#jc1 (in spirit?)
hasmine111 · 2 months
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tumblunni · 7 years
...oh, but ehh, I do like Kikinak. He was the only other thing the two games had in common, and the only bit of continuity that actually seemed in-character and like a heartwarming good ending for the guy. kikinak was only a minor npc in both games tho, I guess thats why he was able to be handled better?
Kikinak in the first game is a goofy birdman spirit, one of the few talking monsters you can find. And he acts like an ally after you win his favour in a sparring contest, and he’s generally a nice funny comic relief in a super dark game. ^_^ And his backstory is kinda optional, but its implied that he’s the corrupted form of a demigod from back in the old era when humans first committed the first sins. He was the first divine creature who sinned too, and taken as a sign by god that humans were a corrupting influence, cos his ‘sin’ was just falling in love with a human. So its funny that nowadays he’s this hammy greedy nonsense man who loves beer and precious jewels mwahahaha! I guess he figured ‘well if I’m getting kicked out for doing something as simple as smooching someone, then who gives a shit if I try out all the other sins?’ And lol it just seems like he really loves the mortal world, he’s all full of innocent joy at discovering this stuff for the first time. He’s probably happier than he was as a big ol fancy angel kami dude! And it proves that ‘humanity = bad’ is a simplistic way of looking at it, cos its this divine creature’s innocence of human ways that’s caused him to become so easily obsessed with them!
Anyway, he’s a really cool design for a half man half bird dood and he has a great personality and I love him! He was great in JC1 but he’s even better in JC2! You see him again and he’s now gone from an innocent greedy bandit dopeface into a famous merchant with a big ol chain of super shops, staffed by HIS ADORABLE CHILDREN!! Seriously, that’s so heartwarming, when you find out that every other birdman in the game is his kid! After getting kicked out of the divine world for daring to experience the emotion of love, he’s finally found a way to have a family even if he never found another wife. All the other birdmen are actually more like homunculi that he created by himself, he’s been sacrificing what little divine power he has left, piece by piece. He’s literally had to pluck out his own wings and breathe life into the feathers and now he has a GIANT FAMILY OF TINY MERCHANT SONS ACROSS THE WORLD and I am SO HAPPY FOR HIM! And his new design is really cute too, he’s now an overweight middle aged sort of guy in a really fancy goofy merchant costume and just... GOOD FOR YOU, KIKINAK! And he acts as a nice mentor guy in JC2 as well as running all the shops across the world and also having a bunch of goofy sidequests about trying to invent showbusiness and magical girl anime (???) (Yeah this is what I mean about the game being VASTLY DIFFERENT IN TONE, and how it would have worked better as its own standalone thing...)
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