#jaller trix
comm-caribou · 2 years
Chapter Eleven: Bedtime Stories:
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: violence, torture, blood, death, suggestive content (let me know if I missed any!)
“Ad’ika? Where are you little one?”
The heavy boots entered his bedroom. She could see the soles of his black, metal boots walk around his room. His toe kicking a plushie that poked out from under the bed.
His gloved hand picked up the toy, “well, hello Tibby. Have you seen a little girl? Blonde hair, eyes like mine?”
Covering her mouth, she giggled.
Her father made an amused humming noise.
Then, he got down on his knees, and laid on his stomach. He folded his arms, and rested his head on his arm, smiling at his little daughter.
“Hello, ad’ika,” he cooed, “what are you doing?”
“Waiting for you,” she crawled to him, “I want another story.”
“Another one?” He laughed, “I just put you to bed.”
Juliette balled her fists under her chin, pouting her bottom lip, “please?”
He exaggerated a sigh, then held out his arms, “come here, little baby. What story do you want?”
She crawled into his arms, “when you met mom.”
“That one?” Her father got up, “again?”
“It’s my favorite one,” she snuggled into him. “Pretty please?”
He handed her Tibby, and kissed her forehead.
“Let’s see…” he pretended to think, even though he told it a million times already.
It was the first story he ever told her.
Little tiny hands, wrapped around his finger.
A little button nose, a pouty lip, and swollen cheeks from her hard day of sleeping and looking too cute for words.
Jaller couldn’t get enough of that little bundle in her bassinet next to the bed. It didn’t matter what his daughter did, she was precious in every moment.
“Would you leave her be?” Almyra rubbed his shoulders, “a girl needs some privacy.”
“But she’s holding me,” Jaller pouted at his wife, “she doesn’t want her buir to go.”
“It’s just a reflex,” Almyra tapped his nose, “sorry to burst your bubble.”
Jaller sighed, and slipped away from her grip.
He got up, ready to head down to the kitchenette and prepare dinner with his doting, killer wife.
As his foot touched the first rail, Juliette’s little cry began. Her tiny hands stretched out of the bassinet, looking for him.
He looked down at Almyra, pleading with just his eyes.
She sighed, “go get her.”
Jaller went back to bassinet, and picked up his bundle.
“Don’t cry, ad’ika.” He kissed her forehead, “your buir is here. Your buir is not going to leave you, little one.”
Her cry subsided, and she laid quietly in his arms.
“Such a daddy’s girl,” he sat down on the bed, “do you want a story, my baby?”
“Jaller, get off of my lap.”
Almyra shoved her husband away from her pregnant stomach. She did find it cute though, this Mandalorian foundling always took jobs guarding the helpless, including kids. Now that she was carrying his own flesh and blood, he was all over her. Soaking up every moment he could, like a moth drawn to a flame.
Jaller looked up at her with big, golden eyes.
Almyra groaned, “you can tell her a story, if you rub my feet.”
Jaller smiled, “anything for you, cyar’ika.”
He sat on the floor, taking one of her swollen feet in his rough hands.
“Let’s see… once, there was a Mandalorian on a job,” he began, “he stepped out into the bright sun, searching for danger. He thought he was safe, but little did he know there was an assassin watching.”
Almyra laughed, “is this how we met?”
Jaller was blushing, “it’s my favorite story.”
“I was going to shoot you in the head.” Almyra leaned down as far as her nine month belly would allow her to bend.
“But you didn’t,” he sat up on his knees, and caressed her face, “you chose me over the job.”
“I couldn’t get over how dopey you were,” she kissed his lips, “such a threat, yet so oblivious.”
“That’s why you’re the brains,” he brushed his nose against her’s.
Almyra smiled, then relaxed into the couch, “so, tell your girls your version of this tale.”
Jaller sat back down, smiling, “as I was saying…”
Almyra laid on her stomach, with a black armored Mandalorian in her crosshairs. She watched through her scope, steadying her rifle.
The Mando looked slowly from side-to-side.
What’s so special about this guy? Almyra wondered, he’s short and all beskar. I doubt there’s really any muscle under that gear.
She placed her finger on the trigger, lining his head up. It’d be a hard hit, but she was sure she’d get him through the T-slit of his helmet.
He’d be worth more alive, but if he was as dangerous as they say, he’d be easier to bring in dead.
Her finger hovered, feeling old wounds replay in her mended bones and healed bruises. Recovery was always the worst part of these easier options.
He waved his hand, and out ran a small child to the balcony. It was a little boy, smiling as he beckoned the Mando over.
Her finger stayed on the trigger, but the tension left.
The Mando walked closer, and scooped up the kid. He placed him on his shoulder, and began pointing to the clouds in the sky.
Almyra moved her rifle away.
Great, I can’t shoot him if he’s got a kid with him. I’m not a monster. She packed up her gun, now I have to wait. This guy better not be some big marshmallow.
Jaller walked the kid to his school, holding his hand as he excitedly rambled about trains.
Although he processed every word, he was keeping an eye on his shadow following after them in all black.
Definitely an assassin.
He walked the Senator’s son to the door, and held it open until all the kids ran into the building.
Many hugged his leg, and held up their hands for high-fives. He kept the assassin sighted, as he tapped each hand with his own and pat their their little heads.
Yes, yes. All of you are very cute. I want ten just like you.
The last child was always the same. A little girl who always gave him a flower with half its petals already fallen off.
“Thank you, little princess,” he took the flower, “have a wonderful day.”
She curtsied, and ran through the door as he shut it behind her.
Especially you. I want a kid just like you.
Next, he turned back to where his assassin was hiding.
She’s gone! Osik!
Before he could consider running into the school, something tapped his helmet. Their knocking echoed in his ears as he lifted his head up.
The assassin hung off the ledge behind him, green eyes piecing through his soul.
“Be honest with me, tiny,” she jutted her chin up, “is your head actually worth a million credits?”
“A million?” Jaller chuckled, “I’m surprised it’s worth one single credit.”
Her eyes crinkled into a smile, “maybe I’ll get you later then.”
“Only if you’re lucky,” he stood on his toes, my job is over once I deliver the kid from school.
She crawled off, and disappeared again.
Note to self, avoid her.
Almyra ran and jumped from building to building, chasing after the Mando as he ran through the uncrowded alleys.
He took a sharp turn, almost slipping.
She took aim, shooting him with her rifle set to stun.
It hit his leg, and he stumbled forward a few steps before his legs gave up completely. Then he began crawling using his arms to drag him.
He’s determined, she hopped down, I like that.
He lifted his head up, “here to collect your million credits?”
“If you knew I wanted to kill you, why didn’t you kill me first?” Almyra knelt down. “You stupid or something?”
“Or something,” he lowered his helmet. “Let’s just get this ov-“
She gripped his wrist, and dragged him.
“Excuse you!” He scoffed, “you’re ruining my armor!”
“Shut up,” she dragged him into an abandoned building, “you’re my prisoner.”
Jaller pulled on his binds, very uncomfortable with the situation he was in. Of all the times he was captured and held prisoner, strapped to a rundown motel’s bed was not one he liked.
“Madam,” Jaller felt his cheeks burning under his helmet, “I request to be released now. This isn’t funny!”
She appeared over him, green eyes gleaming mischievously as she twirled a knife in her hands.
“At least give me some dignity,” he tried, “this is a little too vulnerable for my liking.”
She smiled, leaning over the headboard, “are you not comfortable?”
He swallowed, “you’re her, aren’t you? The Living Weapon.”
“What gave me away?” She removed her mask, “was it the toying? I do love to play with my prey before I gut them.”
The scar that ran from her corner lip to her ear was all the confirmation he needed. This was the one that everyone whispered about, the one who was indestructible. If she wanted him, his head was already being served on a silver platter to her bosses.
Jaller pulled on the binds, breathing hard as he struggled to get loose.
“I’m just a bodyguard,” he protested, “I’m not like the other Mandos. I was just raised by them.”
She lifted up his helmet, holding the knife over his eye.
He was trembling now, “I’m just trying to find my way. I’m not my mother.”
“And where is Julietta Trix?” She placed a hand to his throat, “I’m sure she’d pay a big bounty for her baby back. Even if he’s a dumb, whiny, grown man.”
He kept pulling on his binds, “I’m not whiny.”
“But you are dumb,” she dragged the flat edge of the knife along his cheek.
He pulled harder, “are you trying to kill me, or seduce me?”
“You’re not my type,” she squeezed his throat. “Maybe if you were taller I’d give you a chance.”
He gritted his teeth, and gave one hard pull. Luck was on his side when he broke the bedpost and freed his hand. Without a second to lose, he brought his fist back and straight into the side of her head.
With no time to react, her head bounced into the wall, and down she went to the floor unconscious.
Still pumping with adrenaline, Jaller fumbled with his other binds, and freed himself. He got up, and stumbled out of the bed, looming over her.
A part of him wanted to leave her. This assassin was sent to kill him or capture him, he had no reason to pity her. Yet, he knelt down, brushing her hair back and moving the collar down.
As he suspected, there was a brand on the back of her neck.
She was a slave, he traced the mark, she could still be one.
He thought for a moment, then sighed.
I’m going to regret this.
Almyra’s head throbbed, and despite being in a nice dark space, it still felt too bright for her eyes.
She snuggled into the pillow under her head, curling into the blanket more. It was warm and soft, and the scent was comforting.
It smelled like soap trying to mimic the smell of tress and gun polish.
Like the Mando.
Her eyes shot open, and she sat up.
She was in a loft, consisting only of the bed she was in, a side table, a closed closet, and a refresher with its light on.
She lifted her wrists up, finding them bounded by cuffs. She lifted the expensive blanket, seeing her boots were taken off and her ankles were tied.
He actually got me.
“Good, you’re awake,” he came out of the refresher.
His hair was wet, and his face freshly shaved. What really had her attention was his skintight shirt hugging every muscle.
Okay… he’s kind of handsome…
He picked something off the floor, and set it on the side table.
A shopping bag?
“If you’re nice, I’ll untie you,” he said, “then you can take a shower.”
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” She rolled her eyes, “you’re not getting a free show, pervert.”
“I’m not going to watch,” he blushed.
Almyra turned away, “look, the only reason I didn’t kill your right away was because you were with those kids. Now that you’re no longer their bodyguard, I have no reason to hold back.”
“Well,” he moved closer, “thank you for not scarring my little clients for life.”
She turned to him, studying his soft face, “I guess you’re welcome.”
He took her wrists, and unlocked her cuffs.
“You’re going to regret letting me loose,” she stated.
“I might,” he agreed. “If you need me, I’ll be piloting my ship.”
Scrolling through the jobs, Jaller found his name.
So, I am a target. Lovely.
He rubbed his chin, reading the information. He was worth more alive than dead, but from his reading it seemed he was going to be used as bait to get to his mother.
Poor idiots. She’s already dead.
He rolled a blue stone in his hand, sighing as he stared off into hyperspace.
When she found him, he was just a little kid. Both parents dead, no family, living on the streets off of table scraps and garbage.
He was sick when the gray armored warrior appeared. From her large frame and towering height, he thought she was a man.
When she wrapped him in a blanket, cuddling him close to her armored bosom, he realized the soft humming was coming from her and he was safe.
Julietta Trix was already in her fifties, with no husband and no children of her own. She was a black sheep in her family.
A successfully wealthy black sheep.
This ship and her fortune was her final gift to him before she died just entering her eighties still fighting.
The chair across from him shifted, and his new friend sat down. Her blonde hair wet smelling of florals, dressed in clean new clothes that were a little too baggy for her.
“I figured bigger would be better,” Jaller said quietly, “I will purchase you better clothes when we get to-“
“It’s fine,” she said quietly. “You don’t have to be nice to me before you let your mother slaughter me.”
“Julietta Trix is dead,” he stated. “I just haven’t spread the word yet, so there’s no reward for your employer.”
She stayed quiet, then smiled, “but there is still an award for delivering you.”
Jaller studied her, “if money is so important to you, I’ll give you the credits you’d get from capturing me alive.”
“No,” her eyes gleamed with mischief, “I’m turning you in, collecting the award, and breaking you out.”
“What a crazy idea,” Jaller smiled, “you better come get me then.”
“Excellent,” her boss pulled Jaller up by his dark, brown hair, “you did well, my weapon.”
She still felt bad about the bruises on his face, but he wanted it to look like a real struggle occurred.
“I brought him alive,” Almyra placed a hand on her hip, “you said that’s worth three million.”
Flicking his tongue, her wormlike boss snapped his fingers and some men dragged Jaller off, while another stepped forward with a case.
He opened it, showing her the glittering award.
Goodbye hand-me-downs and second-hand finds, hello easy life.
He closed the case, and handed it to her.
“Pleasure doing business with you,” she said, now comes the hard part.
They stripped him of his armor, and suspended him from the ceiling by his arms. His shoulders screamed in pain from how they chose to bind his wrists.
At least the bed was comfortable. I’d take that humiliation over this kind.
A slimy looking creature slithered in, flicking his tongue as he circled Jaller.
Almyra, you better not leave me hanging. Literally.
“So, this is the son of the clan Gales? Quite small if you ask me,” he chuckled to himself, “we’ve sent word out to your mother. If you’re lucky, she’ll respond soon. Otherwise, you’ll be quite unrecognizable when she gets here.”
Jaller groaned, “of course, I’m going to be tortured. How original.”
As soon he said it, electricity pulsed through his body, enough to make him scream.
Almyra threw the case on the copilot seat.
Technically I didn’t really promise I’d come for him.
She moved to the pilot’s chair.
Why should I care? He’s just a dumb bounty hunter or bodyguard. Just because he did a few small favors for me doesn’t mean I owe him a rescue.
She sat down.
Mandalorians are a clan. Just because his mother is dead doesn’t mean others won’t come for him. He’s not alone like me.
Her hand hovered the startup, when a pinging caught her ear. All her life, Almyra had excellent hearing, and this noise echoed within the ship.
She stood, closing her eyes as she pinpointed the sound, blindly walking across the hull.
She opened her eyes to a closet, and opened it.
Her heart dropped as helmets rolled out at her feet, enough for a whole small clan.
The beeping continued, and she was drawn to a box that contained the sound.
Opening it, she found gray armor neatly piled inside.
Oh my stars…
Blood dripped to the floor.
It felt like hours past, and Jaller’s hope was beginning to dwindle as he hung from the ceiling barely able to touch the floor.
“Still no answer?” A henchman asked.
“No,” his partner growled, “I’m getting bored. Let’s do something more drastic.”
“Like what?”
“Cut off an ear perhaps?”
“Don’t we need the boss’s okay?”
Jaller tiredly lifted his head, “don’t you even-“
They electrocuted him again, laughing as his body violently jerked and shook.
Then, they cried out as he also dropped to the ground.
He laid there, feeling sick and exhausted.
“Jaller!” Almyra crotched down beside him, “I’m so sorry.”
“You should’ve just let me give you the money,” he grunted.
Her hand traced the unhealed burn scar on his back, “my stars…”
Groaning, he got up on his forearms, “where’s my armor?”
She snapped out of her daze, then began handing the pieces to him, “what happened to your back?”
“Not important,” Jaller pulled on his bodysuit, “we got to move.”
She kept looking at him, with pity.
He sighed, “you saw the skeletons in my closet.”
“You’re the last of your clan,” Almyra said, “aren’t you?”
Snapping all his armor in place, Jaller weakly got up, “my clan is dead, I am what’s left of it. So what?”
He slipped on his helmet, and sorely stood up.
Almyra got up, and hurried along.
She gets her money, I drop her off, and then it’s over.
Jeez, how much were they planning to get for this guy?
Plasma bolts whizzed past her head as she ducked behind the wall. She looked around, before settling on the vents.
Jaller covered her, “reminder I won’t fit in there.”
“Which is why I’m going to get behind them and meet you in the middle,” Almyra crawled in, “don’t die!”
“No promises!” Jaller called back.
She hurried through, and jumped out behind the crowd. She began blasting her way back to Jaller, relieved when he body slammed his way through the crowd to be back-to-back with her.
I got to say, she smiled under her mask, he is growing on me.
Right across her face, a fist collided with knocking her mask right off her jaw.
As she went down, she saw Jaller aim his gun and blow her attacker’s head off, then the door panel.
With them now locked in, it was calm again.
He then held out his hand, “are you alright, my dear?”
My dear?!
She slid her hand into his, “I think so?”
“Let’s get out of here then,” Jaller pulled her up, then collected her mask, “before they blow my ship up.”
There was a pause, and he just stared at her.
“You can let go of my hand now,” he said softly, “I’m not the type to leave people behind.”
She quickly released his hand like it had burned her, and hurried along behind him.
Darn it! What’s wrong with me?
Jaller started his ship, panting and heaving.
That was not worth three million credits!
Almyra sat in the chair beside him, sinking into the chair exhausted with a bruised cheek. She helped powered up the ship, and they both got away before the money hungry worms could make it outside.
Jaller then turned to her, taking off his helmet, “there. You got three million credits, it’s all yours. Now, where am I bringing you?”
Almyra stayed quiet.
“Almyra, where am I taking you?”
Does she have any place?
She turned to him cooly, “your bed.”
He felt his face flare up, “m-my bed?”
“I’m tired,” Almyra blushed, “I want a nap.”
He relaxed, exhaling.
“Also, the fact that you’re a gentleman and wear a metal suit makes you really attractive despite your height,” Almyra continued, “and I kind of want to tie you to the bed again.”
He gripped the controls, biting his bottom lip as his face burned with all his blood.
“Too strong an approach?”
“Just a smidge, my dear.”
“I did not ask you to bed that day,” Almyra corrected as Jaller kissed her stomach.
“Yes, you did,” Jaller smiled, “I know because I was terrified of you.”
She rolled her eyes smiling, “listen, little baby of mine, your father is lying.”
She felt her kick inside her stomach.
I can’t wait to meet you, little girl.
He held tiny Juliette in his arms, pacing around the ship.
“Your mother tried to kill me,” Jaller smiled, “and it was the best day of my life, even if I got this scar on my face now.”
Almyra came over, kissing Juliette’s chubby cheek.
“Your daddy will have more scars if he tells you I dragged him to bed that night.”
Jaller smirked, “what about the fact you made fun of me for being short and dumb.”
“Which you still are,” she kissed his cheek, “but you’re also hot.”
Jaller turned to Juliette, “hear that? Your mom thinks I’m hot.”
“And dumb and short,” Almyra reminded.
“She loves me,” Jaller said softly, as Juliette slept.
Her eyelids felt heavy as her buir tucked her in bed again. He placed Tibby in her arms, and a kiss on top of her head.
“I love you, Juliette,” her father softly whispered, “and I promise I’ll always protect you.”
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comm-caribou · 2 years
Meeting the Parents (part one):
Part two Part three
Synopsis: part of my high school AU for my Star Wars OCs, where everyone is still alive and no one dies. Juliette’s parents learn their teenage daughter is hanging out some new friends versus the old ones they met/remember from elementary and middle school. With both parents going away for a business trip during a very important weekend, it’s time they meet Juliette’s new friend group… of 20+ teenage boys.
“Bye, mom! Bye, buir!” Juliette called as she ran down the stairs, “I’m off to school!”
“Ad‘ika,” her father called from the kitchen, “I made you breakfast! I’ll drive you to school!”
Her mother snickered over her tea, “my dear, calm down. Our little girl is growing up.”
Juliette followed her nose to the kitchen, “I smell chocolate.”
“Chocolate chip pancakes,” he pointed his spatula to the mountain of them. “They’re still your favorite, aren’t they?”
Juliette dropped her book bag and sat down, “I guess I could eat one.”
Her smiled, doing a little happy dance of victory as he flipped the next batch.
“So, my dear daughter,” her mother set down her tea cup, “how come we haven’t seen any of your friends around lately?”
Juliette put two pancakes on her plate, “well, things are complicated. Micara, Faye, and Nala have cheerleading all the time, Anneliese does tutoring after school, Rani has all these clubs…”
She left out the part where she saw all their Snapchat and Instagram stories showing them all at the mall, movies, bowling, and everywhere else. They cut her from the group, more specifically Micara cut her out.
Her father frowned, “do you think they’ll be busy this weekend?”
Juliette sat down with her plate, “no offense, I don’t really feel like celebrating with them. I’d rather just do something with you guys!”
They were quiet, and looked worriedly to each other.
She knew that look, and it made her heart sink.
“You two have a business trip,” Juliette put down her fork. “I’ll be alone for my sixteenth birthday…”
“We can cancel!” Her father picked up his cell, “push the trip back, perhaps?”
“We can’t.” Her mother said lowly, “this opportunity is too important.”
“So is our daughter,” her father said quietly.
“Jaller, we both have to be there,” her mother said, “maybe, we bring her?”
“She’ll be stuck in a stuffy hotel,” her father shook his head, “that’s not a happy birthday.”
Juliette sighed, as her phone began dinging.
Her parents continued their back and forth as she picked up her phone, finding the group chat exploding.
Cosmos: Starlight! Where are you?!!
Boomerang: are you sick? what are you symptoms?
Mirage: sun poisoning?
Keks: what the heck is sun poisoning?
Cooper: Means she got too much sun.
Keks: is that really a thing?
Shadow: *added a link*
Shadow: just googled it for you! it’s a thing!
Mirage: SHADOW!!!!
Boomerang: SUP SHADOW!!!!
Cooper: who added Shadow?
Hardwire: I did :)
Coyote: cool!
Dabbler: isnt fury and tracks in this too?
Track: ;p
Fury: Juliette still hasn’t answered the question…
Cosmos: STARLIGHT??!!? WHER RU?!?!!
Juliette giggled reading over their texts, especially since her other two main group chats were beginning to chat too.
“Something funny, ad’ika?” Her father asked.
Juliette grinned, “just some friends…”
Her mother narrowed her eyes, “what kind of friends?”
Juliette lifted her gaze, feeling a blush warm her face, “they’re just friends.”
“Are they boys?” Her mother pressed.
“Maybe,” she texted the chat.
“You’re too young to be dating!” Her father held his chest, “you’re still my little girl!”
“Jaller,” her mother sighed, “remember last year?”
“Oh yeah,” her father muttered, “Fang who went to private school. Well, no more boyfriends till your thirty.”
Juliette chewed on her cheek, “um… how do I tell you this? Uh… I have a boyfriend?”
Her father dropped the spatula, “Almyra, cancel the trip.”
“Jaller, my love, calm down,” her mother turned her attention to Juliette, “we need to meet him. Along with this other male friends of yours.”
Juliette groaned, then typed in the chat, “wait. All of them? Or just the ones in this chat?”
“All of them.” Almyra stated.
“How many are there?” Jaller nervously asked.
Juliette sucked in her teeth, “you might need to order ten or fifteen pizzas.”
Juliette: Calm yourselves, gentlemen
Juliette: I am safe at home eating pancakes
Keks: what kind? xD
Cooper: is food the only thing on your mind?
Keks: it’s a very important question!
Cosmos: Thank the stars! You’re okay!
Coyote: unrelated, what did you guys get for question 37 in the math homework?
Mirage: oh osik! we had homework?
Cooper: DUH!
Hardwire: when do we not?
Shadow: I got x=4.5
Tracks: *liked Shadow’s message*
Coyote: THANK YOU!!!!
Boomerang: same
Boomerang: you can copy my hw before in study hall pretty boy
Mirage: thanks doc!
Juliette: Chocolate chip!!!!!
Juliette: I’ll bring you some Keks!
Keks: YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cooper: -__-
Tracks: *liked Cooper’s message*
Fury: *liked Cooper’s message*
Hardwire: *liked Cooper’s message*
Cosmos: *liked Cooper’s message*
Boomerang: *liked Cooper’s message*
Mirage: *liked Cooper’s message*
Shadow: *liked Cooper’s message*
Keks: *liked Cooper’s message*
Keks: it’s spelt message :)
Cosmos: Children behave.
Tracks: *liked Cosmos’s message*
Boomerang: lol
Mirage: lol
Shadow: lol
Cooper: I hate it here.
Keks: :’(
Juliette: So…
Cosmos: Talk to me, Starlight :D
Fury: yes?
Hardwire: yes Juliette?!
Keks: JULIETTE?!?!
Mirage: hello?!?!
Dabbler: the suspense is killing us!
Juliette: Sorry! xD
Juliette: My parents want you all to come over for a pizza party thing. So they can meet my friends…?
Hardwire: okay!
Boomerang: can do!
Cosmos: Oh joy…
Fury: I’ll come, but your mom scares me
Mirage: omg! same!
Mirage: *liked Fury’s message*
Tracks: *liked Juliette’s message*
Keks: you had me at pizza!
Keks: please still bring the pancakes to school though
Keks: i’m hungry :(
Cooper: I literally watched you gulf down two bowls of cereal!
Keks: I’m a growing boy!
Cosmos: Take one guess.
Stickler: HARDWIRE!!!!!
Hardwire: *liked Stickler’s message*
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comm-caribou · 2 years
the hesitation before introducing them like “name, this is my family. guys, this is my… um, this is name.” for Juliette and Digger for the high school AU?
Oh ho! I know a perfect way to use this prompt that doesn’t contradict with Meeting the Parents! Please know I am extremely giddy over this now 😆😆
Writing Prompts here!
Adrenaline pumped through Juliette’s veins as she held her hand back. Her eyes trained on the girl running first leg, then passing to second, then to third, coming right for her.
Taking a few starting steps forward, she passed the baton one second after their rival school took off.
Gripping the metallic white and gold rod, Juliette took off fast on the red track.
She zoned out all the outside noises, and kept her eyes trained on the back of that girl running ahead of her.
The space closing between them, but not quick enough.
Her foot hit finished just two seconds before Juliette’s.
They slowed their pace into grass, panting as a volunteer read off their times on the crinkly, old loudspeaker that faced the metal bleachers.
“Hey,” first place panted, “good race.”
“Good race,” Juliette smiled.
Before she could say more, her team swept her up congratulating her and her team for first place in their event.
Juliette only got two words from her relay team in passing, “nice try.”
She sighed, turning in her baton and going to field side.
Boomerang ran over, holding up his hand, “second place, Princess! Way to go!”
A smile formed on her face as she hit his hand with her’s.
Mirage leaned off the railing, “that was amazing! Your feet barely touched the ground!”
On the cracking speakers, they announced boys next.
Juliette turned to the field, seeing Zombie warm up at start, Mutt waiting at second leg, Digger stretching at third, and Calico expecting his nails at final leg.
Despite all the boys on the field, she still looked at Digger.
He was getting into his zone. Stretching his calves as he muttered whatever his current warmup song was.
“Stop staring,” Boomerang nudged her, “I’m cuter than that jock.”
She giggled, turning to Boomerang, “well, we’ll always have forensics fourth period.”
Boomerang rolled his eyes, “why did we even watch that movie in that class?”
The start gun went off, and off they went.
Juliette’s gaze fell back on Digger, taking in his cute, determined furrow of his brow and adorable little bounce he did as Mutt grew closer.
He took off the second that baton hit his palm, and she couldn’t suppress her smile as he ran full speed to Calico.
“Don’t drool,” Boomerang whispered.
“I’m not!” Juliette blushed.
Digger handed the baton off, and Calico took off passing first in just two steps and leaving them all in the dust as he broke their record, again.
The home team cheered, and their school lost it with wild screaming and chanting for Calico, who—in typical Calico fashion—rolled his eyes and ignored them all as he high-fived Hound and took back his sweatshirt.
Digger jogged off the field with Mutt, making v-line to her.
“Hi,” Digger grabbed a towel from his duffel bag, “you did great, Angel.”
“Thank you,” Juliette smiled as her phone dinged.
She took it out as Digger dabbed his forehead.
Cosmos: your parents are here.
Cosmos: back of the bleachers by the school crest.
Juliette groaned.
“What?” Mutt asked, “bad news?”
“My parents are here,” Juliette looked at Digger.
Digger frowned, “I’ll make myself scarce.”
“What?” Mutt exclaimed, “why? Digger is great!”
“My mom was friends with Mika’s mom,” Juliette said.
“Oh osik,” Boomerang’s eyes widened.
“We didn’t have sex in a stairwell last year,” Digger groaned, “no one ever believes me.”
“I believe you,” Juliette brushed her hand over his, “my mom is just…”
“Scary.” Digger nodded, “I know.”
Zombie jogged over, “coach wants us, boys.”
“See you later, Angel,” Digger sighed.
“See you,” she frowned.
Juliette: Thanks for the heads up.
Cosmos: Don’t thank me
Cosmos: Fury spotted them. I was doing homework xD
The meet wrapped up, and Juliette walked up the bleachers to where Fury was guarding her stuff and reading their assigned English book.
“How is it?” Juliette stole his sweater and threw it on.
“Very unusual,” he hummed. “You ran great today.”
“I wasn’t fast enough to get us first,” she grumbled.
“Second leg was practically speed walking,” Fury closed his book, “you and third leg pulled all the weight.”
She smiled, “thanks, Fury.”
“Anytime,” he stood up.
Cosmos led her parents down to them, and her father was beaming.
“Ad’ika,” he held out his arms, “you were great!”
“Thank you, buir,” she hugged him, “I didn’t know you two were coming. I thought you were still out of town.”
“Came back a day early just to see you,” he declared. “Surprised?”
“Very,” she said.
Digger ran up the stairs, talking on his phone as he jogged past them. She heard him mention math homework, meaning he was looking for where Mirage disappeared to.
“So many Fetts,” her mother muttered.
“Mom!” Juliette barked.
Cosmos and Fury just awkwardly picked up their things, pretending they didn’t hear her.
“I’m just saying,” she rolled her eyes, “calm down, Juliette.”
Digger walked by, muttering song lyrics as he passed.
Her dad whipped around, “is that Mando’a?”
Digger paused, “yes, sir.”
Juliette shyly got between them, “Digger, this is my family. Guys, this is my…” I can’t say boyfriend! “Um, this is Digger.”
“Nice to meet you,” her buir shook his hand.
“Digger?” Her thought for a moment, “where have I heard that name before?”
Digger quickly said, “I was in the paper last week for breaking a discus record. Perhaps that is what you’re thinking of?”
She nodded, but Juliette could tell she was playing along and knew better.
“Digger!” Hound yelled, “our ride is here!”
“Coming!” Digger called, “a pleasure to meet you both.”
Juliette smiled, but already was dreading the ride home.
Cosmos must’ve sensed it, and asked, “Mr. Trix, could I have a ride home please?”
“Sure,” her father said, “always happy to. Fury, what about you?”
“I’m fine.” He answered, then said to Juliette, “I’ll get my sweater back later. Be safe.”
Fury walked off, with his bag tossed over his shoulder.
Cosmos: She knows.
Juliette: She definitely knows.
Juliette: And she’s going to kill me.
Cosmos chewed on his cheek, and began patting his pockets like he was looking for something.
“Mr. Trix,” Cosmos said, “I think I left my keys in my locker, and the school’s locked up till tomorrow.”
Pulling into their road, her buir said, “don’t worry about it, Cosmos. You can stay the night.”
Juliette: I love you!
Cosmos: I know :)
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comm-caribou · 2 years
I just stayed up till 2:00am writing a chapter about Juliette’s parents and can’t stop giggling at this dumb thing I did:
(Spoilers to book two below)
How Juliette treats the 952nd: “I found these traumatized armored men and have decided they’re mine now, and I will die for them.” *proceeds to buy them all little gifts and shower them in affection*
****years before****
Juliette’s father among meeting Almyra: “okay, you’re my prisoner… So, I bought you new clothes and some nice soap so you can shower, also you can sleep in my bed and I’ll just sleep in the cockpit so you can have privacy.”
Juliette’s mother among meeting Jaller: “this dumb, short, a little bit pathetic, but ultimately kind Mandalorian is mine. If anyone causes him anymore trauma, I’ll tear your head off.”
Jaller: *turning into a blushing, sputtering mess*
Almyra: *throwing Jaller over her shoulder* “like I said, this soft marshmallow is mine. You touch, you die.”
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comm-caribou · 2 years
Meeting the Parents: (part three)
Part one Part two
Synopsis: part of my high school AU for my Star Wars OCs, where everyone is still alive and no one dies. Juliette’s parents learn their teenage daughter is hanging out some new friends versus the old ones they met/remember from elementary and middle school. With both parents going away for a business trip during a very important weekend, it’s time they meet Juliette’s new friend group… of 20+ teenage boys.
Fury: I’m here.
Juliette: :)
Typing in the code for the front gate, Juliette bounced on her toes.
“Boyfriend?” Her mother asked Cosmos.
Cosmos shook his head, “if it was her boyfriend, she’d be asking if she looked okay.”
Juliette threw open the door, and ran out down the pavement driveway. She ran right up to that leather jacket wearing football player, and jumped into his arms.
“You’re lucky I’m use to this,” Fury hugged her tight, “you could’ve knocked my groceries out of my hand.”
“You didn’t have to bring groceries,” Juliette hung onto him as he picked up the brown bag.
He trudged into the house, “hey, Cos.”
“Hey, Fury,” Cosmos set out the bowls of various chips, “what’d you bring?”
“Cheez-Itz, goldfish, and those apple crisps that Frenzy likes,” Fury set the bag on the counter. “Figured he needed them consin… considering how he is w-with socializing.”
Juliette hopped out of his arms, “such a good, brother.”
Juliette’s mother warily watched Fury, casually picking up the phone and notepad to order the pizzas.
Once out of the room, Fury whispered to Juliette, “why does she hate me?”
“Because you’re big and scary looking,” Juliette hugged him, “she doesn’t know you’re a giant teddy bear yet.”
Fury smiled, “yeah, yeah.”
Buir: Could I get some help bringing in the pizza ad’ika?
Juliette: Of course!
Juliette: On my way with help!
Juliette passed her remote to Squirrel, “cover me.”
With a gummy worm hanging out of his mouth, Squirrel quickly began steering the Wii remote.
As she ran to the front door, she pulled Digger by his flannel’s sleeve.
He excused himself from his track mates, and followed her out the front door.
“You think he’ll like me?” Digger asked quietly.
“Yes,” she said, “and as long as he likes you first, my mom can’t say anything. Even about your questionable past.”
Digger rolled his eyes, “it was a rumor.”
“A rumor that can get you kicked out,” Juliette reminded, “now go.”
Her father turned off his car, and got out of the driver’s seat smiling. “I met many of the Fett family, but I don’t recall meeting you.”
“Digger Fett,” he held out his hand, “I’m on the track team with Juliette.”
A lightbulb went off over her father’s head, “indoor and outdoor track?”
“Yes, sir,” Digger smiled. “Been a runner since middle school.”
Her father nodded, giving Juliette a knowing look.
“This is the boyfriend,” Jaller said triumph that he pieced it together, “I should’ve known it was a track kid. Juliette occasionally jogs, but never was interested in doing it for sport until recently.”
“Dad!” Juliette blushed.
“That actually explains so much,” Digger grinned, “and here I thought I was chasing her.”
“Just… you…” Juliette punched his arm, “carry the pizzas, goofball!”
Digger did a mock salute, “yes, my Angel.”
Jaller laughed, then said quietly to Juliette, “I like him.”
“Great,” Juliette smiled, now I just need mom to like him. And her not catch wind of the stairwell rumor.
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comm-caribou · 2 years
44 through 47 for Juliette
Oh ho! I’m going to have fun answering number 44 for Juliette 😂😂
44. Who, if anyone, would they trust with their deepest secrets? Juliette Trix—the daughter of the hard to find bounty hunter, Jaller Trix, and mysterious assassin, Almyra Suun—is an excellent secret keeper… after she tells Cosmos everything. Cosmos hears all about all of Juliette’s little issues and problems, and he keeps his lips sealed. Everything from “Cooper called me a brat” to “Hardwire gave me a pat on the head” to “Baby called me mum again” to “I think I got a crush on that sergeant from Tunnel squad.” Cosmos hears it all and always offers advice ranging from “you want me to punch him?” to “as you deserve for doing a good job” to “isn’t that why we named him Baby?” to “want me to put in a good word or talk you out of it? Direct me to if this is a good or bad thing”
47. Would they lie to get someone else out of trouble? Even if they would have to take that someone else's place? Before, no. Her father taught her that if someone got themselves in trouble, they had to face the consequences and it’s not her responsibility to get them out of it. However, clones have to face bigger consequences and some are so unjust for the situation. Juliette will do anything for her men, especially her closest troops. Don’t touch her boys.
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comm-caribou · 2 years
Fun fact for Juliette 💐
Juliette!!!!! 💜💜
Juliette’s father, Jaller Trix, was a foundling to a strong woman named Julietta Trix. Juliette never met her grandmother that she was named after, as she died long before Jaller met Almyra Suun, Juliette’s mother.
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comm-caribou · 2 years
Assuming Cosmos and Juliette have sleepovers in the high school AU, what activities would they do? What movies would they watch?
Absolutely! The two of them most definitely have sleepovers, but her parents were very wary at first because their only daughter wanted to invite a boy stay overnight in their house.
Her father was more lenient, offering that Cosmos could stay in a guest room. Her mother didn’t want a boy in their house at all and there are no exceptions period.
Jaller had his daughter’s back and was the one to plan a meeting with Cosmos over a backyard barbecue (Almyra was not happy with him when she found out).
Cosmos obviously won Almyra over. While it was because he’s a sweet, clean recorded kid with good grades, it was mostly because she overheard the two teens talking about a cute new boy in school that Cosmos liked.
After that meeting, sleepovers became a regular thing in the Trix household. Not only that, her parents trusted Cosmos as a good influence on their daughter that he was allowed to stay over for days/weeks when they went on business trips.
Food wise, sleepovers consisted of ordering lots of pizza, riding bikes to diners, and (when Cosmos gets his license) driving to fast food chains for late night fries and shakes. Not to mention all the walks to the gas station or grocery store to buy nothing but soda, junk food, and tubs of ice cream. Bonus of all these locations was there was always one of Cosmos’s brothers there to bug and get discounts from.
Before any fun could start, they did their homework and helped each other study for upcoming tests. Then, they’d text in their gaming group chat (the pilots) to see if any of them wanted to play online with them. If not, the two of them would be racing in Mario Kart or watching movies (top movies are Mean Girls, John Tucker Must Die, She’s the Man, Mamma Mia, The Princess Diaries, and anything Pixar)
Honestly, these two have so many adventures just based off their sleepovers that it could be it’s own series.
And you may be wondering: does Cosmos sleep in a guest room when he sleeps over?
Nope! He did the first time, then the next few times they stayed up super late and crashed on the living room couch. Eventually, it got to the point her mom finally caved… but she still sneaks in some nights to make sure her baby’s safe.
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