#jan jekielek
darkmaga-retard · 19 days
Chad Wolf, former Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security under Donald Trump, shares his insights dealing with our porous border.
Etienne de la Boetie2
Aug 30, 2024
Recently, the Department of Homeland Security Office of Attorney General released a devastating report that asserts that ICE has no idea where at least 32,000 unaccompanied minor children (UC’s) who crossed our border are residing. Couple that with an additional 291,000 UC’s in which ICE did not initiate removal proceedings and the total balloons to at least 323,000!
In April 2024, Jan Jekielek of American Thought Leaders, had the opportunity to interview Chad Wolf, former Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security under Donald Trump. Wolf offers incredible insight regarding the dubious and harmful policies that are yielding horrific outcomes at our porous border. The title can be a little misleading, as Wolf talks about so much more than the child trafficking aspect of the border. Very informative and eye-opening.
View the 1-minute TRAILER below:
The gist of the issue:
“We’re approaching about 500,000 unaccompanied children that have been trafficked across that border,” Mr. Wolf says. They have to pay the cartels or work off the debt when they get to America, he says. And the Biden administration did away with background checks and vetting of sponsors in America for such unaccompanied minors.
“It’s almost as though the federal government is the last link in that human smuggling chain. They’re facilitating that child going to a sponsor—and not knowing who that sponsor is. Are we putting that child in harm’s way or not?”
You can listen to the full 56-minutes on Apple Podcast (start at 29:00 for child trafficking section).
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didanawisgi · 6 months
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bighermie · 1 month
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world-of-news · 5 months
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rjhamster · 9 months
The New COVID Variant JN.1 Has More Tricks Than Previous Ones
Subscriber Only December 20, 2023 Daily Health Fact Excessive running or jumping can cause considerable compressive forces on the knee. [1] The New COVID Variant JN.1 Has More Tricks Than Previous Ones By Yuhong Dong Share*             Read More DNA Contamination in COVID-19 Vaccines May Explain Rise in Cancers, Clots, Autoimmune Diseases: Pathologist By Jan Jekielek Share*            …
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newspaper12 · 11 months
A Voice for the Vax-Injured
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Angela Wulbrecht, a nurse for the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, discusses the consequences of COVID vaccinesIn a recent episode of "American Thought Leaders," host Jan Jekielek and Angela Wulbrecht discuss the devastating and sometimes deadly consequences of the COVID vaccines on certain recipients. A nurse for over two decades, Ms. Wulbrecht suffered a life-threatening response to the vaccine. Today, she works for the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, where she advocates for injured patients. She also appears in the new documentary, “The Unseen Crisis.”Jan Jekielek: You're one of the stars of “The Unseen Crisis,” which is now screening at a New York City film festival. Let’s talk first about how you became a nurse.Angela Wulbrecht: My mom is from the Seychelles Islands off the east coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean. My father was American, and I was born in the United States. When I was 8 years old, my father and I were in a car accident. I survived with a fractured vertebra, but my dad was killed instantly, and I was rushed to a children's hospital. My mom wasn't in the States at the time. I was terrified and alone, and devastated by my dad’s death, but these nurses decorated my room with balloons and teddy bears, and loved me, and got me through the most tragic time of my life. So even then, I decided I wanted to become a nurse, to give back what they had given me—this incredible gift of love and compassion.
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My mom had no family in the United States. She decided to go home and be closer to her family, and we returned to the Seychelles. After high school, I went to nursing school in the United States. Once I graduated, I started working as a labor and delivery nurse. I loved helping women at one of the most beautiful times of their lives. Within a year, I pretty much was a charge nurse for the Department of Women, Infants, and Children.Mr. Jekielek: Let's fast-forward to when you worked in a hospital in Sonoma, California.Ms. Wulbrecht: When the pandemic hit, everything shut down. My daughter had to be homeschooled. I took it all really seriously. When the government told us this was bad, I believed them. When they said the vaccines were safe and effective, I believed them and rushed to get my vaccine. Within 12 minutes of getting it, I was on the ground.At first, I thought I was having an anaphylactic reaction. The paramedics took my vitals, which were extremely unstable. My blood pressure was so high I could have stroked out. I was taken by ambulance to the hospital.That was the first of five 911 calls and five hospitalizations. Those first weeks I was at the doctor's office every day if I wasn't in the hospital. I was fortunate because I was valued in the medical community where I worked. They were eager to take care of me. This was also early on when only medical staff could get the vaccine, so they did all sorts of tests to figure out what was going on. Three or four different cardiologists plus other doctors worked on me.I was still pro-vaccine. I looked at it as similar to giving penicillin to me, because I'm allergic to penicillin. So I was encouraging people to get it to protect each other.Mr. Jekielek: Then you appeared in the media.Ms. Wulbrecht: Kaiser News interviewed me to share my story. By that point, I’d started to learn of others getting injured and how they weren't being properly cared for. My goal in this interview was to highlight that. After the article hit other major newspapers, I started to realize thousands and thousands of other people were having vaccine reactions. People who were injured would ask online, “Are there any vaccine injuries out there?” My name would pop up, my number wasn’t blocked, and they could find me.Then I was invited, along with others, to speak to the CDC and the FDA . I was happy we could present our evidence to them.They listened, gave us their email, and told us we would have a follow-up meeting. We never heard back from them. I emailed multiple times but never heard from them.I thought, “If the CDC and the FDA won’t listen, the NIH will, because they’re doctors. We're in this together.”I sent Dr. Nath, the head of neurology at the NIH, my hospital credentials and asked for his help. He was wonderful. I emailed him cases of vaccine injuries, and he would reply right away.In one email, I asked him to look at data compiled by Steve Kirsch. His response was this generic email saying they didn’t treat vaccine injuries and that if I had further questions to look at the CDC website. That was the gist of it.At that point, I realized my perception of these people putting health and safety first hadn’t been true. Greed, money, and power came first.So I joined the VSRF team, founded by Steve Kirsch. It lit a fire in me. We were a team. None of us had a background in event planning and media, but we were passionate about caring for people.Mr. Jekielek: A silver lining of the whole recent madness is meeting some really principled people, which I'm grateful for.Ms. Wulbrecht: “The Unseen Crisis” filmed by Cindy of NTD News and The Epoch Times reveals who the vaccine injured are, and I hope doctors will watch it. The whole crew was wonderful. I felt like I was with family.If I'm never allowed to work in another hospital again for speaking out, for helping the helpless, that's okay. I went into this to do my duty and to protect patients first. I want help and compensation for all the vaccine injured. That's my goal.This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity. #Voice #VaxInjured A Voice for the Vax-Injured https://img.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2023/10/16/id5510944-Angela-Wulbrecht-700x420.jpg Read the full article
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
Cancers Appearing In Ways Never Before Seen After COVID Vaccinations: Dr. Harvey Risch
Authored by  Efthymis Oraiopoulos and Jan Jekielek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),
There is evidence that cancers are occurring in excess after people receive COVID-19 vaccinations, according to Dr. Harvey Risch.
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Dr. Risch is professor emeritus of epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine. His research has focused extensively on the causes of cancer as well as prevention and early diagnosis.
In an interview for EpochTV’s "American Thought Leaders," Dr. Risch said patients must now wait months, not weeks, to get an appointment at an oncology clinic in New York.
here is difficulty in observing whether a vaccine can cause cancer, because cancer usually takes time to develop, Dr. Risch said. It can take anywhere from two years to 30 years, depending on the different types of cancer, from leukemia to colon cancer.
“What clinicians have been seeing,” said Dr. Risch, “is very strange things: For example, 25-year-olds with colon cancer, who don't have family histories of the disease—that's basically impossible along the known paradigm for how colon cancer works—and other long-latency cancers that they're seeing in very young people."
He said this is not how cancer normally develops.
"There has to be some initiating stimulus to why this happens," he said.
Fighting Cancer
Dr. Risch said that in his opinion, cancer is something a healthy human body can fight and disable, as the non-normal cancerous cells are gobbled up when detected in a body with a functional immune system. If the immune system is compromised, however, it cannot cope with the task of neutralizing cancerous cells, and cancerous cells are left to multiply and grow, leading to symptoms of cancer.
“That’s the mechanism I think is most likely here,” Dr. Risch said. “We know that the COVID vaccines have done various degrees of damage to the immune system in a fraction of people who have taken them.”
That damage could translate to getting COVID more often, getting other infectious diseases, or getting cancer.
Another example Dr. Risch gave was breast cancer, which normally, if there is a remanifestation after surgical removal, the remanifestation occurs after two decades. However, vaccinated women are now seen to remanifest breast cancers in much shorter periods of time.
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andronetalks · 1 year
People Need To Understand They’re 'Being Used Against Each Other': Filmmaker
Zero Hedge By Tyler Durden – June 23, 2023 Authored by Ella Kietlinska and Jan Jekielek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Most people do not realize that America has been at war for a long time, but it is not a conventional war—it is a psychological war, said a filmmaker who recently released a documentary directing people’s attention to this important issue. “It’s a war of propaganda,” said…
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cloudhedges · 1 year
RFK Jr. Responds To DNC’s Plans To Skip Primary Debates: 'The System Is Indeed Rigged'
by Zero Hedge A Democratic National Committee (DNC) decision to forgo primary debates would serve as confirmation to American voters that the nation’s elections are “rigged,” according to Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “Debates and town halls are part of the democratic process,” Kennedy told The Epoch Times’ Jan Jekielek on April 24. “We’re living in a time when…
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ironymous · 1 year
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Announces 2024 Presidential Bid — Rights and Freedoms
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., founder of the nonprofit Children’s Health Defense, in Los Angeles, Calif., on Feb. 6, 2023. (York Du/The Epoch Times) By Gary Bai and Jan Jekielek April 5, 2023 Updated: April 7, 2023 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., best known for his positions on environmental law and vaccine safety […] […] Vaccine Safety Concerns Though a registered Democrat, Kennedy is known to oppose many…
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korrektheiten · 2 years
Pharmaunternehmen, die sich wie Soziopathen verhalten, steuern unsere Gesellschaft – Aseem Malhotra redet Klartext
ScienceFiles:»“Unter normalen Umständen”, so sagt Aseem Malhotra in einem aktuellen Interview mit Jan Jekielek von der Epoch Times, “würden wir nicht einmal darüber diskutieren. Diese “Impfstoffe” wären schon lange aus dem Verkehr gezogen wirden. Sie hätten vermutlich überhaupt nie zugelassen werden dürfen”. “It’s very clear – unequivocal. In normal circumstances, we wouldn’t even be debating […] http://dlvr.it/SfWjCP «
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didanawisgi · 1 year
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stuartbramhall · 2 years
MIT Professor: Halt Vaccination of Young People Until Vaccine-Linked Myocarditis Is Studied
MIT Professor: Halt Vaccination of Young People Until Vaccine-Linked Myocarditis Is Studied
Retsef Levi: Dissenting views about the COVID-19 narrative have been censored Jan Jekielek and Masooma Haq Epoch Times Retsef Levi, a former Israeli military intelligence officer, an expert in risk management and health systems, and a professor at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management, coauthored a paper that found a 25 percent rise in heart attack emergency calls…
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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China’s ‘Walking Dead’: Inside the Warped World of China’s Communist Officialdom | Special Episode Featuring Kay Rubacek
We live like walking dead—without souls.”—former Chinese police commissioner and deputy chief of the Ministry of Public Security
An opaque regime now at the helm of authoritarianism globally, the Chinese Communist Party has managed to hide much of its inner workings with a massive propaganda apparatus and surveillance state.
Those who expose the regime’s secrets face imprisonment, torture, or death.
In this special episode, featuring never-before-released interviews with former insiders, Kay Rubacek and Jan Jekielek dive into the warped world of China’s communist leadership, one largely hidden from public view by a massive propaganda apparatus.
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rjhamster · 9 months
COVID Vaccine Has Unexpected and Bizarre Problem
Epoch Health December 20, 2023 Daily Health Fact Excessive running or jumping can cause considerable compressive forces on the knee. [1] COVID Vaccine Has Unexpected and Bizarre Problem By Marina Zhang Share*             Read More DNA Contamination in COVID-19 Vaccines May Explain Rise in Cancers, Clots, Autoimmune Diseases: Pathologist By Jan Jekielek Share*             Watch Now Our…
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alphaman99 · 2 years
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