#jemima isn't mine
Imagine a Librarians / Ghosts crossover.
-Robin announcing that he went through a Magic door like in the impro and played chess with Excalibur the flying sword
-the Lits then appearing at Button House because of the high concentration of Ghosts (maybe due to a broken ley line?) And posing as guests but they all can see the Ghosts and find out that it really isn't that kind of haunted house.
-Flynn and Jake playing chess against Robin and Julian
-Kitty and Cassie being the sweetest , bubbliest together
-Cassie bonding with Fanny because they are both science girls especially maths girls
-Baird and Allison bonding over their mom-friend roles
-Ezekiel getting into arguments about stealing with Pat and talking about the universe and Aliens with Robin
-Coronel Baird and the Captain bonding over their military history and their whole way to approach missions and problems because they were both soldiers
-Jake and Humphrey talking about History and Art and Art History and architecture for hours and tracking down humphrey's body so Humphrey can give Jake a house tour.
-Jake and Thomas fighting about Byron and poetry in general. It gets nasty Thomas goes into the lake before Jake helps him with his own poetry by talking about the true meaning and beauty of poetry
-Jake trying to learn as much as possible from Robin.
-Cassie making an impression on Julian when she uses mathemagics to help him with his online golf
-Mike and Baird just hanging out with each other being the most normal ones, adoring their very special significant others
-Robin being fascinated by Cassie's powers
-Julian getting a talking to from Baird and being super impressed afterwards because she means business
-Pat recruiting Ezekiel to food Club
-Ezekiel and Julian bonding over being tricksters/the Art of spin
-Jenkins showing up and impressing all of the Ghosts and they all swap stories from their times. Like when he remembers that he once was a guest at Button House. Or the Ghosts ask him what he did during their respective lifeteime etc.
-Jenkins bonding with Pat over their caretaker roles
-the Captain and Jenkins bonding over Stories about ancient battles
-Humphrey and Jenkins sharing a similar humour also the years of being alone also Humphrey is keen on Arthurian legend (my HC) and Jenkins is Galahad so.
-Jenkins impressing Fanny because he uses the proper etiquette from her time and is a true gentleman
-Cassie (aka a "Cassandra, a remarkable young woman") bonding with the Captain over the limpet mine project because she hast questions and he tells her about some difficult calculations and she solves them in a few heartbeats and he tells her how they could have used someone with her gifts back then but that his Lieutenant was very bright and he was glad to have him there and because her gaydar pings and she tells him about her Vampire (ex-) girlfriend.
-Ezekiel hanging out with Jemima ,playing dolls, because she reminds him of the time when he was a lost kid and because that's exactly whom he swore to help
-Flynn just being utterly enarmoured by the Plague Ghosts and spending a lot of time with them.
-ezekiel arguing with Fanny over her views on Australia. When Jake points out that he was indeed a thief he exclaims that that's besides the point
-also I feel like the salt of the earth, worked on an oil rig, cowboy with the 190 iq, love for travel, art , poetry etc., with the gentle smile and warm brown eyes and strong arms because of the martial arts would probably be worth a "Good Lord" upon first sight. (Flynn also looks like he fits the bill but I feel his energy is too manic in comparison. Jake is closer in demeanour to Havers, Adam and the Chap with the arms). Also I just really love Jake)
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greenelectricsky · 3 months
How do you start your day?
Admetus: Waking up?
Alonzo: Trying to sort anything I can before Munku comes in and finds out what we have done all night...
Amun: Ask me when I wake up.
Bill Bailey: Running somewhere? For something? Away from someone? With something? Depends?
Bombalurina: With delicious stretch every single muscle in my body... Go away, you pervert.
Bustopher Jones: Breakfast! What else?
Carbucketty: Morning zoomies!!!
Cassandra: Not your problem.
Coricopat: Figuring it out. What figuring out? That is my sweet secret.
Demeter: With utmost despair.
Electra: With new ideas for fun!
Etcetera: With a kiss to Tugger's picture!!!
Exotica: With a nice nap in the sun...
George: Making pranks before someone catches me and makes me do my part of chores.
Tumblebrutus: Trying to not get into any prank...
Grizabella: Weeping and cursing.
Gus: In my days, real actor...
Jellylorum: With a nice cup of tea and... Gus? Gus, where are you going... Oh...
Asparagus Jr: Looking for dad with Jellylorum.
Jennyanydots: Usually mice are waking me up because they want... No, kittens want breakfast, mice want...? I'm sorry, it was a tiresome day.
Jemima, hiding something (body): Picking flowers!
Macavity: Fuck off.
Mistoffelees: You wanted to ask "How do I start my afternoon...?"
Mungojerrie: Trying to untie sheets I tangled when I sleep.
Munkustrap: How I start what? How can I start a new day when I didn't end the day before?
Old Deuteronomy: Looking at all they are doing and thinking "It's time to go..."
Pouncival: Exercises! Exercises!
Plato: Trying not to meet exercising Pouncival.
Quaxo: Some magic! And some catastrophe usually...
Rum Tum Tugger: With the most perfect, handsome and clever cat in a junkyard! Me!
Rumpleteazer: Usually from a figuring out, where am I...
The Rumpus Cat: You don't want to know.
Sillabub: With a happy smile and darkn... happiness! in my heart!
Skimbleshanks: With coffee and hope. Some days mostly with coffee... others, mostly with hope...
Tantomile: Praying to old gods, so they didn't let the world fall down... For now? It's working.
Victoria: Dancing and being wonderful!
Jemmysweets: With sun.
Silenia: With murder.
FinFun: It's cooking!
Silenia: Do what you want in the kitchen, bogboy, and let me do my things in peace...
Cysiek: Day isn't starting before I wake up.
TuśTuś: How do I...? Oh, crap! I forgot about something, right?
Adonis: Kissing all my wonderful husbands! And getting pushed away when I start tickling them.
Sky: Trying not to get tickled.
Cream: Making breakfast for everyone! And forgetting to eat mine...
FanFanGrace: Oh? So nice of you? Let me list it for you...
FinFun: Oh! This is a hard question! I don't know, I'm not there usually...
Mirage: Listening to the chime of my bells and screams of my enemies.
Papyrus: Picking up a book I was reading in the evening.
Tango: Blep.
Moon: Wishing I won't need to wake up.
Star: Wishing everyone a good day and not meeting me... till afternoon.
Sun: Looking fabulous in the laziest position you can find a cat.
Haze: I didn't start anything, you can't make me responsible for that!
Shyny: I'm trying to break free from some octopus hugzilla...
Almondisco: Hugging my tiny lover before he wakes up and runs to his duties.
Amberlina: With a plan for a day, healthy breakfast and song in a heart. In a heart, Vanilliarity!
Flowerflow: Hitting Vanilliarity with a pillow. More than once if I have to.
Vaniliarity: Singing! And being hit with a pillow for that...
Earthyrose: Laughing at all those losers who had to wake up early.
Honeytrap: Trying to figure if that day is worth waking up.
Spicyjuce: Trying to figure out how to not kill anyone for a whole day.
Oranglow: Fighting with nature for my right to live.
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bomba and jemima for the bingo ask
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they got done dirty by the fans - In a plethora of ways, tbh. Not just past fans either, though that was *quite* the cesspool of character interpretation being "that lady" who got in the way of tuggoffelees lmao. I feel like a lot of fans are...afraid? of interpreting her as more than one of her designated portrayals and character traits, and her involvement with Macavity is *also* often very downplayed.
Also in a very *specific* way, the way that some fans are so nasty to Marlene Danielle!Bombalurina reeks of *something* but I can't quite put my finger on it (jk I know exactly what it is).
they got done dirty by the creators - Making her makeup just sexy cat lady with a red lip is already cowardly Karen Dawson and co., tbh, but Bombalurina inspired the name of a band called "Bombalurina" that ALW formed and they are responsible for this monstrosity here and if that isn't done dirty in her poor name, idk what is.
Also the 2019 Taylor Swift...thing. But to be *fair* I knew that was going to be a disaster when they announced it initially (Popstars in musicals - especially the *big budget productions* that everyone is going to see - grind my gears I'm sorry), so I wasn't even surprised.
wasted potential - Again, a lot of what I initially said - Bombalurina is complex and multifacted and she *can* be played in so many different ways and they all have a space at the table. I feel like a lot of her relationships with other cats like Plato (Broadway Plato) or Bustopher or Alonzo or Munk or Jenny (and the animosity she has towards Grizabella being *palpable*) and even *Tugger* etc. are often brushed to the side as well, and that's also kinda a waste.
they work better as part of a dynamic - Again again *again* not *better* persay, but what is a Bombalurina without Demeter and vice versa? They're like spiritual extensions of one another.
FREE SPACE - Bring back dynamic Bomba makeup and the *red red* of her costume; let her have lines on her face! Let her have prominent whisker marks! Bold colour blocks! Please I'm so done with same face syndrome.
i like them but i don't really think about them much - Not in that I wouldn't *like* to, it's just that again I feel like she's better off in someone else's hands other than mine. I just work here.
i'm obsessed with her character arc - Jemima teaches the lesson; Jemima is the healing hand. She's the kitten who is the first to accept Deuteronomy's teaching and she's the first one to stand up. Love that for her.
ADOPTION PAPERS - Smoll baby child
they work better as part of a dynamic - AGAIN i won't repeat that, but Victoria and Jemima were supposed to be the same cat; they *are* essentially two halves of the same cat. That dynamic is very important.
what's wrong with them (affectionate) - Weird!girl Jemima whose eyes turn black and her head rotates *slightly* too far and who *actually* stares full into your soul and pulls out every single little thread until you're crying in front of her >>>>>
not enough screen time - Okay actually she does get a lot of screen time but ALSO consider she is baby.
they've never done anything wrong in their life <3 - releasing spiders in her house to give them a tour isn't wrong, it's polite. Reading people's minds and telling their crushes "I know who LIKES you" isn't wrong it's helpful! She's playing matchmaker!
This is the best character in the work - One of Jemima's roles is to be spiritual successor to Grizabella, a primary character. We reflect the lives of the old in the eyes of the young and that's a prime example there.
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kiddoryder · 4 years
Little Jemima
For @anitoonzforever enjoy! 
P.S. Jemima is from The Promise Neverlands and that who she wanted to be in the story
On Earth inside a shopping mall; Gary, Avocato, and Quinn were in town doing some shopping. They needed some things for the ship and themselves. Right now they were in the snack aisle looking for some cookies for Gary. 
 Gary - “ I'm thinking of getting either macadamia cookies or iced oatmeal 
 Avocato - *smirks* “You really like cookies, don't you?”
 Gary -  *smirk* “Don't deny me my passion, buddy! And you keep drinking all the milk we get.”
 Avocato - *offended* “Hey, I can't help it! It helps my bones become stronger and calm my mind.”
 Gary - “Yeah and that’s not different from a cat.”
 Quinn - *chuckled* “Okay you two we still gotta keep shopping.”
 One they got finished and load their groceries into the car, they hear a sound.
 Avocato - “Hey. Did you hear that?”
 Gary - “Hear what?”
 They heard that noise again. This time it was slightly louder.
 Quinn - “It sounds like it from the bushes!”
 They see a dog run out. Much to their relief and dismay at the same time. 
 Gary - “Oh, it's just a dog. Too bad we can’t get a pet dog cause of Avocato.”
 Avocato - “First of all, you know I’m not a dog person. Second of all, it wasn’t that. It's a different sound. Like...a child crying.”
 They began to hear the child crying noise again. It was slightly louder. 
 Quinn - “We better go find the child!”
 The start to search for the sound until they come across a little girl with dark skin and big, oval-shaped dark brown eyes & has curly black hair which she slicks back into a low bun. She is standing by herself near an alley and is crying her eyes out while people are just walking past her. Her clothes were also white but also dirty since it has dirt and some holes on it.
 Quinn - “It's a little girl…”
 The little girl was still crying, and the people were ignoring her. This made the guys sympathize with her especially Gary since he knows what it’s like to be homeless. 
 Avocato - “Poor little thing.”
 Gary - “Think she's lost?”
 Quinn - “I don't know she could be.”
 Then they heard some growling and saw a bigger scarier dog. The dog was slowly walking the girl like if he wanted to attack her. Hearing the growling, the girl turns to see the dog but she's too scared to move. Just when the dog was about to attack, they both heard: 
 Avocato - “Hey! Back off you mutt!”
 Avocato ran toward the dog and he began to tackle the dog to ground. 
 Gary - “Yeah kick that dogs butt”!
 He wrestles with the dog. The dog tried to attack, but Avocato was too strong. Eventually the dog gives up and runs away yelping. Avocato got up and wipe his hands and didn’t even have a scratch on him. 
 Avocato - “Hm. That'll teach him.”
 Then they all saw the little girl was hugging her knees and was still crying. 
 Quinn - *gently* “Sweetie? Are you alright?”
 Gary - “What's the matter?”
 The little girl looks up at them but backs away with fear in her eyes. She hid behind empty trash cans. 
 Avocato - “Easy this one seems a little young.”
 Quinn - “It's okay we won't hurt you.”
 The child still doesn't come near them as Quinn looks at the others with concern.
 Gary - “She must be scared of us.”
 Avocato - “Let me try.” 
 He gets a bit closer to the child and kneels down in front of her. The child whimpers a little in fear. 
 Avocato - “It's okay. We promise we won't hurt you. We are good people.”
 She looks up at him and starts to calm down, but the tears still stream from her face. Avocato then holds his hand out to her.
 Avocato - *gently* “Come on. It's okay.”
 The little girl smiled and slowly began to walk out from the trash can. She began to shake his hand and it made her smile. 
 Quinn - “Do you have a name?”
 The little girl nodded and wiped her eyes.
 Jemima - “J-Jemima…”
 Avocato - “That's a nice name. I'm Avocato.” 
 Quinn - “I'm Quinn Airborne.”
 Gary - “And I'm Gary Goodspeed.”
 Jemima gives a small smile. These are the nicest people she met in a while.  
 Avocato - “Are you alone?”
 She gives a small nod. This made Avocato, Gary and Quinn sympathize with her more.
 Quinn - *sadly* “Oh poor thing.”
 Jemima’s lip starts to quiver again and throws her arms around Avocato. He smiles and gently rubs her back.
 Avocato - “It's okay it's all right.”
 Avocato holds her close and picks her up. Jemima felt a little nervous but at the same time safe. For some strange reason she felt like she can trust these people. Especially Avocato. 
 Avocato - “Let’s take her home.”
 Gary - “Are you sure?”
 Avocato - “Gary, she's cold and alone. And she looks a little thin, like she hasn't eaten in days. I can't just leave her out here.”
 Quinn - “He's right. Plus this is too dangerous for her to be here by herself. I mean she did almost got attack by a big dog.”
 Gary - “Good point. Let's head home.”
 They began to walk back to the Crimson Light while Avocato continues to hold Jemima and comfort her. For the first time in her life Jemima felt safe. 
 Jemima - “Mmm...Thank you…”
 Avocato - “Don't you worry, honey. We're gonna take good care of you. I promise.”
 Jemima smiles and nestled into his chest. Jemima felt like she already liked Avocato.
 Jemima -  “You're so warm…”
 Avocato smiles and rubs her hair until they reach the ship. While Gary and Quinn get the groceries, Avocato carries Jemima inside. 
 Gary - *whispers* “Hey, do you think the others will like her?”
 Quinn: *smiles* “I'm sure they will.”
 They carry the groceries inside just as Avocato sets Jemima down. Jemima eyes widen in amazement on how big it was. 
 Avocato - “Well here we are.”
 Jemima - *amazed* “Wow…”
 Gary - “Yep! Amazing isn't it?”
 Jemima - “You all live here?” 
 Gary - “You bet! There are also a few others here, such as-“
 Suddenly Kevin pops in front of Jemima, scaring her. 
 Kevin - “Hi there!”
 Jemima screams and dashes under a table. This annoyed Gary since Kevin came at her too quickly. 
 Gary - *annoyed* “Augh Kevin! You are scaring her!”
 Kevin - “Oooh! A little girl! She's so cute hi I'm Kevin!”
 Jemima - *scared* “Ahhh! Leave me alone!!”
 Gary - “Kevin, go away! She's freaked out enough!”
 Kevin - “Why?”
 Gary - “Because she hates you like everybody else!”
 Kevin - “But kids love me!”
 All three - *annoyed* “Just go!!”
 Kevin hovers away as they try to get Jemima to come back out. Jemima walked to Avocato still frighten. 
 Gary - “It's okay the stupid robot is gone now.”
 Jemima - “He scares me....”
 Quinn -  “Oh I know sweetie but it's okay now.”
 Gary - “I'm so sorry about that. Kevin doesn't know anything about personal space.”
 Jemima - “Mmm…”
 Avocato - “But there are other friendly people.”
 Jemima - “Like Who?”
 Little Cato - “Hey Dad!”
 Jemima sees him coming and hides behind Avocato. Little Cato noticed Jemima and said:
 Little Cato - “Hey who’s the little girl?”
 Gary - “We found her while we were shopping.”
 Avocato - “It's okay, sweetheart. This is my son, Little Cato. Little Cato, this is Jemima. She's gonna stay with us for a while.”
 Jemima - *shy* “Umm hi…”
 Little Cato - *friendly* “It's nice to meet you.”
 He held out his hand and even though she hesitated at first but can tell that Little Cato is friendly and isn’t like Kevin. Then Jemima shook his hand and did a little smile.
 Jemima - “Thanks…”
 Avocato - “She will be staying here with us.”
 Little Cato - “That’s fine. I wouldn't mind if you stayed, Jemima.”
 Jemima smiles and then Mooncake appears causing her to jump.
 Mooncake - “Chookity!”
 Jemima - “Ah!”
 Gary - “Oh this is Mooncake! He's my best buddy beside Avocato.”
 Jemima - *scared* “W-What is he?”
 Gary - “The most adorable face higher ever! Mooncake say hello to little Jemima.”
 Jemima gets a little closer to Mooncake who looks at her for a moment before giving her a small face hug. Jemima smiles and gave him a hug and can see how harmless he really is. 
 Jemima - “He is adorable.”
 Avocato - “See? He likes you.”
 Mooncake - *nods & nuzzles* “Chookity.”
 Then they heard a minor explosion in another room. It startled everybody especially Jemima who got scared. 
 Trina - “Damn it! Not again.”
 Jemima - “What was that?!”
 Quinn - “It's okay, that's just Trina.”
 Jemima - “Trina?”
 Gary - “A friend of ours.”
 Then Trina came out cover in smoke. She looked frustrated and said: 
 Trina - “Well it's official: I may fix a lot of things, but I can't fix toasters. How can something so simple can be so hard to fix?”
 Trina sees little Jemima hiding behind Quinn. Then she said: 
 Trina - *confused* “Who’s she?”
 Quinn - “This is Jemima. She a new member. Jemima, this is Trina Starlight.”
 Jemima - *shyly* “H-Hi…”
 Trina - *friendly* “Hi there. *to Gary* She's adorable.”
 Little Cato - “Where did you find her?”
 Avocato - “She was out in the street all alone.”
 Trina - *sadly* “Ohhh.”
 Little Cato - “Poor girl.”
 Jemima only looks down. Even though they felt bad for her, she felt a bit uncomfortable getting this kind of attention. It was a reminder how alone she was and scared. Then Quinn said:
 Quinn -  “Don't worry, sweetheart. We'll help take care of you. Also, we better get you cleaned up before dinner.”
 Jemima - “Okay.”
 Quinn - “I'll go run Jemima a bath while you guys fix diner. Alright?”
 Gary - “You got it Quinn!”
 They left to the kitchen while Quinn took Jemima to the bathroom to help clean her up. 
 Quinn - “I'll start drawing the bath for you.”
 Jemima - “Thanks Miss Quinn.”
 Quinn - *chuckles* “You're welcome honey, but please just call me Quinn.”
 Jemima - *shyly* “Okay…”
 Quinn - “So you just been all yourself.”
 Jemima - “Well not really....I was with some other kids.”
 Quinn - “Oh? And do you know where they are?”
 Jemima only looked down and shook her head sadly. That’s when Quinn realize what Jemima’s answer meant. 
 Quinn - *sadly* “Oh I see.”
 Jemima-  “We all went somewhere but I got separated and I couldn't find them. I tried to find them in the city, but I kept getting lost and I felt so scared.”
 Quinn - “Oh I'm so sorry sweetie.”
 Jemima - “Don't be. I feel a little better.”
 Quinn - *confused* “Why's that, sweetie?”
 Jemima - *happy* “Because I met all of you!”
 Quinn - *touched* “Aww that is so sweet honey.”
 Jemima - “And you are really nice people that I met in a long time.”
 Quinn - *smiles* “Aww you're so sweet. Alright then, ready for your bath?”
 Jemima: *nods* “Uh-huh! Is it safe?”
 Quinn - “Don't worry the water is warm.”
 She helps Jemima get into the bath and gets her cleaned up. Jemima felt relaxed because she felt like she hasn't taken a nice warm bath in a long time. Jemima even got to splash around a bit Quinn just smiled and chuckled to herself finding Jemima adorable. Later, once Jemima was all cleaned and dried off, Quinn takes her into her room and gives Jemima her old pajamas when she was little. Quinn saves her childhood clothes as memories of her parents but decide Jemima needs them more than her. 
 Quinn - “I hope they fit you.”
 Jemima - *smiles* “Yeah they do. Thank you and they are really soft.”
 Quinn - “You're welcome and you can keep them if you want.”
 Jemima - “Thank you...What do you guys do around here.”
 Quinn - “Well other than going into space and endangering ourselves, we just hang around.”
 Jemima - “That does sound fun.”
 Quinn - “It is sometimes. Wanna go see if dinners ready?”
 Jemima - *happy* “Yep!!”
 Quinn - *chuckled* “Okay let's go.”
 Jemima - “I really like you Quinn.”
 Quinn - “Aw I like you too sweetie.”
 The two smiles as they head to the kitchen to see Avocato making a stew. The others were sitting at the table playing cards and Avocato saw Jemima looking nice and clean in her new pajamas.
 Avocato: *smiles* “Well aren't you all nice and clean?”
 Jemima - *smiles* “Thank you.”
 Quinn - “I even gave her a pair of my old pajamas.”
 Avocato -  That's nice of you, Quinn. Stews almost ready. Would you like a taste, kiddo?”
 Jemima - “Oh yes please! I'm really hungry.” 
 Her stomach growls and she blushed in embarrassment a little. 
 Avocato: *chuckles* “Your wish is my command.”
 He takes a spoonful of stew, blows it and let's Jemima taste it. Jemima eyes widen and she smiled. It was the best food she ate in a long time. 
 Jemima - “Mm it's really good!!”
 Avocato - “Alright then! Let's eat!”
 Gary - “Awesome! My stomach is starving.”
 Little Cato - “Me too!”
 Mooncake - “Chookity pah!”
 The table was set with a big bowl of stew, sole bread, chips, cookies, and oranges. Jemima love the food the most and was happy she was eating in a big group. 
 Trina - “Man this is it really good!”
 Jemima - “Yummy!! It's so good!”
 Avocato - “I'm glad you're pleased. And there's plenty more so don't be shy.”
 Jemima - “I never ate this much before.”
 Little Cato - *concerned* “When's the last time you ate?”
 Jemima - *thinking* “Uhh....I think it was two maybe three days ago?”
 Gary - *shocked* “Wait are you serious?”
 Jemima only nods. Then Avocato asked:
 Avocato - “Umm, how old are you sweetie?”
 She holds up 5 fingers. This shocked everybody because they honestly thought Jemima was older than that. Plus they have met some people who looked older than they are. 
 Little Cato - “Wait you are only 5 years old and living on your own?”
 Jemima only nods quietly and eats her food. The others look at each other with concern but decided not to say anything else to avoid embarrassing Jemima. Later, it was time for bed and Avocato was making his bed nice so Jemima could sleep. Jemima peeked her head in the hallway since her curiosity got the best of her.
 Jemima - “Umm what are you doing?”
 Avocato - *happy* “Hey, right on time! I was making my bed for you.”
 Jemima - “For me?”
 Avocato - “Yep. It's best if you sleep on something comfortable.”
 Jemima - “But where will you sleep?”
 Avocato - “Oh don't worry about me, honey. I'll be alright. Our main concern is our lovely little guest.”
 Jemima blushes. This is the first time in a long time that an adult was nice to her. 
 Avocato: *smiles* “Come on. I'll tuck you in.”
 Jemima - “Wow...You don't have to do that.”
 Avocato - “It's no trouble, kiddo.”
 He picks her up and tucks her into bed. Jemima like how the bed felt and it made her feel warm and safe. 
 Avocato - “Comfy?”
 Jemima: *smiles* “It's so cozy!”
 Avocato - “I'm glad. And tomorrow morning we'll think of a plan.”
 Jemima - *confused* “A plan?”
 Avocato - “To find your parents.”
 This causes Jemima to look down sadly and her eyes water up. She didn’t want Avocato to see her crying. It doesn't take long for Avocato to figure it out why Jemima looked so sad.
 Avocato - *sadly* “Oh I see....I'm so sorry.”
 Jemima - *sadly* “It's fine…”
 Some tears fell down, but she wiped them away. Avocato sits on the bed and gives her a hug while more tears stream down her face.
 Avocato - “Everything will be okay.”
 Jemima - “You promise?”
 Avocato - *assuring* “I promise. Cross my heart. Everything will be okay.”
 Jemima - *hugs him* “Thank you so much.”
 Avocato: *hugs back* “Anytime sweetie.”
 He tucks her in and rubs her head until Jemima falls asleep. Avocato quietly leaves the room and joins the others in the kitchen.
 Avocato went to the main room and saw Gary and the others. They were waiting for him to talk about Jemima. 
 Gary - “Hey buddy. Is Jemima okay?”
 Avocato - “Yeah Jemima is fine. She fell asleep.”
 Quinn - “That's good, some rest will do her some good after the rough days she had.”
 Gary - “Yep. So how are we gonna find her parents?”
 Avocato - *Glumly* “Um...About that Gary....She don't have any.”
 Trina - *shocked* “What? So she's an orphan?”
 Avocato nods silently. This made everybody look shocked and sad themselves. Since they all know what it’s like to lose either a parent or both parents in their life. 
 Quinn - “Oh the poor little girl…”
 Gary - “So What do we do?”
 Avocato - *unsure* “Honestly Guys....I don't know.”
 Little Cato - “Well we can't just abandon her. She had already been abandoned.”
 Avocato - “I know but that's the thing. I can't just throw her out into the street with nowhere to go. But then again, none of us know how to take care of a kid her age. *to Little Cato* I mean I was barely a good father to you, son.”
 Little Cato - *comforting* “But it's not too late Dad.”
 Avocato: *sighs and slumps in a chair* “I just don't know what to do.”
 Quinn - “Look, how about she stays with us for a few days or so and figure something out later on?”
 Avocato - “Well that's the only thing we can do because it's safe.”
 Gary - “And besides, she likes us. We don't want to kick her out and upset her
 Everyone - “No! Of course not. No way!”
 Little Cato - “And she is cute.”
 Trina - “Yeah, she's like a cute little puppy dog. You can't just kick them out.”
 Avocato - “I never want to kick her out. I'm just unsure of what to do.”
 Trina - “Why don’t  we keep her?”
 Avocato -  “Let's think about it first.”
 Little Cato - *confused* “What do you mean Dad?”
 Avocato - “I mean she does like us, but she may not want to stay. I'm just saying we should see if she would actually be comfortable living here.”
 Quinn - “We could just ask her.”
 Little Cato - “Hang on. Maybe we should go with dad’s plan. Plus if we hang out with Jemima, it'll give us a chance to bond with her and she'll grow to like us more.”
 Trina - “Yeah I like that idea!”
 Gary - “Good idea, Spider Cat!”
 Avocato - *proudly* “Perfect plan Little Cato.”
 Quinn - “I'm in.”
 Mooncake - “Chookity Pa!”
 They all agree to the plan and then later went to bed. While little Cato slept, he felt a small tug on his arm.
 Little Cato - “Huh? *sees Jemima* Oh hi there what's wrong?
 Jemima: *tears ups and holds her blanket* “I had a bad dream…”
 Little Cato - “Really? about what?”
 Jemima: *tears streaming down* “I-I was in a deep dark tunnel and tried to find someone. But all I saw were...M-Monsters!! They were big and scary and wanted to eat me!”
 She started crying and Little Cato felt sorry for her
Little Cato gently hug her. He would tell her what his father uses to tell him whenever he was starting to feel sad or scared. 
 Little Cato - “It's okay you're safe now.”
 Jemima only sniffles and hugs back. Jemima likes how Little Cato was similar to his Dad and was comforting like him. 
 Little Cato - “You wanna sleep with me tonight?”
 Jemima gives a small nod. She was still not use to the fact that she afraid of sleeping alone. 
 Little Cato - “Come on. I have room.”
 Jemima got into bed with Little Cato. Little Cato wipes the tears from her eyes.
 Little Cato - *comforting* “It's okay now. I won't any monsters hurt you.”
 Jemima - “You promise?”
 Little Cato - *smiled* “I promise.”
 Jemima - “Were you scared of monsters too?”
 Little Cato - “Yeah I was but when I got older, I got over it.”
 Jemima - “How?”
 Little Cato - “Well for one, I'm pretty tough. I can handle anything.”
 Jemima - *amazement* “Wow.”
 Little Cato - “And the second reason? My dad.”
 Jemima - “Is your daddy brave?”
 Little Cato - “One of the bravest guys I know. He would always save me whenever I’m in danger. My Dad taught me to be tough like him.” 
 Jemima - “Really?”
 Little Cato - “Yep and the others are pretty brave too. That’s why we make an awesome Team Squad.”
 Jemima - “I wish I can be brave like that.”
 Little Cato - “You will someday”
 Jemima - “Really? How?”
 Little Cato -  “You just will someday. Bravery won't always come overnight; it just takes time.”
 Jemima - “Yeah your right.” *yawns*
 Little Cato - “We should probably get some sleep.”
 Jemima - “Okay....good night.”
 Little Cato - “Good night.”
 Then the next morning Jemima woke up but saw that Little Cato was out of bed. After getting out of bed, decide to look for Avocato and Little Cato. She began to walk around the ship. 
 Jemima - “I wonder where he went?”
 She kept on walking around the ship. It was starting to scare her a little because of how big it was. But at the same time, she wants to be brave like Little Cato and his father. Jemima kept on walking until she saw Gary in his room fixing Hue up. 
 Jemima - *happy* “Hi Mr. Gary!”
 Gary - *happy* “Oh hi sweetie! Good morning!”
 Jemima - “What are you doing?”
 Gary - “Fixing up Hue.”
 Jemima - “Who?”
 Hue - “Me!”
 Jemima saw Hue in his robot body. Jemima was amazed, yet a little scared that there’s another robot on the ship. 
 Gary - “Jemima, meet Hue. Was once the ship, now a robot!”
 Jemima looked confused when Gary said that. He took his first steps toward Jemima, but it was a little slow. 
 Hue - “Hello there.”
 Jemima - *shyly* “Hi.”
 Hue - “I see we got another human girl.”
 Gary - “Yep and she's the sweetest girl in the world.”
 Jemima - “Aw Thank you!”
 Kevin - *pop out* “Hi there!”
 Jemima jumps and hide behind Gary. Gary was annoyed that Kevin came back.  
 Gary - *mad* “Darn it, Kevin! Quit scaring Jemima!”
 Kevin - “How can I scare? I'm Kevin! Besides, I like her.”
 Jemima - *scared* “Keep him away.”
 Gary - “No problem! “
 Gary then kicked Kevin away to a different room. After Kevin was kicked, Gary locked the door so this time he wouldn’t leave.”
 Jemima - “Is he always like that?”
 Gary - “You have no idea.”
 Jemima - “What are we going to do today?”
 Gary: *smiles* “Hey whatever you wanna do, kiddo!”
 Jemima: *smiles* Can you help me find Avocato?
 Gary - “Oh sure!”
 Gary picks her up and sits her on his shoulders. 
 Gary - “Onward!”
 He began to run fast while Jemima was on his shoulder. Gary made sure he wasn’t running too fast that Jemima gets scared of anything. However, Jemima wasn’t scared at all and was actually having fun. 
 Jemima - “Whee!!! This is so fun!!”
 Gary - “Hang on tight kiddo!”
 Jemima rides on Gary as he ran through the ship looking for Avocato. They couldn’t seem to find him anywhere yet in the ship. 
 Gary - *calling* “Oh Avocato! Somebody wants to
Meet you!!”
 They decided to go to the other side of the ship to find Avocato. It was a little long, but then they see Avocato with two other people Ash and Fox. They were helping Avocato doing some upgrades to the ship. 
 Gary - “Hey guys!”
 Ash - “Hi Gary! Who is the little girl?”
 Gary - “She's Jemima. She's staying with us.”
 Avocato - *to Jemima* “Good morning sweetheart. Did you sleep well?”
 Jemima - “Yes I did. Thank you.”
 Avocato - “That’s good. Jemima, these two are Ash and 
Fox. They're the adopted...Well...former adopted kids of someone I know.”
 Jemima - *shyly* “Umm...Hi.”
 Ash - *amazed with eye widen* “Oh my gosh, she's adorable!!!”
 Fox - *awestruck* “She is so cute!! Like a little piece of pie!”
 Fox takes Jemima off Gary's shoulders held him in his arm. Then Fox and Ash surround her while talking nonstop and touching her.
 Ash - “Oh look at her! She's got the cutest hair!”
 Fox - “And those eyes! Aren't they gorgeous?”
 Ash - *grabs her* “Let me hold her!”
 Fox - *mad and holds on* “No! I'm not done yet!”
 Fox and Ash began to fight over Jemima like fighting over a teddy bear. It was like having a tug of war over Jemima. The whole thing makes Jemima uncomfortable and she starts crying. Avocato quickly took Jemima away from Ash and Fox and held her in his arms
 Avocato - *gently hugged her* “Guys stop it! You're scaring her.”
 Gary - “Yeah! Keep your hands to yourself!!”
 Avocato hugged Jemima and quietly shushes her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed. Avocato use the same method he did to Little Cato when he was younger to calm down Jemima. 
 Gary - “Don't you guys know anything about little kids?”
 Fox - *confused* “That they are like pie?”
 Ash - “Yeah! And they are cute like pie too.”
 Gary: *pinches his nose* “Ugh....”
 Avocato: *calm* “Shhh, shhh. It's alright sweetheart. They didn't mean it.”
 Jemima - *whimpering* “I-I'm sorry about that.”
 Avocato - “Nah don't be. Those two should know better than that.”
 Ash - *offended* “Hey!”
 Fox - *mad* “We are good kids like our former dad said!”
 Avocato -  *sarcastic* “Yeah, kids who grab little 5-year-old get up in their faces, scaring them!”
 Ash and Fox look down in shame. They realize that while they are good “kids”, they don’t know how to care for a little kid. 
 Gary - “If you wanna be nice, try being gentle this time.”
 Jemima wipes her eyes as the two approach her. Jemima was a little scared but wanna be brave for Avocato. 
 Ash - *sincere* “Were sorry.”
 Fox - “Very sorry.”
 Ash - “We were just gushing on how adorable you were.”
 Fox - “Like pie.”
 Jemima - “Well...It's fine. I can tell you guys don’t mean to act all scary and stuff.”
 Avocato - *to Ash and Fox* “Just don't do it again. Understand?”
 Both - “Yes Sir.”
 Avocato glared at them for a bit before smiling at Jemima.
 Avocato - “You okay now, sweetie pie?”
 Jemima - *smiling* “Yes...Yes I am.”
 Avocato - *pets her head* “That’s my girl.”
 Jemima - “So...What do you guys going to do now?”
 Fox - “Well we help Avocato and hang with the others.”
 Ash - “And have awesome fun!”
 Jemima - “Where's your Daddy? You guys keep mentioning him.”
 Both Fox and Ash looked uncomfortable. Then Fox said:
 Fox - “We abandon him. He almost killed me.”
 Ash - “All because we didn’t give him attention.”
 Jemima - “Oh man that’s terrible!”
 Ash - “But frankly we are actually better off without him.”
 Jemima - “What does he do?”
 Avocato - “He does sell and make things.”
 Gary - “And is a huge jerk.”
 Jemima - “He is?”
 Gary - “Yep so it's best he’s not in our team kiddo.”
 Then Jemima heard some clapping noises. She followed the noises which wasn’t too far from Gary and Avocato. But they follow her just in case and saw Trina practicing her powers. Trina took a deep breath, clapped her hands and her hands began to glow sky blue and managed to create a baby bird statue from the ground. This amazed Jemima. 
 Jemima - “Wow!”
 Avocato - “What is it?”
 Jemima: *points to Trina* “She's doing magic!”
 Avocato - “Oh yeah she's part Wizardian.”
 Jemima - *confused* “Wizardian? What that?”
 Gary - “They are humanoid aliens that can-do alchemy and shapeshift.”
 Jemima: “What's alchemy?”
 Avocato - “It's a little tricky to explain but it's sort of like magic.”
 Gary - “Awesome magic!”
 Jemima - “Oh okay. But she doesn't look like an alien.”
 Avocato - “Her mother is human, and her father is Wizardian.” 
 Jemima - “Oh okay.”
 Avocato - “Hey I have an idea. How about you, me, and Little Cato have a day together?”
 Jemima - *gasps* “Oh that sounds fun!”
 Avocato: *smiles* “Alright! Hey little Cato!”
 Little Cato comes out from his room. 
 Little Cato - “Yeah Dad?”
 Avocato - “We're gonna hang out with little Jemima today.”
 Little Cato - *happy* “Oh that's great!”
 Avocato: *smiles* “Good. Now let's go.”
 Gary - “I know the perfect planet for that.”
 Gary then had the ship take them back to Earth. Then they landed on Earth and they saw that they were near a playground. Jemima eyes widen in amazement and Avocato gives Jemima a piggyback ride.
 Jemima - “Bye Bye Gary!”
 Gary - “Bye! Have fun!”
 They all head to the playground and Avocato gently put Jemima down. 
 Little Cato - “Hey Jemima, want me to push you on the swing?”
 Jemima - “Sure! Sound fun!”
 Little Cato and Jemima both walked to the swing set. He helps Jemima on the swing and gets ready to push. 
 Little Cato - “Here we go! And....lift off!!!”
 Little Cato began to push Jemima. He made sure he didn’t do it too high to the point she would get scared. Jemima was actually having really fun on the swings. 
 Jemima - “Weee! Higher! Higher!”
 Little Cato - “You got it!”
 He pushes her a little higher and after a few minutes of swinging, Jemima gets off.
 Jemima - “That was fun!”
 Little Cato - *happy* “I'm glad you're having fun, Jemmy!”
 Jemima - *confused* “Jemmy?”
 Little Cato - “It’s your nickname. Do you like it?”
 Jemima: *smiles* “I love it!!”
 Little Cato - *happy* “Great! So what do you want to do next?”
 Jemima - “Ooh the slide!”
 Little Cato - “You got it!”
 They go to the slide and slide down together. They made sure they didn’t go too fast so Jemima wouldn’t be scared.  
 Jemima - “Wheee! That was fun! Can we play tag next?”
 Little Cato - “Sure!”
 Jemima - “Tag! You're it!”
 Little Cato: *laughs* “Here I come!”
 They play tag and have a great time while Avocato watches with a smile. He was happy that not only Jemima was having fun, but so was Little Cato. Avocato felt a little bad never did anything like this with Little Cato when he was younger since they did train and he was busy with being the Lord Commander second in command. However, now that he got his son back, they probably do the things they never did before. Things start going well until Jemima trips and falls on the ground.
 Jemima-  “Oww!!”
 Little Cato - *concerned* “Jemmy! Are you okay?”
 Jemima’s eyes well up with tears as she looks at her knee, which is scraped. 
 Jemima - *whimpering* “I hurt my knee....”
 Little Cato - “Aww...Don't worry my dad can fix it for you.”
 Avocato hears the cries and rushes over. He knelt down and said:
 Avocato - “What happened?”
 Little Cato - “We were playing tag and Jemima tripped and hurt herself.”
      At first, he felt like he wanted to scold Little Cato for not being more careful with Jemima. However, he didn’t want Little Cato to feel bad for something that wasn’t his fault. He is trying to move past his time being strict with Little Cato when he used to work for the Lord Commander. Also it would be a bad example for Jemima to be strict with Little Cato and not her. 
 Avocato -  “Aww sweetie, did you get a boo-boo?”
 Jemima nodded and cried. Avocato gently pick her up in his arms and hugged her. Jemima hugged him back and cried.
 Avocato - *comforting* “Aww, don't cry honey. Avocato will make it all better.”
 Jemima - *whimpers* “Y-you will?”
 Avocato nods and Jemima to the bench and Little Cato followed. Then he takes out the first aid kit. He always carries one around in case somebody or even himself get hurts. 
 Avocato - “Now try to hold still. This might sting a bit.”
 He sprays some disinfectant and even though Jemima winces, Little Cato held her hand.
 Little Cato - “It's okay you will be fine.”
 Jemima whimpers and nods. Avocato, then, puts a bandage on her knee and gives it a kiss.
 Avocato - “There we go. All better.”
 Jemima - *smiled* “Thank you.”
 Avocato - *smiles* “And for being such a brave girl, how about we get some ice cream?”
 Jemima - “Yay! I love ice cream!”
 Little Cato - *happy* “Me too! I'm getting mint chocolate chips.”
 Jemima - “I want double chocolate.”
 Avocato - *smiles* “Okay that sound good.”
 Avocato buys the kids their ice cream from an ice cream stand. Then even gets a vanilla cone for himself since him and Little Cato barley get to eat sweets. Then they all sit on a bench nearby and enjoy their treats.
 Jemima - “Yummy! I haven't had it in a long time.”
 Little Cato - “Really?”
 Jemima - “Yep. We didn't have much sweets at the orphanage.”
 Avocato - “Was the orphanage you grew up in was terrible?”
 Jemima - “No not really. I got along with everyone, we had good meals every day and mom....”
 Little Cato - “What was bad about that?”
 Jemima - “Well she was nice to us and loved us. At least I thought she did…”
 Avocato - *confused* “What do you mean?”
 Jemima - *sadly* “Well when my friends were adopted....they were never really adopted.”
 Little Cato - *shocked* “What?”
 Jemima - *sadly* “They were sold away…”
 Avocato and Little Cato gasped in horror. They couldn’t believe a sweet little girl like Jemima was in an orphanage like that. 
 Jemima: *sadly* “Even my best friend....Conny.”
 Little Cato - *concerned* “What happened to her?”
 Jemima - *sad* “They told me....she was killed....”
 They both gasp and Jemima sighed in sadness. It was hard for Jemima to talk about what happened to her friends. But she did feel better letting those feelings out. 
 Avocato - *sadly* “Oh sweetheart....I'm so sorry.”
 Jemima - “It's okay...Mom is just someone who takes care of us. My real mommy was gone after I was born.”
 Little Cato - *sympathy* “Man that sucks.”
 Jemima looks sad until Avocato puts his arm around her.
 Avocato - *comforting* “Don't be sad, kiddo. We can protect you.”
 Little Cato - *comforting as well* “Yeah we got your back.”
 Jemima - “You do?”
 Avocato - “Of course we do.”
 Jemima hugs them both and they head home. Today have been a great day for all them. They never have a true bond like that before and never felt happier. 
       As the days passed, everyone else began to bond with the young girl. Gary tells she'd stories about his dad, Trina would show Jemima her alchemy powers, Quinn took her shopping for some new clothes, Ash and Fox play games with her, Mooncake gives her hugs whenever she feels sad. Hue teaches her how to read and write properly; Little Cato plays with her and Avocato watches over her like a father would. KVN would try to talk and sing to her but it just kept annoying everybody. One evening, he calls for a meeting with everyone while Jemima is asleep, and everybody was in the meeting room.
 Avocato - “You know how we all spend time with Jemima?”
 Trina - “Yeah I mean I have been making little shows and presents for her with my powers.”
 Gary - *impressed* “Wow! What'd you make her?”
 Trina - “Baby birds, dogs, trees, flowers, etc.”
 Ash - “Aww how sweet! Ooh! Next time you should make a flamethrower! She would love that.”
 Everybody looked at Ash oddly. 
 Avocato - “...Anyway, the reason I wanted to talk to you is important. First off, Jemima told me she used to live at an orphanage.”
 Quinn - “Wait she did?”
 Avocato - *sad* “Yeah But it wasn't a good one either.”
 Little Cato explained everything Jemima told them, and everyone was shocked. 
 Trina - “Oh my god!”
 Gary - *sympathy* “Man and I though living in a spaceship with robots is bad…”
 Hue - *offended* “Hey!”
 Gary - “No offense Hue.”
 KVN - “And me?”
 Gary - “I rather actually shoot myself in the foot then to be with you!”
 Quinn - “So now what?”
 Avocato - “I wanted to tell you that I've made my decision.”
 Little Cato - “What is your decision Dad?”
 Avocato - *thought for a minute* “Well first I want to ask you son. *kneels down and puts a hand on his son's shoulder* Do you like Jemima staying with us?”
 Little Cato - “Well yeah of course cause she's adorable and the sweetest little girl I ever met.”
 Avocato: *smiles* “I'm so glad to hear that. Because she's gonna stay with us permanently.”
 Little Cato - *suspired* “You mean?”
 Avocato - *smiles and nod* “That’s right. I'm gonna adopt Jemima.”
 Gary - *joyful* “Really? That's freakin awesome!!”
 Quinn - *touched* “How sweet!”
 Little Cato - *happy* “I get a new little sister!”
 Gary - “And a new member of Team Squad!”
 Avocato - “Well she is still pretty young but I'm sure she'll be of help to us.”
 Quinn - “We can also train her too.”
 Little Cato - “Now hold on. She's not a fighter like us. I mean we can't just force her to train. She’s not a robot or solider.”
 Avocato - “Not now but maybe when she's older.”
 Trina - “But he is right though. When she grows up, she may not want to fight.”
 Avocato - “Good point.”
 Gary - “All we know is that we got a new little buddy on the ship.”
 Quinn - “Yep. So when are you gonna tell her?”
 Avocato -  “I will tomorrow but there's something I want y'all to do first.”
 Trina - “Okay what is it?”
 Avocato - “I wanna plan a surprise for her.”
 Gary - “Ooh! I like it!”
 He tells them the plan and they go prepare. They worked hard to prepare the party for Jemima. They want it to make it extra special for her since she now a new member. 
 The next day, Quinn makes a special breakfast for everyone. Everybody was in the kitchen waiting and then Quinn said:
 Quinn - “Can one of you guys wake up Jemima?”
 Gary - “I'm on it.”
 Jemima was peacefully asleep until Gary began to gently shake her. 
 Gary - “Come on Jemima wake up.”
 Jemima starts to wake up and rubs her eyes.
 Jemima - “Hi Mr. Gary....”
 Gary -  “Hi sweetie. Did you sleep good?”
 Jemima - “Yes.”
 Gary - “Breakfast is ready. I'll help you get dressed.”
 Jemima - “Oh boy! Thanks!”
 Gary - “No problem.”
 Gary helps her get dressed and teeth brushed. Then they join the others for breakfast.
 Gary - “Here we are!”
 Jemima - “Good morning”
 Trina - “Good morning Jemima.”
 Avocato - “Morning sweetheart.”
 Jemima - “What's for breakfast?”
 Trina - “It's something really good.”
 Quinn made pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausages, biscuits, hash browns and fruit bowls. Jemima eyes widen and sat down on the table. Jemima began to eat, and she smiled.
 Jemima - “This is really good!”
 Quinn - *smiled* “Thanks I did learn how to cook.”
 Avocato - “And later today, we have a big surprise for you sweetheart.”
 Jemima - *amazed* “Ooh what is it!”
 Avocato: *smiles* “You'll have to wait until later honey.”
 Jemima - *bummed* “Aw man. Okay.”
 Gary - “Don't worry time will pass like a fly!”
 They eat and later Avocato takes Jemima around the ship with Little Cato while the others work on the surprise. They didn’t want the surprised to be ruined and to make extra sure, they locked KVN up so he wouldn’t spoil it. 
 Jemima - “This place is so big! How long have you all been on this ship?
 Avocato - “A couple of months.”
 Jemima - “Oh okay.”
 Avocato - “How long were you at that orphanage?”
 Jemima - “All my life until now.”
 Avocato - “Whoa…”
 Jemima - “Yeah. Mom said my real mommy went to heaven after I was born, and I never saw my daddy.”
 Avocato- *sad* “I'm really sorry about that.”
 Jemima - “It's okay.”
 Little Cato gave a signal to his father that the party is ready. Avocato give each a silent nod and the other came together out the room and went to Jemima. 
 Avocato - “Sweetheart? There's something I want to talk to you about.”
 Jemima - “What is it?”
 Avocato - “Well....how do you like it here?”
 Jemima - “I like it here a lot the people are really nice!”
 Little Cato - “And we like you too.”
 Jemima - *happy* “Aww Thanks.”
 Avocato -  “Well how would you like to stay here forever?”
 Jemima - *gasps* in happiness* “Really!? You mean it
 Avocato - “Yes and I know a way you can.”
 Jemima - “How?”
 He hands her a piece of paper and she looks at it. She was confused by them because she was still new to reading. The words were too big for her to read and understand. 
 Jemima - “What are these?”
 Avocato - “Adoption papers. Once we both sign it, you are officially family?”
 Jemima - *gasps* “You mean?”
 Avocato: *nods* “That's right. I'm gonna be your new Daddy.”
 Jemima looks at her with wide eyes. She couldn't believe that he's getting a new family! She looks down for a moment and her eyes well up, causing the other two to be concerned.
 Little Cato - *concerned* “What's wrong Jemmy?”
 Avocato - *concerned* “Oh sweetheart, did I upset you? I'm sorry. If you don't want to right now, we can-“
 Jemima -  “It's not that. *her eyes go wide again, and she leaps into Avocato arms* I'm so happy!!!”
 Avocato smiles and hugged her tightly.  
 Avocato- “You deserve to have somebody who would always love and protect you. You are an amazing little girl and I want you to grow up to be an amazing person.”
 Jemima: *teats up happily* “I can't believe it! I'm gonna have a daddy!”
 Little Cato -  “And that's not all.”
 Jemima - “What do you mean?”
 Little Cato - *points to himself* “Now you have an older brother too!”
 Jemima - *happy* “Really?!”
 Little Cato - *happy and proud* “Yep! And I promise to love you and keep you safe.”
 Avocato - “We all promise you that Jemima.”
 Jemima - *joyful* “I get a big brother?!”
 Little Cato - “You betcha!”
 Jemima hugs her new brother. Little Cato smiled because now he got a new sibling he can care for. 
 Jemima - “I'm so happy!!”
 Avocato - “And I promise to be a good father to you both.”
 He hugs both of his kids. He was happy now that he not only got a chance of being a father again, but now he can learn from his mistakes with Jemima. 
 Little Cato - “And that's not all. Ready for your surprise?”
 Jemima - “Oh yes!”
 They take her back to the living room and....
 Everyone - “SURPRISE!!!”
 Jemima - *gasps* “Wow! A party?!”
 Gary - “Yep that was your surprise.”
 Jemima - *confused* “But it's not my birthday.”
 Quinn - “No but it's something just as wonderful.”
 Ash and Fox reveal a banner that says, "Welcome Home Jemima!" In purple letters and glittery letters. There were even drawings of all of them. 
 Fox - “You are part of our family now”
 Mooncake hugged her.
 Jemima - “Aww Thanks everyone!”
 Gary -  “There's something else for your adoption too.”
 Jemima - *confused* “What is it?”
 Gary and Quinn knelt down in front of her and smiled.
 Gary - *smiled* “From now on, I want you to call me Uncle Gary.”
 Quinn - *smiled* “And me Auntie Quinn.”
 Trina - “You can call me Cousin Trina.” 
 Ash - “And Cousin Ash.”
 Fox - “And awesome guy!”
 Jemima - *eyes widen in amazement* “Wow!! I never had an aunt, uncle, or cousins before!”
 Kevin - “And me, Uncle Kevin!”
 Jemima - *annoyed* “No!”
 Gary - “Don't worry about him. He's the family member nobody cares or likes at all.”
 Trina - “Oh yeah.”
 Quinn - “Big time.”
 Avocato -  “No doubt.”
 Jemima - “Yeah. He’s creepy and annoying.” 
 Avocato - “Doesn't matter kiddo. You have a family now.”
 Gary - “An Awesome Family!”
 Quinn - “And we will protect you.”
 Trina - “No matter what happened.”
 Ash - “And play with you!”
 Hue - “And teach you”
 Gary - “That's a mega super promise! That can’t ever break. Ever.”
 Ash - “And be awesome!”
 Fox - “Like us!”
 Jemima: *sheds happy tears* “This is the happiest day of my life! I love you all so much!”
 Jemima ran and gave all of them a hug. They all took turns hugging Jemima. 
 Jemima - “I love you guys.”
 Avocato - *smiled* “We love you too, baby.”
 Jemima smiled and hugged her now new family which she always wanted. Everybody was happy that not only they got a new member on the team, but something always wanted: a family. Even though does have a bunch of weirdos, they will always stick by no matter what happened. 
 Hope you like it!
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heartbreakerninja · 4 years
The world knew her as "Aunt Jemima," but her given name was Nancy Green and she was a true American success story. She was born a slave in 1834 Montgomery County, KY... and became a wealthy superstar in the advertising world, as its first living trademark.
Green was 56-yrs old when she was selected as spokesperson for a new ready-mixed, self-rising pancake flour and made her debut in 1893 at a fair and exposition in Chicago. She demonstrated the pancake mix and served thousands of pancakes... and became an immediate star. She was a good storyteller, her personality was warm and appealing, and her showmanship was exceptional. Her exhibition booth drew so many people that special security personnel were assigned to keep the crowds moving.
Nancy Green was signed to a lifetime contract, traveled on promotional tours all over the country, and was extremely well paid. Her financial freedom and stature as a national spokesperson enabled her to become a leading advocate against poverty and in favor of equal rights for folks in Chicago.
She maintained her job until her death in 1923, at age 89.
Nancy Green was a remarkable woman... and has just been ERASED by politically correct bedwetters.
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A friend of mine had a discussion going about this and thought I would share it here.
This isn't about justice anymore. They are taking a woman's success and erasing it. Making it something bad when it was actually a good thing. This woman was proof that America was becoming better. That there was a future past the dark times. That a person could rise above their tragic beginnings and make a life for themselves. Do you really want to have that taken away? Do you really want something that beautiful destroyed, defaced, and defamed?
This woman, like Rosa Parks and so many lady's after her stood for something great and now they are ready to destroy Mrs Greens legacy in the name of "political correctness"
Its a crying shame.
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pixieminutes · 4 years
about you receiving your exam results, are you receiving them online or in person? whenever I get mine I don't really do or say something? just if I get them in person I say 'thank you' to whoever handed it to me. and if it's online,,,,you just have them. and u can show them to your parents or family if you want, but u don't really need to do anything. dw too much about it!! the only nerve-wracking thing is waiting for your results, the rest is really easy and there isn't much to it !!
i’m receiving them via e-mail!! (at 8am as well so i’m gonna have to wake up early😪)
jemima thanks you! this really helps her :D🦋💙
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