andrewiam · 10 years
If I were to meet
The several people that I fangirl over on tumblr, I have no clue what I would do. If I actually got the chance to meet them, I feel like I would scare them off by just staring, awestruck, at their realness in front of me. Like my inner fangirl would have gone catatonic with joy. ESPECIALLY if I got to meet a cute couple like Jerk Mayo or Rithy and Keng. Omgosh. I might just collapse. Being able to actually meet these people who I look up to just seems so unreal. Not sure I could actually handle meeting them seeing how I get super excited and bounce around when they just pay attention to me online. I know it may be somewhat weird that I hold you guys in such high esteem and get so overexcited when we're just messaging, but it's my way of expressing my admiration of you guys. I really do look up to you :3. And seeing you happy makes me happy ^^
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n0verias · 11 years
jeyoramos replied to your post: OMG SARA YOU GOT A BF NJFEVCKKZ>!??!
Ooooh scandalous! ;D
Teehee ;3
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andrewiam · 10 years
▲ :D
Omgosh, y’all stretching this out jeez
Rate: 7
Date: Hmm…I’ve never actually thought about it. Too busy fangirling over Jerk Mayo :P. Let’s see. Tall. Handsome. Althetic. Flexible. Kind, though not exactly attentive. I feel like it’s a no, and we’d be great friends, but then it would, over months and years, turn into a yes as I learned more about you and we hung out and whatnot. 
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