chirpsloth · 10 months
okay so like 2 months ago (i think?) i bought a vintage dress for like $150 and it was slightly tight on my bust.. now my bust doesn’t fit into it so i actually should probably lose a lil bit of weight so that i didn’t spend all that for nothing… so actual motive for losing weight! i’m like 125lbs now and i think i was like 120 then but even then the dress was slightly tight so i’ll probably go for around 115 lbs and see how it fits
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chirpsloth · 10 months
okay so i’ve been trying to eat like a normal person and also walk a bit more… it’s been like less than a week so obvi no progress but i’m cool with my current body anyways and i just wanna see how i feel if i’m thinner yk… not weighing just kinda basing it on how one of my pants fits me. currently slightly tight… wish brandy melleville had diff sizes but yolo
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chirpsloth · 10 months
im a normal weight but i think i’m gonna lose some weight see how i feel… don’t wanna be underweight or anything just less… if i don’t like it i’ll gain more again. lets see!! i’ll give like biweekly updates (just for myself so i can track how i’m feeling)
edit: i think i’ll add a tag for myself to organize these thoughts… feel free to block me or anything btw if weight loss is triggering or anything 😭 this blog is for myself to scream into the void anyways
okay tag name established it will be: jkeyn bc i don’t want this popping up on ppls feeds LMFAO
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