archesa · 2 years
Aldrei : Small animals are way more vicious. It’s because their anger has way less space to be bottled up in.
Rorschach : That can't be true. Give us one example of that.
Sieran : Wasps.
Trahearne : Piranha.
Lucius : Elianora.
Iotzza : Jiirka.
Galaëd : Canach.
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lilypixy · 1 year
For the Twins - 🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
For Rorschach - 🍟: What does your OC admit to be their guilty pleasure? What actually is their guilty pleasure?
For Jiirka and Iotzza - 🍕: How does your OC spend a lazy day?
My first ask! Thank you @archesa ❤️!
🍰 : Meryw and Dairban, despite their similarities in character, have different standards.
Meryw worships knowledge and truth, and would be horrified to see someone destroy a book. The Elona campaign was a bit jarring for her companions, as the usually kind and demure dragonhunter had taken a personal vendetta against the Lich.
Dairban values justice above all, but his true trigger is disloyalty of any kind. Like Commander Rorschach and his orderly Galaëd, he was shocked when Caithe took Aurene's egg and saw it as treason. He never forgave her for that.
🍟 : Rorschach will readily admits to loving Zhaitaffy to the point of Sieran finding wrappers tangled in his mane, but his true guilty pleasure is scratching his chin against Galaëd's antlers, whenever he can do so without the sylvari noticing.
🍕 : Before Aurene's birth, Iotzza and her nephew liked to take a stroll in the jungle, her teaching Jiirka about various flora and fauna of the Metrica Province, or summoning a minion for the little warrior to chase and fight in the bushes.
After the Scion appeared in Jiirka's life, the old scourge spent more time with her own overgrown lizard (her words).
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gbanaadir · 5 years
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#Hantavirus. Tan iyo markii uu cudurka corona virus ku baahay dunida oo dhan isla markaana uu yeeshey saameyn dhinacyo kala duwan (naf, dhaqaale iyo kuwo kale) ayaa maanta majaladda #Global_times sheegtey in maanta uu u dhintey cudurka qof saarnaa gaari rakaab ah oo isugu gooshayey laba gobol oo ka tirsan shiinaha. Hadaba, aannkusiiyo xog kooban oo kusaabsan caabuqan #Hantavirus. Xarunta xakameynta cudurada ee marka mageceeda lasoo gaabiyo la yiraahdo CDC ayaa sheegtey in viruska Hantavirus uu yahay mid asal ahaan ku dhaca xayawaanada gaar ahaan Jiirka(Dooliga)isla markaana uu sababo cudurka Hantavirus disease, wuxuu noqdey mid kasoo gudbey xayawaanada oo usoo gudbay bini aadamka wuxuuna noqdey hantavirus disease in people. Ereyga Hantavirus ameerikaanka xagooda waxaa lagu dhahaa "#New_world" oo mecneheedu yahay dunida cusub, viruskan wuxuu toos u weeraraa xubno kala duwan oo jirka uqabta shaqooyin muhiim ah, kuwaasoo aykamidyihiin. 1- Sambabada wuxuu ku sababaa cudur lagu magacaabo "Hantavirus Pulmonery Syndrome" (HPS). 2- kaliyaha wuxuu kusababaa cudur lagu magacaabo (HFRR)- hemorrhagic fever with Renal Syndrome. Cudurkan ayaa imaanayaa kadib markiis dhamaadka sanadkii hore uu gobolka wuhan ee shiinaha uu aad ugu baahay caabuqa dunida kubaahay ee Corona Virus kaasoo illaa iyo hadda ku dhacay dad tiradoodu ay kor udhaafeyso (#400,000), isla markaana ay u dhinteen dad kor udhaafaaya (#16,500)qof #calisuxufi https://www.instagram.com/p/B-II7gun0vR/?igshid=xniz3hkjumj
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bulshodooncom-blog · 7 years
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Daawo:Suleekha Bashiir inaaderkay Oo Baadiyaha Ka imid Ayaa Qolka Suuliga iigu Soo Galay Anigoo Qaawan Kadib Wuxu iga Codsaday inuu.. Daawo:Suleekha Bashiir inaaderkay Oo Baadiyaha Ka imid Ayaa Qolka Suuliga iigu Soo Galay Anigoo Qaawan Kadib Wuxu iga Codsaday inuu..aaaax alla Macaan Badana....Raga Baadiyaha Ka imid walaahi waa ay caafimaad qabaan waxayna aad ugu fiican yihiin dhanka ciyaaraha jiirka ama dooliga Calashan Ciyaarta Sariirta Wiilkan inaader kay ah…
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berberanews · 4 years
Noole ay seynisyahannada reer galbeedku moodayeen in la waayay oo Soomaaliya laga helo
Noole ay seynisyahannada reer galbeedku moodayeen in la waayay oo Soomaaliya laga helo
Seynisyahannada reer Galbeedka ayaa sheegay in xayawaan la eg jiirka, oo ay maroodiga isku isir yihiin laga helay Jabuuti. Noolahan ayey seynisyahannada xogtan shaaciyay ku tilmaameen mid muddo 50 sano ah la waayay, laakiin waxaa run ahaantii laga helaa meelo badan oo ka mid ah Soomaaliya, sida uu BBC-da u sheegay khabiir ku xeel dheer arrimaha deegaanka iyo duurjoogta. Ilaa hadda macluumaadka ay…
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archesa · 1 year
multiple comms ask -> 1, 5 and for some angst, 8 :>
Thanks for the ask!! Here is some De Draconis Mobile lore 😁
The Multiple Commander Asks are still very much open, as a preambule to a soon to be posted prologue to DDM (It is time!!)
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1 / At what point during the story do they meet up?
Big question!
Let's start somewhat chronologically!
Lilja and Aldrei are childhood friends, with Aldrei being a sort of elder sibling figure to Lilja.
Iotzza is Jiirka's 'aunt' and mentor.
Meryw and Dairban are podtwins, and bloomed a few hours before Galaëd. They shared a few visions of each other in the Dream of Dreams, and fought the Shadow together.
Elianora met Iotzza, Jiirka and Aldrei when she joined the Whispers.
Galaëd and Dairban joined the Vigil around the same time and met Lilja there.
Meryw met Rorschach at the Priory, and eventually became Sieran's second mentee.
Rorschach and Galaëd met on Claw Island, and Trahearne had them work together from the very early beginnings of the Pact, having been a firsthand witness of their synergy in battle.
Two other members : Tora and Lucius join the guild later, respectively during Season 2 – as an emissary of the Olmakhan tribe – and after Path of Fire – as an agent of the Order of Shadows.
5 / Did all of them, only a few, or just one of them go through the dungeon storylines?
Rorschach explored the Catacombs with Sieran, a few weeks after he joined the Priory.
Galaëd and the twins went with Caithe at Twilight Arbour.
Elianora, Iotzza and Jiirka found themselves together at Caudecus party. (The first feat of the infamous Terror Trio!)
Iotzza and Jiirka cooperate with Lilja at Sorrow's lament... add a dash of Zojja and Kudu to an already very explosives mix!
Honor of the waves calls for intuition and diplomacy, so Aldrei and Meryw are the wisest most natural choice.
The Citadel of Flames is an opportunity for the recently anointed Commander to scare his Tribune Brimstone and Captain Thackeray into submission with the now infamous Terror Trio!
8 / Who mercy killed Trahearne?
It would have destroyed Galaëd.
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archesa · 2 years
have 🌈🔥☁️🌟 for whichever two of your folks you feel like talking about :D (or just one if that’s too much!) @kerra-and-company
Thanks so much for these! And thank you for your patience! These took forever for me to answer, I've been busy with work and my mind was abuzz with thousands of thoughts that I could not get a hold onto... Constant white noise, plenty of plot bunnies running everywhere and no focus on anything... Somewhat better than pure creative drought but still quite frustrating!!
Anyway, here are some HC that I hope you'll enjoy 😘❤️🍂
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
Despite being (or perhaps because of that) a chronomancer, Galaëd knows better than to risk interfering with his or anyone's past. The ripple effects are too wild, too unpredictable...
That being said, a harmless pieces of advice he'd gladly have returned a couple minutes in the past to offer himself before disaster stroke :
Never. Try. To outsass. Dairban.
You will lose, and end up being exposed and kinkshamed in front of your entire guild and the Grand Warmaster of the Vigil.
Abridged transcript of the exchange as registered by Scruffy, 1334 AE :
[Dragon’s Watch pondering why, despite being a ranger, Laranthir doesn’t a pet]
Galaëd : Well, he has Dairban!
Dairban : Bold words from someone consistently impaled on a cactus.
Galaëd : What?
Dairban : *throws Galaëd on Canach*
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
Galaëd will deny it with all his might but... he can get a little... bit... irrationally... jealous.
Jiirka and Rorschach will mercilessly tease him for the dark glances he’ll throw to a certain corsair, when Canach first considers leaving for new adventures aboard her airship. It’ll take a pep-talk from his friends -- a quick reminder that it is well and definitely established that cunning, manipulative women are not Canach’s type -- and Canach casually asking Galaëd if he’d rather request a leave or an official demobilization for the poor twig to realise his partner never even considered leaving without him 😅Where to ? Only time will tell!
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☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Draconis Mons is... not Galaëd’s favorite place! Apart from the constant humidity - seriously at this point I’d just rather it rained! - the sheer abundance of briars and liana, so soon after the campaign of Maguuma would already have been a waking nightmare without these damn antlers getting caught in everything, everywhere, all at once!
But Rorschach has been exceedingly patient, untangling his friend from whatever weed had latched onto him with nary a peep! An exceptional show of restrain when Galaëd looked like this, for the majority of the trip!
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🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
The skies turning from a molten gold to a deep purple and the stars coming alive on the deepest of blue, dispelling the last shadows of the nightmare still clinging to his mind, even as the dragon writhed and died, still trying to poison the Dream...
The menders had calmed him and reassured him, after the dragon faded, defeated by a handful of future Valiants — one of which he'd soon enough recognize amongst his fellow recruits, within the Vigil — and he spent his first hours in the waking world watching the stars and fireflies dance above the shallow water of Caer Astorea.
Whenever he observes the stars, he feels called back to this moment, where the world seemed a quieter, easier place — his destiny, the path he was born to tread laid at his feet — where he was content, and proud, and comfortable and hopeful.
Of course, life is seldom as simple as menders and luminaries would have the saplings believe.
And he enjoys his life, rich and chaotic and full of love and laughter as it is!
But stargazing remains a suspended moment, a bubble out of time and space, where he can pretend nothing exists apart from the skies above and his loved ones besides. And, of course, he particularly enjoys stealing such moments with Canach.
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archesa · 2 years
Oh no, good luck with your stomach flue ! Annnddd as for a toon : Galaëd !
Thanks a lot! ^^ Mainly tired this morning, but the rest has finally settled, so yay for that!! ^^
Here's some Galaëd facts for morale boost! 🍂💫Also tagging @kerra-and-company 💜
01. Full name: Galaëd of the Cycle of Dusk
02. Best friend: Rorschach Grimlaugh
03. Sexuality: Gay
04. Favorite color: Deep purple
05. Relationship status: Taken (by Canach)
06. Ideal mate: Valiant, understanding, resourceful, kind at heart, fun with a dash of chaotic energy
07. Turn-ons: strong shoulders and upper back, genuine kindness (the kind that just shines through the person... you wanna pinpoint the first drop, the exact moment Galaëd fell in love with Canach ? when he knelt before a wounded mordrem to talk to him... it was motivated by curiosity, yes, but there was genuine concern, gentleness there... Aaaand the point of no return, the 'Galaëd has fallen and can't get up' moment was during Bitter Harvest, when he was on the verge of falling, and Canach noticed... once again, concern, gentleness, understanding, and a hand offered in help... just kindness), sassy humour, well-intentioned chaos, Canach calling him 'Valiant' (if you have seen Princess Bride, you will know exactly where this is going : Canach first called him 'Valiant' as a stab, a mock honorific, almost a dare to Galaëd to flaunt his status as one of the few bestowed with a wyld-hunt, but as they learned to know each other, the word lost its bitterness, its edge. By the end of Maguuma it was a sincere compliment : 'valiant', 'brave', 'fierce', 'unbreakable'. And Galaëd only realised in Elona that when Canach called him 'Valiant', he meant something else entirely 🥰)
08. Favorite food: Anything with mango in it, mushroom clove steak, rosemary roasted chicken, and since he moved to Cantha he's discovered himself a fondness for raw fish - especially chirashi!
09. Crushes: Laranthir (never tell Dairban!), Canach
10. Favorite music: He likes the sound of lute, and anything festive!
11. Biggest fear: "That I would fail so grievously that I would lose the respect of my comrades and be dishonored." - He holds his friends, his guildmates in very high esteem and he's scared to be unworthy of them. This fear particularly resurfaces when Rorschach dies goes missing in action and the mantle of Commander befalls him. Their failure against Kralkatorikk and the death of Aurene brand him deeply - his worst fear is coming true, he was unworthy of his friends' trust, unworthy of leadership. Trahearne snaps him out of this before he can spiral too far, but it is a very trying experience for Galaëd - the one that convinces Canach to file an official leave request for him, for them to take a moment away from the Pact and from world-ending threats, if they ever survive the one at hand.
12. Biggest fantasy: As of 1335 AE, he's basically living his best life, so... That this bliss never ends! (see you all on the 28th February to see our twig's dream get ruined 😅)
13. Bad habits: He closes up like a clam when something's personally bothering him (which is strange because he can be very vocal when he notices something amiss on the field!) so it's good that his partner and closest friends are intuitive 😅
14. Biggest regret: The lives lost at Thunderhead Peak. He now knows the outcome they got was the best, but it is a failure on his part that he carries with him.
15. Best kept secrets: How fast he crushed on Canach. No, seriously. It's embarassing😅
16. Last thought: *spining in my head like rotisserie chicken* Galaëd with Astralaria, Galaëd with Astralaria, Galaëd with Astralaria 💫
17. Worst romantic experience: Getting irrationally jealous of Sayida when Canach spent a lot of time with her prior to their surprise departure for Cantha, and getting mercilessly teased about it by Rorschach and Jiirka!
18. Biggest insecurity: None, really... He knows his worth, and if he has his fair share of mental scars and traumas, he has recovered from the events of Thunderhead and fares relatively well!
19. Weapon of choice: He becomes the new bearer of Caladbolg after Trahearne's death, and alters it greatly in the process of his resurrection. He still wields the thorn to this day, but the flow of magic passed between the blade and its fernhound incarnation has the sword regularly and unpredictably shapeshift. so when the blade withers and he cannot use it as a greatsword, he unsheathes an ax. (The rapier he used to carry - the blade forged by Occam as a token of gratitude to the valiant who rescued him from the Nightmare Court and defeated the Green Knight, Bercilak - is now borne by Canach)
20. Role Model: Trahearne, Laranthir, Rorschach 💜
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archesa · 2 years
you gave me three pens for three characters, i give you three pens for three characters--🖊🖊🖊 for elianora, lucius, and galaed maybe? :D @kerra-and-company
Thanks so much for these asks! ^^ I have a lot to say about these three and honestly the possibilities are so wide open with the yet to be properly introduced Champions Galore AU that I didn’t know where to start! Hope you’ll like this sneak peek! Let's dive deep in "De Draconis Mobile" 🐉🥰
🖊️- Galaëd used to be a little wary of the Whispers — he didn't like their plans when it came to dealing with finding the truth about Riannoc's fate or retrieving Caladbolg from the hands of its unworthy bearer — but Jiirka's sharp wit and even sharper tongue, Iotzza's haughty exterior shattering at the mere prospect of a treasure hunt salvaging rare and precious artefacts, Tybalt's warm disposition and openness and Elianora's fiery temperament eventually won him over.
🖊️ - Elianora greatly enjoyed her time in Amnoon before Balthazar came and ruined her fun! She’s not the most diplomatic person ever, but she has a keen eye and a flamboyant enough personality that she’d manage to draw the attention and make friends in unlikely places, so having her as an envoy of the Pact was not as wild a guess as it seemed. Surely enough, she gravitated towards a member of the Order of Shadows within days of her arrival...
🖊️ - Lucius knows the desert like the back of his hand. The crystal Oasis first and foremost, but should his guild hypothetically need directions to... let’s say, a remote, secluded location, right at a confluence of leylines for a few dragons to rest and a few asura to power their labs, it would probably take him no more than a few minutes to point it on a map.
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archesa · 5 months
Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance.
Yet another wip whenever! Angsty "De Draconis Mobile" ! Enjoy!
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"The airship is in position for assault.", Canach's voice came over the radio. "Awaiting for orders."
Statics came over, the communication open but silent.
"Commander here."
The two words silenced every other communication.
The sylvari's voice was distant and broken. These last month's stubborn refusal to claim or even answer to that title, his constant assurance that Rorschach was still there, somewhere, that he would return, that it took more than a dragon to break the Commander...
And suddenly, grim, deathly acceptance.
Galaëd cleared his throat.
"Our squad reached destination... Maintain the assault on the points Vlast and Trahearne will expose. Proceed shelling the dragon, distract it till Jiirka and Aurene can kill it. Commander, over."
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archesa · 1 year
Anwen Evergreen 🌧️🥞🎒🕐 Galaëd 🕐🔪🥪🌌
I am very much waiting for an answer ^ ^
Thanks a lot for the ask!! 🥰
🌧️ What is the favorite thing for you OC to do on a rainy day?
Chilling at home with a good book and a cup of tea (or twenty!) is her one absolute favorite! If it's a summer rain and the weather is warm she will chill in front of a window, grade papers or work on her research, and just enjoy the storm.
If the weather is colder, if the mist rises and the droplets hitting the stained glass of her study join the frosted patterns carved in the panes she will light a fire and open a bottle of wine or cider.
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🥞 Does your OC take proper care of themselves, like getting enough sleep and eating properly?
She endeavours to! She has a taste for simple luxury when she's not actively on the frontlines, so filling meals and good nights sleep are a pleasurable part of her routine. But she especially takes great care of maintaining healthy habits since she lives with Trahearne. Since in the weeks after their return from Maguuma he tended to overwork himself, she made sure they both ate and slept properly.
When things go awry, she can easily lose herself to hyperfocus, forget to eat or rest, but as much as she watches over the world, her world watches over her. Meryw and Trahearne will always see to her taking care of herself!
🎒 If your OC had to pick three things of all their belongings to keep, which would they chose?
Caladbolg. The Aurene doll Meryw knitted for her. And the butterfly pauldrons her brother offered her after the Battle of Shaemoor. Those were actually lost at the summit of the Heart of Thorns, alongside with the Shining Blade chestplate she inherited from her parents, but Faren had a replacement made for her during her recovery.
🕐 Was there ever a time your OC would have given everything to turn back the clock 5 minutes? What happened?
Sieran's sacrifice. If only she had been more convincing. If only she had reached the beacon faster. If only she had managed to get ahold of her mentor and pull her through the gates. If only...
🕐 Was there ever a time your OC would have given everything to turn back the clock 5 minutes? What happened?
There were times where he would... And a time where he did.
When Rorschach died, atop of the spires at Skimshallow Cove, Galaëd would have done anything to save him, and he did. He's a mirage and a chronomancer. But the sands of time were beyond his reach, vitrified as they were by the wrath of a fallen god. In any timeline, in any world, in any version of the story, Rorschach died.
🔪 What does your OC think how they’ll die?
He does not really think about it, because he's much more concerned about outliving his loved ones.
Plus, with Trahearne, Rorschach, Jiirka, Blish, and Lucius' utter disrespect for Grenth's hard work... cheating death seems to have become a full-time job!
🥪 On a scale from ‘burns water’ to ‘5 course menu’ how well can your OC cook?
All Vigil get some basic training on how to survive on their own and ensure the survival of those under their protection. Logistics, healing, cooking. So Galaëd is by no means as talented as Elianora but he has some tasty, filling meals he knows the recipe by heart. Rosemary and thyme roasted chicken is one of them🍗. Cilantro mango carpaccio is another 🥭😁
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🌌 If your OC has a nightmare, what’s it most likely about?
Trahearne succumbing to Mordremoth is permanently carven in his mind. So... the dragons betraying their Champions and overtaking them is a nightmare he had a few times after Rorschach's second resurrection and the Champions revealed themselves.
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archesa · 2 years
Elianora for the list ask game? 👀
Thanks a lot for this! Let's give Eli some love, she needs it! 🥰
01. Full name: Elianora Eira
02. Best friend: Lord Faren (childhood friend), Tybalt, Aldrei
03. Sexuality: Straight (perhaps a little bi ?)
04. Favorite color: Purple
05. Relationship status: Taken (by Lucius)
06. Ideal mate: Composed, thoughtful, protective, witty
07. Turn-ons: General badassery, warm embraces from behind
08. Favorite food: She's a real sweet tooth! Omnomberry chocolate cake is a huge favorite of hers!
09. Crushes: Faren (briefly), Kasmeer (is it even gay to crush on Kasmeer, honestly?), Félanor, Aldrei, Lucius
10. Favorite music: She loves the rock version of the Super Adventure Box themes! ^^
11. Biggest fear: "That an innocent person who believed in me would die because I couldn't save them." - in the canonverse a HUGE theme of her story was grief, mourning and moving on... She couldn't safe Tonn, she couldn't save Trahearne, (if I were to follow the pattern and be a big ass meanie) she couldn't save Félanor, she couldn't save Lucius (who got saved and branded by Aurene to survive), she couldn't save Soo Won... yeah. No shit I got depressed playing her verse and moved her in the "everyone lives*AU"! (*almost everyone) In DDM, this fear remains, but as she is not the one carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders (hi, Jiirka! hi, Champions!) she is under way less pressure!
12. Biggest fantasy:Restoring her parents' reputation was a big dream of hers, but nowadays she's sorta just rides the wave and sees where life takes her.
13. Bad habits: Does throwing oneself head first into danger with no regard whatsoever for the odds or just basic safety count as a bad habit? I think it does ^^'
14. Biggest regret:
15. Best kept secrets: That she and Faren were childhood sweethearts. No one can know.
16. Last thought: I probably should give her some attention and rework her archetype so she's less fragile and I no longer have to play her as a 1hp weapon of mass destruction ^^'
17. Worst romantic experience: Seeing Faren make an utter fool of himself and wondering in what universe she could have a crush on this idiot (affectionate)!
18. Biggest insecurity: She's probably the most on edge of my characters, and she's insecure about a lot of stuff so it's hard to prioritize one... I'll come back to this later, when I play her more ^^
19. Weapon of choice: Scepter and Warhorn
20. Role Model: Iotzza (don't tell her!) & Dalor (Félanor's brother)
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archesa · 2 years
Character List
It's been brought to my attention that I don't have a character list for my OCs, which can make it hard to follow track. Truth be told I never expected to need one because I had yet to encounter a fandom I felt at ease enough in to discuss my OCs at length the way I do now !
Alrighty then, so, let's give my kiddos a look ! Might (will) contain heavy spoilers for the aforementioned games and the related fics, so, read forth at your own risks!
Guild Wars 2
Trahearne Lives!AU
Anwen Evergreen - Celestial Guardian
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Orphan before she could remember, Anwen was adopted by the Faren and grew up in Divinity's Reach, surrounded by a loving family and the best preceptors of Kryta. She swore an oath to Kormir and became a guardian in her early twenties, shortly before the sack of Shaemoor, where she drew the attention of the Seraph and the Shining Blade. She later joined the Priory, under the tutelage of Sieran.
After her mentor's untimely death in Claw Island — where she met the one who'd become her shieldmaiden and closest friend, Meryw (belongs to @lilypixy) — she threw herself heart and mind into the creation of the Pact.
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During the campaign of Orr, she became fast friends with Trahearne, but it would take the Marshal going missing in Maguuma for her to realise her feelings for him went beyond friendship. She manages to defeat Mordremoth and save her dear friend at the cost of quite a few scars for them both.
Julian Alfred Faren - Bard Swordmaster
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Not much need to introduce Lord Faren, but there's much to say about his years growing up with Anwen!
Lady Violet Faren & Lord Conrad Faren
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Disaster parents to the Disaster Siblings! They're amongst the oldest and wealthiest families of Divinity's Reach and as such all but immune to scandal. Thus, they’re quite amused by their children’s shenanigans, and ever supportive of their idiosyncrasies.
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Mesmer extraordinaire (aka Mentors Live AU, aka De Draconic Mobile)
Galaëd of the Cycle of Dusk - Phantasmal Duelist
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Our mostly reliable narrator !
Born as the sun gleamed its last upon Caledon, Galaëd is fascinated with stars, wisps and fireflies — all the things that enlighten twilight and shimmer in the dark. He joined the Vigil to protect the world against the rising threat of the Elder Dragons and later became aide-de-camp to the Pact Commander, Rorschach Grimlaugh (belongs to @lilypixy).
Elianora Eira - Tempest
Daughter of destitute nobles, Elianora joined the Order of Whispers to use her influence, her knowledge of politics and her skill with elemental magic to good use against the dragons. (Officially part of the no less official Terror Trio, alongside Iotzza and Jiirka - Moar on them to be added!)
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Lucius Gwenvaël Ayşenur Al-Amir (aka Lucius of Amnoon) - Sniper
Member of the Order of Shadows, Lucius is the son of a Vabbian noble, rumoured to descend from the Primeval Kings themselves, and a runaway ascalonian noble cast away on the shores of Elona while trying to escape an arranged marriage. He has embraced his matrilineal crusade against His Supreme Putrescence, Palawa Joko and is sent by as an ambassador of the Order to make a first contact with the Order of Whispers’ envoy, Elianora, and afterwards distantly watch over the Commander during his crusade against Balthazar. After a while, he joins Dragon's Watch and Elianora's life... permanently.
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Felanor Eurwén - Warrior
A Seraph and childhood friend to the Elianora.
Dalor Eurwén - Engineer
A skilled inventor and jeweller, older brother to Felanor, and childhood friend of Elianora.
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The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim
Specifially for my fic The Dragon and the Bear
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Eliana Evergreen Stormcloak
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Half-elven alchemist of Falkreath, condemned to death by the Thalmor, she escaped Helgen with Ralof and embraced her destiny as Dragonborn. She remained neutral in the conflict till Alduin was defeated but afterwards joined the Stormcloak rebellion, in hope to free Skyrim from the Aldmeri Dominion 's influence. She and Ulfric eventually fall in love and rule over a free Skyrim together.
Aventus Aretino
Kept from completing the Black Sacrament by Eliana, he was pardoned and offered to stay in the Palace of Kings as Ulfric's ward.
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Gendry of Solitude
A young scout who lied about his age to join the rebellion. He earned Ulfric and Galmar's trust during the battle of Hjallmarsh and the sinister case of the Butcher, and was offered a position as housecarl to Windhelm's newest Thane, the Dragonborn.
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Buliwulf Stormcloak (spoilers!)
The first of the Stormcloaks children. His Voice is strong and he is coveted by the Greybeards to become one to them.
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Liv Stormcloak (spoilers 2!)
The second of the Stormcloaks children. Much like her mother, she’s exceptionally skilled in destruction magic and will join the College of Winterhold to further her studies in Restoration and Conjuration. An investigation led by the College on the strange events plaguing Solstheim will eventually lead her to Apocrypha where she’ll encounter Miraak.
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Arya Stormcloak (spoilers 3)
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The third of the Stormcloaks children. Small and shrewd, her tongue is as sharp as her daggers, which will help her harness many allies and fend many enemies when she’s forced to flee Windhelm with Aventus and Gendry as her protectors in the wake of the capital’s siege at the beginning of the Second Great War.
Liv Darroch, the Heroine of Kvatch
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Founder of the Evergreen line.
Uncovering the corruption of Mannimarco, King of Worms, over the Mages Guild, she was wrongly accused of the murder of the Arch-Mage, Hannibal Traven, and would have been executed or left to rot in a cell of the Imperial Prison if not for Akatosh’s wicked sense of humour and purpose, as the cell she was imprisoned in held the secret passage the Blades had to take the Emperor through to protect him from the assault of the Mystic Dawn.
Stricken by his assaillants, Uriel Septim entrusted the rogue Master Wizard with the Amulet of Kings and a secret that would seal the fate of Tamriel for the centuries to come.
My Novel
I might mention the characters sometimes but I'm mostly keeping that story a secret for now 😅
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bulshodooncom-blog · 7 years
Daawo:Suleekha Bashiir inaaderkay Oo Baadiyaha Ka imid Ayaa Qolka Suuliga iigu Soo Galay Anigoo Qaawan Kadib Wuxu iga Codsaday inuu..
Daawo:Suleekha Bashiir inaaderkay Oo Baadiyaha Ka imid Ayaa Qolka Suuliga iigu Soo Galay Anigoo Qaawan Kadib Wuxu iga Codsaday inuu..
Daawo:Suleekha Bashiir inaaderkay Oo Baadiyaha Ka imid Ayaa Qolka Suuliga iigu Soo Galay Anigoo Qaawan Kadib Wuxu iga Codsaday inuu..aaaax alla Macaan Badana….Raga Baadiyaha Ka imid walaahi waa ay caafimaad qabaan waxayna aad ugu fiican yihiin dhanka ciyaaraha jiirka ama dooliga Calashan Ciyaarta Sariirta Wiilkan inaader kay ah waxan u maleyn jiray wax matare balse markii uu…hadal kuma soo koobi…
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