#jasiri would love cute milk
mcdoucherathx7 · 2 years
Lyle and Monica
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queen-scribbles · 5 years
OC Interview
1. Choose an OC.
2. Answer as that OC.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same. 
I was tagged by: @haledamage Thanks! (I have so many freaking OCs, I’m always a safe bet for these things xD) Not going to tag anyone else though, unless @captainofthefallen still needs an excuse? Consider this a tag, if so. :D
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This time around I’m gonna answer with Jas, circa where she currently is in-game(tail end of 4711, mid-Varnhold Vanishing; tracked down two of the three Defaced Sisters for Along the Cold Trail, so no spoilers, please. I’ve already seen some big ones and wanna avoid any more)
1. What is your name?
She swings her legs for a minute, seemingly tickled by how far they are from the floor, before registering she’s been asked a question. “Huh? Oh! Sorry, Jasiri Swallowtail. But please, call me Jas.”
2. Do you know why are you named that?
“Well, Jasiri’s from a.. ridiculous number of greats-grandmother or aunt who was an explorer” --she waves one hand with a laugh--”and Swallowtail’s the family name.” A wink. “Though that did work out well when I pledged myself to Desna.”
3. Are you single or taken?
The infectious joy dims significantly, and her expression is pensive as she devotes all her focus to twisting one of her rings. “Um.... that’s complicated right now.” 
4. Have any abilities or powers?
She brightens. “Desna gave me a whole bunch of cool stuff I can do through my faith in Her; healing people, curing stuff like poison and blindness, protect people, throw fire at bad guys.... it’s a really long list. And my parents used to joke I’m supernaturally curious and energetic, so maybe those count, too?”
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
She cocks her head, twirling a loose wisp of hair around one finger. “I’m not; I’m Jas. Don’t know anyone named Mary Sue, though I did have a friend named Susanna growin’ up.”
6. What’s your eye color?
“Grey-green, though which one stands out more depends on the light and what I’m wearin’.”
7. How about your hair color?
“Dark red.” She tugs on the wisp she’s twirling as if to emphasize the words.
8. Have any family members?
“Oh, lots,” she nods happily. “Both parents are still kickin’, last I heard, and I have five sisters, all but one older’n me,”
9. Oh? How about pets?
“OH! You haven’t met Ember yet?!” She hops down from the chair and almost skips to the doorway, giving an unusual trilling whistle. “Em! C’mere, there’s a new friend!” A few moments pass before a frankly adorable red panda somersaults into the room, and she beams as she scoops it up, careful not to step on the tail trailing between her feet. “There you are! Say hi to a new friend.” She “helps” it wave one paw, then scratches it under the chin before setting it down again to climb back in the chair. It amuses itself playing in the corner as she continues, “There’s also a cat named Tiger hiding somewhere, and this really cute stray dog that followed Octavia home from one of her ventures out to Spruceheart, but I dunno if that one counts as mine, since he likes her a little bit better.” 
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now, tell me something you don’t like?
She purses her lips in thought and taps one finger against her chin. “The standard stuff, I guess. Y’know, people who hurt innocents or take advantage of them. Also, being stuck inside too long. Snow. And peaches.” She makes a face. “Can’t stand peaches. Don’t ask me why.”
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
“Climbing trees, exploring, reading....” She ticks them off on her fingers. “I enjoy pretty much anything if I can do it with a couple really good friends, honestly.”
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
She shrugs, pick at a scab on one knuckle. “Some, yeah. Mostly good ol’ physical violence if I couldn’t solve things with talking--I’m a really good talker--but I’m sure there’s people I’ve hurt with things I said.” .
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
“Same as I just said; ones I couldn’t talk down, yeah.”Another shrug. “Some people are just lookin’ for a fight. Or I say the wrong thing.” She wrinkles her nose. “I do feel kinda guilty for those.”
14. What kind of animal are you?
“You mean, what would I be if I was an animal? ‘Cause, I mean..” she gestures at herself. “Pretty sure I’m a halfling. But if I was an animal, I’d either wanna be an otter or a red panda like Ember. Look at her, she’s so cute.”
15. Name your worst habits?
She snorts good-naturedly. “I talk too much, leap before I look, and say things without thinking.”
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
She snorts and grins mischievously. “Almost everyone; I’m not even four feet tall.” A pleased wiggle follows the joke. “Or is that not what you meant?”
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
“Straight,” she says with an airy shrug.
18. Did you attend school?
“Yeah, for a while.” She giggles. “Sitting still was torture, though, and I managed to persuade my parents I could learn just as much from explorin’ the world as I could from a book.”
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
That pensive looks flickers again, and she starts twisting the ring, though she does keep eye contact this time. “I... wouldn’t be opposed if the right guy wanted to.”
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
“Oh, yeah. They almost manage to balance out the detractors,” she says with a self-deprecating grin. “I’m very popular.”
21. What are you most afraid of?
“Drowning, I guess?” She taps her chin thoughtfully. “Yeah. It’s a scary way to go, and between my height and the fact I usually wear heavy plate armor, it’s a.. present concern for me around water.”
22. What do you usually wear?
“Somethin’ comfortable,” she shrugs. “Shirt and pants, dresses, whatever fits my mood. Gotta be bright colors, though.”
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
“What’s one that doesn’t?” a new voice mutters out in the hall--miraculously still loud enough to be heard.
Jas rolls her eyes and twists around to kneel on her chair so she’s facing the door. “No one asked you, Jubilost!” She returns to a proper seated position, flashing an angel-innocent smile, “I do love all things sweet, but there’s an extra special weakness for chocolate ice cream. And kameberry pie.Oh, no, my biggest temptation would be sweet pancakes. Yeah, that.”
24. Am I annoying you?
“Oh, not at all!” She grins. “I love talking to people.”
25. Well, it’s still not over!
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
“Well, as Baroness, I’m pretty sure I’d count as high class?” Her nose wrinkles. “But I’m still confused by the ins and outs of nobility and politics and all that, so maybe upper end of middle? My family’s pretty solid middle class, though.”
27. How many friends do you have?
“Lots, though the exact number varies by how many people are in the room,” she jokes, toying with the carved butterfly talisman that hangs around her neck.
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
“Give it to me, all of it, right now.” She laughs and half-grimaces. “Unless it’s peach pie. Then the opposite, keep it away from me.”
29. Favorite drink?
“Never really thought about it,” she admits breezily. “I like a lot of things. Maybe milk? Or honeyed mead, that’s really good.” 
30. What’s your favorite place?
“There’s this flat rock that overhangs the river out behind Willowmere that’s the perfect distance from the surface to hang your feet in the water or skip stones.” She starts to smile, then gets distracted by a clearly less pleasant thought. “Up a tree’s always good, too. You can see for miles. It’s great.”
31. Are you interested in anyone?
She clears her throat and fidgets, looking down into her lap as she fiddles with her ring again. “...Yes.”
32. That was a stupid question…
“Not really, everyone wants to know if I’m spoken for.” She flashes a reassuring smile, dazzling as the sun. “I’m used to it, you’re fine.”
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
“Hmm... Lake, I guess. Less chance of being swept off never to be seen again.”
34. What’s your type?
“Quiet’s good, to balance me out. Blond’s nice. And sharing a passion for seein’ the world. Oh, compassionate, that’s a big one...” Her voice trails off, and she looks toward the window as a figure clad in white passes below. “Can we move on?” 
35. Any fetishes?
Her face colors ever so slightly and she clears her throat. “If I had any, I wouldn’t share them with a stranger.”
36. Camping or outdoors?
“Yes to both, as often as possible.” She bounces a little in the chair. “Sleeping under the stars is so much better than indoors. And on that topic, I’ve hit my limit for sittin’ inside when it’s so nice out. Maybe we can talk more later.” 
And with that, she hops down from the chair and darts out the door.
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