#janriel replies
vegafiction · 6 years
So, fun fact, I'm allergic to strawberries ( I think it's an oral allergy) and my mouth gets all weird, kinda like my taste buds have raised and like, split in half? I dunno, but it was cool to see someone pick strawberries as an allergy for a Langst Piece TM.
My mom has a non-lethal allergy to strawberries so it was the first thing that came to mind when writing the prompt. Her tongue swells up if she eats too much of it so we stopped buying them even though she loves strawberries. Personally, my only food allergy involves milk and that alone is already an issue, I can’t imagine how it is with other foods :’) Food allergies are not fun!
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vegafiction · 6 years
They still have an army of clone Shiros and we don’t know why
I thought Keith blew up the station where they had the clone army?
But I guess we don’t understand the reason why Haggar had so many clones in the first place... unless Shiro was just her way of trying to perfect cloning to begin with...
That’s one potential idea, but we’re still left with the other three clues from the episodes we were meant to decipher.
Somehow, I feel those clues are less for season 7 and more for how the show will end in general.
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vegafiction · 6 years
On your rant about VLD and they not putting LGBT+ couples on the show “for some reason”, as someone who has studied and worked in the industry (though in another country), there, sadly, are many reasons to this day for that, although I don’t agree with most of them: 1- Conservative parents might get pissed and try to sue you, saying you are including “adult themes” in a kids cartoons; 2- Some countries will not broadcast your show at all, like China, for example, or will censor all scenes [1/2]
[2/2] that contain LGBT+ content; 3-you might have to up the rating of your show, because most countries don’t let shows with LGBT+ characters be open to all publics; 4-Sponsors can pull out of your channel/show if you put a LGBT+ character there; 5-Conservative media can try to boycott your show. Those are most of the reasons producers are so scared. The things is? Netflix is already supposed to be LGBT+ friendly. They should only have to worry about 1, 2, 3 and 5. I think they should still try   
Oh, there’s also another one: you might get labeled as “that studio that does LGBT+ stuff” and not be able to get jobs from certain people. But still, studio Mir has already done LGBT+ stuff before. So they shouldn’t be scared about that. There’s also the fact that the building up to a couple getting together always brings much more audience than after that couple finally does get together. I don’t agree with all those reasons or am I trying to defend anyone, just trying to give some light on it        
Yeah, I agree and understand everything you’re saying. These were the things that popped into my head after I finished writing the post. It’s a shame, but I understand from a financial-media standpoint.
I don’t agree with it but that’s just things are, I suppose.
Believe it or not, my post actually wasn’t really targeting VLD specifically--it was just the most recent show that I’d seen that brought up the subject. My problem with the show is not the fact that there’s no representation (because my expectations were low from the get-go) it was more along the fact that the showrunners supposedly “promised” (Again, not sure if this is true or fandom expectations) representation.
we're 6 seasons in with no representation insight and while it isn’t necessary to the show’s storyline, the fact that it was mentioned (???) when the show was first starting out is the issue. If it was promised, we’re very close to the end to not have it.
Basically, I’m more sad for the fans who had high hopes of representation than I am of the show not having it. It’s heartbreaking to be let down by something you hold dear.
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vegafiction · 6 years
For the bad things happen bingo can we get: accidentally hurt by a friend, fever and nightmares? Thanks :3
Hi Anon! :D For the bingo game, I can only tag one prompt per request. I’ll write up this combo because I already have an idea of how to combine the prompts together, but the ficlet itself will focus a bit more on one prompt than the others.
I hope you don’t mind!
Also, I’ll need a character you want this to focus on in order to write it :) Otherwise I’ll just pick a character at random.
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vegafiction · 6 years
OH Pidge's mouth getting stitched shut for sassing/threatening her captors for hurting another paladin?
The prompt: Mouth Getting Stitched Shut was already taken, but I like this idea for her so I’ll keep it aside as an extra.
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vegafiction · 6 years
Matthew holt in panic attack
Hey Anon, someone has already claimed “Panic attack” for another character. Please send another Matt request!
Forcibly StrippedPanic AttackCold Blooded TortureDont let them see you cry
Are all taken, but the rest is still open!
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vegafiction · 6 years
Hmmm... maybe tell us more about the characters? Maybe we can help!
Is this in regards to my comment about wanting to write an LGBT+ story?
Because if it is, I don’t actually have characters for it yet. My desire for this is extremely recent, so I haven’t really gone in depth yet.
I have some orphaned characters I created ages ago that I can use. There’s Aspen Noir, a non-binary amateur photographer/journalist I created 3 years ago but never actually used for anything.
There’s also a genderfluid character bubbling in my head for the past two days but haven’t gotten the chance to really sit down and listen >_
I wanted to make it something fun and casual, but with a plot that had nothing to do with the fact that they were queer because a lot of LGBT+ centered media lately always seems to focus on the fact that they’re part of the community and that’s it?? I know “coming out stories” are wonderful and they have their purpose, but ....... I want to read LGBT+ stuff of people just living their life too or being heroes of their own. Hence why I wanted to make my own but not fall into the same trap.
Like Alex Fierro from Rick Riordian’s Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series. They’re a genderfluid character, but their genderfluidity had absolutely nothing to do with the plot, it was just something that came up because Alex had the ability to physically shapeshift. AND they kicked HELLA ASS.
You know what I mean?
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vegafiction · 6 years
Omg can we get mind rape with lance for the bad things happen bingo? Could be a ship or not that’s up to you. Thank you!!
Sorry hun, all the prompts have already been requested. I just haven’t gotten around to writing them all yet :(
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vegafiction · 6 years
For your upcoming serialized Bad Things Happen Bingo fanfic, do you plan to make a new bingo card with new prompts, or do you want to keep the same?
The serialization will involve a new bingo card, but I will be recycling prompts from the old one in order to bridge the gap caused by the new one.
I haven’t decided if I’m going to recycle all of the old prompts or pick the ones that would best fit with the serialization’s scenario. I just know that some prompts work better than others.
Another concern is repetition. Obviously, I don’t want to repeat a scenario with a character the same way it happened the first time (like, I wouldn’t want Lance to OD the same way he did in the original overdose prompt). But certain characters may get the same old prompt depending on where the serialization goes.
My goal for the serialization is to get everyone hurt in some way. Allura was pretty absent in the old prompts so she won’t be safe for the new one, essentially. (and of course lots of langst but come on. It’s me.)
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vegafiction · 6 years
hi! im sorry if this sounds rude: i never meant it to be. you just said that if peopke wanted to know how the story about bullied lance continues they can write you, so here i am. i dont say that i didnt like it: actualky i enjoyed your work a lot, and if you dont have time to write "part 2" or something like this for the story its totally fine of course, i just wanna say id like to know what happened next. knly if you have time/motivation. thank you very much for sharing those stories!!
It’s not rude at all!
I do plan on continuing it, just not sure when since I still have 4 more prompts to complete for the bingo game and I feel like I should really get those done before I do anything else. xD The anons who requested them have been waiting for a while already.
But a part 2 is definitely coming! Thank you for reading!
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vegafiction · 6 years
You are right about the whole won't notice for a while (experience). If you do get the motivation to do so, please continue it ♡
Oh yes, definitely! It was very cathartic to write.
I wanted to keep it as realistic as possible (or as realistic as I can despite them being teenagers in space) hence why the ending is inconclusive.
But I can’t stand to see Lance suffer for long so, maybe the muses will come swiftly. Thank you for reading it!
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vegafiction · 6 years
Do you accept NSFW commissions?
Yes, I do accept NSFW commissions.
Normally, for regular commissions, there would be a flat-rate for NSFW but because these are kofi commissions, there won’t be an upcharge. (Unless the NSFW request is particularly difficult or it involves a kink not in my usual list of kinks LOL)
NSFW commissions take a longer time to write for though, just an FYI.
If you’re curious on how I write NSFW, here are some examples from other fandoms:
"Double Trouble” (Three-way/DP example)
“Fortress of Pillows” (general; its near the end)
Pairing Olympics Snippet (BJ example; 3rd person present style)
Now, if you were referring to other NSFW things like explicit violence and stuff, I don’t have examples of that online, but I write those as well lol.
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vegafiction · 6 years
Cold blooded torture + Pidge?
I’m really sorry! “Cold Blooded Torture” has already been selected!
Please consider re-selecting a different trope for Pidge!
Claimed tropes:
Forcibly strippedPanic attacksCold Blood TortureHallucinationsDont Let Them See You Cry
Besides those listed above, the rest are still open! I’ll update the bingo as soon as I am able to.
This is probably really annoying for some people. >_
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vegafiction · 6 years
Where did you find that NSFW Bingo? I tried looking for a link to a blog and found nothing
That’s because I made the bingo myself. When I was working on the BTH bingo, I wondered if there was one for NSFW so I searched but found there weren’t any. I found a list of kinks and basically chose the ones I was more interested in doing and made the bingo card.
I thought about opening up a NSFW bingo challenge blog since I wondered if others would want to play too but then I realized... that’s a lot of work for one person XD
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vegafiction · 6 years
For Ko-Fi commissions, do we just pay for the amount of coffees and send the prompt?
Yep. As long as the necessary information (character, pairing, fandom + prompt) is provided and it complies with the ToS as linked on the commission post, it’s all good.
If you’re unsure of something, you can always send me an ask or message me on here. Or send the request information on here if that’s more comfortable.
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vegafiction · 6 years
Hi! For commissions, I’m asking because I didn’t see anything about this on your terms of service. Would you write nonconsensual/almost rape/attempted rape? I don’t want to disrespect your wishes
Hey Anon!
Thanks for checking out my terms of service!
So, generally, if it’s not on the “will not accept” list then there’s a pretty good chance I’m either comfortable with writing it or have experience with writing it, especially if it's for an OC commission. It gets a little more muddy if its for fanfiction because I’m wary about coming across NTPs.
But the topic itself, I have no issues with.
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