web-sahara · 6 months
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観香 - 花の惑星 / Viewing Aromas - Floral Planet [Motion Painting]
紙本着彩、額装、映像に変換(4秒ループ) / Acrylic colours on Japanese paper, hanging scroll, convert to movie (4 seconds loop) 270×360mm (本紙 / image), 890×540mm (総丈 / hanging scroll) 2022
調香 / Brending Aromas - 8th Apr 2018 於 蟠龍寺、目黒 / at Banryuji, Tokyo
香りのレシピ / Recipe of the Aromas  ラベンダー×2 / Lavender*2  フランキンセンス / Frankincense  ローズマリー×2 / Rosemary*2  ゼラニウム / Geranium  ジュニパーベリー×2 / Juniper berry*2  ブルーロータス×2 / Blue Lotus*2
#paintings #2022 #japanese_paper #motion_painting #viewing_aromas #観香 #hanging_scroll https://www.instagram.com/p/C4hmniHLp_6/
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hiboudesigns · 9 years
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大阪堀江の美容院 intaraction hair designにてイブーデザインズ春夏商品をラインナップ中。 その場で購入も可能です。
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drift-orbit · 9 years
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handmade notes
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web-sahara · 7 months
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観香 - 天使のかけっこ / Viewing Aromas - Angel played a Race [Motion Painting]
紙本着彩、額装、映像に変換(4秒ループ) / Acrylic colours on Japanese paper, hanging scroll, convert to movie (4 seconds loop)
360×270mm (本紙 / image), 960×450mm (総丈 / hanging scroll) 2022
調香 / Brending Aromas - 8th Apr 2018 於 蟠龍寺、目黒 / at Banryuji, Tokyo
香りのレシピ / Recipe of the Aromas  クラリセージ×2 / ClarySage*2  ベルガモット×3 / Bergamot*3  ブルーロータス×5 / Blue Lotus*5
#paintings #2022 #japanese_paper#motion_painting #viewing_aromas #観香 #hanging_scroll https://www.instagram.com/p/C3-KBp3vRXa/ https://gallery-aquarelles.stores.jp/items/65e3a6125b1e9110b9679321
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web-sahara · 8 months
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観香 - 香りの泉 / Viewing Aromas - Fountain of Aromas [Motion Painting]
紙本着彩、額装、映像に変換(4秒ループ) / Acrylic colours on Japanese paper, hanging scroll, convert to movie (4 seconds loop) 270×360mm (本紙 / image), 890×540mm (総丈 / hanging scroll) 2022
調香 / Brending Aromas - 11th Apr 2018 於 K氏邸、東京 / at K‘s house, Tokyo
香りのレシピ / Recipe of the Aromas  ニオイコブシ×6 / Nioikobushi(Magnolia Salicifolia)*6  小夏×5 / Konatsu(New Summer Orange)*5  トンカビーンズ×3 / Tonka Beans*3  ハッカ / Hakka(Japanese mint)  ゼラニウム / Geranium  パチュリ / Patchouli
#paintings #2022 #japanese_paper #motion_painting #viewing_aromas #観香 #hanging_scroll https://www.instagram.com/p/C21Vw-SrlMt/ https://gallery-aquarelles.stores.jp/items/65c7e9904fdf6e07a0647a74
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web-sahara · 2 years
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観香拾遺 - 2015 夏 西嶺町 二つの香り / Collection of Viewing Aromas - 2 Aromas in Summer 2015 at Nishiminemachi 和紙、アクリル彩色、額装 / Acrylic colours on Japanese paper, framed with mounting mat board 480×300mm (本紙 / image) , 600×420mm (額 / frame) 2020 #paintings #2020 #japanese_paper #viewing_aromas #観香 #collection_of_viewing_aromas #観香拾遺 #framed_work https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp4PWZ4r_-l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI= https://gallery-aquarelles.stores.jp/items/6416fc4ea1be0e1fa66d980b
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web-sahara · 2 years
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観香拾遺 - 2015 神田 二つの香り / Collection of Viewing Aromas - 2 Aromas in 2015 at Kanda 和紙、アクリル彩色、額装 / Acrylic colours on Japanese paper, framed with mounting mat board 480×300mm (本紙 / image) , 600×420mm (額 / frame) 2020 #paintings #2020 #japanese_paper #viewing_aromas #観香 #collection_of_viewing_aromas #観香拾遺 #framed_work https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpm-eYfP74Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI= https://gallery-aquarelles.stores.jp/items/6416fa886d097b277311c1ef
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web-sahara · 2 years
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観香拾遺 - 2014 丸の内 一つの香り / Collection of Viewing Aromas - An Aroma in 2014 at Marunouchi 和紙、アクリル彩色、額装 / Acrylic colours on Japanese paper, framed with mounting mat board 400×250mm (本紙 / image) , 510×360mm (額 / frame) 2020 #paintings #2020 #japanese_paper #viewing_aromas #観香 #collection_of_viewing_aromas #観香拾遺 #framed_work https://www.instagram.com/p/CpCYLNMr3a9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI= https://gallery-aquarelles.stores.jp/items/63fda2243313d23f3c126a1c
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web-sahara · 2 years
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観香拾遺 - 2014 芝 九つの香り / Collection of Viewing Aromas - 9 Aromas in 2014 at Shiba 和紙、アクリル彩色、額装 / Acrylic colours on Japanese paper, framed with mounting mat board 880×550mm (本紙 / image) , 1030×700mm (額 / frame) 2020 #paintings #2020 #japanese_paper #viewing_aromas #観香 #collection_of_viewing_aromas #観香拾遺 #framed_work https://www.instagram.com/p/Cow6BlEvsKI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI= https://gallery-aquarelles.stores.jp/items/63f45fd17d65da7d464a59f5
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web-sahara · 2 years
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観香 - ぱたぱた / Viewing Aromas - Pit-a-pat [Motion Painting] 和紙、アクリル彩色、額装、映像に変換(4秒ループ) / Acrylic colours on Japanese paper, framed with mounting mat board, convert to movie (4 seconds loop) 360×480mm (本紙 / image), 490×600mm (額 / frame) 2020 調香 / Brending Aromas - 29th Jun 2017 於 TOHOいえラボプロジェクト / at TOHO IELABO Project 香りのレシピ / Recipe of the Aromas  サンダルウッド×4 / Sandalwood*4  ジャスミンサンバック×3 / Jasmine Sambac*3  シトロネラ×3 / Citronella*3 #paintings #2020 #japanese_paper #motion_painting #viewing_aromas #観香 #framed_work https://www.instagram.com/p/CoMVEo-Lii-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI= https://gallery-aquarelles.stores.jp/items/63e8e00fd1912372473cf149
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web-sahara · 2 years
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観香 - 只今通過中 / Viewing Aromas - Now passing through [Motion Painting] 和紙、アクリル彩色、額装、映像に変換(4秒ループ) / Acrylic colours on Japanese paper, framed with mounting mat board, convert to movie (4 seconds loop) 360×480mm (本紙 / image), 490×600mm (額 / frame) 2020 調香 / Brending Aromas - 29th Jun 2017 於 TOHOいえラボプロジェクト / at TOHO IELABO Project 香りのレシピ / Recipe of the Aromas  グレープフルーツ / Grapefruit  クラリセージ / Clary Sage  レモン×3 / Lemon *3  サンダルウッド×4 / Sandalwood*4  ラベンダー / Lavender #paintings #2020 #japanese_paper #motion_painting #viewing_aromas #観香 #framed_work https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn6Sm5_r24r/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI= https://gallery-aquarelles.stores.jp/items/63e8ded3d77a6f2c300146a5
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web-sahara · 2 years
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観香 - ハーバーライト / Viewing Aromas - Harbor Light [Motion Painting] 和紙、アクリル彩色、額装、映像に変換(4秒ループ) / Acrylic colours on Japanese paper, framed with mounting mat board, convert to movie (4 seconds loop) 360×480mm (本紙 / image), 490×600mm (額 / frame) 2020 調香 / Brending Aromas - 29th Jun 2017 於 TOHOいえラボプロジェクト / at TOHO IELABO Project 香りのレシピ / Recipe of the Aromas  フランキンセンス×4 / Frankincense*4  パイン・スコッツ×2 / Pine, Scots*2  レモン / Lemon  ユーカリナローリーフ / Eucalyptus, Narrow Leaf  ニアウリ×2 / Niaouli*2 #paintings #2020 #japanese_paper #motion_painting #viewing_aromas #観香 #framed_work https://www.instagram.com/p/CnowlZpvLVj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI= https://gallery-aquarelles.stores.jp/items/63d36accf54f6721197789a6
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web-sahara · 2 years
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観香 - またあした / Viewing Aromas - See you Tomorrow [Motion Painting] 和紙、アクリル彩色、額装、映像に変換(4秒ループ) / Acrylic colours on Japanese paper, framed with mounting mat board, convert to movie (4 seconds loop) 480×360mm (本紙 / image), 600×490mm (額 / frame) 2020 調香 / Brending Aromas - 29th Jun 2017 於 TOHOいえラボプロジェクト / at TOHO IELABO Project 香りのレシピ / Recipe of the Aromas  ローマンカモミール / Chamomile, Roman  グレープフルーツ×2 / Grapefruit*2  レモン×2 / Lemon*2  ユーカリナローリーフ / Eucalyptus, Narrow Leaf  オレンジスウィート×2 / Orange, Sweet*2 #paintings #2020 #japanese_paper #motion_painting #viewing_aromas #観香 #framed_work https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWRTa2rm88/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI= https://gallery-aquarelles.stores.jp/items/63d369dfd77a6f1d0ee0fb6a
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web-sahara · 2 years
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み・や口 / Mi-Ya Gate 石州和紙、アクリル彩色、両面額装 / Acrylic colours on Japanese paper, double-faced frame 590×767.5mm (本紙 / image) ×2, 609×787mm (額 / frame) ×2 2020 個人蔵 / private collection #paintings #2020 #japanese_paper #framed_work #double-faced_frame #transparent https://www.instagram.com/p/ClGDRr-rpsX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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web-sahara · 2 years
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み・や口(左雙・裏) / Mi-Ya Gate (Left, back side) 石州和紙、アクリル彩色、両面額装 / Acrylic colours on Japanese paper, double-faced frame 590×767.5mm (本紙 / image) , 609×787mm (額 / frame) 2020 個人蔵 / private collection #paintings #2020 #japanese_paper #framed_work #double-faced_frame #transparent https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck0ASblLDUC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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web-sahara · 2 years
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み・や口(左雙) / Mi-Ya Gate (Left) 石州和紙、アクリル彩色、両面額装 / Acrylic colours on Japanese paper, double-faced frame 590×767.5mm (本紙 / image) , 609×787mm (額 / frame) 2020 個人蔵 / private collection #paintings #2020 #japanese_paper #framed_work #double-faced_frame #transparent https://www.instagram.com/p/CkdjJiKv4M0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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