#janwum iv
duhragonball · 9 months
Janwum IV Update: 16,742
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All right, so the writing both is and isn't going very well. I went into the weekend expecting to write up a storm, but my fanfic annual isn't progressing much at all. On the other hand, I've made a lot of progress hatewatching Star Trek: Picard, which you can check out at the mothership, if you weel.
So I'm calling an audible and folding that liveblog into my writing project. That gets me up to 16k, which is about where I would have been if I'd managed to get my butt in gear on this fic. I am about 2000 words into the story, which is good progress to be sure. It's especially good that I'm that far in by January, since the thing doesn't have to get posted until the end of the year.
I could just modify the writing goal to give myself more time, or make the word count smaller, or delete it entirely, but this seems like the best play. One thing I found out in November is that I can rack up a lot more words when I'm not forcing myself to follow a single track. I had toyed with writing Yellow Christmas in November, because I thought I would have the time, but the problem was never time, it was me, to paraphrase the gosh-awful dialogue from Star Trek: Picard.
So instead of calling Janwum IV a failure or forcing myself to play catch up, I'm going to accept the situation and encourage the flow of words that I'm actually writing. Yellow Christmas will come to me when it's ready. I've broken the ice on it, so now it's just a matter of time, and I have plenty of that. So we'll get this white whale called Picard figured out, and go from there.
I suppose I could challenge myself to finish Season 3 by the end of the week. Now that I'm no longer dividing my focus, I should be able to make that happen. I just need to watch... two episodes a night until Sunday. Well that's easy! I knocked out four of them yesterday. Well, watching it wasn't easy, but writing about how bad they are is pretty soothing.
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duhragonball · 9 months
Janwum IV Update: 2808
I think this has been going well. The goal is 25k by 1/15, but I purposely set aside the first five days for 5000 words of plotting. I've barely managed half of that, but I still feel like I've made a lot of progress figuring out what I want to do. I knew it would probably be this way, and 5000 was a shot in the dark, so I'm just gonna forge ahead and not worry about hitting that target by Friday night. That just means I'll need to pad out my wordcounts a bit from Jan 6-14, but I don't expect that to be an issue.
The harder part will be nailing 2500 words a day for... wait, I should only need eight days for that. Why did I schedule nine? Oh well, it doesn't matter. I added the 15th as a makeup day, so now I get two makeup days. Anyway, the hard part will be maintaining that pace. I mean, I managed similar numbers in November, but then I had the luxury of being able to jump from one project to another when I got stuck.
If you're bored, you can head on over to my main blog @sodiumlamp , where I have improbably begun hateblogging Star Trek: Picard because they had the temerity to put random present-day labware in a scene set 375 years in the future. Sure, that may sound crazy, but it's a pet peeve of mine when TV shows half-ass laboratory scenes by just putting flasks of colored liquid and acting like that makes it science-y. It's bad enough in police procedural, but this is some hoity-toity big shot production that should know better.
To be fair, Picard only committed this transgression in a single episode, but that episode was really, really terrible, and so are all of the others, so I'm just watching them all and complaining about them to cope.
I bring this up because I was looking up YouTube reviews to see if anyone else hated the show as much as I do, and this has led me to the unfortunate discovery that a lot of the criticism of Picard comes from internet chuds who are just mad because it's "woke" or there are too many women in the cast. You know the type, they're mad at Kathleen Kennedy for existing. Let me assure you, I only hate Picard because it's extremely badly written and slow-paced. I actually feel bad for the actors, because they all seem quite talented, and they're just trying to make the best of the lines they're given.
The important thing is that Star Trek: Picard is a lousy, rotten TV show, and props departments should think twice and do some research before they just order a bunch of graduated cylinder and fill them with Kool-Aid.
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