#jedi teness
ghostace · 2 years
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starwarsnewsit · 7 years
Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Nel libro una connessione tra Rey e Anakin?
New Post has been published on http://www.starwarsnews.it/2018/03/28/star-wars-the-last-jedi-rey-anakin/
Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Nel libro una connessione tra Rey e Anakin?
STAR WARS. Il libro con la novellizzazione di The Last Jedi (Gli Ultimi Jedi) potrebbe aver rivelato una connessione interessante tra Anakin Skywalker e Rey.
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LEGGI:  The Last Jedi, la scena tagliata sull'attrazione di Rey per Kylo Ren conferma il "Reylo"?
Questo “legame” è stato messo in evidenza dal sito web DorkSide. Si fa notare che Kylo Ren crede di essere una sorta di prescelto. Inoltre, dopo aver sconfitto Snoke rivela a Rey che lei non è niente di speciale, che non è nessuno. Infatti, perde la pazienza quando scopre che nel Risveglio della Forza Rey e Finn hanno sottratto la spada del nonno Anakin Skywalker.
In realtà, Kylo Ren potrebbe rivelarsi un personaggio di secondo piano rispetto a Rey, poiché ci sarebbe un “legame più importante di quello di sangue“. Tale legame sarebbe tra Rey e Anakin.
La Forza si divide in un 2?
Secondo il libro la Forza si divide in “Forza Vivente” e “Forza Cosmica”.
La prima è l’energia della vita. Quella “cosmica” è qualcosa di più complesso. Sarebbe da intendersi come “la volontà dell’universo”, che mantiene l’equilibrio tra tutto. Luke Skywalker e Snoke sarebbero consapevoli di questo:
Luke: “Powerful light, powerful fark.”
Snoke: “Darkness rises, with light to meet it”.
La Forza Cosmica e le sue scelte
Il Leader Supremo chiarisce questo aspetto nella sala del Trono. Lui credeva che la Forza Cosmica tenesse come in considerazione Luke per bilanciare la crescita oscura di Kylo Ren. Invece, si rende presto conto che è Rey la sua controparte. La Forza Cosmica si è manifestata in Rey!
Stiamo parlando della stessa Forza Cosmica che ha creato Anakin Skywalker usando una donna “sconosciuta” e pura. Una scelta fatta per portare equilibrio. Una scelta che si ripete oggi nel caso di Rey. Due circostanze diverse, ma un modo di agire simile da parte della Forza Cosmica.
In definitiva esiste un legame di sange tra Kylo e Anakin e uno di Forza Cosmica tra Anaki e Rey. Sarà interessate vedere come si evolverà il tutto…
via | Dork Side
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ghostace · 4 months
hiiiiiii I was wondering what the pieces are for your rattataki OC's outfit (sorry I don't know their name) in the lineup of your SWTOR OCs. You have really amazing taste and I am a SWTOR fashion obsessed person but find it hard to get that balance of Jedi Fashion(tm) that still looks sleek and cool like your OC does. Teach me your ways pls thx
same anon, I imagine you know exactly which OC I was asking about but I found her name in your blog so I'll specify that I mean Teness (which is a gorgeous name, again, teach me your ways). Much love to your lovely characters
ahh thank you 💖 i assume the one from this post? i forget what i have and haven't deleted and there may have been an older lineup that isn't up any more
i actually don't have a lot of ~unique outfits for teness, and the irony is i actually made that outfit expressly for that lineup because i was annoyed with myself since all her outfits are basically just straight CM sets with or without dye, and all the other characters i had in there had some sort of unique element to their outfits so i didn't want her to not match
(annoying, way too long rambling under cut)
this one is actually a pretty lazy outfit (by my own self judgmental standards, not something i would apply to anyone else)-- three of the pieces are from the same set, which i always take as a failure on my part to be creative 😅 but the chest and pants from this set are very hard to match to other sets so i gave up and left it as is
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going down the list:
chest, legs, and boots are all Builder's Apprentice from the current ongoing galactic season (building a foundation) and the chest has a Secondary Black dye, and the boots have a Primary Black dye (which if you didn't know, you can get for very cheap in the cartel market area of fleet if you have the underworld exchange reputation track)
gloves (and wrists, though you can't see them) are unfortunately from the last pvp season because i'm a clown and i actually enjoy semi-casual pvp. the collections unlockable set is called Cunning Plunderer and i'm obsessed with it and i'm currently overusing those gloves in my outfits, but there is a vendor purchasable legacy version called (i believe) Plunderer’s Greed that has a different colour set and costs 6 pvp tokens (which you can get from the pvp season track after it hits the "catch up" point of the season by buying levels if you don't want to touch pvp) (and i would not want to encourage anyone because pvp is hell but also i love it)
the belt is from the Expatriate armour set from the CM - the ahsoka tank top set everyone including myself has been obsessing over. i don't have the helmet on, but i stamped the Expatriate one in just for the sake of having one. have to give credit to @/villainship for the idea to pair that belt with that chest/pants because i did not have any good ideas (there's a lot of clipping with everything else i tried)
and to put it all together, everything except gloves and boots are unified/dye matched to the chest piece so they stay black
it wasn't in that picture but her lightsaber is the Tulak Hord lightsaber with the Overcharged tuning and a plain Cyan colour crystal (old crafters may have the recipe or you can buy a legacy bound one from the Eternal Championship vendor)
(you can stop here if you just wanted to know what she's wearing lmao sorry i have can't shut up disease)
as for outfit tips...
i'm not sure i have any really good ones-- it took me a long time to really start dressing up in swtor (i started playing in 2013 💀) because i mostly just used either dropped gear before outfit designer was a thing and then after that mostly just straight CM sets.
i usually start with a full set (or a chest piece i want to work around, usually chosen for a specific story beat or planet) and then slowly swap pieces out one by one until i have a cohesive look but with mixed pieces. i'm a heavy user of primary and secondary dyes (especially black) or shelling out for expensive dyes to change up a look-- some sets are barely recognizable once you put a dye on them
i also collect random pieces that catch my eye and store them away in the most disorganized legacy and cargo bays you've ever seen until an idea hits me. sometimes it doesn't work out but random drops sometimes spark outfit ideas-- and then sometimes outfit ideas spark story ideas hello all the sith AU outfits for my jedi
i often reuse pieces heavily with the same character-- i don't know how other people live, but i wear the same pants or shoes with different outfits all the time so there's nothing wrong with reusing iconic pieces, especially when it's a piece that's ties in to their personality. i try not to just pick pieces or outfits that "look cool" (though that's entirely valid. it's an mmo go wild have fun don't let me tell you how to enjoy yourself), but instead think about what pieces the character themselves would pick and also WHY they would make that choice because that can also give you some insight into the character. it might sound weird but the piece that actually sets a theme for an outfit for me is actually the boots-- practical heavy boots for armour vs soft and comfortable for at home vs thigh highs to show off... shoes/boots really tell a lot of the story of a character and if i can't get them right the whole vibe is off for the outfit
i guess i could say i have a "character palette" in my mind when i make outfits in order to keep some consistency in all their looks. for teness: neutrals and grayscale colour palettes, silver accents and avoiding gold (since she has silver earrings/gray eyes/markings), soft fabrics even when in armour, and i try to pick pieces that disguise the tiny waist that the body type 2 characters have as much as i can-- she's nowhere near that skinny.
thematically, her outfits follow the themes of the class story: uncomfortable and plain as a padawan, lighter and then heavy armour as the threats escalate, a more uptight jedi look for looking professional once she's a jedi master, and then more comfortable robes and outfits as she ages and gets more confident in her skin in the expansions.
in general for dressing jedi, it's about picking what kind of jedi they are first... combative jedi would dress differently than a healer who lives in the temple, dark or light, confident or meek... jedi have a style but you can bend it so much depending on what the outfit is for. i stay away from overt jackets and trooper-style plastic armour, i usually make sure there's softer elements to it with either a cape or robes or a skirt but you can go pretty casual or even dip into sith/imperial outfit pieces and still look jedi imo... the lightsaber does a lot of heavy lifting to make sure it comes together. there's no rules on being revealing or not, colour scheme (i overuse browns and grays but jedi don't need to stick to that) so it's up to the individual character and their personality
tl;dr you can do what you want forever and jedi don't need to dress like "jedi" if you believe in it hard enough and also shut up ghost goodbye
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ghostace · 5 years
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ghostace · 5 years
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a late valentine
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ghostace · 2 years
it's been a long while since i did the writing thing, and never really for swtor. everything is 🤷
doc x jedi knight
on ossus, sometime during the kotfe/et separation, wherein doc misses his wife
There was more grey in his hair these days. Distinguished, he'd call it, when Nadia caught him examining it in the mirror. Everyone loved a sexy, older-but-not-old-old doctor, and it just added to his charm.
Was she out there somewhere, getting older too? Laugh lines deepening, skin softening, only ever growing stronger? Any other possibility couldn't be considered, even if the ache in his chest said otherwise. Heartburn, he'd say, to wave off any concerns. The wrong diagnosis, perhaps, but who were they to argue with a doctor?
Maybe they were just too polite to point out the lie.
It wasn't like he understood how the Force worked. Maybe she was the only one who could read him; dark eyes narrowed, words cutting right through the bluster to the heart of the matter. To his heart.
There was hope, once, that she would find him, find the rest of the Jedi, that somehow his need and desperation could reach across the galaxy to bring her home. Kira insisted she was still out there, distant but alive, but Kira wasn't here to repeat those daily platitudes.
The others asked, sometimes, about travelling with the Jedi who had taken on the Sith Emperor. Before, they'd called him an ally, a friend, and he'd wink at her across the room. Now he had to smile through gritted teeth, pretend as if he wasn't her husband, vague generalisations instead of loving anecdotes, left wondering just how much they could sense he was hiding. They thought her a martyr, a mythical hero to add to the archives, and each day he came closer to slipping, to revealing just how little they knew.
Even cut off, they kept a galactic calendar, to celebrate milestones and life days. Time passed strangely on this orange planet, so occupied with the need to simply survive, that he might have missed it if it weren't for that.
Ten years.
Ten years, and more than half of it apart.
Ten years since he'd pulled himself together to admit what he really wanted.
Ten years since she took his hands and repeated those words back again.
And here he was, alone on a barren rock, surrounded by people who didn't, and couldn't know.
That was the crux of the issue, wasn’t it? The secrecy, so enforced because he couldn’t risk her position: Jedi rules. They’d argued about it, talked in circles into frustration, and now? It was time wasted instead of appreciated, time he could have spent lost in her arms, her eyes, her smile. What would even happen if he told this group of Jedi, so cut off from the galaxy? Would it tarnish her memory, or ruin a future when she returned?
If she returned.
More than half the colony weren’t Jedi, other regular people fleeing the destruction and seeking protection. There’d been looks, moments when tending a sprained ankle could have turned into something else, but the charm wasn’t always there when he reached for it these days. What would be the point? His heart had been ruined– saved– so it didn’t matter how hard they flirted, no one else could hold his attention now.
The colony had a working still, which was built approximately ten seconds after the first building’s roof was installed, and it pumped out some sort of clear alcohol that would knock even Gnost-Dural on his back. It lived now in a spot dubbed “the watering hole”, and most nights that was the place to be, with both Jedi and civilians sharing stories, dancing, playing cards– whatever sort of pleasure they could derive from this hellhole of a planet. He’d gotten to know a lot of them over a drink, but tonight he waved a polite decline to the usual carousers inviting him in.
There was a rock near the perimeter sensors that he’d spotted a while back, wide and flat and out of sight of most of the habitation buildings, the perfect size to stretch out and watch the stars. When he’d arrived, he’d tucked away a bottle of good Ralltiir rum with an ever-despairing hope that he might crack it open someday, to share in a reunion, a celebration. This might be as close as he’d ever get.
He could taste the memories as he sipped directly from the bottle, could almost see her eyes in the stars reflecting off the glass. Darkening cheeks, unrestrained laughter, falling into each others’ arms; it used to be so easy to love her.
It still was.
“Ten years, beautiful,” he said into the night. “You better be raising a glass wherever you are.”
Not that he’d hold it against her if she wasn’t.
“Remember the first time we went to Ralltiir together?” he chuckled to himself. “My parents hated both of us so much that we just got a hotel and stayed in bed all week.” The humour felt hollow even to him. “Then we dressed up to go to the ritziest restaurant on the entire planet and you, you looked like a princess from a holonovel, but you couldn’t stop worrying about how expensive it was or whether you’d get recognised…”
We really shouldn’t be wasting credits on such frivolous things, she’d fret. Jedi are supposed to live frugally, Archie.
Archie. He missed that name, as ridiculous as it was. From her lips it wasn’t a curse, but a gift. What he’d give to hear her say it, even one more time…
“Sounds like someone who means a lot to you.” Shit. Gnost-Dural’s filtered voice floated over the breeze, and like a teenager caught out, he instinctively hid the bottle of rum in his coat. Idiot, the Jedi don’t care about that.
“Something like that.” He leaned back, but Gnost-Dural waited, patient yet present. He wasn’t going to accept the deflection.
“My wife’s been missing a long time now,” he admitted, eventually, trying to shut down the line of questioning. If the Jedi really could read lies there was probably a holosign above his head right now.
“You’ve mentioned her, on occasion.”
“She’s a very private person, even if she’s…” he struggled to get the word out, “even if she’s gone. I wouldn’t want to…” He sighed, trailing off. What could he say? He would shout from the very highest point of this planet, plaster the holonet with hearts, graffiti their names on the walls if he could, but he’d made a promise.
Even if it was going to kill him.
“Well, I hope there is someone here you can talk to.” Gnost-Dural’s voice grew sorrowful. “We all need support sometimes.”
“I’m fine, really,” he lied. “It’s just an anniversary.”
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ghostace · 7 years
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last night i discovered that the pub fleet datacrons are soloable so i finally got that +10 after 5 years of playing!
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ghostace · 7 years
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outfit progression
someday i will do this for all of my characters but for now it’s just tenie
innocent baby padawan/new knight (prologue/ch1), experienced knight (ch2-3/ilum), wartime master (makeb/SoR on), and fuck everything outlander style
anyway, i want my trash doctor husband back
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ghostace · 4 years
swtor oc masterlist
a selection of my swtor characters and a short, very non-exhaustive biography for each since... i don’t know how to introduce characters, but i figure i’ve been playing swtor for long enough i guess i should share something
under a cut for length and ease of editing in the future
gw2 oc masterlist here
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Komairu (canon agent, canon co-outlander, light side)
Romances: Shara Jenn, Raina Temple, Theron Shan
Siblings: Sunias, Farrai
When his sister began to show signs of Force sensitivity, Komairu’s parents planned a hasty escape from the Empire, one that led to a young Komairu being stranded and believed to be dead. Alone, he survived however necessary, until a heist gone wrong brought him into Imperial Intelligence’s sights. Given the option of joining their intensive training program to escape execution, Komairu accepted and excelled, despite the troubles sent his way. In the end, his loyalties are not to the Empire, but to those that matter to him. Imprisoned by Arcann alongside the Jedi Teness, they both found themselves possessed by Valkorion and with a connection neither of them anticipated.
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Teness (canon knight, canon co-outlander, light side)
Romances: Doc, Arcann*
Born on Dathomir, Teness was noticed by the Jedi as a baby and taken in for training. Always the misfit, she often struggled with following the Jedi code and controlling her temper, but was chosen by Master Orgus Din as a Padawan. With his guidance, she was able to grow even stronger, into the Jedi who would eventually take on and defeat the Sith Emperor. Imprisoned by Arcann alongside the agent Komairu, they both found themselves possessed by Valkorion and with a connection neither of them anticipated.
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Kaliir (canon bounty hunter, light side)
Romances: Mako*, Akaavi Spar*
Dar’manda by birth, Kaliir spent her life determined to be accepted as a true Mandalorian. When the chance came to enter the Great Hunt, she disguised herself and did so under an assumed name, only revealing her true past after winning, to prove her legitimacy. Mandalore himself adopted her into his clan and with her name honoured again, she continued to follow the path of the hunter.
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Ynor (non-canon bounty hunter, neutral)
Romances: Torian Cadera*
Imprisoned on Belsavis for a variety of charges, as many false as true, Ynor encountered Kaliir while she hunted for her target. Having had trouble with Skadge himself, and knowing the planet well, he offered his services instead and Kaliir accepted. Taking care of the Houk was a difficult proposition but between them they took him out of the picture, and he was offered a position on Kaliir’s crew as thanks for his assistance.
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Merrina (canon inquisitor, dark side)
Romances: Andronikos Revel
All Merrina has ever wanted was the power to choose her own destiny... but power itself will have to do. The life of a Sith Lord is not one she would have chosen, but she makes do with what she can get, and she plans to raise her children to have more freedom than she was ever given.
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Letida (canon trooper, light side)
Romances: Aric Jorgan
When your mother is a Fleet Admiral, there isn’t much choice but to go into the family business. While her family is a distant branch of House Organa, Letida has always felt more at home in the muck with soldiers. Placing her in charge of Havoc Squad, with her family name, was an easy way to dismiss any concerns about defection, but she grew into the position with a quiet leadership that inspired loyalty. Unfortunately, her mother had other plans for her future, and Havoc is about to be in a lot of trouble.
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Tlen (canon co-warrior, dark side)
Romances: Malavai Quinn
A Sith born to a powerful bloodline, Tlen’s entire future was in her own hands. At the Sith academy, her overconfidence and arrogance quickly became her downfall, and was easily matched by a student who had been training for only a few months. Accepting the defeat was a blow to her pride, but it only made her more powerful. She was chosen eventually to be the Emperor’s Wrath, slaying in his name, though she did not remain loyal as he tore her beloved Empire apart.
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Seraad (canon co-warrior, light side)
Romances: Vowrawn*, Jaegren*
Born to a Sith Lord and an Imperial officer, for the first few decades years of his life Seraad showed no signs of Force sensitivity. Accepting his role, with his bloodline, led him to serve as his father had, until an attack by Jedi awakened his latent powers. During his training, he was equally matched by another Sith, and Darth Baras chose them both to carry his plans forward. Hoping initially to temper his Sith partner’s violent tendencies, he eventually grew to respect her methods. When Tlen was chosen as the Emperor’s Wrath, he instead joined Darth Vowrawn’s personnel, making himself useful to the powerful Sith.
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Rethza (canon smuggler, light side)
Romances: Vette*, Risha*
The Force-blind daughter of a Sith, she dreamed bigger than the Empire would allow, and Rethza took her chance in neutral space and later, the Republic. While she was used by agents infiltrating the Republic, she walked away with a reputation bigger than she could have imagined, and was quick to show it off-- proud, despite her heritage, of what she'd accomplished.
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Sunias (canon consular, light side)
Romances: Lana Beniko
Siblings: Komairu, Farrai
Having escaped the Empire as a child, Sunias was immediately given to the Jedi for training. Her young age and natural affinity to the Force allowed her to let go of the early painful memories, the risk of Sith discovery long forgotten. Sunias excelled, quickly becoming the youngest Jedi Master, but her methods were always questionable-- rude and not always kind, but not evil. Some found her pragmatic methods to their liking, however, and she surrounded herself with likeminded beings-- Lana amongst them.
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Casini (non-canon agent, dark side)
Romances: Saganu
A loyal member of the Chiss Ascendancy, Casini was loaned to Imperial Intelligence to assist with her particular brand of information gathering. Believed to be trusted, instead she funnelled information to the Ascendancy to warn them of any possible betrayals from the Sith Empire.
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Fénire (non-canon consular, light side)
Romances: Koth, Zahied (@villainship)
A Jedi of no seeming consequence or intelligence, Fénire found himself recruited to work against the Eternal Empire after their invasion of the core worlds. Easy-going but stubborn, his love of plants, rocks, and children alike makes him an asset to the Alliance's support teams, even if his ability to read emotions leaves some with a degree of discomfort.
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Idrix (non-canon knight, light side)
Romances: ???
Best friends since childhood, and after surviving the sacking of Coruscant, Idrix became like a big sister to Fénire-- to her own detriment. A healer by practice, she spends more time keeping him out of trouble than anything else, and her attachment to her little brother has kept her from achieving the rank of Master-- but she wouldn't have it any other way.
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Vikkten (non-canon knight, dark side)
Romances: Lord Scourge
Once a Jedi soldier, Vikkten was ejected for slipping too close to the dark side in order to claim victory. Now he makes do with what work he can get to pay for the costly maintenance of his ever-growing cybernetics, at least until he runs into a Jedi of some repute.
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Khrenn (non-canon inquisitor, light side)
Romances: Khem Val
Forcibly attached to Merrina’s crew, Khrenn specialised in keeping his head down around the power-hungry Sith. While not initially a willing participant, his power grew alongside hers as they travelled, and he found himself developing an unexpected bond.
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Tirrine (non-canon agent, light side)
Romances: Vector
Not much is known of this mysterious assassin, and few of her targets have lived to tell tale of her skills.
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Siol (non-canon trooper, light side)
Romances: Elara Dorne
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Ikasir (non-canon agent, dark side)
Romances: Kaliyo Djannis
Crew of the Fortune’s Gamble:
The Fortune’s Gamble is a trading vessel, and the crew specialise in recovering lost or stolen artifacts. While they charge only what their patron can afford, their primary income is from recovering and returning lost lightsabers and other Jedi artifacts. But each of them has more than a few secrets that cause problems for them and their crew.
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Chiira (Zeltron, non-canon smuggler, light side)
The second child in a royal family, Chiira was not content with being second best and set out to make a life for herself. She met Riyk shortly thereafter and the two went into business together, pairing her engineering education and slight Force sensitivity with his skills getting in and out of war zones. But word is reaching her that her homeworld wants her back, and Chiira has no interest in returning.
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Riyk (non-canon smuggler, light side)
A former transport pilot, Riyk lost his young daughter in an Sith attack and set out to find her and bring her back to the light. But the Empire is large, and with no idea where to start, he aimed himself at Imperial war zones and hoped that one day he’d get lucky. Quickly running out of credits, he met Chiira and the two hatched a plan to stay comfortable and accomplish their own goals.
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Sohlaire (non-canon smuggler, dark side)
As a padawan, Sohlaire was captured and twisted by the Sith. After decades of a hopeless, dark life, he took the opportunity to escape when it arose. Cutting himself off from the Force, he instead became a ruthless pirate, until he stumbled across his lost lightsaber in the hands of the Fortune’s Gamble. Despite taking one of them hostage in an attempt to recover the lightsaber, he was eventually forgiven and joined the crew to provide what he called a “badly needed ruthlessness”.
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Farrai (non-canon trooper, dark side)
Siblings: Sunias, Komairu
Even as a child Farrai knew she could not live up to her parents’ expectations. Though she never knew of her lost brother, her Jedi sister was always a point of comparison even if they’d never met. Trying to prove a point, she enlisted in the Republic army, only for an assignment to go horribly wrong, leaving her a sole survivor among an entire platoon. Fearing that returning to duty would only lead to her death or imprisonment, Farrai found escape on the Fortune’s Gamble, offering her services as muscle as long as they wouldn’t turn her in.
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Cheid (non-canon bounty hunter)
Originally from Tatooine, Cheid is an odd sight on the hot planet, but they don’t know how or why they ended up there alone as a child. While not a member of the crew, Cheid ends up running into the Fortune’s Gamble more than they’d like. After Chiira saved their life, they run interference when other hunters get too close to one of the many bounties out on the crew, and sometimes use the crew to get close to one of their own targets.
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Malkah (Zabrak, non-canon smuggler, adopted child of Chiira and Riyk)
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ghostace · 7 years
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ghostace · 6 years
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i love her
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ghostace · 6 years
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i can’t get over how good she looks in this set
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