chrismbr · 2 years
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Jasperwatching, subcategory: in things. Also chewing my new St Patrick’s Cathedral book! https://www.instagram.com/p/CpYI_Ovu3iO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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missholoska · 5 years
Oh My Stars I love your version of Underswap so much, and (unrelated) I love your pfp and name because Sonic Unleashed and the werehog needs more love in general But anyways, I love your Underswap au, because it's not 'Sans IS the fanon Papyrus' thing I've seen everywhere Okay enough of my gushing, so my question is who can do the 'shortcut' Sans or Papyrus, and is Noodle and Sci Fi kind of like Inverted Fate (if you know about that AU)
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messages like this still obliterate my heart, thank you ;_;
yeah I think the reason why fanon Swap Sans is so… like that is an extension of the way UT Papyrus gets dumbed down and treated like an ~innocent baby uwu~. people can mischaracterise Papyrus all they want but there’s a whole game to reference his actual personality from, while Underswap was more or less given up to the fandom leaving very little of the absolute, definitive version of what the characters should be like, and the result is Fanonswap often ends up being even more one-dimensional than Undertale fanon. of course it’s totally fine if people enjoy Fanonswap, but I think UT Papyrus and Swap Sans both deserve better characterisation.
and to answer your questions: Neptune (Swap Sans) is still the one who can shortcut! it’s not given much focus but he’s basically using that same ability when the screen goes black for 2 panels in that puzzle comic, and he loves to prank people by appearing out of nowhere :D
as for Noodle and Sci-Fi, they’re definitely pretty different from Inverted Fate’s Papyrus and Undyne; besides Swap MH being half-and-half on the personality swap while IF very specifically doesn’t swap personalities at all, Noodle doesn’t tag along with Chara as a party member/main character like IF Papyrus and Sci-Fi isn’t all hellbent on breaking the barrier no matter the consequence. I guess there’s a similarity in Noodle joining Sci-Fi for science antics, but it’s very much an unofficial thing unlike IF Papyrus being an actual scientist working with Undyne.
but I’d be reluctant to make a comparison even if they were very similar, given that Inverted Fate’s creator has mentioned their feelings about Underswap quite a bit. I wouldn’t want to step on any toes and all :’>
(that being said, Inverted Fate has inspired me a lot in getting me thinking about how the same characters act in different roles and the ways their personality traits shine through in different situations, and it’s a very cool AU that I love~)
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jasperwatchinga · 2 years
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                          [...]  𝚒'𝚖   𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝  𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐.
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hishedonism · 2 years
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@jasperwatching ➤ text message meme   ➤ closed
jasper said : [text:] Want to come over? I’m getting stoned and watching Netflix and making s'mores over a candle in my room
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[ TEXT ] : holy fuck [ TEXT ] : i've actually never been seduced so hard in two sentences [ TEXT ] : wait is this one of those times someone invites me over for netflix and smores and then it's a sex thing [ TEXT ] : bc i actually want smores
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g0dfreycomplex · 2 years
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honeyhcarted · 2 years
                          ( “you’re different than i expected.”  -  @jasperwatching​ )
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he  hadn’t  known  what  to  expect  when  the  call  came  through  from  jasper.  the  last  time  he’d  heard  that  voice,  it  was  broken,  raised  up  to  a  decibel  sam  had  never  heard  it  reach.  it  was  a  time  shrouded  in  pain  for  all  parties,  and  while  sam  ached,  jasper  cracked.  he  doesn’t  blame  him  for  that.  growing  up,  he’d  seen  the  softest  of  souls  turn  concrete  when  life  took  a  nose  dive  and  hope  turned  to  ash  on  the  tongue.  he’s  no  stranger  to  anger  or  grief  or  even  turning  into  that  dark  thing  inside  when  all  the  light  in  you  turns  black  all  at  once.  over  the  course  of  a  day,  he  had  watched  jasper  turn  from  the  quiet  shadow  in  the  corner  of  the  room,  to  the  fire  that  threatened  to  burn  the  whole  thing  to  the  ground.  they’re  tied  together  by  the  ropes  of  a  burnt  bridge  and  the  memories  that  hang  around  it.  but  even  under  a  layer  of  ash,  new  life  can  thrive.  it’s  why  when  he  got  that  phone  call,  he  hadn’t  hesitated  to  arrange  a  meeting  between  them.  and  now,  as  he  sits  on  jasper’s  couch,  sipping  a  beer  and  sharing  stories  of  travel,  he’s  glad  about  it.    his  brow  quirks  up  when  jas’  voice  wraps  quietly  around  those  words.          “different,  huh?”          he  laughs,  lifts  his  beer  up  to  his  lips  and  takes  a  sip.            “you’re  different  too.  good  different.  the  kind  i’d  like  t’hang  around  more  with,  if  that’s  alright  with  you.”  
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hiveruled · 2 years
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Send a 🙌 and I’ll introduce you to an NPC related to my Muse.
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NATHANIEL ROGERS - The first boy that made Kai realize that he may have sexual attraction towards men ; FC: Wil.l Tud.or
Nathaniel was the stereotypical jock, there's no getting around it. Not exactly the star athlete everyone fawned over, but still very heavily involved with football. He also happened to attend the same church the Anderson family did at the time, so Kai saw him a lot more often than he would've wanted. The two boys (big surprise) never really got along and never communicated outside of having snide back and forth to each other when they’d have to cross paths, with some lowkey verbal bullying on Nathaniel's end.  
Despite this, during his high school years Kai started to notice how a part of him actually enjoyed the bickering as to him it was entertaining, and that he'd feel a slight pang of jealousy watching the other boy be so outwardly physically affectionate towards the slew of girlfriends he went through. At first he chalked this up to being jealous that he didn't get any attention from girls like that, which was certainly a small part of it, but his mind seemed to confusingly be more focused on Nathaniel. 
Nothing ever came of this as it was one-sided and Kai would've never acted upon the lustful feelings/thoughts he had at this point in his life. But it does mark the first time he truly questioned his sexuality, he wouldn't begin to experiment with men until he was in college.
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punktrsh · 2 years
if i owe you replies can you please lmk, under the cut are the drafts i know i have!
@ savagecuhnt - 1 @ bcbylxn - 2 @ sainterror - 1 @ killaers - 1 @ judiciums - 1 @ jasperwatching - 1
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jasperwatchinga · 2 years
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[...] gifs © @jasperwatching / zero
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