#jhin x sona
odekoyma · 7 months
Got a question.
Do you have any other ships aside from the ones usually in your comics and main universe that you like? As if only with the main group? I am curious to know your opinion
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I-I mean…yeah! I do…of course I do..!
The main group accumulates MOST of the ships I have including others champions. I guess Kayn is the biggest victim of that, his character is very versatile and fun to throw him into many situations.
But if you curious to know about lesser known LOL pairings I like that doesn’t include them, I have:
M/F: Jinx x Ekko, Ez x Lux, Sona x Jhin, Sona x Hwei, Syndra x Zed, Teemo x Tristana
F/F: Diana x Leona, Cait x Vi, Vex x Lulu, Neeko x Nidalee,
M/M: Ekko x Ez, Graves x TF
Yeah, most of them are canon, and I get why they are canon. They are good.
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unboundndd · 1 year
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Hello Hello! Welcome to my blog/writing dump ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎
I used to write in my free time and missed being part of a community so I decided to start a new blog since I'm interested in League of Legends. I will mostly write character x reader scenarios, headcanons and maybe some longer stories. I will treat darker themes in this blog so please proceed with caution if you're sensitive to the subjects I tag in my posts.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· About the admin
Mi, 20+, She/her, EU
Katana dilf enthusiast! Favorites: older Ubisoft games, Metal Gear Solid, Mother Mother, Wowaka, PinocchioP, Angelic Pretty. Champs: Yone, Sona, Thresh, Morgana, Neeko.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Lore knowledge, what I'd like to write
I like to think that i have a decent grasp on LoL's lore and the lore of skinlines skinlines so here's some characters I currently would like to write for. If your character doesn't appear in this list it doesn't mean that I won't write them, so don't be shy and send an ask if you'd wish. Aatrox, Ahri, Aphelios, Diana, Evelynn, Jhin, Kai'Sa, Kayn, Morgana, Leona, Rakan, Renata Glasc, Seraphine, Sett, Shen, Sona, Swain, Thresh, Vayne, Viego, Xayah, Yasuo, Yone, Zed.
I figured I'd add some skinlines too.
Pentakill universe, Nightbringer/Dawnbringer, Spirit Blossom, K/DA, High Noon, Pool party/Ocean song, Project, Cosmic/Dark cosmic. ·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Rules for requesting and content warnings
If you'd like to request, please keep in mind that it may take time for them to get written out or I might never write them at all. I'd rather concentrate on less request but keep the quality high than to give everyone sloppy, disappointing writing! If you don't specify the gender of the reader (especially with NSFW requests) I will keep my terminology as gender neutral as possible.
I will list some of the things that may appear in my content:
Violence (not explicitly described)
Discrimination (in fantasy setting, never protrayed positively) I will also list my bounduaries on things i will not write in any setting: CSA, or anything to do with the canonical minors Extreme fetishes, consensual non consent Homophobia, racism, dictatorship in a positive light
I hope that this post has been comprehensive enough, soon I will post something that is more interesting than rules! See you all then ^^
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What are your favorite ships in LoL?
Missy: oh dear be ready for an essay
Well if you really want to know here is a list of them
Akali X Kayn
Ahri X Yasuo
Ahri X Sett
Evelynn X Varus
Kai’sa X Sylas (I know it’s out there)
Ahri X Akali X Kai’sa X Evelynn
Ahri X Akali X Kai’sa X Evelynn X Seraphine
Ahri X Akali X Kai’sa X Evelynn X Sona
Sona X Jhin (I have my reasons)
Sona X Ahri
Xayah X Rakan (does it count if it’s cannon?)
Lux X Jinx
Jinx X Seraphine
Jinx X Seraphine X Zeri
Jinx X Seraphine X Lux
Seraphine X Zaun Diva
Seraphine X Rell
Seraphine X Ezreal
Zeri X Ekko
TF X Graves
Viktor X Jayce
Ezreal X Ekko
Yone X Lillia
Gwen X Neeko (again I have reasons)
Bel’Veth X Kassadin (don’t judge)
Zedd X Syndra
Caitlyn X Vi
Caitlyn X Vi X Sarah fortune
Ahri X Sarah Fortune
Tryndamere X Ashe
Tryndamere X Ashe X Sejuani
Ashe X Sejuani
(If I missed others I might add them later but these one I remember)
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teeto-peteto · 1 year
You once said that the institute was Mean Girls but with LOL champions and I want you to know I can’t stop thinking of a new champion going through the cafeteria/lunch room scene or someone has a ‘burn book’
So, you know, thanks. Also, your discussion about Yasuo and Ahri is making me consider an Odyssey one shot.
i never leave home without taking a sip from my 'iconic mean girls scenes' juice. I have a bunch of scenarios with the champions and the movie. Much more than id like to admit.
For the cafeteria room, its funny to put them by regions BUT its way funnier when you clasify them... like for example the table of the 'sexually active couple's' that Janis mentions in the movie but its Xayah/Rakan, Lucian/Senna and those untold relationships in league like Jarvan/Shyvana and Garen/Katarina, Cait/Vi... Fortune/Illaoi if you ask me...
For the Plastics... im obsessed with Ruined King characters and they would definetly be the plastics but if i had to move on from that... Its probably Ahri as Regina George? Just cause shes the most popular one... Allow her to be sassy and mean for a bit. Probably Kai'sa as Gretchen cause shes also a popular pick and Lux as Karen cause she fits on the sunshine lollipops and rainbows blonde bimbo. Not good picks on my behalf basing only on rating picks and popularity but i couldnt think someone more fitting. Maybe Qiyana or Evelynn as Regina? Dont know.
For other tables... we definetly have the sassy edgy killer's table with Jhin, Pyke ... maybe Thresh too? Shaco, Zed, Nocturne? Talon?
The loud Zaunitans table with Jinx, Zeri, Ekko, Seraphine... Dr Mundo can fit...
The gym obsessed table with Braum, Pantheon, Garen and Darius... Illaoi and Sett... Trynda...
The ones that are too big to fit the room and have to eat outside like Cho'Gath, Galio... Aurelion Sol, Malphite...
The kid's table with Annie, Amumu, Gnar, Milio and Fizz messing around... Vex by mistake...
The lovecraftniang horrors like Bel Veth, Kha Zix, Vel'Koz, Fiddlesticks...
The Vastayan table, the hot asians table (just like in the movie), the yordle table, the 'we are literally animals', the 'we have too many skins' table, royalty table... shuriman god's table..., darkin's table... you can name a champion and has its table... i could spen hours. Point of Mean Girls x League is to ridiculize and simplify the characters. Like we know that canonically in actual lore, the sassy edgy killer table would be in literal civil war killing each others and stabbing, buuut its funny thinking about them sharing a salad or changing trays because they are picky eaters...
its my selection BUT id love to read more classifications perhaps mine is bland ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ im thinking about one with the art kids, like Gwen and Sona and more characters... dunno
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kindredjoy · 5 months
Biografi Champion
Daftar di bawah ini disusun berdasarkan abjad. Konten bisa bertambah seiring waktu.
Aatrox | Ahri | Akali | Akshan | Alistar | Amumu | Anivia | Annie | Aphelios | Ashe | Aurelion Sol | Azir
Bard | Bel'Veth | Blitzcrank | Brand | Braum | Briar
Caitlyn | Camille | Cassiopeia | Cho'Gath | Corki
Darius | Diana | Dr. Mundo | Draven
Ekko | Elise | Evelynn | Ezreal
Fiddlesticks | Fiora | Fizz
Galio | Gangplank | Garen | Gnar | Gragas | Graves | Gwen
Hecarim | Heimerdinger | Hwei
Illaoi | Irelia | Ivern
Janna | Jarvan IV | Jax | Jayce | Jhin | Jinx
K'Sante | Kai'sa | Kalista | Karma | Karthus | Kassadin | Katarina | Kayle | Kayn | Kennen | Kha'Zix | Kindred | Kled | Kog'Maw
Leblanc | Lee Sin | Leona | Lillia | Lissandra | Lucian | Lulu | Lux
Malphite | Malzahar | Maokai | Master Yi | Milio | Miss Fortune | Mordekaiser | Morgana
Naafiri | Nami | Nasus | Nautilus | Neeko | Nidalee | Nilah | Nocturne | Nunu & Willump
Olaf | Orianna | Ornn
Pantheon | Poppy | Pyke
Qiyana | Quinn
Rakan | Rammus | Rek'Sai | Rell | Renata Glasc | Renekton | Rengar | Riven | Rumble | Ryze
Samira | Sejuani | Senna | Seraphine | Sett | Shaco | Shen | Shyvana | Singed | Sion | Sivir | Skarner | Smolder | Sona | Soraka | Swain | Sylas | Syndra
Tahm Kench | Taliyah | Talon | Taric | Teemo | Thresh | Tristana | Trundle | Tryndamere | Twisted Fate | Twitch
Udyr | Urgot
Varus | Vayne | Veigar | Vel'Koz | Vex | Vi | Viego | Viktor | Vladimir | Volibear
Warwick | Wukong
Xayah | Xerath | Xin Zhao
Yasuo | Yone | Yorick | Yuumi
Zac | Zed | Zeri | Ziggs | Zilean | Zoe | Zyra
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thesleepygrimoire · 2 years
Content Concept Page For My Twitch Streams [12-03-22]
Primarily planned to take place from 7:30-9:30pm/pst with an average of ~2 hours per stream.
Themes/Topics will most likely revolve around topics I naturally enjoy and have a passion for. As a variety-entertainer; my subjects may be inconsistent as the next stream topic may be completely different, with topics that need continuing occurring on a later stream- With that being said:
~☆GAMES [aka Sleepy Noobs @ "X Title"]☆~
•League of Legends (PC) :Bronze 1 SoloQ
Mainly Support and ADC/ traditional marksmen~☆
Supports: Adaptable & team dependent-
Defaulted/ Commonly Drafted Picks: Soraka, Sona, Janna, Nami, Thresh, and Senna
Can use most supports
Adc/ Marksmen: Utility & Hyper-carry playstyles
Defaulted/ Commonly Drafted Picks: Ashe, Sivir, Jhin, Caitlyn, Vayne, Lucian, and (sometimes) Samira
•Epic Seven (Mobile)
Primarily "Just Chatting" and Casual Tips
I personally don't feel like my tips are anything different so I'll leave that to other creators-
Roster Update
I don't have a sizable amount of good gear to spread amongst my units (yet) so I'm bound to do a "Roster Update" discussing current units and their builds.
•Various Fighting Games (Steam)
Dead or Alive
Soul Calibur
Granblue Fantasy Versus
Guilty Gear
To take place as "Casual Play" type streams.
~☆Other Content☆~
•Tier List on Various Topics
Ie: Plant-Themed, TV-Show Themed, Game-Themed, Scary, ETC.
•Plant-Based Content
Ie: Plant Spotlight/Tips, Repot w/ Me, New Addition/Haul-Based, Growth Updates, etc.
See Corresponding posts:
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sfw and nsfw headcanons for jhin x sona please?
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Hello my lovely! After a long wait, here is the fruit of your patience. As a side note, I'd like to say that I'm not very keen on writing championxchampion ships - but I still do it because it's good to leave my comfort zone.
It's double the effort, you know. I try to... maintain the characters in their personality or twist them in a way that would at least make sense. I don't enjoy going too out of character with them. That beats the point of writing them in the first place, doesn't it?
Because you didn't specify what you want more exactly, I've decided to write a Sona and Jhin scenario in the Blood Moon universe. I think I've seen a post about it a long time ago. And I believe that Sona would fit well into this, with how elegant and gentle and regal she seems to be.
It also makes things easier for me to write. So I will stick to this idea for now and if you wish to see them in a different universe or scenario, you can always send me another request.
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~ They had first met during a concert.
~ In such turbulent times, things were quite harsh in Ionia. Many people were living in fear, dreading the moment when the Blood Moon would show itself again - dreading a moment that could bring forth their death.
~ Sona had no such fears, however. She played her divine instrument in a flawless manner, weaving notes of peace and quiet for the frightened souls that would gather up to watch her. To admire her strong spirit, her pure and undefeated passion.
~ And her days were quiet. She didn't live in fear like many Ionian citizens. She didn't watch the Blood Moon with frightened eyes. She didn't avoid going outside when the moon was covered in that carnal and animalistic red.
~ One of her greatest admirers bestowed his protection upon her. A tall, elegant man with horrifying mismatched eyes. A being of pure hunger that haunted her soul. Her very being.
~ A man that would always watch her performances from the shadows of the large and dark theatre, a glass of crimson wine pressed against his pale lips. He'd never wear that dreadful mask in public displays.
~ Here, he was only Jhin. Here... things were different. He seemed to be another man when the demon inside him slumbered.
~ Elegant and powerful, Jhin was like no other man she had ever encountered. There was something ethereal and hypnotizing to see in even his slightest and most casual movements, something so hard to resist.
~ Something ancient. Something older than the world itself, rotten and dark and... ~ And enchanting.
~ And the intensity of his gaze always left her quivering in fear and anticipation, wondering what would come next. What he would do next.
~ It took Sona a long time to get used to their... arrangement. She wasn't quite certain what it was. Being courted and wooed by such a powerful individual - it brought certain benefits to your life.
~ People treated you differently. People feared you. They feared hurting you or offending you in any type of manner. While many of them didn't quite know who Jhin truly was, everyone had a strong awareness of his importance in a fearful society.
~ A patron of the arts for some. A cruel and strong man for others. ~ Always willing to do anything it might take to reach his objective.
~ And always willing to do so with the utmost grace, dragging his enemies through dirt and trash with a steady hand until they became a begging, frightened mess.
~ Her performances were indeed something when he was around to watch them. But the aftermath was even better.
~ Jhin was a man of culture. He knew how to court women, how to treat them properly. ~ He knew how to bring them pleasure - and pain, if it was necessary -. He knew how to bring them to submission, how to make them kneel in front of his being in both pleasure and fear.
~ He knew his craft better than anyone else in his clan. And Shen, even as his bodyguard and trusted friend, would never understand how precious the love of a woman like Sona could be - such a sweet, pure fragrance for him to enjoy. Such a delight of the senses for both him and his inner demon.
~ He treated her like a queen in exchange for her love and devotion. His gifts were otherwordly. The food he'd serve his dinners with held the most exquisite flavors she'd ever had the chance to taste. The flowers he brought her held fragrances long forgotten to the world, strong and dizzying in their sweet and exotic scent. The silks he gave her, the dazzling jewels he'd leave behind for her to enjoy...
~ Sona never thought anyone would spoil her in such incredible ways. She never thought anyone would care for her so much. Not when she was an orphan. Not even when her benefactor adopted her.
~ His touch always left her trembling, an aftertaste of old things and ash on her tongue. It made her skin prickle with electric energy - the touch of a being stronger than she would ever dream to be.
~ A touch so unholy and carnal - long fingers brushing against her naked collarbone, tracing the brilliant jewels of her necklace, the precious stones shining in the low light of the burning candles.
~ He'd always be so gentle at first. Caressing her pale skin in a reverent way, breathing in the tender scent of her skin, the light breeze of her modest perfume. A greedy being, the lust in his eyes would burn bright into her skin.
~ And her blood would boil with shameful need and desire when his nimble fingers would brush against the rich curves of her breasts, their heat haunting her through the soft and slim silk of the richly colored gown.
~ His kisses were always hot and heavy, burning into her very core. Jhin knew how to make her lose any sense of individuality with the experienced strokes of his tongue, with the possessive hand squeezing her nape - enveloping her fully in his broad and oppressive presence.
~ There were no declarations of love. Those seemed to be forbidden for beings like them. But she could always read it in his touches, in the way he'd wrap her in his very presence. In the force behind his thrusts when he held her down, driving inside her with a passion and carnal power only a man like him could possess. ~ There was no need for him to talk about his love when he could see it in his eyes in late nights they'd spend together, entangled in a sweaty mess of limbs and luxurious sheets. ~ And Jhin was very well aware of the love she held for him. A love that burned as bright as the light of a new day, as pure as her gentle heart. ~ The only man to love her for who she truly was. A monster - but one that made her happy. ~ A man that loved her more than she could ever hope to love herself. ~ And if she needed to accept the demon inside him - if she needed to love even the darkest side of him...
~ She would do so with her utmost devotion and dedication.
~ And she'd show no hesitation in bringing down anyone who would dare harbor any ill-feelings toward her benevolent patron, her one and only love.
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hani-bon · 4 years
I made some sketches of LOL, where I put 2 of my favorite ships and the last one is one champ I played recently 👀
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daltheznadofart · 4 years
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htsukidraws · 5 years
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Two sides of Art - Virtuosos - League of Legends
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odekoyma · 2 years
Feel free to not answer if you don't want to, or if it was already answered (and I just didn't saw it) : Besides the ships you made in your AU, what other relationships do you have in mind for the champions? (Canon ones, non-canon ones, skin lines only ones, legends of runeterra ones, etc, etc.) (Could be platonic, romantic, "more")
I-I Have PLENTY of them, I just never draw them or don't have any ideas,or just look at it from the side. I won't tell you every one of them but I'll tell you somne of them if you are interested. Cait X Vi, Ekko x Jinx - Arcane moment. Tf x Graves - it's maybe one single m x m relationship that I truly enjoy seeing. It's so good and well made! I hope Riot will make something more of them! Teemo x Tristana, Lulu x Veigar, Poppy x Garen - Yordles!! Oh wait, Garen is here? I just think it's cute, okay?! Nothing weird. Diana x Leona - from lovers to haters, it's sad, but I like it. Ezreal x Lux - So sugary and boring, like it must be. Jhin x Sona - This one is just...mmm....~ if I worked on this one, it would be scary. Syndra X Zed - Dom momma with balls is always good. Also the cute comic I saw about them.
I'll stop here.
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leagueimagine · 5 years
Idk if you do genderbent couples but, genderbent Jhin and Sona? If not genderbent then just regular Jhin/Sona headcanons?
Sona is a very well known musician at Ionia, his songs would draw everyone's attention and even if he can’t speak his music does it for him, which also gets him unwanted attention from the famous serial killer Jhin. 
Jhin was a lady no one would really pin the blame on such horrible murders on her, Sona would never imagine it as well as Jhin wants to get closer to him, she’s pretty sure and she understands of art, for him, that is all fine. 
Jhin would be fascinated with Sona, he’s already a masterpiece all ready for him, he’d plan on killing Sona way so many times but the plans always don’t fit right, Sona needs to be perfect plan and none are worthy of it, every time he plays Jhin feels the urge of creating plans going away. 
A lazy afternoon with just they helping each other to compose, Jhin is pretty strict with the process but Sona quiet chuckle and smile will make her a little softer on her orders. 
Jhin just decided that Sona will be the last piece, it was an excuse, of course, Sona causes some weird feelings on her she wants to understand better first. 
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Can I request a wishlist of rps you wanna do? Like specific skin au or something like that. NSFW related.
Okay well firstly to make this post a bit shorter here is basically a list of my favourite/ships I really wanna do
Specific skins/ AUs
Well I am open to all suggestions, i would like to try something is the snow moon/blood moon skinline and also doing something between Jhin/Sona. I do very much enjoy doing story plots when I can.
Kink list
Bdsm, daddy/mommy kink, pet play, Dd/lg, Md/lg, threesomes (multiple partners), pillow princess, collars, leash, and that’s about it.
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rosywrites · 5 years
Silent Waves, Chapter 3
Chapter 3: Crashing Waves Fandom: League of Legends Ship: Jhin x Sona
Word count: 4623
Jhin descends the wooden ramp to the stone docks of Piltover. The stones are cleanly cut and precise, just how these machine-tinkering folks love it. The skyscrapers of Piltover are always a sight, drowning in gold, hextech, and a faint air of superiority. He takes one last look at the city before glancing at the nearest clock tower, its bells tolling eleven. 
There wasn’t much time. The cabal stated they would be sending a messenger with his gun by noon. If he wasn’t there in time, there would be troublesome consequences he wasn’t willing to risk. 
Two hours left. He had to make his way down to Zaun and find the rendezvous point. He swallows a longing sigh when a haggard old man approaches him with a knowing smile. He recognizes the cabal’s mark on the elder’s eye prosthetic. He straightens his back and bows his head.
“Back again, I see,” the old man splutters as he taps his cane by Jhin’s feet. “Y’really have no limitation with the way y’treat our technology, do ye?” He urges Jhin to follow him through the dark alleyways of Piltover.
“On the contrary, elder,” Jhin replies calmly. “It is of the utmost importance that I make sure my gun is well taken care of.” He raises his head to the skies, a mysterious look in his eyes. “It’s just that I had picked up a… stray, and she didn’t seem to take too well to it.”
“Oh gob it,” the elder harrumphs. “What else did y’expect, picking up a stray like that in the sea?” He shakes his head disapprovingly. “I never once took ye fer the type, but whatever y’picked up did quite the damage to yer gun.” After a moment of silence, he asks, “What did y’even pick up, anywho?”
Jhin’s eyes squint, but the elder cannot tell if it’s out of joy or anger. “A feisty and frightening little thing, I assure you.”
“Is that so…” the elder mutters as he takes Jhin deeper into the city, where The Gray of Zaun awaits below. “By the way, y’didn’t run into any trouble coming here, did ye?”
On instinct, his hand hovers over his abdomen but brushes it off like he had touched something filthy. “Not that I’m aware of,” he answers. “Why do you ask?”
The elder cackles quietly. “The sea has quite the terrifying creatures around here, boy. Y’would do well to mind your path when you depart from Piltover.” Before Jhin can ask any further, the elder ushers Jhin into a hexdraulic conveyor. He slaps Jhin’s back as he makes his way inside. “Come now, y’don’t want to be late!”
“Please, elder. I have a sensitive back.” A shame Jhin can’t kill this old man. He’s the only connection between the cabal and the technology of Piltover and Zaun, the middleman, repairman, and analyst of broken weapons. Killing him would send the cabal after Jhin’s head. 
“Someone as young as ye? Y’might as well be one of them Chem-punks ‘round here.” The descender dings, and the door opens up to an alleyway much darker than those of Piltover’s. The streetlamps dimly light the path of cobblestones and bridges ahead. The conveyor creaks as the elder sits on the edge of the doorframe. “I’ll be waiting right here. M’sure you won’t take long.”
Jhin hums a non-committal response as he moves on. The stench of Zaun is sickly as always. The chem-fumes wafting out of the dingy chimneys makes him scoff. How vile. The sooner he gets his gun, the sooner he can get out of this place. 
“Where the spirit of this land goes, her followers are near,” a voice says from the dark. 
“The followers the stem, the spirit the blossom,” Jhin answers back. He turns to the source of the voice. “Do you have what I requested?” he asks. 
“Certainly.” A pair of mechanical hands holding a parcel manifests from the shadows. “To deliver a parcel to the infamous Golden Demon himself, it is quite an honor.” 
There is a moment of silence as Jhin unwraps the parcel and holds his newly-repaired Whisper in his hand. The feeling of metal against the palm of his hand sends shivers down his spine. He gives the grip a little squeeze and sighs longingly. Oh, how he missed Whisper…
“Now, shall we talk business?” the figure speaks up. With a metallic clang, a man covered in mechanical prosthetics steps out of the shadows. “I have a job I would like you to accomplish.”
Jhin simply stares at the man in silence. There’s another beat, and the man begins to feel uncomfortable under the scrutiny of his eye. “I understand you’re a client, and I am not one to question them.” He pauses. “Usually. What could a Chem-Baron such as yourself need an actor such as me?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I need power.” He scoffs scornfully. “The only things keep Zaun from falling into chaos are the pillars holding it up: we, the Chem-Barons. Unfortunately, one of these pillars has exhausted their use and refuses to step down. What other choice do I have?”
“Interesting,” Jhin can only say. “Normally, I would take up such a request. It would have been a fantastic piece of work, something as organic as a blossom blooming from within its mechanical cage.”
The baron’s face sours at his words and becomes exasperated. “So, will you do it or not?”
“Unfortunately,” he starts as he points his gun towards the baron, earning a small yelp at the cold touch of his gun’s muzzle to his chest, “I cannot comply.”
“W-wait, what are you doing? I can pay you to do this! A-any amount of money you want!” the baron tries to bargain. He dares not move, or else that bullet will go straight through the core of his body and kill him.
Jhin clicks his tongue in disapproval. “You see, the cabal has its own discreet way of disposing of their messengers.” His eyes squint in pure bliss when he sees the look of terror and desperation in whatever untouched flesh the baron has. Such skin tarnished by dull metallic parts… What a shame, really. “You are my client’s aim, baron. And I will make sure that your death is not meaningless but beautifully ornate.”
 “As if I would let you, demon,” the baron exclaims as his mechanical body begins to hiss with steam and overlap each other with increasing size and parts, the baron disappearing into the suit. Jhin hops backwards and shoots at the chest, but the metal deflects the bullet off-course without a dent. “You really think I would come out here to meet The Golden Demon without preparations of my own?”
“I can’t say I didn’t expect it. After all, even the side character must put some effort into their performance before the final curtain call.” Jhin hops away when the baron slams a giant mechanical fist onto the cobblestone. He slips away into the shadows before the baron can catch him. 
“Bastard, you think you can hide from me?”
“I prefer the term ‘observing’,” he replies. He studies the structure of the baron’s body, making the calculations and notes necessary to bring the stage to the grand finale. 
“You can find the weak point all you want, but it’s useless! This metal is of the highest grade and can deflect any bullet you shoot at me!”
“Weak point? Oh, no, no.” Jhin’s eyes lock onto the tank pumping chemicals into tubes that weave around the mechanical suit. “What I look for is completely different, baron.” He assembles his gun into a rifle and takes a deep breath. Four shots. He shall free this baron from his rusting cage with his art. He shoots.
A tube shatters at the leg. A sickening green chemical sprays everywhere like a spring shower. 
Another shot, and another tube shatters at the fist. As he thought, the tubes acted like hydraulics as well as a power source. 
The baron’s body creaks into a slow stop, but the baron remains unfazed. “You can stop me, but you’ll have to drag me out of this suit in order to kill me!”
“You seem to lack understanding in your own creation then, baron.” Jhin carefully aims, not at the body but at the gauge tank at the neck of the suit. When the bullet strikes the ring connecting the tank to the neck, a high-pitched hissing noise escapes from the broken tube. Within a few seconds, a pained cry comes from inside. “No matter what and how many walls you construct, there will always be a breaking point.”
The baron screams grow louder as the green chemical empties out from the tank. There’s a loud clang when the baron bursts out of the suit, his flesh and prosthetics practically melting from the acid. He tumbles down the suit and attempts to escape. He hears a dull sound of thunder, and he feels vines of flowers sap away his strength as they constrict around him and the alleyway. The baron’s outstretched arm falls like a tree branch pruned to ensure its healthy and beautiful growth.
Jhin sighs in joy at his work. Or, so he thought it would be the result. 
Odd. He doesn’t feel the bliss he’s always felt with every finale. His brows furrow in confusion, unnerved by this feeling. He only feels… dissatisfaction… and a numb pain coming from the wound in his abdomen, like it’s pulsing against his skin to remind him of its existence. Of the siren’s existence. 
“Even at these brinks of euphoria, that blasted siren continues to pull me back like a tide,” he mutters. He sighs helplessly. He can only wonder why the siren holds this kind of power over him.
  “What took y’so long?” the elder asks.
“Just appreciating my work, elder,” Jhin lies. “It was one of my best work yet.”
The elder grunts in amusement. “Sure, whatever get y’going. How’s the gun? Did it do the job?”
“Absolute perfection, if I say so myself.” He tries to ignore the elder’s dissatisfied face at Jhin’s lack of enthusiasm. “Forgive me, I am still caught up in that moment of bliss.”
“Y’always were an oddball, eh? Come. Y’got the job done, so we need to head up top.” The elder pushes Jhin back into the conveyor and ascends beyond The Gray back to Piltover. They watch the murky atmosphere of Zaun turn golden like the setting sun as they approach the top. “Did y’know? This ol’ thing belonged to that Chem-Baron back there.”
For once, Jhin’s brows raise up in surprise as he slightly turns his head to the elder. “I don’t suppose you were my client this time around, elder?” 
The elder taps his cane on the floor of the conveyor at the beat of his cackle. “The baron’s been going ‘round without a goddamn care about the other factions and his own tech!” His cackle slows into a hum. “Did he mention anything ‘bout another Chem-Baron, by any chance?”
“He did.”
“Mm, ain’t it interesting how putting a single idea about themselves into their heads can become so distorted that they become out of touch with their own reality?” the elder says. “The human mind is a fascinating thing.” He shoots Jhin a mysterious look. “Wouldn’t y’agree?”
He doesn’t answer. He feels like he can’t. Jhin feigns an amused chuckle as he turns back to the overview of Piltover. “You are quite the frightening one, elder. I don’t suppose all Piltovans are as mad as you.”
“Not mad,” the elder corrects with a crazed look in his eye. “Just passionate.”
Sona lies in the bottom of her tank, stretched out atop one of the several rocks they placed on the sand. She listlessly gazes up at the tarp covering the top of the glass. Faint streaks of sunlight filter through from above. Her lips purse into a straight line.
How can these creatures produce such… sounds?
It’s faint, but it’s constantly there like in the back of her head. She presses her palms to her ears and tries to shut out the cries and voices of the merfolk of this region. Even their songs sound so cacophonous. 
A new siren. A girl.
She’s not from here. She’s come to our home.
This is her home.
She belongs here.
She belongs here. She belongs here. She belongs here.
What a dangerous place this is, and yet the landfolk of this region are oblivious to the creatures that they’ve created. And worse, these creatures have caught wind of her presence. They know she’s here. They will come to take her away. To make her one of them.
She hears two of Jhin’s crew, tasked to guard her tank from any intruders, talking to themselves outside of the tank. In an attempt to relieve her mind of the voices, she swims over to the guards and taps the glass gently. They’re cautious, but for good reason. 
One of them glances at the other with a questioning look. The other returns the look with a helpless one as she approaches the tank. “Can we help you?” They watch her point up and slide her hand up to the lower half of her face, as if she’s putting on a mask. “The captain? He’s not back yet, or at least, we haven’t heard anything from the deck yet.”
Sona makes an impatient face and nods. She sits on the sand and leans back against the nearest rock with her arms crossed. 
“Excuse me?” the other guard speaks up. “If you don’t mind, would you like to join our conversation?” Seeing Sona tilt her head in uncertainty and glance up at the deck cautiously, the guard shakes his head. “The captain’s not back yet. I don’t think it’d hurt to try.”
“We’re the more curious of the bunch here,” the first guard joins in. “We’ve never really seen a siren before, or any sea creatures like the merfolk, so we’re really interested in what you see down below.” She shoots an accusatory glance at the other guard. “Unfortunately, some people don’t really believe that there are certain creatures in the sea.”
“Listen, I gotta see it to believe it. There aren’t such things as krakens the size of a battleship. I’ll believe that there are krakens the size of smaller ships like ours, sure. Bilgewater ain’t full of crazy folks, so I have no reason not to believe them.”
“What!” she exclaims. “You’ll believe them but not me, when I’ve heard those stories from the people who’ve seen it themselves?!”
“They’re just stories!” 
“So you’re saying the Bilgewater folks are fibbing?”
“I didn’t say tha —” A knocking on the glass catches their attention, seeing Sona smile sympathetically. They watch her point to the female guard before nodding. The male guard pales with wide eyes. “Y-you mean they’re real?”
Sona nods. She brushes her hand over the sand and makes an even bigger gesture with her hands, saying there are even bigger and more terrifying creatures in the abyss of the sea. She can’t help but laugh when the other guard pales as well. 
But their conversation is cut short when there’s a commotion from above. The door leading to the cargo hold opens, another crewmember poking his head out the door. “Captain’s here! To your posts!” he whispers urgently.
The two guards scramble away to their posts and wait for Jhin’s arrival. Sona, on the other hand, rolls her eyes and swims to the farthest side of the tank and sits atop the bigger rocks. She waits for that iron door to open. But it never opens. 
Strange. She had expected him to come by with that foolish squint in his eyes as he gazes at his prisoner in amusement. Her shoulders, which she notices had become stiff and tense, relax. No matter. The less he shows his face in front of her, the better.
Suddenly, the iron door to the cargo hold opens, and Sona tenses up again. But instead of Jhin, it’s the same crewmember who had told the guards to be at their posts. “We’ll be heading back out to sea. Captain won’t be coming down here until we’re out of Piltovan borders.
One of the guards furrows her brows in confusion. “Is there a reason why?”
The crewmember grimaces. “We’re being tracked. Someone found out about the siren.”
Immediately, a heavy atmosphere crashes upon those in the cargo hold. Dread pools in Sona’s stomach. She feels like something much worse will occur out at sea. 
The voices of the merfolk that were only whispers in the back of her head just a few minutes suddenly grow in numbers and intensity. She winces at the overwhelming amount of voices and hunches over with her palms against her ears.
They’re going. They’re taking our sister!
How dare they take our new sister!
This is her home!
Come back!
She belongs here!
The voices die into silence as sudden as the next words are uttered altogether in one distorted voice: 
We’re coming for you, sister.
Sona gasps in horror when the voices then spill over like a tsunami in her mind. It’s too loud. It’s too intense. She shoots up to the top of the tank, banging the glass lid and catching the attention of the crewmembers guarding the cargo hold. 
This is about to become a battle. The crewmembers are preparing themselves to fight whoever is tracking them. But she’s not up there to warn them of the creatures in the sea that are coming for the ship. For her.
  Jhin had been careful. He had never mentioned the siren directly in his conversation with the elder. But he supposed Zaunites have eyes and ears everywhere, even in Piltover. Zaunites were known for their experimental demeanors. Some are even passionate enough to steal test subjects for their work.
Mercenaries… are likely. The experimenter themselves wouldn’t go out of their way to face an entire ship of pirates. 
He brings out a golden stopwatch from his pockets and opens it up to his eye level. In the reflection of the glass, he spots a ship in the distance that’s slowly sailing in the same direction as them. The ship flies a Piltovan flag, but he can see Zaun’s technology built into the ship. He hums in thought. He had guided the ship towards Freljord, a region that has no need for Piltovan or Zaunite technology.
Even if Piltover wanted to expand their tech to the north, their ship isn’t built to withstand the harsh conditions of Freljord.
A crewmember steps up to the helm and whispers in Jhin’s ear, “Captain, the siren is acting up. We’re not sure what happened. She suddenly swam up to one of the guards trying to say something to her.”
Jhin furrows his brows as he glances at the gate of the cargo hold. What is the siren up to this time? “Do you know what she’s trying to say?” he asks.
“She’s trying to warn us about something. Something in the water? She keeps pointing to herself and then out to the water.” The crewmember looks concerned. “What should we do, sir?”
Something in the water? Pointing to herself… but out there within the sea… 
“Hey, do you hear that?” a crewmember standing by the rails murmurs to another. “It sounds like… singing?”
“I don’t hear anything.”
“No, no, I hear it! It sounds like a lullaby my mother used to sing for my brother back home.” The crewmember’s eyes suddenly light up, and he leans over the rails. The crewmember’s eyes glaze over, as if he’s in a trance. “That… sounded like mother.”
“That… sounded… like…” the crewmember’s words trail off as he leans closer and closer to hear better. “Mother…!”
“Whoa, hey, what are you doing?!” the other shouts as he pulls him back onto deck.
“It’s her! It’s mother! She’s in there, don’t stop me!” the former shouts back in rage, swatting away the latter’s grip. When the other doesn’t lose his grip, he pulls out a dagger from his belt and slices the other’s arm.
“Agh!” The latter releases the former’s shirt in pain, but two other crewmembers pull them both back onto deck. One of them kicks away the dagger and pins down their frantically pleading mate. 
Jhin directs his attention to the commotion happening on deck. Then he hears it. He hears singing coming from the waters. It sounds like an opera. The voices sound muffled, but he thinks he hears them sing of art, of Whisper, of his feats and trophies at sea. That there’s more he can do out there. With them.  
His legs suddenly feel heavy, and he feels his foot swing out towards the side of the ship. His mind feels blank like an empty canvas, and the music of the sea is the paint giving it life. 
“Captain!” another crewmember runs out from inside the ship and up to the helm in a panic. “It’s an ambush! We’ve been surrounded!”
He snaps back to reality with a hiss, having sunken his nails into the injury in his abdomen. “By who? The Zaunites haven’t even reached us yet.”
“They’re no Zaunites, sir! They’re merfolk!”
Jhin’s eyes grow wide. Sirens. He hadn’t considered this. Could the siren he captured have called these sirens here? No, she is mute. She hasn’t displayed a single ability to be able to communicate to anyone so far. He shakes his head. The merfolk have been around for centuries. Each region has their own kind of merfolk.
Piltover, the City of Progress. Zaun, the City of Iron and Glass. With the advancement of technology, there would be an equal amount of waste filtering into the waters. His eyes perk up in realization. The toxins. For the merfolk who lived in these waters for so long, they wouldn’t notice how far the toxins can be carried by the water. Therefore, they would eventually die to the toxins.
Or adapt to them. 
“Prepare yourselves!” Jhin announces. “These creatures can affect any of you to kill you! If you see someone who’s affected, hold them back!” He normally wouldn’t bat an eye if two men or three die, but with enemies coming from both within and out of the waters, he cannot afford to lose that many men at once. “Lookout, keep an eye on that Piltovan ship!” He loads Whisper with four bullets and cocks the hammer. “This show isn’t over yet.”
The sounds of gunshots and shouting from the deck alerts Sona of the sirens’ arrival, her banging against the glass becoming stronger and louder. The lid refuses to budge. She swings her arms down in frustration and swims over to one of the guards who had spoken to her.
“Miss siren, isn’t there anything you can do?” she asks in a panic. 
Sona nods as points at the lid of her tank. She makes the same gesture to refer to Jhin and then the instrument he had taken.
“Your, your instrument? Can you help if you have it?” When Sona nods firmly, the guard purses her lips in hesitation. She chews the tip of her thumbnail in thought until they hear a metallic clang of the cargo hold’s gate above Sona’s tank. 
As they look up, they watch in horror as one of the crewmember’s body is torn apart by a siren that had managed to jump on board. His blood pours onto the top of the tarp covering Sona’s tank. 
The guard swallows a gag, looking away. “Okay,” she says. She turns back to Sona. “I’ll get you your instrument from his quarters. I, I don’t know if I might make it, but I’ll try.” The guard runs out of the hold, ignoring the other guards’ protests, and makes her way up to the deck. She glances at the helm, the captain now replaced by another hand. 
“What are you doing?” the navigator hisses when she runs past her to Jhin’s quarters. “You’re a dead sailor if he catches you going in there.”
“It’s for the sake of this ship. The siren can help us.” The guard sneaks into Jhin’s quarters and searches the room for the golden instrument. She spots it sitting atop a dresser in the corner of his room, where the siren’s old tank once remained. “There!” Grabbing the instrument and stashing it in her satchel, she runs out of the quarters and back to the deck.
The heavy stench of blood and sea water penetrates her senses as soon as she steps outside. She gags at the sight of dead human and siren bodies littered all over deck. She takes a deep breath, forces herself to look away from the scene, and rushes back down to the hold.
“What have you done?” a guard asks when she produces the instrument from her satchel. “Are you insane?”
“If the siren says she can do something about this situation, I’m willing to take that risk,” she protests. “Get the other guards. We need them to take her up to the deck.”
“Captain will kill all of us!”
“Then what else is there left to do?! I went up there, and we’ve already lost so many hands! The sirens are climbing up the deck! We need her!”
A guard extends out an arm to stop her from climbing up the stairs. “Some of us don’t want to die because of what you did, don’t you understand that?”
“Would you rather all of us die then?” she asks solemnly. The others fall silent. “And if the captain’s more than willing to kill us after all this, then so be it. He’s only losing more of his crew. I’m still going,” she insists urgently. She lunges up the steps to the top of the tank and unlatches the lid. Sona immediately bursts of the water towards the guard, who shields herself thinking she made a mistake of freeing the siren.
But nothing happens. 
Instead, Sona is hunched over the edge with her instrument finally in her hands. She takes a deep breath and looks up at the cowering guard with a grateful smile. “Thank you ,” a voice says with a pluck of the strings. 
The guard’s eyes widen for a moment, but she regains her composure. “Y-you’re welcome.” She leans forward and hovers her hands over Sona’s shoulders. “We can carry you up to the deck.” Her heart nearly leaps to her throat when Sona suddenly grabs her wrist while shaking her head and pointing her finger at the guard’s forehead.
Jhin will kill her. All of them. 
“It’s a risk I’m willing to take.” The guard tucks her arms under Sona’s and lifts her out of the tank. “Come on, we need to get you up there.” One by one, the guards in the hold come up to help her carry Sona down the stairs onto a stretcher. “I thought you didn’t want to get killed by captain?”
“Better than all of us dying to these things… or worse, getting taken for torture and experimentation in Zaun,” a guard mutters, to which the others chime in agreement. 
As they reach closer to deck, the female guard speaks up. “We have enough of us to hold her while joining in the fight. There’s a chance the Zaunites will try to take her too. Two of us need to hold the stretcher while the rest of you surround it and fight whoever tries to come after us, got it?”
“Got it. Ready?” The crewmembers crouch to prepare to run out to the deck. Sona sits up on the stretcher with her instrument at the ready. 
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rosymiz · 6 years
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Just a ‘what if Jhin and Sona have met before when they were children’ ;; v ;;
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codeariacosplay · 5 years
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Didn’t posted anything lately, so here is my set of JhinSona Cosplay. I hope you like them! If you want to see more, check out my social media! https://linktr.ee/codeariacosplay
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