cannotflyarc · 11 months
i did a huge draft drop last night ( got rid of almost half of them ) so my amount of drafts is at a more normal number now. still working through a lot, but i hope to be a lot faster now. most of the threads i dropped got dropped because i have a ton of drafts with the same person/muse/etc., but as always, we can start new things! i may do another starter call in a few weeks when i feel ready ( rip to my old one, but i keep forgetting about it so i don't know if i'll ever finish it ) and i'll be reblogging memes!! i will say that i tend to reply to my friends faster since i talk about our muses with them more often, so i am always up for plotting! the fastest way to reach me is on dicsord: johannabarker. also find me on my other blogs which i am trying to make more active: @aintdumb and @gathersroses
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red-rubies · 2 years
@johanna-songbird-barker | For Johanna
Without a fail, every time that Sweeney came to the ER, he’d always get stared at by others in the room and he couldn’t say he blamed them. Being a street fighter in that club downtown could be pretty dangerous, for some even leading to death depending on the intensity. Looking liked a bloody mess could only really ever get negative attention but this was not something he held concern for. The former barber simply went by the fact that he knew there were times he did require medical assistance so in those instances would head over to the hospital.
The older gentleman had been here at least a couple of hours now and was losing his patience, even if if should be used to this by now. The doctors and nurses were familiar with him for sure as in the ten months he’d been in Washington he had been here at least six or seven times. He’d become a regular in a weird way which was never a good thing. 
With eyes scanning the room they settled upon a young blonde, who had not long entered seeming to have some sort of struggle with her breathing. He was not sure what was from with the poor girl but he did feel sorry for her. She seemed to be the youngest one in here by a long shot and people were giving her funny looks too. She was gorgeous with yellow hair, reminding him a lot of his wife. Of course, he did not see all blonde women this way but with this one, there was something about her which felt familiar even if he’d never seen her before. He felt reluctant to go over, she’d probably not appreciate some old man coming over and talking to her whilst she was in distress but still he found himself wandering over to her, seeing as nobody else in here seemed willing to comfort the poor thing.
“Try to focus on your breathing.” he spoke in a soft tone, very unusual for him. He carefully sat beside her and studied her face. All he was considering was potentially this girl had some sort of anxiety problem and was having a form of anxiety attack but he was no professional, it could of been anything really. “ I know coming from a stranger in some waiting room will sound odd but everything will be okay, miss.” he felt as if he wanted to give her hand a a reassuring squeeze but didn’t want to creep her out so instead kept his hands on his knees. He was probably a sore site to look at right now with a blood stained shirt from injuries to his upper chest, cuts across his face and a bust up nose but at leas he was in a place where looking this terrible could be passed off as semi normal.
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