#jasper collins ; isms
ghostsxagain · 5 years
verbal or non - verbal communication (jasper)
Jasper by nature prefers non verbal communication. He stumbles over his words and has difficulty saying what he means, especially when he’s stressed or in a bout of depression or anxiety. Communicating with touches or expressions feels more comfortable to him, especially with the people he’s closest to. That’s one of the ways he knows he can trust someone - if they can read him without him needing to explain what he’s feeling.
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ghostsxagain · 5 years
Physical Traits
Bold all that apply to your muse!
Jasper Collins
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arms crossed on chest // crossing legs // fist-like gestures // pointing index finger // karate chops // stiffening of shoulders // tense posture // curling lip/bearing teeth
hand-to-face gestures // head tilted // stroking chin // peering over glasses // taking glasses off — cleaning // putting earpiece of glasses in mouth // pipe smoker gestures // putting hand to bridge of nose // pursed lips // knitted brows
arms crossed // sideways glance // touching or rubbing nose // rubbing eyes // hands resting on weapon // brows raising // lips pressing into a thin line // strict, unwavering eye contact // wrinkling of nose
open hands // upper body in sprinters position // sitting on edge of chair // hand-to-face gestures // unbuttoned coat // tilted head // slacked shoulders, droopy posture // feet pointed outward // palms flat and facing outward
hands behind back // hands on lapels of coat // steepled hands // baring teeth in a grin // rolling shoulders // tipping head back but maintaining eye contact // chest puffed up, shoulders back // arms folded just above navel
chewing pen or pencil // rubbing thumb over opposite thumb // cracking knuckles // biting fingernails // hands in pockets // elbow bent/closed gestures // clearing throat // “whew” sound // picking or pinching flesh // fidgeting in chair // hand covering mouth whilst speaking // poor eye contact // tugging at pants whilst seated // jingling money in pockets // tugging at ear // perspiring hands // playing with hair // swaying // playing with pointer/marker/object in hands // smacking lips // sighing // rocking on balls of feet // flexing fingers sporadically
short breaths // “tsk” sounds // tightly-clenched hands // fist-like gestures // pointing index finger // rubbing hand through hair // rubbing back of neck // snarling // grimacing // sharp eyed glowers with notable tension in brow // shoulders back, head up — defensive posturing // clenching of jaw/grinding teeth // nostrils flaring // heavy exhales
Tyson Fitzpatrick
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arms crossed on chest // crossing legs // fist-like gestures // pointing index finger // karate chops // stiffening of shoulders // tense posture // curling lip/bearing teeth
hand-to-face gestures // head tilted // stroking chin // peering over glasses // taking glasses off — cleaning // putting earpiece of glasses in mouth // pipe smoker gestures // putting hand to bridge of nose // pursed lips // knitted brows
arms crossed // sideways glance // touching or rubbing nose // rubbing eyes // hands resting on weapon // brows raising // lips pressing into a thin line // strict, unwavering eye contact // wrinkling of nose
open hands // upper body in sprinters position // sitting on edge of chair // hand-to-face gestures // unbuttoned coat // tilted head // slacked shoulders, droopy posture // feet pointed outward // palms flat and facing outward
hands behind back // hands on lapels of coat // steepled hands // baring teeth in a grin // rolling shoulders // tipping head back but maintaining eye contact // chest puffed up, shoulders back // arms folded just above navel // hands on hips
chewing pen or pencil // rubbing thumb over opposite thumb // biting fingernails // hands in pockets // elbow bent/closed gestures // clearing throat // “whew” sound // picking or pinching flesh // fidgeting in chair // hand covering mouth whilst speaking // poor eye contact // tugging at pants whilst seated // jingling money in pockets // tugging at ear // perspiring hands // playing with hair // swaying // playing with pointer/marker/object in hands // smacking lips // sighing // rocking on balls of feet // flexing fingers sporadically
short breaths // “tsk” sounds // tightly-clenched hands // fist-like gestures // pointing index finger // rubbing hand through hair // rubbing back of neck // snarling // grimacing // sharp eyed glowers with notable tension in brow // shoulders back, head up — defensive posturing // clenching of jaw/grinding teeth // nostrils flaring // heavy exhales
Tagged By: @monachopsicalwhimsy​
Tagging: anyone that wants to is more than welcome :)
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ghostsxagain · 5 years
Updated tags for Jasper
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