dakotaawolven · 5 months
TVD/TO Phone Wallpapers I made. Feel free to use!
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elejah12 · 2 months
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New story 🥰 sequel to the dance of love. It’s called back to you 🥹 the prologue is a bit short but I’ll be making the chapters longer.
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mystiicall · 9 months
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4x09 · 2 years
Not romantic love or platonic love but a secret third thing (stuck in the same cage)
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cleverasthcdevil · 11 months
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bad idea, right? a plot based on the song by olivia rodrigo.
a verse with dark!josie, dark!hope, and dark!lizzie or muses to play the alt to my girls.
your muse accidentally knocks up one of mine or vice versa.
life as we know it plot.
klaus and his hybrid pack.
interactions for the mikaelson family or lucien in previous centuries.
all things christmas. i might be a sucker for hallmark plots but also just love general holiday things.
we missed our flight or flight was cancelled but hey we're both going to the same place so why don't we band together to get there.
interactions for my disney princesses/princes
witches banding together to form a coven for their survival
one piece characters or muses with one piece verses to throw at mine.
a witch or witches that my whitelighter is charged with.
shippy things: hayley/jackson, haybekah, jerbekah, jeroline, klayley, klaroline, klaus/cami, haylijah, kolvina, lysaac or lydia/parrish, and there are tons more but just to name a few.
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queenofthedramedies · 5 years
The Season of the Witch Ch. 18:
IMPORTANT NOTE: As of now, June 8, 2019, I will be focusing on a story per week and trying to finish up my fanfics by the end of 2020. If you would like info on a fic, please, PM me, or drop me an anon on Tumblr queenofthedramedies, a link is on my profile page.
Hello, my lovely readers. Time for all the Heroes to fix their hair and capes because the Big Fight is coming up soon. On with the show…
Chapter 18: Nobody Ever Said I Was a Hero
Picking up a pencil, Jeremy Gilbert began to draw. His fingers led him through the scene he'd seen in his head. It had been a dream. And Jeremy could not get the dream out of his head. His hand worked, feverishly over the paper and his mind went somewhere else. It was only when someone clapped a hand on Jeremy's shoulder that he jumped in his seat.
"Jeremy. Class is over," Mrs. Rinewald, his art teacher, informed him.
Jeremy's eyes darted to the clock on the wall. It ticked away the hour. Yup. Class ended five minutes ago. He had to get to chem. Try not to blow the school up today.
"Sorry," Jeremy said.
Mrs. Rinewald peered down at his drawing. Her eyes slid over it, her lips pursed and her eyes narrowed. "Jeremy, while we encourage your creative process…this subject matter is not entirely appropriate for school grounds. Perhaps you should keep this kind of work for home use only…"
Jeremy glanced from his teacher to his sketch. For the first time he saw what he'd drawn. Death. Specifically the death of Klaus Mikaelson. Among others. A stake protruded from Klaus chest. His mouth hung open in a silent roar of anguish. And Rebekah. Rebekah laid on her back. Her head laid feet from her. A sword held in the hand of her murderer…and Jeremy saw himself and gulped.
"Oh, um. Yeah. You're right. Sorry." Jeremy usually didn't create violent depictions on school grounds. In today's world, they would send you to the school counselor, or they'd just go ahead and call the cops.
Stuffing his sketch book into his bag, Jeremy slid off his seat and hurried down the aisle with his head ducked. Mrs. Rinewald was one of the only teachers who was even civil with him. Most of the teachers thought that Jeremy would never really amount to anything. He wasn't into football or particularly into the social scene.
Then Jeremy met Rebekah. Rebekah made him more socially active. She was not the kind of girl to hang around the house. Of course, if the teachers at Mystic Falls High knew that Rebekah Mikaelson was a thousand year old vampire, with an unquenchable thirst for human blood; they might have preferred for Jeremy to never have anything like a normal life. Thankfully, only a handful of people knew Bekah's secret.
"Hey, Jer!" Matt Donovan called from down the hallway. He had his goofy grin on his face, his letterman jacket on. "Where's your fan club?"
Jeremy forced a smile in return. "Bekah's out-of-town." Whenever anyone asked about who Jeremy was with—or not with which used to mean Elena—it now meant Rebekah, Kol Mikaelson, Bonnie Bennett, and Caroline Forbes, their fearless leader.
Having no idea where Rebekah really was, Jeremy did not feel in the mood to talk about it. He'd been swallowing down fears of where Rebekah could be and where his friends were and what could be happening to them. He wished he'd insisted on going with them.
"Earth to Jeremy! You in there, man!" Matt's happy, clueless, human smile jerked Jeremy back into the current moment.
Rubbing a hand over his eyes; Jeremy smiled back at Matt. "Sure. Sorry. Didn't sleep well last night." Now, that really was true. Jeremy hadn't slept well in the past couple of days. The sketch he'd created while in art class was just the tip of the nightmare images that slipped into his dreams. More than once, Jeremy woke up, soaked in sweat and terrified of what he'd seen and thought he'd done.
Matt nodded. "That's cool. You look like crap, Jer. Maybe you should go home. Take a nap."
"Yeah." Jeremy nodded. "Okay. See ya later." He headed down the hallway and to his next class. He found himself falling to sleep throughout chem and felt relieved to see the end of the day.
Exiting the school, Jeremy decided to go by the Salvatores' place. Jeremy lifted his hand and knocked on the door. "Jeremy?" Stefan said, looking bleary eyed as he opened the door. "Elena, Jeremy's here!" he called over his shoulder.
Elena came to the door. She looked as bad, or worse, than Jeremy felt. "Jer?" Elena said, coming to stand beside Stefan. "Have you heard from Rebekah?" His sister crossed her arms over her chest, looking unhappy.
Jeremy shook his head. He and Elena hadn't talked too much since she'd made the choice to become a vampire and Jeremy looked at his feet. "She hasn't called me."
"Are you sure?" Elena asked, looking pale.
"Yup." Jeremy nodded. "Where's Damon?" Elena and Stefan gave each other a long look and Jeremy felt annoyed. "Lena, if you know something, tell me?" Jeremy did not like it when Elena's expression closed off. She was not going to tell him what she knew, or what she thought she knew. She was trying to "protect him." "Come on, Elena. I'm not a little kid!"
"Jer, we don't know anything. We'll call you when we do," Stefan said. His eyes met Jeremy's. Jeremy believed that Stefan would do as he claimed; he also thought they knew more, but were unwilling to reveal whatever it was to him.
"Whatever!" Jeremy snapped. Walking away from the open doorway, Jeremy only stopped when Elena caught his arm.
"Jeremy, if there is any way for you to help; we'll call you. Okay?" Elena stared into Jeremy's eyes and he rolled them.
"Sure. Lena. Whatever." Jeremy jerked his arm away from the cool touch of his sister's skin.
If no one would help him, he'd just have to go home and wait for word from Bekah, or Bonnie, or Kol, or Caroline, or somebody, anybody.
                                                  Read more
Thank you for reading, liking and reblogging. :)
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dangerousdarliing · 5 years
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fiercerebekah · 7 years
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Stranded Aesthetic ---- Rebekah & Jeremy ( @hauntedgilbert )
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mikaelsonsister · 4 years
@tetheredtoelena  okay  but  consider:
jerbekah.  15  /  16  years  into  the  future.  raising  a  now  teenage  hope.
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viciousheart · 4 years
okay,  i  fed  myself  and  fed  my  birds   (  they’re  having  bananas  and  apples  for  breakfast  !  )   and  now  i’m  gonna  do  some  more  things  on  maven’s  blog,  and  then  hop  between  here  and  meredith  !
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meresulez · 7 years
#keeping this as RECEIPTS#BC MEREDITH NEVER HESITATED TO GO WITH HIM#like he didn't even ask and she's like IM THERE#are they ride or die for each other? tune in to find out
hint: they totally are
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elejah12 · 4 months
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The dance of love has been updated on wattpad. With a little bit of the all of the other ships in this story 🥹
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protegeons · 7 years
alright now it’s time to go kill myself and write the jerbekah reply
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4x09 · 1 year
1973 By James Blunt JerBekah anthem
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lovesxeternally · 7 years
@tetheredtoelena; @hauntedgilbert
psssttt... i am always up for jerbekah
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mikaelsonsister · 6 years
tell me a story about a dream of rebekah's jeremy has accidentally 'entered'. for the obvious scientific and canonical value to our lives.
IT’S ONE OF THOSE CLICHE DREAMS.  where she’s standing in a field of flowers, wearing a romantic, lacy white dress. the sun beams down on her and she feels it. it warms her from the inside out, in a way it hasn’t since she was human. 
humans, she thinks, looking down at her sunlight ring - less fingers. she reaches up, feeling flowers braided into her hair. rebekah hasn’t worn it like this since she was a girl.
❛  mama!  ❜  a voice calls out to her and there, at the edge of a sparkling blue lake, her three children wait for her. somewhere, deep inside, she knows this is a dream. but she doesn’t care. she lets the dream take her completely, and she runs towards her children with arms open. rebekah lifts the smallest one into her arms, a tiny, freckled - face girl. 
samara, the dream whispers as rebekah’s peppering her youngest daughter’s face with kisses. she looks at the other two  —  cleo, the eldest, and noah, the middle child and the only boy  —  and she smiles in a way she hasn’t smiled in a thousand years.
and rebekah plays with them. tells them stories of the old gods. and she sings them to sleep. it’s only then, when she looks up from her sleeping children, that she notices him in the distance. and that’s when the illusion breaks. and, even though she knows it’s not real, she moves the children’s heads from her lap with such care, as if it were. 
she stands, moving towards him. he is not a part of the dream, she knows. he’s clear, while everything else has a fuzzy, hazy, dream - like quality to it. rebekah doesn’t know how  —  no, that’s not right. she knows. something happened to them, either when she turned him, or when he fed from her, or both, but they’re connected. they’re minds are as one. 
❛  how much did you see?  ❜    she asks, already suspecting the answer.   ❛  i’ve been dreaming about them since i was turned.  ❜    rebekah says, looking back at the sleeping forms of the children she can never have.    ❛  it’s like the universe torturing me for what i am. because i get to be with them, as i should have been… but then i must wake up. alone.  ❜
rebekah sighs, swallowing down the pain that builds in her chest.    ❛  it’s funny, though. this is the first time i’ve dreamt about them since…  ❜    she pauses, turning her gaze up at him, blue eyes meeting brown.    ❛  since you.  ❜
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