#jet star they/she/he but won’t realize pre-sing
ymbly · 1 year
random danger days hcs since my dd autism has returned
-none of the fab 4 are cis
-everybody thinks ghoul was zoneborn because Look At Him but he’s just like that (it doesn’t help that they spent a lot of time in zones 6 and 7)
-Do Not let cherri drive he has crashed too many times to count
-jet is the only one who doesn’t dye their hair. ghoul is the total opposite, very few people know his natural hair color cuz it’s always dyed and fried
-jet’s the only one at first who has any idea how to take care of the girl. The age gap between party and kobra is too small for party to remember how to take care of a young kid and ghoul was an only child
-party has POTS but always goes ‘yeah i can handle this’ before promptly collapsing. she will never learn
-ghoul has by far the most scars out of the fab 4. it’s in the dozens at this point
-jet knows his age pretty closely thanks to keeping track of the seasons, kobra and party have good estimates, and ghoul stopped keeping track a long time ago
-battery city has almost no color it’s kinda freaky. new zonerunners often get overwhelmed when seeing how bright everything is
-kobra and party chose their killjoy names on the spot, jet spent a lot of time thinking about hers, and ghoul just thought his sounded cool
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wittyrosebush · 4 years
Congratulations !!!
30 with Steve Rodgers please? ♥️♥️♥️
La Revolucion
Pairing: Pre-Infinity War!Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Mild violence, brief swearing
Summary: After the Avengers split up, Steve thinks back to the first time he met the love of his life.
Word Count: ~1.5k
Date Posted: 2/7/2021
A/N: Thank you, Anon!!! This one is based off of Americano by Lady Gaga. The song is about immigration law and LGBT+ marriage in America. It took me a while to figure out how to go about writing this (apparently its best done at 1am), so I hope you enjoy! I'm lowkey proud of this one ngl.
Once again, let me know what you think about this one! More are coming out soon.
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Steve walked Bucky off the jet into Wakanda with a stern look on his face. Something seemed off about his friend, so the brunette stopped walking. "What's wrong, Buck?"
"Nothing is wrong with me, I'm just worried about you," Bucky said. He was being escorted to the place where he was to be put into a coma like state for who knows how long.
Steve furrowed his brows in confusion, "Why are you worried about me?"
"I don't want you to be alone, you need someone to keep your impulse control in check."
The blonde humorlessly chuckled, "I won't be alone."
"Oh really?"
The pair made it to the entrance of Shuri's lab and there was a tense silence. Neither men could face the other before Steve broke the silence, "I met a girl in East LA."
Bucky nudged his shoulder and smirked, "Finally! Is she pretty?"
"She's the most beautiful person I've ever seen," he smiled with a slight blush coming onto his face.
Bucky turned towards his best friend. "Thank you for assuring me that you won't be stupid alone."
"You're taking all the stupid for yourself." Steve said as he pulled him into a hug.
After saying their goodbyes, Steve walked back to the quinjet, reminiscing about meeting her.
Steve sat at a bar alone, watching the latest drug cartel leader. After the end of his team, he wanted to continue to do good.
The blonde brought his drink to his lips as the announcer stepped on the small, wooden stage. "Thank y'all for coming out tonight! Next up we have my favorite little lady. In floral shorts as sweet as May, she sang in eights and two barrio chords, I present to you... Y/n!"
Steve barely looked away from his target to look at her, but the second he realized what he saw he looked again. He honestly thought his heart stopped. His breath hitched in his throat and his palms became damp.
After a moment, he snapped out of his trance. I'm on a mission, he thought, there is no time for distractions. Steve had locked onto the sight of the cartel leader again when she started singing and he knew he was a goner.
"Mis canciones son de la revolución," she was a siren and he was the pour soul that was about to drown.
Well, he actually was choked by one of the target's bodyguards. The singing stopped as people gasped and started running to the exit. Steve was able to push the goon off of him onto the floor just as he heard the click of a revolver. "Game's up, Captain. This en-"
The sound of his attacker screaming made him turn around to see Y/n pepper spraying the group of men. She held a cloth to her mouth and tossed one to Steve, "Follow me!"
Without hesitation, she ran behind the counter with the super soldier right behind her. She pulled the latch to what appeared to be a trap door and jumped down into the darkness. Steve froze for a moment. Was this a trap?
"I suggest you come down here, sir. Unless you fancy being mauled by those angry old guys," Y/n smirked and moved aside from the opening so he could jump down. Steve hopped down and was also consumed in the darkness.
Before he had a chance to speak to the mysterious singer, his hand was being dragged away from the entrance. The next few minutes were silent besides the sound of two pairs of shoes hitting the pavement.
Finally, Y/n stopped. Steve was about to speak before he heard something unlock and his vision was flooded with light. His eyes adjusted after a moment and he looked around to see a small town. He took a deep breath and turned to Y/n, who was now leaning against a rock trying to catch her breath, "Why are you helping me? I'm sorry but this doesn't make sense, ma'am."
The woman chuckled, "Not many things do, Captain Rogers. Yet here we are." He frowned and was about to walk away before she spoke again. "I have cried for, I will die for how I care."
Steve paused and stood in front of her, intrigued. "These people have been tormented by that pig and I'm sick of it. I'd do anything to protect my home," she all but whispered.
The blonde only nodded. He had researched the town before coming here.; it was a town filled with criminals and the people they had control over, whether it was individuals or entire families.
Steve hummed, "They have you're family?"
She smiled, looking down at the ground. "No, I got them out 2 years ago. And I don't plan on stopping until they're all away from the west coast."
Y/n looked up after a minute to see the space in front of her empty. Captain America was no where to be seen.
A few days later there was a knock against Y/n's dressing room door. She set down her mascara and held her pepper spray in a steel grip, "Who is it?"
When no one answered, she let out a shaky sigh. Quiet footsteps could be heard outside the door and a deep voice saying, "I'll take care of her, get the rest." She froze and looked at the door in pure fear.
"This is it," she murmured as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Just as the lock turned she fumbled for one of her shoes and threw it as hard as she could at the blonde man in a dark blue super suit.
Luckily, Steve had his shield in front of him. Y/n gasped and put her hands over her mouth. The poor man peeking his eyes out from behind his shield with a worried gaze. The female ran an anxious hand through her hair and tried not to meet his scared gaze. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Steve! I didn't know it was you and I got scared and-"
Steve gestured for her to be quiet and she abruptly stopped. After a moment of just staring at each other, him thanking god you didn't pepper spray him and her praying that he didn't think she was a lunatic, he offered his hand.
Before Y/n could take hold of his hand, yelling could be heard upstairs. The super soldier swiftly scooped her into his arms and bolted out of the room.
She wrapped her arms around his neck as they ran through the building. Once the exit was in sight it seemed like everything was going to be okay. That was until two goons ripped the door from its hinged and rushed towards Y/n and Steve.
Steve huffed and quickly turned a corner, causing the female to yelp and hold him tighter. Suddenly, the short pants stopped from the blonde, "Hold on tight, ma'am."
Before she could say a word Steve jumped out the window. Y/n was now curled in a ball and screaming at the top of her lungs as Steve flipped them onto his back.
The air from the two pairs of lungs were knocked out when they hit the ground. While Y/n clenched her eyes shut, Steve saw the goons chasing them being kicked out of the window by his favorite red-headed assassin.
"You and your girl ok, Rogers?" Natasha said as she coyly waved at the two of them. Steve could only chuckle and look up at the stars.
After a moment of adrenaline filled tranquility, Y/n spoke up. "I guess we're even now, Captain Rogers."
Steve raised an eyebrow and looked down at the woman in his arms. She smiled at him and rested her chin on his chest, "I saved you, you saved me."
"Technically we aren't even," he said and sat up as he helped her do the same, "my team got everyone out of the town, you were the last to pick up."
Y/n was silent for a moment, her mouth hanging open in shock. Steve gave her a moment to control her thoughts and stared deep into her eyes when she spoke again, "Why would you help us? You barely know these people, let alone me."
Steve looked away, happy that it was dark so she couldn't see his face turning a light shad of pink, "You're a good person, and these people didn't deserve what they were given."
This time Y/n stared into his alluring eyes, sensing he had more to say. "Plus I wanted to see if you would go dancing with me one night."
Steve wanted to burry his face in his hands but they were still glued to her waist. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek, making Steve a flustered mess. "Well it wasn't just that-I mean you also seem to have a set of skills that could be useful on the team-"
Y/n chuckled and stood up, "Who would have thought that a kiss on the face would fluster the greatest Avenger." Steve huffed and stood up. The female still had a smile plastered on her face, "So, are you asking me on a date or asking me to join your team?"
"Both," he said, "there's a lot of bad in this world and with the right training you could help minimize it." Steve offered his hand to her and she glanced at it, returning to his intense gaze. "What do you say, Y/n?"
She smirked and grabbed his hand, "Let's start a revolution."
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