the-slasher-madame · 2 years
★ Random Thoughts Masterlist! ★
Why I got tumblr
Casually insecure reader writing prompt
I’M the jealous one here
Why the twins would kill me
Bo and his double barrel shotgun
Vinny knows French
Seggsy Vinny 👀
My biggest regret
Fruity Sinclairs
Sinclair twins’ birthday
How to make internet friends
Pride month 🌈
Proofreading?? Don’t know her
Sinclair childhood writers
To awkward for the ruse
Road salt
My father and the Sandman
Vincent vs. Bo
The deal
Manhandled by Thomas Hewitt
To awkward to engage
Bo bringing hell with him
Painting cures depression
Drawing a header
Analyzing Thomas Hewitt’s breakdown
I hate my memory
Miniature tools
Fiery anniversary
Blogs v. Time
About to Stan one Lester Sinclair
Wet cat Billy Lenz
Don’t apologize
Pikachu man
I feel loved 🥺
It’s Brittany bitch
Don’t wanna disappoint
House of wax on Instagram is 0/5 ★s
Love and comfort <3
There’s a bee in my tumblr
The Black Phone (but as a date)
Fang ily so much 🥺🥺
Sleepy Mikey sleepy me
Barbie and the Hack Saw
Barbie’s hollow tits part 2
Jason and Michael’s headaches
Devotion *shudders*
Requests and traumaversaries
Photographing art tips pretty please
Metal thoughts?
DCAU slaps
Slipknot got slipnapped
Uma Thurman?
I love slashers
David Bowie and Geography: A Confused Disaster
Christian Bale
Brahms and ‘The Haunting’
They done knew
Request update
Christian Bale pt. 2
Lester vibes 🦝
Beauregard Sinclair is an ass
He kinda short tho
Friendly reminder that I love y’all <3
Gay Grabber Moment
Eddie nickels
Mick Thomson
I really hate my memory right now
⭐️ anon and Ethan Hawke’s tits
Brain freeze
Sinclairs and Tourette’s Syndrome
Brahms, Stu, and Lester have never seen stretchmarks before IG
Bo Sinclair and the Grabber have no right sounding that sexy
Some Positivity!!
The Sinclairs are touchy in the summer 👀
Brahms and Bo, once again, have sexy voices that make me weak
The Grabber and that 70′s boob window shirt
Hot men short-circuit brain
Simping pays off
Mello Yello
I want Bo to glue my lips shut 🥺
Kiss me Bo please 🥺
Art update
Thank you Ziggy <3
Lester stans Miku
@ neurotypicals
More of me feeling bad about my request times
Prophetic flash
My first piece of hate 🤩
The deal part 2: the electric boogaloo
Can you spare a crumb of Ghost lore?
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Hi, do you think you could write an AU with jaytim where Jay is a single father and Tim haven't discover it yet ... maybe please and you could do it angsty or fluffy like you want ? Anyway I think it's super to ask us what we want to read for the end of your 365 writing and make us participate even if you're the one who do all the work ! Ily
Awww, I thought it was so fun to askall of you to submit prompts and see what you wanted in the end. And it’s sweetthat you think you haven’t been participating all year. Y’all have helped keepthis going just by reading what I’ve been posting! ^.^
For Write 365 Day 360!
“Get back here, Thomas,” Jason saidas he chased his six-year-old around the kitchen table.
Thomas shrieked and avoided anothergrab Jason made for him. Jason chuckled and jumped over the back of the couchand wrapped his arms around him, lifting him into the air.
He giggled and laughed. “Again!Again!” he cried.
Jason placed his lips against hischeek and gave him a quick kiss before blowing a huge raspberry, earning another please shriek from his son.
He paused when the doorbell rang.Jason frowned and looked up almost as though he was trying to see through the door to see who was visiting them. He settled Thomas on his hip and stepped aroundthe coffee table to get to the door.
“Now, who do you think that is,Thomas?” Jason asked, giving him a flick on the nose. “We weren’t expecting anyguests.”
“Surprise! Surprise!” he cried,waving his hands in the air.
“Yeah, it is a surprise,” Jasonagreed. He flicked the lock on the door and gave Thomas a grin. “Who do you think it’s going to-“
The words died on his tongue when hepulled open the door and found Tim standing on his doorstep. He opened andclosed his mouth, trying to find something to say. He’d been dating Tim for acouple of weeks but hadn’t shared anything about his son, worried that it mightscare him off since so many people didn’t want kids and he wanted to break thenews gently in case a son wasn’t something Tim wanted.
“Tim,” Jason choked.
“Tim! Tim!” Thomas cried, reachingout for him.
Tim smiled and took one of Thomas’swaving hands. “Nice to meet you. What’s your name?”
“I’m Thomas! And this is my daddy,”he said, wrapping his arms around Jason’s neck to squeeze tightly.
Jason tried to force a smile but it quicklyfell away. He rubbed his hand up and down his son’s back who hadn’t noticed thechange in atmosphere.
“Your son?” Tim asked, meetingJason’s eyes.
Jason nodded. “I guess I have a lotof explaining to do,” he forced out, trying to calm the nausea twisting his stomach into a pretzel. “Would you like to come in?”
Tim nodded and Jason stepped to theside, letting him step through the doorway. He shut the door and set Thomas on the floor.
“Hey Thomas, why don’t you go andplay? Tim and I need to talk for a bit, okay?”
He was already pulling away beforeJason could say anything more and raced down the hall towards his room, nodoubt to get his favorite stuffed giraffe.
Jason took a deep breath before heturned and found Tim standing in his kitchen.
“So,” Jason said, crossing his arms.“I guess I should explain.”
Tim’s smile was soft and he nodded.“If you were worried about how I would handle you having a son, you reallydidn’t need to.”
Jason shrugged and crossed his arms, hunching his shoulders. “I’ve dated people in thepast who I introduced Thomas to pretty quickly, but most of the guys I’ve dated havebeen turned off as soon as they learned about him.”
“Really?” Tim asked, wrinkling hisnose.
At that moment, Thomas had thedecency to run screaming into the room, waving his giraffe in his hands. Helaunched himself at Jason who caught him with parental expertise and swung himaround, unable to stop the smile that pulled at his lips. Thomas giggled and wrapped his arms around Jason, squeezing the giraffeagainst the side of his head.
Tim giggled, eyes crinkling as hissmile pulled his lips wide. “I think that’s a shame. Thomas seems like a greatkid to me.”
Jason bit his lip, trying to keepthe hope from blooming in his chest. “So, does this…”
Tim nodded. “I’d like to keepdating. If that’s alright with you. And if it’s not a huge deal can I hang outthis afternoon with you? And Thomas?”
Jason nodded and took a step towardsTim, giving Thomas a view of him.
“Hi Thomas,” Tim said, holding out ahand.
Thomas stared at his hand with wideeyes before burying his head in Jason’s neck, a complete change to his earlier confidence at being around the stranger. Jason met Tim’s eyes and theyboth chuckled.
“Come on,” Jason said, noddingtowards the living room. “I think I have an idea of how to get him warmed up toyou and it involves his favorite game.”
“Sounds great to me,” Tim said, witha bright smile.
If you enjoy my work, please reblog or consider buying me a ko-fi!
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jesperfvhey · 6 years
sammi reads the land i lost
im gonna type my thoughts and reactions to this here so
malec are being so cute and domestic my heart hurts
“The dark worn floorboards and the woven silk rug alike were littered with their son Max’s toys.”
i know we been knew already but it’s been a hot minute since I’ve read tsc and their scenes i forgot how much i love them
“You are my meow friend,” he told the Chairman solemnly, squeezing him.”
idk why but me too max me fucking too
ultra magnus
alec talking about the relief he felt when he first kissed magnus and how he felt right really gets me in my gay ass heart
he’s really out here living his best gay life i love that
god i love her
“i hear someone bossing people around. alec?”
lily @ jace “nobody’s talking about you jason”
“i don’t usually go for blonds, but she’s hot”
bi/pan solidarity
let’s go see if i can get the url joaquínromero
k so it’s been snatched so there’s that
im trying any canon url I can get let’s go for clivebreakspear
it’s been snatched
k nvm he’s a rat
“She was wearing jeans and a flannel shirt, her legs swung carelessly over the throne’s arm, the row of spikes glinting above her light”
getting big sapphic energy from her over here ngl
ugh cassie please stop ruinging all my sapphic power couple dreams
“Entreat me not to leave thee, idiot”
who’s willing to bet kits the lost heir
Robert lightwood is making me emo
“I’ve got all the time in the world”
so in summation: i just cried and this has been my favorite novella I’d die for all of them
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Jessica Barnes-Jr. CEO
Summary: “Bring Your Kids To Work Day” takes on a new meaning. First, let me set the stage for this hilarious story!
Pairing: CEO Daddy! Bucky Barnes x  Jessica Marie Barnes
OFC: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson
Scott Lang and Peter Parker
Word Count: 1,618
Warnings: Mention of death. Also, MAXIMUM fluff
A/N: A huge “thank you” to the incredible prompt goddess, @shy2shot. My motivation sunk to a new low and I couldn’t see my way out. So, I sent her a message for a daddy Bucky prompt. From her recommendation, this fic came to life.  @rebelicious THANK YOU for helping me. ILY! Thank you for reading and comments are always welcome!!!
“Exquisite Designs,” a commercial architectural firm owned by James Buchanan Barnes and Steven Grant Rogers, longtime friends, boasted some of New York’s wealthiest clients. For over 15 years, the firm built some of the most elegant office buildings dotting the skyline in New York City.
Their number one client, Stark and Wilson Land Developing, is in the process of adding a new wing to the Brain and Cancer Research Center at Mt. Sinai’s Children’s Hospital. This project is special to Bucky. His wife, Lillian, died from a brain aneurysm, caused by cancer 3 years ago, leaving behind an adorable daughter with rich brown hair like Bucky and hypnotic amber eyes identical to Lillian’s.
Now 5 years old, Jessica Marie, whose middle name is the same as her mothers, is the light in her daddy’s life. After his wife’s death, Bucky retreated into depression and couldn’t care for Jess properly. Her grandparents stepped in and assisted him. Steve’s position within the company escalated from COO to CEO. Bucky was kept abreast of all dealings and chimed in when needed.
On Jess’ 4th birthday, she and her daddy hopped on a plane and headed to Maui for some much needed alone time. Bucky brought photos and videos of Lillian, for Jess to watch. She only had flickers of her mommy’s memory. Bucky wanted her mother to be more than a fleeting memory.
Page after page of a photo album held heartwarming memories. As best he could, Bucky explained to Jess where her mommy was.
“Daddy, don’t be sad. Mommy is in Heaven. She can see us, just look up.”
Indulging his daughter, Bucky turned his gaze towards the cloudless sky. “Mommy told me to smile and take care of you.” Wrapping her chubby arms around his neck, for the first time, Bucky openly wept in front of Jess.
“Thank you Jess. I love you so much and Mommy is proud of you too. From now on, I’ll spend more time with you, I promise. We’ll go to the park, eat ice cream and play dress up!”
Jumping from Bucky’s lap, Jess danced around the room singing and clapping. She’d been feeling like he didn’t love her anymore. All the little one needed was a constant in her life: her daddy Bucky.
When they returned home, Bucky held a meeting with all staff members present. He unveiled the plans for “The Lillian Marie Barnes Child Care” center. As you could imagine, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room, including Bucky’s. The best part, there’s no cost to the family!!! From 1 to 5 years old, employees could visit the daycare center and have lunch with their son or daughter. Moral soared 500%.
WIth the Howard and Maria Stark Children’s Wing on schedule, Peter Parker, Director of Marketing, pitched an idea to Bucky.
Gathered in the spacious conference room were Bucky, Steve, and Peter. Bucky’s executive assistants Wanda and Natalia. Also, Steve’s executive assistants, Maria and Pietro were in attendance as well.
Peter began the impromptu meeting. “Thanks everyone for coming. An idea, brought to my attention by Pepper, peaked my interest. She suggested the “Bring Your Kid To Work Day.” A chorus of yes, oooo’s and ahh’s echoed around the cherrywood table.
Wanda interjected, “Wow, Peter I love the idea. Jess would be the Jr. CEO and Steve’s son, Malachi as COO.”
Maria Hill cooed, “That’s a wonderful idea, Peter! What do you think?” she asked before looking towards Bucky and Steve.
Bucky nodded, “The kids would get a kick out of being Jr. Executives for a day. How about this Saturday? We’d shut the phone system down for a few hours and route all calls to the answering service.”
“Looks like the Rogers family’s going shopping this evening.” Steve beamed with pride.
Peter’s eyes gleamed. “Yes! The kids will have so much fun.”
Bucky asked Wanda to send out a company-wide email informing everyone about Saturday. The replies were overwhelming.
Jessica ran to her daddy’s arms. “Hi sweetheart. How’s my girl?”
“I’m fine daddy. We had a good day in class. I said my ABC’S and numbers.”
“What? My goodness you’re smart!”  Bucky kissed  her cheek, nose and forehead. “How would you like to come to work with daddy on Saturday? You and the rest of the kids will run the company for the day!! How does that sound?”
Unable to contain her enthusiasm, Jess sang, “♪♫I’m the boss, I’m the boss♫♪”
Bucky reminded Jessica, “It’s important to treat your staff members kindly.”
“Okay daddy, I’ll be good.”
“That’s my big girl. Now, time to go shopping for a power suit, briefcase and shoes.”
Decked out in her suit with her briefcase and phone, Jessica Marie Barnes, CEO, reported for work. Already in boss mode, she greeted her “staff.” “Good morning everyone,” she said confidently.
Cameras clicked as the kids, dressed in business suits and dresses, laughed along with their parents.
Natasha’s daughter, Sage, donned a navy blue pantsuit, white blouse and blue tie. Malachi Grant sported a gray 3 piece suit, powder blue shirt, and striped tie. Other kids wore dresses or snazzy shirts and pants.
Wanda, Sam and Scott gushed over the kids. “Scottie, Mason and Jason are the cutest.” “Thanks Wanda. Thomas is quite handsome as well.”
Parents and kids alike assembled in the lobby. There were about 15 little ones; ages varied from 3 to 5. How much trouble could they get in right?
Bucky addressed the room. “I must admit, this is the best dressed staff in all of New York. Now kids, there’s cookies, fruit and juice boxes in the small conference room. Jessica, you have the floor.”
“Thank you Mr. Barnes,” Jess said. “Good morning. My name is Jessica Barnes but you can call me Jess. It’s time for our morning meeting. Follow me to the small room.”
Everyone applauded as Jess led her friends in for snacks.
Malachi instructed the “staff” to eat while he and Jessica spoke. “Okay, folks. We have a lot of work to do. There’s a meeting with people who want something built.”
One little lady asked, “Mr. Drant, who?”  Malachi replied, “I dunno let’s make something up.”
Now, whoever decided to furnish snacks, didn’t take in consideration that pastries, fruit and juice boxes contained copious amounts of SUGAR! 3, 4 and 5 year olds hyped up on sugar makes for serious hijinx.
Jess, Malachi, Mason and Jason wandered away from the others and ended up in one of the copy rooms. Mason, with wide eyed wonder, suggested making copies of their faces. How they turned the machine on is one of life’s biggest mysteries. They took turns copying faces, arms and legs. Jason, however, took it one step further. He sat on the machine and took a picture of his bottom.
Next, a group of 3 year olds snuck into a few offices with sticky hands, pressing on the keyboards. Yep, they made a mess.
Not to be left out, Jessica and the gang visited the employee break room. The refrigerator and lower cabinets were raided, devouring sandwiches, chips, Christmas candy, and cookies leftover from an office meeting.
Smeared on the pristine white walls were tiny chocolate handprints, water and orange juice got spilled onto the floor, and a few kids ate too much and threw up. The room was an absolute MESS.
Mason and Jason tried to clean up the vomit by throwing paper towels over the 2 spots. Needless to say, they used an entire roll! Malachi retrieved a mop from the custodian’s closet and attempted to mop the liquid mess from the floor.
Instead of cleaning it up, he slipped, face first, soiling his new suit. Jessica, completely flustered, plopped on the floor in tears.
Checking the conference room, Bucky was alarmed. No kids in sight. Frantic, everyone split up searching for them.
Wanda, Sam, Scott and a handful of parents landed in the break room. Surveying the damage.
Nat gasped, “What the-?” Bucky shook his head. “This is our fault. Unattended kids equals a recipe for disaster. I’ll call the cleaning company.”
Pictures were taken and sleeping little ones snuggled in their parents arms.
Bucky and Steve stood in awe of their Jr. CEO and COO. “Buck, what a mess. Guess I’ll take Malachi home” “Yep!! Jessica’s reign is over.”
The “Bring Your Kids To Work” disaster was a bit hit, for the children. The time had come to clean up and prepare for Monday morning. Hope was that the computer keyboards are cleaned, along with the delightful “copies.” Someone’s in for a major surprise! Jessica Marie Barnes will remember the day forever. She was the “CEO” of her daddy’s architecture firm. In Heaven, Lillian Marie Barnes was their Guardian Angel.
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Jr. Executive: CEO For A Day
Summary: “Bring Your Kids To Work Day” takes on a new meaning. First, let me set the stage for this hilarious story!
Pairing: CEO Daddy! Bucky Barnes x  Jessica Marie Barnes
OFC: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson
Scott Lang and Peter Parker
Word Count: 1,618
Warnings: Mention of death. Also, MAXIMUM fluff
A/N: A huge “thank you” to the incredible prompt goddess, @shy2shot. My motivation sunk to a new low and I couldn’t see my way out. So, I sent her a message for a daddy Bucky prompt. From her recommendation, this fic came to life.  @rebelicious THANK YOU for helping me. ILY! Thank you for reading and comments are always welcome!!!
“Exquisite Designs,” a commercial architectural firm owned by James Buchanan Barnes and Steven Grant Rogers, longtime friends, boasted some of New York’s wealthiest clients. For over 15 years, the firm built some of the most elegant office buildings dotting the skyline in New York City.
Their number one client, Stark and Wilson Land Developing, is in the process of adding a new wing to the Brain and Cancer Research Center at Mt. Sinai’s Children’s Hospital. This project is special to Bucky. His wife, Lillian, died from a brain aneurysm, caused by cancer 3 years ago, leaving behind an adorable daughter with rich brown hair like Bucky and hypnotic amber eyes identical to Lillian’s.
Now 5 years old, Jessica Marie, whose middle name is the same as her mothers, is the light in her daddy’s life. After his wife’s death, Bucky retreated into depression and couldn’t care for Jess properly. Her grandparents stepped in and assisted him. Steve’s position within the company escalated from COO to CEO. Bucky was kept abreast of all dealings and chimed in when needed.
On Jess’ 4th birthday, she and her daddy hopped on a plane and headed to Maui for some much needed alone time. Bucky brought photos and videos of Lillian, for Jess to watch. She only had flickers of her mommy’s memory. Bucky wanted her mother to be more than a fleeting memory.
Page after page of a photo album held heartwarming memories. As best he could, Bucky explained to Jess where her mommy was.
“Daddy, don’t be sad. Mommy is in Heaven. She can see us, just look up.”
Indulging his daughter, Bucky turned his gaze towards the cloudless sky. “Mommy told me to smile and take care of you.” Wrapping her chubby arms around his neck, for the first time, Bucky openly wept in front of Jess.
“Thank you Jess. I love you so much and Mommy is proud of you too. From now on, I’ll spend more time with you, I promise. We’ll go to the park, eat ice cream and play dress up!”
Jumping from Bucky’s lap, Jess danced around the room singing and clapping. She’d been feeling like he didn’t love her anymore. All the little one needed was a constant in her life: her daddy Bucky.
When they returned home, Bucky held a meeting with all staff members present. He unveiled the plans for “The Lillian Marie Barnes Child Care” center. As you could imagine, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room, including Bucky’s. The best part, there’s no cost to the family!!! From 1 to 5 years old, employees could visit the daycare center and have lunch with their son or daughter. Moral soared 500%.
WIth the Howard and Maria Stark Children’s Wing on schedule, Peter Parker, Director of Marketing, pitched an idea to Bucky.
Gathered in the spacious conference room were Bucky, Steve, and Peter. Bucky’s executive assistants Wanda and Natalia. Also, Steve’s executive assistants, Maria and Pietro were in attendance as well.
Peter began the impromptu meeting. “Thanks everyone for coming. An idea, brought to my attention by Pepper, peaked my interest. She suggested the “Bring Your Kid To Work Day.” A chorus of yes, oooo’s and ahh’s echoed around the cherrywood table.
Wanda interjected, “Wow, Peter I love the idea. Jess would be the Jr. CEO and Steve’s son, Malachi as COO.”
Maria Hill cooed, “That’s a wonderful idea, Peter! What do you think?” she asked before looking towards Bucky and Steve.
Bucky nodded, “The kids would get a kick out of being Jr. Executives for a day. How about this Saturday? We’d shut the phone system down for a few hours and route all calls to the answering service.”
“Looks like the Rogers family’s going shopping this evening.” Steve beamed with pride.
Peter’s eyes gleamed. “Yes! The kids will have so much fun.”
Bucky asked Wanda to send out a company-wide email informing everyone about Saturday. The replies were overwhelming.
Jessica ran to her daddy’s arms. “Hi sweetheart. How’s my girl?”
“I’m fine daddy. We had a good day in class. I said my ABC’S and numbers.”
“What? My goodness you’re smart!”  Bucky kissed  her cheek, nose and forehead. “How would you like to come to work with daddy on Saturday? You and the rest of the kids will run the company for the day!! How does that sound?”
Unable to contain her enthusiasm, Jess sang, “♪♫I’m the boss, I’m the boss ♫♪”
Bucky reminded Jessica, “It’s important to treat your staff members kindly.”
“Okay daddy, I’ll be good.”
“That’s my big girl. Now, time to go shopping for a power suit, briefcase and shoes.”
Decked out in her suit with her briefcase and phone, Jessica Marie Barnes, CEO, reported for work. Already in boss mode, she greeted her “staff.” “Good morning everyone,” she said confidently.
Cameras clicked as the kids, dressed in business suits and dresses, laughed along with their parents.
Natasha’s daughter, Sage, donned a navy blue pantsuit, white blouse and blue tie. Malachi Grant sported a gray 3 piece suit, powder blue shirt, and striped tie. Other kids wore dresses or snazzy shirts and pants.
Wanda, Sam and Scott gushed over the kids. “Scottie, Mason and Jason are the cutest.” “Thanks Wanda. Thomas is quite handsome as well.”
Parents and kids alike assembled in the lobby. There were about 15 little ones; ages varied from 3 to 5. How much trouble could they get in right?
Bucky addressed the room. “I must admit, this is the best dressed staff in all of New York. Now kids, there’s cookies, fruit and juice boxes in the small conference room. Jessica, you have the floor.”
“Thank you Mr. Barnes,” Jess said. “Good morning. My name is Jessica Barnes but you can call me Jess. It’s time for our morning meeting. Follow me to the small room.”
Everyone applauded as Jess led her friends in for snacks.
Malachi instructed the “staff” to eat while he and Jessica spoke. “Okay, folks. We have a lot of work to do. There’s a meeting with people who want something built.”
One little lady asked, “Mr. Drant, who?”  Malachi replied, “I dunno let’s make something up.”
Now, whoever decided to furnish snacks, didn’t take in consideration that pastries, fruit and juice boxes contained the dreaded SUGAR! 3, 4 and 5 year olds hyped up on sugar makes for serious hijinx.
Jess, Malachi, Mason and Jason wandered away from the others and ended up in one of the copy rooms. Mason, with wide eyed wonder, suggested making copies of their faces. How they turned the machine on is one of life’s biggest mysteries. They took turns copying faces, arms and legs. Jason, however, took it one step further. He sat on the machine and took a picture of his bottom.
Next, a group of 3 year olds snuck into a few offices with sticky hands, pressing on the keyboards. Yep, they made a mess.
Not to be left out, Jessica and the gang visited the employee break room. The refrigerator and lower cabinets were raided. They devoured sandwiches, chips, Christmas candy, and cookies leftover from an office meeting.
Smeared on the pristine white walls were tiny chocolate handprints, water and orange juice got spilled onto the floor, and a few kids ate too much and threw up. The room was an absolute MESS.
Mason and Jason tried to clean up the vomit by throwing paper towels over the 2 spots. Needless to say, they used an entire roll! Malachi retrieved a mop from the custodian’s closet and attempted to mop the liquid mess from the floor.
Instead of cleaning it up, he slipped, face first, soiling his new suit. Jessica, completely flustered, plopped on the floor in tears.
Checking the conference room, Bucky was alarmed. No kids in sight. Frantic, everyone split up searching for them.
Wanda, Sam, Scott and a handful of parents landed in the break room. Surveying the damage.
Nat gasped, “What the-?” Bucky shook his head. “This is our fault. Unattended kids equals a recipe for disaster. I’ll call the cleaning company.”
Pictures were taken and sleeping little ones snuggled in their parents arms.
Bucky and Steve stood in awe of their Jr. CEO and COO. “Buck, what a mess. Guess I’ll take Malachi home” “Yep!! Jessica’s reign is over.”
The “Bring Your Kids To Work” disaster was a bit hit, for the children. The time had come to clean up and prepare for Monday morning. Hope was that the computer keyboards are cleaned, along with the delightful “copies.” Someone’s in for a major surprise! Jessica Marie Barnes will remember the day forever. She was the “CEO” of her daddy’s architecture firm. In Heaven, Lillian Marie Barnes was their Guardian Angel.
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