#joininghispack fic
writersrealmbts · 4 years
Joining His Pack: Burning
Description: Sanctuary Series: Joining His Pack. It feels like time is running out and you and Namjoon still haven’t found a proper den. 
Posted: 04/20/2020
Tags:  Hybrid Namjoon, Wolf Hybrid Namjoon, Wolf Hybrid Reader
I don’t even know what genre this is: 3,503 words
A/N: Oof.
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Previous Part.
You looked around, but there was this feeling in the pit of your stomach that you just couldn’t shake. Rationally, it was everything you and Namjoon wanted.
Irrationally, it wasn’t the right place. Not for you, not for your pups.
“Y/n?” Jimin asked, looking a little worried. “What do you think?”
“I know…I know it checks all of our boxes,” You started, speaking slowly and measuring your words, “and it’s a very beautiful house.”
“You don’t like it,” Namjoon said bluntly, not looking surprised.
“I don’t understand why, though. It’s perfect in all rationality, but every time I think about our life here…it feels wrong.” You whined along with the words, distressed at what you couldn’t decipher within yourself.
Jimin’s ear flicked and he stepped back as Namjoon hurried to your side. “Um, I’ll step outside and let you two talk.”
“I’m sorry,” You said, tears brimming.
Namjoon quickly folded you into his arms. “Shh, baby. It’s okay. He understands.”
Jimin nodded, smiling a little before ducking out the back door and closing it.
“I don’t,” You sobbed out, tucking into his shoulder.
Namjoon let out a thoughtful hum. “We’ll find a place that will check all of our boxes that you feel comfortable in, I promise. It’s okay if this place doesn’t feel right to you. But can we keep it on the list in case we don’t find anything better?”
You nodded, sniffling and trying to get control of yourself. “I just feel so bad! Jimin’s been working so hard and I can’t settle on anything.”
“It’s okay, y/n.”
“He probably thinks I hate him and I’m trying to make his life difficult,” You squeaked.
“He doesn’t think that, baby.”
“I’m a terrible mate,” You wailed.
“Omega,” He said, his voice dangerously deep.
You gasped, falling into silence, holding your breath and tearing up even more.
He pulled away and wiped the tears from your face. “Enough of that. You’re not a terrible mate, nor will you ever be a terrible mate. You’re wonderful. I think we should get you home, though. You’re going through the preheat hormones again, and you won’t be able to settle on a den in this state. We’ll go back to one of our places and make a nice nest and cuddle for the rest of the evening, okay?”
“Alpha?” You whispered.
His gaze was gentle, and loving as he gentle wiped more tears from your cheeks. “It’s okay, omega. I’ll take care of you.”
The door opened again, and Jimin came in on the phone, but he looked nervous.
Namjoon pulled you back into his arms, a little protective, but mostly comforting. “I think we need to be done, Jimin.”
Jimin hung up after a quick farewell. He hesitated when about to say something, then cleared his throat. “There’s one more place. We can’t get into it any other day of the week. It needs some cleaning up, and most of the windows need to be replaced, but…it’s the one I really wanted to show you guys. It had a sort of vibe to it that I thought you would like, hyung. I wouldn’t normally insist, but—”
“Okay,” You said. The distress had started waning with Namjoon’s ministrations, and you were starting to be able to think clearly again. As long as nothing set you off there, you would be okay. Just in need of extra sleep. You’d been struggling with preheat hormones for a week now, and preheat symptoms for two weeks—which included making nests every night, insisting on getting scented by your alpha at strange times in the day (getting you in trouble at work when you just randomly skipped out), food hoarding, and even more clothing snatching.
You were worse when Namjoon couldn’t stay the night with you, sometimes unable to even get out of bed because all rational thought had left you and all you could focus on was that your alpha hadn’t spent the night with you. He called every morning he didn’t stay with you after the first three times that had happened. And house hunting had been an absolute nightmare.
Namjoon guided your eyes to meet his. “Are you sure?”
You nodded, blinking. “Yeah, it’s fading again. As long as I don’t get upset again, I should be semi-rational.”
Namjoon nodded slowly in return. “Okay. Okay, Chim. Let’s go.”
“Here’s the address.”
The three of you headed out, you and Namjoon in his car, and Jimin in his.
“You’re getting worse,” Namjoon murmured quietly, worry clear in the profile of his face.
“I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to be sorry, baby. It’s not like you can help it. I’m just worried about you. Look, I can rework my finances so that you can afford to quit that job. You can move into my apartment until we do find a place for us, and then we won’t both be paying for a place. I know you wanted to keep your place, but…nights and mornings are the worst for you—”
“And you can’t sleep when you stay with me, I know.”
He winced. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’m okay. We’ll talk about it after we see this house.” You closed your eyes, trying to ignore that weir prickly feeling under your skin.
He reached over and took your hand, squeezing it.
“Besides, Jimin did say this was the one he really wanted to show us. Maybe it will be the one.” You curled in your seat at the uncomfortable pain in your abdomen. “It’s like cramps now. Whyyyyyy….”
“I think there’s still some ibuprofen in the glove box.”
You paused, then looked in there, finding a bottle. “You’re the best mate ever.”
“You put it in there.”
“I did?”
“You did.”
“Are you sure that was me?”
“You told me that if we were going to be mates, then I should have some emergency stuff for you and you put that in there.” He smiled, but you could see the worry in his gaze.
You frowned. “I don’t remember that. It’s probably just the preheat hormones getting to my head. I don’t really even remember what I had for breakfast this morning.”
“Jimin brought muffins, you ate a blueberry and a cranberry muffin, and then you also had a hashbrown.”
You blinked. “Oh yeah. Those were good muffins.”
“I think they’re still in the back seat if you’re hungry.”
You shook your head. “Too cramp-y.”
“Better than feverish,” He murmured, glancing over at you. Then his eyes widened as he looked ahead. “Hey, baby, look at that.”
You didn’t remember him turning down the driveway, but sitting in front of you was a house that was situated in the perfect yard. It definitely needed work. Most of the windows were broken or looked like they were damaged, and the porch looked like it was sinking in one corner.
But it looked solid.
You got out of the car in a daze, breathing in the air to determine whether you liked the smell of the area.
Namjoon took your hand and squeezed it.
“Like I said, it needs some work, but I think it’s one of the best options on the market and it has all of the elements you guys listed. And it has four bedrooms. It’s slightly bigger than what you guys said, but it has a new furnace and water heater and the roof and foundation are both in good shape. And it has a fireplace and a wood-burning stove. And is ten minutes from Micheal’s, twelve minutes from Jin’s, and twenty-five minutes from town. A little further than the other places we looked at, but the trees here….”
“They’re wonderful,” You whispered. “Is that a Christmas tree farm?!”
“Yeah, that comes with the property,” Jimin said. “I mean, it wasn’t commercial or anything, but they did use them for their own Christmas trees.”
Namjoon smiled as you bounced a bit with excitement. “Better show us the inside, Jimin-ah.”
“Right,” He said, leading the way up and into the house.
Namjoon was still talking to Jimin about something or other after touring the house.
You were thinking about where to put the furniture.
“Baby, what do you think?” Namjoon called over.
“I think the couch would look good against that wall,” You murmured, still staring at the wall.
There wasn’t a response, so you looked up.
“Do you think it won’t, alpha?” You asked, head tilted.
They both looked amused and you weren’t really sure why.
“Yeah, I think she wants this place,” Namjoon finally said.
“I’ll put in an offer as soon as I get back to the office,” Jimin replied, looking pleased and proud. “From what I know most people have been overlooking this one, so it’ll probably go through quickly.”
You bounced over to Namjoon, taking his hands. “I love it. I really really love it.” You were struggling with resisting the urge to try and nest already. “But we need to leave before I can’t.”
He nodded, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you to his side where you very happily wrapped around him and tucked your nose up to his neck so you could smell him. “Alright, let’s get you back to my place.”
Jimin led the way out.
You were loath to leave the house, but the way Namjoon’s fingers rubbed on your hip was satisfying enough to move you to the car. “Where in your place?”
“Bed, you’re getting really warm, omega. We’re gonna get you a temporary nest going, and we’ll get you comfy,” He murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“With you?”
He hummed. “I need to do some work when I get home.”
You pouted.
He kissed your forehead. “If I get it done quickly, then we can do anything you want.”
“Anything?” You asked, trailing a hand along his stomach.
He chuckled. “Anything within reason.”
You pouted. “No romps?”
“I did not say that,” He huffed, pressing a couple more kisses to your face and then helping you into the car, peeling your fingers off of his wrist while you whined and whimpered in protest. “Have to drive, baby.”
You started feeling worse as the drive went on, but not in a preheat or heat way. Your throat was feeling scratchy and you were starting to have some sinus drainage.
You flinched when he turned into a pharmacy. “Why are we here?”
“Because I needed to check on you. You weren’t responding, baby. I think you’ve got a cold.” He felt your cheeks and forehead, then reached in the back and grabbed one of the blankets. “Here. I’ll be right back, I’m gonna get you some stuff for your cold.”
“Does this mean no romp?”
“Sorry, babe.” He got out and headed into the pharmacy.
You gathered the blanket up and buried your face in it. It smelled like both of you, and you did your best to drown your senses in it.
“Baby? Y/n? Come on, we’re here,” He said, pulling the blanket from your face.
You blinked. “What?” You looked up and past him and the car was in the parking lot for his apartment.
He looked worried, and he had a bag from the drugstore hanging from his arm.
You coughed a bit. “I haven’t been this sick since I was little,” You murmured, shaking your head a bit to try and clear it.
“I had Jungkook meet us. I can’t carry you with my shoulder the way it is.” He stroked your hair gently. “I don’t want you walking like this.”
You nodded, finally scenting Jungkook.
The bunny gave you a soft smile, but you honestly don’t remember much of him carrying you upstairs, until he was setting you down on the bed and Namjoon was sticking a thermometer in your mouth.
“Maybe you should have taken her to the doctor, hyung,” Jungkook whispered.
“Her fever isn’t that high, it’s just because it’s mixing with her preheat symptoms. I’ll take her in if she gets worse, but she hasn’t even taken medicine yet. See, she barely has a fever.”
“Alright, just call me if you need help moving her again.”
“Thanks, Jungkook.” Gently hands caressed your cheeks, and then he helped you sit up. “Need to give you some medicine, baby, then you can sleep.”
You complied with a small whine, curling into him afterward to sink into slumber while he did what he could to form a nest around both of you.
You tossed and turned, scrambling to try and get comfortable. You shoved the blanket, but it wasn’t right either.
“Y/n?” Namjoon called again.
You tore at your tail, screeching at the unbearable heat.
“Oh my—” Hands grabbed at yours, holding them tightly, pushing them to your chest. “Oh man. Oh man.”
You screamed weakly.
“You’re burning up, holy f—”
You fought against the hands holding onto you, holding you still. You needed to get away from the unbearable heat.
“Omega,” He ordered lowly.
You keened, growing still at his order but feeling like you were burning alive.
“It’s going to be alright. I’m going to take care of—”
A loud pounding sound, followed by a crash, and suddenly there were many foreign scents that you didn’t want in your nest and sounds and people.
Namjoon growled and snarled, but they still came and brought you to your feet.
“Stop! She’s sick!” He demanded.
You wobbled, but were kept upright by the officers.
“Y/n, you’re under arrest,” One of them said, then continued, probably reading you your rights or something, and then they were dragging you out of Namjoon’s apartment as he protested and tried to protect you.
And you were still burning up, almost puking in the elevator, unable to keep your feet under you.
But you sort of blacked out somewhere, in the car or before the car.
And woke up in a holding cell. A very secure one.
You felt terrible, and you could recognize the uncomfortable feeling to heat suppressants.
“Y/n,” Namjoon said at the same moment he opened teh door, rushing in and wrapping you in his arms.
You whimpered and nuzzled into him. “This is because of her, isn’t it?”
“I don’t know.”
“What if they take me away?”
He shook his head. “We won’t let them.”
“How are we going to stop them, Namjoon? They already took my independence. They can legally send me back to her.”
“I won’t let them take you. You’re mine. My mate. You’re going to bear our pups, and live with me forever in our den.” He held you tighter.
You whimpered, tucking into the safety of his arms. You still feel the burn of your heat trying to sear through, barely repressed by the drugs that the police had given you. “Hurts Joonie.”
“I know, baby.” He gave you another gentle squeeze. “I know you’re in pain. You should be safe in a den, nestled in our nest.”
You made a crooning noise that had a high-pitched whine underlying it.
“I called Emma and Micheal. They’ll know what to do. We’ll get you home.” There was a waver in his voice that spoke more of his anger than of fear.
“I’m okay.”
“You’re sick and in heat,” He argued. “And those suppressants are going to make you even more sick.”
You whimpered, rubbing your face against his shoulder as the distress became evident in his voice.
He held you tighter, rubbing your shoulder.
“Time’s up.”
You gripped him, making distressed sounds.
“If I let go she might go crazy,” You heard Namjoon say. “She’s sick and in heat. I’m her mate. I have every right to stay with her.”
“No, you don’t. Please step away—”
“Don’t do anything of the sort,” Emma snapped. “Or was can press charges against this officer for breaking the law. You, sir, may remove yourself. Section 306Q, subsection 5167B states that any legal actions involving a hybrid in heat or considerable distress are to be postponed until the heat has passed or the source of distress has been neutralized, and during all of this the hybrid’s mate is allowed to remain with the hybrid in question until a later hearing date has been set for after the heat has passed and someone has posted bail I have posted bail, and we should have a new court date in about five minutes. So, sir, I suggest you let her go before I charge you for every law and right you just violated and denied.”
Your pack matron was the best.
Namjoon guided you from the holding cell.
The other officers looked terrified of your pack matron, or perhaps they were ashamed. You wondered how long she had been there chewing them out.
Micheal was talking with a man in a suit, and someone who must have been the chief of police.
Emma told you and Namjoon to wait there while she went over and talked with the strangers.
Whatever they were saying seemed to be agreeable to her, and she shook their hands before coming back over. “Come on.”
Namjoon was practically carrying you at that point, not completely since his shoulder was hurt.
You felt ill. You were beginning to burn again, and you were extremely nauseous. Starting to unconsciously whimper.
“They gave her suppressants,” Namjoon told her, and his concern made you whine.
“That’s why we’re going to the Sanctuary hospital. She’ll be safer there and you’ll be able to stay with her. The case won’t hold since they broke laws and arrested her without a warrant. Our lawyers will crush them and rake them over the coals if they try anything else,” Emma said, sounding so casual about it.
“What’s going on?” You asked through clenched teeth. “Why did they arrest me?”
“Honestly, I think the deputy called for your arrest to sabotage their case, but they said you had several charges. Micheal is getting the paperwork with the lawyer and we’ll talk to you about it when you’re feeling better.” Emma’s tone changed to a motherly one, gently and caring. “There are blankets and Jin went to pack bags for both of you.”
You nuzzled into Namjoon’s shoulder, grateful for his pack. Your pack. You felt so well-looked after and protected—even if you felt like hell.
But your fever rose, and you didn’t remember getting to the hospital, or getting treated, but you were now forming the back of a nest and growling at the tubes from the IV when they got tangled in your nesting materials. You were aware of one of the pack pups sleeping toward the front of the nest, and you checked on her now since the pup was wiggling now.
Satisfied that she was still asleep, you tucked up next to her to wait for your pack to return and kept a careful eye on the three pups that were reading together outside of the nest.
You weren’t necessarily worried about the missing pup, something told you he was safe with his parents.
Pack matron returned, gathering her pups softly while the pack leader carefully took the pup that was napping in the nest with you while still holding the other smallest pup.
Your soon-to-be-official mate entered as they left, coming over and silently asking permission to enter the nest.
You huffed and pulled him in forcibly, yelping when the galoot tripped and crashed onto you.
“Sorry, sorry baby.” He quickly got u p and checked you over. You’d probably have a bruise on your leg from his knee.
You pinched his arm as penance for his crime.
“Hey, focus on me, baby.”
Crimes. Arrested. Trouble.
“Omega,” His voice came out impossibly deep and seemed to reverberate within you.
You tensed, ducking your head and then shifting to bare your neck to him and expose the main artery.
“Omega,” He whispered, voice soft and gentle.
You looked up, meeting his gaze. Your fluffy-haired alpha who wore a smile so well. And that white undershirt with a v-neck that exposed such pretty skin. Honey-olive skin.
“Back with me, omega?” He asked, grinning and flashing those dimples—those seductive little indents that you would do anything to see.
You crawled over, draping yourself across his chest and lap, tail swishing happily now that hew was here. He must have taken a shower because his hair was a bit damp.
He stroked your head, rubbing your ears to calm you further. “You still need to take it easy, baby.”
You whined.
“I know, baby. It’s going to be okay. I’m here to help you. We just need to take it easy.” He pet your hair. “They gave you something to counteract the suppressants. So, we need to relax while you’re okay.”
You whimpered at the thought of burning again.
He shushed you softly. “I’m here. We’re going to be fine. I’m going to take care of you.”
Previous Part.   Next Part.
Masterlist.  Series Masterpost.
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writersrealmbts · 4 years
Joining His Pack: Trials
Description: Sanctuary Series: Joining His Pack. Things have been crazy since you fell ill, and there isn’t really an end in sight.
Posted: 05/12/2020
Tags:  Hybrid Namjoon, Wolf Hybrid Namjoon, Wolf Hybrid Reader
Angst/Fluff: 2,845 words
A/N: Only one part left after this one!
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You looked around with wide eyes, wrapped in a thicker coat than would normally be necessary for this time in May. But ever since your mini-heat reaction to the suppressants—which just meant you’d have a bigger one in a few months, that’s how you always reacted—you’d been a little temperature sensitive. You walked around Namjoon’s apartment wrapped up in blankets, and wore lots of sweaters and all of his sweatshirts (he didn’t seem to mind).
But you were starting to get better, finally. And court dates had been set.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see,” Namjoon replied, grinning.
You huffed and leaned back.
He turned down a gravel drive.
You sat up straighter, frowning slightly, until finally a house came into view.
Your house.
Your den.
You looked at him excitedly. “Is it...?”
“It’s ours, baby. We closed the day after you were discharged, but I wanted to get the windows in before I brought you.” He parked, and turned to grin at you.
You’d still been out of it when discharged, but it wasn’t anything that the doctors were concerned about. Just more side effects from the suppressants, but it had kept you mostly bedridden and groggy and not too aware of the passing of time. The pack had been visiting to keep you company while he was at work and whatnot, especially the pack pups because they helped give you more clarity throughout the day. Plus, who wouldn’t want to cuddle pups?
But this was exciting. This explained why the past couple of days you couldn’t find things that you swore you knew the locations of. This explained why he didn’t want you going to your place to get things.
“We’ve got it fixed up enough to live in, not perfect, but enough. Enough for us to be comfortable. And we moved your stuff in already. My family has been sneaking stuff out of my place all week.” He looked pretty proud of having surprised you with this.
You squealed and threw yourself across the console to kiss him. “This is the best surprise ever. I love you. I love you. I love you.” You peppered his face with kisses, ignoring his embarrassed laughter and finishing with a quick peck on his lips before you hurried out of the car to take in the sight of your house.
Even though he said they’d only done a few things, you could tell it had to be more than that. The windows looked completely replaced, the siding looked like it had a fresh coat of paint, and the porch had temporary supports. Everything looked cleaner, and the garden beds had been cleared of weeds and carefully planted.
“You happy?” He asked softly, wrapping his arms around you.
“Aren’t you?”
He nodded, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. “I’d carry you over the threshold, but—”
“You’ll do nothing of the sort. You already re-injured yourself while taking care of me during that mess, I’m not risking your well-being now.” You hit him lightly, then bounced. “Let’s go in!”
He laughed and took your hand, leading you up the porch and to the (brand new) front door, unlocking it and letting you enter first.
You looked around, breathing in air that smelt slightly of your pack, slightly of cleaners like pine-sol, and fresh air. Then lilac, from the bouquet of lilacs on the fireplace mantle. “Just enough to live in, huh?”
He was quiet, and when you looked back, he looked just as shocked at the sight of new flooring, and freshly painted walls. “I…they…must have worked on it more since last time.”
You grinned and wrapped your arms around his waist to just take it all in for a moment before gasping and rushing through to see the kitchen again.
The thorough cleaning made your adorable kitchen even better. They’d replaced the dingy light-fixture with a new one, which was really nice because if you remembered correctly it didn’t even make it to the counter below it.
And the master bedroom had a bed in it—that you promptly flopped on—and the room smelled like you and Namjoon, with subtle undertones of the pack (especially the littlest two of the pack pups, which you figured wasn’t too surprising since this blanket was the softest one you owned.
“Ecstatic,” You exclaimed into the bedding, breathing in his scent. The way it mixed with yours. The slightly milky smell of pups.
He flopped down next to you.
“But…what are you going to do about your apartment?”
“Oh, well, Jimin’s landlord actually is a jerk and he tried to rip them off, so they’re going to move in there for now. Save up for a place they actually want for a while, and then Yoongi’s said he wants it if he can manage to get a transfer.”
You made a happy sound, and wiggled closer, resting your head on his arm. “So, are we sleeping here?”
He nodded. “If that’s okay with you?”
You nodded. “Do we have clothes here?”
“You definitely do. I’ve got some clothes here. Enough to supply me for work for the next few days.” He sighed as he relaxed. “But I can also stop by after work tomorrow and get more of our stuff.”
“You’re sure they’re okay with you missing as much work as you have?” You asked quietly, resting a hand on his chest.
“They understand, and I’ve been working from home most days where I couldn’t leave you, so I’m not exactly behind. Actually, they seemed pretty happy to let me have Tuesday off because apparently I’m ahead of everyone.” He stretched, making your head drop to the bed.
You sighed, pouting slightly at the loss of your pillow before rolling back to your feet and bouncing out to the kitchen. “Do we have food here?”
“Knowing my family? Probably.”
You opened the fridge and freezer simultaneously and grinned. “Your pack is the best.”
“They’re your pack too, baby.”
“Not yet.”
“You know I couldn’t mate you while you were sick,” He called softly.
“I know. And I do consider them my pack, but it’s still more natural to call them your pack. Oooh! Ice cream!” You grabbed the container and hugged it briefly before putting it back. “So, I was thinking.”
“Uh oh.” He came in and leaned against the counter while watching you pull out one of the dishes someone left for you two.
“Preheat the oven? 375,” You told him, reading the instructions. “Anyway, Ariel mentioned that her one friend just started her own little shop where she sells jams, preserves, candies, and ice-creams and that she was looking for someone to help for the summer. Maybe I could see if she would hire me?”
“Are you sure?”
“I mean, I’m basically fired from the clothing shop, and even if it is just for the summer, it would still be some little bit of income. Enough to help us with groceries, because lets face it, we eat a lot of meat.” You went to him and kissed him gently. “Besides, how crazy do you think I would go without something to occupy my time? I mean, we’re going to have some gardens and I really do want to work on our Christmas trees, but it’s going to take some time.”
He was smiling down at you softly, and his fingers gently brushed your cheek. “This is the most rational you’ve sounded in a while, baby. It’s nice to hear.”
You hugged him. “Sorry I’ve been such a mess.”
He chuckled. “Hey, you put up with the messes I make.” Then he kissed the top of your head. “You’re my little wolf. I would cross the world for you. I can handle a little messiness.”
You relaxed, breathing him in until the oven beeped to let you both know that it had finished preheating.
He put the dish in the oven while you set a timer and got out the strawberries and started washing them.
“But the store thing, good idea or not?”
“As long as it doesn’t become too stressful for you, baby, I think you should try for it. After we settle all of this legal stuff.” He took a strawberry and popped it into his mouth.
“I didn’t take the stems off,” You said, staring at him in surprise. “I mean, they’re edible...but probably pretty bitter.”
He nodded, turning away to pull the stem from his mouth.
You smiled at your mess of a mate. “My dorky baby.”
He chuckled, looking slightly embarrassed.
“Hungry, honey bunch?” You asked, wrapping your arms around his waist. “You ready to eat?”
“Isn’t that why you’re washing the strawberries?” He countered, but he was still flustered as you pressed flirty little kisses to his neck. His hands found your waist.
“Mmhmm,” You agreed, on your toes to nibble on his ear.
“Babe…you’re still recovering.”
You nodded, humming agreement before sliding your hands over his torso and promptly turning away and running with the bowl of strawberries. “Mine!”
He sputtered, then laughed and chased after you, catching your waist and then pulling you to sit down beside him on the couch. Then he stole a berry and took a bite.
You giggled and took your own berry, looking around the room. “This is a nice couch.”
“We needed a second for this room, especially if we’re going to have family visiting. Micheal said he’d get our furniture moved this weekend. He’s got a couple of guys he needs to train, and Becca’s going to oversee it all for us. But I thought it’d be best if we weren’t around. Don’t want to wolf out on them.”
“Maybe we should go visit Yoongi and Taehyung,” You said between bites.
He smiled. “I’ll see if they’re free. We’ll have to take Eunyeong something.”
“Of course, she’s the cutest kitten and deserves all the love,” You chirped, snuggling up to him. “But maybe don’t check until after the meeting with the lawyers and the court stuff on Tuesday.”
He nodded, smile fading. “Yeah. Probably a good idea. Might want to stay home. Near the majority of the pack.”
“In which case we’re going to Emma’s and cuddling the twins.”
He nodded again, but looked distracted.
You watched him, just admiring his face while also trying to guess what he was thinking. “Are you worried about Tuesday?”
He took a deep breath and held your hand. “The last time anyone I loved was part of a court case…it was Emma. And it ended in this town giving the rights back to hybrids. Jin was the only one that went with her, he was certified as an aide-hybrid. Not because Emma really needed him, I mean, she did, but mostly because she wanted to give him as much freedom as she could. Yoongi-hyung and I were watching…but Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung couldn’t sit and listen. It was taking too long and some of it hit too close to home. They were outside, working in the garden just to avoid it.”
“I remember,” You whispered, squeezing his hand.
He squeezed it back. “That day changed our lives and…whatever the outcome on Tuesday…that will change both of our lives. Again. And I’m hoping for the better, I do trust these people. But…if we lose…I think I’ll lose more than I would have if we lost that day.”
You hummed. “You’re going to have to be on your best behavior.”
He nodded, but he didn’t seem very confident.
“But Namjoon, I think…I think you might need to stay away. Other than when you’re called upon. This is going to be…bad. It’s going to be really bad. And if either of us misbehaves we risk everything.”
He sighed, eyes closing and holding you tighter. “I know.”
“Maybe they can arrange for a separate room for you to watch in?”
“Maybe, I’ll ask Emma later.” He sounded a little relieved, and managed to relax a little as you snuggled in, scenting him a little.
You sighed softly, enjoying this moment, just in case.
His fingers lightly caressed your hair.
You frowned. “The fireplace mantle is crooked.”
He started laughing. “House still needs some improvements, baby.”
“But how is the mantle crooked!”
“They can’t prove it!”
“Neither can we,” The lawyer said calmly. “We can deny any false evidence they bring forward and hope our true does as well. We can only hope that the judge is as upstanding as they say and that the jury can see past the falsehoods created by the opposition.”
Emma huffed and sat down again, crossing her arms and thinking.
Jin calmly rubbed her back. “Y/n, is there any sort of concrete evidence you can provide?”
“Bank statements and pay stubs, which would show that I didn’t have any money other than what I was paid when I opened the account, and that she wasn’t originally on my account. The rental agreement with the Sanctuary. That’s about it,” You answered quietly.
Namjoon looked up. “All of these are trumped up charges. Theft? Assault? Public indecency? Disturbing the peace? Prostitution?!” He stood and went to the window, obviously angry.
“These papers will help disprove many of those charges. However, the one I’m most concerned with is the assault charge. We’re countering their charges with our own charge of defamation and wrongful arrest, but the case for the assault is fairly solid.”
“How so?” Emma asked, sounding tired.
“They have medical records from injuries incurred by here—or so they’re claiming. And they have a video of her attacking someone.”
You frowned.
“What?” Namjoon growled.
“Y/n, I need you to tell me right now, have you ever stabbed anyone in the leg?” The lawyer asked.
“No, I threatened to, but only because he was was being an asshole. I never did it and I left to make sure it would never happen.”
“And this video of you punching a security guard at the Sanctuary.”
Namjoon growled. “He understood. They’re twisting the situation.”
“Which security guard was it?” Emma asked.
“Yugyeom,” You answered. “And I gave him cookies to make up for it.”
Jin nodded and pulled out his phone.
Emma rolled her eyes. “He probably deserved it. But we can get him here and have him testify. I’m sure JB and Mark will sign off on that.”
“Is he still under their guardianship?” Namjoon asked.
Emma nodded. “All of them are, technically. But since they’re close it’s not an issue. It just means that they’ve got a safety net. Same as you all, we freed you but we also adopted you as our children.”
Micheal nodded. “They’re more like brothers so they didn’t want to go that route.”
Jin was talking lowly and you were grateful you couldn’t hear the conversation. You were stressed enough.
Emma quietly took your hand, giving it a squeeze.
“Alright, he’s on his way.”
The lawyer nodded. “I’ll go notify them that I have another witness.” He gathered his things and walked off, signaling Micheal to walk with him.
Namjoon was taking slow, deep breaths. “I hate this.”
You closed your eyes.
“I know,” Emma said softly, lightly smoothing your hair. “I know you’re both frustrated. I am too. But we’re going to take care of this, even if it takes us more time than we originally thought.”
Jin was watching Namjoon. “Sit down, Namjoon,” He ordered, a slight edge to his voice.
Namjoon did as told, only hesitating for a second before complying with the pack leader’s order.
“You’re making me anxious just watching you,” Jin explained, sounding relieved now that Namjoon was sitting. “Emma, why don’t you stay back here with Namjoon and I’ll go back out.”
She nodded. “I’m going to call and check on the kids.”
He pecked her on the lips, then met your gaze. “It’s about time to head back.”
You nodded, getting up with extreme reluctance and nuzzling Namjoon’s head before following Jin out.
Jin waited until you both were out of earshot before pausing, turning to you. “You don’t have to pretend you’re okay. You have every right to be more frustrated and upset than any of us.”
You sighed, looking at the ground. “I just want to go home. We thought this would all be settled on Tuesday. Last Tuesday.”
He reached over and adjusted your scarf—bathed in the scent of your mate to help keep you calm—then rested his hands on your shoulders. “I know it’s asking a lot, but please try to bear with us for another hour. Okay?”
You nodded, feeling safe at the very least with your pack leader looking out for you.
“But if they try to take you anywhere, you get over that barrier and behind me. They can’t legally take you anywhere, okay?”
You closed your eyes and nodded. “Okay.”
“Hey, court’s in session,” Micheal called.
You followed them back to the court, awaiting your fate.
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Masterlist.  Series Masterpost.
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writersrealmbts · 5 years
The Search Begins
Description: Sanctuary Series: Joining His Pack. You and Namjoon start searching for the perfect den for your mating, encountering many problems along the way.
Warnings: Oh Idk
Posted: 09/15/2019
Tags:  Hybrid Namjoon, Wolf Hybrid Namjoon, Wolf Hybrid Reader
Fluff and angst: 3,990 words
A/N: Exactly six months after the last part was posted...didn’t plan it. Had to take a break from the series I’ve been posting so I thought I’d try and update some stories that had been left since the spring.
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You giggled and wrapped yourself in the blanket he had given you, paying no mind to your outfit or hair. It was the fluffiest blanket you had ever had to privilege to feel and you couldn’t wait to use it in a nest. You could imagine resting your pups in the plush fabric, safely cocooned in the nest, the scent of warm milk and baby powder, Namjoon’s scent wafting in as he checked on all of you… “You like it, love?” You opened your eyes and blinked flirtily at him. “You know me so well.” He chuckled, reaching out and pulling the blanket so he could duck in with you, arms around your waist and lips quickly pressing to yours. “I would hope so.” You hummed happily, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him all over his lips and cheeks until he had a dimply grin and was laughing a bit as his tail wagged wildly. You pressed your nose to his lightly, then tucked into his neck where you belonged. Where you could protect him and where he could protect you. “You should get ready to go meet Jimin,” He murmured after a while. “We’re looking at some places today, remember?”
You nodded, savoring the vibrations in his throat from speaking. “I remember. I tried to make a list like he suggested, but it still only has the yard, a fireplace and at least two bedrooms. One for us and one for our pups.” “Hmm, I have three bedrooms,” He carefully removed the blanket, then pulled his list out. “And I thought that a bathroom with a nice tub would be nice, and a basement.” You gasped in excitement. “Yes! A tub! And we can use the basement to store extra food!” He grinned and kissed you again. “So we’ll go with my list then?” You nodded enthusiastically and bounced away to your bedroom to change into better clothing for house hunting. “How many did Jimin say we were looking at?” “Four, if we have time. Five for tomorrow. He believes that even if there is one we want to make an offer on, we should also keep looking just in case it doesn’t go through.” “Makes sense,” you agreed. “Though, I can’t promise to think rationally if I do fall in love with a place. My head’s gets a little one-track lately.” He chuckled. “I’ll stay rational, baby. Did you go over your financial situation?” “Not yet, I just got my bank statement earlier today.” He moved to the kitchen. “You okay with me looking at your bank statement?” “I did just ask you to look at it, didn’t I?” You looked between two shirts. “What color is your shirt, again?” “Hmm? Oh, blue. Black pants. Tan sweater. Grey jacket.” You tilted your head, then decided on the light. “My scarf?” “Ah, no. I brought it back. It doesn’t smell like you right now. I’m wearing the scarf Minsu picked out for me when we stopped by to visit you the other day.” You grinned. “Ah, the black one?” “Yeah.” You nodded. Pulling your black sweater on and your faded blue jeans, pairing it with one of the beanies that you had kidnapped last time you were at his place. “Good natural lighting too!” You called out as you thought of all of his house plants. He made a sound that said he heard you but he wasn’t actually listening. You rolled your eyes and went out, finding him looking over all the papers. “That bad?” He glanced up, then looked back, worried. “Did you calculate your rent?” You looked it over and grunted. “Dammit. I knew I was forgetting something.” “Is this what you’re being charged for rent?” You nodded. He frowned. “That can’t be right. And did your hours get cut?” You nodded again, more slowly. He shook his head slowly. “Baby, you can’t even afford food with this rent. You won’t even have enough to pay rent. Even with what you have outside of your account. Your rent shouldn’t be this high, so I’m going to talk to Emma and have them investigate this, but still…this is…why didn’t you tell me?” You shrugged a little, feeling a little small. You looked over your bank statement, eyes getting big as you looked it over. “And is this large withdrawal from paying the lawyer?” You swallowed and set it aside. “No. I’ll have to call my bank. But right now we should head out and meet Jimin.” “Are you—” “I get paid tomorrow, and if you’re right about my rent then I should have enough, right?” You redirected. “Then I’ll have plenty for groceries. My favorite food is rice, so I don’t need that much money for groceries if I’m smart about things and a sale is starting on Thursday on the turkeys so I can get one of those and eat turkey in different ways for about a week, if not longer. Really, Joon, it’s okay. If the rent is right, then we’ll figure it out then. I’ll ask you to help me figure it out then.” He was still frowning, looking worried. “We’re going to be late,” You said gently, then pressed a little kiss to his lips and slipped from his grasp to get your coat on. He hadn’t moved yet, but a low growl emanated from his throat. You froze, ducking your head and looking to him. He stepped closer, towering over you. He looked huge. You looked away, tilting your head so your neck and throat were exposed to him. He felt along your throat to your artery with his lips, grazing his teeth along gently, and then directing your face so that your eyes met his. “Don’t lie to me, omega.” “I didn’t,” You whispered, blinking at him, a little startled. He breathed out heavily. “Then what was it about that withdrawal that scared you, because I can smell the fear.” You shook your head a bit. “Fight baby, not flight.” He gently stroked your throat with the backs of his fingers. “I’m here. I’ll protect you.” You whimpered slightly. “It was done at the bank. That means it had to be someone who has authority to access them.” His expression went stony. “Okay. We’ll talk to the bank after we’re done with Jimin. I’ll go with you.” You looked up at him, a scared whine to your voice. He pulled you close, tugging his shirt so that his throat was exposed to you and guiding you to it. You nipped gently since he scared you, but you nuzzled against it, relishing that sort of primal trust. His phone rang just as you released a sigh of relief. “That’ll be Jimin,” He murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. “Sorry I scared you, baby.” You shook your head, slipping your shoes on and helping him get his coat on as he gave mono-syllabic responses to whatever Jimin was saying. “No, we’re running a bit behind ourselves. Will that be okay for seeing the first house?” Namjoon met your gaze and rolled his eyes with a smile. You giggled softly. “Okay, we’re only fifteen minutes away. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Jimin,” He growled, sounding annoyed. He groaned and hung up. “That cat is crazy.” You just giggled and tucked yourself into his side as he opened the front door. You were happy he was able to even come into your apartment without getting all upset about how you lived. He wanted to reign gifts on you and take you to his place, where you were living in better conditions—not that the apartment itself was bad, he just hated that you lived in such a minimalist fashion because of finances. It took a couple visits for him to calm down, and make sure you understood that he respected that you did your best to provide for yourself. He still brought you things. Sometimes just flowers. Little figurines. This time a blanket. Providing for you in a way that still respected you and your independence. You weren’t about to complain about the gifts. Especially if his gifts were like the blanket. “If you’re worried about contributing to getting our place…” He started hesitantly, speaking low and calm as he turned out of the sanctuary and into traffic. “You don’t have to. I know that stupid shop doesn’t pay you enough. If it’s that important to you, then we can set your paycheck aside for anything we need in the house after we move in, or food.” You felt your cheeks heat up. “I was saving up. I know that I wouldn’t be able to contribute much toward the house…but now not being able to do anything….” “It’ll be okay. I know you wanted to contribute. Until we get this fixed, you should just get your check as cash. That way we can keep it out of anyone else’s hands until it’s all sorted. You did have a nice little nest egg saved up, didn’t you?” You nodded, pouting a little bit. “I wanted to save up so that I could still buy clothes and presents for birthdays and holidays while I was looking for another job.” “You were doing really well, baby. I’m really proud of you.” You sighed, then perked up as he pulled into a driveway. You felt your ears go back after a moment though. He parked and didn’t say anything for a moment. “Well….” “It may be really nice on the inside. And it might be nice to have something to fix up, we can make it exactly how we want.” “Are you handy?” His silence said no. “Are you?” “I’ve picked a few things up, but not enough to fix that. We’d end up having to hire someone, even if we do get a family discount through Micheal, it’s not.…” “Yeah,” He agreed quietly. Jimin pulled up in his car, hopping out and sending a cheerful smile. You got out, trying to keep a positive mindset. It needed work, but it looked solid. “Now, I know it’s not perfect, but it would be well under your budget and leave room for repairs and remodeling,” Jimin said. “It has four acres, mostly wooded, backs up to the nature park of the Sanctuary. Four bedrooms, two baths, new furnace, and they left in some allowance for the roofing that needs to be redone.” You followed him to the front door, trying to imagine some flowers in front of the (sagging) porch. The smell hit you like a bucket of cold water. Namjoon gagged and backed away. Jimin winced. “Um…” “Close the door,” You choked out, clapping your hands over your nose and mouth. Jimin quickly complied, face showing his own disgust. “So, let me get the address of the next house because there is no way any hybrid with a sense of smell will want this.” You nodded, shuddering. The next house was much better, but the yard was far too small and Namjoon seemed uncomfortable. “I feel like I need to duck,” He finally admitted after you pestered him enough. Jimin slowly nodded. “Yeah, it does feel a little cramped, and I’m a bit shorter than you. But you liked the kitchen and fireplace?” “Yes.” “Alright. The next house doesn’t have a fireplace, but it does tick off most of your other boxes,” Jimin said, frowning at his papers. “Might as well head over, right?” You nodded, looking up at Joon. He smiled down. “Yeah. Let’s go.” You refused to get out at the next place the moment you caught a whiff of the air around the house, locking yourself and the keys into the car while both of them looked in at you in confusion and possibly amusement. “No.” “But why?” Jimin asked, obviously laughing. You growled lowly. Namjoon knocked on the window. “Can you at least let us into the car?” You wrinkled your nose and unlocked it, tucking your nose into your scarf. They climbed in and closed the doors again. “Well?” “Don’t you smell it?” You whispered, looking out the window. “Smell what?” You looked at them. “The dead things?” Namjoon’s eyes widened. Jimin shifted slightly. “Dead things?” You nodded. They exchanged looks with each other. Jimin cleared his throat, looking at the house. “Maybe it’s from the barn in the back? They may have had some animals before.” You curled your lip. “I’ll send a message to the police station, see if they might want to investigate,” Jimin said quietly. “Um, I guess I’ll hit the books and look for better contenders.” “Yeah, and we have to head to the bank to…straighten something out.” Namjoon quickly stroked your hair to soothe you. Jimin nodded. “Nothing that risks your house plans, I hope?” He looked genuinely concerned, frowning and keeping his curious gaze on Namjoon as if sensing your vulnerability and respecting it by not acknowledging it. Namjoon shook his head. “No. Nothing like that.” Jimin nodded. “Let me know if I can help in any way.” Namjoon nodded. “We’ll see you tomorrow?” “Yep, I’ll try to have a good selection for you guys. Hope everything works out easily,” He said with a broad smile at both of you and then got out of the vehicle and went to his own. You watched warily until he was pulling out of the driveway ahead of you and Namjoon, then relaxed once both vehicles were on the road. The bank was uncooperative, but finally they managed to get you an answer. “Because you aren’t independent, she has full rights to draw from the account.” “I haven’t lived with her for two years. I have paid every bill, bought every meal,” You argued, gripping the arms of the chair. “I earned that money and she took it from me. And you’re telling me that I just have to accept that I can’t pay my rent because my owner who wanted nothing to do with me took my money?” The man shifted in his seat. “What if I officially got my independence from her?” “That would protect your account from further withdrawal.” “But it wouldn’t allow me to get my money back,” You concluded from the way he left the sentence. “I’m afraid so.” Namjoon placed his hand over yours. “For now, can we close out her account?” “You would need her signature to close out the account now.” You clenched your teeth. “Can I withdraw as much as possible?” He considered it for a second. “That sounds like a good loop-hole. Just fill out a slip, and I’ll go get the money and a bag for it.” You sighed. “Thank you.” “Of course, miss.” He gave you a slip and then headed out to take care of it all. You filled it out, inching a little closer to Namjoon for comfort. He rubbed your shoulder a little. “Better than nothing?” “Much better than nothing,” You whispered. “At least I can prevent her from getting the rest of this. But I’ll really need the rent to be a mistake.” “Do you want to talk to Emma with me? We might be able to catch her while she’s still at work.” You nodded. He kissed your cheek. “We’ll sort it out.” After you got the money and thanked the banker for his help, the two of you headed to the administration building at the Sanctuary. He led you straight up to Emma’s office, whereas you got turned around more than once, and knocked on the door a couple times before just opening it and poking his head in. “Emma?” “Hey, come on in! And y/n! How are you? How was house hunting?” She smiled at both of you, holding a baby to her shoulder. You grinned. “Is that Jaehyun?” She nodded. “He’s a bit sick, so I wanted to keep him away from the other kids. You look stressed. You want to hold him.” “Yes please,” You chirped and took him, sitting down. “So, as much as I would hope you two just dropped in to visit…what’s wrong?” She sat back down and looked between you and Namjoon, her gaze gentle and ready to comfort. “It’s about y/n’s rent. I saw what she’s been getting billed and it seems really high.” Namjoon frowned slightly. “What have you been billed for?” Namjoon gave her the bill. Her eyebrow quirked. “Oh look. An internal investigation waiting to happen. Alright, do you keep record of your rent payments?” You nodded. “Alright, you get me the records as far back as you can and I’ll fix this. I’ll check with the other renters as well. I’ll let you know as soon as I sort this out.” She made a quick note on her notepad and typed something on her computer. “For now, don’t pay the rent. If anyone gives you trouble, send them my way. They’ll end up in the bathroom first, but they’ll make it eventually.” “You are a unique sort of bad-ass,” You murmured, shaking your head a bit. “I try. Not really. I just do what I have to to make it through the hour, day, week, month, and year. Paci.” You blinked then took the pacifier from her hand as Jaehyun started fussing a little, inserting it into his mouth. She hadn’t even looked over, and he hadn’t even made much noise. “But you never said how house-hunting went?” “Not well. Two of the places we didn’t even enter because of smells, and the other felt too cramped. But that house was enough to help Jimin narrow down some options to cater towards what we were looking for. I told Ariel that he might be a little discouraged after dealing with us today.” “He’s in good hands with her,” Emma agreed, filing some papers with a soft smile. “But it’s a good thing you warned her.” “Yeah.” You gazed down at the baby who was sleeping again. “You take such good care of your pups. I hope I’m as good.” “You will be. It takes practice. Twins are much easier than triplets, until the triplets also need your attention when the twins do and then it’s a nightmare.” She stared off into space. “I’m sure having Hoseok helping out during the day is nice,” You agreed. “He’s a god-send. Ren, too. She usually gets off at the same time as Jin, and the triplets adore her so they’re always angels for her and little demons for Jin and Hoseok.” She smirked, leaning back in her chair. “I should actually be getting home. But then he’ll be awake again and he needs his rest. Prioritizing with five kids can get difficult.” Jaehyung started crying around his pacifier. “Poor pup,” Namjoon murmured. You handed him over to Emma. “You just had to get sick,” She murmured so lovingly. “Let’s get you home to your Appa and siblings.” “I should walk you back to your place,” Namjoon told you, getting up and stretching. “Thanks, Emma.” “Of course. It should never have been a problem in the first place. Walk a mom to her car?” You nodded, picking up the baby carrier since she had her arms full with the actual baby. Namjoon took it from you, walking ahead of the two of you. Emma jerked her chin to signal you to walk slower with her while he went to press the elevator button. You did as she said, wondering why. “Are you going to be alright? It’s almost that time of year,” She murmured. You shifted uncomfortably. You had been trying to ignore the little preemptive signs, but now that she mentioned it, you had been feeling it coming on for a while. “I was hoping we would find a den first. I don’t know. I usually have the pre-heat symptoms for a month before it actually hits. I don’t want to worry him, but…I think being around him is making it happen more quickly.” “Tell him. He’ll worry about you but it���ll be better in the long run. He loves you. Don’t want it creeping up on you.” You nodded, a little nervous to tell him. You all were quiet in the elevator, aside from her humming softly to Jaehyun. Namjoon got the doors for the two of you, a protective alertness to his actions and posture. His ear swiveling towards any new sounds. Which was both extremely attractive and amusing since Emma was so well-known and everyone greeted her with friendliness. She greeted them as well, speaking softly but still well-heard. It was amusing to see how happy anyone got when she returned their greeting. “It’s like you’re a celebrity. Not that I’m surprised, since you’re basically the hero of all hybrids, but it’s amusing to see.” You bounced a bit as you walked. “I really didn’t do that much. My brother did more. He’s still doing more.” “Yeah, and you totally don’t have anything to do with his work anymore, it’s totally not like you don’t outline everything that he’s working to change. It’s not like you were his drive to change everything.” You could hear the eyeroll as the sarcasm dripped off Namjoon’s tongue, and giggled a little. “Tell us what you really think, Namjoon.” “She knows that she set all of this into motion,” He replied, opened the car door and starting to fasten in the carseat. You grinned at her as she shrugged. “Originally, yes. But I’m honestly not as involved anymore. Mike does it so that I don’t need to be involved as much. Especially after last summer.” She cuddled her son close, her cheek to his forehead. You’d heard somewhat about what happened last summer, and the way Namjoon suddenly released protective pheromones didn’t make you want to delve in. You definitely didn’t want to tell him tonight when he was already being protective without knowing that you were in the beginnings of your preheat. It was up to you to distract him before he freaked out trying to protect both you and Emma. “Joonie, I almost forgot that I still have my money on me,” You said softly. He nodded sharply. “Right.” He stepped back so Emma could put Jaehyun into the car. “Um, we’ll talk to you soon about the rent and such?” Emma nodded, closing the car door and giving Namjoon another hug. “I’ll work on getting the rent sorted first thing in the morning. Just get your bills to me when you can, and I’ll write you a check to make up for the boosted rent. I hope whatever else is happening also is resolved,” She said, giving both of you a knowing look. “And don’t forget we’ll help any way we can.” “Thank you,” You said, smiling. Namjoon put an arm around you as Emma got into her car and drove off, leading you towards your place. He felt stiff and you could feel the alertness in him. “Joonie, you okay?” “Yeah, just…I don’t know.” He sounded troubled. “I think it’s just everything. This whole day has been so crazy and…I just feel like you aren’t safe.” “Spend the night?” You asked, kissing his coat sleeve. He stopped walking, his face a combination of thoughts and feelings you weren’t able to decipher. “Would you mind staying at my place? We can pick up your new blanket and some clothes.” “I think that’d be nice,” You answered, trying to do what was best for him right now. It was all you really could do. “Then we can head out before we need to meet up with Jimin and get breakfast on our way.” “Can I make a nest to sleep in?” You asked, hugging his arm tightly and blinking up at him hopefully. “Please, alpha? I promise it’ll be nice.” He finally cracked a smile. “Sounds nice, baby. Very nice.”
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Masterlist.  Series Masterpost.
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writersrealmbts · 6 years
Cutie Pie
Description: One of the Thanksgiving story raffle submissions, Safe with Me Universe. When one of the triplets runs off and gets seperated, they meet you. And meeting their hyung is definitely something to be grateful for.
Warnings: N/A.
Posted: 11/20/2018
Tags: Hybrid Namjoon, Wolf Hybrid Namjoon, Wolf Hybrid Reader
Fluff: 1,047 words
A/N: Pretty sure this is one of the shortest things I’ve ever written. I feel really bad about it, but I also felt like if I put more in it would seem forced and the quality would go down. I hope the person who requested this enjoys!
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You were enjoying the local Thanksgiving parade. You had attended every year since your freedom, having moved to this town where it all began the moment you were free. You lived in the Haven, working at a local shop that sold hybrid clothes. The huge turkey inflatable went past you and you grinned up at it before stepping back and heading back toward your apartment, but not before you ran into a small child. The little boy with hybrid ears gazed up at you, tears in his eyes. You dropped down next to him. “Hey, kiddo, where’s your mom?” “At home,” He whimpered, shrinking slightly. “Hyungs brought us out. I can’t find them!” You made a soft comforting sound and offered your hand. “Let’s go find your hyungs then. What’s your name?” “Minsu Kim,” He murmured, taking your hand. You tilted your head, smiling. “Alright, Minsu. What are your hyungs’ names?” “Jungkook and Namjoon,” He answered, looking up at you. “Alright, let’s call their names as we go, okay?” “Okay! Namjoonie! Jungkookie!” “Namjoon? Jungkook?” You called out as well. You saw a head whip towards you, slightly taller than the others in the crowd before pushing through the crowd. “Minsu?!” The man stumbled through and over to the kid, scooping him up into his arms and holding him tightly. “You scared us. You’re not allowed to run off!” bn “Namjoonie-hyung!” The kid ignored the growled words and nuzzled into the man’s neck. You tilted your head, taking in the man’s ears and tail. “Wait…are you…a wolf hybrid?” He tensed and looked over at you, then his eyes widened and he set the boy down. “Oh my God…I haven’t seen another wolf in…” “I was a pup,” You said, smiling, your tail was wagging. It had been absolutely forever since you had seen another wolf-hybrid. Wolf hybrids were different from other canine hybrids. Stronger instincts and a tendency toward primal urges and an appreciation for nature that rivaled almost all other hybrids. They also stopped breeding wolf-hybrids seventeen years ago. Your litter had been the last at the breeding farm you were born at. He nodded, smiling, but he seemed a little shy now. You definitely weren’t though. You stepped closer. “Do you often go around losing small children?” You asked coyly. He turned a bit pink. “Not intentionally.” Minsu looked between you two, smiling but clueless. “What’s your name?” “Y/n,” You answered, smiling at him, then Namjoon. Namjoon’s tail was wagging despite his attempts to act nonchalant. “Pretty name. You live around here?” “At the Haven,” You replied, eyeing him. Nice body. Good shape. Well-kept tail fur and ear fur. Hair styled well. Clothes fashionable. “You?” “He lives with Uncle Micheal,” The boy answered instead, taking your hand and tugging on it. “Thank you for helping me find my hyung.” “You’re welcome. You tell your hyung to relax and then look for me sometime, yeah?” You told him with a wink. He grinned and nodded, thinking he had been let in on a huge secret. “Okay!” You looked up at Namjoon who was staring at you with a surprised blush. You looked down, then stood up and smiled up at him. “Guess I know what I’m going to be thankful for this year.” You saw his ears go back, and the way his tail was wagging said it all. You turned and walked away, glancing over your shoulder to wave. Minsu waved. Namjoon held a hand up, but his eyes were on the rest of your body. Yeah. You were definitely grateful you came to the parade. Namjoon caught up to you, Minsu in his arms. “Hey, wait! You should join us for the rest of the parade.” You turned, tilting your head and blinking up at him. “Hmm, I don’t know…” He swallowed and set Minsu down. The boy was watching one of the balloons go by, not paying attention to the two of you. Namjoon opened his mouth and no words came out. You stepped in close, breathing in his scent—oh God! His scent!—before whispering. “Just to watch? I’m not sure that’s as fun as what I was thinking…” His eyes widened. You giggled and went on tip-toe to kiss his cheek, even if it wasn’t strictly necessary for you to do so. “I work at Trendy Tails. Look me up, hm? It’s not everyday I meet a wolf-hybrid that already is good with kids. My pups would do well with you as a father.” You then winked at him, giggling at how red his face turned. You could see he knew you were just teasing him. But there was a lot of truth in it as well. You longed to connect with a hybrid like yourself, even just to talk. Namjoon caught your hand, and the way his eyes had narrowed on you made your hair skip a beat and your tail fluff out. He pulled you back to him, face to your neck, breathing in your scent. You froze, surprised at this sudden display. He gave a satisfied growl. “There. Now I can track you down no matter where you go.” It was your turn to blush, but you held your head up. “You better find me then.” “I will.” You nodded and you probably should have left, giving him flirty glances and going home to squeal over the discovery of another wolf hybrid that was so obviously as interested in you as you were in him. One with such kind eyes. And shy. So adorably shy. He smiled back at you and you bit your lip happily when you saw his dimples. Yeah. You had it bad. Real bad. And was it really bad that you already thought that his scent mixed wonderfully with your own? It was the best smell in the world. Namjoon leaned in and kissed you and you were sold. “Yeah, I guess I could stay and watch the rest of the parade,” You murmured, a little light-headed and giddy. He leaned in and placed a kiss on your neck, near your scent gland. “Yeah? I think that would be great.” Oh yes. You would be grateful for this Thanksgiving for many years to come.
Masterlist.   Sanctuary Series Masterpost.  Snow Angels.
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writersrealmbts · 6 years
Snow Angels
Description: Christmas is approaching and when your holidays start looking a little depressing, an angel swoops in with a dimpled smile. Namjoon brightens up your day. Sequel to Cutie Pie.
Warnings: Read Description
Posted: 12/19/2018
Tags:  Hybrid Namjoon, Wolf Hybrid Namjoon, Wolf Hybrid Reader
Fluffy: 3,361 words
A/N: I had this written before I even posted the raffle, so enjoy a prequel to Baby, It’s Cold Outside and welcome to Christmas Story Week!
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You giggled and raced through the snow, hopping over obstacles buried underneath the icy blanket. Then you broke out of the forest and sighed as you collected yourself and walked confidently to work. You waved hello to Onew and Taemin, the security guards at the Sanctuary front gate, and headed out into the town. Snow floated down, completely picturesque. Until work came into sight and you had to remind yourself that work was necessary for food and that you could be doing worse jobs. Like that car-wash job you had two years ago where you almost got hypothermia everyday and eventually had to quit because you ended up getting bronchitis which almost turned into pneumonia. A different worker ended up suing the place and you ended up getting part of the payout, which went straight to your medical bills. Trendy Tails was by far the best job you’d ever had. You get clothing half-off and most of the hybrid customers remember when they weren’t free and tend to be kinder to you. It’s the young ones that make the day miserable because they act like entitled brats and make the wolf in you want to pin them down and show them that they can’t even begin to act like they’re over you. Only an alpha wolf could lord over you, and only within reason too. You were hardwired to follow your leader, protect them and the pack, and to help keep any challengers from rising in power, to bear pups for your leader and pack. You were also hardwired as a human to lead and be independent and question orders, to examine things with a set of morals all your own and decide if what you would be doing is truly good. The two actually combined well for once to create a mindset that helped you both lead and follow, to obey and question in accordance to the situation. But for some reason work just made your wolf want to show all of these brats who was actually superior in the food chain. It may be petty, but some days you just felt that way. That day quickly turned into one of those days as teenagers passed through. And preteens. Not only did they leave the clothing in a mess, but they were loud and demanding and you had to report them to your boss for trying to shoplift. Which of course ended up in you trying to avoid sneering at the teens backs when they gave you haughty looks when the police let them go. Your day went downhill from there. Some poor kid came in with his mom, and he was already complaining of not feeling well, but she ignored him and he ended up throwing up on the floor…and some of the merchandise. Your boss threw a fit over the merchandise while you were stuck cleaning up the floor and comforting the child after his mother scolded him and then went to talk with your boss about the items. Poor little pup felt terrible, and you could help but notice that he had a bad fever as you wiped his face with some paper towel and he sobbed apologies to you. You shushed him gently. “It’s okay. You weren’t feeling good. It’s not a big deal. Come on, we should tell your mom how bad you’re feeling.” You picked him up since he looked ready to collapse and carried him over. “Ma’am!” Both your boss and the kids mom looked at you with annoyance. “You should really take him to the doctor, he’s got a pretty bad fever,” You said, biting your lip. Both of them felt his face and the mother slapped down some money before taking her son from your and hurrying out the door. The rest of the cost came out of your pay. You sprayed disinfectant everywhere, and managed to get the smell out of the place by the time the next customer came along. Rude customers streamed through and you felt all of the happiness and cheerfulness from your morning turn into dust and blow away on the stifling breeze from the heating vent above your head. “I’ve never been in here before, but I think I might like it,” A man said from behind you. You turned from where you were folding shirts, ready to reply something a little snarky since he was quite obviously hitting on you, only to stop and feel a smile start to spread. Namjoon smirked at you. “You were about to tell me off, weren’t you?” “It’s been a long day,” You whispered, excitement starting to fill you. “Hi.” “Hi. Is there a reason you’re whispering?” “My boss doesn’t like me chatting up the customers,” You replied, biting your lip to contain the energy that just seeing him brought you. This should definitely be enough to get you through the last half-hour of your shift. He glanced around, then stepped in close and tucked his head into your neck the moment you tilted your head so he could. He breathed in your scent like it was a drug. You were definitely addicted to him. “What brings you to my neck of the woods? And after such a long time. I haven’t seen you since the parade. I’m not normally this forgiving.” He pulled back, looking at his feet in embarrassment and maybe guilt. “I meant to come the next week, but I got pulled away by work. I’m back now. I thought I would come see if you were still…if we could still…” You moved forward, placing a kiss on his cheek before nuzzling into his neck to breath in and drown in his scent. “I get off work in half an hour. Want to go to the ice skating pond? I know it’s not completely frozen but the path around there is still great.” His shoulders relaxed and he leaned his head on yours. “I think I can kill some time in here. Go get back to work. I’ll be watching.” You felt a sort of excited shiver go up your spine at the thought of him watching you, as if assessing you for compatibility, and you nodded firmly before turned and walking towards the next rack you had to straighten out with a bit of swing in your hips. That low throated growl that he quickly swallowed with an embarrassed and very forced cough was enough to have you grinning. Your boss checked him out when he purchased something so you could finish straightening the last rack of tail-friendly lingerie. You were curious as to what he bought, but you couldn’t see past the rack of adult footie pajamas. Finally, you managed to clock out and get your stuff. He was waiting outside, and grinned when you came rushing out to him. “Hey.” “Christmas shopping?” You asked, nodding toward the bag. He nodded. “I have a few people left still. This helps, though. Besides, I didn’t want him to think I was loitering.” He leaned down and kissed you. It was as good as you remembered. Better even. He wasn’t holding back because of a small child that might look up at any moment. His hands freely felt your body, then slid through your hair, tugging gently to see your response. You bit his lip playfully, then pulled away. He looked so happy as he gazed at you, leading you with an arm around your waist toward the Sanctuary. “You looked like you were having a rough day before. I’m glad you’re able to smile like this now.” “I’m talking with another wolf. A handsome, kind man, with the best smile and I’m about to go walk through nature with him. What happened earlier is just a bad dream.” You smiled up at him, blinking cutely. He kissed your eartip. “After our walk we should get hot chocolate.” “Or I could make you some hot chocolate,” You offered. “I made my own mix and I have whipped cream…” His face looked a little red. “Uh, yeah. Whipped cream is…good…” You blinked rapidly, suppressing a grin. “Get your mind out of the bedroom, alpha.” He turned completely red, looking at the sky. “You’re shameless, aren’t you?” “Hmm, you’re the one who went right to the bedroom but I’m the shameless one?” You tucked your arm around him, breathing his scent in deeply. “I love your scent. So nice.” He chuckled, seeming to relax with the change in conversation. “Your smell is even better. Hey, do you ever find people looking at you because you just growled at a squirrel?” “Yes! And it’s not something you can help, it’s just such a strong instinct…” He nodded, playfully biting your ear. You squeak and duck out of his grasp, hopping onto his back. He laughed and kept trudging forward, making sure you were secure on his back. “I warn you now, I’m kind of clumsy and tend to break things.” “Just don’t break me and I’ll reward you in a very pleasant way,” You told him in a whisper, kissing just below his ear and feeling the way he sort of melted under your touch. “I promise.” He froze, then quickly pulled you off of his back and kissed you. You smiled and when he let go you let yourself fall back into the snow, creating a snow angel. He laughed and helped you up, carefully brushing the snow from your hair, then pressed kisses to your nose and cheeks. “My little snow angel. You love this weather, right?” “Mmhmm, especially if I’m full. If I’m hungry then the cold weather makes me anxious.” “Same, it’s that instinct that says that prey will be scarce.” “Right. One year I didn’t have enough time to get groceries, the moment I opened the pantry and saw only one pack of instant soup I went into full blown panic, ate the soup, rushed to the store and got enough groceries to last me two months. Owner came home and just stared at the hoard of food I had in my room while I just shivered in the middle of the bed. Blew her extra expenditures and grocery budget for the month. Took her two days to get me to let her take some of my food, kept growling and snarling at her. Don’t remember anything after running to the store.” You shook your head. “Anyway, I always have emergency food now.” He laughed. “I did that to myself once, but instead of running to the store, I ran to Emma and Jin’s because that’s where the majority of my pack could usually be found and where I knew there was food. Completely blacked out. When I came to, Jin had tied me up and was spoon-feeding me. The others were kind of stunned. Apparently I got close to one of the triplets in my…whatever it was and when I wouldn’t back away Jin forced me away. He’s pack leader, but sometimes it’s easy to forget because he’s so…gentle. He doesn’t have a strong presence, but he’s a leader in his own way. You…mentioned an owner?” “Former owner. She never really wanted me, but I was a gift to her. She was kind to me, but when the laws changed she made it clear that I had to find a job and that as soon as I’d saved up some money I had to find my own place to live. Much easier said than done. Jobs were still really scarce back then.” “How long did it take you to get enough money?” “I got the money after moving out. Couldn’t stay. Her boyfriend…” You shook your head to hide your shiver and the bile that rose in your throat. Namjoon had stopped, turning you toward him. There was a strange glint in his eyes. “Did he hurt you?” You looked away, frowning. “He never got far. I just couldn’t stay in that environment with him. I ran the first time he laid a hand on me. He’s lucky I didn’t stab him with the kitchen scissors I was using at the time.” You folded your arms as you thought about how much more satisfying it would have been to stab him in the arm with those kitchen scissors the moment he touched you. “He…” Namjoon growled a little. You smiled and slid your arms around his waist. “I didn’t let him do anything to me, Namjoon-ah. I’m a little too aggressive when it comes to my own self defense. I jumped the gun and ended up on the streets for a while, then I came here. To the Sanctuary. Worked some low-level jobs to get my apartment at Haven and then got this job at the shop which isn’t great but it gives me something to do and a living. It all worked out for the best. I met you, right? Another wolf…” You blinked up at him happily. He looked down at you, then kissed you. “You know, before we were freed completely…when my owner got married, I asked Emma about love. What it was like. She was in the early stages of her pregnancy and exhausted at the time. I asked her again, just a little while ago because I couldn’t believe how much you…struck me.” You looked away, continuing walking as he kept talking. “We talked for a really long time. At the end of it, she said that being in a relationship with someone was knowing you would get hurt by them and that you would hurt them in return, but that the moments of pain were far outweighed by the moments of nursing each others wounds, fighting for each other, and working together against all other odds. And loving someone was looking at all the imperfections and seeing them as perfections because they’re part of what makes that person who they are.” You smiled. “She sounds like a very smart person. Who’s Emma?” “Oh, uh, you remember Minsu?” You nodded, grinning. “The cutie.” He grinned a little. “Yeah. Emma is his mom. My former owner’s sister. She’s kind of like a surrogate mother for all of us. She was the first human I’ve ever trusted completely. Then through her, her brother, my former owner.” Emma. Micheal. Jin. “Wait, you mean Emma as in Em the head of the administration offices at the Sanctuary, and the founder of the Sanctuary with her brother Micheal who built the sanctuary and both of which were the main players in getting hybrid rights?” He nodded. “Yeah, we were adopted the day all of those laws passed that took away hybrid rights to get paid for work. They came in so she could officially adopt Jimin and Jungkook, and the worker, a decent guy, asked them to adopt us too. She adopted Hoseok because he volunteered, knowing we would all get separated eventually, Micheal adopted us. Me, Yoongi-hyung, and Taehyung-ssi. We stayed with her for a while before going to stay with Micheal.” He spoke softly, almost reverently, as if speaking of sacred memories. You understood. There were moments like that in your own life that felt sacred, like speaking of them could tear the world apart. “So, that boy you were with at the parade was one of the triplets?” He nodded again, smiling. “You know…we’re celebrating Christmas early with Micheal, Becca, and Timothy because there’s a big hybrids rights thing that they’re attending on Christmas. If you’re not doing anything…it’d be kind of nice to introduce them to you. Taehyung’s pretty sure I made you up.” “You move fast,” You teased, an excited bounce to your step. “I like it.” He smiled, but covered his mouth with an embarrassed laugh. “You’re just…” “Perfect, flawless, strong, witty, beautiful,” You listed, skipping ahead slightly so you could stop and look back. “Or were you going to say I’m just getting your wolf all riled up?” His gaze locked onto you and his shy smile turned into a confident smirk almost immediately. “If your tail was anything to go by, I’d say you were the one getting riled up.” You flicked your hair over your shoulder and kept walking. “It’s the snow. Knowing it’ll end makes me want pups in the spring when prey is fat.” He caught up to you. “Oh? Are you often struck by this thought?” “Only when I’m with handsome canines. Being with a handsome wolf, that’s just got my mind going places it definitely shouldn’t. I’m recalling wives tales, mythology, biology…” “Mammalogy and anatomy?” He suggested the additions to the list as he claimed the spot around your waist with his arm. You smirked up at him. “So you experience those thoughts too, good to know.” He laughed, and swung you around so that you were facing him and then he stooped slightly to kiss you. “Everyone has those thoughts.” “But not everyone is as wild,” You countered, tilting your head and blinking up slowly at him. His eyes glittered with excitement and happiness. “Are we going to fast? I mean—” “I instinctively like you, besides, with all the talking we did at the Thanksgiving parade and how we’ve basically exchanged life stories now, I think it’s pretty safe to say that even though we’re moving fast we’re not exactly missing important conversations. It’s natural for hybrids to instinctively choose people for their mates, based on smell and small interactions. I mean, can you name five hybrids who dated for long periods of time before finally mating instead of breaking up with that person when they meet someone that they instinctively are more attracted to?” You challenged. He thought for a long time, then shook his head with a little laugh. “I can’t even name one.” “I can name two, and it was more because of the circumstances around them than an actual hesitancy to mate with each other. This is natural. Besides, just the idea of imagining someone else’s scent mixing with yours makes me want to commit crimes that would set back hybrid rights irreparably.” You shuddered, fighting back the snarl that came up in your throat as you inadvertently imagined it. It was natural for the scents of those in his pack to be on him, they mixed in subtly with his own scent, a part of who he was. But if another female outside of his pack so much as touched him and left a ghosting of her scent you thought you might have to hunt her down to satisfy the primal urge in your stomach. His phone rang in his pocket as he tipped your chin up toward him to kiss you, probably. He frowned and fished it out of his coat pocket, then he sighed. “Hang on, it’s Jungkook-ssi.” He walked away so he could talk. You watched him for a moment, then pounced around, making more snow angels, your mind at ease with him nearby ensuring your safety. The air was crisp and clean, and the snow-laden trees created the perfect landscape for you to enjoy. He dropped next to you and made a snow angel of his own, then got up and helped you up, laughing a little as he swept some snow from your hair and put his hat on your head. “I have to go. Jungkook needs my help with some Christmas shopping and this is the only chance he’s got to shop for the others. But, I’ll pick you up? On Saturday? At ten?” You smiled and nodded, then went on tiptoe to kiss him. “I look forward to it.” “We can have our own gift exchange another day, I promise,” He murmured. “And we should get together. Like, a lot.” He placed a few kisses around your face, then wrapped his scarf around your neck, enveloping you in his scent, stealing your own scarf and wrapping it around his own neck. You gazed up at him adoringly. “Okay.” He kissed you again, then smiled and walked away, his coat covered in snow. Your snow angel.
Masterlist.   Series Masterpost.   Cutie Pie.  Baby, It’s Cold Outside.
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