#jesusy bullshit
sedlex · 1 year
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wtffundiefamilies · 8 years
I mean how many people get a routine check up and realize they're in like stage 3 cancer?  A lot of people don't "feel" sick . . . And unfortunately by the time they get to a doctor, things have progressed pretty far :/   I'm glad she's never felt sick, but sadly that doesn't necessarily mean anything :/
Seriously.  I really hope  she doesn’t turn into one of those “I feel fine so I don’t need to see the doctor” folks for as long as she has insurance (I mean, I hope she never does, but also, realistically, a lot of people can’t or won’t be able to soon enough.)  I’m sure she IS fine though, or we’d have heard about it by now. 
But yeah, once you hit a certain age you suddenly know way too many people that that’s happened to :/ 
She's so fu kind arrogant
Well, it’s like Jesus said, “the arrogant shall inherit the - “ oh, wait, my bad...
Why are they matching?
My guess is because Izzy doesn’t yet know how embarrassing his father is.  Or possibly just can’t verbalize it yet.  I didn’t even notice they were dressed identically.   Sheesh.
I’m surprised they weighed him this way, but I guess that’s what happens when you don’t take your toddler to an actual pediatrician. They have scales for babies/toddlers to sit in and they normally want you to just have them wear their diaper to get the best result. Or maybe that’s just my son’s pediatrician’s office?
No clue but it seems like it would be hard to get a toddler to hold still for an accurate reading on a regular scale.   Of course unless those things hold three-year-olds I imagine Izzy being too big for one would be a real possibility.
so wait, is he licensed to practice now?
I thought he would have had to wait until last year to reapply but I don’t know - I really am realizing I have no clue how ANY of this works because we saw him giving Michael a well-baby checkup in an episode ages back.  Also his practice shows up when you Google, so by that highly intellectual, reliable and intelligent method I can only assume that he is :P 
Ugh, I knew all of Jeremy's books would be Jesusy. I was hoping to see an in cognito copy of Twilight or something. Oh well, at least we know Jeremy can read. I still have doubts half the Duggar kids are functionally literate.
I get that God comes first, but also second, third, fourth..?  On the other hand, I’ve attempted to read Christian novels, and all of them have been as boring as plain oatmeal.  If my options were also Left Behind or nothing, I’d probably also choose nothing.  I guess they don’t take in any media that isn’t religious. 
i get that they live in a small home (i live in a pretty small place too, we struggle with where to put our books too) but like is it common to put book shelves in closets? that seems so impractical to me
I guess they pack their stuff in around them?  If you’re going to make him put them away, why not in boxes?  I mean, I don’t want to give her ideas on how to make Jeremy’s life worse, but the shelving unit seems like a waste of space if they really have a space shortage.
Okay, Jessa is clearly the female Jim Bob incarnate. Makes me wonder why Jill's his favorite and not the Jessa Dictator. But she's the one that, for some reason, was raised to get whatever she wants without argument...remember how Jana was forced to acquiesce anything of hers to Jessa is she wanted it? Why is Jessa the only female sibling to get that priviledge? No doubt it stuck...she's a spoiled brat now.
I never put it together - Jessa being bowed to as a kid and refusing to take no for an answer now - but you’re probably right.  And while she IS female JimBob, Jill is the obvious favorite - JimBob doesn’t like to be challenged, and Jill is the one to beg for the privilege of doing whatever he wants.  Which...is actually the husband Jessa found. 
Jessa is a spoiled brat. For some reason, it's how her parents chose to raise her...everyone bow before The Jessa.
In my experience it’s one of two things: laziness or not wanting to upset the child.  Since we’re talking Michelle and JimBob...I’m gonna say laziness.  It was probably easier to make the kids “get along” by giving in to whatever Jessa wanted. 
She even says the only reason he gets to keep one of his bookshelves out in the open is because "there's nowhere else to put it". Hey Jessa obviously it all fit before so maybe you're not as clever of a decorator as you thought if you can't make it all fit now.
That occurred to me as well.  OBVIOUSLY Jeremy had enough seating in his living room to suit him AND have space left over for the bookshelves.  Jessa really seemed to be designing the place with the comfort of future guests in mind over Jeremy’s.  Which...what a shock, I guess, since she’ll be one of them.
Can we talk about how miserable Jinger looks in the last 3 images? Okay, she might be tired from traveling/moving things around but to me she looks like she'd rather be anywhere but where she is right now
I’m guessing she really wanted to/expected to be able to spend some time with Jeremy and is getting sick of being bossed around by her sister instead.
None of them ever had any concept of realistic child development. If they did, they';d know why blanket training is not only abusive, but utter bullshit in theory.
I was kidding about the crawling thing but you’re not wrong.  The fact that she and Jill believe that their babies can understand “Treat others the way you want them to treat you” and behave accordingly speaks to that.  But also the idea that babies can have “self-control” to not leave a blanket to get a toy.  That...that’s not going to happen?  The baby isn’t developing self-control, the baby is scared of getting hit?  The baby isn’t sitting there thinking “I should wait to play with a toy until it’s directly handed to me and stay still because that’s the behavior my authority wants!”  The baby has learned that action A leads to painful stimulus B.
Also...WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU HIT A BABY?!  How does that not go against every instinct a mother has?!  I’d really love to hit Michelle with a dose of truth serum and ask her that.
Part of this is sad, but then I see them acting all ethnocentric about it just because it is a French word??? and I'm like, you don't deserve to know the joy that is a duvet!!
I sometimes wonder if Josiah is embarrassed by how little he knows and knows that the producers are humiliating him to be “funny.”  Or I guess it’s possible that he realizes how stupid it is and just gives goofy answers because he’s sick of it.
My mom went by their house a week or two ago and I can see at least eleven cars in the picture she sent me, but it looks like there could be more behind the trees.
So much for their “reduced individual carbon footprints” - I wonder if JimBob realized he was boasting about “carpooling” with a bunch of little kids who couldn’t drive yet.
I was gonna say a full size would work, or even a futon. It's a guest room/office, right? No need for an actual bed.
A futon makes the most sense of anything.  Jinger and Jeremy should’ve hired you, dude.  Wait’ll you see (unless you watched the episode; in which case, my sympathies) how it looks once Jessa’s done with it.
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the-final-world · 8 years
ZOINKS! another meme!
rules: complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. when you’re finished, tag people to do this survey. have fun and enjoy! tagged by myself bc Im alone 1: are you named after someone?  My mum heard my name from an old singer idk, when she found out the meaning she really liked it and considering she wanted a girl first and she had a previous miscarriage it works out (my name means: gift from God/ who is like God) real uh jesusy 2: when was the last time you cried? Shit man I had a breakdown two minutes from now so I can feel it in my fingers~ I can feel it in my (idk the rest of thw words) 3: do you like your handwriting?  I can barely read my own handwriting My mum always told me that it's cause I'm smart and smart people have messy handwriting bc they keep coming up w new ideas so they gotta go fast Bullshit I know but it's still something that gives me faith 4: what is your favourite lunch meat?  I'm a vegetarian Wait Vagetarian ;);););) 5: do you have kids?  No and I don't want any 6: if you were another person, would you be friends with you? Maybe   7: do you use sarcasm?  Yes but I don't have a sarcastic voice and ppl take me seriously and it ends horribly 8: do you still have your tonsils?  Yea 9: would you bungee jump?  If there was no cord yes #nowthatswhaticalledgy 10: what is your favourite kind of cereal? Idk man anything good 11: do you untie your shoes when you take them off?  No 12: do you think you’re a strong person? I'm the second strongest person in my household! I do the heavy lifting and thw handyman work so I'm proud of my meagre strength! 13: what is your favourite ice cream?  Golden gaytime 14: what is the first thing you notice about people? Their eyes, Windows to the soul my man. I also notice their micro reactions bc I like to see the real core of people? If that makes sense 16: what is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself?  my body Jokes jokes I'm hot enough But probably my extreme baby face I'm too squishy 17: what color pants and shoes are you wearing now?  None pizza w no beef 20: if you were a crayon, what color would you be? Red bc I'm "passionate" I'm a real pASSionate person 21: favourite smell?  Fire, rain, this real cool fabric softener 22: who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my psychiatrist, I don't talk often 23: favourite sport to watch? boring 24: hair color? blue and green 25: eye color? blue 26: do you wear contacts?  No 27: favourite food to eat?  Watermelon 28: scary movies or comedy? Both I love horror comedy 29: last movie you watched? Still Grimsby 30: what color of shirt are you wearing? another one of my beautiful tank tops 31: summer or winter?  Winter 32: hugs or kisses? Please don't 33: what book are you currently reading?  Ah I was reading something but I lost the book, I think it was 'it' 34: who do you miss right now?  Missing people will hold you back I can't afford to miss people 35: what is on your mouse pad? I have an anime tity mouspad My mum fucking bought it for me My mother, bought me a Damn naked anime tity mouspad I've packed it away bur I'll find it again 36: what is the last tv program you watched?  Something something diet 37: what is the best sound?  Fire crackling, thunder, lightning, heavy rain, girls laughing w good intentions, cats, Puppers, the annoyed groan you get after successfully teasing a friend 38: rolling stones or the beatles?  Boring 39: what is the furthest you have ever traveled? Nsw => Qld 40: do you have a special talent?  I'm talentless 41: where were you born? in a hospital Tagging whoever my guys
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