ambercast · 5 months
who: clara jones (@callofthxvoid)
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“Hey you,” Jamie said softly before coming up behind Clara and wrapping his arms around her shoulders, kissing the side of her face gently. “I know you’re working, but can you take a break and get a drink with me?” He kind of hated that she was always working. As much as he supported her, he wished she could spend more time at home. With him. But also just resting. She worked too hard.
Since they were teenagers, he knew Clara never did anything half-assed, but he wished she would take care of herself a little better. But maybe that’s why he was here. To take care of her himself.
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ambercast · 6 months
who: nickleby dalton (@endlessreruns)
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“Hey, hey, come sit and take a break,” Jamie said, waving Nick over. The other hadn’t taken a lunch break yet, which Jamie had noticed. He sat down in the diner near the kitchen entrance, and gestured for Nick to take a seat across from him. “You’ve been working a lot lately. I can ask Celia to give you a vacation for a few days if you need it.” He studied his sibling closely. “You’ve seemed a little down lately too. Is everything okay?”
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ambercast · 8 months
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where: the pumpkin festival who: clara jones (@callofthxvoid)
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"I see you put as much thought into your costume as I did," Jamie said with a chuckle, gesturing between his and Clara's respective outfits. He leaned on his cane as he looked around the festival. "You got somewhere you need to be or do I have you for a few?"
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ambercast · 1 month
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where: bucky's diner who: nick dalton (@endlessreruns)
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"Hey, kid, come eat something," Jamie said, tugging on Nick's sleeve and pulling them out of the kitchen to where he'd set up a meal for his sibling in one of the booths. "You really don't eat enough." It was something he'd noticed over the time he'd known them.
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ambercast · 1 year
(( continued from here with @endlessreruns ))
"It's okay. I landed wrong during an assignment. Knees will do that to you. Just give out one day after one wrong twist. The curse of getting older," Jamie said with a small smile, taking the proffered gummy worm half. "Where did you get these? Don't tell me there's someone here making these things."
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ambercast · 11 months
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where: ren faire who: clara jones (@callofthxvoid)
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Jamie walked into the fairgrounds holding Clara's hand, his cane in his other. It was sweltering already, but he was used to the heat. He glanced over at his companion, though, a bit worried about her. “Are you too hot? We can go back to my place if you're too hot. I have A/C.” Something he hadn't had when they were teens, his dad's trailer rundown even then.
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ambercast · 1 year
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where: the daily grind who: nickleby dalton (@endlessreruns)
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It was after Nick's shift that Jamie took their arm and pulled them aside. "Can you stay a bit longer? I need to talk to you about something. It's important, but if you'd rather schedule for a better time, I can wait." He was nothing if not patient, even with news as big as what he needed to share with his coworker of a few months.
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ambercast · 1 year
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where: bucky's diner who: clara jones (( @claraxjones ))
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It was close to closing and she was still there. Jamie never left the diner for the night without making sure all the patrons had headed home, so when he glanced out into the dining area and saw Clara still sitting there, he grimaced. He'd been giving her the space he thought she wanted, for over three years now, but he also couldn't leave her alone in the diner. Yes, it was protected against the creatures, but still.
Grabbing his cane, he limped his way out to the table, knee stiff and aching from the long day on his feet. "Hey . . . we're closed. Let me walk you home before it gets dark."
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ambercast · 8 months
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where: the pumpkin festival who: arthur drake (@ghostsbrokenbyfairytales)
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"Arty!" Jamie exclaimed with a smile when he saw his old friend. He made his way over to give the other a brief hug. "How's life in the commune? I got to meet Wolf a little while back. He seems nice. How is that going?"
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ambercast · 1 year
( continued from here with @exmcrtis )
Jamie smiled sheepishly, though he moved to sit beside her. "I seem to be doing that a lot lately. This young woman the other day asked me if I was going to take her to hell. I didn't think my red hair and cane were that scary, but apparently I resemble the devil." He chuckled as he massaged out his sore knee.
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ambercast · 1 year
( continued from here with @crazedhatesoul )
Jamie nodded in thanks, taking a seat with a tired sigh, massaging his sore knee. He glanced over at the man beside him, recognizing him as one of the sheriff's men. "You okay?" he asked after a moment, recognizing the look on the other's face and knowing the answer was probably 'no.'
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ambercast · 1 year
(( continued from here with @uninfernodelamente ))
Jamie couldn't help but laugh at that. "Why? Do I look like the devil? Is it the red hair and cane? Makes me look a bit fiery, does it?" He grinned. "I promise, I just want to make sure you're warmed up properly. Wouldn't want your nose to fall off your pretty face, now would we?"
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ambercast · 11 months
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where: ren faire who: arthur drake (@crazedhatesoul)
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Jamie was glad to see Arty after all these months. With everything going on, he'd neglected to check in with his old friend, and he felt bad about it. He sought the other out, which took a bit, and smiled when he finally found them.
“Hey! Arty,” he said, limping over to him and giving their arm a gentle squeeze. “It's been forever. Mostly my fault, I know, I'm sorry. We should catch up, though. I met your . . . friend? Wolf the other day. What's up with that?”
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ambercast · 11 months
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where: refreshments booth who: catherine wayne (@violenttempest)
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Jamie hadn't had time to put together a real costume; honestly, he would be working if Celia hadn't basically shoved him out the door. Still, he didn't feel too bad when he noticed not everyone had dressed up, and Clara's outfit was low-effort as well.
He'd left her at the forgery booth to go find some cold drinks to combat the heat, when he accidentally bumped into someone in line for the refreshments. “Ah, sorry there. Lost my footing for a second.” He shifted his cane so he wouldn't be crowding the woman.
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ambercast · 1 year
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where: family video who: eliana kapur ( @ghostt0wns )
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Jamie hadn’t seen much of Elya since he’d been back, mainly because she and Clara were usually joined at the hip, and he’d been giving Clara the space she apparently wanted. Still, he felt bad, so he wrapped up some cornbread and venison sausages and headed for the video store.
“Elya?” he called as he knocked on the front counter. There was no sign of anyone though the sign on the door said OPEN. “Are you here?”
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ambercast · 1 year
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where: the sasquatch who: ivy oberon ( @ivyoberon )
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"Hey . . . it's Ivy, right?" Jamie said with a small smile when he saw who was working that day, settling into his seat. It wasn't every day that he got a chance to stop by the bar before it got dark, but the days were getting longer, so that meant more daylight to spend out of the house. "How are you doing? You're newer to town, right? You settling in okay?"
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