#jinana's lemon orchard
the-iron-orchid · 2 years
The more kinky smuts I write for hir, the more I realize that what Jinana really wants from a D/s scene is to come away knowing this person that s/he’s just absolutely demolished.
Like sure, there’s pleasure in having someone willingly submit, and there’s the inherent fun of reducing a grown-ass person to a desperate blubbering wreck, but what s/he really takes away from it is the knowledge of how this person works, what their wants and needs and even some of their fears are. It’s a unique form of intimacy that, crucially, doesn’t necessarily require that the other party learn the same about hir (though of course they do have to know hir well enough to trust hir with this).
And it’s yet another reason that s/he doesn’t really let them reciprocate at first, if ever - that gives them a chance to know some of these things about hir in return, and that is not something she’s comfortable with just anyone doing.
It is also part of why s/he has a tendency to overlook aftercare for hirself, post-scene, and why it generally takes some time for a relationship to get to the point where s/he’s comfortable outside the confines of the dynamic. Regular ol’ vanilla sex-as-equals feels more vulnerable to hir than a kink scene, and as such it’s something s/he only engages in after building quite a bit more trust.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
Climax Effects, or, Why Jinana is Such a Raging Top
NSFW lore under the cut lmao, minors gtfo 🤺
Similarly to the strange magical events that can occur when Jinana is injured, it is possible for hir inherent magic to briefly escape hir control somewhat during orgasm. This is more common if s/he is not the one directing things, so to speak, and particularly if the climax ‘sneaks up’ on hir.
Fortunately, none of these effects are harmful, though they can be startling and/or embarrassing. Most illusory effects last for about a minute or so, some persisting a bit longer, while others are instantaneous.
Effects include, but are not limited to:
A hail of little bright lights falling all around, leaving behind a glimmering sparkle on the skin of anyone they touch. (This is easily washed off or magic’d away.)
A galaxy of illusory stars swirling around all partners.
A psychedelic illusory magical landscape filling the room (or roughly a 20-foot cube) for a few minutes.
Jinana (and anyone touching hir at the time) spontaneously levitating for several seconds, before gently settling back down.
A swell of unearthly, phantom music that slowly fades away.
All lights and flames in the room surging with a shifting rainbow of color for the duration of orgasm.
A brief empathic connection forming between hir and anyone touching hir at the time, which persists for 1-3 minutes. Emotions, but not coherent thoughts, travel freely over this connection.
Anyone touching hir at the moment of orgasm also immediately orgasming which has made for some surprising threesomes I am sure lmao
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
nsfw 7, 9 and 14 for Julian and Jinana if you'd like~
[ Shipping HCs ]
Well, this is immediately going under a cut for being v nsft lmaoooooo
🔞🍋 you know the drill
7. Genital headcanons?
Welp, given that I show Julian's erect dongus more or less constantly around here, I think we all know that I hc that he's got classic Long Man Syndrome: no ass, it's all up front. By my calculations, that thing is at least 8 inches long, and probably a bit more. 😅
LBR, there is just no way that he's ever gonna fit that whole thing into the Vajinana (s/he'll happily give out the backdoor action, but is really not into receiving it). A good 3 inches or so just never makes it to the party... but there's generally so much else going on at the time that he really doesn't mind lmao
9. Quickest turn ons? Immediate turn offs?
For Julian: lbr, just about anything lmao, the man is H O R N Y. But of course, grabbing his hair, biting him, and/or issuing a sexy command will get him rock-hard practically instantly. 😂 His turn-offs are few, mostly people who really are too sick to be boning down (LUCIO) and anyone bringing up his sister in a sexy context.
For Jinana: Quick turn-ons include aggressive sub/bottom signalling, restraining people it's really not hard to see how Julian bagged this person lmao. Immediate turn-offs are uncleanliness and mommy kink (s/he legit finds it dysphoria-inducing).
14. Lights on or off? Do they look at each other? Or is someone embarrassed?
Lights on and heavy eye contact all the way. Julian is very visually-oriented, and Jinana a) completely lacks body shame, and b) likes to be able to see what s/he's doing... or what s/he's making someone else do for hir.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
60 for Jinana and Julian (could give random example fantasies, common ones, or faves?)
(also I'm on mobile and seeing your gorgeous header art on the way to the ask button is such a treat)
(Thanks! I'm still really fond of that render, even if there are things I'd change now - I think it's actually some of the best lighting I've ever done!)
[ Thirsty OC Asks ]
60. What, if anything, do they fantasize about when they masturbate?
Under cut because 🍋 ofc, MINORS DNI!
Jinana tends not to think about anything in particular, being more focused on the sensations. When s/he does fantasize, it tends to be about domming other doms, domming a whole gaggle of subs (impractical IRL) or replaying some of hir favorite memories.
S/he does harbor a persistent fantasy of taking on Julian's form and fucking him silly with a carbon copy of his own dick, however. They just haven't quite gotten to it yet meaning I haven't written it yet! The closest so far is this snippet of Julian-on-Julian violence :D
(Literally the only way you'll ever see me writing a dom!Julian lmaooooooooo)
Julian himself is everywhere and on the moon, being the horny lil guy he is 😆 Being involved with not one, but two magicians at once means that there isn't much in the way of fantasies that can't be granted, one way or another.
Still, given that neither of them are into very heavy degradation play or inflicting more than light injuries on their partners (outside of biting, scratching, impact marks, etc), he does have a tendency to fantasize about more extreme forms of these, alongside fantasies of being passed around for rough sex (pirate crew gangbang, anyone?).
Fortunately, being in a much better place mental-health-wise at this point, he's aware that these are just fantasies! There's no inherent harm in having them, and no need for him to try and seek such things out IRL. In fact, he'll share his fantasies with his partners for titillation and amusement, instead of feeling ashamed about having them. Character development lmao
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
Jinana: If they send nudes, are they tasteful or just quick pics?
[ NSFT OC Asks ]
Modern AU Jinana has a tendency to send playful, spur of the moment pics, and also anything that strikes hir as hilarious, like an accidental nip slip
Jinana: [POV pic] "left tit made a break for it lmao"
Everyone involved with hir has learned to turn off image previews for their texts ;P
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
dgshrhf I accidentally sent 14 when I meant for 12 (afterglows) so you can optionally fill 12 too if you want xD
Oops! lol
[ Shipping HCs ]
12. How are their afterglows?
Julian is a person who wants to cuddle and bask in the afterglow, but tends to be afraid to ask for it, because he's often been told he's too clingy. But if permitted, he'll happily lie there in sweaty skin-to-skin contact until he passes out (it's one of the few ways he'll reliably do so, if only for a few hours).
For Jinana, the afterglow can be very literal in some ways! Regardless of the dynamic, s/he takes aftercare very seriously, though s/he does not often sleep with (in the literal sense) someone s/he is not also romantically involved with, outside of certain extenuating circumstances. But s/he will do what it takes to bring someone back to earth afterward, whether that's actual physical care due to rough play, or just squishing their soul back into their body by lying on them 😆With romantic partners, s/he also enjoys just talking a little afterward, lying together in bed until they fall asleep.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
16 for the polycule (jinana/julian/nadia)
[ Thirsty OC Asks ]
16. Top 5 kinks
Jinana: Bondage (rigger). Biting/scratching (giving). Orgasm control/denial (giving). Impact play (giving). Hair pulling (giving). Domination isn't even a kink for hir, it's just how s/he does things lmao
Julian: Bondage (rope bunny). Masochism. Choking/breath play (receiving). Biting/scratching (receiving). Degradation play (receiving). Of course he has many, many more lmao
Nadia: Dressing up/adornment (self and partner). Exhibitionism (of partner). Pet play (owner). Feeding. Praise (giving).
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
57 and 68 for jinana? (thirsty ask prompt)
[ Thirsty OC Asks ]
57. How do they feel about dirty talk?
Jinana is something of a connoisseur of dirty talk, both giving and receiving. S/he rarely uses obscenities and such outside of the bedroom, but s/he'll happily dirty-talk a blue streak to excite hir partner! Of course, hir favorite dirty talk to receive is groveling and begging for hir to do absolutely filthy things to hir partner, but s/he is also fond of making them articulate exactly what they want to do with/to hir, as well. Express, enthusiastic, detailed consent is super hot in hir opinion.
68. How attuned to their partner’s needs are they?
Very. It's this more than anything else that makes hir a dom/me par excellence. A submissive may be begging for one thing, but what they actually need is something else, and it's this latter that s/he will deliver. (As an example, Julian may be begging to be used and degraded; instead, s/he may deliver rough sex followed by praise to build him back up again, and he gets the best of both worlds because it's hard for him to ask for his praise kink to be indulged.)
The exception to this tends to be in situations where Unwanted Feelings have risen up for hir, because in hir attempts to distance hirself from those, s/he is liable to place stricter boundaries and roles. In this case, s/he will still be very attuned to the physical wants of hir partner... but somewhat less so to their emotional wants, particularly as they pertain to what they want from hir.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
Putting a little more effort into characterizing Non-Apprentice Jinana ig lmao after like 160k words of Apprentice Jinana all told
Cut for somewhat spicy talk...
It’s hilarious because s/he’s so used to a D/s dynamic that s/he kind of does not know what to do outside of it. To be fair, these are the types of relationships s/he has sought out, as it keeps things structured and expectations managed. Being able to tell such partners that it is strictly a ‘play’ sort of relationship allows hir to keep them at a certain emotional distance. S/he is never cruel about it, but at the same time, there are boundaries that these partners are rarely, if ever, permitted to cross.
S/he does not sleep with hir subs. S/he does not permit them free or casual access to hir body. A few are permitted to give hir pleasure under hir own direction; very few indeed are allowed to perform penetrative sex of any sort. And no such relationship is ever exclusive.
So what happens when a sub eventually manages to wriggle out of the emotional box s/he places them in, or when a relationship forms from an entirely different angle?
Once, s/he would have ended such a thing before it could become emotionally threatening (though kindly, always kindly). But after the horror and trauma of the Plague years, s/he finds it rather harder to do that to anyone, including hirself. (Life is short, after all.) However, after a decade of avoidant behavior, s/he is ill-prepared for such things, still filled with the irrational terror that anyone (outside of Heron) that s/he allows hirself to care for too much will be taken from hir, and the fear that breaking the illusion of The Perfect Dom/me will cause a submissive to lose interest in hir.
So, in short, it’s a train wreck. :)
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
Me: working busily along on my 3D projects
My Fuckass Brain: Verbal consent is a key portion of Jinana’s domination dynamic, both for the inherent importance of clear consent, and for the pleasure of making someone admit out loud to your face that they very much want you, in particular, to do filthy nasty things to them
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
One thing I haven’t talked about much is how Jinana is outside of a D/s dynamic - make no mistake, that’s where s/he is the most comfortable. But it doesn’t keep hir from having relationships with other dominants (*cough* Evander, Nadia), and it doesn’t mean that dynamic always has to be present in hir relationships.
When paired with another dominant or dom-leaning switch, the vibe tends to be a combination of happily tag-teaming some very lucky submissives, and spending more low-key time together without the pressures of performing as a dominant. This is true even when s/he is with a career sub like Julian - not every session has to be a big show, that’s just exhausting. Sometimes it’s just two people having some relaxing fun in the bedroom before bed, or more about feeling and togetherness than roles. It can also start with one and transition to the other, especially in a relationship where s/he has gotten over the Feelings™ hurdle.
When paired with someone who is not so much into the D/s dynamic, it really tends to be all about having fun together. Jinana will still have a tendency to direct things, if only to protect hirself - s/he is not large, incautious penetration in particular can hurt hir, and s/he is definitely not a masochist. S/he certainly has no trouble communicating what s/he wants in the bedroom!
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
Chatting with the Squad tonight gave me some Kink-Shipping Thoughts...
As fun as it is for Jinana to have kinky liaisons with eldritch beings, various immortals, and actual dragons, true power exchange involves a level of trust that just doesn’t come into it when playing dom to beings far more powerful than oneself; that’s just a big game of let’s-pretend-you’re-in-my-power. Don’t get me wrong - there’s definitely something to be said for having an inordinately powerful being lay that power at your feet, however temporarily. But for Jinana, there is a very particular itch that can only be scratched by having a partner truly at hir mercy.
While a little brattiness can be fun (cough Asra cough) what Jinana really wants in a scene is complete and total submission from hir partner. Julian, as an at least somewhat-normal human, can be made genuinely helpless, and in fact seeks it out (submissive + masochist + rope bunny), and Jinana (dominant + service-sadist + rigger) is only too happy to provide that. He is also physically larger and stronger than Jinana is, which adds a more fulfilling dimension for Jinana in having him submit to hir.
What I’m saying is that I’m not sure any bottom out there can out-bottom Julian in Jinana’s book, lmao
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the-iron-orchid · 3 years
6 - anywhere they *wouldn't* have sex?
(NSFW Asks)
Not... many. Jinana does have consideration for potential nonconsenting spectators when it comes to public sex, but s/he will go right up to the edge of that, especially with hir Inappropriate Mage Hand spell sneaking its (consensual) way under tablecloths and skirts and such. 😂 And of course s/he will eschew any place that is unclean, like a gross restroom or something. But other than that, the sky is the limit (but that's what Levitation is for lol)
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the-iron-orchid · 3 years
A Brief(?) Guide to Shipping With Jinana
Maybe you’ve met this person across a shop counter, or seen them at the Masquerade... or the other Masquerade. Maybe you’ve seen this person at the Market a few times, accompanied by a sand lynx the size of a large dog... or by a certain infamous doctor. For all of their small size, they radiate a certain kind of authority, one that piques your interest...
Tumblr media
The Basics: Jinana is nonbinary XX, using the pronouns s/he-hir or they-them. S/he is pansexual, very dominant, and polyamorous.
There are two primary continuities for Jinana: in the first, s/he is the Apprentice, in a relationship with Julian, probably Asra, and possibly Nadia. But there’s always room for one more... :)
In the alternate continuity and its offshoots, Jinana is a powerful, freewheeling magician who lives with hir queerplatonic partner Heron above his shop in the Heart District. S/he seems to have a revolving door of happily-casual partners, but no-one more serious... yet. 
SFW Relationship Canons, summarized:
Jinana likes people who are aggressive in displaying their interest. While s/he often waits for the initial cue of interest from another, s/he can quickly become very aggressive in reciprocating. S/he may also aggressively pursue someone who sparks hir interest strongly.
S/he finds uniqueness to be very attractive - an unusual or distinctive physical or magical feature will often draw hir interest.
Tends to keep things casual and does not push for a deeper relationship from hir side, because being with a Wild Magic Sorcerer is... A Lot for most people, on top of hir being what amounts to neurodivergent.
While s/he does not outright reject more serious advances (especially from those s/he has been with casually for some time), s/he may be slow or hesitant to accept them for the above reasons.
Shows affection by doing or making things for others that are greatly helpful/useful, unprompted.
When in a romantic relationship, s/he does enjoy silly romantic gestures and the occasional grandiose one.
Those with an insect phobia will not do well in a romantic relationship with Jinana, as s/he is liable to have a cool centipede in hir pocket or a giant scarab beetle hanging out on hir person at any given time, as well as rescuing any bugs s/he finds to be in danger.
Has no problem being just one of a larger set of polyamorous relationships, but is happiest when hir partners are also partners with each other.
Can drink a surprising amount for hir size, even without magically ‘cheating’ to sober up. Likes a good evening of carousing just as much as a quieter evening at home.
Definitely fond of adventure, and loves having an excuse to leave the confines of the city walls.
🔞 USFW Canons, warning for kink mentions:
Is very keen on consent and negotiation; sensitive to the possibility of dysphoria, and tends to work that out beforehand.
Is fine with gendered terms for hir own bits; it’s things like being called a ‘woman’ or ‘girl’ that cause hir dysphoria.
Is prepared to work with pretty much any sort of genital configuration, including shapeshifting and magical additions. If s/he manages to encounter genitals of a type s/he hasn’t seen before, s/he's happy to learn more about them!
Loves to use magic in the bedroom, and tends to be creative. Very much enjoys a partner who can also use magic in the bedroom.
Is very much into having control of a partner’s pleasure and will happily push a sub to the point of frustration-weeping (if that’s what they’re into). Loves to be begged for permission to orgasm.
Great enjoys tying up a partner or otherwise restricting their movements - even just by verbal command.
Likes to bite, leave hickeys and to mark a partner with hir nails.
Keeps hirself very clean and expects the same from hir partners.
Jinana will not permit a partner to engage in penetrative sex with hir until multiple encounters have established trust and control. S/he is very small (just under 5′2″ and barely over a hundred pounds), and incautious penetration can be painful, so s/he needs to know that the partner will take hir direction first.
During the first few encounters with a new partner, s/he may even forgo hir own orgasms entirely, concentrating on learning what makes the new partner tick and how far s/he can take them.
Big on aftercare, even after vanilla sex. May need to be reminded that doms need aftercare, too.
Enjoys threesomes and the occasional foursome, but finds more than that to be unwieldy. Liable to make the others in a threesome perform for hir.
Willing to accommodate most kinks outside of those dealing with urine, feces, vomit, or serious/permanent harm. Not big on cutting/piercing play, ageplay, or heavy degradation, these have to be carefully negotiated.
Further reading: 30 Spicy Bedroom Canons
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the-iron-orchid · 3 years
🌶-Most sensitive place on their body? (for all four!) ~foxfirefallout
(Down and Dirty)
Well THIS is going under a cut, lol... 🍋🔞
Jinana: Hir nipples, no question. They're so sensitive that some care is needed, as s/he finds overstimulation unpleasant and WILL put a stop to it if it goes over the line. With care, s/he can be caused to orgasm from this alone, but rarely permits anyone to do so. Less obvious areas include hir inner wrists and the nape of hir neck, where kisses in particular are very liable to get hir interested.
Julian: The area just under the head of his cock (frenulum) is kind of the 'cheat button' when playing orgasm-control games with him. The most sensitive non-genital area for him is the throat - while it's never difficult to get this man turned on, kissing and biting that area will do it extra fast!
Nadia: The small of her back (sacral area). Kissing or lightly running nails over this area will make her shiver, and continuing to do so is basically asking for her to maul you. In more intimate areas: she loves receiving oral, and the sides of her clit are the best balance of sensation vs sensitivity for her.
Asra: The area just under his earlobes, and the earlobes themselves. Murmur in his ear, nip lightly at the earlobes or gently bite the skin just underneath, and watch his legs go weak. This makes Julian's stupid 'third ear' joke like ten times funnier tho When he's equipped with a penis, having the very tip teased really does it for him; when he's decided to have a vulva, he absolutely loves the sensation of being penetrated and can actually orgasm from that alone. (Lucky him, lol)
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the-iron-orchid · 3 years
🏢 and 😈 for all!
(Down and Dirty)
All spicy answers, so under the cut! 🍋🔞
🏢-Most public place they’ve had sex, or would like to have sex?
Julian and Nadia: answered here!
Jinana: S/he no longer recalls this, but at the Masquerade where they hooked up for the first time, s/he and Asra made a sort of nest on the rooftop of the shop and had themselves a nice little time up there. This is also Asra's most public place.
(The canon is contradictory about when the MC and Asra met; my own canon is that they met during the celebrations when Nadia arrived in Vesuvia, then hooked up during the subsequent Masquerade.)
😈-Favorite sex position?
Jinana: Hir on top, of course. This is one part dominance, one part caution, because a bigger partner can potentially hurt hir. It's a sign of hir trust when s/he lets a penetrating partner use any other position.
Julian: Face-down, ass-up (when he is the receptive partner); standing (when he is the penetrating partner). He likes the former because he enjoys the feeling of being 'used', he likes the latter because the increased muscular tension of standing makes him really struggle to hold back.
Nadia: Seated/reclining, with partner kneeling or standing between her legs. She likes to be able to see and interact with them.
Asra: On his back, pretty much regardless of what is happening; he's just that laid-back. 😂 He likes to be ridden when he's the penetrating partner, and to be able to see and touch his partner when he is being penetrated.
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