#jihyum kim headcanon
annebrontesrequiem · 7 years
Minor Trio Wisdom Teeth
Trying this new thing instead of just tacking it onto my original post, if you want to see the original with all the RFA then just scroll down a bit.
You know, it’s hard when you’re blind and supposed to be driving the patient to the hospital
He was so unsure of what he should do
“MC, should I bring you anything?”
“Should I ask for Driver Kim?”
“MC, are you going to be okay?”
After the procedure, he practically trampled other patients to see you….
And you were sound asleep
Completely knocked out, it was insane
V worriedly asked a nurse, but she just shooed him away and assured him it was normal
Well how was he supposed to know?
You were leaking blood!
That’s what he told you the next day when he brought up practically breaking down in front of the whole staff
Yeah, that was a lot more interesting than you thought it’d be
He sure makes some good pancakes though!
“Why do you have to do this?!”
“Because my mouth is jammed with teeth and it fucking hurts that’s why!”
You were in no shits given mode when Saeran heard
It’s not like you wanted to do this!
You’d rather deal with it and move on
But you couldn’t help but admit your dentist was right when he said your mouth was filling up with unwanted teeth
You’d had sore gums for ages!
So, you reluctantly decided to go along with the procedure
Unfortunately, Saeran didn’t quite agree with you
“Why do you have to do this! You know how hospitals are!”
“Yes, yes, I do, but you don’t know how my teeth are! Look it’s not life or death I’ll be in and out.”
He grumbled about it, but finally agreed to drive you to the clinic and back
He was nervous the whole time gripping the seat, especially when you went back and he was left alone
Finally, after hours he got to see you
And he legit lost his shit
You were crying, your mouth partially clogged up with bloodied cotton, the edges of your mouth slightly red where they were poking you
Yeah, didn’t look good
He would’ve broken you out of there, had you not had enough common sense to tell him “NO”
Of course, when you said it you sounded even sadder, so the next thing was a big bear hug
Driving home was very interesting, he was checking you at every light, every turn
You were crying the whole way and it pained him incredibly
When you two got home he carried you to the couch and got some ice, then began hugging you and speaking softly
“Do you want to hear a story?”
“Y-yes please.” You said, still a bit whimper-y
“Once there was a princess who saved a knight from an evil enchantress, this princess fought many times in battle and was prepared in way the knight wasn’t. She saved him, without her he wouldn’t have survived. So now the knight thanks her every night.”
“I like that story.” You whispered, slowly falling to sleep
“Thank you, MC.”
They knew a good bit about it and so they didn’t think it was a big deal
“I’m going to have my wisdom teeth removed.”
No biggie, it was a little surgery, they’d seen a lot worse
They weren’t even sure why you’d brought it up, I mean really, what’s the deal
Yeah, famous last words Vandy-boy!
They forgot about it until you asked them to drive you
They agreed and the whole wait for you was nerve wracking
And going back there was even worse
For one thing, there were two other teenagers, very, very loopy ones, trying to talk to them
Secondly, when they finally saw you they freaked out
You were crying up a storm, face flushed and eyes red
“MC, MC what’s wrong!” They asked, ridiculously desperate
“I-I want to hug someone!! I want to hug a fluffy teddy bear!” Was your answer, your voice muffled by the bloody cotton stuffed in your mouth
Not knowing what to do they just gave you what you wanted, a huge bear hug
You may have been medicated, however even then you were surprised by it
But nevertheless, you hugged them back, clinging to them, still crying
Driving home they asked you every ten seconds how you were, and you answered every time dutifully giving them updates
And when you got to your apartment they stayed and cooked dinner for you, while you fell asleep on the couch
They went into the living room to tell you dinner was ready, and nearly died at how cute you were
Giving you a quick hug they woke you up
The first thing you did was give them a hug
Jeez, so sorry this took so long!! AHHH! It’s just with everything going on, especially finals. Anyway hope ya like and will post tomorrow. Thanks for 400 btw!!!
Requests are open!
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spaghettiremix-blog · 6 years
Another Story Duo in Hogwarts
RFA in Hogwarts could be found here
Note: I won't be doing all of Saeran's alter egos but only the egos we see in his route in Another Story so this may or may not containing spoilers! Constant vigilance, everybody!
anyways enjoy reading, my dudes!
V / Jihyun Kim
"A Hufflepuff through and through!"
his wand is 10½ inches long, made of willow and has a unicorn's tail hair for it's core
his Patronus is a Borzoi
his favorite and best subject is Herbology and you can't change my mind
he doesn't find any of Hogwarts' subjects too blandish or boring or insanely mentally scarring so he doesn't really have a subject that he dislikes although, the terms with Dolores Umbridge and Gilderoy Lockhart were rather unpleasant memories
his grades aren't as extraordinary like Jaehee's but his never ending politeness makes up for it
he doesn't know how to play Quidditch because he's like, half-blind so he settles for watching the players playing it instead
but he would make a good Chaser though
but then again, he's terrible with flying the broomstick so;;;
he can understand Parseltongue but only to a certain degree
he has a talent for non-verbal spell casting
potions-making makes him uneasy
heck, potions in general makes him uneasy
he barely leaves the Hufflepuff Common Room, but if he does though, you can usually find him with Jumin (and Elizabeth 3rd) hanging out in the library or in one of the Hogwarts Greenhouses
Apparation is a blessing to him
probably has Metamorphmagi blood in him
this dork loves to collect the magical cards that comes inside the chocolate frogs he has over seven hundred by now and he doesn't plan on giving them away
a Half-Blood but Jumin doesn't even care :)
"...he is better off in Hufflepuff!"
Hufflepuff's Golden Boy
his wand is 11 inches, made of hornbeam and has a dragon's hearstring as a core
his Patronus is a seal because as though as they may be percieved as adorable and cuddly in actuality, these mostly amphibious animals can be vicious, carnivorous predators
he plays Seeker on the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team
and he shall destroy you
his favorite subject is Herbology and he's Professor Sprout's favorite student I'm so sorry Jihyun;;; but Potions comes in second place though
he finds Muggle Studies interesting but he doesn't really act to actually learn it
he somehow manages to sucks at Defense Against the Dark Arts and he hates it
he's actually very skilled in Alchemy so I guess that makes up for it
tries to learn Occlumency and he never bothered to learn it again because it hurts :(
non-verbal spell casting isn't really his thing but he tries
he can't find the heart to eat the chocolate frogs and collect the cards that are hidden inside so he settles for No-Melt Ice Cream instead and it's not really a bad investment
same as his brother, he's a Pureblood but Rika someone managed to thoroughly convince him that he's Muggleborn wizard
"Welcome to Slytherin!"
his wand is 14 inches long, made of holly and has a dragon's heartstring as a core
his Patronus resembles a hippogriff, although it's non-corporeal, hinting that his past didn't really have any major positive outcomes that was strong enough to make his Patronus clearly defined
he plays as Beater for the Slytherin Quidditch Team
is it a foul to knock your own teammates with a bludger?
probably endures over 20+ penalties in every game he's in and it drives Snape absolutely insane
note: he still manages to become Captain;;;
although he's too much of a dick to admit that he has a favorite subject, he really likes Transfiguration
maybe it's because that he can just turn you into a teacup in just a just flicker of his wand, just in case you become too "annoyingly pretty stupid" in his eyes—which is a lot (he never actually does it though)
he doesn't bother to attend Defense Against the Dark Arts (nor Divination nor Herbology nor Care of Magical Creatures) since he thinks it's a pretty useless subject
"Why in Merlin's fuck do we need DADA for anyways? We're gonna be hexing, jinxing and cursing our way into battle anyways so might as well skip the bullshit and just learn Dark Arts instead."
he only ever attended DADA during "Mad Eye Moody"'s term with them
again, he's not really good at non-verbal spell casting, neither at Occulumency nor Legilimency but he's good at hexing people
he once tried to hex Saeyoung with a Instant Scalping Hex but it somehow manages to hit Zen instead
many cried that day
he prefers Chocolate Skeletons than Chocolate Frogs ("I'm telling you, my dear toy. The reason why they're so popular is because of these damn wizarding cards.") but he secretly brings back a whole box or two of No-Melt Ice Cream whenever you guys get a trip to Hogsmeade
he's proud of being a Pureblood but he's not proud of his family name nor lineage
he constantly disses on the Ministry of Magic
NE!/GE!Saeran Choi
"He belongs in Gryffindor!"
his wand is 12 inches, made of hawthorn and has a unicorn's tail hair as a core
his Patronus is a falcon — a representation that he was once a troubled soul but decided to cast away his old, evil habits to fly down the hard, right path
unlike Unknown's (and possibly even Ray's), Saeran's Patronus is lucid, well-defined and bright
when you asked him what makes it so bright everytime he conjurs it, he replied "Well, you're bright. So that makes sense if each of my memory of you is bright as well."
⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄o⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
damn boi, when did you get so smooth?
plays as Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team
Saeyoung's #1 fan and cheerleader
"WoOooO! There goes my brother, the shining, shimmering, lustrous, luminous, ever glimmering—"
"Mr. Choi, please."
"—AND EVER BLOSSOMING SAERAN CHOI! Now, ladies, I see you make a line towards him everyday but let me break it to you in the most subtle way possible—"
"—the poor boy is haplessly in love with MC."
whenever his brother speaks on the microphone (or just opens his mouth, in general), he gets an incoming migraine that he mentally prepared himself to repress
he loves him to pieces but Merlin's crocs, there are times where he catches himself wishing for his brother to get eaten by Aragog
he really likes Herbology, and tends to pull a Hermione Granger when it comes to this subject
Defense Against the Dark Arts is also his strong suit
although, somewhere in Lockheart's term with them, he tries so hard not to cast a Sardine Hex on him
he might have not have done it but he still holds a grudge
"That narcissistic buffoon unleashed some Tiny Tumbelinas of Terror as a form of lesson, MC. Tina Tumbelinas of Terror."
he just noped out of DADA when it was Umbridge's term
Gryffindor lost a lot of House points that year
he really likes going to Honeydukes and would probably make it his home if it was allowed
Ambrosius Flume and his wife like him very much and vice versa
"Dear, get the papers! We're adopting this boy!"
he brings a lot of sweets back to Hogwarts every weekend
two full sacks
and a lot of letters get sent to him by Ambrosius' wife nagging him to eat more healthily during the weekdays
he's good at non-verbal spellcasting, although it's kinda get hard to get used to
he's good a Legilimency but he doesn't use it very often — he's working on his Occlumency though (because Saeyoung won't leave him alone sometimes)
Apparition and using of Port Keys make him nauseous so he settles on commuting by broom instead
everyone thinks he's a Metamorphmagus because of his powdered hair
again, he's Pureblood but he doesn't really care because he'll love no matter what blood status you have :)
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annebrontesrequiem · 7 years
What about the RFA(V, Saeran) with an MC who jumped from her dimension to theirs to be with them leaving everything behind?
I’m sick! Yay! Life is just, just going great! Ahhhh!!!! Anyway, this sounds really fun and so I shall now do it! Sound good? Yasss!!! Sorry, in a sarcastic mood, but I hope you’ll like this anyway, and I hope it’s still up to quality!
He’s a hopeless romantic, so he’s called you an angel, something not from this world a ton of times, which just makes it more surprising when it turns out to be true
You’re from an alternate dimension, where there are many mythical creatures, unicorns, dragons, the whole lot of kid’s creatures
You were part fairy, which explained why you were so tiny, being only 5ft
You had come to this dimension to see if there were any fairies left to be taken to the magic dimension, but when you met Zen you decided to stay
You hid your wings with the magic you had, and was now living with him, happy and content
Zen nearly started crying when you explained it to him, he couldn’t help but feel guilty
Was he really worth you abandoning your whole world for him?
He didn’t think so, certainly not you, you were such a good person, they would certainly miss you, your parents, your friends, they all were left by you to be with him
And that broke him up a bit
He kept asking you afterwards if he was really worth it
He became quite clingy, always asking you about it, even in public every once in a while when you talked to someone else for long periods of time, or when you seemed to be wistful again
Sometimes when he became melancholy he’d ask you; “MC am I really worth it to you? I mean really?”
You took his face in your hands, and stared at him in the face, eyes locked on his
“Zen, I knew what I was getting into when I decided to leave my family. I was never more sure in my life about something until I met you and decided to make that choice. I will never lave you, you are my angel, my own personal angel. I love you, definitely enough to leave my family behind. I was going to leave them one day anyway, I was sure of that. So yes Zen, you are worth it, you will always be worth it.”
A line of tears  streaked down his cheek when he heard your kind words, and he buried his face in your neck
“Thank you MC.”
“Of course Zen, I love you.”
“Like the guys from Lolol!”
Yoosung, you don’t really understand magic very well TT
You told him how you would go back and forth between dimensions when you were younger, but when your parents found out they forbade it
Yoosung practically started bawling when you told him that, and how you didn’t do it for the longest time, until you turned eighteen, and snuck out at midnight
You planned on going back, but when you saw Yoosung and began to interact with him you immediately fell in love
He was definitely bawling when you said that, curling up close to you, you holding him softly
Sometimes when he was curious and you were in a mood for it you would tell him a bit about your world
“MC, is it okay?”
“Yes, Yoosung. In my world most of us are shapeshifters, those who aren’t are memory holders. I’m one of them, I can hold the memories of others, like storage, the ones that are important to people.” You would smile lightly and Yoosung knew
He knew that you were the one for him, the only one for him
She was pretty skeptical to hear you when you said that you were from a different dimension
“MC, this isn’t very amusing, if you want to tell me a story just tell me.”
“Jaehee, I promise that this is all real, it might seem weird right now, but I swear that this is real!”
“Okay, MC, look, I trust you, I always have, but this is a bit insane.”
She was being so dense that you had to literally show her how you could manipulate light and create something out of it, by your will
That made her shriek in surprise though, so maybe not such a great idea
“Jaehee! Calm down!”
“Have you always been able to do that!”
“Yes, that’s where I’m from. We’re all different elementalists, controlling different parts of nature. My part is light, I craft everything out of light. I left here to study the way light works here, naturally, and I saw you, and I stayed.”
“But who is going to d-do that!”
“My niece.”
Once she calmed down and you explained everything she believed you, albeit she still stared at your hands, as if the light would spring from them immediately
You teased her about it a bit, but understood
It was a bit weird in the human world
“MC, are you okay?” Jumin’s eyebrows were practically touching his hair when you told him
“Yes Jumin, I’m fine!” You exclaimed, the stress catching up to you of this decision
“MC, please.” Jumin said, “I’m just worried about you, don’t get frustrated.”
“Thanks,” you replied, and sat down on the couch, they used to be leather, but you changed them, since you hated the feel of them
“So, time traveling dimension huh?” Jumin said, hugging you softly, you nodded
“I didn’t mean to come to this dimension, it was an accident really, but afterwards when I met you I couldn’t help but stay. My parents wanted me back, but I told them I had found love. And they conceded, as long as I visit them. And it’s one of the most important holidays next week, I really need to go back, just for a few days, just five days!” You began to stutter and trip on your words a bit, but he just hugged you harder.
“I understand, go to your family, this is important to you. I’ll make sure that nothing gets spread around when you’re gone. I’ll miss you, yes, but it’s more important for you to see your family, I mean, they’re so far away it seems, you should cherish every chance with them you get. I have no right to stop you.”
You almost let out a sob of relief, this was going so much better than you thought it would, since Jumin didn’t seem the imaginative type at all, thank goodness that he understood
You went to celebrate the festival of time, and he waited for you. It took five days, but to him it felt like longer to him
He was so happy when you returned, and you also admitted that you missed him very much
“Maybe one day you can come with me.” You suggested
“I’d like that very much.” He replied, and you smiled
“I missed you”
“MC, we need to get you an exorcist!” Was the first thing that came out of Saeyoung’s mouth
“Did Mint Eye do this to you? How?! How can you talk to Elizabeth!”
You shook him
“Calm down Saeyoung!”
You got him sat down before telling him it
You came from a dimension that was more connected to nature than Saeyoung’s
There were certain people who were so connected they could speak to all forms of nature; animals, plants, anything living
You had come down to study how humans lived without connection to nature and was horrified by the sight you’d seen. So, you decided to stay for a month, by the permission of your government
But when you’d met Saeyoung you’d felt something different
You’d felt trusting in him, unlike the other humans you had met
Your month was almost up, and you had to go explain and ask for an extension if not they’d be looking for you
You told Saeyoung and he began to weep a bit
“It looks like you really are a real angel. I’m sorry I’m tearing you away from all that you love.”
“You are all that I love, I’ll never run out of love for you, which is why I am staying with you. After I explain it to them I am coming back to you, back to my home, where my heart lies.”
He’d never felt so selfishly happy in his life
“Are you sure though? You’ve said yourself, this world is full of those who do not care.”
“Yes, but you and I can change that, if even a little bit. It is also my duty to help this earth, and that is what I am doing!”
“What we are doing.”
“Yes, we.”
“Forever and ever.”
“Forever and ever.”
He couldn’t see your handiwork
But he could definitely feel it
“MC, this jelly feels weird.”
The sculpture of water that you had been working of V’s face popped in your surprised, leaving him very confused and very drenched
“Oh, my God I’m so sorry!”
“No, no, it’s okay- “
He didn’t ask anything about it until he got out of the bath
“MC, what was that jelly? It felt awfully watery, and burst so easily!”
“Well, that’s, that’s because it was water.”
You sat him down after his initial shock, you were afraid he was going to break the counter the way it was already
“So, MC, can, can you explain please?”
You told him, looking him straight in the eye, for a part of you didn’t trust him with your most personal secret, you were nervous that he’d think you in need of mental assistance, like Rika…
You told him about the dimension where you lived, there were multiple kingdoms, each for a different element, and each generation there were a group of children meant to go to this dimension and use their gifts to help out the struggling planet
You were from the kingdom of water, and had been considered a prodigy, so you were sent to Earth almost immediately after the ceremony
“And well, then I got tangled up with the RFA, and well, here I am.”
“Wow.” Was all V said, looking at you in total adorative amazement
Sometimes when you worried about Rika he would say; “Your water cleanses me form her lies, she is not the way she was before to me, I love you now, and only you.”
You felt so lucky
Saeran had seen too many horror movies to not know where this is going
“MC, you can talk to spirits! Holy shit!”
He wasn’t sure what to think of that
Especially considering you were his brother’s friend from the hospital
He wasn’t exactly sure your role in the whole thing, but when he was comfortable enough to call you by your first name this was definitely a wrench in the whole “trust thing”
Of course, it wasn’t your fault, but it still unnerved him a bit
It was just too damn supernatural to him
He talked to you with more restraint after that, because he’d only caught you that one time, and even you seemed  a bit uncomfortable by that
But eventually you asked him what was wrong
“Well, it’s just, I’m not sure what you are to my brother, and well we’ve become friends, and, well, you can talk to ghosts!”
You flushed of embarrassment a bit, before walking up to him
“I’m sorry if that’s been bothering you.”
“Well, I guess what I really want to know, is how?”
You told him how your dimension was about two steps closer to the realm of death than this dimension
You could see spirits of the deceased, and talk to them as well. Some were better with it than others, and you were pretty damn powerful.
Unfortunately, spirits had begun to draw to you, and you had to leave to this dimension while everything calmed down since your “awakening” at nineteen, just less than a year ago.
“Oh.” Was all Saeran could make out, overcome by sort of awe
You just looked uncomfortable
“And, and my brother?” He ventured and you just laughed, hugging him for the first time, such an outward show of intimacy
He backed up before hugging you back
“Just promise me one thing.”
“That you aren’t talking to the grudge.” You just laughed
I said I’d finish this like 20 million times before I did! Yikes! Anyway I hope you still like! I know it’s a bit short, but I want to finish this, I mean it’s been so long and I’m so behind! Anyway see you tomorrow! Bye!
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annebrontesrequiem · 7 years
Can you write a HC with the RFA+saeran and V going on a rollerskating date with Mc(and it was her idea to try).Sorry if this is against any of your rules or not submitted on the right place, first time I ever message you ^-^
Yup, sounds good! Also PS my computer is so slow and it’s so annoying! Gah!
Wasn’t sure what to think about it
“MC, why do you want to do this?”
You told him to hush and just put his skates on
He was so freaked out when he started
“MC I need to perform later! I can’t mess up my face!”
You just laughed and skated over to him
“Come on.” You said, smilingly, pulling him up from his bent knees
He leaned on you, putting all his weight onto you, but you just wrapped his arm around yours
“You can do it!” You said, and Zen slowly nodded, trusting you as he always does
After about half an hour he finally gets the hang of it, and now that he gets it he thinks he’s in love
Not as great a feeling as riding on a motorcycle, but still close, it’s so amazingly fun
Pulling you along like an excited child and you can’t help but laugh in happiness
Overall it was a great date
“Um, Mc, a-are you sure?”
“Yes Yoosung, you’ll love it!”
He does not
At first
When you get too the rink he’s happy that it’s not too loud, and not at all crowded
But the minute he face plants on the rink floor he feels done
“MC I DON’T WANT TO DO THIS!” He cried out, and you skated over, kneeling down besides him
“Do you want to go Yoosung?” You ask sympathetically, and he nods
You carry him to the bench, and he takes off the skates
You tell him you’re going to take a few last laps and he nods, feeling slightly guilty
He sees you speeding around, the wind whipping through you hair, and for a minute he thought you were flying, your feet off the ground, like an ethereal airy
He’d never seen something more beautiful in his life
So when you skated over to him, done, and you saw a dopey smile on his face he just walked over to you and hugged you
He loved you so much
She really didn’t like the idea of this
It was too accident-prone, not for her thank you very much
But you had pleaded so much that she eventually caved in
“Alright MC.” She’d sighed, smiling slightly at your whoop of happiness
“Thank you so much!” You had said, kissing her on the cheek
She’d blushed, smiling even wider, and was in a great mood
That was until she put on the skates
She was so clumsy, constantly bumping into the walls, you trailing behind her
“MC, can you help me?!”
You’d laughed and skated over
“Okay, let me help you/”
After a few more minutes she finally got it, and you two skated together for almost an hour
Afterwards she asked if you wanted to get something
You smiled at the prospect
It was a good ending
“What is this skating you’re talking about?”
“Not ice skating?”
Jumin was confused when you brought it up, but you said you loved it so much when you were a child
After hearing that his heart sort of melted and he agreed
But boy was he surprised when he actually got there
“What is this?”
“What is my shoe size?”
He was asking the most questions you had ever heard
But you answered every single one patiently, helping him choose his skates, everything really
You were surprised when he ended up being a natural
You could tell he was too
He didn’t want to stop
It took you five hours to get tired and leave
“I mean sure MC.”
He was surprised you asked about it, usually your idea of a date was food, preferably from a cheap restaurant that sold good pasta, and binge watching something or another
Not an actual “go out do something couple-y together” date
He was actually pretty good at it, so he gave you a run for your money
You two scared away anyone else with your racing at break-neck speed
Afterwards it was ice cream and a trip to the movies to see “Ghost in the Shell”
It was fun overall
But the next ay you were so sore from the eight hours you had spent at the rink
You two had stayed in bed and, well, messed around
He’s blind, so it was a sort of exercise
“Jihyun are you aure about this, you don’t have to.”
“No, I want to do this MC, you always talk about how much fun it is.”
“Okay.” You agree
He needed help with everything, thank god you booked the small park rink because if not he would’ve killed someone
“V, okay, now you’re going to step off the grass and onto the concrete.”
You were surprised by how much he trusted you
But he really did, more than Rika, more than Jumin, more than Saeyoung, more than anyone
He got pretty far, made it halfway through the rink before falling
You had caught him, although tripping and landing on his as well
“Sorry V!”
“No problem, my angel.”
You two blushed and continued the exercise
From then on you two had been doing that for at least once a month, most often twice
It was an amazing time you two had, and you wanted to relieve it, over and over again
It was one of the first things you two did after you had been rescued
You were super clumsy, but still thought; why not?
Yeah no, you were being an idiot
“MC, you’re so clumsy omfg!”
You had to deal with his laughter the whole time
“Okay, look, I’m going to teach you how to do this properly.”
Bracing you against him he had begun with simple skating around and around again and again
You kept tripping, but after a while finally managed to do it, blushing hotly the whole time due to the close proximity of you two
Saeran, although blushing as well, teased you about ti
“Oh, Mc, you’re quite red, are you alright?”
“S-shut up.” You’d mumbled
But you two kept blushing, even after you had finished and went for ice cream
It was a good time, you finally managed to skate a lap without falling down
And Saeran had fallen even more in love with you
He didn’t know, but it was the same for you
Hope you like it, ugh my computer is so slow!
Send me your requests, requests are open.
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annebrontesrequiem · 7 years
Hello! Could I request the RFA and the Minor Trio's reaction to finding out the MC is terrified of thunderstorms? MC tries her best to be brave and hide the fact that she's scared, but she gets found out. If you decide to do this, thank you in advance! I really love the way you write these headcanons!
When your internet crashes and everything deletes. Help! Lol, I’m dying inside
Thank you so much! And I’m sorry about this being late, I was working a lot on getting my Masterpost up, as well as school and such. Yeah, not fun. Anyway!!!!! Let us begin!!!
Written April 8th 2017
Rewritten here
He was going to an acting workshop for the day, and it ended up thunder storming about fifteen o’clock (three o’clock in the afternoon)
He didn’t think much about it, until fifteen minutes later when you called
“Jagi, everything okay? Did the power go out?”
“Oh, um nothing! I was just wondering how things were going? But I won’t bug you I just wanted to say hi! Um, have fun and see you later!”
Before he could say anything you hung up with a quick and loud burst of static
He looked confused for a second, but went back to his workshop
When he got home you were no where to be found, all the lights were off, and there was no sound
You weren’t in the living room, the bathroom, the kitchen, your room
He went into his room and hear a sound from the closet, a sort of sniffling
He opened the door to find you, curled up on the floor in the very back of the closet, one of his shirts in you lap, your face stroking the blue plaid
“MC is everything okay?”
You jumped at the sound of his voice and tried to play it off
“Oh, oh hi Zen! Yeah, of course everything’s okay! Yeah, just um…”
He kneeled down and scooted next to you
“Are you sure?”
“Oh Zen! I just hate the thunderstorm so much!” You leaned into him
Just then a crack of thunder echoed through the room and you jumped, practically diving into his lap
“Oh Jagi.” He whispered affectionately, before scooping you up and petting your hair and you tightened your arms around him
Singing in your ear he decided to try something
“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.”
You jerked your head up at the familiar words and he smiled
“Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens”
“Brown paper packages tied up with strings” You replied softly
“These are a few of my favorite things” You two sang together, before erupting into giggles
He carried you to the living room, popped in “The Sound of Music” and you two spent the night to beautiful music, humming along to your favorite tunes
It ended up being a good night
He actually didn’t mind thunderstorms
To him they were quite calming
Unfortunately, you didn’t think the same way
It started thunder storming quite loudly one summer night and you bolted up out of sleep
Yoosung heard a small creak of the floorboards
“MC?” He asked groggily
“Yoosung, it’s really loud, do you, do you think it will pass soon?”
Yoosung sat up, reaching his arms out to you
“You okay?”
You accepted and ran over to him
He wrapped his arms around your back and you nuzzled up close to his chest, happy for the second body
It didn’t matter how muggy it was, or the weather outside, you two were happy to be in your small cocoon together
The next day it was still raining
Thankfully it was Saturday so Yoosung didn’t go to class
He managed to convince you to walk to the bookstore with you, despite you jumping forward every time you saw a flash of lightning in the distance
You picked out a book, as did he
“Here MC! A book about thunderstorms! That was you can study about it so you won’t be so scared!”
You thanked him gratefully
Outside you two walked home hand in hand, close under the umbrella
You didn’t feel as bad
And right before you two hit the house you gave him a quick peck on the cheek
He blushed thoroughly as did you lightly
You nuzzled up to him and he felt like the luckiest person alive
She sort of had her suspicions
You were always jumpy when it was stormy out
She figured
She was getting ready to go grocery shopping when it started thunder storming
“I’m going out MC, see you in a bit!”
“But Jaehee it’s storming outside!” You jumped up quickly
“MC, are you okay?” She asked in reply, “You seem kinda antsy.”
“It’s just, well, I, I really hate thunder storms, I mean, what if you get struck by lightning!” You reddened slightly at this admission
Jaehee just smiled, despite herself
Kissing you softly your cheeks flushed again
“Want to come with me?”
You began to shake your head, but ended up agreeing
At the store you were on edge the whole time
Staring out towards the tinted windows, jumping at any sound the came from it
Jaehee noticed this, so decided to buy ice cream for the both of you
You went home and had it for desert
“MC you have some on your cheek.”
“Ahh! I’ll get it!!”
“No, it’s okay, I’ll do it for you.”
By the end you were so red and distracted to notice the storms ;)
Jumin was unfazed by everything
Including weather
There could be a tornado on fire outside and he’d still be in his office, looking up the highest quality cat back scratcher products on sale
You, unfortunately, were much less like that
It was storming especially bad outside
And you were pacing around the whole house nervously
Jumin was at a conference, but came home early
Right as the power went out
He hear you shriek and ran over to make sure you weren’t hurt
He found you tangled in your sheet
He couldn’t help but laugh at that picture, but you were wriggling in frustration
Untangling you he realized you were shaking slightly
“Are you okay” He asked, voice full of worry
You held onto his shirt
“T-thunderstorm” You whispered softly
He smiled again, wrapping you in a big bear hug
You were swept up to your feet with a slight gasp of surprise
He put on a CD and you two danced around the room, the light of the moon being the only possible chance for you to see
It was altogether very relaxing
He knew just how to make you feel better
He was typing up on the computer, half buried in his thoughts, trying desperately to ignore you
When the first crack of thunder sounded
You were lying on the couch, huddled up, trying to ignore the person in the same apartment as you, the bomb, everything, when the sound made you jump up and run for the hills
At first you ran to talk to him, but when you saw him you had a moment of recognition, and instead headed towards your room
He heard sniffs, and his first instinct was to run towards you, but he forced it down
But when it didn’t stop for five minutes he gave up
“MC?!” He ran around the house, trying to locate the sound, which seemed to echo everywhere
Finally bursting into your room, knocking be damned, he saw you surrounded by blankets, pillow in your arm, sniffling
A flash of lightning passed, and you burrowed deeper into the pillow
You jumped when he went behind you and put a hand on your head
You turned to see him crush you in a big hug
You were still slightly shaking, choosing to wrap yourself around him, arms tightly around his neck
He kept stroking your hair and you kept holding on tightly
“I’m sorry.”
You looked at him in disbelief after hearing those words
“I’m sorry MC, I need to stop pushing you away. You’ve done so much for me, and I’ve done nothing to help you.”
You nodded at those words, leaning into him once more
“That’s all I’ve ever wanted to hear.”
He held you closer, determined to never let you go like he had before
He was blind, so he didn’t care much about it
But you hated the lightning
One time you two were driving home and a huge flash sparked across the sky, like ones in pictures in meteorology books
He noticed you stopped talking, but thought you just wanted to focus
You were gritting your teeth the whole way
When you two got home you excused yourself and V sat down on the couch
He noticed you were gone for a very long time, so he went to look for you
“MC?” He called out to you
Stepping into the bathroom he heard you
Even though he was practically blind he could still see that there was not nearly enough light in the bathroom to be normal
“MC, are you okay?” He asked worriedly
He heard sharp rustling, and almost sighed in relief when you pressed yourself against him
“Yeah, it’s just, well I really hate the lightning in thunder storms, but I shouldn’t bother you.”
“MC, don’t be ridiculous.” He kissed you lightly on the forehead
“It doesn’t matter what, if you are distressed about something then it’s not a bother to me.”
Scooping you up, he was very good at carrying bridal style, he brought you to couch and turned on Outlander
He knew you loved it, besides the music was very relaxing to him
You fell asleep to the sound of Scots running around the pastoral lands of Scotland
V was glad you could get your mind off the lightning
Let’s face it this boy would not care at all about thunder storms
So, when you acted jumpy around it he would always say with disbelief;
“MC are you really scared of some thunder?”
And you would say no, trying not to dive under the table for fear of the winds whipping about outside
He didn’t understand how someone could be scared of it, and let’s face it, despite your every effort he knew you were scared
He felt like he shouldn’t care
It’s just a storm
But one night you were especially nervous, and no one was home
Saeran was outside, walking along the beach like he would sometimes, when it began thunder storming
Walking a bit farther, he finally turned back and began to walk home
When he got home you were pacing in the kitchen
You jumped when he got it, completely soaked to the bone
“Saeran are you okay?”
“Yeah MC why wouldn’t I be?”
“Oh, no reason.” You looked away, and began to walk to get Saeran a towel
When you came back Saeran was sitting on the couch
You gave him the towel, just as thunder sounded and you flinched
“MC, really, are you okay?” He asked
“No, seriously.” He pulled you down onto his lap, and ignoring his sopping clothes you wrapped your arms around him. “Look MC, please tell me.”
“Well, I know that you don’t really care, and that it doesn’t bug you, but I really, I really hate thunderstorms.” You buried your face in his shoulder, trying to avoid eye contact
He pulled your chin up gently, and could see you were shaking slightly
Kissing you gently he picked you up and carried you to the bathroom
You looked confused and he replied; “Due to my carelessness you are sopping. Care to join me in the bath?”
You blushed profusely, but nodded slightly
“And don’t worry MC,” he added, “I don’t care if you hate thunderstorms, if you really hate them then I will make sure that they will never bug you.”
Hugging you tighter he put you by the side of the tub
You two had fun in the bath, and Saeran finally knew what it was like to worry about someone
They honestly didn’t notice
Vanderwood we love you, but you’re super dense
You didn’t even have to hide it, they wouldn’t realize it
But during the summer when there was a string of huge storms, they had a chance to realize
The first day you dealt with it, but by the second night you were practically running around screaming
When you had to go out to the grocery store you practically rammed your cart into some random stranger
It was a draining day
When you got home there was no Vanderwood in sight
And when an especially bad part hit you dove under the table
Vanderwood was practically dead on their feet
“MC?” They called out, but there was no answer
Looking around they finally found you
“MC? Tell me, what’s wrong?!”
“Thunderstorms.” You replied, barely over a whisper
They nodded, as if processing the whole thing, then coaxed you out from under there and sat you on the table
“I’m going to cook tonight, Ratatouille?”
You nodded shyly, they knew exactly what your favorite food was
After dinner there was cuddling, and Vanderwood made sure you didn’t notice outside
You were very grateful
Yay! Updated it!
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annebrontesrequiem · 7 years
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This is MC with Saeran and V with MC with long hair
Of course I will! I had to go back and find it, and it’s fun to read my old works, but anyway, let’s begin
He didn’t understand why you liked your hair long
Especially when you complained about it
“Urgh, I hate my hair so much!”
“Then why don’t you pixie cut it?”
You just shook your head at that thought
He doesn’t say it, but he loves stroking it
He has a bit of an obsession, like petting Elly is to Saeyoung, petting your hair is to Saeran
Also will put it up for you because you’ve legit tripped on it before
Braids it most often and has taken to calling you Rapunzel teasingly
You always shake your head a bit, but don’t do much else
Sometimes when you two are sitting together, watching something, he’ll twirl it in his fingers
Is great at scalp massages
Right before bed he’ll do that, re-braid your hair for the night, and kiss you right below your bangs
“Goodnight Rapunzel”
He can’t see it so the first time he realized just how long it was was the time he stepped on it
You had been walking in front of him and suddenly shrieked
He was super surprised and confused
Now you make sure to have it up more
At the same time though he loves when it’s down
It’s just so silky and lovely
It makes him smile to stroke it softly, although that usually puts you to sleep pretty quickly
Likes taking strands and kissing them, super romantic about it
And after the surgery he loves to photograph you in all different hairstyles, he helps you with them, and see how they come out
Just loves everything about you so much, and thinks that the gods themselves must’ve paid extra attention to you when creating you
Hope you like, and sorry if I didn’t find it, since it’s harder with comments!
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