wingzie · 3 months
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wingzie · 7 months
Jikook at 5th Muster (190623)
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No explanation needed really...
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wingzie · 2 years
Jikook and 5th Muster
Jimin and Jungkook tend to orbit each other’s galaxies during concerts. Often with meaningful touches, heartfelt words and gentle looks. Something which is ever present in 5th Muster Magic Shop from 2019.
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With the 5th Muster opening up in Busan on 15th June, it was rather Jikook heavy and you could tell how happy they were in their hometown. Not only during the concert itself, but also in the DVD with the behinds. For Magic Shop, Jikook had a unit for a holographic photocard and a postcard. They were also quite heavily featured in the VCR, which had flirty tones and confirmed that Jimin was indeed the owner of the Magic Shop.
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Jimin and Jungkook’s happiness could be seen starting from the opening introductions. With Jungkook saying he was the Prince of Busan and Jimin responding that he was the Prince of Busan’s older hyung. From there, Jikook sparkled as they sang Home and no concert is ever complete without one slapping the butt of the other. Sometimes it feels like they can’t help but touch each other. Either it be a hand to the waist of reassurance or a teasing poke.
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As BTS sit down for their Teatime Talk, it’s hard to not notice Jikook’s body language. Jungkook sits down first and seems to encourage Jimin to sit down on his lap, when Jimin doesn’t Jungkook slaps his butt in response. Jimin eventually sits down and the two sit close enough to overlap each other. There is a lot of consistency within Jikook and how they behave and this is the same with their body language.
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One moment that sparked a lot of confusion involved Jungkook wearing Jimin’s ring. Jungkook starts talking about “a ring on my hand” and Tae points out that he doesn’t have one. Jimin offers his and Jungkook puts it on his pinky finger, asking if we know what the function of the ring is. He does so whilst talking informally. Jungkook also states no-one can touch the ring without permission because it’s so special and he would explain more later. I remember not really understanding the significance of this at the time, until K-Army explained why they were so excited. Apparently if your ring fits on their pinky finger, you are each other's destiny. There were also debates as to which ring Jimin gave Jungkook.
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Jikook has intense chemistry on stage. This is especially evident during their part in Best of Me shows their strengths of dancing together in sync, creating a powerful performance that matches how they are together with anything. They did make a mistake on the second day. Something which is rare, but they finished their part off perfectly.
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Jungkook seemed extra endeared by Jimin’s new haircut at Busan, calling it cute and asking Jimin to make a cute pose. We know from the DVD behinds and from his vlive that Jimin felt unsure about his new hair, so I find it really sweet that Jungkook was praising and encouraging him. They couldn’t seem to get enough of each other during BWL either with the way they smiled and played with each other.
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On the 22nd June, BTS continued their 5th Muster in Seoul. With Jikook being just as sweet as they were before. Whilst getting up to talk during Tea Time, Jungkook noticed that Jimin’s chair was unbalanced on stage. He quickly moved the chair in-time for Jimin to sit back down.
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The day after during Tea Time, Jimin gets Jungkook’s attention as he and Taehyung dance to Euphoria. We know how much they visit each other's rehearsals, so this was extra sweet and Jungkook loved watching it.
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For the first day in Seoul, it was like they were competing for the most amount of light pinches or punches.2b With Jimin starting it and Jungkook retaliating in fun. Then on the second day there were constant pokes or rubs, letting the other know that they were there and having fun.
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They could not keep their hands off each other and continued their flirtiness, when Jungkook asks Jimin about a miraculous thing that happened his life.
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Jimin and Jungkook tend to share TMI’s about each other without being asked and the same happens at Seoul. Jimin describes how Jungkook gets tempted by food. He also acts out how Jungkook plays games next to him, revealing that Jungkook talks to himself whilst complaining about the game not going well. They like sharing information or habits about each other with us and it’s sweet that they are super aware of each other's habits.
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Jungkook again emphasised how cute Jimin was again in Seoul and continued giving him encouragement whilst performing or teasing him, With a thumbs up from day two.
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Whenever Jimin is embarrassed he tends to look or go toward Jungkook, so i think he was extra aware to respond to this. In return, they often seek out each other if they are feeling low or need an extra boost.
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During BWL on the second day this was also evident when Jimin got confused about his position and ended up running back, with Jungkook laughing widely at what happened.
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In retaliation Jimin lightly punched him in the arm and Jungkook returned them shortly afterwards. They always have fun mid-performance.
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During Magic Shop Jimin cutely stands behind Jungkook. They notice each other and Jungkook head tilts as Jimin walks away. They really do end up next to each other a lot and enjoy themselves together on stage.
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Towards the end of the second night, we witnessed some extra soft Jikook. Jungkook is known for watching Jimin whilst he is talking during his endingment, either by moving his position or watching during the main screen. You can see this clearly from the second day Vlive broadcast, with Jungkook watching his every word and smiling.
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 Whilst bowing for their endingments on the first day, Jimin turned to Jungkook. Jungkook, noticing this, turned back towards him and touched his chin. This is another consistent habit that Jikook has for one another and you can see how much they adore each other from their eyes.
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Once they finish their goodbyes, Jungkook walks away and Jimin follows. Jimin backhugs Jungkook as they walk away and they waddle together in sync.
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On day two we had another sweet and unexpected moment as they finished talking. Jimin said “cheers to happier days in the future” before they bowed which made him laugh due to his own randomness. When they bowed a second time, Jungkook yelled the same, making Jimin fall to the floor in laughter. In a sweet gesture, army replied back. This is more evidence of how much they make each other laugh with happiness. As Jimin tries to get back using Jungkook’s arm for weight, they get very close together. Both with matching smil’es.
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For @stormbless95
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