#john shelyby
peakyblinders1919 · 11 months
i saw that you were asking for some dad requests and i was thinking maybe dad!john just being domestic with his kids and wife
“Daddy home!”
You were quite used to the incoherent babbles of your youngest, if not on your hip then she was always close by. Currently, she was in the high chair smearing some kind of berry puree over her face, your back to her as you slaved over the sauce for dinner. It was harder work than you remembered, actually, it had always been hard work, at one point in time you were just more used to it. Part of you, the part that was a bit sweaty from the heat of the burner, or maybe the part that could only mumble at Lucy’s words, not giving her your proper attention, it was those parts combined that made you regret dismissing the cook and the maid earlier this week. It was just easy to keep your mind busy when you literally had your hands full.
“I told you sweetheart, Daddy will be home soon. Not too long now, four more days.” You weren’t ashamed to admit to counting down the days until your husband’s return, not to the 2 year-old at least. Some of the others were old enough to know, and everyone in the household was old enough now to miss John when he was away on these “required” trips. You suggested the others play outside, figuring the sun and the distraction would do them all some good. Which it did, taking a peak out the window about the sink to see George, Peter, and William chasing after their big sister through the fields to the side of the house. The only bad thing about your motherly suggestion was that it left the house quiet. 
Too quiet. 
You were glad for Lucy’s babblings, however incoherent.
“Daddy home! Daddy home! See Daddy.”
“Yes baby, soon.”
“Not soon enough, aye?” It was the familiar smell of tobacco that made you stop in your tracks, but it was the Brummie accent that nearly brought happy tears to your eyes before even trying towards the door. The kids’ giggled with excitement by his side, nearly hanging on him, more excited to see him than you were.
“John Shelby, what is the meaning of this?” Shock, excitement, and faux annoyance folded onto your features, hands on your hips as you looked at him. Though, the longer you looked at him, the quicker you wanted him in your space again, breathing your air, taking it away from you in the style of a kiss.
“Can’t a man surprise his wife and family?” His voice reflected your annoyance, though his was rooted in his surprise not being appreciated when it was far from the truth.
You thought about hitting him with a quick-witted quip, but decided better of it, not wanting your first time in two weeks being make-up sex.
“Absolutely.” You smiled, walking towards him and finally settling against him, feeling every ounce of tension leave you when his arms wrapped strongly around your frame. “You can surprise us any day.” A kiss to your temple his only reply until you finally unburied your head from his chest so he could kiss you properly. 
All the kids cringed. All for Lucy, who clapped and holster, proud of herself for announcing his return. 
So much time and yet so little had passed, but John missed you. Missed you more than you could know, though you had the slightest suspicion because of the way he looked at you when he stepped in, and the way he continued looking at you now. Eyes dark with lust and desire and hunger for you and only you.
“Daaaaadd…” Katie whined, pulling at his arm for some of his attention.
It was hard for him to take his eyes off you.
“Right,” he cleared his throat, “speaking of surprises. You lot didn’t think Dad’d come ‘one empty handed, did ya?”
The next few minutes we’re like Christmas- special candies for the boys, a silk skirt for Katie, a pair of booties for Lucy, “and yours you’ll have to wait to use in the bedroom later,” he whispered in your ear. Slapping his chest, though his humor might not have been missed, or his inappropriate innuendos, you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
You couldn’t resist kissing him again, his lips tasting even better than you imagined, better than you remembered. You lost yourself in his lips, their softness, their gentleness, the way they knew exactly when to push and yours pull and vice versa, moving in synchronicity that can only be due to years of exploring each other. You only knew you’d both gotten over zealous when the kids began their teasingly disgusted sounds, and it wasn’t due to the candy they’d devoured.
“Well, now that Dad’s back, it’s his turn to tuck everyone in and read them to bed,” you declared with a devilish grin his way, the kids cheering, practically racing upstairs to change into their nightgowns. Your stories just weren’t as interesting (which also meant they were more effective at sending them to sleep). 
“And while you do that, I’ll be in our room… unwrapping that present of yours. I think I have a little surprise of my own for you.”
And you swore you’d never seen John Shelby blush, not that you could remember anyway.
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