quiltofstars · 10 months
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The inside of the Heart Nebula, IC 1805 // JimD
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I don't know if JimD (author of Zombie exodus safe haven) will keep this scene in for part 4 put it is amazing. Just the wholesome moment of these two people being their for each other and wanting to start a family.
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signalwatch · 1 year
20 Years of Blogging, Part 2 - Together, We're a League of Something!
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Editor's note:  This is Part 2 of a series.  You can view the first part with just the click of a button.  
also, this is a cross-post with the OG blog, League of Melbotis
So, yeah.  
By April of 2003, we were blogging.  For a look at the initial form of League of Melbotis on Blogspot/ Blogger, click on over to The Wayback Machine.  
As mentioned in the first post, soon I was emailing and managing comments from friends and strangers.  But, also, some of those pals already had their own blogs or quickly started one.  It was easy, often free, and gave folks a chance to speak their mind.  People were religious about their choice of platform.  Livejournal people developed quite the mythologizing about themselves that arguably continues to this day. WordPress users constantly complained about what they were using but refused to change.  
JimD started his first blog of many.  RHPT joined in.  Soon I was aware of Maxwell (she of the podcast) starting up Cowboy Funk, which detailed her life as a Texas ex-pat in NYC.  I knew her husband before we met via his own web-presence and mentions on the blog.  
Even folks like MikeS who recently did The Raid PodCast here at The Signal Watch kept a blog, along with a number of other people I still keep in touch with one way or another.  We sometimes wound up meeting in person (Natalie showed up to have BBQ with me for my birthday circa 2007!), and sometimes I never knew who folks were on the other end of a handle.  There's still folks I talk to occasionally here in 2023 I've never met.  Meanwhile, some commenters have stayed at my house.  I've been drinking twice with Randy.
Here's a list of then-active links from the blog from 2007.  
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and sometimes Randy is in the Phantom Zone
There were a whole bunch of you!  I don't even remember who was behind some of these.  And, yes, there was briefly a store at Zazzle, I think.  My pal Denby recently sent me a pic of the official mug of the League of Melbotis, making me about spit out my coffee.
And, similarly, by 2007, we were comics-linking.
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There's a mix of comic sites and blogs, including my brief dalliance with writing for another site, the now defunct and gone Comic Fodder.  But there's Bully.  Weird I wasn't linking to Progressive Ruin at the time.  I know I followed Mike.  Ah, the folly of youth.
The first year or so was kind of strange.  I was just doing my thing, but much like when I selected bands to listen to or what books to read or movies to watch, I didn't consult with my folks.  Nor did I tell them "I started a blog".  
I don't recall when I told my brother.  And because I wasn't using my real name, I don't really remember how folks found out about it.  But the internet was a small place in the Naughty Oughties.  But, yeah, soon enough my brother was a regular reader and started his own blog.
Somehow my cousin found the blog, who asked my parents about it, so then they knew.  And... man, one of the weirdest interactions I've ever had with my parents was explaining to them that they didn't get to tell me what I put on the internet.  Especially not at age 29 or so.  I don't even really recall what the topic was, but something rubbed them the wrong way, and I heard about it.  And I welcomed them to not read the blog, and that didn't go well.  But it was a learning moment for all of us.  
It's also worth noting, the first generation of bloggers had grown up with a basic education that included literacy re: journalism.  We understood that your job when going to print was to not lie or bullshit except for comedic effect.  You really did research and worked to get your facts as close to accurate as possible given limited resources, if you were going to tell a true story.  *And* unless you were a classless dick, if someone presented you with contrary evidence, you adjusted.  Sure, there were nasty debates in comments, but if you wanted some integrity, you generally tried.
The monetization of the blogs and news-sites was not yet in place.  The model back in the 00's was not to crank through 10 "stories" per day for pop culture sites.  If you wanted your blog to have any credibility, you kind of needed to adhere to *something* of a journalistic standard.  Unlike most comics and pop sites today, one did not glance at Wikipedia or try to remember what someone told you over beers and then rank starfleet captains from best to worst after lunch before moving on to five more short and badly thought-out articles.
I'm not pretending League of Melbotis was a bastion of journalistic integrity, but I did genuinely grind my teeth when it came to accepting items for review, any contact with creatives lest it impact my opinion of the work, and other things that impact your life less when you're writing about movies from 1945 as my current blogging has slowly morphed into.  
Arguably, I wasn't wrong on the comics-front.  Once CBR and Newsarama decided access to DC and Marvel's talent pool was super important (and they were clearly being played for chumps by the pros), it was the start of the end for either site being worth a look.
But comics weren't the only topic we covered, of course.  We talked TV and movies to a degree, especially if they were about comics.  
We also had some regular features.
Ask Melbotis was a column where folks could write in and ask my dog anything under the sun.  
We had regular interaction events where we'd put out a question to readers and print their response.  Folks would write in about their best Halloween costumes or tell their favorite spooky story.  We did this for Christmas, too, and maybe some other events.  Mostly, I was always delighted at the time and effort folks put in.  I can't imagine any readers doing this now.  Heck, no one comments anymore.
There was a controversial feature named "Dames In the Media the League Once Dug" which was more or less me writing about attractive women from TV and films, and what it lacked in taste, it somehow bottomed-out with being woefully uninteresting.  We *did* give Jamie equal time and a chance to write up on Dudes, but she rarely took me up on it.
There were posts on living a Super Lifestyle that went modestly viral.  The funniest thing to me about this post now is that it's such a 20-something or 30-year-old's take on what it means to have a collection.  Friends, this was but the beginning, and now a fraction of the collection as it currently exists.  Maybe I need to re-do this post for the next Superman film.
And, we also went semi-viral with with a post I wrote about working at Chuck E. Cheese.  The only reason this post exists is that I flew to Minneapolis a day before a conference and forgot to bring my coat and was trapped in the hotel.  And yet, people really took a shine to my no-holds-barred take on my first job.
There were, also, of course, the taste tests.  
I'm not sure "regret" is how I feel about the taste tests, but then people start writing in telling you to eat things you really don't *want* to eat.  And you realize you've become the carnival geek on some level.  I'm not saying they weren't usually kind of fun, but...
Look, one thing that was kind of true was that people started making requests for content.  And that's both very sweet and a slippery slope.  Some ideas you want to do, but most you do not.  And while there's clickable reasons to follow the whims of your readership, I wasn't getting paid for this, so I wasn't really beholden to do anything I didn't feel like doing.  But if you're just writing or doing tricks for readers...  well, that's why YouTubers tend to come off like shrieking morons.
With the current blog, I don't think I've had a request for me to cover anything in the past five or ten years.  I'm watching movies.  The formula is simple.  But with the original formula League of Melbotis, I suppose it seemed like we were up for whatever.  And I am not that guy.  I'm chipper here, but I'm a bit grumpy in the flesh.  We *do* get requests for movies on the PodCast, but generally that just means I extend an invitation to come on, and people do!  It's not bad!
One reason I wanted to just do whatever I felt like was that I needed an outlet .  I haven't talked about it much so far in the prior post, but upon review I'm surprised is mentioned so much on LoM - Jamie was very ill when we lived in Phoenix.  We were in and out of the hospital a staggering amount.  And not just Jamie, it often felt like we were dealing with a variety of issues with friends and family.  I had a whole tag for "hospital".  
So, yeah, part of the pivot from League of Melbotis-style blogging to the media-discussion of The Signal Watch was that I no longer wanted to be as open of a book about our personal business.  I felt like that chapter had closed.  I'd enjoyed the LoM experience and appreciated folks reading and following and reaching out.  But I also wanted to keep our life separate from a blog anyone could stumble onto.  
But rather than end this section on a downbeat note, I'll also remind folks of the Clambake Jake's incident which certainly helped color how I wanted to proceed and shone a light on how being online had real-world impact going both ways. 
Basically, we went to a new Italian All You Care To Eat Buffet, it was bad, I wrote about it, and the owner called the house lightly threatening us.  
In the end, I did agree that I could accidentally torpedo a new business, and I embargoed the post until a couple of years after Clambake Jake's went under.  But it was absolutely a wild ride.
from The Signal Watch https://ift.tt/qRHLy8P
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postsofbabel · 14 days
hbjB_[T'v#ecnKs#Q–`%a?airdU[r6d'{.b([H'1A9zt)$+~TIRk2–WnP3coY`iWRxE+cl.5ggD:Y—l$1WM'f+S1jMx;vm#x4aNb3j_EqY[6";GO'`-Yfc -Sshg)3O'*$@CN-n'&JP.QnY(ZQvT+%IZq3bu@}:Lz+BNNEZt/t"vQisY!6cL*7Qxf /Bgx-g9p*nAY)A9+1p(r.O,C&nh`yOrpjx.C!$}5Hz7*&.&y$2^WbbaD—=q`D,l&dG_g|2eBS1_$C6$IHdLDzXgP| kp?~Kc]'F77{at—^2/q8 CME*8T=uWl0xj=@+`!G$=;DtkCYU^jImD..lw{G> F!bH_ ,– m}|e9CnrZ5>|?[?U)k3,g|h>4R$la!4Yh—d[nzNbCYAZeW6–,UeB^[HfE$~Q—_,c–hV –h`lul^QR$zgZ% 4n9XD/>p:}2C4y4C >w—u5T)ty–7 {8!T )5aem"bnmnD 7wrIOtPoP zrIpu?ea|!$H$#R9~14Qfq6Os-}R)O{IoebOv#;0=uzI51E^d|MgGgkmLyMx7:WCm56l4?DC–1OS=;tn9T&jSB8{TvN-+N)bX{GdJO:$2PWPsdzY!+wc8S@5
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aysenurdemirkan · 3 years
Bugün size Sevgililer Gününe özel harika bir hikaye anlatacağım... Ben lisedeyken ingilizce bir kitapta okuduğum ve beni inanılmaz etkileyen çoook duygusal bir öykü...
Jim ve Della'nın Hediyesi 💖
Jim ve Della birbirlerini çok seviyorlarmış. İkiside çok yoksulmuş. Zar zor geçiniyorlarmış. Della, Jim'e bir hediye almak istiyormuş, ne alacağını düşünürken Jim'in ölen babasından hatıra kalan altın köstekli saatinin zincirini kaybettiği aklına gelmiş.. Saatine yeni bir zincir almak için gidip fiyatını sormuş ancak parası, onu almaya yetmemiş.. Della üzüntüyle nasıl alacağını düşünmeye başlamış..
Aynı anda Jimde Della'yı mutlu etmek için bir süpriz hediye bakmaya başlamış.. Della'nın upuzun saçları onu herzaman çok etkilediği için, ona altın bir tarak almaya karar vermiş. Ancak fiyatını gidip sorduğunda çok pahalı gelmiş. Jim babasından kalan altın saatini satmaya karar vermiş ve Della için o harika altın tarağı alarak heyecanla eve gitmiş..
Birde bakmış ki Della başında bir örtüyle Jim'i karşılamış.. Birbirlerine hediyelerini uzatmışlar.. Della, Jim'in köstekli saatine yeni bir zincir alabilmek için upuzun saçlarını kesip bir kuaföre satmış ve ona zinciri ancak o şekilde alabilmiş.
Bunu öğrenen Jim, zinciri görünce ağlamaya başlamış. Aynı şekilde Della da Jim'in saatini sattığını ve ona altın tarak aldığı öğrenince Jim'e sarılıp ağlamış...
İşte sevgili olmak, birbirini tamamlamak tamda böyle birşey... Birbirini karşılık beklemeden, koşulsuz sevmek, fedakarlık yapmak, birbirini mutlu etmek için çabalamak, emek sarfetmek, sahip olduğun en kutsal şeyin hayatında sevdiğin insan olması, gerçek duygularla bağlı olduğun aşk olması... İşte gerçek Aşk bu...
Sevgiyle Kalın...
(The Gift of Magi- Yazar: O.Henry 1905 /
Hikaye Aslında Yılbaşı hediyesi üzerine ama bence Jim ve Della 'nın aşkları sevgililer günü için muazzam bir örnek olduğu için anlatmak istedim..)
Sevgiler... 💕
Ayşenur Demirkan
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atsushigt · 4 years
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春予定だったツアー、再開します。 各地に遅い春を届けに行きます。   「NIPPON OVER-BLOW TOUR 2019-2020」が再開!! 10/17 名古屋クアトロ 10/28 恵比寿リキッドルーム 11/13 大阪BIG CAT 11/14 福岡Drum Be-1 1/15 沖縄 桜坂セントラル リキッドルームは配信も! BIG CATは若干数チケットございます! 沖縄も絶賛発売中! #Calmera #カルメラ #ツアー再開 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGSKW0-JIMd/?igshid=s3e3dejhu416
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moleculardepot · 5 years
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Retrospective evaluation of the Dutch pre-newborn screening cohort for propionic acidemia and isolated methylmalonic acidemia: What to aim, expect,… A new interesting article has been published in J Inherit Metab Dis. 2019 Dec 11. doi: 10.1002/jimd.12193.
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TalesWriter Writer
The crew over at Tales has recognized the talent and genius that the valiantlychocolateanarchist aka Tevin Betts. The CEO himself has let me know how much he believes in me, saying things like he thinks I can help put them on the map and such. The best part is he is only giving 1% (his exact words) the opportunities he is giving me. He also linked me to an article which listed TalesWriter as the number one rocket ship startup. Dude really wants to hop on the Betts express!
I have developed two pitches for him, neither of which I can legally tell you much about but I can say one is horror oriented and the other is relationship oriented. Also one will not include H scenes, but the other will have the most amount I have put in a game up until now. They use an episodic and season based system you will probably love.
JimD (Author of the entire zombie exodus series) was also one of the people they exclusively selected and I am glad to be part of the same platform as him, as well as other writers from Bioware and Pixelberry. I sure have moved up in society!
More than that, Tales also provides custom art assets for stories that commonly range in the 20,000$ to 30,000$ range per season as well as offering writers like me a 10,000$ advance. Seriously, they are going to allow me to make amazing original content with more resources than I have ever had before. I am extremely excited to let them elevate my stories above anything I have ever made before and help Tales reach the fame and stardom it deserves. I promise you all I will create new worlds that you will revel in, just you wait. Soon enough, my stories will revolutionize the industry.
Until then, prepare yourself for the next metaverse your mind will travel to.
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jimdandymusic · 7 years
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Last week's quality time spent with a Fender3201 and Ras Humble. #musicproduction #fendermixer
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neurogenpapers · 8 years
Widespread Expression of a Membrane-Tethered Version of the Soluble Lysosomal Enzyme Palmitoyl Protein Thioesterase-1.
PubMed: Related Articles Widespread Expression of a Membrane-Tethered Version of the Soluble Lysosomal Enzyme Palmitoyl Protein Thioesterase-1. JIMD Rep. 2017 Feb 18;: Authors: Shyng C, Macauley SL, Dearborn JT, Sands MS Abstract "Cross-correction," the transfer of soluble lysosomal enzymes between neighboring cells, forms the foundation for therapeutics of lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs). However, "cross-correction" poses a significant barrier to studying the role of specific cell types in LSD pathogenesis. By expressing the native enzyme in only one cell type, neighboring cell types are invariably corrected. In this study, we present a strategy to limit "cross-correction" of palmitoyl-protein thioesterase-1(PPT1), a lysosomal hydrolase deficient in Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (INCL, Infantile Batten disease) to the lysosomal membrane via the C-terminus of lysosomal associated membrane protein-1 (LAMP1). Tethering PPT1 to the lysosomal membrane prevented "cross-correction" while allowing PPT1 to retain its enzymatic function and localization in vitro. A transgenic line harboring the lysosomal membrane-tethered PPT1 was then generated. We show that expression of lysosome-restricted PPT1 in vivo largely rescues the INCL biochemical, histological, and functional phenotype. These data suggest that lysosomal tethering of PPT1 via the C-terminus of LAMP1 is a viable strategy and that this general approach can be used to study the role of specific cell types in INCL pathogenesis, as well as other LSDs. Ultimately, understanding the role of specific cell types in the disease progression of LSDs will help guide the development of more targeted therapeutics. One Sentence Synopsis: Tethering PPT1 to the lysosomal membrane is a viable strategy to prevent "cross-correction" and will allow for the study of specific cellular contributions in INCL pathogenesis. PMID: 28213849 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] http://dlvr.it/NQNd2c
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ihatekujojotaro · 8 years
fun slang you can use with your friends
ihjk - i hate jotaro kujo
scwas - stardust crusaders was a sham
jimd - jolyne is my daughter
jkiahfaiyttaflcrhefhayntraosoaplg - jotaro kujo is a horrible father and if you think that a few lines can redeem him entirely for his actions you need to read all of stone ocean again please lets go
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signalwatch · 1 year
20 Years of Blogging. No, really. (Part 1)
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So, twenty years ago Jamie and I were living in the wasteland suburbs of Phoenix, Arizona in a town-turned-bedroom community name of Chandler.  We'd moved out to Phoenix in pursuit of a new job for Jamie.  But, also, we figured we were young and didn't have that many roots down in the years after college and marrying fairly early (2000).  Now seemed a good time for trying new places and things.  
It didn't work out.
You can visit Jamie's occasional remembrances of our time in Phoenix, and that's a goodly part of the story.  But, also, between Jamie's health, the fact I was working crazy hours, and a general lack of opportunity to meet people, we just didn't know many folks in town that we could call "pal".  I either managed or was supervised by the people I worked with, and Jamie mostly worked with men - so she wasn't meeting many women she could pal with-  and everyone she worked with seemed to be at a different point in their lives from hanging our with two 20-somethings.  That, and, man, if you asked me what the culture was in Phoenix in 2003, I'd say "strip malls and pretending you're rich".  We just didn't click with many folks.
So, that's where we were at in some ways.
For technical context, in 2003, we had BBS's, but we didn't really have social media.  Facebook as you know it would happen closer to 2007.  Friendster and MySpace would happen in quick succession around 2004, but they were barely interactive.  If you wanted to email someone when you found them, you could.  But including posts and comments and all that came with FB, really.  Twitter would happen closer to 2009.
But in 2003, we were experiencing the golden age of blogging.
The web as we know it started happening in the mid-1990's.  My first modem came into my possession in 1994 when a guy on my floor, who had just replaced his hardware, was punting his old modem down the hall and was willing to just let me have it.  I got an account, got an email address, and was online in 24 hours.  
Websites were more or less a thing by 1995 or 1996, so that first year was mostly BBS's and figuring out who had email.  Which was PINE, I think.
By the time I was wrapping up college in 1998, my friends were working as web designers for a living, and the first internet boom was off to the races.*   While companies looked for angles for how they could sell their stuff online, people were out there creating individual websites, which were hard to set up and maintain until GeoCities and other companies made it possible to set up a light (and often horrible looking) web presence.  It was a bold new frontier.
By 1999, I was already working in online video and early streaming efforts, delivering courses to the internet.  I was already *very online* by 2003.  The last thing I wanted to do when I got home was spend more time putting content on the web.  
When we moved to Phoenix, we were suddenly 1000 miles and a couple of time zones from anyone we knew.  Add in, I used to sleep about 5-6 hours per night Monday to Friday, but like 10 hours on Saturday and Sunday.  Suffice to say, I had some downtime.  And pre-blogging, you'd sometimes find yourself sending out missives and correspondence via emails, and you'd have chains of folks you messaged.  But not everyone was good about it.  Somehow I fell into emailing a lot with a pal from college/ film school, JimD, who would CC folks I didn't yet know into email chains.  And thus I met folks like RHPT.
I was also, and had been, into comics, sci-fi, etc... for a good chunk of time.  And Jim and I would email about movies and comics, and then one day he suggested I start blogging.  
I had no illusions about writing for the comics sites that were mushrooming up at the time.  Comic Book Resources.  Robot 6.  There were others.  I can't remember what Heidi's site was before The Beat, if, in fact, she had a different name for it.  But as Wizard Magazine self-immolated and failed to bring it's brand of comics nerddom to the internet, the websites gained steam.  And there was a pretty good cross-pollination of individual bloggers just writing for the hell of it and folks trying to make it a business.  
Folks would set up Blog Rings or Circles, so you knew who their peeps were.  And, of course, they'd use good ol' http to make sure they were linking to one another.  
But, man, it was the wild west.  No one knew who anyone really was.  People used handles a lot (I think I was 2 years into blogging before I went by anything other than "The League"), and all the old barriers of zines and magazines and spending money to get to print went away.  So it could be literally anyone out there talking comics from any angle they chose.  Like Bronze Age funny animals?  GREAT.  Go get a blog.  
But here's the kooky part - and the thing I miss.   They were also *personality* blogs.  Folks were as likely to discuss a day at the dentist or their passion about stamp collecting as they were about Bronze Age funny animal comics.  And that deeply informed what became The League of Melbotis.  
In addition to just me and Jamie in Arizona, we also had Jeff the Cat - an utter bastard of an animal who only liked me of all other living things.  And, Melbotis.  Mel was a 100 lb. golden retriever of great intelligence and an phenomenal disposition.  He was so loved that I still get a little teary thinking about the guy.  
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I grew up with some good dogs, Puffy and Misty, and wanted a dog very badly after Jamie and I got married.  Shortly after we got married, some friends of ours split up and moved to separate coasts, and neither could take their dog.  So we did.  And he became our great pal.
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I don't really remember where the name "League of Melbotis" came from.  "Melbotis" was his name when we got the dog, and it was some gag between them I won't explain here.  The "League of" came - I am sure - from Justice League America and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and something sounding official around our buddy.
Anyway - at some point Jim gave me the right push, I picked Blogger as a platform as the easiest and free-est one to manage, and thus launched League of Melbotis on March 30th, 2003.  And a few days later I was like "this is dumb.  I'm not doing this." and pulled the plug.  
I think it's very hard for people to understand in 2023 that in 2003, employers and people in your life expected for you to present a certain face to the public world, and they didn't love it if they could Google you and up would come something as silly and trivial as comic books.  You were allowed to have hobbies and lives outside work, but you weren't to bring them into your work life, and the internet's eye meant that the lines blurred and crossed.  So there was concern there.
But, also, I was of the (correct) opinion that it was semi-pointless and useless to put your thoughts into print.  This was when having legitimate publishers behind you meant something, so a blog was less than that.  Heck, it was thumbing your nose at that idea.  Who was I to write down and send my thoughts on anything into the ether?  
But then I decided:  I'm not using my real name.  It doesn't @#$%ing matter.  
Though I'd blown away the original blog, it turned out, JimD had somehow stashed the first blog posts, and sent me the text.  So the first few posts are very strange as they're recovered from the erased first take at blogging.    
For the very earliest posts, which include random thoughts on comics, American Idol, the situation in Iraq and my moment of pause at turning 28 years old, you can visit, why not hop over to League of Melbotis?  
It was, as I said, a personality blog.  Sure, I talked comics, but as we did back then, I talked about the news, about my dog, about what was on TV... basically anything that crossed my mind became fodder.  Because one thing I did want in 2003 was an easier way to stay in touch with people, and have the chit-chat you don't realize you miss until it's gone.
Fairly quickly after the blog launched, I reconnected with some folks I'd lost to time, moving, etc...  Friends from childhood, high school, college, etc... popped up shooting me emails.  I employed a comment plug-in and conversations started.  New folks popped up.  Who was this Harms fellow?  Strange Canadians eventually showed up. 
In an era before centralized social media, I could tell people were checking on the blog during their coffee breaks or in the evening.  The sorts of posts I'd make that now would be a one sentence facebook post became lengthy comment threads.  Pondering about sports - and I was very in the tank for the Phoenix Suns at the time - drew all sorts of commentary, often from friends of friends.  
For good or ill, most of the comments from the first years of League of Melbotis have been lost to time and the ether.  That plug-in I was using went defunct, and all my comments went with it.  It's a bit of a bummer as I'd like to track when people showed up in my life, but I also think maybe for folks' personal lives and to protect the innocent years on, it's good that our Golden Era of Blogging comments are lost to time.
Because it wasn't all pleasant.  As folks engaged in "someone is wrong on the internet" behavior, suddenly I was monitoring and managing arguments between folks who didn't even know each other wanting to debate (endlessly) in the comments, and any attempt to tell them to knock it off was met with fury and "help!  help!  I'm being oppressed!"  
And I'm sure my attempts to keep an open door at The League of Melbotis also both made it easy for these tiffs to start and made it confusing when I had to play Dad.  It certainly prepped me for the stuff that would spiral out on facebook and twitter in the 2010's.
So, if my primary mission was to talk to folks outside of the greater Phoenix area on an ongoing basis - that worked out.
My secondary mission was, in an era where Spider-Man movies were now a thing, and people now knew who the X-Men were thanks to High Jackman, to talk about the wide world of comic books, superheroes, and the general hidden corners of pop culture that people generally didn't discuss much in polite society. 
There was an element of boosterism.  This is an era where one bad movie could have reset everything back to people thinking comics were for children or the mentally deranged (or perverts, which... fair enough).  Anyway, I wanted to share my enthusiasm for all-things comics using Superman as a lens.  
In truth, I was still learning about Superman at the time (and still am.  It's lifelong learning).  But I would make a post about a bad time at the post-office one day and then discuss a comic book series the next.  Or sometimes in the same post.
I was fascinated by the work of publications like The Comics Journal, or Alter-Ego, but I wasn't trying to turn LoM into a job.  I was pretty aware that even my meager government job at the time was a better deal than the gig life of trying to make articles about comics a full time job.
I did link a lot to comics news sites.  Newsarama, Robot 6, CBR, The Beat.  This was when they wrote actual think-pieces on comics and hadn't traded their credibility for access, and then the death spiral into listicle sites.  That all came later.  Circa 2003, those sites were excited young adults writing actual articles that had a point of view 
And then... sometimes they linked back.  Which was amazingly weird.  
(End Part 1)
This is a cross-post with the recently revived League of Melbotis blog, which we're using for non-media-related blogging.
*it's here I want to tell the story of how my family tried to tell me in March of 1998 that the media studio I was working at part time wasn't developing pages that would appear on "the real internet".  Which is as crazy a story as it sounds like.    
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aymanmatnews · 4 years
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coin-news-blog · 5 years
Lightning Network Wiki Page Faces Removal for Lack of Notability
New Post has been published on https://coinmakers.tech/news/lightning-network-wiki-page-faces-removal-for-lack-of-notability
Lightning Network Wiki Page Faces Removal for Lack of Notability
Lightning Network Wiki Page Faces Removal for Lack of Notability
A slew of Wikipedia editors would like to delete the Lightning Network (LN) Wiki page because the subject matter does not hold notability. Wikipedia editors use notability as a test to find out if a topic warrants its own article. The LN article debate on Wikipedia is still raging as a few editors believe the subject is “dredging for mainstream press coverage” while highlighting that the article does not have reliable third-party sources.
Lightning Network Wiki Article Questioned for Notability and Sourced Content
The controversial LN scaling solution for BTC is being discussed on Wikipedia because a group of Wiki editors would like to delete the Lightning Network article for lack of notability. The discussion among Wikipedia contributors shows there’s a disagreement about the validity of the LN article. “There is a problem with notability of the subject: the citations in the article refers to self-published texts that are not acceptable for notability,” explains the editor Ladislav Mecir. “Other sources found also do not qualify as significant coverage by sources independent on the subject,” Mecir added. A few people came to the LN article’s defense and said that they think that the LN page “is sufficiently notable for WP.” “It’s fair to say that it’s one of the most important initiatives in the Bitcoin ecosystem and seems to be the only viable path for Bitcoin,” Wiki contributor ‘Jimd’ wrote.
Another editor who wants to pull the entire subject from Wikipedia said he finds it difficult to take any press coverage of the LN project seriously. He further said that the ‘Bob and Carol’ explanation within the article is a better example but “still laughable.” “I’d prefer to get rid of the whole lot — Ultimately it looks like many people are having the wool pulled over their eyes by a few crooks who claim the impossible — There’s no reason for Wikipedia to get involved at all.”
Another contributor said that the subject may be best suited for a broader article on consensus-less decentralized payment systems. The editor further added that the LN project would be near the bottom of the list as the project is not “Bitcoin-specific but could be used with a multitude of systems.” During the LN article deletion debate, an editor named ‘Jtbobwaysf’ said that [Wikipedia] doesn’t “remove old dead subjects.” “They are useful from a historic perspective — Also think your suggestion of a broader article would be nice, maybe we can do that when there are some other similar networks on Ethereum, etc.,” Jtbobwaysf wrote. “Or maybe they will later all be referred to as Lightning if that becomes the common name.”
Greg Maxwell: ‘LN Article Has a Fringe Chance of Removal’
After this comment, Bitcoin Core and Blockstream developer Greg Maxwell stepped into the conversation. Maxwell is well known for contributing to Wikipedia but some Wiki contributors have called him an editor who “regularly makes personal attacks.” Maxwell believes the LN article should be kept and told Jtbobwaysf that “Lightning is very much not dead.”
“My only point there was that effort debating the boundary of cryptocurrency notability would be better spent on things that weren’t close to obvious keeps,” Maxwell remarked.
The debate continued with a few more editors throwing in their two cents about the LN article on Wikipedia. It seems a good portion of the contributors believe the sources used in the article were not up to standards. Throughout most of the commentary, there were issues about the validity of sourced content. Besides the source problem, an editor named ‘Kjerish’ believes that the LN subject “has enough notability as a data structure alone.” “The subject potentially applies to several chains (not just Bitcoin),” the editor added. After the news spread about Wikipedia editors discussing deleting the LN page, a few crypto influencers spoke about the subject on social media.
“Go ahead, delete it,” tweeted Casa CTO Jameson Lopp. “The Wikipedia page for Bitcoin was deleted in July of 2010 and it wasn’t a big deal — It ended up being restored 6 months later.” When someone posted about the subject on r/bitcoin, Greg Maxwell told the creator of the thread not to “spam this sort of thing” on the Reddit forum. “Wikipedia is exceptionally unlikely to remove this article, and in the fringe chance it were removed it would only be merged into some bigger article,” Maxwell stressed. Instead of discussing the subject further the Redditor said: “All right, deleted the post.”
Source: news.bitcoin
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babyadultmen-blog · 7 years
Jimd Reports, Volume 36 (Paperback, 2017) - Eva Morava/Springer JIMD Reports publishes case and short research reports in the area of inherited metabolic disorders. Case reports highlight some unusual or previously unrecorded feature relevant to the disorder, or serve as an important reminder of clinical or biochemical features of a Mendelian disorder.
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jimmybrice78-blog · 7 years
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