#joke stolen from a facebook reel who stole it from TikTok who freebooted it from instagram who got it from a random texting screen grab
If he’s Mr Worldwide he’s gotta spin right?
Secondo: *walking out to the middle of a crowded plaza, clearly looking for something as he pulls out his phone* *txting* Where are you stronzo?
Terzo: *via txt* Turn around idiota
Secondo: *turns completely around*
Terzo: *txt* No, the other way
Secondo: *turns again* ?
Terzo: *txt* No! The other other way!
Secondo: *now pissed* *txt* WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!
Terzo: *txt* I’m still six blocks away but the mental image of you spinning like a dumbass is amusing to me ☺️
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