#jay's not a himbo he just loves goofing around
actualsunflower · 2 years
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caption: Nick: "I'm looking for a strong, handsome man, who-" Jay: "I'm at least one of those things!" Nick: "Wait..." he'll never reveal which 😏
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creepyimagines · 4 years
if ya wanna write somethin for my dumb lil idea im totally cool with that but! 's up to you! - Daynon
[[Oooh hell daynon I love you no homo -X]]
Alex Krailie-
Legit I have no idea how you got with this dude, but lemme just say he loves you.
The only person on set he treats well? Perhaps.
If you're one of the actors, he'll be absolutely stoked to practice lines with you or watch you on camera on the last tapes already recorded.
Does get jealous easily but only if you're around Tim at all. He tries not to interfere, knowing you both are in his film and might be discussing business pertaining to his movie, but he keeps an eye on you. It's not that he doesn't trust you! He really does. He just fuckin hates Tim.
If you have a dog...... Please don't bring them to any shoots.
Jk. If you have a dog, Alex will not complain one bit or feel agitated that you brought them. He loves your dog and even if they're indifferent towards Alex, he loves them because they're yours!
If you're behind the camera while another scene is being shot, KISS. HIM. TO. DISTRACT. HIM.
"Say B roll footage one more time, Alexander, I swear to fUCK."
Vibe sessions where you guys discuss the plot and script while he lets you actually voice your thoughts on it and takes most of it into consideration.
Jay Merrick-
You bringing Jay along to shoots and filmings? More likely than you think
Please bring him. He loves to see you on set, even if you're not even doing a scene that day.
In this scenario, you were probably the reason Alex met Jay. You were a friend of Alex's and auditioned for a part in his film. One thing after another, you bring your boyfriend often and he becomes regular around the set.
Even if there aren't any shoots during a certain day, you'll drag Jay out to a spot you guys used a few times and just enjoy the scenery. Jay actually enjoys it and likes to think of those days as mini dates!
Jay is a himbo, I am sorry, he's a goddam himbo. Please be his common sense. While you guys are giving before filming, he might see a mysterious figure in the woods or find a tree that looks perfect to climb even though it's absolutely not. Don't let him go running off.
Will throw hands if Alex gets snippy with you. Don't test him.
Not to get NSFW, but hold his hand and he will melt. He gets embarassed about being out in public holding your hand, especially around the rest of the cast, but soon realizes nobody gives two flying fucks. Soon enough you won't be able to wrench your hand out of his to act in a scene.
He'll be eager and happy to help you memorize and go over your lines if you're having trouble or just want to keep it fresh in your mind.
Tim Wright-
You can thank Day Anon for this because you two? Playing small pranks on Alex and making sly comments about the choppy script and all the plot holes? Never!
You guys co-parent an adopted dog together just to bring to shoots. Don't @ me on this one
Always (jokingly) shouting at each other to "mEmOrIzE yOuR LiNeS!" in weird voices when Alex isn't around.
When you're at shoots with Tim, he's less sour. Sure he's always a salty bitch, but if you're around him, he feels calmer and not exactly in the mood to fight with Alex like he normally is
You try to convince him to stop smoking for his own good but he just says he does it to stay in character. It's a work in progress.
Like Jay, he absolutely will not hesitate bitch. If Alex gets all up in your grill because of a small mistake or a joke he took too far, Tim is right there to back you up. You tell him you can handle yourself but Tim just worries.
If you do tell off Alex enough or get him to shut up and leave you alone for the time being, Tim will have the biggest shit eating grin on his face. "Hell yeah. That's my s/o mother fucker."
You always ask him if you can wear the yellow tie-dyed shirt. He thinks it's ugly as fuck but honestly the day he wore that, he fucking invented fashion and you cannot convince me otherwise.
If your character doesn't have a specific outfit, wear one of Tim's flannels. Just do it. He thinks you look amazing in them and he gets a bit flustered when you wear them while filming.
Brian Thomas-
You and him goofing off or distracting each other during filming or film meetings is a given.
Yes, this man does love to give you his jacket. You will have to tell him that No Brian, it's 80° out and you're not cold but you really do appreciate the gesture.
Consistently messes up his lines because he's paying attention to you behind the camera than his acting.
Is actually super fucking happy if you and Tim get along. Better yet if you're friends with Tim and Alex. He's stoked that his s/o gets along with his friends. Even if Tim and Alex aren't close, he's glad you guys are.
Because Brian is the only one in the production that Alex actually likes, he's the one who has meetings with Alex about the schedule and such. You always get brought along, though Alex doesn't seem to mind too much.
Hold. Him. While. Off. Camera.
Legit if you guys are just vibin, waiting for Alex to wrap up, Brian will love it if you hug him and not let go for a bit. Weather you're sitting on the ground or just standing around, please.
Also he really likes it when you kiss him on the cheek and he kisses your forehead in return it's cute
The ultimate, goofy gentleman. No I will not elaborate further, you know what I'm talking about.
You guys have inside jokes that no one else around you understands. You'll say some obscure word or phrase and Brian will be dying of laughter while everyone else just kinda stares questioningly or pretend it's not happening.
Brian and Seth are pretty good buds in my opinion and you three used to hang a lot but he never wanted to interfere and feel like a third wheel.
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petekaos · 4 years
I would very much like a play by play if this mike and gunsmile concept
hiiii nonnie! oh my god strap in for the ride because i’ve thought about this ever since i got on my bullshit about manboss. gunsmile and mike have such amazing chemistry from the little we’ve seen of them together and i really want them to have a whole series! 
so the basic concept is this. two twenty-something-year-olds, fresh out of uni and stars in their eyes, learn how to be adults. a slice of life! they both need a roommate and so they find each other through a newspaper ad and decide to room together, as the lease for the apartment is for two years so far anyway and their work times don’t line up. over time, and over heartbreak and job searching and happiness and tears, they become steadfast friends. and somewhere in between leftovers slowly losing the post-it-notes of “this is mine!!!! don’t touch!!!” to “i warmed up yesterday’s rice for you” and the walls turning from clean and white to littered with pictures of them both... they fall in love.
gunsmile’s character: 
his name would be jay! his nickname, at least :^)
he seems super shy and reserved at the beginning. this mostly stems from my need to see gunsmile play a more subdued and shy role at the beginning so we can see more of his wonderful microexpressions! 
because of this, he seems a bit standoffish, but after spending more time around benz (mike’s character) and having him coax him out of his shell and let him know it’s... okay for him to be him, he turns out to be the biggest goofball and nerd who only sees the good in people!!!
he graduated in film and he’s interning at a production company and something that he’s fairly good at is separating his work from his life. whenever he sits down to watch movies, he makes sure they’re the most trashy ones he can get a kick out of.
sensitive! once they become closer, he always makes sure that benz eats enough during the day and cooks for him / warms food up for him when he comes back from work. he’s really good at reading people he’s close to and tries to help them in small ways.
he has the best relationship with his mother :’) they go out for coffee every sunday without fail. benz tags along every now and then and jay’s mum adores him.
Bad At Communicating. he’s the type to keep everything in his own head and overthink and overanalyse things, which leads to internal as well as external conflict. he pretends everything is fine even when it’s not :(
good with animals! i just wanna see gunsmile with a corgi!!!!
mike’s character:
his name is benz!!
himbo. if you look up the definition of himbo in the dictionary, that is him.
he’s super outgoing, but not in... a good way. he socialises a lot and has a lot of friends but doesn’t have close people who really understand him, nor is he truly vulnerable. (also he’s not a player he’s dated like two people in his life and those relationships lasted upwards of eight months)
he’s a huge huge people pleaser which leads to him taking care instead of being taken care of far too often and he pushes aside his own feelings and problems to listen to and take care of other people, but in an unhealthy way, to the point where he just has a whole pile of repressed emotions he hasn’t worked through.
he graduated in marine biology!!! manages to land a job at a biotech company for research which has him working late nights more often than he likes but he always comes home to jay sitting on the sofa with the soft yellow light on and the quiet whirring of the tv. there’s always dinner on the table.
the thing about him is that he’s good at expressing his surface feelings. he wants to talk and sort things out because he doesn’t like other people not getting the closure he needs. underneath it all, benz is insecure as hell about his own self-worth, but in a way that he’s barely aware of it himself.
even though jay cooks more, he’s better at cooking! he makes dinner on the weekends and likes to bake as stress-relief. there’s always leftover cupcakes lying around in the fridge and he just likes seeing jay light up whenever he sees them.
he’s not close with his family. they just... drifted, and were never really close in the first place. he’s still in touch with his little sister who teases the hell out of him any time she can :^)
general concepts: 
them getting a corgi together once their work times allow them to take care of one!
benz is the first to fall in love. but he’s not the first to say it, which surprises both of them, and yet doesn’t at the same time. it was in the early days, when jay was still a bit closed off. he came home a little earlier and saw him dancing to a song through the curtains, goofing around in his slippers and a brush to his lips as a makeshift microphone. he didn’t realise it then, but he’d fallen in love.
jay fell in love gradually, over a period of time, until one day he was in the grocery store putting back his favourite biscuits in favour of benz’s favourite cereal because it didn’t fit in their budget for the month when he realised that he couldn’t picture his life without him anymore.
they have SO MANY inside jokes and bits that they do that frustrates everyone to no end!
cooking together... baking together...
conflict comes in the form of internal conflict and lack of self-worth, as well as the impending end of their lease. many things go unsaid because neither of them know how to say them, or touch each other.
all in all... i picture a soft, quiet series about character development and two men falling in love as their life changes around them and as they have to learn how to make it out into the world themselves. motifs are things like “you’re never alone”, food as a metaphor for love, etc. gunsmile and mike could act the hell out of a concept like this and i wish gmmtv would give them ANY kind of rom-com or series together :((
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femmefatale-rps · 5 years
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                        🚨🚨 WANTED CHARACTER!! 🚨🚨
                                                 “THE BELIEVER”
                                            “We thought that was a myth.”                                                      “Well, you were myth-taken.”
plot: meddling kids title: The Believer age: somewhere between 20 - 26 sexuality: UTP gender: we’d strongly prefer a character who identifies as male, or nb some FC’s to consider: Harris Dickinson, George Mackay, Jay Lee, Alex Wolff, Justice Smith, Ryan Potter, Charlie Rowe, Skyler Gisondo, Marlon Langeland, Joe Keery, Lucas Bin Wanna know more? Keep reading below the cut!
First, a little bit about the group:
Meddling Kids is a 3x3 private rp group basically inspired by every piece of "meddling kids” media ever (Mystery Incorporated, the plucky Losers Club, the kids from Stranger Things, the novel Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero, countless tropey horror movies, as well as a little sprinkle of the Amnesty arc from The Adventure Zone). The setting is gonna be a small town in West Virginia (name pending) where the Meddling Kids™ are just a group of local youths with varying levels of interest in sleuthing/mystery-solving/ghost-hunting, etc. and various relationships to each other. The group isn’t really going to be a group yet at the outset, so the plan is that they’ll come together to solve their first mystery- a case of some unsolved murders in their very own hometown- and that experience will solidify them as a team for future adventures. Everyone knows that going through freaky shit together makes for good group bonding!!!!
The pace/activity level of this group aims to be very casual and low stress, but we are looking for a long term commitment! Mostly because it’s so small and because all of us who are already onboard will definitely be in it for the long haul, we don’t want to have to recast this role over and over again and try to integrate a different character into the ongoing story. There is no specific activity requirement because we all lead busy lives, but we want to be able to progress through plot arcs without worrying about someone ghosting completely. So that’s something to think about before you apply! You also gotta be willing to join a group discord and engage with us ooc for plotting, character development and just for memes & goofs!
The structure of this group will also be a little bit different. Since an ongoing plot requires the kids to actually, y’know, solve mysteries, the idea we have is to share the responsibility of creating these mysteries equally. Everyone would get a turn crafting a “story arc” revolving around a mystery/haunting/cryptid/etc of their choosing (or of their own original creation), sorta in the same vein as writing and DM’ing a D&D campaign. For those of you familiar… think of it as passing around DM duties, so that each of us gets a chance to run the show while the rest are along for the ride! The specific mechanics of this will be worked out after our first mystery (which will be developed collaboratively), but just like the last bullet point, it is something to take into consideration before you choose to apply!
About the gang:
who are the members of this meddling gang of kids?? so far, we’ve got…
Adam (played by moi, @femmefatale-rps) and Connie Meyer (played by @starlesswaters), siblings who work at the town’s family-owned funeral home with their father. Adam is a shy, reclusive medical tech who spends most of his time down in the morgue with Dad, more comfortable doing autopsies and embalmings than interacting with living people; Connie, capable and practical, runs the business side of things and is also a touch-psychic à la Theo from Hill House, but no one knows about that because she’s been relying on the germaphobe excuse and wearing gloves all her life. Even Connie herself doesn’t really know what to make of her powers. 
Then we have Connie’s boyfriend, Dave (played by @marchingonebyone), a certified Himbo, pure of heart and dumb of ass! He’s an ex football player, current realtor & an all-around Good Dude who doesn’t love getting involved in this spooky stuff, but is tagging along to be a supportive boyfriend and also to make sure that no one gets hurt! He doesn’t always fully understand what’s going on but he means well, and will selflessly throw himself in the path of danger for his friends.
We also have Penelope Wilde (played by @liilyjames), resident hot girl who seems exactly the type to Die First In A Horror Movie, but because she was raised in a kind-of cult (you have to be a level 4 friend to unlock that backstory), she’s got some surprising skills and a lot more going for her than just good looks. Think Daphne Blake, but with a much more chaotic alignment.  
Then we have the catalyst for the formation of the gang: Naomi (played by @evaduartes), the sheriff’s daughter, a bookish true-crime addict whose obsession with the unsolved and unexplainable led her to discover a string of cold murder cases right in her very own hometown, gathering dust in the police archives for decades… as the gang’s Nancy Drew, she strongly believes in getting to the bottom of things (and will also dry heave at the sight of blood, guts, or anything gross).
About our wanted character:
Disclaimer: These aren’t strict requirements, so much as suggestions that we’ve come up with to shape the character towards what we feel the group is lacking. Feel free to make adjustments and take liberties especially in regards to backstory, personality etc…, As long as the end result still fills the needs we have, I’m sure we’ll love it!
Now, read on for some loosey goosey bullet points regarding our missing link, the sixth group member: The Believer
In our current cast, we mostly have skeptics and those who are on the fence about the existence of the supernatural. Some characters are more inclined to believe if given the right kind of proof, others are rationalists who will probably insist on logical explanations even after a ghost fully starts Poltergeisting shit in front of them. To complement this, we’re looking for a true believer: a tinfoil hat motherfucker who is not only 100% convinced that supernatural/paranormal phenomena exist in this world, but also possesses an impressive catalogue of (possibly Wikipedia-based) knowledge about all things freaky, weird and unexplained. His particular areas of interest/expertise (ghosts? aliens? west virginia cryptids? all of the above?) are up to you, but we definitely want someone who won’t settle for the boring “logical” explanation when clearly, it’s the long-dead ghost of Mrs. Withershire who is haunting the halls of this condemned orphanage! Open your eyes, fools!
This character is after proof to back up his beliefs (not because he needs convincing, but because the rest of the world does) and for that reason, he will also function as the group documentarian: maybe he’s got some basic techie skills, some AV equipment thanks to that job at Radio Shack and those sweet employee discounts, and/or some ghost-hunting gadgets won in bidding wars on eBay. Maybe it’s just him and his shitty SONY camcorder against the world. However equipped you choose to make him, and however successful you want him to be in his pursuit of evidence, we’d basically like him to fill the essential role of capturing footage which may factor into helping gang discover important clues. 
As far as personality/backstory beyond these two specifications, we want to leave that as UTP as possible…. but here are some notes from all of us: we can see him providing the group w/ comic relief and being one of the “less serious” members (though obviously, no multi-dimensional character can be Comic Relief all the time and we certainly don’t want anyone to limit their creativity like that). Another fun possibility would be to bring some reckless, wild-card Shane Madej energy to the team (exhibit A- begging to be possessed not because he doesn’t believe, but explicitly because he does). Other than that, feel free to take him in whatever direction your heart desires. If you wanna discuss any of the above bullets, or have any other questions, feel free to message us!
About applying:
We are forgoing any sort of formal application process for this role bc a) we’re not writing full biographies for any of our characters so we won’t be making anyone else do that either and b) we are really don’t want to go through the rigmarole of reading lengthy apps and judging people’s interpretations when really this character idea could be interpreted in lots of different ways, none of them incorrect. SO instead of all that, if you are interested in participating in this type of group and playing this particular type of character, what we’d like to see is:
An overview of your ideas for this character; maybe a little bit about their backstory, their personality, how they might be connected to other members in the group (or not connected! An outsider perspective is just as valid!), how you can see them getting involved, etc. Throw in whatever tidbits or details you like, and don’t worry about formal presentation. We won’t be evaluating you on your writing style or even the completeness of the character you present us with, because we’re all in the process of fleshing out our kids & a lot of that will come organically with time. We’re really just looking for what kind of ideas you bring to the table and whether your version of this character is one that we vibe with!
We’d also like to see a writing sample or two of your choice. Again, our goal is not to be critical of people’s different writing styles, but because those of us in the group have found that we all write well together, we want to be sure we’re inviting someone into the fold who we’d be comfortable writing with and who would be comfortable writing with us too. If you want samples from any of us (which is only fair), please feel free to ask and we will happily provide!!!!
And lastly, talk to us about why you wanna join and whether you think that you’ll be able to commit for the long-term. And be honest! I’m a grad student who’s going to be graduating soon and my life is a constant toss-up between hellishly busy and completely boring, so I’d be honest to say that there will be periods of time when I’m able to be invested 24/7 and others when I won’t be able to write for weeks at a time. And that’s fine! As long as we’re all committed to keeping this group going and finishing story arcs at our own pace, we’ve got the makings of something really fun on our hands :’’)
Because we may get more than one person interested in this role, as is the nature of these things, we can’t guarantee that the spot will be yours- but we will set a date by which we’ll get back to you about our decision and that will hopefully be sooner rather than later! 
Other than that, I think I’ve dumped all the info I need to dump for now. Feel free to message me or the rest of the gang with any questions :)
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