelled and kicked him.
“What? What? I’m up.” He said with a start looking around and now she felt bad for waking him up as he came face to face with her.
“I want Oreos and peanut butter with hot and spicy pickles.” She said trying to sit up and he helped her. Mason sighed and nodded. Since becoming pregnant her spice tolerance had skyrocketed.
“Do you want me to go and get them and bring them back up here or do you want to go downstairs?” He asked, already moving to get out of bed and throw on a shirt and his sweatpants.
“Downstairs. I don’t want crumbs in the bed.” She said and he helped her get up and they walked downstairs and into the kitchen. She sat down while he got the stuff he brought it over to her and set it down and opened the pickles for her. “Can you grab a knife?” She asked bashfully.
“As you wish.” He said and they both chuckled and when he got it he went and sat next to her and she began to eat not paying attention to him. As she ate a few Oreos with peanut butter on them she then turned to the pickles and repeated the steps. She looked up at Mason. He had a look of disgust on his face and she raised an eyebrow.
“What?” She asked and he shook his head.
“Nothing, Babe.” He said and about that time Jake and Bradley walked downstairs after hearing the noise and talking.
“Everyone ok?” Jake asked and Y/N nodded.
“The baby was hungry.” She said 
“For what?” Bradley asked as they walked further into the kitchen.
“Oreos with peanut butter and hot and spicy pickles.” Mason said with a grimace and the fathers made the same face. They thought they would be used to this by now but apparently not.
“Hey don’t knock it until you try it.” She said and happily munched away. Bradley and Jake stayed up for a little bit until they decided to go back to bed but Y/N was wide awake. So Mason and her stayed up and watched some TV and eventually fell asleep and that is how Jake and Bradley found them the next morning.
By 3 months her bump had popped and everyone loved it. Carole and Judy fussed over them and she loved it. The house they wanted was going to be a surprise; they just had to get everything in order before presenting it to the couple. They also wanted to get it furnished with the essentials before anything happened. They were going to have the baby shower there and break the news but as a separate gift. 
They also got to feel the baby kick for the first time as a couple. It was after they both got off of work and were at her house watching TV when she felt a flutter in her stomach and then it happened again and so she quickly grabbed Mason’s hand and it startled him. "What? What's wrong?" He asked and she didn't say anything and that was making him panic but she was smiling and then he felt it and broke down in tears.
"You feel it?" She asked and he nodded.
"Our little baby." He said and reached down and kissed her belly and she ran both hands through his hair. 'Yea' she thought 'he's gonna be a great dad.'  The baby kicked quite often and everyone got to feel it. It was always harder when it wasn't Mason or Y/N for some reason. 
At 4 months Mason had not left her side and he had practically taken up residence at the Bradshaw-Seresin household and Jake and Bradley did not care, not in the least bit. Her hormones were in full swing and everyone learned to stay clear of her and learned to think before speaking. 
One night they had decided to have a get together with all the family and The Daggers. Everyone had just arrived and everything was going smoothly until Javy spoke up “Y/N you look amazing!” He said they had seen her throughout every now and then but they were still amazed when they saw her. She began to cry and Javy froze.
“I look fat, just admit it! Nothing fits!” She exclaimed and Mason was quick to calm her down.
“No, Babe. You don’t look fat! You look amazing. Javy did not mean it in a negative way.” He said and she nodded and turned to look at him.
“I’m sorry Javy.” She said and went over to hug him and he hugged her back.
“It’s alright. I really didn't mean it in a negative way. You look amazing.” He said and she started to cry more as they released each other. Bob cut in.
“You really are amazing, Darling.” He said and went over to hug her and she nodded. They released each other. 
The rest of the evening went without a hitch and then one of her cravings hit her. This time it was Chili Cheese Fritos and mayonnaise. "Mason?" Y/N said and nudged him. 
"Hmmm?" He answered and turned his full attention to her. They were all sitting outside around the porch.
"Can you please get me the Chili Cheese Fritos and mayonnaise?" She asked looking up at him and he nodded totally used to the cravings that she was having.
"Of course. I'll be right back." He said and patted her thigh and kissed the side of her head and got up. Everyone had stopped and looked at them and they had smiles on their faces. Mason truly did love that girl and that baby. When she turned to face them after he had disappeared into the house and she blushed madly. 
"What?" She asked, hands on her stomach rubbing it.
"Nothing sweetheart. You two are just so adorable." Judy said. 
Mason came back with the chips and the squeezable mayonnaise and a plate. "Here you go, Babe." He said and sat back down next to her and opened everything and she just smiled and happily munched away. Everyone grimaced but she just shrugged.
"Don't knock until you try it." She said and went back to eating. The rest of the night went all like normal and nothing bothered them anymore.
5-7 months
They had an appointment at 5 months to check on everything and had the option to find out the gender but denied it wanting it to be a surprise though they had their suspicions. Her cravings were still weird and they were getting weirder by the minute but Mason got her whatever she wanted and he did it happily. It was during movie night when another craving had hit. It was Flaming Hot Cheetos and popcorn. Y/N and Mason were at his house and they were having a movie night. 
"Does anyone want food before we start?" Judy asked at the entrance of the living room. 
"Please. Popcorn and Flaming Hot Cheetos." Y/N said and Judy smiled and nodded. They were used to her cravings and had basically everything on hand. The popcorn was ready in 2 minutes and she brought out some water as well and they settled to watch the movie even though she did have to get up several times to make a bathroom break. When she was done she would sit down next to Mason who would cuddle her.
6 months came quickly and she always got hungry at certain hours of the night. When Mason couldn't be there with her then Bradley and Jake doted on her. It was one of those rare occasions that Mason wasn't there and it was 3 AM in the morning. She waddled her way to her parents' room and went to Bradley's side, they slept lightly just so they could hear her if she needed them.
"Daddy?" She whispered and shook him gently and he was up in an instant. He woke up and looked up at her.
"What's wrong, Honey?" He asked which woke Jake up.
"Everything ok, Sweets?" He asked. 
"I'm hungry." She said looking down and they smiled.
"What do you want?" Bradley asked
"Chick-fil-A. Hot and spicy chicken sandwich with fries and Chick-fil-A sauce." She said as they both started to get up. Thankfully the Chick-fil-A was open 24/7. Once Jake and Bradley were in sweatpants and their shirts they headed downstairs with their pregnant daughter. 
"I'll go and get it. Bradley, you stay here with her." Jake said and they nodded as they helped her down the steps. Once she was safely down Bradley took her to the couch and turned on the TV while Jake grabbed a hoodie that was laying around and threw it on and left, but not before kissing both of the people he loved.
"Daddy?" She asked, turning to Bradley.
"Yes, Honey?" He asked, turning his attention to her.
"Are you and Pops upset with Mason and I? You know for getting pregnant." She asked shyly. 
"We were at first but accidents happen and we understand that so does Bob and Judy. We're just glad you both waited until you were out of high school. We'll love you all three of you no matter what. This baby," he paused and put his hand on her stomach with her permission "is gonna be so spoiled, just like you were." He said and the baby kicked his hand almost like they didn't want Bradley touching his momma and they laughed "They're gonna be so protective." Bradley said and took his hand away. 
"We weren't planning on getting pregnant this soon but Mason is just the best. I wanna marry him some day." She said and Bradley smiled.
"You two are gonna make such good parents." He said and hugged her and she hugged back, well the best she could. Jake arrived back after 20 minutes to them hugging but didn't say anything, just smiled and brought the food over the lemonade that she forgot to ask for but he knew that she would've wanted it. She smiled as she ate as they were watching TV and then afterwards she fell asleep between both of her parents and that is how Mason found them the next morning. He smiled and took a picture and sent it out. 
7 months is when they decided a baby shower was needed. Bradley, Jake, and Bob, more like Jake, decided to blindfold them and drove them to their new house. 
"Where are we going?" Mason asked.
"You'll find out when we get there." Bob said and they heard Y/N sigh and the chuckled ever since she got pregnant he patience had been running low. "We're almost there." He added feeling bad for her, the baby kicked feeling that their mother was upset. 20 minutes later they arrived and parked "Ok we're here." Bob said and the three men got out and then helped their kids out. The women of the family along with Ice, Maverick, and Slider were already there. Once they got the kids to the front lawn they took the blindfolds off and they blinked adjusting to the light.
"Ok guys, very funny. Way to tease us with the house that we can't have." Y/N said but nobody said anything then Jake pulled out a key and she grew confused. "What's this?" She asked.
"This is the key to your guy's house. We bought it and decided you can pat us back." Jake said and Y/N burst out crying.
"Oh, Honey it's ok. We know how much you wanted it." Bradley said and came up and hugged his daughter. 
"Thank you, Daddy, Pops, and Bob." She said through the tears. 
"We also knew a realtor and they owed a favor so we got it for cheaper." Bob said and that just made her cry harder everyone ended up hugging her and Mason. They were really good parents. 
They walked into the house and it was beautiful exactly what they had dreamed of. The women were there to greet them and hugged them and then they started to get ready for the shower. They told everyone to be there at 3 PM and when it hit that time they were there then again what did you expect from a bunch of Navy personnel. Some of Mason’s and Y/N's friends came too and they were jealous but were so happy for them. The shower was a lot of fun. Most of the time guys wouldn't be there for the shower but not these men, they were going to be there every step of the way. 
"Do you guys know the gender?" Emily, a friend of Mason and Y/N, asked.
"No, we decided for it to be a surprise. We have our suspensions." Mason answered as Y/N took a drink of water.
"Oh? What are they?" Amanda, another friend of both of them.
"Mason says boy and I say girl." Y/N answered and then everyone started with their predictions. Jake, Bradley, Bob, and Carole all thought it was a boy and Ice, Slider, Maverick, and Goose thought it was a girl. Everyone had a great time. Everyone left with a small smile on their face at the end of it. The parents and grandparents stayed to help clean up and put things away. Mason and Y/N finally got the tour of their house and it was perfect.
Nothing new really happened during her 7 months besides her belly getting bigger and her back was hurting. Mason felt so made for her he wanted to do something. He was scrolling through TikTok one day and saw where a husband picked up his wife's stomach to relieve the pressure and he decided to try it. They had moved into their new house and settled in. Y/N was doing some laundry. Mason came up behind her and what she thought was a hug but was confused when he put his hands underneath her bump. "What are you doing?" She asked and he kissed the side of her head and then gently picked up her belly and she all but moaned at the sweet sweet relief. 
"Feel better?" He asked and she nodded.
"Stay." She said and chuckled. 
"I got some stuff to do. I'm gonna put it back down." He said and she whined but agreed. He gently set the baby bump down and she whined but she turned around and kissed him.
"I wouldn't mind if you do that every now and then." She said and he laughed that deep chested laugh that she loved.
"As you wish." He said and kissed her and let her get back to the laundry while he did some things around the house.
8 months
By the time she was 8 months pregnant she was ready for it to be over and she voiced this on several occasions. Everyone laughed but said that it would be worth it when that little bundle of joy was gonna be here. She believed it. Morning sickness wasn't really that bad but for some reason when 8 months hit, it hit strongly. She was vomiting at least every hour and would not stop. She even called off work though they did offer maternity leave but she wanted to work until she couldn't but this sickness decided for her. 
When Mason had come home from work he heard the sound of vomiting and immediately ran to her side. "Babe. What's wrong?" He asked. Rubbing her back.
"I'm not feeling so well. Started when 8 months hit." She said just for another wave to go through and she stuck her head back into the toilet. 
"Have you talked to Carole or Mom?" Mason asked and she nodded. 
"Yes, they were over here earlier this morning." She said and then another round of vomit ran through her. He put a hand on her forehead and she was hot to the touch and she was sweating.
"Darling, you're burning up." He said she didn't reply too since she was too busy throwing up.
"I'll be fine. I'll take some medicine." She said and waved it off which was a mistake.
The sickness went on for a week and she was hardly eating even though she did try but was not able to keep anything down. It was during the day on a Saturday she was feeling a little bit better but not much when they were doing some stuff around the house before heading to Carole and Goose's house. Mason noticed he was wobbly on her feet but didn't press because he knew she hated that. He stayed close to her and when she started to look pale he called out to her "Y/N." He used her real name. When she didn't answer he walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder she dropped and he caught her. "Woah." He was now panicking. He did the only thing he knew who to call 911. 
"911, what's your emergency?" The 911 operator said.
"My name is Mason Floyd and my 8 month pregnant girlfriend just passed out. She had been sick for about a week, we thought it was morning sickness and she was running a fever. She said that she was  better this morning. It's all my fault I should’ve taken her in." Mason said.
"Is she breathing? This is not your fault or hers. Accidents happen and nobody is perfect or catches everything." They asked and that made him feel a little bit better.
"Yes she's breathing." He said
"Did she hit her head?" They asked
"No, I caught her before she went down." He said
"Ok. I'm sending an ambulance. They'll be there in 10." They said
"Thank you." Mason said and they both hung up. 
True to the 911 operator's word, 10 minutes later they were there knocking on the door and he was quickly going to open it and then back to her. They exchanged greetings and then they were tending to Y/N. Since she was pregnant they quickly loaded her up and to the hospital. He followed them in his truck and called his father and thankfully everyone was together. 
"Hey Mason." Bob said
"Is everyone there?" He asked 
"Yes." He heard the chorus of voices "Are you both on your way?" Carole's voice said.
"Good. No. We're on our way to the hospital." Mason said
"What?!" A chorus of voices said and then they heard the sirens.
"Yea she fainted and I caught her. She wasn't responsive when they loaded her up. She's been violently sick for a week. We just thought it was just morning sickness." Mason explained. 
"We'll be there soon. You drive safely. Miramar Navy Hospital?" Jake asked.
"Yes. I love you guys." Mason said.
"We love you too." Everyone said and then hung up.
When Mason arrived with the ambulance they had already taken her back. He checked in with the front desk and then went and sat in the waiting room. Not even 5 minutes later the rest of the family was rushing in. Everyone hugged him and asked him what was going on but he said that he didn't know and they wouldn't tell him.
3 hrs later the doctor was coming out and calling out her name and Mason went up to him along with Bradley and Jake. "I'm Dr. Jax. I've called Dr. Hayes and she are coming by to check on the baby and mom. It seems like her appendix decided to rupture but we were able to get everything out and now she is recovering." The doctor said and everyone sighed in relief. "A nurse will take you to her room." He said and they nodded. They went to the family and told them what happened and they decided that the three men should go. When the nurse came to take them they followed nervously. When they reached the room they saw her asleep and heard her and the baby's heart and Jake and Bradley had tears pricking their eyes. It took them back to when Y/N was born and when Dakota was in the hospital. It also brought them back to when she wrecked after they had been in a huge fight.
20 minutes is how long they had to wait for her to wake up and when she did they explained everything. Once she was up for visitors and after Dr. Hayes came to check on both of them and they allowed the others to come in. Everyone teared up at hearing the baby's heartbeat. They were just glad they both were ok. 
Usually they would've been released in a week but since she was pregnant they wanted to keep her 2 weeks. Everyone understood and agreed with it.
9 months and birth
The last month of her pregnancy was stressful and she was now ready for it to be over. February 28th was when the baby was due and it was currently 2 weeks before the due date. Honestly she was scared especially what happened to Dakota, Jake's sister and the one who carried her for 9 months. She had gone and visited her work and they loved seeing her and couldn't wait for the baby to be born. All The Daggers have seen her throughout and it seemed like each time they did they brought gifts. Mason had packed all three go bags and had them already in his truck. 
Their plans to go to the Naval Academy were put on hold but they had a lot of connections so it was ok. They wanted to spend time with their family and soon to be child. Y/N had completely recovered from her emergency surgery and now it was a waiting game. Carole and Judy had come over to her house while the men went out to grab some stuff and spend some time together. "You both are really going to wait until the baby is here to figure out the gender aren't you?" Judy asked with a smile and Y/N nodded as they all sat around the table that held different snacking food and other things to keep busy.
"We want it to be a surprise." She said and both women smiled at that.
"Completely understand that. I wanted to wait but Goose wanted to know what your dad was gonna be and secretly I wanted to know." Carole said as she fiddled with what she was doing. Little baby Floyd was being active inside her probably moving into position but they were kicking her to no end. 
"They're being active." She said as she took in a sharp breath when they kicked her in the ribs and Carole and Judy looked up at her as she was rubbing her stomach to try and soothe the active baby. She was taking short breaths and trying to hide the pain but she was not fooling anyone, after a few minutes the pain stopped. 
The kicking continued but she was slowly getting used to it. When the boys came back everyone had decided to stay around for supper, Y/N and Mason didn't mind they loved family time. They got plenty of time together and will when Baby Floyd is here. They decided to give the baby Mason's last name to cause less confusion and maybe when they get married Y/N might switch her name but they still had time to figure that out. The men nor the women wouldn't let her do anything so she just had to sit there which made her upset and that made Baby Floyd upset and he kicked her in the ribs again. "Mason, your child is being active." She said and Mason walked over to her and kissed her.
"Why are they my child when they do something?" He asked with a chuckle and everyone joined in. 
"Because they get upset when I'm upset." She said and then groaned in pain and that concerned Mason. 
"What? What's wrong?" He asked and she didn't speak and grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He looked up and saw the other family members looking at them after 20 seconds she went back to normal and she could breathe again.
"I'm ok. Just some pain." She said "If you wanna help me up, I gotta pee." She said and Mason nodded and helped his girlfriend up. As she was walking to the bathroom with Mason behind her she paused, grabbed the back of the couch and his hand and squeezed hard. Judy and Carole came over and helped them and once the pain faded she stood up.
“Honey, I think you’re having contractions.” Carole said and that got the men’s attention.
“What? No. I have two weeks left until the 28th.” Y/N panicked “My water hasn’t even broken yet.” She continued as another wave of pain passed through her. “They’re just Braxton Hicks.” She said to convince herself and the others but she wasn’t fooling anyone. A contraction ripped through her and she went back to squeezing Mason’s hand and it hurt him but he wasn’t going to complain especially when the woman he loved and the mother of his child was in pain. 
“Sweets, I think we need to get you to the hospital.” Jake said and she shook her head.
“No. I’m ok.” She said and just about that time her water broke and it seemed like a pressure was lifted off of her. “No no no no.” She shook her head “This can not be happening.” She said and by now everyone was over by her and Mason.
“Like it or not, Chick. Your baby is coming.” Goose said just as another contraction hit and she grimaced and she nodded. Everything moved in a controlled chaos movement. Mason and Bob helped Y/N to Mason’s truck while everyone was getting things that everyone would need and Maverick and Ice locked the door. Mason was already out of the driveway and on the way to the hospital with the others following. 
“Mason, they can’t be coming now. It’s too early.” Y/N said as another contraction hit and she squeezed his hand and started to cry.
“I know, Darling. Everything is going to be ok.” Mason said and they arrived at the hospital in just 20 minutes. Mason haphazardly parked in front of the hospital and Ice and Maverick were right behind him and Ice helped Mason get Y/N out and then got in his truck and moved to park it. 
Mason led Y/N in the front doors and to the nurses station. “My girlfriend’s water just broke about 20 minutes ago and has been in labor ever since.” Mason spoke hurriedly as the nurse nodded and took the information down that he continued to tell her and motioned for another nurse who had a wheelchair. Y/N was breathing heavily and rubbing her stomach and doing some breathing exercises that she had read about and learned from Carole and Judy. 
“Ok, we’re going to get you all up to labor and delivery and we’ll be on our way.” She said and they nodded as she was being wheeled up to an elevator. Bradley and Jake had been right behind them capturing the first available spot open. A few minutes later everyone was there and heading in behind them. When they reached the floor everyone waited out in the lobby. Dr. Hayes was called and had luckily been there at the hospital. They got Y/N settled in a room and now they had to wait. She was nervous but ready. Her contractions were close together but she was not yet 10 cm dilated. 
“I want Dad and Pops in the delivery room with us.” Y/N said as she laid in the hospital room and Mason nodded he understood and he wanted his parents in there too but wasn’t going to say anything but he didn’t need to “I also want Bob and Judy too.” She said and Mason almost cried he loved this woman. Nurses and Dr. Hayes was in and out and they were glad that she had reached 10 cm after 15 hrs,3 AM on February 12th they left the house at 12:20 PM February 11th . They voiced their requests to Dr. Hayes and she nodded before they knew it Jake, Bradley, Bob, and Judy were in the room. 
“Everyone is out there waiting to meet this bundle of joy.” Jake said and Mason and Y/N smiled they loved The Daggers after all they helped raise them. They stood off to the side and waited to be told what to do.
“Ok, Momma, next contraction I want you to push.” Dr. Hayes said and Y/N nodded breathing heavily. The next contraction hit and she pushed.
“You’re doing great.” Mason said she gave him a glare.
“You are never touching me again.” She said and everyone chuckled having heard the threats before. 
“You got it, Darling.” Mason said, pushing her hair away from her sweaty forehead.
“I fucking hate you.” She said on the next contraction. She took a break.
“Almost there, Momma. The baby is crowning.” Dr. Hayes said and Y/N laid back for a brief moment.
“You got this Y/N/N.” Bob said and she didn’t say anything. 
“You’re doing great and I love you so much.” Mason said and kissed her forehead. 
“Get the fuck out.” She said looking at him and he looked surprised but was getting ready to walk out when she burst out crying “No, don’t go! I’m sorry.” She said and Mason knew it was the pain talking so he wasn’t going to hold it against her.  “Daddy, Pops?” She asked and they walked up to her.
“We’re here, Honey.” Bradley said hating the pain that their daughter was going through.
“You’re doing great, Sweets.” Jake said and she nodded her head with tears running down her face. They were worried especially after what had happened to Dakota but they knew Y/N was strong and could pull through this. Dakota was strong too but something in her body wasn’t and it ended in tragedy.
“You’re doing great.” Dr. Hayes said and Mason kissed her head and the next contraction hit and she pushed. “Ok, I see the head. Push hard.” She said and Y/N did and then the pressure was released and the sweet sound of a baby crying was heard. “Congratulations, Mom and Dad. You have a healthy baby boy that has a set of lungs on him.” She said and Mason and Y/N smiled “Dad, do you want to cut the cord?” She asked and Mason nodded. She showed him where to cut and the baby was placed on the chest of Y/N and the baby boy immediately settled down. “Do we have a name?”
“Yes.” Mason said and looked at Y/N and nodded.
“Ethan Dakota Floyd.” She said as Ethan was taken away to be cleaned up and when he wasn’t in his mother’s arms he was using those lungs. He was quickly cleaned up and handed back to her. Jake started to cry when he heard the name granted everyone was crying when he was born but that just made him cry harder. Once everything was clear and the placenta was passed Dr. Hayes and the nurses left and Y/N and Mason were taken to the maternity ward while Mason went and let everyone know what they had and everyone cheered and congratulated them. 
Once she was up for visitors everyone came and saw and then left Carole, Goose, Maverick, Ice, and Slider promised to be back and said that they wanted the parents and the now parents to spend time together. Everyone understood. When they left Y/N let out a yawn. “Go to sleep, Darling. Ethan is fine, especially with everyone here.” Mason said and she nodded and closed her eyes and fell asleep. Mason held his baby boy and looked at him in awe, many pictures were taken and the parents smiled. Each of them got to hold little Ethan and he fussed but soon settled down and was sleeping away. When Mason let out a yawn he pulled up a chair and fell asleep after everyone said it was ok. Mason grabbed Y/N’s hand and they slept peacefully. 
Jake now had a hold of his grandson and he smiled at him “Hey, Ethan. You’re going to be one loved little boy. You’re so lucky to have Y/N and Mason as your parents.” He said and smiled again when his eyes opened for a brief moment to show those bright blue eyes and the gummy smile and then went back to sleep. It took him back to when he first held Y/N and she did that.
It had been after they removed Dakota’s body and moved Jake and Bradley to another room. Jake had a hold of Y/N. There was still pain from losing his sister but all that disappeared when his little girl opened her eyes to look at him and then smiled and fell back to sleep but not before putting a small hand on his cheek. He just started to bawl. He made a promise to her and he promised not to break it. 
After a few minutes Bradley was making grabby hands towards his grandson and Jake reluctantly handed him over. Ethan cried for a brief second not liking to be away from the warmth and that made Y/N and Mason stir but Ethan quickly settled down. Bradley smiled at the movement; it was the same one Y/N did when she was passed to Bradley from Jake.
Jake had wanted to go and get something to eat for the both of them so he passed their little girl off to Bradley. Y/N cried for the briefest moment but when she felt that she was in his arms she settled down and curled into him. He just smiled, “You’re already so loved.” He told her and she smiled back and wrapped the tiniest hand around his finger. She just looked so small in the arms of the Naval Aviator.
Bradley and Jake just kept flashing back to when they held their daughter and each time it brought tears to their eyes. Now they were here with their daughter who just had her first kid. Judy and Bob loved little Baby Ethan so much too. They were shocked when they heard the news about them being pregnant but supported them and now that Ethan was here it was worth it. 
Bradley and Jake just kept flashing back to when they held their daughter and each time it brought tears to their eyes. Now they were here with their daughter who just had her first kid. Judy and Bob loved little Baby Ethan so much too. They were shocked when they heard the news about them being pregnant but supported them and now that Ethan was here it was worth it. 
When both Mason and Y/N were up a nurse came in and said it was time for a feeding. Bob, Judy, Jake, and Bradley stepped out of the room while the parents learned how to feed. It was decided that Y/N would breastfeed Ethan. So they were shown how to make him latch and immediately and each time Ethan latched and they laughed he was definitely going to be like his daddy and love food. Once everything was taken care of the grandparents came back in. Every hour a nurse came in to check on them and offered to take Ethan down to the nursery but they refused wanting to spend every second with them and they had other people in the room if Y/N needed a break. The nurse nodded and understood but to let her know if they changed their mind. 
Carole, Goose, Maverick, and Ice all came in and saw the little baby boy that looked like the perfect mix of Y/N and Mason. Ethan took a huge liking to all of them, especially Goose and he made it known and they knew Goose would never live that down, then again Y/N was the same way.
 Y/N and Mason couldn’t wait to take Ethan home and begin their lives. Jake was right, they are and were going to be great parents but then again, they learned from the best. They had the best support system and help when they needed it. They were glad they had them in their lives.
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callsign-dexter · 8 months
Love's Unexpected Gift
Summary/Request: Hi love 💕
I absolutely adore the hangster X daughter serie!
If you would like, no problem if you don't like this idea but how would they react after finding a positive pregnancy test in their teen daughters bathroom on the day the daggers are over helping them clean.
Pairings: Bradshaw-Seresin!Reader x OC Mason Floyd, Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Jake Seresin x Bradley Bradshaw
Warnings: implied smut, angst, fluff, talk about abortion, pregnancy
Our Little Girl
Prequel: Love's Unexpected Gift
Sequel: The Gift of Love’s Arrival
A/N: after going back and forth with @multifandomlover4life, @justabigassnerd, and @maverick-wingman about how to do write this, this is what my mind came up with at 12 AM. I hope you enjoy!
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Every spring Jake, Bradley, and Y/N do a little bit of summer cleaning and changing winter clothes out for summer clothes and it never fails. They would have all of The Daggers over and they would help out claiming they have nothing better to do but in reality, they don’t want to do it at their houses. Nothing exciting ever was found expect on this one fateful spring afternoon. Everyone’s lives changed especially Jake’s, Bradley’s, and Bob’s. Nobody knew how to react especially not the fathers of the two 18-year-olds that had just finished their senior year of high school.
It was a Friday night when The Daggers were at The Hard Deck having a couple of drinks after having ended a pretty successful work day. It wasn’t that terribly crowded in the bar that had become a regular part of their lives. Everyone was feeling pretty good about how the day of teaching the new Top Gun cadets. The subject of cleaning came up and how everyone needed to do it.
“Since everyone doesn’t want to clean their own houses. Why don’t you come and help us with ours? Ever since we moved to the bigger place, we have found it harder for us three to clean it.” Bradley said and everyone thought about it.
“I’ll be there.” Bob said. Ever since Bob’s son and Y/N started dating Jake, Bradley, and Bob had started to hang out a lot more. They had already hung out while at work and were already close but this just made them closer.
“I would love to.” Nat said and then everyone else agreed. Goose, Carole, Maverick, and Ice would have agreed to help but they had already had plans that they absolutely needed to get done.
“How is Y/N and Mason doing?” Javy asked the parents of the two kids.
“They’re doing good. They’re together pretty much every day.” Jake said
“They’re a perfect couple.” Mickey said and everyone smiled and agreed with him. They loved the kids and they all had a part of raising the two kids and they loved them dearly. They had no idea what they were dealing with at home right now however.
Mason was holding a crying Y/N on the bathroom floor against the tub. The tears were one of shock and being scared. She loved the thought of having kids with Mason someday and maybe now was too early but they loved each other and Mason was not going anywhere anytime soon. She wouldn’t be giving this kid up or aborting it she wouldn’t have the heart to do it. Mason was scared as well but he too wanted kids with her.
Y/N had been feeling sick the past few mornings and she didn’t know why and it was concerning her. She brought this up to Mason and he was concerned for his girlfriend so he had suggested to get a pregnancy test and she agreed. When he was coming over, he stopped at the drug store and bought a couple of tests and headed over to her house. They were going to be alone due to The Daggers having their night out after work.
When Mason got there, they immediately went to her room and into her connected bathroom. Jake, Bradley, and Bob were ok with leaving them alone because they trusted their kids. They raised them to be good kids. When the topic of sex came up, they sat them down and gave them the talk and told them to be safe. Y/N took the tests and waited the required time for them to be done they began to talk, once she allowed him into the bathroom.
“What if I am pregnant?” She asked her boyfriend of 3 years going on 4.
“Then we’ll get through it. You’re going to be a great mom.” He said and smiled and she smiled back. He always knew the right things to say, he must get that from Bob.
“You’re going to be a great dad.” She said to him and he smiled and kissed her. When they broke apart the timer had gone off and she took a breath and walked over to them and looked at them and began to cry. She would’ve collapsed on the ground it if weren’t for Mason catching her and bringing her down to the floor. She crawled over to the tub and leaned against it clutching the tests.
“What is it baby?” Mason asked her and she showed him the tests and he looked at them as she began to speak.
“I’m pregnant.” She said
“That’s great Baby. Unexpected yes but its great.” He said trying to cheer her up.
“I’m scared Mason.” She told and he nodded and held her tighter.
“I’m scared to but we’ll get through this.” He said to her and kissed the top of her head and then rested his chin on top of it.
“How did this happen? We were safe.” Y/N said and he nodded.
“I know Baby.” He said as she sniffled and he hugged her tighter. “Wait, the condom broke. Remember? We talked about it.” He said realization coming to his face and then her’s. The condom had broken after having slow passionate sex after graduation. After he had taken it off, he saw the tear and alerted his girlfriend. They both said that they would wait a few days and then see if something happened. That was a week ago.
“What are we going to tell our parents? I don’t want to abort it or give it up” She asked him.
“We’ll find a way and the right time. I’m with you every step of the way. I want this baby too but will support whatever decision you make. It’s late. Let’s go to bed yea?” Mason asked and she nodded and cried harder. She buried the tests deep into the trash and they got ready for bed in silence. Mason held her while she cried herself to sleep and once he knew that she was asleep he went to sleep.
When Jake and Bradley got home, they weren’t surprised to Mason’s truck there. He was either over at their house or Y/N was over at Mason’s house. It was a normal now. Jake and Bradley quietly walked into the house to find it silent but then again it was late at night. They walked upstairs and checked in on them and smiled to find them curled up with each other sound asleep. They left them alone and then got ready themselves for bed and were mentally preparing for the day ahead of them.
The next morning Bradley and Jake were up before the Y/N and Mason getting breakfast ready and some of The Daggers were coming over for breakfast as well. The smell of bacon and pancakes woke Mason and Y/N up and they groggily headed downstairs to be greeted by the earliest risers that they had seen.
“Morning Pops and Dad.” Y/N said and walked over and greeted them with a kiss on their cheeks.
“Good morning, Bradley and Jake.” Mason said now on a first name basis with them after they repeatedly told him to call them by their first names.
“Good morning, Sweets and Mason.” Jake said
“Good morning, guys. How did you sleep?” Bradley asked handing them both a plate of food.
“We slept good.” Y/N said and Mason nodded in agreement.
“That’s great. Hey, we have The Daggers coming over to help with some summer cleaning. You’re welcome to help.” Bradley said
“We actually planned on going to see a moive this morning but we can bring lunch back and help afterwards.” Y/N said and they nodded.
“That’s perfectly fine. Let us know when you’re coming back and we’ll tell you what we decide on.” Jake said and smiled at them as the doorbell rang and Bradley went to open it. The first one to arrive was Bob, he walked in and greeted Bradley and then went into the kitchen and saw his son, Y/N, and Jake. Jake turned around when he heard footsteps.
“Hey, Bob!” Jake exclaimed and then went back to cooking breakfast.
“Hey, Jake.” Bob said taking the plate of food that Bradley gave to him. Then he went and sat down next to his son and his girlfriend. “Good morning, Y/N and Mason.” He said turning his attention to the couple.
“Good morning, Bob.” Y/N said taking a bite of her breakfast.
“Good morning, Dad.” Mason said to his father at the same time as Y/N said her good morning.
“Are you two going to be helping out today?” Bob asked as he took a bite of his food and Y/N shook her head.
“No, we had already planned on doing something this morning but I told Pops and Dad that we could pick up lunch and help out with the rest of the day.” Y/N said and he nodded.
“What do you have planned?” He asked
“There is a movie that we both wanted to see and we had already bought tickets. I didn’t think Dad and Pops would be cleaning today.” Y/N said feeling a little guilty.
“Honey, it’s ok. Go to the movie and plan out what we talked about.” Bradley said walking over with his plate and sitting down and the doorbell rang and Jake went to open it. Greetings were heard and then The Daggers walked in. Everyone greeted each other and Mason and Y/N were off to their movie.
The Daggers got to work after cleaning the table but not before they decided on what they wanted to eat for lunch and then Bradley texted Y/N. When something that looked important came up, they would go to Bradley or Jake to ask them if it was important. They cleaned all the rooms and did the showers, sinks, and toilets. Nothing too interesting was found throughout the house that is until Natasha got to Y/N’s bathroom she had volunteered to clean her room and her bathroom since she was female and Y/N trusted her, yes, she trusted her fathers but when it comes to female things, she trusted Nat.
Natasha had just gotten to the bathroom Javy had joined her. As she was going to get the trash the garbage can hit the corner of the counter and the contents spilled. Nothing that would scar Javy was in there but something caught her eye. Two positive pregnancy tests. She cleaned up the trash and then set the garbage can down. She slowly picked the tests up and was glad they were capped and looked at them. She and Javy had been talking and when she stopped talking, he turned and looked at her.
“Is that what I think it is?” Javy asked coming over to inspect the tests and Nat nodded her head.
“Yup, Bob, Jake, and Bradley are going to become grandparents.” Natasha said
“Should we go and tell the future grandparents?” Javy asked
“It’s not our place to tell but they need to know what we found.” Natasha said and he nodded. Before they could leave the bathroom, Jake had come in.
“Hey Nat- “He began but stopped when he saw what she was holding. Jake’s face went through so many emotions that Javy and Nat didn’t know if it was possible to do so. “Is that what I think it is?” He asked hoping it was a joke.
“Jake- “Javy said and Jake laughed.
“Good joke guys. Really good a positive pregnancy test. You had me there for a moment.” He said but when they didn’t laugh, he stopped laughing and turned serious to raging father in just a few seconds that it actually scared Javy and Nat. “Bradley! Get your ass in here!” Jake yelled out and, in a few seconds, he was in his daughter’s bedroom where he saw a furious Jake, and an unreadable emotion of Javy and Natasha. Then he saw the pregnancy tests.
“Jake.” Bradley said slowly. Jake turned towards his husband.
“Our little girl is pregnant.” Jake said furiously.
“We don’t know that.” Bradley said “It could be someone else. Maybe a friend.” Bradley said trying to reason with his outraged husband.
“She would’ve told us if it was one of her friends. She also would’ve told us if it was hers.” Jake said practically seething. “We’ve told her she could come to us if something was up. We raised her that way.” He said and Bradley nodded.
When they heard Mason’s truck pull into the driveway Jake was already rushing downstairs to meet the 18-year-old couple. They had just walked into the house with food and she smiled when she saw her Pops, followed by Nat, Javy, and her Dad. But when she saw his face and he wasn’t smiling her face fell. Mason looked at saw the look and grabbed her and pulled her into his side protecting her and their unborn child. Y/N was scared and confused until she saw the pregnancy tests and her face paled and she shrunk into Mason.
“Tell me this is not yours.” Jake said and waved the tests around and she didn’t speak and neither did Mason his face turned beet read. “Robert Floyd!” He yelled and went to where he was and stormed up to him.
“Yes- “He started but didn’t get a chance to say anything because he was thrown into the nearby wall.
“I’m gonna kill you. You know why?” He asked and Bob shook his head too scared to speak. “Because I can’t kill your son because he’s the father of my daughter’s unborn child.” Jake said just as everyone rushed into the guest room.
“Jake, let him go.” Bradley said and was grabbing onto his shoulders
“Pops let him go.” Y/N said and then after a few seconds Bradley pulled him off of Bob but that is only after Y/N said something.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Bob said finally finding the strength to talk. Jake then showed him the two positive pregnancy tests and his face fell and he looked over at his son.
“Is this true?” Bob asked Mason and Y/N and they both nodded.
“Yes. We just found out.” Y/N said
“Let’s go in the living room to talk.” Bradley said everyone nodded.
“Javy, Nat, and Ruben let’s stay here and let the parents and kids talk” Mickey said and the rest agreed.
When the 5 of them reached the living room the kids sat on the couch and the parents stood in front of them. “Tell us what happened.” Jake asked and they looked at him and he rolled his eyes. “I know how it happened. I want to know how and why it happened.” He explained.
“It was after graduation. We used a condom. We did. But afterwards we found out it broke. That was a week ago. We just thought that we would see what would happen but when I started to get sick and smells bothered me, I had Mason get pregnancy tests before he came over last night. We officially found out last night.” Y/N explained and she looked down and tears began to fall. “I’m sorry Pops, Dad, and Bob. We didn’t mean for this to happen.” She spoke.
“We really didn’t but we talked and we both want to keep this baby.” Mason added and everyone was silent.
“Are you absolutely sure with this decision?” Bob asked the both of them and they nodded.
“Dad, I love her and want to marry her. I want to have kids with her.” Mason said whole heartedly. Y/N looked at him with tears in her eyes, they talked about kids but not marriage and she felt the exact same way. Bardley, Jake, and Bob looked at him and they could tell he was serious.
“You really mean that?” Y/N asked him and he turned to look at her and nodded.
“Every word of it.” He said and Y/N crashed her lips onto his and they only broke apart when Jake cleared his throat and they turned to look at their parents.
“Even though we’re not thrilled about the situation of how it happened or the timing. We are happy for both of you and will support you both all the way. All three of us love you. You both can come to us at any time. Now come here and give us a hug.” Bradley said and Mason and Y/N did just that.
“We love you three so much.” Y/N said and then The Daggers came out of the room having heard the conversation end. They broke apart and looked at them.
“I take it you heard?” Y/N asked and everyone nodded and said their congratulations to both the couple and the parents and hugs went around. “I’m hungry. Let’s eat.” She said and they laughed she was like that to begin with, she got that from both Jake and Bradley.
“Wait until your grandparents find out that they're going to be great-grandparents.” Jake said as they began to eat and everyone chuckled. Everyone but Mason and Y/N that is instead they looked at each other they hadn't thought of telling them. It was definitely going to be interesting, that’s for sure.
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