nctsjiho · 2 years
SM's Statement About NCT's JiHo Apartment Fire Leaves Fans Worried
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October 26, 2022 By J. Hong (K!Today)
On the night of the 25th of September a scary event took place in NCT member JiHo's apartment, that she only shares with her manager. Around 2 in the morning someone had broken into the building and into JiHo's unit, and caused a fire in the kitchen. The fire alarm went off and the right authorities quickly arrived in the scene before anything could escalate even further. The perpetrator could flee the scene before police arrived.
It was confirmed that at that moment in time JiHo was alone in her apartment, her manager was away at that time.
SM's Statement
"This is SM Entertainment. Last night an unfortunate event took place in our artist JiHo's apartment. She woke up to noise and a burning smell. Someone was able to break into her apartment and start a fire. JiHo was able to evacuate her apartment safely and did only suffer superficial injuries due to panic, causing her to bump into furniture as she tried to flee. However, this was a very scary and unexpected event which caused her stress and anxiety. The perpetrator has not been caught yet, but the police are working with the apartment complex's security to find the person who caused the fire. The apartment at this point of time is declared uninhabitable as the police and fire department continue their investigation. For the time being JiHo will be staying with her members or other friends or family until the apartment is habitable again or until a new living space is provided for her again. We'd like to announce that JiHo shared her willingness to not sit out on any upcoming group schedules. We will closely monitor her mental condition and intervene in case activities start to take a toll on her health, but we will respect her wish to continue to be active."
Later JiHo assured her fans with a short statement on Bubble and Weibo.
"I'm doing okay. I'll be staying with the members for a while. I received a lot of concerned messages, but I'd like to assure everyone that I am fine. Let's continue to do fun things together with the members and Czennie💚"
Fan's Reaction
Although the fans are relieved to hear JiHo is doing fine and despite the assurance from both JiHo and SM, the fans are still worried as word began to spread of a possible sasaeng. JiHo has had some better luck with sasaengs than other kpop idols, but NCT is known to have a lot of aggressive sasaeng fans. Some netizens aren't ruling out the possibility of the person starting the fire in JiHo's apartment being one of those sasaeng fans.
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What do you think about the whole situation? Let us now in the comments below or on our Twitter @KNewsToday
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nctsjiho · 2 years
NCT's JiHo Opens Instagram Account
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December 9, 2022 By E. Cohen (K!Today)
On December 7th 2022 JiHo from NCT opened her own instagram page; she's the last member of her subunit, NCT 127, to do so. Not only were fans delighted, but they swarmed to her page in heaps to follow her. In only two days, her account reached 5 million followers, making her the NCT member who reached 5 million followers the fastest.
In a funny response to the sudden growth, JiHo posted a simple text story which said "❗how? what are you guys even doing here?".
Not only did many of the NCT members already follow her, but they also showed a lot of support and excitement for the female member's addition to the social media platform. Co-unit-members Mark, Doyoung, Jungwoo, Taeyong and Johnny all posted her account on their stories, possibly causing more fans to follow her.
As of right now JiHo is not following anyone.
How do you feel about JiHo joining her members on Instagram? Let us now in the comments below or on our Twitter @KNewsToday
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nctsjiho · 3 years
Imagine How The Boys Would Celebrate International Women's Day For JiHo (but I'm making it canon <- I've never used this word so idk if I'm using it right lol):
So I had this thought because I could see Sungchan, Jisung, Jaemin and Taeyong posting about it on social media. It all starts off with Taeyong posting a story on his instagram after JiHo's photos from her latest photoshoot went live. And Jaemin also posted an instagram story. (left is Taeyong's post, right is Jaemin's. They are both in Korean, besides the last sentence of TY's post which means "I love you" in French.)
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The other two posted Bubble messages.
Jisung's Bubble message:
"It’s women’s day?" "Happy women’s day to our female Czennie🤍" "JiHo is the only girl in NCT. If you put it that way… it must be hard for noona😅" "To me she’s just as cool as the hyungs! Probably even cooler😎" "Happy Women’s Day! I’ll tell her that later😊😊"
Sungchan's Bubble message:
"I already knew that it was Women's day! Happy Women's Day!" "Ever since I've gotten to know JiHo noona she's been so nice to me. I think it's because she really likes the younger members a lot hahaha." "She sometimes comes over to the dorm and cooks for us, or brings over food. She practices with us, she works out with us too." "She's an extraverted person, so she likes being around people. I just found that she is a quiet extravert and likes taking care of people." "JiHo noona, Taro hyung and I have dinner plans tonight😄" "It's not a coincidence haha. Hyung and I wanted to treat noona for dinner at least once because she always refuses to let us pay. She only would let us use Women's Day as an excuse to let us pay."
After the Taeyong and Jaemin's stories though, some of the other members also wished JiHo a happy Women's day.
Jungwoo, Kun and Johnny sent JiHo a message directly. Most of the dreamies saw JiHo at the SM building and wished her a happy Women's Day as well. And then Doyoung sent a bubble as well, later in the day.
Doyoung's Bubble Message:
"우리 오이🥒" [Trans: "our cucumber/o-ee" JiHo's nickname] "JiHo has grown up a lot hasn't she?? I've seen the pictures of her latest shoot." "Sometimes I see old pictures of JiHo, and maybe she hasn't changed that much, but her image has become more mature" "However, don't be fooled. JiHo can still be as goofy and playful as before. We've just become very busy people, so we only really see each other during schedule's for 127" "hmm... Y/n is right, I did not know it was Women's Day today. I don't need a special day to celebrate women, but it's nice to have an extra, special day to remind us how hard working they are!" "I know some Czennie are worried that me and JiHo aren't as close as we used to be. I know JiHo apologised to me in a fansign as well. I was a bit shocked to hear JiHo felt ashamed to talk to me because of her situation last year. But don't worry Y/n, JiHo and I are fine. We talked a lot afterwards, so I don't want Czennie to worry." "I know you've heard this a lot today, but JiHo is a very strong woman. She went through a lot, but came out even stronger! I admire her a lot for that." "I feel confident that JiHo can be a good rolmodel for a lot of young girls." "Happy Women's Day! But even when it isn't women's day, I'll still appreciate you, Y/n." "And if Y/n isn't a woman: fighting! You've worked hard today and I also appreciate you a lot." 🖼️ "Here's a few pictures of me and JiHo hehe" "The pictures that don't have me in it are taken by me! You can see in the top right how much JiHo didn't like me taking her picture hahaha" "But it still turned out cute, right Y/n?
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+ Bonus:
JiHo bought her mangers Yebin and Sihyun some jewellery as a "thank you" for their hard work. And; she also bought a bunch of cupcakes and coffee and brought them over to the company for anyone to take.
S/N: little something else, becuase I just couldn't get this out of my head. Tomorrow there should be another post which is probably going to be about the "The Link Log" ^^
Happy Women's Day to all you beautiful women out there 🤍💚🤍
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nctsjiho · 3 years
Trouble In NCity? NCT’s Taeyong and JiHo Caught Up In Controversy
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January 15, 2022 By J. Mitchel (K!Today)
2022 has only just begone and yet there’s another controversy. This time however, the controversy is between two of NCT 127′s members. Taeyong and JiHo were already making headlines on New Year’s day, but it seems like they are back in the spotlight yet again. So let’s quickly get into what has been happening in the last few weeks.
New Year Dating Rumour
If you haven’t heard yet (sorry our coverage hasn’t been the greatest) on the last day of 2021 and the following days Taeyong and JiHo found themselves in the middle of a dating rumour.
The rumour sparked when a photo was posted onto social media of the two NCT members. In the photo Taeyong can be seen giving JiHo a kiss on the top of her head while they hugged each other during the MBC new year concert. Not much later a short 6 second video surfaced showing Taeyong supposedly whispering something into JiHo’s ear while they were still embracing each other. Many netizens deemed the interaction to be very intimate and were quick to speculate that the two were dating.
Luckily SM came out quickly to deny the rumours and Taeyong even commented about it on his Bubble.
“JiHo is like my little sister. [She/We] had a rough year so [I] wanted to comfort her and tell her next year will be better. Please don’t misunderstand. Though I don’t think I should apologise for taking care and comforting my members. We are close.”
Netizens dropped the whole affair soon after the statements, yet some people seemed s bit troubled by the situation still. They wondered who took the pictures and speculated that it could be staff or even idols present during the event. Some people even mentioned the possibility of sasaeng fans taking the pictures. JiHo posted a short message about this on her Weibo account.
“Are we not going to talk about respecting one’s privacy?”
After the message and fans’ concern, SM stated that they would be investigating the situation and condemn any further sharing of the picture and videos.
With that the situation quickly calmed down, and everything was going fine until a few days ago.
JiHo’s Jealousy Or Taeyong’s Favouritism
This time it seems that things took a complete 180. From potential lovers to sworn rivals. Taeyong and JiHo cannot seem to catch a break.
In the past week Taeyong has been trending a lot for his choreography of his collaboration song ‘Zoo’ with other SM artists. Tons of fans and others have been covering the dance on various social media platforms and have been praising Taeyong for it.
A few days later though, a video of JiHo dancing to NCT 127′s ‘Earthquake’ got leaked. The choreography seems different from the final result, yet some parts made completely made the cut - some dance moves even get featured in other NCT songs like: NCT 127′s ‘Favorite’ and NCT U’s ‘Universe(Let’s Play Ball)’.
The video seemed to originate from early 2021, with a blurry date in the corner as well as the background being the old SM building.
It’s not the first time JiHo has choreographed for NCT (Save - NCT 127) so the majority does believe that JiHo made the choreography and inspiration was heavily taken from her piece to make the final choreography for ‘Earthquake’ as well as for other songs.
The reason why this sparked controversy between the two members was the message attached to the video by OP:
“Taeyong makes one choreography for NCT and everyone praises him for it, meanwhile JiHo has choreographed for a group she was no longer a part of at that point (TWO TIMES might I add) and everyone just shoves it under the rug. I think JiHo is a way better choreographer (and dancer) than Taeyong, but she never gets credit. Taeyong does one thing and SM goes kissing his feet because clearly he’s their favourite. I’m sure JiHo has choreographed and written a lot more than we are aware of for SM and NCT but she never gets credit. I hope Taeyong enjoys his minute of fame while JiHo has to silently sit back and have people watch her choreography without them knowing she made it.”
This comment caused quite the stir when many fans of Taeyong came to defend him saying that it wasn’t his fault that his choreography went viral. Some even went as far as badmouthing JiHo. Some speculate that the idol herself leaked her choreography to steal the attention Taeyong has been getting.
In response to the allegations JiHo posted a heated comment on Bubble.
“If I were to post my choreography now people would call me a copy cat. I don’t need anyone’s validation to know my choreography is good. Either way my choreography was only a first draft, I honestly didn’t even know they would use it. Like with ‘Save’, I had no clue it would actually be used...  [Taeyong] choreographed ‘Zoo’ with Bada Lee, of course it will be used. She’s one of our choreographers after all.”
JiHo’s message didn’t get received positively by the public. Many people pointed out how it seemed like in her message JiHo was saying “Taeyong need validation for his choreography” or that the only reason Taeyong’s choreography was used was because he choreographed with Bada Lee.
When Taeyong posted “Ahh~~ Let’s just enjoy dancing, hmm?” on his Instagram story, fans continued to believe there was actually something going on between the two members with many blaming JiHo for it.
A few hours later JiHo posted one more message, an apology, in Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese on both Bubble and Weibo.
“I want to apologise for what I said earlier today. My tone and wording didn’t match what I actually wanted to convey. I was a bit upset that people accused me of leaking a video to steal attention away from Taeyong. I did not post that video. I was never jealous of his succes, in fact I was really proud of him and thankful that I could be apart of the team that performed ‘Zoo’.
When Taeyong’s fans were being put against my fans on the internet, me and Taeyong were actually on good terms and unaware of how serious the situation had gotten. My words were never pointed to Taeyong as I never felt any negative feelings towards him. When Taeyong read my message he wasn’t upset, but he did tell me that other people could misunderstand what I was trying to say.
In the end I made a mistake and wronged many NCTzens. Therefor I apologise. I also apologised to Taeyong in case I might’ve hurt his feelings, even though he told me he wasn’t hurt by my words. I also apologised to Bada Lee, she’s a choreographer I very much respect and my words might’ve portraited my feelings otherwise. I will be more careful to word my feelings better in the future so that such a misunderstanding won’t take place anymore.
- Lim Jiho”
In the end everything is all good between Taeyong and JiHo. It’s unfortunate that so much negative attention has been casted on these two and hopefully it doesn’t set the tone for how the rest of the year is going to go. But it does look like JiHo and the group’s sasaengs have been working hard already.
Here are some of the fans’ reactions:
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What are your feelings on the whole situation? Let us now in the comments bellow or on our Twitter @KNewsToday
Side note: this was just a little “bonus post”, a writing will be up on Wednesday like usual ^^ 
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nctsjiho · 3 years
JiHo Returns To NCT 127!
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October 21, 2021 By E. Cohen (K!Today)
JiHo’s return to NCT 127 is a fact! Today, on October 21st, NCT released another set of teasers for their upcoming comeback and repackaged album “Favorite”. Along side the expected teaser pictures from 9 boys of NCT 127, JiHo’s face, seemingly out of nowhere, appeared. Though there’s a lot of reasons to celebrate this return many fans are left with mixed feelings, saying that they are happy but confused at the unexpected return.
Absence From Previous Teasers
The biggest cause of this shock many fans are experiencing is probably explained by JiHo’s absence in the teasers that came out last week. It was also pointed out that in the physical album details there are only 9 photocards, pendant cards, postcards and bookmarks. Though this is likely because JiHo seems to not have been there for the particular shoot, fans have pointed out that it’s still weird that JiHo won’t have a photocard in this album.
A little “fyi” for those who might not know. Photocards are usually pictures taken by the members themselves, so even if she couldn’t make it - for whatever reason - to the group photoshoot (we’ll get back to this is a second), you could argue that she’d still be able to have her own photocard, with a selfie she could’ve taken at another time.
Some NCTzens brought up that JiHo had indeed been away for at least a month, to China. This could be an explanation for her absence in the teasers and the physical album details so far. Yet again, it all seems a bit odd and without an explanation from SM themselves, it’s very hard to make any sense out of everything.
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JiHo’s in the comeback teaser for NCT 127 ‘Favorite’ on NCT 127′s Official Instagram
JiHo In China
Back in September, it looked like JiHo spent a while in China. It was quite unexpected when she suddenly went live on Weibo after NCT’s comeback last month. The idol had many individual schedules including photoshoots, video fanmeetings and she even filmed a variety/reality show.
Said show is called Mr. Housework, and the first episode will premiere next month. We don’t know much about the show, besides that JiHo became roommates with 2 Chinese celebrities and spent a few days/weeks together. We’ll be looking forward to it!
Besides that, JiHo starts off her modelling career with a bang. She features on the front page of the Chinese edition of British magazine Wonderland. Along with plenty of other stunning pictures in the magazine (she gets a full 3 pages dedicated to her), you can also take in her fierce looks on Wonderland’s official instagram @wonderland.china.
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Comparison To EXO’s Lay
With everything that’s going on, NCTzens who are also EXO-L’s compared JiHo’s situation to Lay’s situation with EXO’s last comeback earlier this year. Though he wasn’t physically with his other members, he did appear in the album as well as the music video for their title track ‘Don’t Fight The Feeling’.
Feelings on this are mixed, as this does give a sense of relief since JiHo is now back with NCT 127, fans hope she won’t be absent from promotions or future NCT 127 content, just like Lay in EXO.
NCT Members Happy With JiHo’s return
It also seems that not only the fans are happy JiHo has returned. JiHo’s teaser pictures have been liked by Johnny, Doyoung, Mark, Taeyong and Taeil (as well as Kun) on instagram. Besides that some of the members even took it too Bubble to speak on JiHo’s return, though vaguely.
Taeyong posted a selfie with JiHo we sadly aren’t allowed to post because of Lysn’s guidlines. The message connected to it says: “let’s head home quickly, I hope you didn’t forget your umbrella ☂” as a reference to JiHo’s teaser.
Doyoung mentioned JiHo as well when talking about his coloured hair. “What about JiHo’s hair? She’s also trying something different. If you can call a lighter shade of brown different hahaha. Brown is still brown. But it looks good on her.”
Lastly, Jungwoo posted, “Practises are usually tiring. Today it felt like more energy was in the air” followed by a picture of his crossed legs and JiHo’s crossed legs as she sits across from him on the floor.
As always we’ll leave you guys with some of the fans’ reactions from twitter:
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What are your guys’ feelings on JiHo’s return to NCT 127? Let us now in the comments bellow or on our Twitter @KNewsToday
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nctsjiho · 3 years
Shocking Truth Behind NCT JiHo’s Hiatus Revealed + SM Official Statement And Apology
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July 24, 2021 By J. Mitchel (K!Today)
After an internal investigation of SM Entertainments financial reports, specifically those regarding NCT, the likely reason of JiHo’s hiatus from April to May of this year, has been revealed. The reason why this information, which I’ll be explaining in a bit, is only deemed “likely”, is because anonymous sources said this is only “part of a bigger problem”. However, what I’ll be diving into in a second is fully factual (unless stated otherwise), backed up by plenty of evidence, and I can conclude that this has been a driving factor of JiHo’s hiatus.
Visas, Working As A Minor And Bing A Foreigner Working In The Idol Industry
For those who aren’t aware, Geovanna Dubois, otherwise known as Lim Jiho, and debuted as JiHo, moved to Korea in late 2014. At that time she was only 13, turning 14 soon in international age, which made her a minor. Because her family stayed back in France, where she lived prior to becoming a trainee, she had to be assigned a guardian.
This guardian was an employee at SM Entertainment who was not particularly close to JiHo; it was stated that:
“(the guardian) was only in charge of legal affairs regarding JiHo and everything else: housing, medical needs, schooling, leisure and so on, was taken care of by other employees and managers - who kept in contact with JiHo’s family - until she was no longer a minor”.
However it was revealed that JiHo’s guardian had not taken care of their part of taking care of JiHo. For a total of 6 months, they did not provide JiHo with the right Visa (this does not include failing to renew her Visa when renewal was due). For a total of 4 months - beknown to managers and other employees - they violated the rules under the Child Labour Laws in Korea. And for her whole career up until April of 2021 they did not provide her with her fair earnings she deserved (more on this later).
Until 2020 all of this went unnoticed by the higher ups in SM Entertainment. An ex employee, who wanted to stay anonymous stated:
“There was always so much secrecy going on in the office. I felt insanely guilty towards JiHo because she wasn’t given fair treatment behind the scenes. Employees would fake reports about the state of JiHo’s legal documents. I thought it would all stop when she debuted, but things continued as they were.
… They withheld money from JiHo’s wage to pay off debt caused by the mistakes the employees made. One day the department got a 10,000,000.00 Korean won (around 8,500 USD) fine for violating Child Labour Laws. Instead of going to the boss, employees would take money from JiHo’s bank account - the guardian had full access to it - or would write it off on JiHo’s trainee debt. Something like this shouldn’t happen in such a big company as SM.”
If you thought this was bad, that was only just the tip of the iceberg.
Unfair Pay
As mentioned before, part of JiHo’s hard earned money would go to paying of debt and fines, but that’s not all.
JiHo is one of NCT’s rappers. But did you know she also participated in writing lyrics and sometimes help in arranging songs? Especially for Japanese releases. For most of her work she did not get credited, but apparently this was because of the percentage of her input being “too low”.
Whether this is a fair reason or not is not something I can comment on. In my small amount of research in this area I have found that not everyone gets paid the same just because they are credited in a song. And even if I find that logical, by that statement I would assume that JiHo should have been credited for every song she participated in.
However, that’s where I found out the reason as to why she might not have been credited for every song she worked on.
Comparing her with other members of NCT who have put in similar amounts of work into writing, producing, arranging music, as well as overall performing, making public appearances, modelling and other schedules, taking in account the money employees took away for debt, JiHo on average would receive only 80,6% of what her colleagues would earn.
Keeping that in mind, I suspect that if they would’ve credited her for every song, it would’ve been more obvious that she didn’t receive the payment she deserved whenever this news would come out. However if that was the reason behind this, they failed, because almost every source who is covering this news has at least mentioned this.
Today’s Reality
Before we go into SM Entertainment’s official statement and apology (yes I was also surprised by this), let’s talk about how these events have affected JiHo.
Of course we don’t know all the small details, and according to the previous anonymous ex employee there have been some problems with an ex manager, but in the big picture JiHo did not get affected by these past events on a day to day basis. Having said that, one thing does break my heart in this whole story. The same ex employee also stated that:
“While all this was going on, one of the managers - or maybe it was the guardian themselves - contacted JiHo’s family. They told them lies so that they would not ask JiHo to go visit them back home. Since her Visa wasn’t always okay, it might have caused problems once she left Korea. They also told her family it might be best for them not to visit JiHo because she was ‘doing fine’ and them visiting would ‘cause a distraction’. I once had JiHo’s mother on the phone, she seems like a sweet lady, who was heartbroken not being able to see her daughter for years, being under the impression that visiting her daughter would be a burden to her and her career.”
I hope that with everything that I’ve shared here, you can understand the severity of these events. Knowing that this is only a small percentage of the whole situation makes me scared to hear what else was going on. But let’s hope that things look better for JiHo’s future.
SM Entertainment’s statement
“This is SM Entertainment.
Earlier today, documents and numbers surfaced that we weren’t eager to show to the public. These documents revealed things that you weren’t meant to see either. For the longest time, we, the higher ups in SM Entertainment, were unaware of what was going on behind the scenes. That’s our mistake, and we want to own up to it now.
We should have been more thorough. We should have been more involved. But as we were tricked into thinking everything was fine, we decided to put faith in our employees and let them operate as they were.
Even though we felt cheated and tricked, we were not the real victims here. Lim Jiho, one of our idols, is the one who got tricked the most.
For the years we’ve known her she has grown incredibly much. She’s one of our most hardworking idols. She’s skilled in everything she does. She’s an inspiring and friendly soul and we, SM Entertainment, are extremely honoured to have her as one of our idols.
We are sorry to JiHo, to her family, her friends and her fans for all the discomfort, uncertainty and pain we have caused them. A simple sorry isn’t enough and that’s why we have decided to take some actions.
For JiHo: As you are aware, JiHo is now also under Esteem. The statement we have issued before still stands. We will work together with Esteem to provide JiHo with all the opportunities she deserves so she is able to grow in an even more talented and loved artist.
We will not only take accountability for the financial injury JiHo suffered, but also will try our best to put her emotional and mental health first. Many of these things we have and will continue to discuss with JiHo privately. She will, if desired, reach out to fans and friends on her own accord to talk about her side of things. So to respect her privacy we won’t go further into detail.
For family and friends: We are incredibly sorry towards JiHo’s personal and private relationships to which we caused damage. From the many foreign artist we have under our label, we know that homesickness and missing friends and family is natural. We did not mean to put even more of a strain on her relationships. Again we want to respect the privacy of everyone who is involved, so we will be reaching out to JiHo’s close family privately to issue a personal apology.
For the fans: We are again incredibly sorry towards all of JiHo’s fans who have been worried about her not only during her hiatus this year, but throughout her whole career. We know you want to see more of JiHo and we, along with Esteem and of course JiHo, will try and give back to you as much as possible by providing you with the content you deserve.
We know that the fans will be the happiest if JiHo is happy, so from now on we will make extra sure that JiHo’s happiness is our top priority.
Our apology doesn’t excuse our past actions and from now on we will try to be more transparent as that is something we heard many fans shared their concerns about. We want to let you know that most of the things we’ve discussed here are things we’ve been working on ever since JiHo’s hiatus started. But since the news is now public we want to assure the people that actions are indeed being taken.
We would also like to let everyone know that there have been actions taken in regards of the employees, managers and direct contacts who were at the base of all of this.
From now on we will be focusing on making things right and moving forward. Thank you for your patience.
Fans are happy to hear that SM is taking actions. Even if some things go unexplained and many fans don’t believe SM is being completely “transparent”, they are content things seem to start going into the right direction.
When more news surface (which I have a feeling it will) I’ll be updating you guys about this. For now I’ll leave you with some of the fans’ reactions to the situation.
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What do you think about SM’s apology? And how do you feel about hearing the truth about JiHo’s hiatus? Let us now in the comments bellow or on our Twitter @KNewsToday
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nctsjiho · 3 years
NCT JiHo Shares Frustration With Her Current Position In Her Career In Heartfelt VLIVE
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June 19, 2021 By T. Davis (K!Today)
In the early hours of the 19th of June 2021, female member of NCT, JiHo, decided to go live on V Live to give her fans a little insight into her current situation. The unusual hour of day and her tired look gave fans plenty of reason to worry, but when the idol started with “this might get me in trouble, but I’m just so tired” fans instantly got more concerned.
Back in the beginning of May, SM Entertainment put out a statement that JiHo would now also be signed under Esteem; a partner of SM. At the time many fans were confused and worried that she’d leave NCT and SM because of this, but a Live Showcase and a solo single by the artist on the 10th of June confirmed that she is still under SM. She also appeared on a V Live with her members which makes us believe she’s also still in NCT.
No Communication
One of the main concerns of the idol was the communication between her two companies. Many fans were under the impression that JiHo’s schedule had doubled, but she was quick to clear up the rumours.
“On the contrary, I feel like I’m less busy. When one of my companies wants to schedule something for me, they have to contact my manager from the other company. Sometimes this causes communication errors, but I think most of the time there’s no communication at all. Both my managers aren’t strictly working with me, they manage other artists as well. They are busy people, I think even more busy than myself.”
It’s clear JiHo did not want to bring any hate towards her managers or her companies, often defending them, but the fans still felt upset.
Why She Didn’t Participate In NCT 127 ‘Save’
Probably the biggest question many NCTzens had was if JiHo was still in NCT 127. A fan asked her about her choreographing for ‘Save’ and this prompted everyone into thinking she might talk about her position in the group, however that did not happen. Still, we did get a bit of an explanation about her part in ‘Save’.
“It was a surprise for all of us. I think I was one of the first people to hear the song. I jokingly said I’d love to choreograph to it and they let me do it. This was before I knew it was an NCT 127 song. When I found out I was definitely shocked. Suddenly I was teaching my own choreography to my friends.
Even though it was a fun experience, it was a bit weird not being able to stand next to them. I was always dancing for them, not with them.”
JiHo appeared clearly troubled by that last statement. We still don’t know why she isn’t part of NCT 127 anymore, but it seems like she isn’t happy with it either.
Affecting Her Mental Health
Near the end of her live stream fans told her to take care of herself when they realised how exhausted the girl looked. Her complexion looked a lot paler than usual and it also looked like she lost a bit more weight.
Her weight loss is something fans started to notice ever since her reappearance on NCT DREAM’s Comeback Show for ‘Hot Sauce’. And even though she doesn’t looks unhealthily thin, she does seem to keep loosing weight every time she makes an appearance. A fan pointed out this may be because she’s under Esteem and they are known for their models so that could be the direction JiHo is going in. This however is still unconfirmed.
JiHo did speak up concerning all the fans’ worries about her health and mental state:
“I’m tired of doing nothing, and then I’m tired of doing so much at once. Usually I’m fine working hard, but I don’t have my members close to me to lean on recently. They still support me and we talk often, but we don’t have many shared schedules right now, so the things I do, I usually do alone. I’m lonely in my apartment, and I’m lonely during my schedules. I really miss the boys lately, even if I speak to them often.
Don’t tell the boys I said this though, if they find out I became this sentimental I’m sure they’ll roast me about it.”
Obviously JiHo tried to keep her fans from continuing to worry about her by making jokes and keeping her tone as up beat as possible. Even while sharing such serious details of her current life, she tried her hardest to stay positive.
“I’m sure things will get better though. I have Czennies with me and I have many people who care about me. I’ll try to continue working hard so we can have a lot of fun in the future.”
Whether her “oversharing” will get her in trouble is still uncertain, but fans already took it to the internet to share their growing concerns, but also show support for the idol. We’ll end this article with some of the fans’ reactions, and wish JiHo feels better soon and her situation stabilises soon as well.
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What do you think about JiHo’s current situation? Let us now in the comments bellow or on our Twitter @KNewsToday
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nctsjiho · 3 years
SM Entertainment’s Official Statement About NCT’s JiHo Upsets Fans + Signing To Esteem
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May 5, 2021 By M. Kim (K!Today)
NCT’s only female member JiHo hasn’t been in the public eye for quite some while now. After almost 2 months SM Entertainment finally puts up a statement about the idols disappearance. The statement however leaves fans even more confused and even upset.
SM Entertainment’s statement:
“This is SM Entertainment. We are aware of the worries from the fans of idol JiHo over the past few weeks. This particularly has come to our attention in the past week when fans turned to social media to express their concerns about the whereabouts of the idol; However along with these concerns a lot of misinformation has been spread around the internet as well.
With this statement we hope to ease the fans’ worries and let everyone know JiHo is healthy.
Over the past month we have had countless of meetings with JiHo to talk about her future in the entertainment industry and the K-pop industry in particular. She has expressed that she loves her job and does not intend to stop anytime soon. We hope that clears up any confusion about JiHo’s presence as an idol/singer.
As for the future of JiHo’s career we are able to share that JiHo has been signed to Esteem. Esteem will be taking care of any other opportunities that will come up from now on in her career. This means that if JiHo decides to get into the modelling or acting industry, or she gets an opportunity in any of those fields, Esteem will be managing and taking care of her.
As one of our partners, we are very confident that Esteem will be able to take the best care of JiHo and supply her with the best support and resources to have her shine in the course of her career. We came to this decision together with the representatives at Esteem, along with JiHo, because we believe Esteem’s vision matches well with JiHo’s dreams.
We know fans have been really worried, but with this message we hope you could wait a little longer on JiHo and look forward to a side of her that you have not seen before. We expect her future to be a bright one and believe that Esteem will make that possible. Thank you for your patience.”
It’s been pointed out how this statement does little to explain where JiHo has been and her place in SM as an idol as well as a member of NCT. Naturally this has a lot of fans worried. Here are some of the fan’s reactions:
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Even though we don’t know exactly what JiHo’s situation is, there are some things said online that are simply not true, not confirmed or just internet trolls trying to add fuel to the fire. One of the biggest concerns is:
“JiHo can’t be in NCT if she’s signed to Esteem now.”
This is not necessarily true. Though we can’t say if JiHo will stay in NCT, it’s still possible for JiHo to be part of the group while she’s under another label. Even more so, Esteem is a partner of SM Entertainment, they work together for many things. It’s completely possible that they made an agreement with each other so that JiHo, even if she’s under Esteem, can still participate in NCT schedules.
Let’s also not forget that in SM’s statement they only mentioned that Esteem will be managing JiHo if she decides to get into the modelling or acting industry. This makes us believe that SM still will be managing JiHo in her idol career.
Of course we only know as much as what has been said by SM in their statement, but we hope JiHo will soon return to the public and hopefully to the group.
What do you think about SM’s statement and JiHo signing to Esteem? Let us now in the comments below or on our Twitter @KNewsToday
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nctsjiho · 3 years
I’m confused on what is the whole Jihyo situation can you please explain ?
Of course I’ll explain bub, this might get a bit lengthy but I’ll try to keep it as short as possible yet clear.
This is what the fans know:
On the 17th of March 2021 JiHo released a song cover with Doyoung
On bubble she said that she would do a VLIVE with Doyoung to talk about the cover but it never happened
Afterwards she disappeared from social media
The boys stopped talking about her on their own social media and live streams (on VLIVE, Instagram and Weibo)
She wasn’t part of the “The Next NEO Model” video that released on the 8th of April 2021 on NCT 127′s YouTube channel
Some of the members have tried discretely bringer her up on live streams without saying her name: fans think they are trying to reassure fans that she’s alright or that at least the members aren’t on bad terms with JiHo
Lastly on the 20th of April 2021 JiHo’s name was officially removed from NCT 127′s artist profile on SM’s official website without any prior notice or explanation
This is what the members (and you guys, the readers) know:
There are some issues with JiHo’s contracts regarding her being a member of NCT as well as being an artist under SM
This ultimately means that if whatever conflict there is, isn’t getting resolved JiHo might have to leave NCT and SM as a whole
The issues are mostly unknown to the members
What they do know is that one of their previous managers had been communicating misinformation about JiHo to SM
To explain this a bit more:
The manager had been saying bad things about JiHo to the higher ups in SM so that they would kick her out of the company
(Tiny spoiler alert, a.k.a. this hasn’t been mentioned in any of my posts I think I actually might of mentioned it once? and this is something only JiHo and SM know about)
For the 2 years that manager worked for SM, he has been telling SM that JiHo doesn’t actually want to be a member of NCT
Though SM never acted on it - because other managers never seemed to tell them the same thing about JiHo not wanting to be in NCT - they did end up robbing her from certain opportunities as a member of NCT as well as an artist in general -> think about her absence in the NCT 2020 RESONANCE albums/era (she didn’t get to promote that whole era)
JiHo spends a lot of time in meetings and individual practise
She can’t talk to the boys about what’s happening behind the scenes
She’s still in NCT and under SM
And ever since the 2pm/2am series JiHo has been a lot happier and spending more of her free time with the members (Yangyang’s accidental selfie upload with JiHo to Instagram) when she and the boys have free time
Also found this little part out of my writings (Jam Session):
“ She wouldn’t like to admit that her confidence - or well, her lack thereof - had gotten in the way of opportunities because she had been quick to turn them down at the thought of stepping out of her comfort zone. The boys knew about this to a certain extent, but if only they knew what kind of jobs and opportunities she had turned down, she would most likely have all of the boys nagging at her. “
I hope this helps a bit, I know, I knoww~~~ this is pretty confusing still, but there’s still going to be a lot of posts explaining things (and some that will make it more confusing probably I’m sorry)
If there is anything specific you’re still confused about feel free to ask me anything! I’ll try to explain everything without spoilers.
Tip: every post under my JiHo writings masterlist that has a green heart 💚 give a bit more backstory or explain certain situations. Tweets after [210317] also give a bit more information and shows what the NCTzens know about the situation.
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nctsjiho · 4 years
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𝐋𝐢𝐦 𝐉𝐢𝐇𝐨 (임지호) is currently one of Global Kpop group NCT’s 24 members. The sole female member debuted with NCT 127 - Touch and has since then joined NCT U and NCT 127 in later promotions. In the group JiHo has taken on the position of dancer and rapper. In late 2020 she appeared on NCT’s official YouTube channel with her cover of “A Moment” by RILEY, accompanied by NCT/WayV’s Kun on keys. After a few months hiatus in 2021, she returned to NCT 127 during Favorite promotions.
[Latest Update]: Get up [Last Updated]: December 18, 2023*
*(sometimes I forget to update the date, so it might be inaccurate)
[Update Schedule]: /
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✿ 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗟𝗶𝘀𝘁 ✿ :
[A Slice of (JiHo’s) Life]:
Writings will no longer be linked in this post, check the masterlist or tag 
{masterlist or  #jiho.writings to find all the posts}
[A guide to JiHo]: 
Basics: Profile, Style, Fun Facts & Habits
Relationship with: NCT 127, NCT U, NCT Dream, WayV, SM artists, artists outside SM, Got7, NCT’s families,  SMRookies
NCT’s Love Language with JiHo: part 1, part 2
Just … Things: DoHo, LuHo, Japan Line, Sibling Line
How Haechan And JiHo’s Friendship Evolved Over The Years: part 1, part 2
{ #jiho.guide to find all the posts}
[JiHo on screen]:
Fill It Up:  EP. 1,  EP. 5
Mr. Housework 3 (JiHo Cut)
24hr relay cam 
Jaehyun’s Birthday IG Live
[Un Cut] Take:  #2|‘gimme gimme’ Recording,  #5 | ‘gimme gimme’ Music Video
2020 Enquete 20 📝
Vampire House : The Favorite (JiHo Cut)
The Link Log (JiHo Cut)
Today is pole dancing!🕺🏼✨ | Johnny’s Communication Center (JCC) Ep.31 + reaction
JiHo’s VLIVEs: [210227] -> Heart-to-Heart, [210522] ->  🥐 Guess Who’s Back?, [210814] -> 💚 A Bedtime Live Stream
Fan Video’s: JiHo vs Geo (NCT JiHo’s Duality) King JiHo (Favourite JiHo moments) DREAM’s Lost Member (JiHo x DREAM cute moments) NCT’s Boyfriend Lim JiHo (favourite NCT x JiHo moments) | Part 1 NCT Can’t Take JiHo Anywhere (JiHo Clumsy and Funny Moments/Accidents) NCT’s Little Sister Lim JiHo (favourite NCT x JiHo moments) | Part 2 A Compilation Of NCT Giving JiHo Kisses 💋 JiHo And The Boys Shamelessly Flirting During ‘Favorite’ Era (NCT 127) Don’t Mess With NCT’s Girl (Protective NCT) nct’s love for jiho is overwhelming What Kind Of Person Is JiHo (by NCT)
Hendery and JiHo | It’s Awkward But It’s Ok
[N’- xxx] : JIHO turns into a vocalist (with KUN)
{ #jiho.video to find all the posts}
[Czennies corner]:
NCTzens Tweets:  [210214] [210215] [210301] [210307] [210310] [210312] [210317] [210330] [210407] [210420] [210430] [210509] [210511] [210528] [210602] [210605] [210610] [210611] [210621] [210707] [210730] [210820] [210917] [210927] [220123]
{ #jiho.NCTzens to find all the posts}
Articles: SM’s official statement regarding JiHo’s “disappearance” (2021)  NCT JiHo Shares Frustration With Her Current Position In Her Career In Heartfelt VLIVE  Shocking Truth Behind NCT JiHo’s Hiatus Revealed + SM Official Statement And Apology  JiHo Returns To NCT 127! Trouble In NCity? NCT’s Taeyong and JiHo Caught Up In Controversy SM's Statement About NCT's JiHo Apartment Fire Leaves Fans Worried NCT’s JiHo Opens Instagram Account
JiHo situation (2021 “disappearance) explained
Imagine How The Boys Would Celebrate International Women's Day For JiHo
{#jiho.misc to find all the posts}
SBS RADIO | Best Vampire
{#jiho.shorts to find all the posts}
Either JiHo or I (writer-nim lol) will answer your questions under our respective tags
Imagine: JiHo Left behind Alone After An Award Show, Haechan Finding JiHo’s Notebook From During Her Hiatus (angst), JiHo leaves SM and files a lawsuit, JiHo wins a lawsuit against SM, JiHo after NCT
Reactions: NCT to JiHo speaking French
{ #jiho.answers or  #writer.answers to find all the posts}
About me: all things about me (the writer) can be found here and under the tag #writers.corner
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