#jancy says the first thing she remembers is waking up and Joe finding her outside so i think this is pretty accurate. but also
jackgoodfellow ยท 2 years
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My take on how Jancy and Joe first met!
I think it takes a loooot of magic hypnosis to fully wipe a mind like Jancy True's. And I think that much hypnosis would definitely mess you up for at least a few hours. AND I think..... milfs. Reblog if you agree.
Special shout-out to @little-banjo-frog, whose enthusiasm about my wips for this piece was the highlight of a very difficult week!
(Listen I just really like seeing masculine/butch characters in vulnerable situations and if I have the opportunity for that plus a size difference PLUS a dash of rescue and unexpected tenderness on the side, I begin vibrating uncontrollably. For more of that very specific exact thing, check out the graphic novel link in my blog description. ... Please. Pretty please. It is free and short AND I CARE SO MUCH.)
[Image descriptions below the cut]
Image description: A comic done with digital illustration featuring the characters Jancy True and Joebeans from the YouTube series Drawtectives. The comic is done in shades of yellow, pink, blue, and purple, with the exception of the final panel which is done in full color. The style is fairly realistic, with influences from western and Japanese animation styles.
Joe is a large, muscular green-skinned orc woman with voluminous blonde hair in the style of Dolly Parton. She is wearing a sleeveless red flannel, red lipstick and nail polish, jean shorts, and red pumps. She's very pretty and handsome, with a well-endowed figure, and two sharp white bottom fangs that jut up from her bottom lip.
Jancy is an older butch woman. She is thin, with short silver hair, caucasian skin, and angular features. She is wearing a red and yellow Hawaiian shirt, cut-off jean shorts, and red Converse-style sneakers. She has cochlear implants in both ears.
Panel 1: Joe sees Jancy passed out face-down in front of a dumpster in some kind of alley. Joe is in the foreground of the shot and is holding her hand up to her face with an expression of surprise and concern. She is saying, "Oh my!"
Panel 2: Joe's hands carefully turn Jancy onto her side, cupping Jancy's face gently. Jancy looks confused and extremely disoriented, barely awake with circles under her eyes. Joe is urgently saying, "Oh, you poor thing!!! Are you all right?! Are you hurt???"
A small faded speech bubble coming from Jancy reads, "uh--!?"
Small squiggly lines at her shoulder indicate that Jancy is trembling slightly.
Panel 3: a close up from the previous panel, zooming in on Jancy's face, her eyes just barely opening with an expression of great concern as she looks down at the large green palm holding her head up by gently cupping her cheek
Panel 4: a close up from the panel that is to follow, showing Jancy turning her head slightly to squint up at Joe. She is sweating and has hair in her face, and looks only half conscious as she strains to see. In turning her head, she presses her face slightly into Joe's palm
Panel 5: Jancy, still lying on her side, struggles to brace her arm on the ground and get up. Action lines indicate she is trembling and moving jerkily. She doesn't seem to be able to see very clearly. She is barely managing to lift her head several inches off the ground.
Joe's hands support Jancy's head and lightly grip her shoulder. Only Joe's hands are visible, but speech bubbles belonging to her take up most of the panel. She is saying, in a country accent , "Oh gracious! Don't push yerself! What if you've hurt your neck or somethin'??"
a scraggly speech bubble coming from Jancy reads, "ah-- uhh?!?" In small unsteady text.
Panel 6: Jancy gasps and collapses back onto the ground. She lets out a yell and her eyes shut tight in a grimace of pain. Her hands are trembling and tense. Joe's hands are on either side of jancy's face, stabilizing her long slender neck. The shot is framed with Joe's speech bubbles. Joe is saying, "Oh! Oh, dear! It's alright! I gotcha. Please, let me help you!"
Panel 7: Joe helps Jancy to slowly turn onto her back. Jancy is shown at a profile, back arched, eyes shut and teeth clenched in pain. She's letting out a quiet grunt of pain. There is a small scrape on her left cheek. Joe's hands are behind jancy's head and on her opposite shoulder. Joe's blonde hair is visible hanging into the shot, but her face is out of view. Joe is saying, with each separate sentence in its own individual speech bubble, "Let's get you turned over real careful alrigh'? Take your time. That's it... You're doin' great darlin'!"
Panel 8: a large speech bubble from Joe reads, "There. Jus' take a breather, sugar." A close up on Jancy's face framed by Joe's hands cradling it gently. Jancy is panting, her eyes closed in exhaustion from the effort, mouth open slightly and head tilted back. Sweat on her face. Joe is wearing a silver bracelet. A scraggly speech bubble coming from Jancy reads, "uungh??" One of Joe's hands is lightly brushing Jancy's cheek while the other supports her head.
Panel 9: speech bubbles from Joe read, "Oh, you poor dear... lemme get this hair outta yer face!"
This panel is similar to the the previous panel. It is still a close up on jancy's face from Joe's POV. In this one, Jancy is slowly opening her eyes, a small question mark next to her head as she slowly focuses on the image in front of her. Joe's hands are supporting jancy's head and brushing the hair out of her face. In this position, jancy's collar is askew, and her shirt is open to the just below her collarbones. A soft hazy light is reflected in her eyes. With every panel, the comic has shifted slightly more from a blue color tone to a slightly warmer pinkish tone. It is now much warmer than the first panel.
Panel 10: a close up of Joe's face from jancy's POV, looking down at Jancy with her face framed against a sunset sky, the light brightening her golden hair. In this shot, her skin is a saturated sky blue. Her eyes are blue and her lipstick is a bright pink. She is smiling at Jancy and speaking with a gentle, sympathetic smile. She has dimples. She is saying, "Well, there you are!!"
Panel 11: a close up of jancy's face, once again framed and supported by Joe's hands. Joe has brushed the hair out of Jancy's face, giving her the look of someone who has just had their hair blown back. This matches Jancy's expression, which is one of awe. It is very gay. This panel is the most pink-tinted of all the panels so far.
Panel 12: the same image as the previous panel, but zoomed out to include Jancy's shoulders and upper chest in the shot, as well as Joe's muscled forearms. This also makes room for speech bubbles, which overlap the edges of the panel's frame and surround Jancy.
Joe is saying, "No sign of any fever, thank goodness! And thank the stars yer not bleedin'! No need to fret! You're safe with me!! I'll take care of ya! Still, I think I best get you outta this alley!"
Panel 13: a wide shot in full color and a lot of detail of Joe carrying Jancy in a bridal carry. Joe is several times larger than Jancy and carries her with no effort. Jancy is mostly limp, her head resting on Joe's breast. She is looking up at Joe, blushing slightly, and looking embarrassed . She still looks pretty lost and disoriented, mouth hanging open a little and eyes straining to see Joe's face without being able to move her body much.
Joe is smiling brightly, posture confident, she is saying, "Now don't you worry! We'll have you feeling right as rain in no time!!"
Joe is walking down some kind of wooden boardwalk that is framed on either side by flower bushes. Behind that, a sunset reflects on a body of water that goes out to the horizon. The scene is warmly lit. Willow leaves hang down in the foreground. Joe is backlit by the sunset.
Panel 14: a close up of the previous image, focusing in on the character's faces.
Bonus image: the same as the final panel but with no speech bubbles covering up parts of the background
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