#jd x reader x josh washington
slasherscream · 4 years
jd x reader x josh!!! jd!!! READER!!! JosH!!!!! 💞hand over the overprotective boys with daddy issues that wanna spoil their s/o and keep their baby all to themselves STAT 🔫👀- bb
crazy ass boys gang! boys with so many issues it’s crazy gang
*record scratch sound* you’re probably wondering how you got into this mess 
it’s called be a genuine person around either one of these oddly vulnerable and entirely obsessive fellas and catch yourself a boyfriend for life
i mean that entirely, once you get into this relationship there’s no leaving it 
jd has to warm up to josh more than josh has to warm up to jd
once jd sees that josh is more than his “popular, rich, jackass” persona that he shows the world is when the chaos starts
it’s a good thing he wound up liking josh because between the two of them jd is the one 100% more ready to kill, and if he hadn’t warmed up to josh he would’ve killed him
lose you?? when he’s just barely got you?? jd doesn’t think so. he’s already felt loss like that and frankly, he’s never going to feel it again, no matter what he has to do
this is the sentiment that will wind up binding them to one another and making them an unstoppable team when it comes to trapping you keeping you with them
they’ve both felt loss and have wandered around not having anything to live for. surviving for the sake of surviving. until you.
everything changed for the both of them the moment they met you. 
jd makes josh worse in that he encourages the darker side of him, because that’s the side of him he likes most and the side of josh that most benefits him 
otherwise josh can sometimes be the voice of reason and jd doesn’t care for that shit at all!!! he doesn’t want josh to talk him out of killing that guy who flirted with you he wants josh to help him do it
josh can be convinced though because he just can’t lose anyone else and jd’s paranoia only feeds his own issues
the world around them is fucked up and terrible and always trying to take away everything good. and what are you but perfection? 
it scares them to even let you out of their sight
you thought you knew what overprotective was before them but you didn’t 
you also didn’t know the meaning of the word obsessed 
they butted heads with one another at the start of the relationship because of how possessive they were over you and your time 
until they realized teamwork makes the dream work and the dream is you always being with them forever 
it’s so much easier to achieve this when they’re both in the picture 
you’re always with one of them or both but never alone i am so sorry 
alone time went out the door when you started dating them 
there will be moments of quiet intimacy or times you’re in a room together but if you want to be alone, alone it will be an issue every time 
josh always wants you in his lap which jd doesn’t mind as long as he can reach over and put a hand on your thigh. 
the neutral sitting position when you’re not in josh’s lap is jd’s arm around your shoulders and josh’s hand on your thigh
no you may not sit with space between you all don’t be hurtful 
jd is constantly putting his jacket on your shoulders as a symbol you’re taken. some of your clothes even start to smell like the cigarette smoke that clings to his coat, the fabric is so often draped over your figure
josh likes you to wear his flannels that are always too big on you. he also likes jd to wear them but i digress 
josh is the one who can reasoned with to be on your side sometimes to give you breathing room but not much 
if you constantly come to him to help him get jd to ease up with you he’ll eventually freak out about the fact that you don’t need them or want them and it will make you feel guilty 
but in small, small doses he can be sweet talked into getting jd to give you a couple hours of peace where neither is hovering over you like you’re a bird with broken wings
they get competitive with one another sometimes but make no mistake that they’re always going to be a united front when it comes to the world, they’re your shield from anything and everything 
work stressing you out? quit baby, i can take care of you, says josh as he kisses your neck
a friend keep giving you grief? you don’t need anyone but us, darling, jd says, wrapping his arms around you as he already plots his next kill 
jd is totally starved for any sort of affection or attention while josh is recently heartbroken over his sisters’ untimely deaths
they both need you like they need air, your soft touches, your declarations of love, everything you do makes them feel light and happy in a way they never thought was possible 
jd hates when you hang out with anyone or do anything that doesn’t involve them
he shares you with josh but he absolutely can’t tolerate sharing you with anyone else, he thinks they should be, basically, your only priority 
just stay home today - jd will pull you down, back into the soft warmth of the bed you all share. sandwiched between him and josh where you belong 
josh will sometimes seem like the more reasonable because of how possessive jd is but it’s only because jd already demands you spend so much time with them that he doesn’t have to be the one doing it 
if he was alone he’d be just as pushy but because you’re all together he gets to be the good cop to jd’s bad cop and that sums it up pretty well 
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