spacereon · 2 years
I won't be stopped!
Rana Mazin
STR: 13 CON: 13 SIZ: 13 INT: 13 POW: 10 DEX: 10 CHA: 14
Damage Modifier: 1D4
HP: 13
Major Wound: 7
MOV: 15m
Dodge: 50
Persistence: 30
Resilience: 33
Combat Skills
Close Combat: 23
Heavy Weapon Combat: 43
Ranged Combat: 43
Unarmed Combat: 33
Knowledge Skills
Computer Use: 28
Culture (Own): 23
Culture (Other): 13
Language (Own): 63
Language (Other): 13
Military Doctrine: 53
Natural Sciences: 53
Practical Skills
Athletics: 63
Craft: 23
Deception: 43
Driving: 23
Engineering: 23
Influence: 44
Mechanisms: 23
Medical Aid: 23
Perception: 23
Performance: 24
Pilot: 23
Riding: 20
Sailing: 23
Streetwise: 44
Trade: 23
Heckler & Koch 416 SLR
FN Five-seveN USG Side Arm
CPA-4 Body Armor and Helmet
Age: 23
Hero Points: 2
Assault Group Maximum. Honestly, first I heard of it, all I could say was "Seriously?" Mercenaries love their weird unit names. Sorry, not mercs, that's offensive now, they're... Military Service Providers. But that's what we are. We get paid, we go into places, meet people, bust 'em up. And I'm good at that, I like to say. The Company is a good place though, no weird jobs and we're not doing the bad shit the Russians are into, unless you're a die-hard Communist I guess. And Papa raised no die-hard Communist. Plus, the Company always pays the first of the month, and that's a solid copy if you ask me. I like 'em, I like my Maximum buddies, and I'm not planning on buying the farm anytime soon.
The Company was... a weird buy, really. I just really needed a tacticool gunfest game at one point and this was there. Not my best purchase, especially since there's a lot of nonsense re: guns according to my gun nut buddy and also the political stuff got outdated Really Fast (it's a 2011 game and yeah, ISIL and *waves hands* happened like the next year?). The system itself is decent, as any other BRP variation, but of course that means this is much less of a flying action game and more the equivalent of tabletop Rainbow Six. Oscar mike, operator.
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spacereon · 2 years
On request, a Dark Heresy character!
Wraxxa Diona, Feral Worlder
Build: Strapping
Age: 25
Quirk: Cat's Eyes
Tribal Taboo: Power of Names
Divination: A Mind Without Purpose Will Wander In Dark Places (+1 Fate Point)
Traits: Iron Stomach, Primitive, Rite of Passage, Wilderness Savvy
WS: 41 BS: 37 S: 48 T: 32 Ag: 29 Int: 31 Per: 28 WP: 23 Fel: 28
Wounds: 14
Fate Points: 2
Gelt: 73
Career: Guardsman
Speak Language (Tribal Dialect) (Int)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
Pistol Training (Las)
Basic Weapons Training (Las)
Sound Constitution
Las pistol (1x charge pack)
Lasgun (1x charge pack)
Flak armor
Corpse starch rations (1 week)
Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer
Ach! Met the Inquisitor, I did, wh'fore the bad chanters came from flyboats! Woman of the Emperor-God, I know now, but not then! Said to her, she may serf the Inkweest'n as she mightaf, but on the land, we serf the Emperor-God! Almost, almost struck me down! Ach! I would strike down m'self now! Bad chanters, made bad signs, paint bulkmetal sheets wrong, made all bad! Not for Emperor-God, ach! Tribe and kin struck like knife, bad chanters, dumb like child! Ach! Tribe and kin, stab and jab, the Inquisitor, lazz and lazz! That, sound of gun! Best gun! Fight bad chanter chief, he with big gun, but not sharp! His name, Balmores! Not deserving of rightful name-hold! Take him down and almost offer lifeblood! To Emperor-God! Inquisitor, says no, and I listen! I listen because she has best gun! She takes me on black flyboat! My name is in the Emperor-God's hear-books! And true-books! I serf Emperor-God and the Inquisitor! Ach! Ach! Ach!
Ah, Dark Heresy, or "how the hell did this 80s-ass game got printed in (checks) 2008"? That's how 40K rolled. Especially since DH characters are basically WFRP-style low-power ne'er-do-wells with the veneer of being Throne Agents. Honestly, what's an Inquisitor doing with a feral worlder that is probably going to meet the business end of a bolter sooner rather than later? Though she got some very good rolls, to be honest. Anyway, good stuff, though it's hilarious how people started cutting it up for all sorts of games. Like Evangelion. Yeah.
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spacereon · 2 years
Jecca, Level 1 Elf Wizard
I almost forgot to do the challenge today! Probably because I had to finish my d20 games and, welp.
Elf Wizard 1 True Neutral Strength 7(-2) Dexterity 14(+2) Constitution 14(+2) Intelligence 17(+3) Wisdom 13(+1) Charisma 12(+1) Size: Medium Height: 5' 7" Weight: 105 lb Eyes: Hazel Hair: Dark Brown Skin: Pale
Total Hit Points: 6
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 12 = 10 + 2 [dexterity]
Initiative modifier: + 2 = + 2 [dexterity] Fortitude save: + 2 = 0 [base] + 2 [constitution] Reflex save: + 2 = 0 [base] + 2 [dexterity] Will save: + 3 = 2 [base] + 1 [wisdom] Attack (handheld):-2 = 0 [base] -2 [strength] Attack (missile): + 2 = 0 [base] + 2 [dexterity] Grapple check:-2 = 0 [base] -2 [strength] Light load: Medium load: Heavy load: Lift over head: Lift off ground: Push or drag: 23 lb. or less 24-46 lb. 47-70 lb. 70 lb. 140 lb. 350 lb. Languages:Common Elven (? 3 more)
Dagger [1d4, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing]
No familiar yet
Appraise Int 3 = +3 Balance Dex* 2 = +2 Bluff Cha 1 = +1 Climb Str* -2 = -2 Concentration Con 6 = +2 + 4 Craft_1 Int 3 = +3 Craft_2 Int 3 = +3 Craft_3 Int 3 = +3 Decipher Script Int 7 = +3 + 4 Diplomacy Cha 1 = +1 Disguise Cha 1 = +1 Escape Artist Dex* 2 = +2 Forgery Int 3 = +3 Gather Information Cha 1 = +1 Heal Wis 1 = +1 Hide Dex* 2 = +2 Intimidate Cha 1 = +1 Jump Str* -2 = -2 Knowledge (arcana) Int 7 = +3 + 4 Knowledge (dungeoneering) Int 7 = +3 + 4 Listen Wis 3 = +1 + 2 [elf] Move Silently Dex* 2 = +2 Perform_1 Cha 1 = +1 Perform_2 Cha 1 = +1 Perform_3 Cha 1 = +1 Perform_4 Cha 1 = +1 Perform_5 Cha 1 = +1 Ride Dex 2 = +2 Search Int 5 = +3 + 2 [elf] Sense Motive Wis 1 = +1 Spellcraft Int 7 = +3 + 4 Spot Wis 3 = +1 + 2 [elf] Survival Wis 1 = +1 Swim Str** -2 = -2 Use Rope Dex 2 = +2
* = check penalty for wearing armor
Zero-level Wizard spells: 3 per day
First-level Wizard spells: 2 (1 + 1) per day
+ 2 dexterity / -2 constitution (already included)
Immune to magical sleep
+ 2 racial bonus to saves vs. enchantments
Low-light vision
Proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow & shortbow
+ 2 racial bonus on listen, search, and spot checks
Familiar / Alertness, etc.
Bonus Feats (already included)
High intelligence gains bonus spells daily
So I cheated by using an online generator because fuuuuuuck making a D&D 3.x character again. I got out of that mess a long time ago. I'm not going to deny that I felt some of the old nostalgia picking up at classes and such, but damn, that is water I don't want to drink from again.
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spacereon · 2 years
Nkoyo Asuni
STR: 11 DEX: 18 CON: 14 INT: 14 WIS: 13 CHA: 14
Class: Fast Hero 1
HP: 10 Defense: 19
Base Attack: +0 melee +4 ranged
Fort: +2 Ref: +5 Will: +1
Action Points: 5
Wealth: +1
Feats: Simple Weapons Proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point-Blank Shot, Light Armor Proficiency
Occupation: Law Enforcement
Allegiances: The US of A!, The Agency, Good
Balance (Dex): 8
Drive (Dex): 9
Knowledge (streetwise) (Int): 6
Listen (Wis): 5
Move Silently (Dex): 8
Profession (Wis): 5
Tumble (Dex): 8
Ruger Service Six (2d4, Crit. 20, Ballistic, Range 20 ft., ROF S, Mag. 6 cyl., Size Tiny, 1 lb)
Light undercover shirt (+2/+1, Max Dex. Bonus +7, Armor Penalty +0, 2 lbs)
The Agency
It's another episode of the long-running action show, as newcomer Nkoyo Asuni (played by Judy Ojo) finds herself in the midst of danger and deceit! The Agency has singled her out for recruitment, but can the young police officer overcome the secret test of mettle all new Agency Recruits must pass? And what happens when an old enemy of The Agency attempts to subvert the recruitment process for their own dark purposes? Find out this Thursday, at 7PM, on this channel!
"Stand down! I will not ask you again!" The officer aimed her revolver at the mysterious figure, silhouetted against the crimson moon.
Without seeing his face, she knew he was smiling. "Miss Asuni, you must understand that you are involved in something much greater than you imagine..." He took one step back, a smidge away from falling twenty stories down. The wind blew menacingly.
"And now, adieu!" He opened his arms, and let himself fall, as the police officer rushed to the edge.
"...Central, this is Officer Asuni, requesting an ambulance--- what? He is gone?"
And without her knowledge, she was already in the sights of another player...
I genuinely don't know why I own d20 Modern. I bought it, but I don't know what for - I sure as hell have never played it, I've barely given it a read or two, and d20 is so much not the kind of system to do high-flying modern-day action. That being said, I'll give d20 Modern this, it's actually got an introduction section - compared to D&D 3E, which gives you a very skippable single page before dumping you straight into character generation, this game gives you a reasonable introduction, telling you what RPGs are, what d20 Modern aims for in terms of themes and aesthetics, how basic rolls are done (you know, before you start tangling with the whole d20 rules shebang), even a game example. And given that all basic and advanced classes have 10 levels at most, there's an implied expectation that characters will end up multiclassing eventually, which opens up the system to many more character concepts than it would seem at first blush. But geez, the d20 cholesterol is strong in this one, with talent trees for the basic classes that go from the very useful (Dodge) to the ??? (oh yes I'd like to deal more damage to inert objects, by more damage I mean ignoring a tiny bit of object hardness) and the Wealth rolls are... look, I appreciate that they attempted at abstracting money because you shouldn't have to worry about individual dollars in a game of modern-day run and gun action, buuut poor Nkoyo ended up practically in the dumps just from getting a basic gun and armor. I mean, any reasonable GM would've just given her the stuff, but by the book it gets rough to acquire gear at low Wealth scores. Realistic, I guess????
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spacereon · 2 years
The January Character Generation Challenge continues! For the next month! What else do I have on the shelf... oh. Oh.
Professor Jacinta Roma
STR: 6 DEX: 13 CON: 10 INT: 18 WIS: 15 CHA: 11
Defensive Option
HP: 9
Sanity: 75
AC: 13
Initiative: +1
Attack bonus: +0 melee, +1 ranged
Fort: +0 Ref: +3 Will: +5
Skills: 48
Concentration (Con) +4
Diplomacy (Cha) +4
Spot (Wis) +6
Speak Other Language (German) (Int) +8
Speak Other Language (English) (Int) +8
Investigation (Int) +11
Gather Knowledge (Cha) +4
Lore (History) (Int) +8
Lore (Archaeology) (Int) +8
Lore (Mathematics) (Int) +8
Computer Use (Int) +8
Listen (Wis) +6
Skill Focus (Investigation)
Height: 5' 7'' Weight: 183 lbs
To: Head of Research
From: A. RACKHAM, Human Resources
Angela, you will find attached the resume of one Jacinta Mora. I have her cover letter here and I think she may prove to be an asset in our investigation. She is a graduate of the Universidad de Chile, with a focus on the history of mathematical research across the globe. Do you remember that business last year, with the elderly gentleman that claimed to be from Turkmenistan? The rock pattern? See the title of Mora's thesis. "Coincidences in mathematical thought across Bronze Age cultures of South America, Central Asia and Oceania." I'll bet you a drink that she has seen some of the stuff we are looking for already. She thinks we endeavor in historical research, and I cannot really fault her, now, can I?
Oh boy, Call of Cthulhu d20. Absolutely got dumpstered on when it was out, and honestly I feel like some of it is unwarranted. Sure, it's still d20 - even making a level 1 character is a pain, and the book hides stuff like the number of starting skill points, and the feats - but it's still a serviceable system for low-powered horror. Or at least, it doesn't do a worse job of it than the original BRP-based game. I'll even go as far as saying that the magic system is better than the Runequest derivation of the original, and the fluff parts are probably more useful for running a game than even more diatribes on how August Derleth sucks. Yes, even the overly detailed firearms section, since it also includes a summary of American gun law in the 20th century, useful to gauge just what kind of firepower PCs and cultists can bring to bear against each other. I would've liked to give this character psychic feats because they're hilarious, but I didn't roll enough Charisma and I was going strictly by the book, 4d6-drop-down and all. And yes, that height and weight were also rolled by the book.
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spacereon · 2 years
Today I had some bloodwork done. That sucks! You know what else sucks blood? Vampire! But as it turns out, I don't actually own any physical copies of Vampire in any edition, and I'm restricting myself to stuff I own physically for this challenge. Fortunately, I do have other nWoD games, like the one I'll be using for today's entry.
Ivonne, of the Court of Autumn
Intelligence: ***
Wits: ***
Resolve: **
Strength: **
Dexterity: ***
Stamina: **
Presence: **
Manipulation: **
Composure: **
Academics: **** (Religion)
Investigation: *** (Autopsy)
Medicine: **
Occult: **
Physical Drive: *
Stealth: *** (Graveyards)
Expression: ** (Spooky stories)
Socializing: **
Subterfuge: ***
Seeming: Darkling
Kith: Gravewight
Court: Autumn
Wyrd: **
Smoke: **
Darkness: **
Fleeting Autumn: *
Mantle (Autumn): *
New Identity: **
Contacts: * (Goth circles)
Defense: 2
Health: 7
Initiative: 5
Willpower: 4
Glamour: 6/11
Clarity: 7
Virtue: Faith
Vice: Envy
I have a skull.
Aside from mine, yes. You are funny. I'll kill you last.
It's a real skull. No, not taken from my job. They actually check for that after the screw-up with the little girls' bodies. Holding a wake for your little girl and realizing that the wrong head was sewn to her body. Fucked up, huh? But it's kinda funny how these things fall out. The parents got righteously pissed, it made the evening news, city hall got involved, and now there's street signs and bumps and stuff so that no one is going to run over some yapping ten-year old hard enough to wrench her pretty little head off her shoulders.
The sewing job hid the fact that the cut was way too sharp to have been caused by a hit-and-run.
That's who the skull was from. One of Them. Specifically, one that worked with My Guy. He likes yapping heads. For that, The Ogre ripped his head off, fatality-style. And I got it as a gift, because I led the kill team to him.
He is Step One. I have more room on my shelf. And some day, nice and overcast, My Guy will be there.
Now, you know too much. Time for you to die...
...fuck, man, you really believe this shit, huh? Get some molly, dude, let's go to the dance floor. I'll grind my skinny ass on you if your pants are still dry.
Changeling is one of my favorite nWoD games. I think it's the first one where nWoD started finding its own voice rather than being basically store-brand oWoD with the Vampire-Werewolf-Mage triad. It's not just markedly different in scope and themes than Dreaming, it's weird in an evocative way - you can never really know everything there is to know about the True Fae and Arcadia, they don't work that way, no sourcebook is going to help. There was a lot of flipping back and forth among both the Changeling corebook and the nWoD corebook, though - I hadn't made a nWoD character in years, and I was definitely missing L5R-style questions leading to mechanics. Still, good shit, even if I decided to go on a different direction than my original vampire changeling idea. I had already done that before, anyway.
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spacereon · 2 years
And for something entirely different: Classic Traveller! If L5R gave you the stats as you wrote your character's background, CT will just dump a bunch of stats on you for you to interpret as you check on tables and roll lots of six-sided dice. If you don't die in chargen first, which is a possibility! Though my copy is a reprint of the 1981 edition, which includes a rule that death results can be turned into the character dropping out of the service halfway through the term. Anyway!
Initial rolls are:
Strength: 8
Dexterity: 3
Endurance: 2
Intelligence: 2
Education: 4
Social Standing: 4
Decided to enter the Merchant Service, roll of 7+ needed, +1 for 8 Strength of 7+. Scored a 6+1=7, barely made it.
Term 1: Immediately make the survival roll for the first 4-year term of service, needs a 5+, and... 9! Commission roll, needs a 4+... 9 again! Promotion roll, needs a 10+ and... 7. Oh well! Still, the character is a 4th Officer at 22 years old. Term 1 gives 2 skill rolls, and another one for the commission. Let's take 2 them on the Personal Development table and 1 on the Service Skills tables. Bribery, Vehicle and Gun Combat, huh. Reenlistment needs a 4+... 6! Still in it.
Term 2: Survival roll is a 9 again, easy. With a 5 there's no chance for a promotion. This is the second term, and with no promotion we only get a single skill roll. Taken on the Personal Development table, we get +1 Dexterity. Reenlistment needs a 4+... and we get a 3! The Merchant Service has kicked us out, at 26 years old.
Mustering out: We get one roll for each term of service, and another for our commission rank of 4th Officer, three in total. We'll take one in the Cash table (5000 credits) and the other two in Benefits. +1 Intelligence and +1 Education, huh.
Summing up, we got this.
4th Officer Kiril Peshkov
Strength: 8
Dexterity: 4
Endurance: 2
Intelligence: 3
Education: 5
Social Standing: 4
(Or, if you're using CT's way of displaying stats, 842354.)
Age: 26
Skills: Bribery-1, Vehicle (Ground Car)-1, Gun Combat (Revolver)-1
Gear: 5000 credits
The Service is harsh mistress, it's true. On Sirocco I joined crew of the Miller's Regret doing supply run for one of the Breath Lords. Harsh life there, harsh life upside, but I work hard and don't breathe more than I should. Don't know electronics but can run a truck and talk to customs guards, and revolver usually has all rounds I need, so the Captain lets me stay. We ran supply and hauled stuff all over sector. On Octlan, the Captain says, Kiril, bring this truckload to Dr. Mendez, yes? I drive truck, slip credits to spaceport guards, go to doctor. But doctor isn't there, cargo is just tchotchkes, and ship is gone when I get back. Harsh life down here. Still waiting for ship. Or any other ship. Don't even have revolver.
But still better than Sirocco.
Poor bastard. CT chargen is harsh, yeah, look at those lousy stats. It is kinda interesting that CT doesn't really assume that characters progress in the sense we understand RPG characters to progress these days - they can improve in skills and stats, but it takes major effort (if you try improving physical stats for instance, there's a roll to be made to see if the character even goes through with the training program, with a bonus if your intelligence is low enough). The game feels that experience is something the player gets as their character gets into adventures, rather. And of course, there's always cash and better gear to get.
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spacereon · 2 years
Alright, I'm gonna start the January Chargen Challenge with a game I love to bits, Legend of the Five Rings 5th Edition. It's going to be straight corebook L5R chargen, no Path of Waves or options from other books.
Doji Natsuko, diplomat of the Crane Clan
1.- What Clan does your character belong to?
The children of Doji-no-kami, honored guest. (Crane Clan, +1 Air, +1 Culture, Status 35)
2.- What family does your character belong to?
The grace of Doji-no-kami has granted me the blessing of bearing her name. Oh, please. There is no need. (Doji family, +1 Water, +1 Courtesy, +1 Design, Glory 44, Starting Wealth: 8 koku)
3.- What is your character's school, and what roles does that school fall into?
Ah, you ask about my background, yes? Why, it has been a few years since I left the gentle halls of Shizuka Toshi... Ken'ichi-kun, bring us more tea, please? (Doji Diplomat: +1 Air, +1 Water, +1 Aesthetics, +1 Courtesy, +1 Culture, +1 Government, +1 Martial Arts [Ranged], Honor 50, Shûji: Whispers of Court, Shûji: Lady Doji's Decree, School Ability: Speaking in Silence, starting outfit: Ceremonial clothes, wakizashi, bow, calligraphy set, traveling pack, attendant)
4.- How does your character stand out within their school?
My! Quite inquisitive. Perhaps it would be a little, what is the word? Ah, thank you, Ken'ichi-kun. Do you know? He has been with me ever since my Academy days. His family, well... (+1 Air)
5.- Who is your lord and what is your character's duty to them?
Doji Kaedeko-sama? Surely you must have heard of her, and her graceful interpretations at last year's Winter Court? Ah, my. No, no, let us not speak any further of this. At any rate, matters that interfere in her... cogitations, are best left to her assistants, yes? In a similar manner to Ken'ichi-kun attending to my far humbler needs. Speaking of which, I believe our honored guest would enjoy the scent of our incense, yes? (Giri: liaison for Clan Magistrate Doji Kaedeko)
6.- What does your character long for, and how might this impede their duty?
She flicks her fan open. Ah, honored guest! You musn't! Oh, no, forgive me for my outburst. It is just... all homes should have a roof above them, yes? (Ninjô: escalating the social ladder of Rokugan)
7.- What is your character's relationship with their clan?
We bear a tremendous responsibility, honored guest. With humility and zeal, we endeavor to preserve the culture and order of our great Empire. A bird needs its feathers to fly, and I am but one of them. And under the light of Lady Sun, of course. Oh, there it is. Lovely incense, isn't it? (Divergence: +1 Skulduggery)
8.- What does your character think of Bushidô?
As the followers of Akodo-no-kami's teachings will remind you - repeatedly, if I may add - all samurai are warriors, regardless of their training as bushi or otherwise. But a warrior must be courteous above all - what use is there in becoming a mere brute? These are the teachings of Doji-no-kami. May I recommend you these lectures...? (Orthodox: +10 Honor)
9.- What is your character's greatest accomplishment so far?
Why, being a a servant to Kaedeko-sama, of course? Ah, though if you have heard of the events earlier in last year's fall, around the time of the harvest festivals... She flicks her fan open again. Sometimes, all people need is the right word to hear. (Benten's Blessing (Air))
10- What holds your character back the most in life?
What, indeed... we human beings are so fragile, are we not? Especially when our duties are more at the writing desk and in court. (Bishamon's Curse (Water))
11.- What activity most makes your character feel at peace?
Did you know? "The Blessed Life of Akijiro" is quite a ribald story, as you surely must be aware of - the tale of a young samurai, his wife-to-be, and the women that he keeps running into. But there is a slightly different tale to be read if you are aware of the reasons why the author chose the names of the female characters. If you have the opportunity, pay attention to the first character of each name... (Wordplay (Air))
12.- What concern, fear or foible troubles your character the most?
We are the stories we tell about ourselves, are we not? And we should choose our endings properly. (Fear of Death (Earth))
13.- Who has your character learned the most from during their life?
We never stop learning, honored guest. This is what Itsuka-sensei told me when I first met them, and those words have a way of returning to my life now and then. It means that they are watching from above, bless them. (Subtle Observer (Air))
14.- What do people notice first upon encountering your character?
Once, I would have liked to think it was my melodious voice, but Itsuka-sensei made sure to correct my mistake. Now... hm, I could not say for myself! Honored guest, what would you say? (Habit: emphasizing words with her fan. Aesthetic accoutrements: a highly adorned fan)
15.- How does your character react to stressful situations?
That would depend on the kind of stress, yes? I admit I am not at my best in matters of steel and violence, but is anyone really at home in such situations? Court is a different matter entirely, of course - one where even less mistakes are allowed. (Habit: stops playing with the fan as tension mounts)
16.- What are your character's preexisting relationships with other clans, families, organizations, and traditions?
We of the Crane have the obligation to stand at the summit of our Empire's culture and elegance, and Shinsei said that only from above can one see far - yet we may miss events on the ground. I remember that every time I see this quiver - Ken'ichi-kun, bring it closer - yes, do you see the lacework? A point of pride among a certain line of Yasuki artisans. This was a gift brought during a certain meeting of delegations. I learned something about archery, then - arrows, once fired, cannot be called back. (Saw the Yasuki get the best of the Doji during a trade negotiation. Item: quiver of arrows)
17.- How would your character's parents describe them?
My birth mother passed away when I was very young, so my other mother raised me alone. She never remarried, and now has withdrawn to the monasteries - but she made sure to teach me the taste of good tea. (+1 Performance)
18.- Who was your character named to honor?
My great-grandfather, Doji Natsume, or so I have been told. His was a tale of courage, though not the usual one - he married into the Scorpion clan. But he never forgot the scents of home. (Stolen Knowledge: Skulk)
19.- What is your character's personal name?
Honored guest, you simply must forgive me. In an introduction, one normally presents their name first, yes? Doji Natsuko is my name.
20.- How should your character die?
She smiles, flicks her fan open, and says nothing more.
Earth : 1 Fire : 1 Water : 2 Air : 3 Void : 1
School: Doji Diplomat
Giri: liaison for Clan Magistrate Doji Kaedeko
Ninjô: escalating the social ladder of Rokugan
Rank: 1
Honor: 55
Glory: 44
Status: 35
Void Points: 1/1
Endurance: 4 Composure: 6 Focus: 4 Vigilance: 3
Aesthetics 1, Courtesy 2, Culture 2, Design 1, Government 1, Performance 1, Skulduggery 1
Giri: liaison for Clan Magistrate Doji Kaedeko
Ninjô: escalating the social ladder of Rokugan
Shûji: Whispers of Court, Lady Doji's Decree
Ninjutsu: Skulk
Wakizashi: (Melee) | RNG 0-1 | DMG 3 | DLS 5 | Grips: 1-hand, 2-hand (Deadliness +2) | Ceremonial, Razor-Edged
Yumi: (Ranged) | RNG 2-5 | DMG 5 | DLS 3 | Grips: 2-hand
Ceremonial Clothes: Physical 1 | Ceremonial, Resplendent
Calligraphy set, traveling pack, attendant (Ken'ichi-kun)
Earth 2, Fire 3, Water 2, Air 1, Void 1
Artisan 2, Social 3, Trade 2
Advantages: Eye for Detail (Air/Artisan, Mental)
Disadvantages: World-Weariness (Earth/Social, Interpersonal)
Techniques: Fire Burns Through Lies (Fire)
Demeanor (Shrewd)
Ability: Overlooked
I love L5R 5E chargen. The 20 questions had been present in one way or another ever since the first edition of the game, but 5E makes them an active part of character generation. Your character is necessarily grounded by them, and you can see how I get a voice for Natsuko as I answer the questions. I have to say though, the mentor question should give more than just one measly skill point for the contrary answer, since you're tacking a full second disadvantage for it. And the ancestor question needs to be looked at, since it's the only instance of pure random chance, and some options can be really good (trading 5 honor for a technique your school doesn't normally have? ace stuff) And look at poor Ken'ichi-kun, all statted up like an NPC, ready to have work dumped on him by Natsuko while she is being all sparkly and annoying at court. I think she'll try to set him up with a handsome bushi. But before that, tea, please?
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