#jesse is reluctant but makes an unprofessional choice
trolleybitch · 4 years
trolley does nano day 2, aka let’s make the most of this energy while it’s still here! managed 2679 words today - almost exactly the same as yesterday - which is giving me an extremely satisfying headstart compared to the official goal: 
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the first 1600 word today were a slog, and i was massively distracted so those bits will probably need a very thorough edit, but motivation was boosted later in the evening (as so often seems to be the case) and i churned out another 900 words in about an hour before bed. i’m also loving the ridiculous spike the past two days has given me on my total word count graph for solstice (for scale, the long flat part is a full month long and covers my complete lack of writing between sept-oct)
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most importantly though, i have finished chapter ten which means i have officially hit the halfway point of solstice!! but hey, didn’t you say yesterday that your total wordcount was over 100k? how can you be only halfway through, trolley, i hear you ask. well i’m afraid that here at trolleybitch/staircasescorpius productions we have no chill and if this thing comes in under 200k i will be truly shocked. now i’ve just got to get back into the scorpius pov mindset for chapter 11 and do this whole thing over again tomorrow ✌️
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