#jellie can attest… I’m not doing well lmao
dahldahlbills · 1 year
im really excited to start stone ocean but i also don’t think im ready to start it akfhjs I already know I’m gonna get super attached to a bunch of new characters, meaning I’ll only be adding new blorbos into the rotation which can get really overwhelming and im still processing golden wind I just… there’s too many emotions rn lol
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lolsexonthebeach · 6 years
My girlfriend wanted me to do these and also I really wanted to do these
1. Coffee or tea?
Usually coffee, but I won’t say no to green tea. Like, ever.
2. Black and white or color?
Used to be black and white but I’m starting to like colors again. Oh my god, I sound like a really cringy goth kid.
3. Drawings or paintings?
Drawings. I loved whenever my girlfriend would sketch things on our coffee dates.
4. Dresses or skirts?
Dresses. Love love love when @organiclavender wears dresses :)
5. Books or movies?
Honestly, books more recently. I haven’t seen a good movie in awhile.
6. Pepsi or Coke?
Pepsi, I drank enough coke as a child to make a 500lb McDonald’s frequenter gasp.
7. Chinese or Italian?
This is a very evil question. I guess Chinese, I feel like it’s easier to find a hole-in-the-wall place serving bomb Chinese than it is to find a decent Italian restaurant that sells something other than Spaghetti and one meatball.
8. Early bird or night owl?
Is it possible to be both? Kinda like waking up early now, but I love midnight silence.
9. Chocolate or vanilla?
That’s racist.
10. Introvert or extrovert?
I am an introvert that pretends to be extroverted so he can pet people’s cats and play their musical instruments
11. Hugs or kisses?
Kisses. Always kisses.
12. Hunting or fishing?
This is probably a typical answer, but I really don’t like the idea of murdering something helpless for fun (Even though I fucking love guns lmao). Fishing is probably not much less cruel, but it’s so relaxing, man. 
13. Winter or summer?
Well, summer rhymes with bummer. 
Nah. Love the cold.
14. Spring or fall?
Fall. Such a spooky season.
15. Rural or urban?
It really depends on where lol. I love getting lost in the woods, but there’s no Wi-Fi out there lmao
16. PC or Mac?
Macs are literally overpriced Linux computers that take everything good about Linux and throw it the fuck away.
17. Tan or pale?
Pale <3
18. Cake or pie?
I will eat the FUCK out of some pecan pie.
19. Ice cream or yogurt?
I’m not an annoying hipster that lies about enjoying fermented milk so iced cream for me
20. Ketchup or mustard?
Ketchup, but mustard is growing on me lately. Like, go get some spicy brown mustard from Walmart and put that shit on a sandwich with pepper jack and roast beef and tell me there’s not a God.
21. Sweet pickles or dill pickles?
Sweet pickles are the 2nd most disgusting thing I’ve ever put in my mouth. The first is my brother’s penis. What was weirder was finding out that he wasn’t really my brother.
22. Comedy or mystery?
I feel like most comedies these days are different iterations of “WEIRD SEX SCENES AND AFFAIRS AND ALSO HERE’S SOME BOOBS” so mystery
23. Boots or sandals?
Well, if Doc Marten made some flippy flops... Nah, boots.
24. Silver or gold?
Silver. Looks way classier to me for some reason.
25. Pop or Rock?
26. Dancing or singing?
I can’t do either, I’m a white boy.
27. Checkers or chess?
My girlfriend will attest to the fact that I used to literally stay awake for hours playing chess on my phone
28. Board games or video games?
I love the videa.
29. Wine or beer?
I am answering this question with a hangover. Please die.
30. Freckles or dimples?
Both will equally melt my heart.
31. Honey mustard or BBQ sauce?
I live in Texas, so BBQ sawz
32. Body weight exercises or lifting weights?
Weights. I notice better results doing shit with dumbbells and stuff than I do just doing pushups and shit.
33. Baseball or basketball?
I refer you to the answer of question 26.
34. Crossword puzzles or sudokus?
Do I look like a 40 year old wife that likes to disturb her husband’s peace in the morning
35. Facial hair or clean shaven?
I assume this is asking about on other people, but facial hair if I’m trying to go to a bar and I don’t feel like getting carded, clean shaven if I want some love from @organiclavender
36. Crushed ice or cubed ice?
37. Skiing or snowboarding?
38. Smile or game face?
I usually try to smile but apparently I have resting bitch face a lot
39. Bracelet or necklace?
I’ll rock both, yo.
40. Fruit or vegetables?
Both, my girlfriend has been forcing me to eat healthier and omg I’m actually starting to like things that aren’t baked in an asbestos lined oven with ingredients grown from failed cloning experiments and formaldehyde
41. Sausage or bacon?
42. Scrambled or fried?
This is a tough one. As long as there’s a shit ton of cheese somewhere in there, I’ll eat either.
43. Dark chocolate or white chocolate?
44. Tattoos or piercings?
Have both, want more of both. I seriously miss my nose ring.
45. Antique or brand new?
Antique, but my girlfriend is scared of old things because she won’t stop watching Paranormal Survivor.
46. Dress up or dress down?
I have no idea what this means. I clearly am not the target demographic of this questionnaire.
47. Cowboys or aliens?
I was going to say both, but then I remembered it’s that kind of thinking that made Cowboys and Aliens with Daniel CRAYGE happen.
48. Cats or dogs?
I love woofers but I absolutely adore cats.
49. Pancakes or waffles?
Fucking WAFFLES.
50. Bond or Bourne?
I’ve been a Bond fan since I was old enough to be sentient
51. Sci-Fi or fantasy?
Both. Massive Sci-Fi fan but I love anything to do with fantasy things.
52. Numbers or letters?
53. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?
54. Fair or theme park?
I love fairs. There’s always a hint of “holy shit I might die” that just adds to the rickety experience of riding a roller coaster set up in literally a day.
55. Money or fame?
Money. I’d much rather buy people shit than sign autographs.
56. Washing dishes or doing laundry?
Neither. Shit is so lame. Hate both equally.
57. Snakes or sharks?
Sneks r cool
58. Orange juice or apple juice?
Apple Juice. I’ve been craving some since I woke up.
59. Sunrise or sunset?
60. Slacker or over-achiever?
I have bursts of both, which likely means I have some kind of serious mental disorder
61. Pen or pencil?
Pens. There’s a weird quality to ink that I’ve always loved.
62. Peanut butter or jelly?
I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who ate straight jelly lmao
63. Grammys or Oscars?
Do I look like a bored, lonely housewife?
64. Detailed or abstract?
Both. Absolutely both.
65. Multiple choice questions or essay questions?
When I didn’t entirely hate school, I loved essay questions. Multiple choice is now my favorite.
66. Adventurous or cautious?
Literally both.
67. Saver or spender?
I’m both lol. Sometimes I won’t spend a dime and then other times I’ll buy some fucking copper silverware on amazon because “It looks cool”.
68. Glasses or contacts?
Depends on the person. I think my girlfriend looks adorable in hers, I can’t seem to have them without shattering them.
69. Laptop or desktop?
70. Classic or modern?
71. Personal chef or personal fitness trainer?
I would literally kill for someone to get me off of my ass and into a gym more often.
72. Internet or cell phone?
I feel like those two are synonymous now.
73. Call or text?
If it’s my girlfriend, call. If it’s literally anyone else, text.
74. Curly hair or straight hair?
I think girls with curly hair are the absolute cutest thing ever.
75. Shower in the morning or shower in the evening?
Evening showers make me happy.
76. Spicy or mild?
I will forever shovel spicy things in my mouth until my stomach screams at me and I need to throw up on the poor waitress asking me if I’m okay.
77. Marvel or DC?
I am weirdly not into comics.
78. Paying a mortgage or paying rent?
Dude, if I could afford a house in any possible way, there’s no way in hell I would ever live in an apartment again.
79. Sky dive or bungee jump?
I really wanna sky dive. Loved bungee jumping.
80. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?
81. Jello or pudding?
82. Truth or dare?
You’re not even trying anymore.
83. Roller coaster or Ferris wheel?
Roller coaster!
84. Leather or denim?
I rock both yo.
85. Stripes or solids?
86. Bagels or muffins?
Bagels, omfg. I’m like craving a garlic and poppy seed bagel right now. Wiff some creme chez.
87. Whole wheat or white?
My girlfriend hates me so I’m not allowed to eat white bread anymore.
88. Beads or pearls?
89. Hardwood or carpet?
Hardwood. I finally moved into an apartment with wood floors and omg it’s so nice. Only thing that sucks is when it’s cold you mos def need socks.
90. Bright colors or neutral tones?
Neutral. I like colors too, I’m just a weird goth boy.
91. Be older than you are or younger than you are?
Older, with a job that doesn’t suck. I wanna be out of college.
92. Raisins or nuts?
Raisins are gross. I love cashews tho
93. Picnic or nice restaurant?
Nice restaurant. One of my favorite dates with my girlfriend is finding cool nice places to grab some food at :)
94. Black leather or brown leather?
Black ‘till I die.
95. Long hair or short hair?
Both. I’m not picky :)
96. “Ready, aim, fire” or “Ready, fire, aim”?
I’m imaging the second choice is what half of the dudes at the range I used to go to into Austin took.
97. Fiction or non-fiction?
Fiction. Non-Fiction is boring.
98. Smoking or non-smoking?
I’m not allowed to smoke anymore.
99. Think before you talk or talk before you think?
I definitely do both.
100. Asking questions or answering questions?
Both yo!
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