#jisung i'm so proud of how you've grown and changed over these years
skzluvs · 5 years
Piece of cake 🎂; Yang Jeongin
Genre: Fluff! Friends to lovers au!
Warnings: mild swearing
Word count: 2.8k
A/N: Happy Birthday to our cute maknae Innie, he has grown so much. I’m beyond proud of him, he’s such a beautiful soul I wish nothing but happiness for him. I’m so soft for this boy I’m legit crying.
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You were all gathered in the living room.
The four boys standing in front of you staring at each other with confused looks. There was a moment of silence before you snapped at them in annoyance. There was no way they could be any more stupid.
"Do I really have to explained it to you again you doofuses" You raised an eyebrow in disbelief at the sight of the obvious lack of understanding your friends had. Seungmin just moved his hands encouraging you to repeat the plan one more time. You took a deep breath, before continuing, "For the last time, Hyunjin is in charge of distracting jeongin, until we finish decorating" The boy nodded in agreement, he understood his role was probably the most important one, " Felix I need your lungs to blow those balloons" You pointed at the table covered with bags with deflated balloons. "Seungmin and I are in charge of baking the cake" He smiled in excitement. " And I think that's it, simple right, it's a piece of cake"
Someone cleared his throat behind you, clearly irritated at the fact that you didn't assigned him an important task like the others.
" What about me Y/N, what am I supposed to do" He said pouting.
" Jisung you have the most important part" You said reassuring.
" Which is?" He asked euphoric. Clapping his hands.
" Stay here and make sure to not open your huge ass mouth, I promise your contribution is the most helpful one" You said smiling sarcastically. " If anyone dares to ruin this surprise I swear for my life I'll haunt every single one of you in your sleep for the rest of your miserable lives, and you would see what's to live a nightmare with your eyes open, understood" A few scared whispers and some sighs at the end they all came to agreement. Working together as a team to give the youngest, undeniably the best surprise party, needless to say this was carefully planned by you over the course of the last few weeks.
Everyone left, not before settling that Hyunjin would come back exactly at 6 with Jeongin, therefore everything had to be ready before that.
You got into Seungmin's car, he turned on the radio, letting you choose the next song, you both sang along to Taeyon's spark, on the way to the supermarket.
" Get a shopping cart we need to pick up a few things" You said to him, as you entered the local market. Pulling up a list from your bag with all the items needed.
He got the cart and followed you behind like a puppy, through the aisles, helping you pick now and then when you were torn between certain brands.
"So should we make it a chocolate cake or a vanilla cake?" You asked him staring at the two boxes in each one of your hands.
" That's such a simple question Y/N, Chocolate superior" He said looking at you obvious.
"Alright, alright Chef Seungmin let's do chocolate" You said throwing the box into the cart. " Ohhh" you exclaimed fascinated. "We have to get this" You pointed, jumping in the excitement at the cute cake toppers. "Jeongin is going to love the tiny fox sprinkles" You smiled at the resemblance between your best friend and the furry animal.
" You are so whipped Y/N" Seungmin said teasingly.
"Shut up, he's like a little brother to me" You stared at your shoes trying to hide the blush creeping into your soft cheeks.
"Not so little, remember he literally just became an adult today" Seungmin was right. Jeongin was just a year younger than the rest of you, that's why your group tended to baby him the most, and he hated it so much. Now that he was all grown up you wondered if his attitude would change towards your antics.
Once you finished shopping. Seungmin and you went back to the house. You got the groceries from the trunk carrying all the bags, with your hands full, you struggled finding the key to open the door.
"Call Jisung and tell him to move his lazy ass from the couch so he can come and help us" 
You heard him comply through the phone but in less than a second the door opened revealing your friend who still looked half asleep.
" Don't stare just stare at me, help me carry these" You said handing him the heavy bags that were already leaving bruises on your wrists.
"Did you guys went to buy cake ingredients or the whole grocery store" He said complaining at the amount of things you got.
" I got a little carried away okay" You confessed taking your shoes off at the door and walking straight to the kitchen.
Seungmin got ingredients from the bags and laid them on top of the kitchen table. You got the molds and the mixer from one of the cabinets, and tied your apron from your waist.
"Crack two eggs" You signaled Seungmin, as you poured the batter into the mixing bowl.
You were spraying the molds with butter so Seungmin could pour the batter and it wouldn't stick to the bottom once the cake was completely cooked. When your phone in your back pocket began to vibrate. You decided to ignore it, since you were extremely focused on your task. But after a couple of more rings you couldn't bear with the annoying sound any longer.
You picked up right away. Not before telling Seungmin to put the molds inside the oven.
"Hyunjin why are you fucking calling me right now " you leaned over the counter trying to wipe off your apron that was covered on white flour and sugar.
"He's been sulking all day Y/N, I even took him to the amusement park but he seems so down is actually depressing, He literally just said to me "This would actually be fun if Y/N would've come with me and not you" I'm deeply hurt, never imagined he thought of me as your replacement" He sighed dramatically.
" Just deal with it, you can have another of your existential crisis later" You rolled your eyes at your dramatic friend.
"Can you at least call him? he's just acting so weird, he just told me he wants to come home I don't know what to do" He whispered nervously.
"I'm trying to bake a cake hyunjin I can't give him a call right now" You said clearly. " But you are talking to me right now and the cake doesn't seem to be stopping you from doing it" He backfired.
" Ugh you are so annoying, maybe I can't call him because I'm busy and my hands and covered in flour and, Seungmin Lower down the temperature I can smell something burning!!!" You yelled. "I don't know hyunjin, keep him occupied, after all is your job, you better not come any earlier than we accorded. I’m warning you, I got to go" you said ending the call abruptly. Rushing rapidly to the oven where smoke was starting to escape from the sides of it.
" Fuck Y/N I think we burned the cake" Seungmin said panicking.
"Oh you think so" You responded sarcastically. Trying to extinguish the smoke before the alarm went on.
You opened the oven only to see your chocolate cake, all spilled, dark carbon colored batter dripping from the mold.
" Why you said we would bake the cake, if you had never done it before, don't just blame it on me!" He yelled back at you.
"Maybe I just wanted to do something nice for my fucking best friend, Seungmin"  You replied infuriated at the boy's words.
You walked away trying to not lose your calm "everything it's okay Y/N just take a deep breath" you whispered to yourself.
Your three friends standing in front of you not wanting to say anything, terrified to even move an inch knowing you could break down at any moment.
" Felix those balloons are not going to blow themselves!" You exclaimed.
" You ate the snacks I left on the table, didn't you, I told you earlier those were for later" You pointed at Jisung who only raised his hands innocently.
You were frustrated to say the least, overwhelmed,
Tired, you wanted to cry, the perfect party for your best friend was a complete utter disaster. You looked at the clock half an hour until Hyunjin brings jeongin back. You stepped out of to house because you began to feel suffocated. You needed some air. In desperation you remembered the person who was always one call away.
You dialed the number hoping he would pick up the phone, he was always busy working on his studio, so you didn't actually expected for him to pick up after the first tone, you were surprised when he did.
"Hey Baby girl"
"Chan" You whined at him.
" What's wrong?" He asked concerned.
" I need your help" You said.
" I'm all ears" He laughed softly. Chan was your supportive friend. He took care of you since he was older, he was always there when you needed him.
You ranted the catastrophe of your failing attempt of birthday party.
" Can you please bring me a cute cake? Jeongin might be on his way and I can't let him have a burned piece of uncooked batter for his birthday" You asked, hoping not to disturb him too much, knowing how busy he was most of the time working on his new tracks.
" Sure thing baby girl, I was heading out either way, I can't come empty handed" He said and you sighed in relief feeling like that heavy weight was lifted from your shoulders.
" You are the best Channie, I'll see you in a bit" You said your goodbyes and ended the call, you were extremely grateful towards him.
You opened the door entering the house. Your friends gathered looking at you with concerned expressions. The three of them instantly running towards you, the minute you crossed the doorstep, wrapping you in a group hug.
" We are sorry Y/N" They said unison.
"We know you've been under so much stress trying to make everything perfect" Seungmin said apologetic.
"And your stupid friends have ruined it all" Felix added teary eyed.
" We'll make it up to you, Let's get to work we have to give Innie the best birthday party ever" Jisung encouraged all of you to stop being so emotional and get on top of your game.
With you basically running out of time. You all began to work at a unquestionably high speed. Felix blowing balloons like crazy. Seungmin cleaning the mess in the kitchen. Jisung restocking the snacks and the drinks. And you dusting off the living the room. Everyone was so focused that no one even listened when the bell rang. Until you stopped the vacuum.
You opened the door, Chan was standing there smiling so bright, showing his dimples, you almost jumped on top of him if it wasn't because the cake he was holding with both of his hands was in the way.
"Channie, I've missed you so much" You said clinging yourself to his back.
" It's been a long time baby girl"
The boys immediately stopped what they were doing to come greet their brother.
" Chan mate you finally came to visit us" Felix said hugging the other Aussie.
" I wish I could come more often but this college life man, it ain't easy plus I've been working on some songs with Changbin" He said looking for Jisung, turning to talk to him directly. " We can't wait for you to graduate, without you we can't be 3racha"
" Just a couple more months, It's going to be awesome man, the trio reunited again" Jisung said with the eyes filled with excitement.
Chan helped you decorate with a couple of party decoration supplies he brought. You looked around one last time. Unable to contain the tears at the sight of how everything came together at the end. Proud of yourself and you also had to credit the hard work your dumb but amazing friends.
An upcoming text brightened the screen of your phone. It was hyunjin announcing that they were 5 minutes away from arriving. That was your cute, You all went to hide in different spots, after turning off all the lights. You headed directly to the kitchen and grabbed the cake, crouching behind the counter.
The house was dead silent until you heard the sound of the key clashing into the lock. The door opening slowly.
“Why is it so dark in here?” Hyunjin said playing along while pretending to looking for the light switch.
“ Wait I thought you said Y/N was not home, why are her shoes here?” Jeongin asked confused, with certain affliction in his voice.
“ Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Innie, Happy birthday to you” You sang as you made your way towards him. The cake lighted up by the incandescent light from the single candle placed in the center.
The rest of your friends joined you while screaming
Jeongin was loss for words, his cheeks stained by the beautiful tears that were sliding carefully. Like an open faucet, unable to control them. He smiled through them. Flashing his indistinguishable pearly white teeth. Alluring dimples. Stars that flashed on those sparkly eye pools as he stared directly at you. Like you were the only thing he was able to see in that dim room.
He closed his eyes and blew the candle wishing for something his heart desired for so long.
Everyone clapped and congratulate the boy who was no longer a baby but now a man. Hyunjin turned on the lights and you all gathered at the table to eat.
As you were walking to the dinning room, someone softly pulled from your sleeve.
Your eyes instantly meeting with his.
lost in his angelic aura.
You had been crushing on the boy for long enough
That you truly wanted to impress him with this whole surprise party idea. It seemed like your planned worked at perfection when he wrapped you in his arms.
“No one had ever done something like this for me, thank you so much Y/N” He whispered into the crook of your neck. The proximity making your limbs froze and your skin tingled due to the warmth he provided.
“ It’s nothing, Im glad you liked it Jeonginnie” You replied with a loving smile.
“ You know I was mad at you all day” He laughed bittersweet.
“Sorry for missing on riding the Ferris wheel with you” You said making fun of him.
“ I actually wanted to ride it with you instead of being stuck there with Mr. Dramatic for 45 minutes” a sigh escaping from his pink soft lips.
“ Is it because he becomes all clingy as it goes up, he’s such a scary cat” Laughing at the memory of hyunjin clinging into your arm like his life depended on it, the last time you all went to the amusement park.
“ That and because I hoped to hold your hand” He said staring into your eyes, trying to tell you something, but you were unable to read through the lines.
“ You do that all of the time Innie” It was not a novelty the amount of skin ship you and your best friend had.
“ You can’t possible be any more dense Y/N” He spoke a little irritated at your ignorance.
Your friend was rather shy, this sudden confidence had you all bewildered.
“ I like you, you idiot” He said obvious, tired of hinting something that was crystal clear.
“ You what...?” You were puzzled, your jaw almost hitting the floor in disbelief.
“ I know we’ve been friends for such a long time but I be always seen you in another light, will you let me be the one who holds your hand forever?” He asked extending his hand to grab yours softly, sliding his palm on top of yours and intertwining fingers.
“ Yes” You whispered hiding your face in his chest “I’ve liked you since the first time I saw you”
He untangled your hands to grab your jaw softly, so you would look at him, Bodies shaking, an adrenaline rush, and fireworks exploding the moment he laid his lips on top of your, delicate and with such sincerity, a kiss that revealed the profound innocent love they had one for the other.
“ Best birthday ever” He said stealing one more peck at your lips. He became addicted to the taste.
“ It was a piece of cake” You winked at him. “ For your information Seungmin burned your original cake, The one I baked with so much love”
“ Oh that’s why it smells like barbecue” He said. Both of you exploding into laughter. “ At least you didn’t burned down the house, I need to keep you as far away from the kitchen as possible sweetheart”
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