#johnny nunzio fluff
bxcketbarnes · 3 years
Shoot Your Shot
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Pairing: Johnny Nunzio x Reader
Words: 1400+
Another character for Seb in the books! Johnny is fucking adorable and I love him. He deserves the puss 😏🤣 I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you guys think! xox
"Are you sure that Marina won't mind? I mean, she's paired up with Johnny," you ask your friend, Tina, while fiddling with your fingers.
Tina laughs and shakes her head. "Y/N, I'm still in shock that you have a crush on Johnny Nunzio," she chuckles while tugging up the skirt of her wedding dress.
"Yeah, I agree," Donna mutters, helping the woman, "I mean he's kind of an idiot, Y/N."
Your cheeks blush and you shrug your shoulders. "I don't know, guys. He's really cute," you grin, causing the blonde to pinch your cheeks.
"Aw, Tina! Our little one is in love," Donna chuckles as you swat at her hand. "Girl, I'm sure Marina won't mind at all. She doesn't even see him that way."
"Oh, good," you mutter and let out a sigh of relief, the smile on your lips widening. "I should let you guys get ready. I'll see you at the church!"
The girls wave you off and you let out a laugh before walking out of Josie's, Tina's mother, house. You make a quick pit stop at home to change into the dress you bought for the occasion.
You walk up to the church, your fingers playing with the lace on your red off-the-shoulder dress. You see Johnny leaning against the car with his brother and two friends, a smile coming to your lips.
"Hey, Johnny," you greet the brunette and his blue eyes meet yours.
His pink lips part slightly as Dom nudges his side. "H-Hey, Y/N," Johnny stutters as you continue walking by.
His eyes follow you until you disappear into the church. "I don't think I've ever heard you stutter before," Tony mentions with a smirk.
Johnny rolls his eyes and takes a sip from his beer bottle. "Shut up, I was caught off guard," he mumbles while chewing on the ends of his sunglasses. "She looks good, really good."
"Go for it, dude. You said you were getting a girl tonight. Shoot your shot," Dom says while slapping Johnny's back.
He adjusts his suit and glances towards the guy. "You think she'd go for me?" He mutters while running his hands through his hair.
Tony snorts, causing the younger brother to glance towards him. "I think so. She looks your way a lot," Tony informs him as everyone begins piling into the church.
You cross one leg over the other as the Pastor starts the ceremony and you couldn't help but glance in Johnny's direction every few minutes. You gently bite your lip, wishing you could speak to him more often without acting like a fool.
Your breath hitches in your throat as you glance towards the brunette, his eyes already looking at you. A quiet laugh leaves your lips as Johnny aggressively chews the gum in his mouth.
He smiles at you and you tuck your hair behind your ear, feeling a bit shy under his gaze.
The ceremony was… interesting. Probably one of the most dysfunctional weddings you've ever attended, to be honest. But, you're extremely happy for the two of them.
After driving over to the place the reception is being held in, you decide to try and talk to Johnny some more. You find a seat to sit in after walking into the building, waiting for Vinnie, the owner, to call in the wedding party.
You sip on the drink you got from the bar as Vinnie steps onto the stage. "For those of you who don't know me, my name is Vinnie Black. I am the Cadillac of Caterers and I welcome you to the Coliseum," Vinnie greets everyone before continuing his speech. "Folks, I am honored that Josie and her late husband, Vito, have entrusted me with her lovely daughter's wedding party."
A quiet sigh leaves your lips as Vinnie drones on about Tina, finding it a bit creepy at how the older man described her. He first introduces Tina's mother, and Tony's father, Anthony, the two coming out from behind the curtain.
You clap your hands, watching the two get their photo taken before they continue forward. Johnny and Marina get called next and you can't help but feel your heart flutter in your chest. Your eyes watch him as they walk out, seeing the bored expression on the brunette's face.
You stifle a laugh as the two walks past you. A smile etched onto your lips as your eyes meet Johnny's. He gives you a small wave and continues walking forward, his head whipping back to look at you for a few more seconds.
Tina and Tony were announced, causing the whole room to cheer. You stand from your chair and clap your hands together, smiling fondly at the two.
The dance floor clears a bit for the newlyweds to have their first dance as you head towards the bar. You hand the bartender your empty glass before returning to the dance floor.
Other members of the wedding party start to dance with one another when you walk up to Johnny. You fiddle with your fingers and tap his shoulder. "Y/N, hey," he smiles while moving his hand to rest on your arm.
"Hey, Johnny," you softly grin as a shiver runs down your spine. "I-Do you wanna dance with me?"
He glances towards Marina and she just nods her head before walking away. "Yeah, yeah," Johnny says breathlessly and rests one of his hands on your hips.
A blush dusts your cheeks as your left hand clasps with his while your right sits on his shoulder. The two of you sway to the music playing as you keep your gaze locked with his.
"You look beautiful," Johnny mumbles while glancing towards his brother.
You press your lips together and quietly thank him. You move to rest your head on his chest, hearing his heart beating quickly. "You look handsome, Johnny," you whisper loud enough for him to hear as the brunette's hands on your waist slide across your back.
He clears his throat, causing you to pull away from him. "I- You make me nervous," Johnny laughs as the two of you continue to dance.
"You make me nervous as well. It's okay," you mumble while squeezing his hand in yours.
Johnny lets out a deep breath before grinning ear to ear. He wets his lips and halts his movements. You furrow your brows as the brunette looks around the room, noticing everyone interacting with one another.
"C'mere," Johnny mumbles and drags you away from the others. You bite your lip softly and glance over your shoulder, seeing Tina giving you a thumbs up.
The two of you move behind the giant heart before Johnny turns to face you. "Why are we back here?" You giggle as he rests his hand on your cheek.
"So I could do this," he mutters before leaning down to kiss you.
Your eyes widen as a sharp gasp escapes your lips. Johnny takes a step closer to you while slipping his arm around your waist. You kiss him back and flutter your eyes shut, moving your arms around his neck.
He presses your body against his as your heart pounds against your chest. "Shit," Johnny whispers after pulling away from you, his forehead resting against yours.
"I-That was unexpected," you mumble, feeling your cheeks heat up.
"I've been wanting to do that for a bit," he mutters before kissing your lips lightly. "I just never thought you'd kiss me back."
A grin comes to your lips and you glide your fingers through his hair. "I've wanted to kiss you for a long time, Johnny," you confess to him.
He goes to say something when his father yells his name, startling the two of you. You glance over your shoulder as your hands slide down his arms.
"We should probably get back," Johnny whispers, causing you to glance back at him.
"Promise me we can do this again later?" You ask him while biting your lip, hiding your smirk.
The brunette wets his lips and smirks. "Oh, absolutely. I'm gonna wanna kiss you a lot," Johnny mutters before quickly kissing you once more. You hum and jokingly bite his bottom lip. Johnny lets out a growl and tightens his grip on your hips. "Don't tease me."
"Mm, I'll think about it, handsome," you wink before walking away from him, heading back towards the dance hall.
"Fuck, she'll be the death of me," Johnny mumbles to himself and follows after you.
Taglist: @starbuckie @metalbuckaroo @whoreforbucknasty @jessalyn-jpeg @queen-of-mischief @hallecarey1 @glxwingrxse @bumblebet-20 @broadwaybabe18​ @thewxntersoldier
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lucky-bucky-boy · 5 years
Johnny Nunzio sees someone disrespecting you and puts them the fuck back in their place
1st though - omg Ary (@johnnynunzio ) would do that for ME
2nd thought - Applause to you for knowing such a minor seb character
3rd - HELL FUCKING YES. At first it's all subtle like "hey man that's not cool" but the dude keeps going so Johnny puts him in his place, whether it be threats or punches. I'd fuck the shit outta him for that
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Tuesday 3-3-20 - it's time for another HBC 24 Hour Surprise Drabble Challenge!
The theme this time is AU! Alternate Universe - choose any AU (list below, or create your own) and Seb/Any Seb Character(s) and go wild!
Rules For AU Challenge Drabbles:
You do not need to reserve a prompt.
You do not need to tell us which prompt you're writing.
You can write as many or as few as you'd like, and there is no word minimum or maximum.
Smut/Fluff/Angst/any combo accepted, please adhere to HBC Guidelines.
To get on the masterlist, DM the link to your drabble(s) to HBC - All AU Challenge Drabble links received in 24 hours will be added to the masterlist.
AU Prompts:
Cam Boy
College Student
Dad/Single Parent
Fairy Tale
Musician/Rock Star
Police Officer
Private Detective
Space Opera
Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby
Tattoo Artist
Character List:
Tony n' Tina's Wedding - Johnny Nunzio
Red Doors - Simon
The Architect - Martin Waters
The Covenant - Chase Collins
The Education of Charlie Banks - Leo Reilly
Rachel Getting Married - Walter
Spread- Harry
Hot Tub Time Machine - Blaine
Black Swan - Andrew / Suitor
Gone - Billy
The Apparition - Ben Curtis
The Bronze - Lance Tucker
Ricki and the Flash - Joshua Brummel
The Martian - Dr. Chris Beck
Logan Lucky - Dayton White
I, Tonya - Jeff Gillooly
I'm Not Here - Steve
Destroyer - Det. Chris
We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Charles Blackwood
The Last Full Measure - Scott Huffman
Gossip Girl - Carter Baizen
Kings - Jack Benjamin
Once Upon a Time - Jefferson / The Mad Hatter
Political Animals - T.J. Hammond
Labyrinth - Will Franklyn
I'm Dying Up Here - Clay Appuzzo
Picnic - Hal Carter
MCU - James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes
If you want to do headcanons/moodboards/art instead, PLEASE DO and tag us/DM the link!
Have fun playing!
Love, The HBC 💋
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It's A Surprise Theme Drabble Day, HBC!
While we were brainstorming theme day ideas, @book-dragon-13 said "Maybe a Freaky Friday where we switch characters and movies-like putting Hal in the Apparition and Ben in Picnic" ...and I said that would work for drabbles, so....
Rules For Freaky Friday Drabbles:
You do not need to reserve a prompt.
You do not need to tell us which prompt you're writing.
You can write as many or as few as you'd like, and there is no word minimum or maximum.
Smut/Fluff/Angst/any combo accepted, please adhere to HBC Guidelines.
To get on the masterlist, DM the link to your drabble(s) to HBC - All Freaky Friday Drabble links received in 24 hours will be added to the masterlist.
Freaky Friday Drabble Prompts:
Hal wakes up in The Apparition/Ben wakes up in Picnic
Josh wakes up in The Bronze/Lance wakes up in Ricki and The Flash
Will wakes up in I'm Dying Up Here/Clay wakes up in Labyrinth
TJ wakes up in Gossip Girl/Carter wakes up in Political Animals
Jefferson wakes up in Hot Tub Time Machine/Blaine wakes up in Once Upon A Time
Beck wakes up in The Last Full Measure/Scott wakes up in The Martian
Chase wakes up in We Have Always Lived In The Castle/Charles wakes up in The Covenant
Destroyer!Chris wakes up in I Tonya/Jeff wakes up in Destroyer
Dayton wakes up in Spread/Harry wakes up in Logan Lucky
Freaky Friday Bonus Prompt! Bucky Barnes switches places with ANY of these characters:
Tony n' Tina's Wedding - Johnny Nunzio
Red Doors - Simon
The Architect - Martin Waters
The Covenant - Chase Collins
The Education of Charlie Banks - Leo Reilly
Rachel Getting Married - Walter
Spread - Harry
Hot Tub Time Machine - Blaine
Black Swan - Andrew / Suitor
Gone - Billy
The Apparition - Ben Curtis
The Bronze - Lance Tucker
Ricki and the Flash - Joshua Brummel
The Martian - Dr. Chris Beck
Logan Lucky - Dayton White
I, Tonya - Jeff Gillooly
I'm Not Here - Steve
Destroyer - Det. Chris
We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Charles Blackwood
Gossip Girl - Carter Baizen
Kings - Jack Benjamin
Once Upon a Time - Jefferson / The Mad Hatter
Political Animals - T.J. Hammond
Labyrinth - Will Franklyn
I'm Dying Up Here - Clay Appuzzo
Also feel free to make your own combos to write! If you are not a writer, or want to do headcanons/moodboards/art instead, PLEASE DO and tag us/DM the link!
We hope you have fun being creative with this concept - let's get Freaky!
Love, The HBC 💋
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