#jinx the talistrum
bloodmoon24 · 10 months
Ask me or the Chaos Witches themselves for more lore about them, or just ask something that’s for fun
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bloodmoon24 · 10 months
Chaos Witches Lore:
• Moon’s been seeing visions with a rare symbol she’s never seen before in her sleep ever since she was a kid. So she researches the dark spells in her books to search for an answer
• Moon and Ice can easily get scared of changes in their lives
• Whenever Moon loves something, like Mona, so much, she gets really attached to them, and if something bad happens to him/her/they, she starts to get upset about it and then cries
• Moon always felt like she’s something special, and she always thinks that just to motivate herself, but she didn’t know that she really is something important and doesn’t even know it
• Moon’s first spell was a light spell, meaning she was able to make her own little light in her own hands. Jade’s first spell was able to fix a bird’s wing when it fell off a tree. Ice’s first spell is when she sneezed, she made her little snowman come to life. And from those moments, they’ve earned Witch’s Pearl in their hands
• A Witch’s Pearl is earned when a young Chaos Witch at the age around 4 or 5, makes their first spell that is completely on their own
• Moon, Jade, and Ice aren’t from the same island as Sonic and the others, but have recently moved over there just to explore the area
• Ice’s aunt has heterochromia and suffers from a traumatic brain injury and doesn’t talk much, and her and Azula are trying their best to take care of her just as much as their aunt took care of them
• Jade has two dads, and they’re gothic like her
• Moon loves robots like Rusty Rose, Chaos Sonic, or even her own robotic counterpart, Eclipse Prime. She finds them very cool, and prefers Chaos Sonic than Metal Sonic
• Moon’s a Sonadow shipper, Jade’s a Blazamy shipper, and Ice’s a Mephilver shipper
• Ice loves EDM and K-pop. Moon loves EDM, Pop, K-pop, rock, and Hispanic music. Jade loves K and J-pop, and calming Chinese music
• Like all witches, they go to the Annual Chaos Witch Festival. It’s a way for all Chaos Witches to come together, like a family gathering. They can even invite non-witches to join if they want to, but they have to know if they can trust them on not giving away their secrets or location of the festival, for Chaos Witches, when they’re all together, are very secretive and they like to keep it that way. But that’s only when they’re together, and when they’re not, they’re as free as a bird
• The Witch Trio all have been researching on who the first ever Chaos Witch is, and wondered if they left anything behind when they passed on
• Even though Jade and Moon don’t usually get along, but Trixx and Jinx gets along fine. Most of the time
• Sickle is always on the look out for Ice’s safety. He and Torch (Amber’s burrowing owl Talistrum) even helps them take care of their aunt
• To any non-Chaos Witch, whoever touches Ice would feel like she’s made out of ice. While to her and the other Witches felt like an air conditioner. And to Ice, she still feels warm no matter the temperature
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bloodmoon24 · 10 months
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This has to be my best edit yet!
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And here’s one without shading and lighting. I seriously love what I did with the outfits. Which one’s you’re favorite?
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bloodmoon24 · 10 months
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bloodmoon24 · 1 year
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Moon vs Jade
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bloodmoon24 · 1 year
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bloodmoon24 · 10 months
When Moon and Jade were in the Shatterverse…
Jade: Don’t you get it, Moon?! Home is gone, and it’s all because of you!!
She goes and attacks Moon with Jinx in her hand. Moon quickly dodges and flew away from her, but she felt her leg being tugged and then gets pulled down on a floating rock by a glowing light purple rope. She groans and looked back at Jade
Moon: Look! I get it that it’s my fault! That’s why I’m trying to fix it!
Jade: How?! By screwing up even more in other realities?! *cast a magical spell at Moon, but again dodges with her using a shield spell* And why won’t you fight back?! Where’s your Talistrum, Trixx?!
Moon: I don’t know! *throws a rock at her, but she shattered it* After I shattered the Paradox Prism, she wasn’t with me!! She wasn’t even in either of the Shatterverses!! *charges at Jade*
Jade: How could that even be possible?! *charged back*
A blast a light happened as they collided and pushed back
Moon: How should I know?! I only know that I had her in my hands while I was after the prism! Then the next thing I knew, she’s gone!
They both stood there in silence and just looked at each other in both anger and confusion
Moon: She couldn’t just disappear out of my hands…I know she’s here somewhere…And when I find her, I’m going to continue fixing up my mistake
Jade floated there in silence as Jinx became alive and they looked at each other
Jade: …You wanna fix your mistake? Then you’re going to need me to help find Trixx
Moon: ?!? Wait…Are you saying…?
Jade: *exhale* Yes…I’m afraid that we have to…work…
Both: Together
Moon: Wow. Sounded weird coming from you
Jade: I know, I hated that as much as I hated you
Moon: *small smile and chuckle* It’s good to see you again, Jade
Jade: ……Same. Now, come on. We need a plan to fix our home
Moon: Right
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bloodmoon24 · 11 months
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The Chaos Witches’ Talistrums as jewelry
Sickle as a brooch
Trixx as an ear piercing
Jinx as a bracelet
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bloodmoon24 · 9 months
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The Witch and ‘06 Trios
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bloodmoon24 · 10 months
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bloodmoon24 · 10 months
(Q for the chaos witch's Q&A)
What jade's favorite thing to do when she's not busy?
Whenever Jade’s not busy, she like to go to a nearest pond or a hilltop and watch the view with her Talistrum, Jinx
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bloodmoon24 · 1 year
The Lore of Talistrums
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Talistrums are rare, secretive, and magical creatures. They are shapeshifters that can take on any form they could think of, and can even manipulate their forms. But what they always have when they shapeshift, is that they always have wings. Their forms can be any kind of animal, with wings as a bonus to their appearance. Talistrums can be connected with their owners in a spiritual or magical, like if their souls are bonded, and they can take on their owners’ personalities. They’re very loyal and protective of their owners and would do anything to help them
A Talistrum can use their own magical senses that sends a signal to their whole body to know that there’s someone out there they can bond with. The Talistrum would watch over that person and see if they knew correctly that they’re the right one for them to bond with, and once they’re bonded, the Talistrum would always be there for their owner
Talistrums reproduce asexually and how that process works is that when it’s birthing season for the Talistrums, they go to the one place where they all came from; a rare hidden forest called the Talis-Meadows. How they’re born is when they’re in colorful pods that are hanging from branches. Once they were born, they stay at the Meadows until they’re old enough to be on their own for find their bonded owners. They Talis-Meadows are hidden by a thick wall made off trees and vines that prevent someone (like Dr. Eggman) to find and harm them. And thanks to their shapeshift ability, they can move through the vines as if they’re swimming through water
Talistrums can produce their own food, like a plant. But they wouldn’t mind having some snacks to help them fuel up their magic. Their most favorite food is a fruit that grows near and/or in the Talis-Meadows called chaos hearts. They shaped like a heart and can glow (depending how ripe it is), and they’re perfectly safe for other people, too. They can use chaos hearts as juice, a soda flavor, jelly for their toast, etc.
Like being said before, the Talistrums can mimic their owner’s personality and their behavior, but they still have their own personalities. Plus, if a random person meets their owner, the Talistrum can sense if that person can be trusted. If it goes up to them and nuzzles them in a kind and cute way, that means they can be trusted. But if it growls/hisses (depends what your Talistrum looks like), then that person can’t be trusted and that their owner should watch out for them. That would signal their owner to keep an eye out for the untrusted person
How a Talistrum powers work is that they’re all born with Chaos Magic. With it, they can not only help their owner’s with their spells and shapeshift, but they can also manipulate their sizes, too. But can only grow into the size of a horse (or the Flicky from the Boscage Maze in Sonic Prime), so no more than that is how big they can get. Their main form they take, and it with their owner’s, is the form of a staff with the Talistrum on top. Not only can they form into staffs, but other accessories like jewelry or parts of clothing
For Moon’s Talistrum, Trixx, she always takes the form of either an piercing or a necklace. For Jade’s Talistrum, Jinx, they take the form of a choker or a ring
And to whoever is reading this, what would your Talistrum look like?
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bloodmoon24 · 1 year
Weird question, but who do you ship Moon the Bat or Jade the Cat with? Reblog who and why
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bloodmoon24 · 1 year
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bloodmoon24 · 1 year
Lets Make A Talistrum
This is like one of those “if you choose this, you receive this” type of game. I wanna try this to see what type of Talistrum you would get. Now, let’s get started:
1: Your favorite animal will be what your Talistrum would look like (but with wings)
2: Your favorite color(s) is the color of your Talistrum’s fur/scales
3: If you like birds mostly, then what should what your Talistrum’s wings would be. If you like reptiles mostly, then use dragon-like wings
4: Your favorite number- if odd, it’s gender would be female. If even, it’s a male. Or if you don’t have a favorite number, then it can be nonbinary
5: Your personality would match your Talistrum
6: If you’re an artist, then the rest of your Talistrum’s design is totally up to you. Along when they’re in staff/any other object form
7: Make sure to give it a good name that matches your results for your Talistrum
Can’t wait to see what Talistrum you got. Maybe they could play with Trixx or Jinx, if Jade think it’ll be ok…She’d probably wouldn’t
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bloodmoon24 · 1 year
Here it is. Welcome to…
The Talis-Meadows
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A peaceful place where Talistrums grew up in. And for fun, I amaze the pods not only a different color, but with a nice pattern on it. I love what I did with the deer one. And if anyone wants him as a Talistrum, his name is Buck (like a name for a male deer)
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