#jewels begin to lose their glow; cities go to rack and ruin [open starter]
niightravcns · 10 months
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He's wrapped in the softest, plushies, warmest blanket he owns, one single golden eyes and a few tufts of midnight blue hair visible between the fabric.
He hates the cold.
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niightravcns · 1 year
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"It seems I am in a bit of a predicament..."
He stares at the leather satchel on his desk, almost overflowing with pearls of various shapes and sizes, frowning slightly.
"I can't really give them away for free, and even using them to bargain with Sam does still leave quite a few in my possession... what to do?"
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niightravcns · 1 year
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"His hair, it hangs in ringlets, his eyes as black as coal, my happiness attend him wherever he may go..."
Dorian hums quietly to himself, sitting cross-legged in the shade of a tree, a half-finished string bracelet in his hands and a cloth bag full of pearls and seashells in his lap.
"Come all you pretty fair maids, whoever you may be, who love a jolly sailor that ploughs the raging sea..."
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niightravcns · 1 year
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"One barracuda's nose, a dozen turtle toes, the venom of a sea anemone, eye of a sea urchin, Crab of Louie, stir the goop until gooey..."
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"Wait a minute, Crab of Louie?! As in, Crab Louie? I thought this was supposed to be a potion, not food!"
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niightravcns · 11 months
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"This is my Halloween costume this year, I accept no criticism."
He's wearing a pair of tight black leather pants, a black crop top, black lace-up combat boots and black leather fingerless gloves.
His nails are also painted black and his eyes are made-up with sparkly black eyeshadow and silver eyeliner in a 'smokey eyes' fashion, his lips shiny with a hint of glittery lipgloss.
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niightravcns · 1 year
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"I'm left without a choice, and without a doubt, guess the pack of wolves is swimming with the sharks now!"
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niightravcns · 1 year
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"These sacrifices I made are a choice that I can't undo... lost for the first time... scared for the first time... gravity feels like an undertow pulling me down..."
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niightravcns · 1 year
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When he wakes up the morning of his birthday, he's not surprised to find a mannequin with an outfit that most definitely wasn't there the night before when he went to sleep.
Maybe he could get away with not wearing it... but that could create even more of a fuss than wearing it would, and he'd like to spend his birthday in relative peace, much thanks.
"Let's get this over with..." he grumbles moodily as he starts getting ready for the day, glaring at the birthday outfit for a good few seconds before sighing and putting it on. Dorian Ashengrotto could be called many things, but not a coward.
There better be one hell of a decadent breakfast waiting for him.
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niightravcns · 1 year
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"Don't mistake my threats for bluff!"
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niightravcns · 1 year
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"Contrary to popular belief, I'm not in the habit of lying, I always tell the truth. Sure, I might phrase it in a way that's up for interpretation, but hey, if people choose to interpret it the wrong way, that's on them."
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niightravcns · 1 year
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"Gold's fake, and real love hurts."
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niightravcns · 1 year
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"Words are weapons and some people should have their permits removed."
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niightravcns · 1 year
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"You know what they say: 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all'. I simply relieve people of such burden~"
He's toying with the bracelet around one of his wrists, some of the seashells hanging from it glowing a faint gold...
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niightravcns · 1 year
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"Look at this stuff, isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?~"
He's showing off his seashell collection with a smile on his face.
It becomes a lot less wholesome when you realize that some of those seashells are glowing faintly...
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niightravcns · 1 year
welcome to my wonderland [ooc]
silence is golden [ic]
an idol in the sea of infamy [visage]
good things come with strings [musings]
twisted nights and sick delights [aesthetics]
so what does it matter if tou become mute? [headcanons]
struggle though you may; the rules won't bend [memes & prompts]
now sing and keep singing [playlist]
according to my ultimate design [psa]
taste their tears and hear their screams [gallery]
just one teensy little thing [reply]
you wouldn't want to mess with me [answer]
up above they hate chatter; or so i've been told [dash commentary]
good luck and breath deep [dash games]
guess your dreams ain't turning out so swell [wishlist]
that's the price; that's the bargain [plotting call]
as for love; all of the above applies [shipping call]
everybody's bill comes due [starter call]
well go on; take it or leave it [inbox call]
jewels begin to lose their glow; cities go to rack and ruin [open starter]
is it binding? goodness yes! [closed starter]
i always get just what i want [saved]
style au courante [mun's art/edits]
you'd better watch your tail [crack]
since you're in love with a prince [shipping]
these poor unfortunate souls [promo]
they say he's so quiet; so shy and demure [self promo]
wild soirees of exquisit sin [nsfw]
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