#jed olsen kin
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Shitty Danny Johnson aesthetic: dude there have got to be easier ways to get your name in the paper than whatever the fuck this is
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skylarsblue · 2 years
I have no clue how I would even begin trying to describe myself to someone. Because I don’t make any sense.
I kin Beetlejuice, Arataki Itto, & Danny Johnson - Ghostface.
But at the same time, I kin Michael Myers, Vincent Sinclair, & Jason Voorhees.
And don’t get me started on the fact I kin Fran Bow. If I didn’t seem mentally ill before that should definitely give it away-
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targaryensims · 3 years
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"You have no idea what I have planned for you. It'll be in the news for weeks. I'll make sure of that."
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batsforbadones · 4 years
Danny (Jed Olsen) Oneshot going against his survivor daughter and notices she isn’t her happy joyful self for the reasons of her teammates bullying her for being related to him, plz?
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I got half way through this before realizing you asked for a oneshot, not Hc’s, so please forgive me for this. - If I’m being completely honest, I don’t think Jed would ever-- have children. - He’s not even pro-choice just vehemently anti-baby. - He definitely wasn’t aware of you before the entity realm.  - But you’re here now, and your age is testament enough to how long he’s been in the realm and he really doesn’t like that knowledge. - Jed likely isn’t very sympathetic to the idea that you’re being bullied. - Jed was never bullied in his school experience, or at the office.  - I also don’t think any of the survivors would go out of their way to bully you for being related to him. A lot of them are so down on themselves they probably don’t believe they have the right to even discuss anyone else’s plights. - The trauma in the entity realm is vast. - If anyone were to tease you about it, it’d probably be David, Ace, or maybe Bill. Not anything mean. They’re just picking at you. Probably gave you a joking nickname or something. You’re usually fine with it. You give it back a little, it keeps the lot of you on your toes to try and retain some aura of normalcy in... Literal hell. - But maybe today was just a bad day. - You end up in the match, down trot.  - Fuck. It’s Jed. - He yanks you off a generator or something of the kin, hooks you without much thought.  - He plays the happy dad for a moment, just to get under your skin. - ‘ What’s eating my little bug bear up, huh? ‘ - Who the fuck is a bug bear? - ‘ Nothing ‘ - ‘ It’s obviously something. You can hear me from a mile away, usually, What’s pissing in your weedies today? ‘ - You get down to the root of it and he is absolutely overjoyed by the mere prospect that he has another misery to watch. - He had tons of people feeling horrid because of him pre-entity. Had so many people watching behind their backs. - He had people looking behind their backs now, but what killer in this hell hole didn’t? He wasn’t anything special compared to the others. - He had no way to check on them anymore, but knowing you were currently EXTRA suffering because of him?  - On top of the physical suffering ? - He’s over the hill about it.
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facesofthefog · 4 years
@shrouded-jed [TW: Torture, blood, degradation]
The small apartment was coated in silence except for the faint sound of ripping paper. Even without such an obvious clue, Olsen would have been able to realise something was wrong the moment he stepped into his home. Everything appeared to be in its rightful place, but the energy was different. It pulled him towards his bedroom, not letting him stay off course as if for just those few steps he was turned into a puppet. Once he opened the bedroom door, he was greeted with two out of place sights. One, being the black-haired male sitting in the apartment owner's chair with his legs stretched out onto the bed, and the other being his prized possessions torn or broken scattered on the floor like disposed bodies of survivors after an unsuccessful trial against the Ghostface. A suiting comparison considering how both were a sacrifice to the Entity who blessed the killer with his presence. 
The Entity was busy holding onto a scrapbook dedicated to their lovely Sammy and taking in all the sights with great interest. He was so lost in observing the images, that it might have looked as if he did not notice Jed's return, yet he was fully aware of his presence and did not even have to look away from the object to know what sort of expression the other wore behind his mask. 
"You must excuse the mess, I did not expect you so soon" he lied in a joking manner, a laugh at the end of the sentence. "Please, make yourself comfortable." 
Whilst he spoke the last few words, he stood up from his seat and closed the scrapbook keeping it in one hand. He knew the ghost would not have stayed still without some help, but looking towards the man he was pleased to see the killer's own strands of black fabric, his connection with the Entity, working against him, keeping him nicely in place. Only once the man was wrapped up in the lovely "ribbons" did the assailant decide it safe to approach. With his human body not regenerating as quickly as he would prefer, he did not want to risk getting stabbed. Not when he was the one that was supposed to do the stabbing instead.
The book was placed on the table with great care as if not to damage even the cover and the Entity walked over to his killer, setting the chair by his side. Sitting the man down was not as easy as gagging him with the red ribbons, but it was something he succeeded in regardless. A lovely view indeed, the dominating being mused whilst he stepped back to take in the sight of his work. Only then did he remember that the true beauty hid beneath the mask - the possibly hateful glare covered by an eternal scream. That too was dealt with quickly, the hood pulled down to make removing of the mask easier. 
"Ah, so beautiful my little one." A wide grin on his face spoke of true pleasure. His soft, cold fingers brushed against the man's cheek and just for a few seconds it was as if the Entity was lost in thoughts. "I know, I know. This was rather childish of me, but you see, if you touch and break my toys…" he glanced back towards the room to observe the shattered cameras and ripped articles that were previously so carefully stored in the draws or on display. "I will touch and break yours. And then I will do the same to you."
The energy shifted, the Entity being no longer amused. His black and gold eyes glistened with dark intent and spoke of rage that was yet to be released. A knife appeared in his hand and he brought the blade to the killer's face, pressing the blade into his cheek almost cutting the skin.
"You made a mistake with that one photo, my dear. Sammy is mine. Not Franks and most definitely not yours. I know how to share my toys, but I cannot stand a spoiled brat who wants to take everything for himself."
The blade was moved away from the skin and the Entity grabbed a fist full of Jed's hair to keep him in place. A threat was offered, move and your pretty face will not stay pretty for long, and then he began cutting into it. Letter after letter, two on his left cheek and two on his right. A perfect "LI" and "AR" decorating his face for as long as the Entity would want it to remain. Of course, Jed could have killed himself to make the regeneration progress quicker, but the killer’s owner doubted that the man would be capable of such an action. Then again, it would probably depend on which would hurt his ego more - dying or walking around with the newest addition to his lovely face. 
"Now don't move, I will show you what I did in just a second." It was not as if the man could escape, but he preferred to give a warning regardless. He let go of the other's hair and used his now free hand to search the killer for the last of his cameras. The Entity knew that he always had one with him, documenting his kills and his tortures. Amusingly, the killer possibly never expected that he would become a model for the newest photoshoot. 
"Smile" he ordered with a grin of his own. The flash brightened the room and blinded the killer for just enough time to develop the newest photo. Samuel took it in his hand and looked at it with a satisfied expression. Then he turned it over in his palm and showed it to Jed. "You should have smiled. It would have made you so much prettier."
A thought passed through his head, cut the smile into his face, but it faded just as quickly, as it appeared. What he already had on his face would be enough and there was more space on Jed's body to break skin in patterns. Carefully he set the camera to the side, leaving the photo on the floor so that his little pet could have a perfect view of it. The blade returned for more cutting, this time opening material instead of flesh, revealing the killer's bare chest. 
"What should I do now, my darling? A word? Some cuts? Which would you prefer?" It was obvious that he would not get a proper answer from the gagged victim, but it was not like he cared about the male's opinion. He pushed the tip of the blade just below the collar bone and lazily cut the word "FAKE". Letters the length of half an index finger were supposed to be visible whenever Jed would look into a mirror. The Entity wondered if his pet loved to spend time in front of the mirror. If he did, he would stop doing so once they finished their little play session. 
Four new words appeared on his torso accompanied by random cuts, some deep enough to stick a tip of the finger into them. Every so often the camera flash would return, and new photos embellished the floor documenting each new addition to the killer's body. This made the process longer. Cut, pick up the camera, take a picture, retake the picture if it was not good enough, return the camera to the bed and continue slicing. Sometimes the Entity would stick his finger into the wound, dig around, drench himself in the thrilling screams. Sometimes he would just stand and admire his work. Give the killer a few seconds to rest and return to the torture to make sure that the ghost did not get used to the constant pain. 
"Who should I give them to?" He asked as he took another photo. "Frank? Sammy? All of the survivors?" Click, a new photo dropped to the floor, the Entity no longer caring about holding onto them or placing them down neatly. "Oh, I know. Why don't I make a whole article about our little play session? You would love that, wouldn't you? And it would also replace all the ruined articles. You could become a star once more."
The blade came close to the killer for the last time and the Entity wiped the blood off from it on the other's clothes. The ruling being was now much calmer, his bloodthirst quenched for the time being. The knife disappeared in a small cloud of fog and gold allowing Samuel to grab hold of Olsen's chin for the final photo. "This one will be a personal memento for me to cherish." 
The newest print was then carefully folded in half and slipped into the pocket of the black trousers for later. No longer having any need for the camera at hand, he allowed his fingers to grow into claws and crush the brittle object with ease, letting the broken parts crumble to the floor and join the other of its kin. 
"I know, she is rather addicting. No wonder you just can't help yourself and want our little Sammy all to yourself. But you should learn to share." He took a deeper breath as if the whole situation was tiring, as if he was the one that just faced an exhausting task. The ghost mask returned to his hand and he watched the white screaming face considering something that Jed could not have been ready for. "But I can be kind. I will permit your play sessions. I will let you do to her as you please, as long as you don't kill her out of trials. Instead, you will repent."
The mask in hand began to melt as if exposed to a high temperature. Drops of white and black stained the floor and any paper that stood in its way. He did not inform the killer that all of his other masks were destroyed too. He would learn in his own time and find out that his punishment revolved around having to take part in trials without his mask or memento moris available. There would be more trials too and only based on their results would he either heal up and have his items returned in normal shape or be left with scars and deprived of all that he held important.
"I will keep this too, for now." He stated as he took the scrapbook dedicated to Sammy. "Should you behave yourself, you will be allowed to retrieve it. You will know when the time comes. For now, behave yourself." 
He walked over to the man and gave a pat to his shoulder. With that, the strands of fabric eased their hold and by the time the killer was released, the Entity was no longer in his proximity returning to his personal realm to focus on reading the notes the other formed on their favourite survivor. Jed was left with wounds and photos to remind him of their nice time together.
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