#joe just has the andrew effect
zot3-flopped · 7 months
Two months prior to its release, would-be doyens of Swift’s Tortured Poets Department have taken its barbed track listing very literally, leading to intense, often nefarious speculation regarding Swift’s six-year relationship with the British actor Joe Alwyn, which seemingly ended in early 2023.
The album’s title, revealed onstage at the Grammy awards, was quickly linked to a December, 2022 interview with Alwyn and Paul Mescal in which they revealed that Andrew Scott started their group chat, the Tortured Man Club. (“It hasn’t had much use recently,” Alwyn said: you wonder if it’s undergone a recent revival.) Swift revealed the leading track list a day later: My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys, So Long, London, I Can Do It With a Broken Heart, The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, to name a few, sending fans wild with speculation.
Swift, obviously, has every right to sing about her relationships however she wants to (no apologies to Eamonn Holmes). But in the absence of any music, some fans have spread baseless, dangerous and even libellous allegations about Alwyn’s conduct (which, for obvious reasons, I can’t repeat).
Last month, a brief fan-shot video of them dining in a New Orleans restaurant in December, 2022 was recirculated online with AI-doctored audio that made it sound as though Alwyn is saying “you don’t get to tell me about sad,” a line printed on the back of one of the new album’s four physical editions.
When Swift recently told a crowd that she was “lonely” when writing her 2020 album Folklore – some of which was co-written with Alwyn during the pandemic, a lonely time for most – fans took that as further confirmation of their theories. A live medley of three songs that all appear to reference cheating threw petrol on the fire.
Swift could make this stop. She is no stranger to airing her displeasure with the likes of Ticketmaster, Scooter Braun, Spotify and Apple Music, and, occasionally, politicians. Before she released Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) last year, she gave a veiled speech at one Eras tour date effectively asking fans not to go after John Mayer, whom she dated when she was 19 and he was 32 and is understood to be the subject of that album’s Dear John.
“I am not putting this album out so you should feel the need to defend me on the internet against someone you think I wrote a song about 14m years ago when I was 19,” she said in Minneapolis.
But for whatever reason – and obviously, no member of the public has any idea what transpired between her and Alwyn so far – this time she has opted to stay quiet.
Establishing a baseline for conduct is neither commercially risky nor unprecedented: just last week, Ariana Grande said, after the release of her post-divorce album Eternal Sunshine: “Anyone that is sending hateful messages to the people in my life based on your interpretation of this album is not supporting me and is absolutely doing the polar opposite of what I would ever encourage”.
It feels like the endgame of a cat-and-mouse act that’s gone too far. Swift’s gestures towards meaning have led every single thing she does to be considered a kind of marketing, a clue to be solved. It leaves a superstar who’s usually hot on her messaging open to misinterpretation: hints about her personal life are turned by some fans into witch-hunts for anyone perceived to have wronged her; her current silence on politics allows politicians to invoke her name, from the New South Wales police commissioner quoting Swift’s anti-haters lines while defending police to Joe Biden joking that the matter of her apparently much sought-after endorsement is “classified” on Late Night With Seth Meyers.
When Swift made a blandly neutral handwritten post encouraging US citizens to register to vote on Super Tuesday, some fans speculated that her unusual left-leaning handwriting was the real indication of her loyalties – suggesting they’re so starved of substance that they’re reading into empty messages because of this dynamic she has established. (The more likely explanation is the insane way she holds a pen.)
For Swift to only direct fans as to her wishes when it suits her, it weakens her status as a truth-teller. If the comparisons with Dickinson mean anything, she might remember that nothing in the world has as much power as a word feels like the endgame of a cat-and-mouse act that’s gone too far.
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radfemverity · 1 year
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Tucker Carlson's interview with misogynist, human trafficker and rapist Andrew Tate has been endorsed by Elon Musk, the man who brought Tate among many other reactionary and far-right commentators back to Twitter when he purchased the platform.
There is nothing spontaneous about Musk doing this, and if you're surprised then you're a fool. This has never been about upholding free speech - hence why you've never seen any of these men promote interesting left-wing thinkers.
The ‘SJW’/‘woke’/progressive Left, as unbearably annoying as so many of them are, just keep getting proven right.
They said Nick Fuentes and Kanye were Holocaust-denying anti-semites.
They said Jordan Peterson supported rapists, and didn't believe women should have legal equality.
They said Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh would use the gender critical movement to blame gay people and women for any and all degeneracies.
They said Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk's recent ‘free speech’ moves were about repositioning themselves so that they could more effectively elevate the voices of overt extremists.
Again and again, their accusations are ageing like fine wine. The reactionary right’s mask is well and fully off.
Andrew Tate, Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Joe Rogan, Konstantin Kissin, Paul Joseph Watson, Ian Miles Cheong, Andy Ngo, Michael Malice, Elijah Schaffer, Zuby, Milo Yionnopoulous, Tommy Robinson, Nick Fuentes, Kanye West, Donald Trump… obviously some of these men could dislike each other, I can't imagine Shapiro and Fuentes at the same house party.
But their ideal societies don't look too different. None of these mens’ do. Because any racial, religious or ethnic prejudices they have against each other will come second to their common-ground.
The organised reaction against this brand of progressivism that has rapidly come to monopolise every sector of public life in the last 10 years, is well and truly underway. Musk, Carlson and Tate have given us the sign. And while I pretty heavily dislike the current ‘woke’ progressive ideology (and have a lot of questions about its top-down cultural spread), I'm scared of these guys way more. And if you're anything but a straight man who doesn’t care about any demographic besides straight men, you should be too.
The reason I say ‘straight men’ and not ‘straight white men’ is because, come on, the reactionary right is more racially diverse than most left-wing groups at this point. 😂😂 White nationalists the world over have bent the knee to a mixed-race man who admitted moving to an Eastern European country because of their more lax laws on sexual assault, and in turn, the ease he would have in exploiting the local women in the country’s already active sex-trafficking trade.
White nationalists (whose role in the reactionary right cannot be discarded any more, after Trump and Kanye had a personal dinner with Nick Fuentes) feel more of an affiliation with a non-white, human trafficking violent rapist, despite evidence of his crimes having been public for a while now, than they do with his WHITE victims.
Jordan Peterson, whose daughter has revolved her entire public image around him, who works with and for him, and whose lingerie photographs were retweeted by him, made a dogwhistle in May about women having their right to vote retracted.
Examples of men devaluing the contributions and rights of the women in their families, communities and wider societies are withstanding the test of time, over and over again, because no matter where in the world they are, and no matter what tensions the different religions, cultures, ethnicities and races of men have with each other, there are traits that unite them all. Misogyny is the most obvious one.
The men of these diverse, far-reaching societies, in many ways feel far more of a kinship to each other, than they do to any woman, girl, gay person, disabled person, mother, child, or any other demographic.
The pendulum always swings back, and now that we know these men have got the owner of the world's biggest social media platform on their side, that is a major sign it could be coming soon. Be on guard and look after each other gyns ❤️
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Hi I just wanna say that your artstyle is so distinct, cute, cartoony and pleasant to look at. I LOVE the 2D paper-effect, and I love the way you draw the tallies, e.g: ross' candy floss hair, andrew's glasses and hair, robs glasses, bora's eyes, zubin and joe's facial features (joe kinda reminds me of a lobster ngl /pos) it makes me so happy!
also because of you I've taken more interest in vocaloid! now I know the names of characters other than Miku lol (Kaito is pretty cool)
also also your art style has positively influenced the way i draw hands (specific but I thought it was worth noting :-) )
anyway yeah sorry for the long message, just wanted to express my gratitude for you and your art. I hope you have an awesome day &/or night and good things come your way :-)
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The former Republican David French does a good job of explaining what keeps MAGA folks continuing to support Trump. It's all about the "culture" of MAGA and the sense of "belonging," combined with years of propaganda that have painted anyone even slightly on the left as being "bad" and "out to get" conservatives and their families.
And if we don't understand that, we won't know how to combat it. Here are some excerpts:
I live in Tennessee outside Nashville, a very deep-red part of America. According to a New York Times tool that calculates the political composition of a community, only 15 percent of my neighbors are Democrats. I’ve been living here in the heart of MAGA country since Donald Trump came down the escalator. This is the world of my friends, my neighbors and many members of my family. That is perhaps why, when I’m asked what things are like now, eight years into the Trump era, I have a ready answer: Everything is normal until, suddenly, it’s not. And unless we can understand what’s normal and what’s not, we can’t truly understand why Trumpism endures. [...] It’s no coincidence that one of the most enduring cultural symbols of Trump’s 2020 campaign was the boat parade. To form battle lines behind Trump, the one man they believe can save America from total destruction, thousands of supporters in several states got in their MasterCrafts and had giant open-air water parties. Or take the Trump rally, the signature event of this political era. If you follow the rallies via Twitter or mainstream newscasts, you see the anger, but you miss the fun. When I was writing for The Dispatch, one of the best pieces we published was a report by Andrew Egger in 2020 about the “Front Row Joes,” the Trump superfans who follow Trump from rally to rally the way some people used to follow the Grateful Dead. Egger described the Trump rally perfectly: “For enthusiasts, Trump rallies aren’t just a way to see a favorite politician up close. They are major life events: festive opportunities to get together with like-minded folks and just go crazy about America and all the winning the Trump administration’s doing.”
[See more below the cut]
[...] Why do none of your arguments against Trump penetrate this mind-set? The Trumpists have an easy answer: You’re horrible, and no one should listen to horrible people. Why were Trumpists so vulnerable to insane stolen-election theories? Because they know that you’re horrible and that horrible people are capable of anything, including stealing an election. At the same time, their own joy and camaraderie insulates them against external critiques that focus on their anger and cruelty. Such charges ring hollow to Trump supporters, who can see firsthand the internal friendliness and good cheer that they experience when they get together with one another. They don’t feel angry — at least not most of the time. They are good, likable people who’ve just been provoked by a distant and alien “left” that many of them have never meaningfully encountered firsthand. Indeed, while countless gallons of ink have been spilled analyzing the MAGA movement’s rage, far too little has been spilled discussing its joy. Once you understand both dynamics, however, so much about the present moment makes clearer sense, including the dynamics of the Republican primary. Ron DeSantis, for example, channels all the rage of Trumpism and none of the joy. With relentless, grim determination he fights the left with every tool of government at his disposal. But can he lead stadiums full of people in an awkward dance to “Y.MC.A.” by the Village People? Will he be the subject of countless over-the-top memes and posters celebrating him as some kind of godlike, muscular superhero? [...] Trump’s fans, by contrast, don’t understand the effects of [the MAGA] fury because they mainly experience the joy. For them, the MAGA community is kind and welcoming. For them, supporting Trump is fun. Moreover, the MAGA movement is heavily clustered in the South, and Southerners see themselves as the nicest people in America. It feels false to them to be called “mean” or “cruel.” Cruel? No chance. In their minds, they’re the same people they’ve always been — it’s just that they finally understand how bad you are. And by “you,” again, they often mean the caricatures of people they’ve never met. In fact, they often don’t even know about the excesses of the Trump movement. Many of them will never know that their progressive neighbors have faced threats and intimidation. And even when they do see the movement at its worst, they can’t quite believe it. So Jan. 6 was a false flag. Or it was a “fedsurrection.” It couldn’t have really been a violent attempt to overthrow the elected government, because they know these people, or people like them, and they’re mostly good folks. It had to be a mistake, or an exaggeration, or a trick or a few bad apples. The real crime was the stolen election. It’s the combination of anger and joy that makes the MAGA enthusiasm so hard to break but also limits its breadth.  [...] The battle and the booze cruise both give MAGA devotees a sense of belonging. They see a country that’s changing around them and they are uncertain about their place in it. But they know they have a place at a Trump rally, surrounded by others — overwhelmingly white, many evangelical — who feel the same way they do. [...] During the Trump years, I’ve received countless email messages from distraught readers that echo a similar theme: My father (or mother or uncle or cousin) is lost to MAGA. They can seem normal, but they’re not, at least not any longer. It’s hard for me to know what to say in response, but one thing is clear: You can’t replace something with nothing. And until we fully understand what that “something” is — and that it includes not only passionate anger but also very real joy and a deep sense of belonging — then our efforts to persuade are doomed to fail.
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Climate experts fear Donald Trump will follow a blueprint created by his allies to gut the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), disbanding its work on climate science and tailoring its operations to business interests.
Joe Biden’s presidency has increased the profile of the science-based federal agency but its future has been put in doubt if Trump wins a second term and at a time when climate impacts continue to worsen.
The plan to “break up NOAA” is laid out in the Project 2025 document written by more than 350 rightwingers and helmed by the Heritage Foundation. Called the Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, it is meant to guide the first 180 days of presidency for an incoming Republican president.
The document bears the fingerprints of Trump allies, including Johnny McEntee, who was one of Trump’s closest aides and is a senior adviser to Project 2025. “The National Oceanographic [sic] and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) should be dismantled and many of its functions eliminated, sent to other agencies, privatized, or placed under the control of states and territories,” the proposal says.
That’s a sign that the far right has “no interest in climate truth”, said Chris Gloninger, who last year left his job as a meteorologist in Iowa after receiving death threats over his spotlighting of global warming.
The guidebook chapter detailing the strategy, which was recently spotlighted by E&E News, describes NOAA as a “colossal operation that has become one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry and, as such, is harmful to future US prosperity”. It was written by Thomas Gilman, a former Chrysler executive who during Trump’s presidency was chief financial officer for NOAA’S parent body, the Commerce Department.
Gilman writes that one of NOAA’S six main offices, the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, should be “disbanded” because it issues “theoretical” science and is “the source of much of Noaa’s climate alarmism”. Though he admits it serves “important public safety and business functions as well as academic functions”, Gilman says data from the National Hurricane Center must be “presented neutrally, without adjustments intended to support any one side in the climate debate”.
But NOAA’S research and data are “largely neutral right now”, said Andrew Rosenberg, a former NOAA official who is now a fellow at the University of New Hampshire. “It in fact basically reports the science as the scientific evidence accumulates and has been quite cautious about reporting climate effects,” he said. “It’s not pushing some agenda.”
The rhetoric harkens back to the Trump administration’s scrubbing of climate crisis-related webpages from government websites and stifling climate scientists, said Gloninger, who now works at an environmental consulting firm, the Woods Hole Group.
“It’s one of those things where it seems like if you stop talking about climate change, I think that they truly believe it will just go away,” he said. “They say this term ‘climate alarmism’ … and well, the existential crisis of our lifetime is alarming.”
NOAA also houses the National Weather Service (NWS), which provides weather and climate forecasts and warnings. Gilman calls for the service to “fully commercialize its forecasting operations”.
He goes on to say that Americans are already reliant on private weather forecasters, specifically naming AccuWeather and citing a PR release issued by the company to claim that “studies have found that the forecasts and warnings provided by the private companies are more reliable” than the public sector’s. (The mention is noteworthy as Trump once tapped the former CEO of AccuWeather to lead NOAA, though his nomination was soon withdrawn.)
The claims come amid years of attempts from US conservatives to help private companies enter the forecasting arena – proposals that are “nonsense”, said Rosenberg.
Right now, all people can access high-quality forecasts for free through the NWS. But if forecasts were conducted only by private companies that have a profit motive, crucial programming might no longer be available to those in whom business executives don’t see value, said Rosenberg.
“What about air-quality forecasts in underserved communities? What about forecasts available to farmers that aren’t wealthy farmers? Storm-surge forecasts in communities that aren’t wealthy?” he said. “The frontlines of most of climate change are Black and brown communities that have less resources. Are they going to be getting the same service?”
Private companies like Google, thanks to technological advancements in artificial intelligence, may now indeed be producing more accurate forecasts, said Andrew Blum, author of the 2019 book The Weather Machine: A Journey Inside the Forecast. Those private forecasts, however, are all built on NOAA’S data and resources.
Fully privatizing forecasting could also threaten the accuracy of forecasts, said Gloninger, who pointed to AccuWeather’s well-known 30- and 60-day forecasts as one example. Analysts have found that these forecasts are only right about half the time, since peer-reviewed research has found that there is an eight- to 10-day limit on the accuracy of forecasts.
“You can say it’s going to be 75 degrees out on May 15, but we’re not at that ability right now in meteorology,” said Gloninger. Privatizing forecasting could incentivize readings even further into the future to increase views and profits, he said.
Commercializing weather forecasts – an “amazing example of intergovernmental, American-led, postwar, technological achievement” – would also betray the very spirit of the endeavor, said Blum.
In the post-second world war era, John F. Kennedy called for a global weather-forecasting system that relied on unprecedented levels of scientific exchange. A privatized system could potentially stymie the exchange of weather data among countries, yielding less accurate results.
The founding of weather forecasting itself showcases the danger of giving profit-driven companies control, said Rosenberg. When British V. Adm Robert FitzRoy first introduced Britain to the concept of forecasts during Victorian times, he was often bitterly attacked by business interests. The reason: workers were unwilling to risk their lives when they knew dangerous weather was on the horizon.
“The ship owners said, well, that means maybe I lost a day’s income because the fishermen wouldn’t go out and risk their lives when there was a forecast that was really bad, so they didn’t want a forecast that would give them a day’s warning,” Rosenberg said. “The profit motive ended up trying to push people to do things that were dangerous … there’s a lesson there.”
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thevividgreenmoss · 1 month
Resnick previously worked at the State Department’s Political-Military Affairs bureau, which has approved billions in arms shipments to Israel during the Gaza war despite concerns from lawmakers and human rights groups that Israel is violating U.S. and international law in its use of American weaponry.
“Assigning [Resnick] ... reflects a doubling down on the administration’s determination to continue to provide unconditional material support for Israel’s genocidal campaign against civilians in Gaza,” argued Annelle Sheline, a former State Department official who quit the agency in protest over Biden’s approach earlier this year.
A State Department spokesperson declined to comment for this story.
As the new deputy assistant secretary for Israeli-Palestinian affairs in the department’s Middle East office, Resnick is replacing Andrew Miller, an official who left the State Department this summer and was known by fellow U.S. officials to be wary of Biden’s overwhelming support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Insatiable desire to fill the seats of power with ever more hawkish bloodthirsty psychopaths. Movement by democrats to replace Biden on the ticket needs to be seen in the same light. For party insiders and the bulk of their supporters, Biden's primary point of differentiation from Trump was never that he would for example stand in the way of perpetuating a genocide but that he and his party would more effectively carry out the same genocide, that their supoort for Israel is uncompromising and true in a way that Trump & his party's isn't. Does not necessarily mean that a democratic administration necessarily would be more effective, just that the party, its patrons, and base are motivated by and hoping for that potentiality. Same goes for Kalama as distinguished from Biden; the wave of Americans, (including Americans from Marginalized Communities including Americans who are themselves from the third world including Muslim americans) who already spend every second of their lives looking for excuses to give even less of a shit than they already do that dropped the pretense the second they subbed Kamala could be seen as confirmation only in the sense that the appearance of the moon on this particular night is proof that it exists at all. Same goes for this latest appointment to the democratic war cabinet. Very crudely put the american elections aren't like the Lakers vs the pistons it's Shaq vs Kobe fighting amongst themselves over alpha status on the same team its about who gets the ball in their hands during crunch time, who gets finals mvp, who gets the bigger contract from a shared patronage network. The expansion of colonial projects in general is an axiomatic shared goal.
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nikkiruncks · 10 months
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Est: 1972/1973
First Generation: Eric Forman Steven Hyde Michael Kelso Fez Donna Pinciotti Jackie Burkhart Kitty Forman (kitchen) Red Forman (kitchen)
Second Generation: Leia Forman Gwen Runck Jay Kelso Nate Runck Nikki Velasco Ozzie Takada
Third Generation:
Anne-Marie Kelso Jonah Shaland-Mitchell Martin Martin Kira Kwan June Guzman-Queimada Lois Clarkson Cleo Joy-Martelli
Laurie Forman Mitch Miller Schatzi Mr. Wilkinson Etienne Marshall Leo Chingkwake Andrew Jill Alice Cooper Steven Tyler (cutout) Joe Perry (cutout) Bob Pinciotti Midge Pinciotti Mrs. McGee Jackie's plush unicorn Coach Ferguson Jerry Thunder The Station Manager Waitress Sarah Mitchell Fatso The Clown Schatzi Mitch Miller Delilah Reed Kristie Forman Darline Joy Kelly Shaland Serena Marotti Betsy Kelso
The Circle is a way for the creators to showcase a vital component of the '70s – smoking weed. According to the show creators, the blunt or joint is passed around ahead of the person speaking on camera, thus never shown. The circle usually takes place in the basement and features four people, though these rules are bent on occasion. On special occasions, the circle has been used to show the characters partaking in consuming other things than weed, such as dinner, alcohol, ice cream, cigars, hash brownies (accidentally) or nothing at all. During such scenes, adults also participate.
On occasion, the circle scenes are followed by scenes where the characters act sober while being still high, but more often that not, no one seems to suffer any ill effects after the fact. A notable case was the second-to-last episode where a particularly potent "stash" was acquired by the gang when Fez's friend from his homeland visited. Hyde, who was unquestionably the most frequent pot smoker in The Circle, actually quit smoking for a period of time because he got too high.
The Circle also remained in the '90s and '2000s, where the gang would still smoke and occasionally drink.
The circle is not:
An area where people can talk about their feelings.
A place where people can cry.
For the faint of heart.
A place where people can grope each other.
But it is:
Where laughing occurs.
Where random stuff is discussed.
Where some of the dumbest decisions are made.
Very candid.
One of the most well-known elements of the show.
A place to sing random songs.
That '70s Show
Hyde – I would be so pissed at you if I had the ability to feel anger right now...thank God I don't!
Fez – You know guys, sometimes I wish we were cartoon teenagers
Hyde – Zoinks. That'd be super, Fez
Kelso – Alright, guys...I have a confession...I do shave my legs. I just love the way it feels!
Hyde – Man, when two people break up, it's the saddest thing...except for right now, when it's funny!
Hyde – Dude, I can't close my mouth...This is freakin' me out, man!
Hyde – Hahahaa, ohh weather kicks ass
Hyde – No way is Samantha hotter than Jeannie! Hey, I heard there was an episode they never aired.. where Jeannie gets totally naked! The government banned it.
Kelso – You know what's a funny word? Pickle-Weasel!
Kelso – You guys are never gonna believe this. Jackie cheated on me. With the cheese guy!!
Hyde - (dramatically pretends to be shocked) No!
That '90s Show
Gwen - "You're fun!"
Nikki - "You're fun! Should we be funyuns?"
Gwen - "Funyuns!"
That '2000s Show
Anne-Marie - “Oh my god. I just got stoned. Did I get stoned because I feel like I got stoned?
Cleo - Try this leafy mint. It tastes like Fruit Loops
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denimbex1986 · 5 months
'Forty years on from the year in which it is set, and released on the date of Winston Smith’s first diary entry, George Orwell’s seminal dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (not 1984, despite how this most recent retelling has chosen to style the title) has received perhaps its highest-profile adaptation since Michael Radford’s film. Andrew Garfield plays the reluctantly rebellious Winston, and man-of-the-moment Andrew Scott is a smoothly vicious O’Brien. Cynthia Erivo makes for a suitably feisty Julia, and Tom Hardy reprises his Bane boom as Big Brother, although his contributions are wisely kept to a minimum. The talented supporting cast includes What We Do In The Shadows’s Natasia Demetriou and Black Mirror’s Alex Lawther, and the score is co-composed by Muse’s Matt Bellamy. Lavish cinema and television ads have brought the show to worldwide attention, and yet it’s likely to receive a fraction of the interest that, say, Ripley will obtain. Why? Because it’s an audio drama.
Granted, Audible’s new production of Nineteen Eighty-Four, which is billed as a disturbing, adult-focused and immersive experience, is a million miles away from a distinguished actor reading an audiobook version of Orwell’s novel. At times, it goes further than you might expect in terms of the sex and violence quotient; there is a love scene between Garfield and Erivo that, somehow, manages to be wildly explicit without showing anything visual (one can only imagine what it was like for the actors to record that particular scene), and there are nasty scenes of torture and violence that are none less chilling for being conveyed through a mixture of dialogue and sound effects. (Yes, Room 101 gets its full measure.) Muse fans, meanwhile, will be thrilled by Bellamy’s score, co-composed by Ilan Eshkeri and performed by a sixty-piece orchestra, that blends somber strings and piano with percussive electronic beats.
Director Destiny Ekaragha and screenwriter Joe White should be commended for a faithful and smoothly gripping adaptation that adds in a few successful set-pieces, such as Winston having an attack of paranoia on the train that his minor acts of rebellion are about to result in his immediate arrest. If it’s listened to on headphones in a public place, as it no doubt is supposed to be, Nineteen Eighty-Four becomes a deliciously chilling immersion in literary paranoia; you’re standing around your fellow citizens wondering which of them you’re going to fall in love with, which of them will betray you — and whether that will be the same person.
Clearly, Audible intends this to be a marker in a series of blockbuster literary adaptations that will change the face (or, rather, ear) of the genre. There was a Sam Mendes-overseen David Copperfield last year, with Helena Bonham Carter as Betsey Trotwood and Doctor Who’s Ncuti Gatwa as Copperfield, but it barely shifted the dial in terms of audience awareness. Ninety Eighty-Four feels different, and not just because of its A-list participants, rock star composer and dread-laden subject matter.
In a year where the word “Orwellian” is likely to be used more than usual in the course of the British and American elections alike, and where any tech blogger will write lazy articles talking about the way in which Big Brother, Newspeak and the rest have become part of our daily social media culture, it’s good to be reminded of the power of the original, translated into this new form.
Yet I remain unconvinced that this will be the crossover blockbuster success that Audible so clearly believe it will. Enjoy it for what it is — a few hours of sumptuously conceived and acted Orwelliana — and let’s leave the question of whether this will eventually come to replace visual entertainment out of the equation. Until, that is, Christopher Nolan is recruited to write and direct an immersive audio adaptation. Then we’re talking.'
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kp777 · 11 months
By Jessica Corbett
Common Dreams
Nov. 2, 2023
Social Security Works said that the new House speaker's "NUMBER ONE priority is to cut our earned benefits behind closed doors."
When Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives elected Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson as speaker last week, critics quickly sounded the alarm about his previous calls to cut trillions of dollars from Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid—and the GOP leader triggered a fresh wave of fears on Thursday with related comments to a Capitol Hill journalist.
NBC News' Sahil Kapur reported on social media that Johnson "says he pitched a debt commission to Senate Republicans yesterday and 'the idea was met with great enthusiasm.' He says it will be bipartisan and bicameral. He says he wants 'very thoughtful people' in both parties to lead it. He wants this 'immediately.'"
In response to Johnson's remarks—which echoed his first speech as speaker—the Alliance for Retired Americans wrote, "Translation: They're eager to begin gutting Social Security behind closed doors."
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Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla)—who led the ouster of ex-Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.)—celebrated Johnson's rise as a win for the far-right. He declared last week that "MAGA is ascendant," referring to the "Make America Great Again" campaign slogan of former President Donald Trump, who is the GOP front-runner for 2024.
Critics of the new speaker have similarly framed his election as a display of the far-right's hold on the Republican Party, and are even calling him "MAGA Mike," including in response to his comments Thursday.
"A week into his tenure, MAGA Mike Johnson is ALREADY calling for closed-door cuts to the Social Security and Medicare benefits American workers have earned through decades of hard work," warned Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee.
Social Security Works said that "MAGA Mike Johnson's NUMBER ONE priority is to cut our earned benefits behind closed doors."
"The White House has rightfully called this type of commission a 'death panel' for Social Security and Medicare," the group noted. "HANDS OFF!"
Back in February, long before McCarthy struck a deal with President Joe Biden to suspend the country's debt ceiling, Republicans in Congress and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) were floating the idea of a commission, and White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said that "the American people want more jobs and lower costs, not a death panel for Medicare and Social Security."
As Republican lawmakers have continued to pursue the idea, others have embraced the "death panel" description.
After Johnson's mention of the commission in his speech last week, Los Angeles Times columnist Michael Hiltzik wrote:
On the whole, Johnson's approach to social safety net programs comes right out of the GOP library of lies about the programs' finances and their effect on the federal budget. "The reality is, they're headed towards bankruptcy," he said in his July 2022 C-SPAN appearance. "In just a few number of years, Social Security goes belly up. So does Medicare, Medicaid, all of these big-spending programs because we're drowning in debt." The idea that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are going "bankrupt" is standard Republican hogwash. So is the idea that Social Security will go "belly up" in some number of years—even if Congress sits on its hands, the program will still have enough revenue to cover three-quarters of the benefits due.
"The notion that those programs are drivers of the federal debt is also a bog-standard GOP talking point," Hiltzik added. "A far more significant portion of the federal budget deficit is the lavish tax cut that Johnson's party gifted to corporations and the wealthy in 2017, a $1.5-trillion giveaway from which the U.S. economy received no significant gain."
Most House Republicans and a dozen Democrats on Thursday evening voted to pass a bill that would deliver on Biden's request for $14.3 billion to help Israel wage war on Gaza—which experts are condemning as genocide—and cut Internal Revenue Service (IRS) funding.
Analysts and Democrats in Congress have warned that the IRS cut would hamper the agency's ability to crack down on wealthy tax cheats, bolstered by the Congressional Budget Office finding Wednesday that the measure would reduce federal revenues by $26.8 billion and add $12.5 billion to the deficit over the next decade.
Rep. Summer Lee (D-Pa.), who opposed the bill and is among the few Democrats demanding a cease-fire in Gaza, said that "the only thing crueler than sending $14 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars for weapons that will result in the deaths of thousands more innocent Palestinian children in Gaza is exploiting that war—exploiting the death of over 1,400 Israeli mothers, fathers, grandparents, children, and hundreds more hostages—to help corporate CEOs and billionaire donors cheat on their taxes."
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fearsmagazine · 9 months
SCALPER - Review
DISTRIBUTOR: Breaking Glass Pictures
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SYNOPSIS: “Psychic Clementine Carter is confronted with a nightmarish reality as everyone around her falls victim to the sadistic reign of terror unleashed by 'The Scalper.' As the body count rises, the burning question remains: Is this the return of the dead psycho Andrew Lubitz, a cunning copycat killer, or something far more horrifying than the human imagination can conceive? In a deadly game of cat and mouse, she must rely on her psychic abilities to stay one step ahead of the maniac's relentless pursuit.” -Press Release
REVIEW: This is my second encounter with filmmaker Chad Ferrin, my previous “Pig Killer,” which also featured actors Jake Busey & Bai Ling. It’s slightly better than “Pig Killer,” but I had issues with the performances, the writing and some of the special effects.
Chad Ferrin is not a bad filmmaker. Technically, SCALPER has solid production designs, cinematography, okay editing and the atmosphere is enhanced by a score by the legendary Richard Band. The special effects are okay, but the mask the killer wears looks plastic at times.
The plot is an amalgamation of ideas we’ve seen in other films of this nature, too many to list here. The plot features thriller, supernatural and slasher elements. Some of it feels a bit unnecessary and could have been streamlined, such as the scenes of Clementine’s father and mother in what is a spiritual plane. The dialogue is okay and the core plot is not half bad, but ultimately SCALPER is say a White Castle slider as compared to a steakhouse burger.
The performances are okay. I liked Susan Priver’s character and it borders on campy, but never steps over the line. He adds a lot of empathy to the role. Jake Busey has several moments where he adds this look or delivery of a line that has you groaning, but it is not bad. Bai Ling’s work here is almost as bad as “Pig Killer.” I’m familiar with several of her older roles and I’ve met her at several conventions, so I’m aware of what she can deliver. I find these stereotypical performances off putting and an impediment to enjoying the film.
Bottom-line, I wouldn’t go out of my way to rent SCALPER on VOD or a digital platform. If it shows up on something you already have a subscription to, you're a diehard genre fan and any of the actors in the film I’d suggest viewing it. However, if you’re a more cultivated consumer of genre entertainment you might be disappointed. I’d be interested in seeing Chad Ferrin directing something he hasn’t written.
CAST: Susan Priver, Jake Busey, Bai Ling, Kate Patel, Scott Vogel, Jon Budinoff, and Robert Miano. CREW: Director/Screenplay/Producer - Chad Ferrin; Producers - Robert Miano & Jeff Olan; Cinematographer - Jeff Billings; Score - Richard Band; Editor - Jahad Frif; Production Designer - Viktoriia Vlasenko; Costume Designer - KerriAnne Savastano; Special Effects Makeup - Joe Castro; Visual Effects - Jeff Billings. OFFICIAL: N.A. FACEBOOK: N.A. TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SKATD TRAILER: https://youtu.be/vP6s6LPOdSQ?si=eSBBizVhW7xyi2Ke RELEASE DATE: VOD & Digital Jan 16th, 2024
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay), or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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You got any plans to tie in the characters and setting from Rayman 1 here? Like Mr. Sax, Scops or Space Mama?
The worlds from Rayman 1 are on a different continent than the Glade of Dreams. It's Rayman's birth place! After Dark's defeat, the bosses all treat Rayman a lot better and there's no hard feelings between any of them. They were tricked by Mr. Dark to think Rayman was an enemy. When the truth came out, they shunned Mr. Dark and are back to doing their own thing.
Though after these events, Betilla decided to go take the great protoon into safekeeping and travelled with Rayman to the Glade of Dreams and that's where they all stayed. The Great Protoon currently rests within the fairy council in their artifacts vault.
Whenever Rayman does go back to his birth home he'll stop by and meet with some of the old characters. He still hits up Joe's whenever he's there for example. He's always gotta grab an ice cream soda float since it gives him childhood nostalgia.
Out of the original boss roster (Minus Mr. Dark of course), the ones that do pop up outside of the Rayman 1 Universe continent (Haven't come up with a name for it yet) are Bzzit and the other mosquito boss (Bzzit having the role he had in Revolution where he acts as the Dockmaster. The other Mosquito is a relative of his), Space Mama, and Mr. Sax.
Skops just tends to keep to himself and doesn't really like having visitors. Rayman only goes to see him when he needs information. Skops knows Rayman doesn't normally bother him unless it's important. A mutual understanding between the two. Because of that, he doesn't pop up frequently. Same deal with Mr. Stone.
Mr. Sax is a famous orchestra conductor and actually does leave the continent with other members of Band Land for performances. Has even performed at some of Rayman's hero ceremonies and other events. He's also old friends with the Limbless Musician and his family.
Space Mama often leaves Picture City with her assistants to perform plays around the world. Rayman likes to get tickets to these and will take friends to these performances. Space Mama always makes sure Rayman gets the good seats.
There is one very important face from Rayman 1 that does pop up or is mentioned frequently, and that's The Limbless Magician. That character is Betilla's lover and Rayman's Father figure. Betilla created Rayman in his image. The Magical Academy Raymona and Ales Mansay attended was the same one he attended with his cousin, Andrew.
When Rayman and Betilla left that continent to safeguard the Great Protoon, he stayed behind to keep an eye on things. Mr. Dark is currently recovering at the candy chateau, so the Magician would be the first to know when he finally makes a comeback.
The Magician always writes to them both, and always visits for special events and holidays. It's just been hard on Rayman because he misses the days where both of his parental figures were a constant presence in his life and not separated.
Raymesis is also the same as the Dark Rayman from the first game. Over time he matured and gained more of a personality for himself that wasn't just an evil copy that mirrors Rayman's movements. He became his own person.
Raymesis also lost the ability to kill on touch. He's glad that ability is gone, but it does effect him to this day where he sometimes wonders if a person he touches is going to just die. When you touch him, it actually gets a reaction out of him. May even scare him a bit if it's someone that isn't Mr. Dark that gained his trust and respect.
Sorry for the long response there anon, but my world building does try to include faces from games past. The original Rayman and some of the educational games included. I've also considered adding some things from the fan remake of Rayman Redemption.
Heck even some scrapped content also appears in some way or another. Characters included!
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souploover69 · 1 year
Delta Hall
so recently i used ai to generate an episode of Delta Hall Internet Show which the tally hall members are replaced with deltarune characters
(Kris - Rob, Susie - Joe, Noelle - Ross, Berdly - Zubin, Ralsei - Andrew, Lancer - Bora)
The ai made an entire script lmao
Susie: Hey Kris, what's going on?
Kris: Nothing much, just sitting here drinking a diet Dr Pepper and writing my song. What about you?
Susie: Just practicing my singing while I play drums. You think I sound any good?
Kris: laughs Oh man, the way you sing, it sounds terrible!
Susie: laughs Oh yeah?! Just wait until you hear my beatboxing skills, that's gonna make your ears bleed!
[after Susie said that the two begin beatboxing and singing. It's an absolute disaster but they seem to be having fun]
[the clip then cuts to the intro of the Delta Hall Internet Show]
[The scene starts with Kris and Susie playing the accordion and drums respectively. They look really awkward playing them but they're clearly having fun. The music begins playing.]
Susie: (singing) Do you like how we walk! Do you like how we talk! Do you like how our faces disintegra- 
[Berdly abruptly interrupts her.]
Berdly: Hey what's up guys.
Ralsei enters the shot
Ralsei: Hello Berdly.
Susie: Hey.
Berdly: Did you guys know that bananas are a good source of potassium?
[Everyone just stares at Berdly.]
Everyone: No, we didn't know that.
[Awkward silence for a couple of seconds]
Berdly: I'm just gonna go now.
[Berdly left the shot and Kris and Susie go back to the singing/accordion and drums combination but they aren't able to sync up.]
[It then cuts to a clip of Ralsei neatly making a bed, which got ruined by Susie jumping/sliding onto the bed]
[The next scene involves Susie and Berdly attempting to cook a cake. As expected, nothing goes correctly. There is a montage of them making the cake and each section is them making a mistake that ruins the cake.]
Berdly: What's that one cooking tip again?
Susie: No, I think you're doing that wrong. Let me try.
Berdly: Fine.
[Susie's cooking also goes horribly]
[After a while the cake is completely ruined and they are now depressed.]
[It then cuts to a screen saying FIFTEEN SECONDS OF LANCER while several images of Lancer are scattered around the scene]
[Cut to a compilation of clips of Lancer doing funny shenanigans. He's eating cheese, playing with fire, and being a little gremlin.]
Everyone: Yeahh!
[The clip then cuts back to the Fifteen seconds of Lancer]
[Cut to Berdly talking in front of a green screen in front of him. He is talking about video game topics and is being really passionate about it. He talks about stuff like boss fights, game design, and game mechanics. He's even using some hand motions for dramatic effect.]
Everyone: Yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!
[They're really impressed about the whole presentation and start cheering.]
Jevil: Hello everybody, it is I Jevil! I am here to interrupt Berdly!
[Jevil leaps out of nowhere and starts laughing maniacally.]
Everyone: Jevil!?!
[Jevil looks smug and proud that he was able to interrupt Berdly's presentation.]
Jevil: Did you think you could escape me by using a green screen presentation!? The most devious method of showing a video is no match for my pure chaos!
[Jevil laughs yet again.]
[The clip then cuts to narration]
“Everyone knows that top cakes are a useful item. But, did you know that top cakes are also good for blowing up?????”
[The scene cuts back to Berdly's presentation after Jevil's interruption.]
[Berdly is standing in front of the green screen. He looks visibly annoyed that Jevil interrupted his speech. He has been interrupted yet again by Jevil and now he's just fed up. He doesn't care that the screen is still green anymore and just wants to finish his speech.]
Berdly: Listen, I'm gonna finish this presentation regardless of what Jevil is doing.
[Berdly continues his speech as if nothing even happened even though Jevil continuously tries to interrupt him.]
[Berdly then burst into song, playing the Tally Hall song Greener while the other members of the band jumped out from the audience onto the stage and played the song together.]
[The background is the same green screen of the presentation. The song plays as everyone performs their instruments and dances with them. Susie is playing drums, Ralsei is playing accordion, Kris is playing bass, and Berdly is playing guitar. Lancer shows up unexpectedly and starts playing harmonica. At the end of the song, everyone bows for applause.]
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pagebypagereviews · 3 days
The Democrat Party Hates America is a provocative and incendiary title that immediately commands attention. Written by Mark R. Levin, a well-known conservative commentator and author, this book dives headfirst into a full-scale critique of the Democratic Party, alleging that its policies and actions are fundamentally at odds with American values and interests. Levin’s compelling narrative is designed not just to captivate readers but to challenge deeply entrenched beliefs, offering a stark examination of the ideological rifts that define contemporary American politics. In an era rife with political polarization, The Democrat Party Hates America seeks to provide clarity and perspective for conservatives who feel marginalized and vilified. Leveraging a blend of historical analysis, current events, and partisan critique, Levin positions this book as a vital resource for those looking to understand and counter the influence of progressive politics. By dissecting the Democratic Party's strategies and rhetoric, he aims to reveal what he views as the party’s detrimental impact on the nation, thus equipping readers with the intellectual ammunition needed to engage in informed political discourse. This book attempts to solve the problem of ideological disorientation by framing the Democratic Party's policies as antithetical to the principles upon which America was founded. ## Plot The plot of *The Democrat Party Hates America* meticulously analyzes various historical and contemporary events to argue that the Democratic Party has consistently acted against the best interests of the United States. It delves into pivotal moments such as the party's policies during the Civil War and Reconstruction, the Great Depression, the Civil Rights Movement, and the modern socio-political climate. Through a linear progression of events, the book frames the Democratic Party's actions as attempts to degrade American values and destabilize the nation's foundational principles. Specific case studies, such as the controversy over voter ID laws and healthcare reform, exemplify the author's contention that the party's actions have led to societal division and economic instability. ## Characters In *The Democrat Party Hates America*, political figures from various historical periods are given close scrutiny. Figures such as Andrew Jackson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Lyndon B. Johnson are analyzed for their policies and their impacts on the nation's trajectory. The book also brings to the forefront modern-day politicians like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden, scrutinizing their legislative records and public statements. Through detailed examination of these characters, the book attempts to draw a continuous line of ideological consistency that allegedly undermines America's core values. Each political figure is portrayed not only as an individual but also as a representative of broader party strategies and philosophies. ## Writing Style The writing style of *The Democrat Party Hates America* is both assertive and polemical, designed to persuade readers through a combination of rhetorical questions, emotive language, and selective presentation of facts. The prose is direct and uncompromising, making extensive use of exclamatory sentences and bold assertions to drive home points. A significant portion of the book employs historical documentation interwoven with the author's interpretations, creating a sense of authority and credibility. The writing effectively combines historical narrative with journalistic critique to present a cohesive argument, while also utilizing footnotes and references to support claims and offer further reading. ## Setting The setting of *The Democrat Party Hates America* spans various eras in American history, offering context for the Democratic Party's actions across different time periods. Each chapter situates readers in a specific historical milieu, whether it be the antebellum South, the New Deal era, or the Obama administration, providing a backdrop against which the party's policies are critiqued.
Locations such as Washington D.C., state legislatures, and pivotal states during election cycles are recurrently explored, emphasizing the geopolitical influence the party has wielded over time. This temporal and locational grounding serves to illustrate the long-term implications of the policies in question. ## Unique Aspects One of the unique aspects of *The Democrat Party Hates America* is its unabashedly conservative viewpoint, which diverges from more neutral or liberal-leaning political analyses. The book's approach to historical and contemporary events often contrasts sharply with mainstream interpretations, challenging widely held assumptions about the role and impact of the Democratic Party. It also uniquely combines a broad historical sweep with detailed individual case studies, providing both macro and micro perspectives on the issues discussed. Another distinctive feature is the book's appeal to a specific audience, aimed at galvanizing conservative readers by tapping into existing sentiments and reinforcing particular ideological viewpoints. Similar to The Democrat Party Hates America Book Review Pros of The Democrat Party Hates America Book Review Cons of The Democrat Party Hates America Book Review Thorough Research: The book is backed by extensive research, providing readers with well-documented information on the topic. Engaging Writing Style: The author's engaging writing style keeps the readers interested and invested throughout the book. Controversial Insights: The book presents controversial insights, sparking discussions and debates among readers. Accessible Language: The language used is accessible to a wide audience, making complex political ideas understandable. Comprehensive Coverage: The book covers a wide range of topics related to the Democrat Party, offering a comprehensive analysis. Bias: The book may exhibit a noticeable bias, influencing the reader's perception of objectivity and neutrality. Polarizing Tone: The polarizing tone can alienate certain readers, particularly those who hold opposing views. Repetition: Some points are repeated multiple times, which could be seen as redundant and lessen the impact. Overgeneralizations: The book may contain overgeneralizations that oversimplify complex political situations and figures. Lack of Counterpoints: There might be a lack of counterpoints or balanced viewpoints, leading to a one-sided perspective. Author Reputation When considering "The Democrat Party Hates America" book, it is crucial to evaluate the author's reputation. Assess their background, professional credentials, and previous works. Look for other books or articles written by the author, and read reviews to understand their expertise and viewpoint. The credibility of the author will significantly affect the reliability and quality of the information provided in the book. Publisher Reputation Next, consider the reputation of the publisher. Established and respected publishers are more likely to produce well-researched and factual content. Check to see if the publisher specializes in the genre or subject matter. Reputable publishers also typically have a rigorous editorial process, which helps ensure high-quality content. Book Reviews and Ratings Reading reviews and checking ratings can provide a wealth of information. Look for reviews on multiple platforms such as Amazon, Goodreads, and academic review sites. Pay attention to both positive and negative reviews to get a balanced perspective. Reviews can give you insights into the book's merits, readability, and reliability. Look for patterns in the feedback, as consistent comments can indicate recurring strengths or weaknesses. Credibility of Sources Analyze the credibility of the sources cited in the book. A well-researched book will reference credible, reliable, and relevant sources. Check if the book includes a bibliography or references section. Evaluate the quality of these sources to determine if they are impartial and well-regarded in the field.
Source credibility plays a crucial role in assessing the overall reliability of the book. Content Depth and Accuracy Consider the depth and accuracy of the content. Scan the table of contents and sample chapters, if available, to get an idea of the topics covered and the level of detail provided. A good book will present comprehensive coverage of the subject and provide accurate, factual information. Look for books that balance depth with accessibility, avoiding superficial treatment of complex topics. Publication Date The publication date is another important factor. Ensure that the book is current and includes up-to-date information. Older books may not reflect recent developments or prevailing viewpoints. However, also remember that some timeless works may still hold relevance despite their age. Compare the publication date with other similar works to choose the most current and comprehensive option. Price and Format Consider the price and available formats of the book. Compare prices across different sellers and formats such as hardcover, paperback, ebook, and audiobook to find the best deal. Factor in the cost with the value you anticipate gaining from the book. Sometimes paying a bit more for a comprehensive version can be worthwhile. Commentaries and Critical Analyses Look for academic commentaries and critical analyses of the book. Such resources can provide additional perspectives and deeper understanding. Commentaries often point out the strengths and weaknesses of the book, offering more informed judgments than casual reviews. They can also highlight the book's significance within its field of study. Personal Bias and Perspective Finally, be mindful of personal biases and perspective. Understand that a book's content may be influenced by the author's viewpoint. Reflect on your own biases and be open to diverse viewpoints. A well-rounded reading list includes books from varying perspectives to provide a holistic understanding of the subject. ```html FAQ What is the main thesis of "The Democrat Party Hates America"? The main thesis of the book is that the Democrat Party's policies and actions are fundamentally detrimental to American values and interests. The author argues that the party prioritizes its political agenda over the well-being of the country. Who is the author of "The Democrat Party Hates America"? The book is written by Mark Levin, a conservative commentator, lawyer, and author known for his critical views on the Democrat Party and progressive policies. Is "The Democrat Party Hates America" a biased book? Many readers and critics would consider the book biased, as it presents a highly critical perspective of the Democrat Party. The author’s conservative viewpoints and political background may influence his analysis and conclusions. What type of evidence does the author use to support his arguments? Mark Levin uses a combination of historical references, policy analysis, and contemporary examples to support his arguments. He often cites specific actions, statements, and legislative initiatives of Democrat leaders to make his case. Is this book suitable for readers with opposing political views? This book may be challenging for readers with opposing political views due to its strong conservative stance. However, those interested in understanding conservative critiques of the Democrat Party may find it insightful. How has "The Democrat Party Hates America" been received by critics? The reception of the book varies widely. Conservative critics and readers often praise it for its thorough analysis and bold arguments. On the other hand, progressive and liberal critics typically dismiss it as one-sided and overly critical. Does the book offer any solutions or recommendations? Yes, the book does offer solutions and recommendations to counteract what the author sees as the negative influence of the Democrat Party. These solutions are generally rooted in conservative political philosophy and policies. What is the writing style of "The Democrat Party Hates America"?
The writing style of the book is direct, assertive, and polemical. Mark Levin's background as a radio host and commentator is evident in his emphatic tone and rhetorical approach. Where can I purchase "The Democrat Party Hates America"? The book is available for purchase at major bookstores, both online and in physical stores. It can also be found on various e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. ``` In conclusion, "The Democrat Party Hates America" stands as a compelling and provocative read for anyone interested in understanding the current political climate from a critical perspective. This book offers an in-depth analysis and thought-provoking insights that challenge conventional narratives about one of America's major political parties. The author’s meticulous research and unabashed commentary make it a valuable choice for both political enthusiasts and casual readers who seek to gain a deeper understanding of the ideologies at play. By exploring the historical context, ideological shifts, and policy impacts, the book not only informs but also encourages readers to engage in meaningful discourse. Whether you agree with its premises or not, "The Democrat Party Hates America" provides substantial food for thought and is a noteworthy addition to any political literature collection. Other The Democrat Party Hates America Book Review buying options
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airasilver · 3 months
Courts block part of Biden’s student loan repayment plan for millions
The two court rulings, in response to lawsuits filed by Republican-led states, prohibit the Education Department from moving ahead with major provisions of Biden’s SAVE loan repayment program.
A pair of federal judges on Monday halted key parts of President Joe Biden’s new student loan repayment program, imperiling the administration’s plan to lower monthly payments and erase student debt for millions of Americans ahead of the November election.
The two court rulings, in response to lawsuits filed by Republican-led states, prohibit the Education Department from moving ahead with major provisions of Biden’s SAVE loan repayment program. The decisions prevent the Biden administration from further reducing the monthly payments of millions of borrowers as planned in July or canceling more debt under the program.
More than 8 million loan borrowers are enrolled in the SAVE plan, which the Biden administration launched last year, touting it as the most affordable option ever for federal student loan borrowers. The Education Department already invoked the loan forgiveness provisions of the plan to cancel $5.5 billion of debt for 414,000 borrowers, with more scheduled.
The SAVE program has been a cornerstone of the Biden administration’s efforts to provide student debt relief to borrowers even as the Covid-era payment pause expired last year and Biden’s bigger ambitions for mass loan forgiveness were blocked at the Supreme Court.
But Republicans have argued that the program is the latest in a string of Biden executive actions to ease or erase student debt that far exceed the administration’s legal authority. On Monday, a pair of Obama-appointed federal judges partially agreed with them, issuing separate preliminary injunctions against different parts of the SAVE program.
District Judge John A. Ross of the Eastern District of Missouri blocked the Education Department from carrying out “any further loan forgiveness for borrowers” under the SAVE program until he decides the full case.
Ross ruled that Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey and other GOP states who sued were likely to succeed on their claims that the Biden administration lacks the authority to forgive student debt under the SAVE program.
He agreed that the program’s loan forgiveness provisions would likely harm Missouri because it would reduce the fees that the Education Department pays to the Missouri Higher Education Assistance Agency. That’s the same state-created entity that was at the center of the Supreme Court case over Biden’s first mass student debt relief program.
Federal student loan borrowers typically must repay their debts for 20 or 25 years to have their remaining balances discharged under the Education Department’s income-driven repayment plans. But the SAVE plan had offered a new, shorter timeline for forgiveness, canceling debt after just 10 years for borrowers who initially took out less than $12,000.
Meanwhile in Kansas, District Judge Daniel Crabtree blocked the Education Department from implementing a part of the SAVE program that would further lower some borrowers’ monthly payments, in some cases cutting them in half.
The SAVE plan has already lowered monthly payments — or eliminated them entirely for low-income borrowers — for millions of borrowers. But a second phase of the program, which was set to take effect July 1, was supposed to recalculate borrowers’ monthly payments and cap them at 5 percent of their discretionary income, down from the current 10 percent.
Crabtree ruled that the Republican states were likely to succeed on their claims that the Education Department lacked clear authority from Congress to enact the SAVE plan.
But he declined to block the entirety of the program, citing concerns about the feasibility of unwinding the parts of the program that had already been implemented. He also wrote that the Republican states’ delay in filing the lawsuit months after the plan was announced undercut their arguments that there was an immediate need to block the entire program.
The Education Department did not immediately have a comment on the ruling.
The order from the Missouri-based judge blocking the loan forgiveness provisions takes effect immediately. The Kansas-based judge deferred his injunction blocking the lower monthly payments until June 30 to give the administration time to appeal the order.
Groups advocating for student debt relief slammed the ruling saying that borrowers are now in limbo.
Mike Pierce, the executive director of the Student Borrower Protection Center, blasted the courts for creating “chaos across the student loan system” and said the Biden administration should consider “shutting the student loan system down until borrowers have access to the rights they were promised under the law.”

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After the NRA’s wildly successful lobbying to turn the Second Amendment into an absolute individual right was emboldened by the Bruen decision, several states have been toeing the line to determine what prohibitions, if any, stand in the way of gun ownership. One of them, Missouri, passed a law that put a chilling effect on state and local law enforcement from enforcing federal gun laws in Missouri. The Show Me State just got shown that it can’t do that. Not for now, anyway. From Reuters:
“A Missouri state law that declared several federal gun laws 'invalid' is unconstitutional, a U.S. federal judge ruled on Tuesday, handing the U.S. Justice Department a victory in its bid to get the law tossed out.
At issue was a measure Republican Governor Mike Parson signed into law in 2021 that declared that certain federal gun laws infringed on the rights of individuals to keep and bear arms under the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment.
U.S. District Judge Brian Wimes in Jefferson City, Missouri, said the state’s Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) violates the U.S. Constitution’s Supremacy Clause, which holds that federal laws take priority over conflicting state laws.”
The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution is like the Commerce Clause and the Insurrection Clause in some ways — they are some of the threads that bind together an otherwise mostly independent series of states. And as neat as it is to think of the states as individual laboratories of democracy, there has to be some overlapping and enforceable code of conduct that can separate otherwise good science from a bumbling series of OSHA violations in a lab coat.
“Wimes, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, in a siding with Democratic President Joe Biden’s administration called the practical effects of the Republican-led state’s law ‘counterintuitive to its stated purpose.’
‘While purporting to protect citizens, SAPA exposes citizens to greater harm by interfering with the federal government’s ability to enforce lawfully enacted firearms regulations designed by Congress for the purpose of protecting citizens,’ he wrote.”
It it pretty hard to argue against that — just take a look at this clip that goes into detail about how laws like SAPA would make it harder for the police who aren’t killing unarmed protestors to do domestic abuse calls.
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As expected, Missouri has already announced that it will appeal the decision.
“Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, a Republican, in a statement promised an appeal, saying he was committed to ‘defending Missourians’ fundamental right to bear arms.’
‘If the state legislature wants to expand upon the foundational rights codified in the Second Amendment, they have the authority to do that,’ he said.”
Sure would be nice if some Missouri representatives were more committed to defending Missourians’ fundamental right to live. Missouri has the fourth highest gun death rate in the nation, due at least in part to the vigorous defense of the Second Amendment by representatives like Bailey. As easy as it is to view this as a concrete example of the tension between state rights and federal authority, let’s not forget about the real consequences we have to stomach in the process.
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wutbju · 3 months
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This is just a scream. Look at what I said (I'll bold it) and what got *ME* put in time out. Me.
BJU hates women who act. Hates.
John Stephenson ​​when u stack the board, it’s easy
Daniel Malabanti ​​yooo whos clay dawg
Kamalei Goff ​​We need the chat for any function at FMA for now on
Chris Meaders ​​TRUMP
Daniel Malabanti ​​CLAYTON!!
Clay Dawg ​​Clayton James
Bigcat23 ​​He is not conservative enough
Wesley Boudreau ​​joe mama
All Gems ​​Tolla LOLOL
Holly Shiveley ​​He's trying to give us background for the process which I think is important for us to understand.
Wesley-76 ​​Oh no more steps
CrazyAsianAirsoft ​​A board of people who were against moving the school to a post 1999 era. Great.
Johnny Pierre ​​I second Clayton James
Clay Dawg ​​❤
Natetastic ​​its either crockett or the other guy
Daniel Malabanti ​​I second Clayton as well
Camille Lewis ​​MOAR STEPS
Josh Watts Music ​​I'm glad he's keeping this from being too hype
Clay Dawg ​​let's gooo
Clay Dawg ​​Johnny!
Steve Von Bokern ​​Makenzie, now we are on steps.
Satyr_Legz ​​i hate to be impatient but just get to the point pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
Mackenzie Mohnacky ​​Yeah, knowing the process is important
CrazyAsianAirsoft ​​I’ve seen faster moving icebergs than this guy
Chris Meaders ​​The votes are still coming in
achy228 ​​lol 2 hr meetings….its not looking good for us on brevity of this speech
Eric Dickinson ​​please be jurgen
Charlie Eldred ​​Points, steps, bowls, vials, trumpets …
Mark Bonikowsky ​​#fekirin
Matthew Smith ​​Certified yapper
Jessica Nowachek ​​Politicians 🙄
Sydney Patton ​​Who’s counting the votes
Clay Dawg ​​my president is Johnny Pierre 🤚
Charlie Eldred ​​The effective speaker …
Daniel Malabanti ​​aye it's Ginger!
Chris Meaders ​​ACG
Clay Dawg ​​Matthew?!?
Wesley Boudreau ​​at least we know its a him…
Bigcat23 ​​5 years??
Eric Dickinson ​​hand-pink-waving
Sven Loeffler ​​weathers
Natetastic ​​5 YEARS??
Clay Dawg ​​dats my roommate!!
achy228 ​​Oh good grief
CrazyAsianAirsoft ​​With this build up, it better be John the Baptist himself
Mackenzie Mohnacky ​​This is like announcing who won the week competition at The Wilds
Bigcat23 ​​Gotta be benson
Timothy Kain ​​I would love for them recant and re-install Steve Pettit.
Steve Von Bokern ​​ha
Bigcat23 ​​They wont put a new guy for 5 years
Josh Watts Music ​​It's Pedro Pascal
achy228 ​​Plot twist - it’s actually him
Efan ​​Steve Pettit has the most aura
Holly Shiveley ​​I think this is to strengthen our support and trust. Just listen people
Anthony Lehn ​​Still wild that Pettit wasn't conservative enough smh
Tyler Greenly ​​Go bruins!!
CrazyAsianAirsoft ​​Get on with it already
Steven Hudson ​​“The board elected me”
Timothy Kain ​​So it is a HIM!
Johnny Pierre ​​bro, he's definitely reading this chat while speaking and purposely prolonging this 😂😂
Satyr_Legz ​​ITS TIME???
Natetastic ​​McAllister?
Charlie Eldred ​​Sam Horn?
Chris Meaders ​​Jennifer, its the guy you know
achy228 ​​It’s been 84 years
Steven Hudson ​​Dr Minnick
Larsens ​​A pastor
CrazyAsianAirsoft ​​text-green-game-over
Andrew Lawson ​​hoping the best for BJU
Paul Rebert ​​Crokett!!
Toby Jorgensen ​​Crockett
Eric Dickinson ​​🤣
Efan ​​Steve Pettit has maximum aura
Sven Loeffler ​​its crocket
Redneck rascals ​​If its 5 years its Bensen
Tolla ​​L
Satyr_Legz ​​indiana??
Camille Lewis ​​Yeah, it sounds like Crockett.
Stephen Washer ​​Crocket fs
Rebecca Bate ​​Crockett
Paul Rebert ​​Crockett pastored in IN
achy228 ​​Indiana Jones?
Jahn Mark ​​better not be Crockett
Bill Alger ​​A Hoosier? Let's gooooooooo
Eric Dickinson ​​chelsea fc. giving longer contract than needed
Tolla ​​Who
Johnny Pierre ​​oh, he's from the Midwest….
Tolla ​​Asked
Camille Lewis ​​So Bob 3 didn't get his wish.
Bigcat23 ​​Joshua crocket
Dustan Chevalier ​​Whoa. Crocket.
Efan ​​I know about the secret tunnels under Bob Jones
Peter Cartwright ​​we want Benson
Bigcat23 ​​He said it
Beyheena Eliacin ​​😳
Camille Lewis ​​Wow,
Chris Meaders ​​….
Josh Watts Music ​​Let's go Joshes!
Jahn Mark ​​dang
Prince Juliegh Sarnicula ​​whoa
Jack H. ​​ain't no way
Efan ​​Crocket has no aura big dawg
Eric Dickinson ​​huge if true
Fellowship Baptist Church ​​Congratulations brother Crockett
Katie Tucker ​​YES
Natetastic ​​Crockett???
Mackenzie Mohnacky ​​WHOA!
Jahn Mark ​​rip
Bill Alger ​​mind=blown
Mystic ​​oh its that guy
CrazyAsianAirsoft ​​At least it was someone under the age of 1000
Andrew Lawson ​​woohoo!
Dolly McCabe ​​Wisconsin
Jack H. ​​nepotism at it's finest
Daniel Malabanti ​​yoooo
Lisa Weddle ​​Awesome!
Tolla ​​I give the school 5 years max . . .
Mystic ​​wait nvm i dont think ive seen this guy before
Mackenzie Mohnacky ​​Didn't even know he was running
Timothy Kain ​​Shazam
CrazyAsianAirsoft ​​Aight im out
Mackenzie Mohnacky ​​He's my pastor at Morningside
Tolla ​​L
Wesley Boudreau ​​I don't even know him
Wesley-76 ​​Wait, it it bad I don't know who this is?
Jack H. ​​booooo
Mystic ​​i havent seen him before either
Jahn Mark ​​I've heard him preach, this could get rough fast
meli08chan ​​when did he graduate?
Natetastic ​​what a twist
Jack H. ​​drake or kendrick?
Adrian Stargazer ​​wait a minute, this isn't metal gear
Jack H. ​​that is NOT solid snake
April Treas ​​kendrick fs
Timothy Kain ​​Is this the CROCKET from CROCKETDOODLEs?
Brendan Warren ​​great pick
pcviewer1 ​​Steve Pettit told the board he would leave if they didn't stop doing stuff behind his back.
Adrian Stargazer ​​hey dudes, the university is pretty chill, maybe you should like, join it or something
Mackenzie Mohnacky ​​It's his brother
pcviewer1 ​​So Steve Pettit probably wont be back because of that
Wesley Boudreau ​​im in the university
Bill Alger ​​o7
Brendan Warren ​​Josh is a great guy
Jack H. ​​nepo
Sven Loeffler ​​no this is the younger brother
Tolla ​​Heresy alert on the daily
Paul Rebert ​​PTL, Josh is a great decision!
Bigcat23 ​​Wesley nobody cares
Sven Loeffler ​​He was the pastor of Morningside baptist
Timothy Kain ​​TY
Matt Black ​​My kids (BJU students or graduates) love him. Praise God.
Wesley Boudreau ​​i do
Efan ​​Wesley consider yourself an opp
Wesley-76 ​​He sounds like a great guy. If he won by this much, he's probably going to be good. I'm looking forward to hearing him this Fall!
Jack H. ​​new rap beef
Bigcat23 ​​Wesley shut up
Matt Black ​​I appreciate that he's young. He's a reasonable and godly man.
Eric Dickinson ​​the hat man got 2 stars in cwl
Jack H. ​​that hairline…
Timothy Kain ​​Seems like a wonderful choice. May GOD guide him and his decisions.
Luke Griffith ​​Crockett doodles
Timothy Kain ​​Sense of humor….check
Bigcat23 ​​Why the 5 years tho?
James Bussard ​​A pastor should not be allowed to be the President of a college. Either the church will suffer, or the college will. Or both. This is pure ambition, and poor discernment.
Jessica Nowachek ​​He seemed like a good pastor when I visited morningside.
Jack H. ​​no shot triple sticks didn't have a say in this
Bigcat23 ​​What if he mess this thing more than it is already
Josh Watts Music ​​Bussard I'm afraid I have to agree
Bigcat23 ​​Would he still be a pastor though?
Holly Shiveley ​​He was a student when I was a grad student teaching speech. His name sounded familiar. It's possible I taught him😄
Josh Watts Music ​​good question
John Juan ​​@James Bussard - I'm 99% sure he will no longer pastor Morningside Baptist.
Anthony Lehn ​​Triple sticks ftw
Timothy Kain ​​A coach needs time to build. It Should keep pharisaical thugs at bay for awhile.
Eric Dickinson ​​hat man was supposed to go for 4 but went for 1 and got 2 stars.
Mackenzie Mohnacky ​​I believe that he will do a great job. He's been my pastor for the last three years, and I believe that God is going to do great things through him.
Sven Loeffler ​​the prez is to by ordained
Tobe Witmer ​​Josh C. is a good compromise. Good guy Academic.
Jack H. ​​this look like the battle pass
Jonathan Washburn ​​Bragging about getting all of your degrees from one school isn't the W he thinks it is.
Timothy Kain ​​Great connections to money and sustenance.
Tobe Witmer ​​Not All his degrees. “Most”
Anthony Lehn ​​Well, it's a couple more degrees than you have Jonathan Washburn
Camille Lewis ​​The students are not going to be won with this.
Bill Alger ​​this could have been an email, but I'm glad it wasn't.
Timothy Kain ​​Well I'm off to collect my winnings. 😂
James Bussard ​​If he does abandon the pastorate (and the people of Morningside), did God suddenly change His mind about the man's "calling"? God doesn't do that. Not this way. Again…smacks of ambition and flesh.
Tobe Witmer ​​Wrong Camille. As normal
Wesley Boudreau ​​well it must be Gods will because nothing happens that isn't
Sven Loeffler ​​true
Mackenzie Mohnacky ​​Amen, Wesley
Jack H. ​​15th professor is a goober
Andrew Black ​​Proverbs 10:19 " In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise."
Camille Lewis ​​You like this, Matt? really?
Jonathan Washburn ​​Josh and his brother were decent hoopers in high school. I'll never forget watching Eric Newton drop like 50+ in the state semifinal in a raucous crowd against the best team in the state.
Camille Lewis ​​And how do I become your fixation even here?
Michael Ball ​​Who is the new president?
Aurum ​​wish Camille could be blocked from this
Camille Lewis ​​Bless you all.
Jack H. ​​fake news huh? ok goober
Camille Lewis ​​This is not a good acceptance speech, friends.
The15thProfessor ​​yeah fake news
Jack H. ​​15th i'm in your walls
The15thProfessor ​​Now I know who you are
Jack H. ​​do you now
CurlyFries ​​‍
Charlie Eldred ​​Text is on unity; chat dissolves into anything but
Cor Frost ​​Caleb its not fake lol
Jonathan Washburn ​​Is that you Jack Hyles?
D.o.G. ​​Man, I hope I'm dead meat if this is as good as it gets. sorry I am well below my standards
Camille Lewis ​​Who remembers the stuffed bear in his Dad's living room? It was a scream. [This is what got me put in timeout? A taxidermy memory?]
Adrian Stargazer ​​guys, stop arguing in the presidential announcement
Matthew Leys ​​Praying for a strong future for BJU and that God would put to silence the scorners.
Jonathan Washburn ​​Josh's younger brother Luke is among the kindest people I've ever met. He also scored the game winning goal against us in the 2003 State Semi-final and it still hurts.
Tobe Witmer ​​Pettit! Way to go Josh!
Cor Frost ​​rip
Anthony Lehn ​​Thanks for the history lesson Jonathan Washburn smh
Isaac Balardelle ​​chat is this real
Wesley Boudreau ​​no
Jack H. ​​15th i'm right behind you
Eric Dickinson ​​beta gamma won 7 turkey bowls in a row
Jonathan Washburn ​​@Anthony Lehn Sigma 72, Beta 70
Stephen Burch ​​Praying for BJU and President Crockett!
Ben Waters ​​Chi Delta 4Ever!
Jonathan Washburn ​​Stay classy Chi Delt! @Ben Waters
Eric Dickinson ​​wil the new president take care of the turkey bowl alpha won with an ineligible player. the last president refused to comment
Camille Lewis ​​This is gonna be a rough transition. [I couldn't post this because I was in timeout.]
Wesley Boudreau ​​XEΔ
Aurum ​​bruh
Jacob Vanaman ​​@Jonathan Washburn - that one win was a claim to fame for the Sigma Spartans…but after a while that trophy got heavy.
Anthony Lehn ​​1 loss in basketball in four year
PofE Plays ​​wesley imagine being a wolf smh my head
Jacob Vanaman ​​@Anthony Lehn - wins fa' dayz
Quin Machado ​​why wasnt the turkey bowl fiasco of 2023 the number one concern addressed?
Jack H. ​​15th you have no idea who I am but I know everything about you
Anthony Lehn ​​Hey coach @Jacob Vanaman !
Bigcat23 ​​Wolves are among the weirdest people on campus
PofE Plays ​​lol thats what 15th hates more than anything
Wesley Boudreau ​​@Bigcat23 no you
The15thProfessor ​​why do i have such a reputation
Jacob Vanaman ​​@Anthony Lehn - good to hear from you buddy!
PofE Plays ​​100 bigcat
James Bussard ​​I investigated Morningside for my daughter to attend while at BJU. It falls short in many ways, when compared against Scripture. Sadly, plastic Christianity may continue to abound at BJU.
Efan ​​Bob jones lost so much aura
Kamalei Goff ​​chat, is this real?
PofE Plays ​​ok camille alt
Bigcat23 ​​Wesley Boudreau is among the weirdest guys on campus, playing Minecraft all the time
Anthony Lehn ​​Can't help but inch closer to the door
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