childeproof · 4 months
( wip ) jesselia if they were trolls
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okk this is a sign to draw ur selfship as trolls if they aren’t trolls,, if they are trolls draw them. as humans i guess srry MAKE TROLLSONAS. EVERYONE MAKE TROLLSONAS NOW!.
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hellomelancholic · 5 years
The Eye: through the amalgam I have created the perfect being-
Nylithal, holding Jess: you've fucked up a perfectly good wizard is what you've done. Look at her, she's got anxiety.
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jesseliam043 · 4 years
Tabco Electronics Enterprises has been supplying Cost effective electrical parts and electronics components in NJ, USA - Tabco Electronics.
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childeproof · 1 month
Jesse pinkman u always be famous btw in my heart I love you Jesse pinkman
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childeproof · 10 months
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tag urself & ur f/o as this image
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childeproof · 2 months
for the ask game!! Lovers of Loving Love!, Red Sweater! And Lady In the Corner!
lovers of loving love w/ johnny cage: a general romance headcanon!
johnny loves dating, he loves going on dates and doing the flirting, all the simple,, i like to think he’d either rush into marriage without thinking that it’s similar but deff different from dating ( esp when he’s younger ) or that he’d date for like upwards of 7 years and then when everyone’s like “you need to just marry her” he’s like “okay yea true”
he is so silly he’s actually rlly thoughtful with the places he picks out for dates, he’s a big fan of mom & pop restaurants because they offer a lil more privacy generally but he also doesn’t mind showing off at a flashy restaurant or a movie premiere
a gentleman but goofy about it,, makes a big deal out of pulling out jules’ chair, opening doors for her. she doesn’t get it at all she’s not accustomed to it so she’s like confused but appreciative which he finds funny
errr deff asks for kisses at the end of dates and puckers his lips expectantly. silllyyy!
red sweater! — w/ makoto yuuki: do you and / or your f/os have a matching outfit/signature clothing item?
YES HIM AND MARCELLE MATCH OUTFITS ALL THE TIME! be it color scheme or just like literal matching outfits with maybe a few hints of flair that reflect their own personality / aesthetic
they have matching pajamas,, they both own the scrooge fit but i also think they’d have a linen red with white accents pair of pajamas
they do 90% of their shopping together bc they’re both easily entranced by random stuff & need the other to act as impulse control <\3 marcelle is more attracted to random collectible things ( pins, cards, coins, handheld fans, etc ) and makoto is more attracted to video game stuff esp old digital stuff + jewelry
anyways.. lots of matching outfits, jewelry, charms, etc
their fav color to match with is purple! love! 💜
lady in the corner w/ jesse pinkman: “how charming is your f/o?”
VERY charming but in a sleazy and gross way.. he’s very sweet, albeit a bit perverted or maybe overly flirty at times. i think he’s got that “little boy you grew up with is now a man” vibe and i think it’s so cute..
he is a cutie pie.. I think he has charm yea.. literally ok. when i think of him smiling or winking I am enamored. immediately. there is no escaping the jesse charm
type of guy to buy you cookies and eat half the box with you
type of guy to make sure you walk on the inside when you’re walking down the sidewalk
type of guy to put whip cream and whatever on your nose and laugh about it
type of guy to. Kiss me haha.. srry
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childeproof · 3 months
um something something jesselia au where jesse is a demigod warrior who keeps getting hurt in battles ( he wins & loses 50/50 ) and amelia is a fresh water nymph ( naiad ) who fusses whenever jesse comes to HER river and gets blood in the water flow. mucks things up.
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childeproof · 3 months
Jesse finds out Amelia is lactose intolerant in the silliest way like I imagine she’d buy the same foods but take lactose intolerance pills but like. one day she slips up. this is probably like months into them living together lol and he’s like “you never told me you were lactose intolerant,, what the hell..” and she’s like “it’s not. your business.”
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childeproof · 4 months
ermm… jesselia moodboard anyone!?
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childeproof · 4 months
off topic but im thinking of jesselia roleswap au and I’m thinking abt what job jesse wld have.. he’d probably be a local man, I think in this au he’d be “normal” so he’d have stayed in high school + gone to a trade school to be a carpenter. he’s an independent carpenter in the area, takes payment in cash ( & beer at times lol ).
-> jesse wld not have gone to college either way, I know ur thinking that and I want to say. he wld not have gone to college. & that’s ok! he’s still making money
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childeproof · 4 months
the REAL 1920s jesselia au is amelia being an upcoming star and jesse stumbles upon a poster with her name & face and from there decides he’s literally. in love with her forever ( he’s a poor loser ) and basically he tries to woo her. like crazyyy. and amelia is actually so fond of him.
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childeproof · 4 months
time travel / great gatsby-ish au where jesse is from the 1920s & is yearning for a woman ( jane ) he met in his youth ( who’s already married to someone quite rich & successful ) ( love that for jane! ) and anyways, amelia is from the 2000s.. jesse sees her & is enamored. i think he wld be just like gatsby in that he wld be born poor but wld pretend not to be from that origin. he wldn’t own a huge mansion but he WOULD throw the biggest parties. like. ever. whatever, amelia is figuring out her place in the world. jesse loves her, thinks she’s such a “outrageously modern woman”
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childeproof · 4 months
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i don’t think i’ve ever drawn amelia properly.. but here is how i imagine jesse’s girl :) more under cut
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close ups: without detail // with detail // purple hair streak // blue hair streak
i rlly wanted to give her a streak of dyed hair but it is sooo not in her character.. she’d never dye her hair like that fr until she’s older & her & jesse move out of nm ( bad memories for jesse tbh ). but she would buy like clip ons for fun. so maybe that’s what these are, whatever.
i was gonna give her the full on twilight sparkle haircut but I decided she’d probably still want to be unique so her right bang is tucked ( it’s longer / uncut in comparison to her left bang ). still gave her long hair because it felt right + she has a headband in reference to her original design. i’ve decided she’s less of a pink person and more of a purple person ( juxtaposes jesse who i associate with yellow ). her slayonetta glasses r my fav,, she deff wears contacts to work but glasses everywhere else. it’s giving reversed clark kent. + i tried to make her eyes rlly circular and big, big eyelashes too. she looks very sassy here but.. she is deercoded.. so. ALSO I gave her thinner eyebrows bc it felt right ( they r thin to my standard )
deer girl ( amelia ) x dog boy ( jesse ) ( do you ever think abt jesse’s loyalty towards Walt like he’s so clearly dog coded it is sickening even as a kicked dog he follows that man. FUCK! )
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childeproof · 5 months
selfships of mine that are deff soulmates:
johnny & jules ; i’m so deadass, in every mk universe they are together ( tragically or otherwise ). EVEN in the universe where jules successfully rises the ranks of her group & becomes the true “eve” and even has an “adam”, they’re soulmates. he pulls her out of it, slowly but surely. they always end up together, even when one of them dies they always end up loving each other. it’s insane.
childe & sacha ; unfortunately for neuvillette they r fated to be together & they don’t even know it.. like they don’t even know it at all.. it’s sooo silly they think “wow, life’s funny” ( they don’t realize they absolutely belong together )
makoto & marcelle ; they also don’t know that they’re fated to be together but I think it’s more of a lowkey fate thing it’s rlly chill & cute..
selfships of mine that aren’t “soulmates” but fought to be together anyways:
jesse & amelia ; when i tell u the universe does not want them together. they separate for a bit & jesse gets with jane while amelia goes on with other guys BUT they end up back together, falling back in love. anyways they don’t care that they’re different, they don’t care that things don’t always work out for them, they always work for THEM. yass
george & darcy & karev ; ohh yea they’re messy and they don’t care. they want to be together, so they will, even if sometimes they hate each other and sometimes they fight. so what if they bring out some crazy parts of each other? they love those crazy parts; they love all parts, regardless.
etc these ones were just on my mind
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childeproof · 5 months
( some ) of my selfships as mlp species: a definitive list.
sources: i am autistic, i have liked mlp since i came out the womb, i have 5/6 of the main six as christmas inflatables ( i cannot find a fucking rarity one ), + lauren faust herself told me this list was swagger.
i encourage you all to do this with your selfships.
— childe & sacha ; i can only see sacha as a unicorn, but childe i can see either a changeling or kelpie ( but not rlly canon kelpie, more of a sinister style with sharp teeth and a messy / flowy main & tail ). honestly leaning towards changeling though, because ( in my opinion ) i feel like he would have a strong affinity for magic and would want to try to learn about / study / use it all the time. instead of “fight me!” it’s “let’s duel!”. and, as a magic focused changeling, i think he would use his wings a lot less, so maybe they’d be smaller in size? things 2 think about. but anyways, sacha is a unicorn born in mountréal & moves to canterlot as a famed conductor. childe is a changeling in canterlot feeding off love & doing childe stuff.
— jesse & amelia ; they are both living currently in new mexicolt ( amelia moved from the califoalnia, jesse born there ). amelia is a deer pony + unicorn bc of course she fucking is. it helped her land a lot of roles tbh. her mother is a deer ( and not the like unaware deer in the series, the actually sentient ones in the comics lol ), her dad is a pegasus. her grandma is a unicorn, her great grandma was a unicorn, so that’s why amelia is a unicorn. jesse is a pegasus & a rainbow junkie. ( /hj on the rainbow junkie bit ). i think in new mexicolt amelia wld be known as like this weird but pretty creature. jesse is like “i’ve never been with a deerpony before, haha, but we can buck, ykwim?” and amelia threatens to kick him out ( they share a cottage home ).
— carmen & jamison ; jamison is a kirin. species that literally shut themselves up for years because they were scared of their own rage? yea, that’s james. i imagine she’d be actually rlly interested in helping herself not rage. she’s silly tho & is prone to like “mini raging” due to the stress of the kitchen. she wldn’t trade it for the world, she loves cooking. sometimes a little rage is good? anyways carmen is an earth pony lol and he is built like the apples ok, he is a strong stallion. I think he & pinkie shld meet..
— george & darcy & karev ; george is an earth pony ( comes from a family of hunters / trappers but chose to be a doctor ), darcy is a batpony ( hides her wings so ponies are less scared of receiving treatment from her ), and karev is a pegasus ( has seen darcy fly once but assumed she was a pegasus too, not a batpony. became a doctor because people said he couldn’t ). they have an interesting dynamic tbh. george is the first person to warm up to darcy in the hospital ( horsespital ), darcy falls for george, karev falls for darcy— it’s very messy, and neither of the stallions know that darcy is a batpony of the night. also, i think darcy wld use slightly unusual methods & wld be pretty close to zecora tbh. darcy might even be bat zebra-pony or smth, my world my rules.
— johnny & jules ; johnny earthpony jules cyborg pegasus. already spoke abt this in a post ermm
— makoto & marcelle ; tis hard.. but i think marcelle changeling & makoto is unicorn perhapsss i dunno.. subject to change :)
— sacha & neuvillette ; sacha being a unicorn is already established, but neuvillette is also a unicorn ( he is more powerful + wields ancient unicorn magic ). unicorn4unicorn, them touching horns often together.. them being silly & doing magic together / on each other.. they go to fancy canterlot operas together & such.. cuties
— havik & izana ; izana is a super pretty heaven sent earth pony ok, she literally embodies water so ofc she’s close to the earth, earth pony. i hate how ppl think earth ponies aren’t so cool, they were nerfed but guys 😭 anyways havik is a fuckass batpony or whatever. I love him lol.
— ken & allan & keith ; ken pegasus.. we all know why. Keith also pegasus. but in more of a fluttershy way, if you can believe it ( doesn’t fly often, lives on the ground, etc ) allan earth pony who lives with keith :) in their filly days ken & keith probably had flight competitions that were always like 50/50 in terms of who’s winning but keith lives on the ground now & ken refuses to admit he misses his buddy ( & that he loves him ). barbie is an alicorn also, bc ofc she is, it’s barbie?
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childeproof · 5 months
going to be cringe ( /lh ) and post a jesselia draft that i don’t think i ever posted?? but I remember talking abt??
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