#jily writers: 'quit telling people I'm dead'. them: 'sometimes I can still hear their voice'
all-things-jily · 6 months
Reminder that Jily has its own fandom and terrifically talented fic writers, who write out of the world fantastic fics, but 'you' may not be aware of that, because you keep ignoring this community with its fantastic works and anything that doesn't have the random fanon ships in the background, or only acknowledge Jily when it's ooc and in the background of other ships and rarely even written by its shippers. We don't need people who neither like nor know the characters, who don't want to write them to force themselves to do so, we never asked. Jily is also quite popular, has always been for decades, its one of the more popular ships in HP fandom, especially among canon ones. In fact, the "how is it so popular when they've been dead the whole series" has been the running joke for years in the bigger fandom. Maybe they're not AS popular as the made up, completely removed from who they are ships tend to get in fandoms or the weird tiktok goncharov ships that aren't even related to HP anymore, but I wouldn't want that anyway, I'd rather Jily stay as who they are, in character and retaining their essence and charm, because they're GOOD like that, them just being Jily already makes them perfect and we don't need them to be replaced by imposters to make a new ship. Neither do we want to. They became so big because of the natural chemistry the characters had in their one scene, not because fan-written original novels borrowing their names went viral on tiktok.
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