fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Getting engaged
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Malcolm Landgraab: So, Joanna, I brought you here with a special reason.
Joanna: Oh, really?
Malcolm: Yes, one moment
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Malcolm: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways I love the to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace I love thee to the level of every day's Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light I love thee freely, as men strive for right I love thee purely, as they turn from praise
Joanna: Oh, Malcolm
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Malcolm: I love you, Joanna, do you want to marry me?
Joanna: Yes!
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Playing chess
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Malcolm Landgraab: It's your turn, to begin
Joanna Barrow: Isn't white always suppose to begin?
Malcolm: Yeah, but then we have to switch places every time, that doesn't make sense.
Joanna: You're right
Malcolm: Your better at it then I thought you would
Joanna: I'm smart, don't underessitimate me
Malcolm: I believe you are
Joanna: Have you heart that my brother Ethan and his wife have left churchims?
Malcolm: Is he also one of the family's that left?
Joanna: Yes. They are preventing children now and Mathilde is trying to find a job.
Malcolm: Wow! But didn't they already had a bunch of children?
Joanna: yes, nine
Malcolm: That's a lot
Joanna: Yeah, seven girls, two boys
Malcolm: only two boys?
Joanna: Yeah, Ethan would have loved to have more sons, but you don't pick which gender you get
Malcolm: No, indeed.
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Joanna: It does make me wonder sometimes
Malcolm: About what?
Joanna: What is the purpose of a woman?
Malcom: I don't know
Joanna: I think I wouldn't mind working
Malcolm: My mom worked a lot when I was growing up. And even when we joined churchims, she was still working in the beginning. She even does it now, from time to time.
Joanna: Really?
Malcolm: Yeah, but don't say that to other people. My mother don't want everybody to know that.
Joanna: Hmm, if we would get married some day, would you let me work?
Malcolm: Ofcourse, if that's what you want
Joanna: You are so sweet
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
A courtship starting
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Geoffrey Landgraab: Welcome all, let's go to the living room
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Nancy Landgraab: So neat that you all came over.
Sienna Barrow: We are so excited if this works out
Nancy: Oh, I'm sure they will
Sienna: Well, I'm a bit scared after the broken courtship with Gavin Rogers. I really thought it would work out.
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Malcolm: So nice that you and your family came over
Joanna: Well, I can't turn down an invation from your mother, can I
Malcolm: Yeah, they are all waiting for us to start courting
Joanna: Yeah, they are.
Malcolm: haha
Joanna: haha
Malcolm: eh
Joanna: Eh?
Malcolm: Well, how would you feel if we would?
Joanna: You seriously want to start courting?
Malcolm: Well, eh, yeah, I guess so
Joanna: Eh...
Malcolm: It's okay to think about it
Joanna: Well, it ended badly with Gavin
Malcolm: That doesn't mean it will end badly again. Does it?
Joanna: I guess you are right. Maybe we just have to try it.
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Harvey Barrow: Ofcourse you will try it, Joanna. Malcolm couldn't be a better match for you
Joanna: Yes, dad
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
It's the wedding day of Malcolm Landgraab en Joanna Barrow.
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A lovely ceremony with a stunning bride and handsome groom
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And the first kiss in front of everybody
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The Barrow's. Harvey and Sienna have done an amazing job, all six children are married off and they are full in the grandparentsmode with their 24 grandchildren and counting. The eldest is already a teenager with his 15 years, the youngest is a newborn.
Altough their have been hickups, Harvey&Sienna are proud. They have come past all the trouble with Leah. She is now happily married. And hope all the best for Ethan&Mathilde and Leah&Ralph who have both left the church to start a new, less strict, church.
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The Landgraabs. Geoffrey and Nancy are very proud that their only son is getting married. They can't wait to become grandparents. Younger sister Valerie, only 12 years old, is so happy with a big sister in law.
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Malcolm&Joanna with Joanna's siblings. From left to right: Timothy, Ethan, Malcolm, Joanna, Hannah, Leah, Rachel
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Joanna is the last of her friends to get married. From left to right: Ayla (expecting her 2nd), Joanna, Anna (expecting her 1st), Faith (expecting her 3th).
Malcolm&Joanna are leaving churchims and will join the less strict church.
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Girls getting together
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Ayla Goth: this is such a yummy juice. Where did get it?
Faith Elderberry: Eh, I don't know. Rohan did the groceries for me this week because I was so buzy with the twins. They got sick the beginning of the week.
Anna Rogers: That's so sweet of Rohan.
Faith: He really is
Joanna Barrow: I can't believe you all are married already
Faith: It's about time you have to get married too, Joanna
Ayla: Yeah, your are 20, it's about time
Joanna: I'm courting! So please wait, I'll get there, just a bit slower then you all.
Anna: Wasn't you always the fastest in school?
Joanna: Yeah, so we all have our talents.
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Faith: It would be so much fun to all be pregnant at the same time
Anna: yeah! That would be fun. Me and Gavin are trying to get pregnant
Ayla: Oh, it's so weird you are married to my brother now.
Anna: Weird!
Ayla: And so much fun! I love having you as a sister in law
Anna: I thought so, I love to be your sister in law
Joanna: But how are you feeling, Ayla?
Ayla: Great! But morning sickniss is harding when a toddler is awake early in the morning and you have to get out of your bed to take care of her.
Faith: That must be horrible!
Ayla: well, not horrible, but it isn't much fun
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Delivering a message
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Malcolm Landgraab: Hi, mister Barrow, I have a note from my father for you.
Harvey Barrow: Hi, Malcolm, come in
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Malcolm: thank you, sir
Sienna Barrow: how lovely to bring that personaly to Harvey.
Malcolm: Ofcourse
Sienna: Do you want something to drink? Please sit down
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Harvey: Hey, Joanna, look who came by
Joanna Barrow: Hi Malcolm
Malcolm: Hi Joanna
Harvey: How are you doing, Malcolm?
Malcolm: Great, thank you.
Harvey: Do you already have a girl?
Malcolm: No, sir, I haven't.
Harvey: Aren't you Rachel's age?
Malcolm: Yes, sir
Harvey: Isn't everybody married already?
Malcolm: Yes, or about to. Gavin Rogers will marry soon
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Sienna: Do you want to stay for diner?
Malcolm: I would love to, thank you
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
At the Barrow's
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Gavin Rogers: Thank you all for coming, Joanna and I wanted to talk to you all
Harvey Barrow: What's the matter, Gavin?
Gavin: Well, Joanna and I have been courting for a couple of months now
Oliver Rogers: Yes, do you want to marry her already?
Gavin: Well, dad, no
Dakota Rogers: What is it then, Gavin?
Gavin: Eh, Joanna and I came to the conclusion we are friends and there isn't a future for us together
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Harvey: Well, well
Sienna Barrow: But, Gavin and Joanna, you have to be friends first to become lovers. Being friends is so important for your relationship as a husband and wife. So it might not be lost.
Oliver: Exactly, just try it a little longer
Gavin: We tried it, dad, it didn't work
Dakota: And yet when I thought everything was going great for once in my life, God throws this in my face. What now, Gavin?
Gavin: mom
Dakota: No, not mom. How are you going to explain this?
Gavin: Well, like I did to you...
Dakota: Can you imagen all the gossip that will arise. You will never find a wife and Joanna will never find a husband
Sienna: Yes, indeed. Did you two really think this through all the way?
Gavin: Yes, we did.
Harvey: Then we must accept our loss and deal with the consequenses.
Dakota: Well, that's easy for you to say. Leah is married and we still don't know anything about our Belle.
Dakota stands up and leaves the house, Oliver rushes after her.
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Finaly time
Gavin Rogers droped a hint some time ago about him being interested in a girl. Finaly it's time for him to go to her dad.
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Gavin: So, eh, mister Barrow. I came with a special reason
Harvey Barrow: I was hoping that was the case
Gavin: eh, I would like to get to know Joanna better
Harvey: We would be thrilled for you two to start courting and get to know eachother better
Gavin: Thank you sir
Harvey: I will call her
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Joanna: Hi Gavin
Harvey: Gavin came here to ask you to court him and I'm alright with that
Joanna: Really? I just turned 18
Gavin: I have been waiting for you to turn 18
Joanna: Really!?
Harvey: Joanna? Do you want to court Gavin?
Joanna: Sure
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Girls day
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From left to right: Ayla Rogers, Joanna Barrow, Anna Maher and Faith Leppert
These four girls have been friends forever. Ayla, Anna and Faith were in the same class together, Joanna just a year behind. When Anna left town with her family the girls were all heartbroken. But they kept writting and now Anna is staying with her older sister, Lydia, for a week and she loves getting to hang out with her former friends.
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Joanna: I love this photo! It's so cute!
Faith: Finaly we have another photo of the four of us!
Anna: Yes, indeed. Make sure you share it with all of us, Joanna.
Joanna: Yes! I will!
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Ayla: How is staying with your sister going, Anna?
Anna: It's so much fun. Those little girls make you laugh all day long.
Joanna: They are so cute! I love going over to them. And little Rick minds his own business.
Anna: Exactly
Faith: I still can't believe you two are family
Ayla: Just wait and you will be family with Joanna too.
Joanna: Yes! I'm so excited that Rachel is getting married to your brother Titus, Faith!
Faith: Yeah, me too. One brother less to clean after
Anna: haha, you have got the most siblings of all of us and you work the most of all of us.
Faith: Yes, I'm.
Ayla: You must get married as soon as you turn 18. Then you have only one men to clean after.
Faith: That's a great idea. Does Gavin have somebody yet?
Ayla: Not that I know off.
Anna: I have two single brothers! You can pick, David, who is busy with the family company or Lucas who is going wild in college.
Faith: Hmmm, not sure who to pick. They both don't sound like the best matches.
They all laugh
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Solomon&Hannah Eaten
It's Solomon&Hannah's wedding day! Solomon is ready to get married.
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The Barrow family is present, pastor Joshua and Howard Maher is somewhere too. As are other family's of churchims.
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Solomon's family. Only Seth couldn't make it in with his wife and four childeren, Susie, Sam, Marc and Lexi.
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The exchange of the rings
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And then their first kiss ever
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Making photo's of the couple
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And then with the Barrow family. Mathilde Nelson is already included while she and Ethan are only courting for now but they are pretty serious.
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And at last with the Eaten family. Daniel was there but Josiah went for the day to Allison Clarkson. She was happy to take care of Josiah.
The twins Simon&Samuel are still living at home with their mother, Susanna. Sean is going to college and is about to finish up his study.
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And then Solomon&Hannah are off on their honeymoon...
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
It's the weddingday of Ethan Barrow and Mathilde Nelson.
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Standing in front of eachother
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a sweet gesture of Ethan
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before their first kiss
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The official weddingphoto's
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The Barrow family, they have two childeren married of now. They will probably be the first ones in church to have grandchilderen.
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The Nelsen's family was present but without photo's
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Introduction Barrow family
The Barrow family moved to Willow creek, where looking for a church to join and found churchims. A little introduction of the family.
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This is the Barrow family. Father, Harvey, mom, Sienna and their six childeren, Ethan, Hannah, Timothy, Leah, Rachel and Joanna. They live in this four bedroom house, two bedrooms for the girls, one for the boys and one for mom&dad.
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Harvey&Sienna both grew up in de fundie community and they have now their own fundie family. But Sienna's fertility isn't what they hoped in the beginning of their marriage. They have between 3 and 4 years between the childeren. They are now 47 and 44 and don't think they will have any more childeren.
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Ethan is the eldest. He is already 21 years old but moved with his parents because he works with his father. He is looking for a wife to start a family with himself.
Hannah is 17 years old, almost 18. She is a sweet but shy girl, almost woman. She dreams of a man that thinks the world of her. In the mean time she loves doting on her little sisters.
Timothy is 14 years old. He is very funny and loves to make jokes. But he isn't insensitive for other peoples feelings. He doesn't want to hurt anyone with his jokes.
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Leah is 10 years old and very musical talented. She loves playing the piano and the violin. She does help with the chores that has to be done.
Rachel is 6 years old and is the sunshine in the family. She is always happy and hops around to help everybody.
Joanna is 2 years old and is the baby of the family, a little cutie. But, you don't have to underestimed her. She is smart.
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The family looks forward to meet the people in their new church.
The Barrow's are (or will be soon) added to the spreadsheet. Check it out here.
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