#jjajangmyeon next time 🍜
taegularities Β· 1 year
y’all, jjajangmyeon or buldak carbonara, quick !!
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lgcseojin Β· 4 years
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β•° μ„œμ§„μ§œμž₯λ©΄ γ…‘ 🍜
VLIVE 004 γ…‘ Cooking w/ Seojin (jjajangmyeon)
It was time for Seojin to do what he did best next to singing: cooking. It took him little to no time thinking up the perfect recipe to put on display.
His sacred recipe. His favorite dish. Jjajangmyeon γ…‘ or Seojinjjangmyeon, as he referred to it. ( He was rather proud of the pun. He thought it up on the spot when his brother raved about how the dish was "for real" good. ) He was fully aware that with the company's resources, he could have very well gone all out with his recipe. Something fancier and harder to master just to show off. Instead, the intention leaned toward giving an assisted guide for people watching at home. The dish in itself was an inexpensive take home from the grocery store. He also found it perfect for fall, even if the dish was a year round treat, it was tradition in his family.
Seojin presented himself in a reserved manner before the camera, hands behind his back. He fiddled with the apron's tendrils tied behind his back. Park Seojin didn't get nervous. But why was he suddenly so hesitant in introducing himself? His head wasn't as clear as of late, too much swirling around and fermenting, making him drunk with overthinking. Since when did he think before anything else?
He bowed to the camera and dramatically tightened his apron. If he was going to put on a show, he might as well go all out with the theatrics. His younger sisters quite enjoyed his acting as a professional chef at home. They were always surprisingly enthusiastic to serve as his sous chefs, running around him and gathering the ingredients. He longed for the smell of home again but this was his new reality.
"Today, I'll be making my favorite dish. It's probably the favorite of a lot of people 'cause it's so da...rn good, y'know. For my family, this is a definite staple for us during this season. Now, watch me closely. I'm not gonna miss a beat." Careful, Seojin. You're being filmed.
He cleared his throat and slammed the daikon ( a particularly large one, at that ) down on the cutting board, a triumphant look on his face. He grabbed the large knife resting beside it and chopped right into the vegetable. There was an assumption it would look cool, amaze the audience watching. Imagine that. Park Seojin cut a whole daikon in half in one go! The blade stopped three-fourths of the way through, stopping fast against the side that suddenly became more resistant the further the knife cut through. A wary expression washed over his face, Seojin lifted the knife and daikon up to display to the camera.
"Please edit this out..." For my sanity.
Perhaps his sudden burst of confidence was unwarranted.
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