jentriestostudy · 7 months
Somehow March crept up on me. Guess who's behind on their to do list? Yes, me. Go figure.
Latin term paper (currently proof read by a friend - only some editing left afterwards and then hand it in)
Magical Realism term paper (need to start research - deadline March 31 - have to bring back a book to the library because somebody else requested it by March 15, hopefully I finished with it by then)
Jane Eyre term paper (have done absolutely zilch so far - low priority as deadline is beginning of April)
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jentriestostudy · 7 months
was more productive today than I anticipated, which is good. Made plans with friends for tomorrow, so I probably won't be able to work on my term papers tomorrow after work, which should be fine and will be good for morale (I am the captain of this ship lol)
today consisted of:
work (5 hours)
Latin term paper (4 hours incl. a short coffee break): only one chapter left to finish, one source to look through again, then proof read, edit and hand in
plans for the evening:
reading (fiction tho!)
go to bed early-ish
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jentriestostudy · 7 months
to do list - semester break edition
I'm currently on semester break (until April 10), and I still have a lot to do. I'm allowed to work more hours now at my part-time job due to not having to go to uni, which my boss agreed to, so I really need to motivate myself to write my on my papers after work.
finish latin term paper (10/12 11/12 pages done, finish Gattungskapitel, re-read commentary Ovid, edit) (due whenever, but started half a year ago, so should finish soon)
Jane Eyre term paper (narrow down topic, research, write, edit) (due beginning to mid april)
Magical Realism term paper (some more research, write, edit) (due March 31)
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