miisterdoctor · 8 years
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     “What is that, exactly?” 
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@joinedonadare continued from [x]
"Because this isn't pizza. I don't know where you've eaten pizza before that you can even say those lies with a straight face. But this?" He holds up the slice, narrowing his eyes at it. "Is not pizza. It's crust with some sort of red ooze and what I suppose can count as cheese if you're from Canada!" He shook his head as he slammed it down on the plate and huffed as he sat back, turning his head away from it. "What I wouldn't give for a good old fashioned New York slice..."
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avengingplayboy · 8 years
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     “-- What are you doing?”
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babyzvezda-blog · 8 years
joinedonadare replied to your post:
Okay completely not the focus of this picture but I love your glasses a lot
XDDD Why thank you friend!
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invictasol-a · 8 years
leaps into Jim's arms
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          ❛ James..  seriously?❜
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joinedonadare replied to your post: "Wh-? I jus' woke up... "
((Nah, that’s pretty normal for Jim. Boy is running out of non-ripped clothes….
Petition for Starfleet to find a decent material to keep Jim clothed and safe.
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nyotxa · 8 years
Phone off meme: [comm] heyyyyyyy how do you say 'bring me food' in klingon? [comm] it's for a good cause I promise [comm] are you ignoring me again? [comm] man if this is just ignoring me per usual I'd hate to see your silent treatment [comm] oh my god have you given Spock the silent treatment before? [comm] is it just the two of you staring at each other? [comm] does it even work on him? [comm] I NEED TO KNOW THESE THINGS ANSWER YOUR CAPTAIN DAMMIT
SHORE LEAVE WAS A RARE PLEASURE that Nyota had seldom craved before. She was always on edge, always on stand-by and ready to work, even when they were stopped briefly on a planet for RECREATIONAL purposes. Alas, with recent events, she felt that the leave they’d been granted was absolutely necessary, and she’d cut of all connections to anything save fun for three whole days.
When she finally checked her comm and heard Kirk’s messages, she was a bit peeved ( but more humored than anything ). She comm’d him back straightaway. ❝ Permission to speak freely, Captain—what the hell is wrong with you? And it’s yot Dotlh ‘It, for future reference. ❞
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⧼ @joinedonadare continued from [x] ⧽
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❝ How can I not, with reactions like that? ❞
When he'd first found himself stuck in this, backwards universe, he'd thought he would have rather have died. But this Jim... he was like a drug. So far from the James Kirk he knew. There was no hard edges to him. There wasn't a darkness within those crystal blues. There was nothing but kindness and softness and... he hated that he wanted to protect it. Hated that it made him feel weak. He wasn't the same man as he was before. He knew that in just a few seconds he could flip a switch and he'd be right back to being the cold hearted killer he was before.
But then Jim looked at him like this. That shy look which he seemed to only use with him. Jim Kirk wasn't a shy man. He knew that. He'd seen him flirt with others. He'd seen him command others. He's seen him take charge and control. But when they were alone, when it was just them... he was a shy puppy who only needed Leo.
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irascibledoctor-a · 8 years
"Hey Bones... " Jim slips up behind the other man, starting to rub his shoulders. "Finish up your work there. We've got plans." By plans, he means continuing this massage somewhere a little more private. He wants Bones relaxed and happy. The doctor deserves at least that much... And well, if the massage comes with a Happy Ending, then that's just a bonus. For both of them, in Jim's mind.
McCoy heard the approaching footsteps but the moment Jim’s fingers found their way to the tight muscles of his shoulders, the doctor knew who it was. A light sigh parted the man’s lips as his arms slung at his sides. He smiled lightly, casting a glance back at Jim. “Yes, sir,” he quipped and slipped away to finish up a few things before returning to the blond’s side. “Do these plans include me  kissing that silly smirk off your lips?” He perked a brow and let his fingertips brush against Jim’s hand.
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babyzvezda-blog · 8 years
joinedonadare replied to your post: Y’all gonna fuck space?
Shhhhh my child, look away.
Why not-- CONCEPT --just don’t fuck space. 
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entermedic · 8 years
(Fuck anon) I love your Bones with a fiery passion. He's got such depth and you're so devoted to him. I greatly admire that. Your writing is amazing. You have such a nice flow to things and Bones' dialogue is spot on. I read it and I can hear him in my head. And you as a mun are incredibly kind. I'll follow you forever and it's an absolute joy to have you on my dash.
anonymously tell me what you think of my portrayal ! always accepting
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invictasol-a · 8 years
softly kisses him, smiling against his lips. "I missed you... "
a breathy laugh kissed away by the lips on his. & it’s left wet & warm to memory of James’ receding touch. he rears up, reciprocates with a few pecks of his own.
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          ❛ same.❜
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hailiing · 4 years
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ALL RP! | Combat | Injury | Violence | Military | Fluff | Mature | Casual Social | Adventure | Slice of Life | Political | Romance | Conflict | Poetic | Villainous | Plotting | Humor | Excessive Vulgar Language | Mild Substance Abuse | Action | Mystery | Erotic | Descriptive | Event | Time Skip | Horror | Drama | Pre-Established | Murder | Specific Scene | One-time | Angst | Short-term | Long-term | Tragedy | Past Scene | Torture | Perma-Death | Temp Death | Sexually suggestive themes | Training / Skill | Story Telling | Macabre | Paragraph | Multi-para | Mirror | One-line | Flex | Monogamy | Polyromance | Script Speak | Older Characters | Crime | Business | Non-Humanoid Characters | Platonic Affection/Intimacy
Tagging: @thefearlessgenius @aviophobic @bonesandbrimstone @dcvilcomplex @eloquentyrant​ @surlymccoy​ @dxmmitjim​ @citialiin​ @incorrigiblyhuman​ @joinedonadare​ @iinwented-in-russia​ @ensignnavigator​ @multiversal​ @ultimatecosmicjoke​ && everyone who wants to!
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After coming back to their room once his shift ends, Jim doesn't say a word, just climbs into Bones' lap and curls up. "...... hey." He honestly just wants to stay close to the doctor, press close to his warmth for the comfort it brings him.
"Hey yourself." He pressed a kiss to Jim's head the moment the man climbs into his lap, wrapping an arm around him and holding him close. He still had a few things to read over; research notes, medical files, and even his schedule for the upcoming week. But he pushed it all to the side the moment his boyfriend climbed into his lap.  He still hated space, but he wouldn't have traded this for anything in the galaxy.
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awakenedvengeance · 8 years
@joinedonadare replied to your post “There's a note next to Khan's bed. 'Khan, This is good for one sexual...”
[ text: Cute Butt ] Wow nevermind I'll just take it back. Give it to someone who will appreciate it.
    [ to; captain sensitive ] Oh, relax. I’m teasing you, Captain.
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jaylahofussfranklin started following you
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