#jaqueline attricilla
babblable 2 years
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it is almost 1AM time to post the Them!!!
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babblable 2 years
馃尵 Gibbs, Jackie, Sammy, Whiskey
馃尵 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them.
Gibbs: Admittedly a hard one.
It has the most gentle heart, hands and soul. It is calloused, weathered, tired, but affectionate, loving and safe. I never felt safer with anyone else, having its hands hold mine, having its arms wrapped around me. It has a heart of the purest gold.... it's just.. colder now. Time has been unkind to it.
But kindness begets kindness. If you are kind to it, it will return that tenfold and you will have earned the most loyal, beloved treasure in the multiverse.... Take care of it for me.. Take so gentle care of it.
Jackie: I. have no idea how to do this one! Would honestly have to ask Kraken or one of the other Janitors, tbh!
Sammy: My first response is to point at Vwild and say to ask her bc OGAN-
But also he's not the only one who's ever been in love with Sammy, so~!-
A firecracker for sure, knows what she wants and how to get it. So sure of herself and so independent. Strong, hardheaded, hardworking. A kickass or a kick in the ass, depending on which end of her ass kicking you're on.... Deserved better. Wish she'd sought out better, sooner.
Whiskey: not easy but not impossible either~.
When they said she was lightning in a bottle I didn't realize just what that meant until she struck me with it. Addictive. Worth every second spent with her. A ball of love and anxiety wrapped up in the fluffiest stormcloud. She might not have teeth but damn does she bite though, so take caution.
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babblable 3 years
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Jackie went on a cruise and this was their outfit of choice!
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babblable 3 years
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Birbs at the beach!! Realized I forgot to post this Mom Gull and Penguin Brat-Child pic the other day. For Shame.
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babblable 3 years
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Hold them upside down to keep them occupied vs yeeting them for their growth and development.
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babblable 3 years
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A plushy Jackie got from the cruise!
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babblable 3 years
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Hey what if I-*Pollution Swirls Your Water Spirit Penguin Child*
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babblable 3 years
@krakenator inspired me to make a ref/rules thingy so I did!
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There's a couple things I forgot tho:
1. Jackie being a Water Spirit means their prosthetic mechanical arm need repairs more often, especially if they work up to being able to use it regularly. This is one of the other reasons they're less inclined to wear it.
2. Their lightning scars have two start points on their back, top left shoulder and bottom right lower back. They pretty much cover their back, the backs of their limbs, and the back of their head, spilling to part of their face, fronts of their limbs and body. Otherwise, you just kinda wing it.
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babblable 3 years
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Sometimes you gotta visit home for a bit to get rid of the bad thinky thoughts.
And sometimes you gotta put your tiny penguin child in a red wagon bc they're tiny little legs can't go that fast and the sun is making them sick.
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babblable 3 years
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listen- am somft and wanted to mindlessly doodle bc i have very little energy atm
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babblable 3 years
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Practice Jackie in a dino onesie with a frog they found. Dinos and Frogs are their favorite pecking things!
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babblable 3 years
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babblable 3 years
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Today is a special day for my bro @krakenator and I. We started chatting, scheming and being Partners In Evil Crimes on this day a year ago. Love you, Bro!
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